2020 Ancillary Benefits* Updates During COVID-19 Crisis (pg. 1) Here at UnitedHealthcare Solutions, our number one priority is the health of our members and everyone who supports them. You may be getting questions from the members you serve. Please use the below as a reference guide, with the understanding that services may change. We are committed to serving our members by minimizing disruptions, and we are doing all we can in collaboration with our vendors to ensure that members are receiving the care they need during this difficult time.

*Benefits vary by plan; review the enrollment guide for specific plan details.

Acupuncture & Chiropractic • Messaging has been added to provider search functions to encourage members to call ahead for confirmation on whether or not their office is open and accepting patients.

Dental • Most dental offices are scheduling all types of appointments (routine and emergency). Members are advised to contact their dental office directly for current hours, policies and procedures. See the following ADA resource for state-specific dental practice guidance: https://success.ada.org/en/practice-management/patients/covid-19-state-mandates-and- recommendations • All members with M&R dental benefits (even INO plans) have OON dental coverage at MAC rates through. April 20, 2021. Balance billing still applicable if members choose to seek services at an OON dentist. • All products include coverage for limited problem-focused exams (code D0140) available for use in conjunction with Teledentistry codes through April 20, 2021.

Fitbit • No disruptions with Fitbit servicing have been reported at this time. Fitbit continues to monitor distribution centers.

Fitness Renew Active™ • Many states re-opened gym access as of June 1. • All members with Renew Active now have access to Fitbit Premium, the Renew Active Fitbit Community, and (if eligible) AARP® Staying Sharp for physical and mental exercise, to help with following social distancing protocols. A Fitbit device is not required to access these workout videos. • Many gym partners are offering digital classes and workouts during the time of closure.

SilverSneakers • Offering Facebook Live events to keep members engaged with their fitness goals and sending frequent emails and blog posts to keep members up to date on gym closures.

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Hearing • UnitedHealthcare Hearing has resumed normal and network operations with no member disruption. • We continue to communicate with our provider network to promote adherence with CDC health and safety standards while maintaining a positive member experience. • For members preferring an at home approach to address their hearing loss, hearing aids continue to be available through our home delivery channel.

Meal Delivery • Additional sanitization practices have been implemented • These services continue, (including Mom’s Meals, the meal service available after a hospitalization)

Naturopathy • Members should call ahead for confirmation on whether or not their naturopathy office is open.

NurseLine • Wait times and service levels returning to normal.

Over the Counter (OTC) Solutran (vendor for some UnitedHealthcare plans) • Solutran Call Center performance continues to meet metrics. • In stock rate of 98% with primary items with primary + alternates at 98.8%. • call center performance at 4 sec ASA, 5.5k call received.

FirstLine • 99% in-stock for overall product assortment. • Few short-term out of stocks on some items due to delays with manufacturers. Vick’s Liquid Caps and Multi-Vitamin Powder Pack now available. • At least one alternate item available to members.

Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) • Philips's customer service performance continues to meet metric guidelines. • All backordered mobile unit shipments completed. • All product lines – landline and cellular are in stock and shipping real time.

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Transportation • Screening for COVID-19 symptoms and routing suspected cases to specialist team for triage. • No multi-loading (solo ride) arranged for members that may have had exposure. • If positive for COVID-19 member is referred to UHC to arrange non-emergency ambulance transport through member’s medical benefit. • Drivers following strict sanitization procedures before and after each trip.

Virtual Visits • All (including DSNP) members will have a $0 copay for virtual visits. • Members can access Amwell from the member portal and will continue to receive communications on how to access Virtual Visits.

Vision • Most retail providers are open. Members should contact providers prior to making appointments to ensure safety and hours of operation. • Some online retailers offer “virtual mirrors” or “prescription scanner” apps that enable people to order eyewear from the comfort of their own home. • Approving frequency extensions for exam & materials until April 20, 2021. • Allowing members to see an OON provider if INN provider is not available and reimburse at INN rates until April 20, 2021. • Eligible providers who have the ability to connect with their patients virtually may do so.

Confidential property of UnitedHealth Group. For Agent use only. Not intended for use as marketing materials for the general public. Do not distribute, reproduce, edit or delete any portion without express permission of UnitedHealth Group. 03042020 Proprietary information of UnitedHealth Group. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of UnitedHealth Group.