Starkville Pedestrian Killed on Highway 82

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Starkville Pedestrian Killed on Highway 82 ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI C DISPATCH.COM FREE! THURSDAY | NOVEMBER 30, 2017 Starkville pedestrian killed on Highway 82 members lingered on the over- ing saying they found a body on Man may have fallen from overpass before vehicle struck him pass this morning, which is the bridge. I didn’t know it was BY AleX HOllOWAY by a vehicle. Hunt said he was dent, but did not provide fur- near his Rockhill Road home. my brother. I went back in the [email protected] called to the scene, on Highway ther details by press time. Jerry Yeats, Melvin’s broth- house, and this lady came in er, said he didn’t know much the house and said it was him.” 82 East near the Rockhill Road Melvin Yeates may have A Starkville man is dead af- about the incident, but found Jerry Yeates said he was overpass in north Starkville, at fallen from the Rockhill Road ter a vehicle hit him on High- out when his mother called surprised to learn his brother way 82 this morning. 6:25 a.m. bridge onto Highway 82. How- him. had been out walking along the Oktibbeha County Coroner He said he pronounced ever, investigators have not “I got off work at about 4:30 Rockhill Road bridge. Michael Hunt confirmed to Yeates dead at the scene. confirmed that detail to The (a.m.),” Jerry Yeates said. “I “It amazed me, knowing he’d The Dispatch 62-year-old Mel- Starkville Police Depart- Dispatch. went to sleep. My mama had be up here on that bridge at that vin Yeates died after being hit ment is investigating the inci- Yeats’ friends and family come knocking on the door cry- time of the morning,” he said. WELCOME COACH MOORHEAD Carbon monoxide detectors installed after MUW dorm leak 41 students treated and released from hospitals BY ISABELLE ALTMAN [email protected] One hun- d r e d - o n e Mississippi U n i v e r s i t y for Wom- en students who spent Tuesday and Wednesday nights in a local hotel will return to Deanna Robinson/ their campus Dispatch Staff ABOVE: Mississippi residence Mississippi Uni- State University’s hall, two days versity for Women new head football after the hall President Jim Bor- sig speaks during coach Joe Moor- filled up a press conference head arrives at with carbon George M. Bryan at MUW Wednes- monoxide, Field in Starkville day about a carbon Wednesday. RIGHT: p r o m p t i n g monoxide leak in About 1,000 MSU an evacua- Kincannon Hall. fans greet Moor- tion from the head at the airport building and sending 28 students to Wednesday, with Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Bully, cheerleaders Triangle. and the Famous Students in MUW’s Kincannon Maroon Band lead- Hall awoke early Tuesday morning ing cowbell-clanging to the smell of gas, and the resi- horde. — Photos by Luisa Porter/Dis- dence was evacuated to a nearby patch Staff gym at about 5 a.m. According to university spokespeople and Co- lumbus Fire and Rescue Public In- formation Officer Anthony Colom, the boiler in the basement malfunc- tioned, leaking carbon monoxide throughout all five floors of the building. A total of 41 students have been evaluated at area hospitals follow- ing the malfunction, according to university spokesperson Anika Perkins. All the students have been Potential buyer interested in Lee Middle property treated and released. University president Jim Borsig CRA, Realtor protecting identity, details of contracts Real Estate in Columbus said in a press conference Wednes- is representing the po- day university maintenance engi- BY ISABELLE ALTMAN site for commercial development. The tential buyer. The asking neers and other staff have been [email protected] potential buyer has requested anonym- price for the property is working around the clock to ensure ity for now, Acker said. $1.79 million. the students and buildings are safe. There is a developer interested in pur- “They will be conducting due dili- CRA — a five-member “Any level of carbon monoxide chasing the former Lee Middle School gence and have until late May 2018 to public board appointed by is not acceptable,” he said. “... The property on Military Road. Columbus City Council — build-up of carbon monoxide is one finalize purchase or walk away,” Acker Acker John Acker, president of the Colum- said in an email to The Dispatch. has an option to purchase thing. A spike is another, and we re- bus Redevelopment Authority, said a Starkville commercial Realtor Scott the former Lee Middle School, located ally don’t know what we had except party has entered an option with the Farmer listed the property in May on near the Bluecutt Road intersection. By that we had an unacceptable level of CRA to purchase the roughly 15-acre behalf of CRA. Wythe Rhett with Rhett See LEE MIDDLE, 8A See MUW, 8A WEATHER FIVE QUESTIONS C ALENDAR LOCAO L F LKS PUB LIC 1 What language was used as an MEETINGS Today Dec. 2: Board of Allied code in World War II —and was ■ Twin Kennedy in concert: Back by demand, never broken? Aldermen work ses- the sister duo from British Columbia returns at 2 In what guidebook can you find sion, 1 p.m., City Hall 7:30 p.m. to the Columbus Arts Council with descriptions of Unemployed Trust- Dec. 4: Board of “barn storming” fiddle, guitar and harmonies. Funder, Bipster and Loner? Supervisors, 9 a.m. 3 In text-speak, what does DQMOT Tickets $15 in advance; $17 at the door. Get Oktibbeha County stand for? them at, at the arts center Brayden Kennedy Courthouse 4 What is the name for the Japanese at 501 Main St. or by calling 662-327-2787. Third grade, Cook art of knitting or crocheting small Dec. 5: Board of animals or toys? Aldermen, 5:30 p.m., High 71 Low 46 5 South Padre Island is part of what Friday City Hall Gulf Coast state? ■ Wassail Fest: Downtown Columbus will be Dec. 12: Planning Mostly cloudy Full forecast on Answers, 8B filled with holiday spirit as merchants serve and Zoning Commis- page 2A. wassail and woo votes for best Wassail Meister sion, 5:30 p.m., City from 5-8 p.m. Music, activities and in-store Hall specials add to the festive atmosphere. (The Dec. 12: INSIDE Columbus Arts Council offers a Parents’ Night Starkville-Oktibbeha Business 4A Dear Abby 6B Out from 5-8:30 p.m. for ages 5-15, $10; Consolidated School Classifieds7B Obituaries 5A register by Nov. 29 at 662-328-2787.) For more District Board, 6 Comics 6B Opinions 6A Wassail Fest information, contact Main Street Melanie Hankins Booth is a p.m., Greensboro Crossword 8B Columbus, 662-328-6305. wine educator at MSU. Center DISPATCH CUSTOMER SERVICE 328-2424 | NEWSROOM 328-2471 2A THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2017 THE DISPATCH • SAY WHAT? DID YOU HEAR? “What a great night for basketball.” MSU women’s basketball coach Vic Schaefer, talking Rockefeller Christmas tree Wednesday after his team’s 94-37 victory against Louisiana before a crowd of 3,578 at the Mississippi lighting attracts thousands Coliseum in Jackson. Story, 1B. Wednesday that it had ter- Thursday ‘I definitely think minated him for “inappro- it’s going to get priate sexual behavior” with a colleague. Lauer’s co-host the Christmas Savannah Guthrie made the A THOUSAND WORDS announcement at the top of spirit going’ Wednesday’s “Today” show. Karen Calistra, of Ches- BY DAVID JEANS ter Springs, Pennsylvania, The Associated Press said it was her first time seeing the spectacle. NEW YORK — Throngs “It’s something new, of tourists and revelers packed midtown Manhat- something fun. It’s the stuff tan on a warm night and un- you see in the movies,” said der tight security to watch Calistra. “We’ve always the annual lighting of the wanted to see the tree light- Rockefeller Center Christ- ing. It’s a magical time of mas Tree. year.” Democratic Mayor Bill When asked about Lau- de Blasio flipped the switch er’s absence, the 67-year- just before 9 p.m., illuminat- old said she never really ing the 75-foot tall, 12-plus cared for him. ton Norway spruce decorat- For most of his life, Hen- ed with 50,000 multicolored drik Edler, of Germany, has LED lights. always wanted to see the “I definitely think it’s tree lighting. going to get the Christmas “We came here just for spirit going,” said Samantha the event. It’s a dream since Fettner, a 33-year-old from I was really young,” said Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Edler, 39. who had been standing in This year’s festivities the front with a group of brought added security friends since early after- measures following the Oct. noon. 31 terror attack in which a The 85th annual ceremo- man drove a truck onto a ny was televised by NBC bike path near the World and included live perfor- Trade Center, killing eight mances by Brett Eldredge, people. Leslie Odom Jr., Pentatonix, The holiday tradition Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff Train, Harry Connick Jr., started in 1931. This year’s Chipper Swedenburg, 6, and F.J. Williams, 5, talk and laugh together during a basketball game at New Hope and the Radio City Rock- tree came from State Col- High School Tuesday evening. Chipper is the son of Allen and Ginny Swedenburg. F.J. is the son of Fred and ettes. lege, Pennsylvania. After Ashley Williams. Matt Lauer was set the holidays, it will be to co-host the event, but milled into lumber for Habi- the network announced tat for Humanity.
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