Private Companies SPECIAL REPORT Private Companies HE Data & Insights database It had revenue of $1.45 billion has recorded the revenue of last financial year, and that’s just FEATURE Big shifts TWestern Australia’s largest counting its dividends from iron companies for many years and ore miner Fortescue Metals Group highlights how rapidly the busi- and revenue from its agribusiness ness sector has changed. arm. among WA’s Gina Rinehart’s Hancock Pros- Mining contractor Byrnecut pecting has achieved exponential does not have a high public profile growth in the revenue it generates despite growing to be the state’s top players from its iron ore mines. fourth largest private business. It is now well established as the Its biggest direct competitor, state’s largest private company, Barminco, is now part of listed The ranking of WA’s largest helped in large part by the earnings company Perenti Global. from its subsidiary, Roy Hill Hold- Another company to have dis- private companies has ings, which is ranked number two. appeared from the list last year is Another relatively new entrant stockbroker Hartleys, having been Mark Beyer changed dramatically over to the list is Tattarang, which bought by listed competitor Euroz.
[email protected] @AMarkBeyer the past decade. houses the rapidly expanding BGC Australia and ABN Group business interests of Andrew and have slipped down the list, reflect- 6-PAGE FEATURE Nicola Forrest. ing the slowdown in residential HANCOCK PROSPECTING Boost for the ANNUAL REVENUE $10.56bn state’s iron lady Hancock Prospecting Roy Hill Holdings $12bn Iron$7bn ore may dominate revenue $10bn at$6bn Hancock Prospecting, but its $8bn interests$5bn extend to copper, gold $6bn and$4bn agribusiness.