The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture for Coxeter groups

Yibo Gao Joint work with: Christian Gaetz

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

UW Combinatorics and Geometry Seminar, 2020

Yibo Gao (MIT) The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture for Coxeter groups December 2, 2020 1 / 35 Overview

1 Linear extensions and the 1/3-2/3 Conjecture

2 Weak order and convex sets

3 The fully commutative case

4 Generalized

5 A uniform lower bound

6 More examples

Yibo Gao (MIT) The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture for Coxeter groups December 2, 2020 2 / 35 Linear extensions of posets

A linear extension of a poset P is an order-preserving bijection:

λ : P → [n] = {1, 2,..., n}.

Let E(P) be the set of linear extensions of P and e(P) be the number of linear extensions of P.

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For p, q ∈ P, let δ(p, q) be the fraction of linear extensions such that λ(p) < λ(q): |λ ∈ E(P) | λ(p) < λ(q)| δ(p, q) = . e(P)

Conjecture (Kislicyn 1968; Fredman 1974; Linial 1984) For any finite poset P that is not a , there exists p, q such that 1 2 ≤ δ(p, q) ≤ . 3 3 Define the balance constant to be

b(P) = max min{δ(p, q), 1 − δ(p, q)} p,q∈P

Then the conjecture is saying that b(P) ≥ 1/3.

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p1 p3

This poset has 3 linear extensions p1p2p3, p1p3p2, p3p1p2, with δ(p1, p2) = 1, δ(p1, p3) = 2/3, δ(p2, p3) = 1/3, thus b(P) = 1/3.

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It is nontrivial that b(P) is uniformly bounded away from zero: • b(P) ≥ 1/2e ≈ 0.1839 (Kahn and Linial 1991) • b(P) ≥ 3/11 ≈ 0.2727 (Kahn and Saks 1984) √ • b(P) ≥ (5 − 5)/10 ≈ 0.2764 (Brightwell, Felsner, and Trotter 1995)

The full conjecture is known for: • Width-2 posets • Semiorders (unit interval orders) • Height-2 posets • Series parallel posets (N-free posets)

Yibo Gao (MIT) The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture for Coxeter groups December 2, 2020 6 / 35 Coxeter groups and the weak order

A Coxeter group W is generated by a set of simple reflections S = {s1,..., sr } such that

2 mi,j W = hs1,..., sr | si = id, (si sj ) = id, ∀i, ji

for some mij ∈ {2, 3,..., ∞}.

Let `(w) denote the Coxeter length of w ∈ W .

The (left) weak order ≤L is generated by

w l sw if `(w) + 1 = `(sw).

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Let (W , S) be a Coxeter system.

The reflections T are the conjugates of simple reflections.

The (right) inversion set of w ∈ W is

Inv(w) := {t ∈ T | `(wt) < `(w)}.

Proposition 0 0 0 For w, w ∈ W , w ≤L w if and only if Inv(w) ⊂ Inv(w ).

It’s not hard to see that `(w) = |Inv(w)|.

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Let H be the Hasse diagram of the weak order ≤L.

A subset C ⊂ W is called convex if for any x, y ∈ C, any shortest-length path between x and y remains in C.

Proposition (Tits 1974) Any convex subset C ⊂ W is of the form

B C = WA := {w ∈ W | A ⊂ Inv(w) ⊂ B}.

For our purposes, we usually translate a convex subset C by some element w ∈ W to assume that A = ∅.

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The symmetric group Sn is a Coxeter group generated by S = {(12), (23),... (n−1 n)} with reflections T = {(ij) | 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n}. The reflection (ij) is an inversion of w if w(i) > w(j). {(13),(23),(24)} C = {1234, 1243, 2134, 2143, 3142} is convex and C = W∅ .

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For a poset P on {p1,..., pn}, we identify E(P) as a set of permutations

CP = {λ ∈ E(P) | λ(1)λ(2) ··· λ(n) ∈ Sn}.


The map P 7→ CP gives a bijection between labeled poset on n elements and convex sets of Sn.


p3 p4

p1 p2

corresponds to the convex set {1234, 2134, 2143, 1243, 2413}.

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Recall the definition and we have |{λ ∈ E(P) | λ(p ) < λ(p )}| |{w ∈ C | (ij) ∈ Inv(w)}| δ(p , p ) = j i = P . j i e(P) e(P)

This suggests the following definition. Let C ⊂ W be a convex set and t ∈ T be an inversion. Define |{w ∈ C | t ∈ Inv(w)}| δ(t) = . |C|

Define the balance constant to be

b(C) = max min{δ(t), 1 − δ(t)}. t∈T

Yibo Gao (MIT) The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture for Coxeter groups December 2, 2020 12 / 35 The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture for finite Coxeter groups

Remarkly, the natural generalization of the 1/3-2/3 Conjecture still seems to hold for finite Coxeter group. Conjecture (Gaetz and G. 2020) Let C be a convex set in a finite Coxeter group with |C| > 1, then b(C) ≥ 1/3.

There are new equality cases in every type not coming from type A!

Convex sets in finite Coxeter groups are exactly convex sets of regions in the corresponding Coxeter arrangement. The conjecture says that there is a hyperplane that cuts the convex set into roughly equal parts.

Yibo Gao (MIT) The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture for Coxeter groups December 2, 2020 13 / 35 Fully commutative elements in Weyl groups

Definition (Stembridge 1996) An element w ∈ W is fully commutative if no reduced word of w contains a consecutive substring si sj si ··· with mij > 2. | {z } mij

m Recall that we have relations (si sj ) ij = id.


In S4, s2s1s3s2 = 3412 is fully commutative but s2s1s2s3 = 3241 is not.

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A permutation w ∈ Sn is fully commutative if and only if w avoids 321.

Definition A poset has width k if its longest antichain has size k.

Proposition Under the bijection between (naturally labeled) posets and convex sets in Sn, width-2 posets P correspond to convex sets CP = [id, w]L where w is fully commutative.

The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture is known for width-2 poset. We strengthen this result to other Coxeter group.

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Theorem (Gaetz and G. 2020) Let w 6= id ∈ W be a fully commutative element in any Coxeter group W whose Coxeter diagram is acyclic, then b([id, w]L) ≥ 1/3.

In particular, this theorem applies to all finite Coxeter groups.


In the affine Weyl group Af3, w = s1s3s0s2 is fully commutative, but b([id, w]L) = 2/7. s1 • •s2 s0 • •s3

Yibo Gao (MIT) The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture for Coxeter groups December 2, 2020 16 / 35 Heaps of fully commutative elements

The proof of this theorem uses the theory of heaps. Definition (Stembridge 1996)

Let s = si1 ··· si` be a reduced word of w. The Heap poset Hs is the partial order ([`], ), which is the transitive closure of

2 j  k if j ≤ k and (sij sik ) 6= id.

In the case where w is fully commutative, the Heap poset does not depend on the choice of a reduced word. We write the Heap poset as Hw . Proposition (Stembridge 1996)

Let w ∈ W be fully commutative. Then [id, w]L ' J(Hw ).

Here J(Hw ) is the lattice of order ideals of Hw .

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Let Q be a poset and J(Q) be the order ideals of Q. Define

|{J ∈ J(Q) | x ∈ J}| δideal(x, Q) = , |J(Q)| b(Q) = max min{δideal(x, Q), 1 − δideal(x, Q)}. x∈Q

For fully commutative w, we have b([id, w]L) = b(Hw ). Example: non-example

Consider the following poset Q = Hw , w = s1s3s0s2 ∈ W (Af3). We see that |J(Q)| = 7 and b(Q) = 2/7. 0• •2

1• •3

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These intervals C = [e, w]L give equality cases b(C) = 1/3:

type diagram w Hw • • • A s s s s 2 1 2 1 2 • • •s3 D4 • • s4s2s3s1 • s1 s2 •s 4 • • • • • • B3 s1 s2 s3 s3s2s3s1 • • •

•s6 • • E6 • • • • • s6s3s2s4s1s3s5 • • s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 • • •

Yibo Gao (MIT) The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture for Coxeter groups December 2, 2020 19 / 35 Semiorders

Definition A poset P is a (unit-interval order) if there exists a function f : P → R such that p < q if and only if f (q) − f (p) > 1.

Theorem (Brightwell 1989) If P is a semiorder which is not a chain, then b(P) ≥ 1/3.

We will be generalizing this result to finite Weyl groups.

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Definition (Root system) n Let E = R .A root system Φ ⊂ E is a finite set of vectors, such that Φ spans E; for α ∈ Φ, kα ∈ Φ iff k ∈ {±1}; for α, β ∈ Φ, 2hα, βi/hα, αi ∈ Z; for α, β ∈ Φ, 2hα, βi σ (β) := β − α ∈ Φ. α hα, αi

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Let Φ ⊂ E be a root system. The Weyl group W (Φ) ⊂ GL(E) is generated by reflections {σα | α ∈ Φ}. It’s a Coxeter group. We can partition Φ into positive roots Φ+ and negative roots Φ−. Given Φ = Φ+ t Φ−, there is a unique choice of simple roots + + ∆ = {α1, . . . , αn} ⊂ Φ such that each α ∈ Φ can be written as an integral linear combination of ∆. There is a partial order on Φ+ given by α ≤ β if β − α is a nonnegative linear combinationn of ∆. The minimal elements of Φ+ are the simple roots and the unique maximum of Φ+ is the highest root ξ.




e1−e2 e2−e3 e3−e4 e4−e5 Yibo Gao (MIT) The 1/3-2/3 Conjecture for Coxeter groups December 2, 2020 22 / 35 Generalized semiorders

Let W be a finite crystallographic Weyl group. Recall

B WA = {w ∈ W | A ⊆ Inv(w) ⊆ B}.

Definition (Gaetz and G. 2020) B A convex set C = W∅ is a generalized semiorder if B is an order of the root poset Φ+.

It recovers the definition of a semiorder in type A. Recall that a semiorder on P is defined by p < q if f (q) − f (p) > 1 for some f : P → R. Say P = {p1,..., pn} where f (p1) < ··· < f (pn). Then

{ei − ej | i < j, f (j) − f (i) ≤ 1}

+ is an order ideal of Φ in type An−1.

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Theorem (Gaetz and G. 2020) Let C be a non-singleton generalized semiorder, then b(C) ≥ 1/3.

This theorem relies on the following purely root-theoretic fact. Lemma (Gaetz and G. 2020) Let J ⊂ Φ+ be a nonempty order ideal. Then there exists a simple root + α ∈ J such that we cannot find β1 6= β2 ∈ J with sαβ1, sαβ2 ∈ Φ \ J.

Our proof is very bad. It’s very technical and type dependent.

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It is nontrivial that b(C) is bounded away from 0. Let W be a finite crystallographic Weyl group of rank r, highest root ξ, ∨ ∨ and fundamental coweights ω1 , . . . , ωr . Define

∨ m0 = mini hωi , ξi, ∨ m1 = maxi hωi , ξi, m = r/m0 + 1/m1 − ht(ξ)/m0m1.

Theorem (Gaetz and G. 2020) Let C be a non-singletone convex set in W , then 1 1 b(C) ≥ ≥ . 2emm1 2e12

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Theorem (Gaetz and G. 2020) Let C be a non-singletone convex set in W , then 1 b(C) ≥ . 2emm1

Type m0 m1 ht(Φ) m mm1 b(C) ≥ Ar 1 1 r 1 1 1/2e 2 Br 1 2 2r−1 1 2 1/2e , 1/2e 2 Cr 1 2 2r−1 1 2 1/2e , 1/2e 4 Dr 1 2 2r−3 2 4 1/2e 8 E6 1 3 11 8/3 8 1/2e 12 E7 1 4 17 3 12 1/2e 10.5 E8 2 6 29 7/4 21/2 1/2e 3.5 F4 2 4 11 7/8 7/2 1/2e 2.5 G2 2 3 5 1/2 5/2 1/2e , 1/3

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Let W ⊂ GL(E) be a finite crystallographic Weyl group. The fundamental alcove is

Qid := {v ∈ E | hv, αi ≥ 0 ∀α ∈ ∆, hv, ξi ≤ 1}.

For each w ∈ W , its corresponding alcove is

−1 Qw := w Qid.

Definition (Gaetz and G. 2020) For a convex set C ⊂ W , the generalized order polytope is [ O(C) := Qw . w∈C

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Definition (Gaetz and G. 2020) For a convex set C ⊂ W , the generalized order polytope is [ O(C) := Qw . w∈C

These are special cases of alcoved polytopes (Lam and Postnikov 2005).

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For a reflection t ∈ T , let Ht be its corresponding hyperplane. + − The hyperplane Ht cuts O(C) into two parts O(C)t and O(C)t . + The goal is to show that there exists t ∈ T such that both O(C)t and − O(C)t have volumes at least Vol(O(C)). Lemma Let C be a non-singleton convex set of a finite crystallographic Weyl group + of rank r and let oC be the centroid of O(C). Then there exists t ∈ Φ with alcoves on both sides of Ht , such that m |ho , ti| ≤ . C r + 1

In other words, there is a hyperplane Ht that is close to the centroid.

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We now have a hyperplane Ht close to the centroid oC .


Proposition n Let Q ⊂ R be a full-dimensional compact convex body with centroid cQ . n Let m ≥ 1 and v ∈ R such that hv, cQ i ≥ −m/(n + 1), minx∈Q hv, xi ≤ −1, maxx∈Q hv, xi ≥ 1, then

Vol(Q+) 1 v ≥ . Vol(Q) 2em

This proposition says that we can obtain a bound if the centroid cQ is close to the hyperplane Hv , and the hyperplane is relatively in the middle of Q.

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The proof generalizes the argument by Kahn and Linial, which uses the following immediate corollary of Brunn-Minkowski.

Lemma (Brunn-Minkowski)

1 λ n−1 n The function λ 7→ Vol(Qv ) is concave on R, where Q ⊂ R is a convex λ body and Qv := {x ∈ Q | hv, xi = λ}.

The proof of the proposition explicitly constructs the convex body Q that + minimizes Vol(Qv )/Vol(Q), which is a double cone.

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2 We can achieve a better bound in type Bn, 1/2e instead of 1/2e , with an alternative definition of generalized order polytopes. Define the alcoves

η Qid := {v ∈ E | hv, αi ≥ 0 ∀α ∈ ∆, hv, ηi ≤ 1} η −1 η and Qw := w Qid, where η is the highest short root. Definition (Gaetz and G. 2020)

For a convex set C ⊂ W , the short-root order polytope in type Bn is S η O(C) := w∈C Qw .

The standard realization of the type Bn root system

Φ(Bn) = {±ei ± ej | 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n} ∪ {±ei | 1 ≤ i ≤ n},

simple roots ∆ = {e1 − e2,..., en−1 − en, en},

highest root ξ = e1 + e2, highest short root η = e1.

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Recall that b(C) ≥  for finite Weyl groups and an absolute constant . Example: no universal bound for Coxeter groups

Let Wn be the Coxeter group whose Dynkin diagram is a complete graph (with mij ≥ 3) on n generators {s1,..., sn}, where n ≥ 3. Consider the convex set

C = conv(s1, s2,..., sn) = {id, s1, s2,..., sn}.

Then δ(si ) = 1/(n + 1) and b(C) = 1/(n + 1). So there are no lower bounds for b(C) in arbitrary Coxeter groups.

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In the original 1/3-2/3 Conjecture on posets, it is believed (Brightwell 1999) that width-2 posets come closest to violating the conjecture. This heuristics is not true for fully commutative elements. Example: heuristic on fully commutative elements • • • • Let W be with m12 ≥ 4, m23 ≥ 7, m34 ≥ 4. Since W is acyclic, our theorem says b([id, w]L) ≥ 1/3 for w 6= id fully commutative. Consider C = conv(id, u, v). We have b(C) = 3/10 < 1/3. s1s3s2s3 v = s1s4s2s3 u = s2s3s2s3

s4s2s3 s3s2s3 s1s2s3 s4s3 s2s3


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Thank you for listening!

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