NationSATURDAY NOVEMBER 14, 2015 WIDE WEEKLY PetroCaribe will help strengthen island’s energy efficiency!

The PetroCaribe Agreement signed here on Monday is the latest development in the continuing strengthening of relations between Saint Lucia and Venezuela, n between Venezuela and its English-speaking Caribbean neighbours and between the Caribbean and Latin America at large. Most CARICOM and OECS member- states belong to the PetroCaribe and ALBA groupings, which are constructing International Children’s Week Being Observed - new elements of regional cooperation and integration through their own Page 2 PetroCaribe Economic Zone (PEZ). After ten years, PetroCaribe has developed into a fruitful cooperation mechanism between the participating states that PM Welcomes New Investment - Page 4 sees each depend on all others for what all may need. This mechanism also sees Venezuela generously share some of its oil wealth with its Caribbean Saint Lucia Soars at World Travel Market in neighbours, committing itself to deliver on all its promises through PetroCaribe, London - Page 5 even in the face of externally generated economic and political challenges facing the Bolivarian regime at home. When the Saint Lucia Prime Minister and Remembrance Day 2015 Observed - Pages 6 and 7 the PetroCaribe President affixed their signatures to the agreement earlier this week, therefore, they were simply ensuring continuity of the friendship and PAHO Says New Hospitals Will Also Serve cooperation between Saint Lucia and Venezuela, which is already manifested in OECS - Page 8 so many other ways (Story on Page 3). Nationwide is happy to be back after two weeks off the grid. As always, this weekend’s issue seeks to update you on all The Diplomatic Courier – that happened in the past week, as well as other developments before worthy Pages 9, 10 and 11 of note. Read on and be informed on as much as we can offer in the following 12 pages. And remember you can also watch NationwideTV on NTN and browse the Nationwide Website at

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Page 2 NationWIDE Saturday November 14, 2015 PM says there are RISE observing ‘Serial Rapists’ on International Child Rights Week the loose! The week of November 13 to rime Minister Dr. Kenny D. Anthony earlier this 20 is recognized around the Pweek expressed utter “outrage” after reports that a world and celebrates the rights 97-year-old woman of Mon Re- pos, Micoud had been raped by of children, as outlined in the a person or persons unknown. According to the Prime Minis- United Nations Convention on ter, ”This is a despicable act that not only violates an elderly citi- the Rights of the Child. zen, but the entire community and country.” He said, "It is unbelievable that someone would even think of committing such an act. This is a heinous and outrageous act. It is inconceivable that a human Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony being would do this. “I wish to express my sorrow According to the Prime Minis- cial unit be established within to the family and the commu- ter, "For too long we have been the Royal Saint Lucia Police nity as they grieve over this silent about sexual violence in Force to investigate rape cases. wicked and despicable act.” our homes and our communities. He recommended that the unit Dr Anthony said, “I commend “In many instances, we know would also build a database the community of Mon Repos there are fathers, uncles, step- that stores DNA evidence to de- for its decision to host prayer fathers and others who commit termine whether some of these vigil to share their collective deviant sexual acts in homes cases are being committed by outrage, and to send a message and communities and nothing repeat offenders. The Prime to the perpetrator or perpetra- is said or done. Quite often the Minister concluded that, based In commemoration of Inter- of the Child in 1959, and the tors that this behavior will not perpetrators are protected. on the evidence, “We have serial national Child Rights Week, UNCRC in 1989. be tolerated." He also said the “These unreported cases lead rapists at large!” RISE (St. Lucia) Inc. recogniz- The UN General Assembly increased reports of incidents to an even greater problem in But he expressed hope that es the rights of children and has recommended that all of rape across the island was a our society, where these men the intended reopening of the young people to survive and countries observe November worrying trend. grow to believe that this is ac- Forensic Laboratory, under thrive. 20 as a day of activity devoted According to the Prime Minis- ceptable behaviour. We need to new management, would bet- The week is recognized an- to promoting the welfare of ter, there must be a collective ef- tackle the problems at the root”. ter assist police in conducting nually around the world as children around the world. fort between the Police and the In response to an increase in investigations and testing DNA International Child Rights During that week, RISE will public to deal with this prob- reports of rape earlier this year, samples. He stressed, however, Week–a week during which share information with the lem. He emphasized that these Dr. Anthony says he had recom- that the first, most important the world celebrates the general public -- especially incidents are not just a security mended to Acting Commission- response is that people report rights of children as outlined children and youth -- on child issue. It goes deeper. er, Errol Alexander, that a spe- known sex offenders. in the United Nations Con- rights and responsibilities. vention on the Rights of the On November 19, recog- Child (UNCRC) and a week nized internationally within which leads up to Universal that week as Child Abuse PM mourns ‘Untimely Death’ of Children’s Day on November Prevention day, RISE will in- 20. form the public about child November 20 marks the day abuse and its prevention. on which the United Nations RISE will also be joining the young father of four while trying General Assembly adopted International Men’s Day fair at to save a cow in Bexon River! the Declaration of the Rights Rodney Bay on November 21.

rime Minister Dr. Ken- result of the weather system stood on the riverbank, as Es- ny D. Anthony has ex- on Friday. tephan struggled to hold on. Saint Lucia National Ppressed deep sorrow “The circumstances surround- Some attempted to help him, and offered condolences to ing his death are very unfortu- but unfortunately, he was taken the family of Cletus Estephan, nate and sad. This is an untime- away by the raging waters. who drowned in the Bexon ly death that has now left four “I applaud the efforts of those Awards 2015 River during the heavy rains children without a father. But I who sought to help. In situa- Take part and nominate someone on Friday past. wish to express my condolences tions like these, onlookers are It was reported that Cletus to his family, especially his chil- left traumatized and often for a National Award. was attempting to save a cow dren. blame themselves for the death from drowning. “I know this tragic loss will of the victims. Details & Nomination Form at: In a statement issued Mon- forever change their lives. “Indeed, this is a sad ending to day, November 9, 2015, the “I call on all Saint Lucians to accept. Prime Minister said: “I am reach out to offer assistance and “I offer my prayers and ask all very saddened by the news comfort to the grieving fami- Saint Lucians to do the same. that thirty-nine-year-old Cl- lies.” May you all, with time, be Deadline for the nominations is etus Estephan perished in GThe PM said, “This is also healed from the pain that you the raging Bexon River as a a difficult time for many who now feel. 30 NOVEMBER, 2015 Saturday November 14, 2015 NationWIDE Page 3 Saint Lucia’s first PetroCaribe business will be in asphalt

he Government of Saint also enact the mechanisms to government sources say this PetroCaribe President Bernar- nomic development.” Lucia on Monday signed- initiate trade in petroleum prod- could not yet be done at this time. do Alvarez said he was happy Alvarez highlighted that Saint Tup to a PetroCaribe Joint ucts between the two countries. But the local officials are hop- the Government of Saint Lu- Lucia has received significant Venture Agreement with the Saint Lucia will start doing ing in the near future, working cia had agreed to sign the new support from ALBA, explaining Bolivarian Republic of Venezu- business specifically with as- with the team in Venezuela and agreement, which will also pave that PetroCaribe will also bring ela. The signing ceremony took phalt – and that’s welcome news the embassy in Saint Lucia, they the way for a greater working the same benefits -- and in some place at the Office of the Prime to contractors and others with will be able to overcome some of relationship with Venezuela. cases even more. Minister, in the presence of sev- eyes on jobs in the massive road these ticklish problems. He said, “We are moving in Petrocaribe marked its 10th eral representatives from both construction program that is on It was also pointed out that de- the direction of finalizing the anniversary in June 2015. countries, who witnessed the the cards for next year, starting spite the decrease in oil prices negotiation for the PetroCaribe The 17-member alliance in- landmark agreement. with the $150 million Choc-to- on the world market, Venezuela agreement to Saint Lucia, which cludes six Organisation of East- Among other things, the Gros Islet Highway. maintains that it will keep its means that Saint Lucia will in- ern Caribbean States (OECS) agreement will seek to foster Like all, other nations with Pet- promises to countries that form crease its energy security. member-states: Antigua and trade between Saint Lucia and roCaribe agreements, Saint Lucia part of PetroCaribe and ALBA “But at the same time, it will Barbuda, The Commonwealth Venezuela to facilitate customs, too has intentions of doing busi- groupings: to ensure continu- profit from the funds that Pet- of Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts transportation and operations ness with diesel and petrol. But ous delivery of agreed products roCaribe is going to put for and Nevis, Saint Lucia and St. for PetroCaribe projects. It will for reasons yet to be explained, at agreed prices. programmes of social and eco- Vincent and the Grenadines.

Governor General and Parliament approves new law to encourage Prime Minister led annual Remembrance Day celebrations development of alternative energy

istory was made in the wind-farming, solar energy, as The Prime Minister noted island’s parliament well as waste energy. that LUCELEC has been under- HTuesday with passage The new law is one of several standably resistant to changes of a new law opening the way amendments to the island’s that would not be comfortable for new suppliers of renewable electricity supply ordinances, to its private sector owners, es- energy on the island. including the establishment of pecially the government’s pro- To date, the island’s lone elec- a new regulatory commission gram to replace existing LUCE- tricity LUCELEC has an exclu- to replace the recently quashed LEC-powered street lights with sive 80-year monopoly license Public Utilities Commission solar-powered lighting. to produce and supply electric- (PUC). Much discussion has also been ity generated from fossil fuels, LUCELEC was publicly taking place about the advis- such as petroleum. praised in the parliament by the ability of maintaining the Fuel It means no other company, Prime Minister and Opposition Surcharge law put in place long public or private, can engage speakers who congratulated its ago that ensures that consumers Saint Lucia joined the rest of the world to celebrate Remembrance Day. in production of electricity to past and present leadership for pay the private company’s total supply households across Saint managing one of the most ef- fuel bill. Lucia. ficient electricity companies in The various discussions on ast Sunday, dignitaries thony thanked the French coun- However, the new law passed the Caribbean. Tuesday took place during this and national organizations terparts for their participation earlier this week opens the way Several speakers however not- month’s meeting of the House of honored the fallen sol- in the activities. L for other private and public ed that the company’s character Assembly. diers as wreaths were laid at the “It touches all of us. What the companies to develop, produce an d ownership has changed Bills considered included the cenotaph on the Derek Walcott event today is really saying to and supply alternative energy considerably over the years, Electricity Supply (Amend- Square to pay respects to those each and every one of us is that to the island. necessitating a revisiting of the ment), Money Services, Busi- who died in the line of duty. peace is precious. By definition, Alternative energy sources laws governing energy supply ness (Amendment) and another Governor General of Saint we should not have to fight for immediately possible for devel- to ensure the island can start for establishment of the Nation- Lucia, Her Excellency Dame peace. Peace really never ought opment on the island include to develop alternative forms of al Utilities Regulatory Commis- , emphasized to be fought for. geothermal energy in Soufriere, cleaner energy. sion (NURC). the need to reenergize the ob- “Peace is something we should servance of Remembrance Day. subscribe to, we should live by “While not forgetting them, and that we should embrace. let us take a call to action and It should be part of everything Spelling Bee making the rounds! do what each of us can do, in- that we do, yet it is elusive. But dividually and as a nation, and we have to fight for it.” collectively, to ensure that their This year marks the 70th an- spelled nearly all of the words “The importance and obvious sacrifice is not in vain.” niversary of the end of the Sec- correctly. We had to go into our connection of these two brands Prime Minister and Minister ond World War. (More in Centre reserve words to serve as tie Colgate and Paradise Water to for Finance Dr. Kenny D. An- Pages 6 and 7) breakers on more than one occa- the theme for this year - Cele- sion. This year we have decided brating Healthy Smiles - cannot to include the reserve words go unnoticed." from the start so the competition Preliminary rounds of the can be more competitive." Colgate National Spelling Local official says Colgate's Accounts Manager, Bee Competition takes place Elizabeth Cumberbatch, said throughout the month of No- December Paris meeting oral health is the core of Col- vember with the finals and reliminary rounds of the gate's business. As such Colgate prize giving ceremony sched- will be ‘an important turning Colgate National Spelling takes an active role in support- uled for early December. PBee taking place through- ing oral health activities locally, Colgate and Peter and out the month of November. regionally and internationally. Company are the main spon- point’ in the ongoing As part of the oral health edu- She applauded the efforts of the sors the competition which cation strategy of the Ministry Ministry of Health in increasing is now into its 5th year. Le Climate Change battle! of Health, Wellness, Human Ser- dental knowledge and aware- Compte acknowledged the vices and Gender Relations, a pri- ness among school children at sponsors for their unflinch- ecisions made at the important one, work does not mary schools spelling bee, spear- such an impressionable age. ing support. upcoming COP 21 in stop." headed by the ministry's dental "This is our fifth year spon- Statistics from the World DParis in December, will Nathaniel said there is need department, has been organized soring this activity and it has Health Organization (WHO) be an important turning point to remain focused on the ob- for schools around the island. proven year after year that it is indicate that worldwide, 60–90 in the Climate Change battle. jectives of the climate change Senior Dental Surgeon at the getting bigger and better. We percent of school children and That’s according to expert ob- movement, post COP 21. Ministry of Health, Dr. Sherry can see it in the numbers, we nearly 100 percent of adults servers and competent techni- "We will need to have ac- Ephraim-Le Compte, said the can see it in the participation of have dental cavities. cal sources. companying supplementary objective of the activity is to the students. We can see how Dental cavities can be prevent- The representatives from na- decisions at every COP that broaden the mindset of the excited the students are." ed by maintaining a constant tions worldwide will convene help to continue the work be- youth on oral care and dentistry. "The fact that we keep com- low level of fluoride in the oral in Paris in December to devel- tween 2015 and 2020. "It also serves to augment the ing back means the organizers cavity. op, for the first time, a binding “We would also have to fight students vocabulary which al- must be doing something very, Oral disease in children and and universal agreement on that battle every year to push the lows them to understand the very right," said Chanelle Bai- adults is higher among poor climate. important issues, depending on jargon and technical terms used ley, representative for Peter and and disadvantaged population Sustainable Development what we get out of Paris, to be on a day to day basis in the den- Company and Paradise Water. groups. and Environment Officer, ready for implementation in 2020.” tal field." Le Compte said. "Just think about it for a mo- Risk factors for oral diseases Dawn Pierre Nathaniel, said Caribbean countries are She indicated a change to this ment - the powerful impact of include an unhealthy diet, to- an agreement at COP 21 is just seeking a legally binding year's spelling bee booklet, with empowering a young mind, that bacco use, harmful alcohol use, the beginning of the process. agreement with the aim of the inclusion of additional tech- kind of empowerment is a skill poor oral hygiene, and social “Even with the adoption of keeping global warming be- nical terms used in dentistry. that lasts a lifetime. determinants. a 2015 agreement in Paris, the low 1.5 degrees Celsius. "History has proven time and “That skill benefits not just the Severe periodontal (gum) dis- regulations won’t come into Saint Lucia contributes to time again that Saint Lucia has child as a child but the child as ease, which may result in tooth effect until 2020. The period less than 1 percent of global exceptional spellers in the pri- they grow up, the schools, po- loss, is found in 15–20 percent between 2015 and 2020 is an greenhouse gas emissions. mary schools. Last year's compe- tential employers, our island of middle-aged (35-44 years) tition was proof as the students and beyond. adults. Page 4 NationWIDE Saturday November 14, 2015 Prime Minister welcomes new private $25 Million Meat Processing Facility in Cul de Sac rime Minister and Minister culture and the fisheries sector for Finance, Economic Af- are reinforced by collaboration Pfairs, Planning and Social with private partner interests Security, Dr. Kenny D. Anthony, such as CPJ Saint Lucia. last Thursday, welcomed the He noted that government’s ef- opening of a new meat processing forts to spur agriculture are be- facility in Cul de Sac. ginning to bear fruit, which ven- His comments were made at the tures like CPJ are poised to reap, official opening of the CPJ Saint to the mutual benefit of the com- Lucia Ltd Distribution Centre and pany and its local partners. Meat Processing Facility, during “The government has spent near- which he delivered the feature ly $20 million on a national meat address. processing facility at Beauséjour, Dr. Anthony stated that the Vieux Fort. We must now augment opening of a new company serves our capacity in livestock produc- to inspire hope and confidence in tion, through a new program to the potential of a country. boost livestock production. "It is a reminder that we -- all of “Private investment in the food us -- should believe in Saint Lucia sector is welcome news for farmers and in the will of Saint Lucians to and consumers. To support these adapt, succeed and prosper. efforts, the government enacted an “Given imminent expansion in Agricultural Incentives Act. the island’s tourism plant, steady “This Act has, for the first time, growth in stay-over arrivals and provided farmers with legislative The Prime Minister and the investors cut the ribbons to signify that a new local and regional private the planned redevelopment of the protection for incentives. sector business has officially opened its doors in Saint Lucia. Hewanorra International Airport “We have also provided assis- in 2016, such developments would tance to a number of our farmers more productive. “Many do not understand that a ing Facility is a joint venture be- lead to growth in the provision- through the Farm Help Program, “I am also pleased that this in- country largely survives by what tween Du Boulay’s Bottling and ing requirements for the hospital- under the National Initiative to vestment of over $25 million is it earns from exports. It is simply Caribbean Producers . ity industry," he said. Create Employment (NICE). targeted not only at supplying on- not enough to produce solely for It represents a $25 million in- The Prime Minister further This has empowered young island demand, but also at sup- domestic consumption.” vestment in a new plant, equip- indicated that the prospects for men and women, whilst giving porting exports to other islands The CPJ Saint Lucia Ltd Distri- ment -- and the employment of 40 linkages between tourism, agri- farmers the labor they need to be in the Eastern Caribbean. bution Centre and Meat Process- local staff.

Six Gros Islet roads rehabilitated to give residents Another three weeks of lower better access to homes and properties prices for petroleum products

s prices of petroleum products continue to trend downwards on the international market, a further adjustment in prices on AMonday November 9, 2015 resulted in lower prices for local consumers. Gasoline is now sold for $0.33 less, at $10.65 per gallon. The 100lb, 22lb and 20lb cylinders have decreased by $1.24, $0.14 and $0.13 respectively. The new retail prices are $179.21, $28.16 and $25.34 per cylinder, respectively. Due to a higher import price for the period under review, the only product to register an increase is diesel. Notwithstanding, diesel is be- ing sold for $10.50 per gallon, $0.15 cents lower than the retail price for gasoline. Below is a schedule of the retail prices for petroleum products:

Petroleum Existing Price New Price Change Product BEFORE AND AFTER! These two photographs depict the difference between what was and what now is after the Ministry if Infrastructure intervened to address complaints of residents. Unleaded $10.98 per $10.65 per Decrease by $0.33 Six roads were given similar treatment by the ministry following persistent representation by Gasoline gallon gallon MP Emma Hippolyte. $2.41 per Litre $2.34 per Litre Decrease by $0.07 Diesel $10.23 per $10.50 per Increase by $0.27 n July 2015, the Ministry This project was estimated to According to a statement gallon gallon of Infrastructure, Port cost almost $700,000.00. from the Ministry, “While the $2.25 per Litre $2.31 per Litre Increase by $0.06 IServices and Transport The six roads rehabilitated are: Government was faced with embarked on a road rehabili- Damhiel Hill, Vincent Drive, limited financial resources, the Kerosene $7.05 per gallon $1.55 per Litre Unchanged tation project in Beasejour, Lake Side View, Conrad Larcher Deputy Prime Minister and $7.05 per gallon $1.55 per Litre Gros Islet. Road, Julian Hunte Drive and Er- Minister for Infrastructure, Before the intervention of nest Hilaire Drive. Port Services and Transport LPG: $25.47 per $25.34 per Decrease by $0.13 the Ministry, residents had The Ministry of Infrastructure felt it was necessary to under- 20 Pound cylinder cylinder tremendous difficulty ac- says it “noted the persistence” of take this project at this time.” 22 Pound $28.30 per $28.16 per Decrease by $0.14 cessing their homes and the Parliamentary Representa- It added, “These road repairs cylinder cylinder properties. tive for Gros Islet Ms. Emma Hip- in Beausejour Gros Islet form A total of six roads were fully ployte, “who continuously agitat- only a small part of road re- 100 Pound $180.45 per $179.21 per Decrease by $1.24 rehabilitated with new road ed for the relief that the residents pairs which are being conduct- cylinder cylinder pavement surfaces. have now received.” ed in 2015.” Bulk $1.67 per $1.66 per Decrease by $0.01 pound pound Decrease by $0.03 $3.69 per $3.66 per kilogram kilogram

Social Transformation Ministry held Despite the falling prices, Government continues to subsidize the 20lb and 22lb LPG cylinders at a cost of $10.50 and $11.27 per cylinder successful consultation on Strategic Plan respectively. The next price adjustment will be on November 30, 2015.

he Ministry of Social creation of a plan. It also in- very timely, because we have a Transformation, Local volves the development of a ministry and a government that Training under way for 50 Youth TGovernment and Com- program of work on the basis of is always changing and it is nice munity Empowerment held that plan,” Renard explained. to know that plans are being a major consultation for all For many years, the develop- put in place for continuity, and Policy Volunteer Researchers staff of the core ministry and ment of a strategic plan has for the safety and development its allied agencies to formalize been in discussion. of our society. he National Youth Policy re- ment for youth policy formulation the undertaking of a strategic The assertion from Permanent “It is comforting to know that view being conducted by the in Saint Lucia. plan to guide national social Secretary Juliana Alfred is that when we have gone, when the TMinistry of Youth Develop- The consultant, Ms. Dwynette development. a framework has now been de- ministry is changed and when ment and Sports through the as- Eversley, is assigned to the Ministry Consultant to the Ministry veloped with the intention to the political arena changes, that sistance of the Commonwealth of Youth Development and Sports of Social Transformation, Yves launch the plan in 2016. the policies and plans we put Secretariat has identified 50 young for a year to facilitate the youth Renard, said the consultation Alfred said the plan is being in place today will achieve the volunteers who will undergo 12 policy review and is supported by hours of training on research tech- ministerial staff. is another step toward the cre- tied to global Sustainable De- long term goals we have as a na- niques/survey methods in order to The research and subsequent for- velopment Goals as the minis- tion.” ation of the plan. conduct the research which will be mulation of the National Youth Pol- “This is a process that began try aligns its role with Saint Lu- The feedback and participa- used for the policy. icy (NYP) is to effectively reflect the in April of this year. We have cia’s national commitments and tion of staff in the exercise was Trained teams of researchers will circumstances and aspirations of had a series of small meetings, advancement. stimulating. be deployed to communities and or- Saint Lucian youth. The NYP will focus group sessions and inter- Social Transformation and This, the Permanent Secretary ganized meetings to dialogue with have a significant impact on how views. Welfare Officer for Canaries, said, is an indication of genuine youth and various stakeholders. young people are viewed as well “What we are doing now is Soufriere and Choiseul, Darnal- commitment and interest in the The last National Youth Policy as provide strategies that will pro- to discuss the key issues to see ly Estava, said: “I think it is very work of social protection to ad- (NYP) was completed in 2000 and mote their development according what needs to be added in the pertinent, well-coordinated and vance national development. has served as the primary docu- to their needs Saturday November 14, 2015 NationWIDE Page 5 Saint Lucia soars at World Travel Market in London he 2015 World Travel Absolute Radio, BBC Radio Jer- Smith’s "Caribbean Blend" fea- Market (WTM), which sey, BBC Radio Northampton, ture in Wanderlust Magazine. Ttook place at the ExCel BBC Radio WM and a selection The SLTB presented the award Exhibition Centre in London, of additional regional outlets. to Wanderlust. saw the Saint Lucia Tourist He also participated in media The CTO event was attend- Board (SLTB) and its partners meetings, photo calls and TV in- ed by over 70 UK media jour- exhibit for four days, in what terviews with prolific freelancer nalists from national, trade, proved to be a very produc- Kieran Meeke, TTG, Travelmole consumer and online outlets. tive and successful week. TV, and the WTM press office. On November 5, Sales and The SLTB, alongside four Atlyn Forde, SLTB Director of Marketing Executive for the hotel partners and one des- Marketing in the UK and Ire- SLTB, Chelcie Lewis, was tination management com- land, inspired trade and con- presented with her own per- pany, held meetings with UK sumer media, including Selling sonal award, the ‘Supplier and European tour operators, Travel, Wanderlust, The Tele- Star Award 2015’ by luxury airlines and trade partners, graph, The Voice and Break- tour operator Azure. and showcased the island's ing Travel News, in a series of Azure Director of Sales, Anna- highlights, recent awards one-on-one interviews, during Maria Baccanello said: “Chelcie and destination news. which she updated editors and Saint Lucia’s winning team took centre stage at the WTM earlier has been outstanding in her On Monday, double gold travel journalists on the latest this month, where they attracted several accolades as the SLTB performance, and the support Olympic champion, Daley destination news, trade incen- showcased the popular vacation destination via a four-day we receive from the Saint Lucia Thompson, promoted the in- tives and editorial angles for exhibit in the UK. Tourist Board is exemplary. creasingly-popular Tri Saint 2016. “Chelcie is very talented at Lucia which will be held on The destination was also high- Lucia triumphed in two out of bean" by Nick Trend for The Tele- presenting and she brings the November 21. ly successful at the Caribbean the eight categories. graph Online won Best Online destination to life with her In his capacity as an ambas- Tourism Organization's (CTO) Two Saint Lucia features were Feature and the Best Piece of unique combination of exper- sador for Saint Lucia, Daley "Host and Reward the Media" honored for being the best in Photo Journalism accolade was tise, enthusiasm and wit.” took part in radio interviews event on November 2, held at their category. "Climbing in Saint awarded to Neil Price for the im- The 2015 World Travel Market with top stations including the Fox @ ExCel, where Saint Lucia: the Best View in the Carib- agery that accompanied Phoebe was held from November 2 - 5

Saint Lucians abroad gearing-up to take advantage of Christmas Barrel Concessions 2016

aint Lucians in communi- clothing, toys and other house- The government has also made ties across the island are hold consumables contained in it clear that the usual penalties Sgearing-up to benefit from barrels imported between De- and fines apply if the goods are the annual Christmas Barrel cember 1 and February 15. used for commercial purposes. concessions, on which so many As per usual, electronic items Cabinet further approved the depend at this time every year. are explicitly excluded; and the transmission of the appropriate Government earlier this number of barrels that qualify legal instrument to Parliament month announced that Cabinet, for the concessions is limited to to declare barrels imported by Conclusion 632 of October 19, two per household. during the stipulated period 2015, approved the usual annual There is an upper limit of exempt from Value Added Tax concessions for the Christmas EC$2,500 per barrel on the value (VAT). Barrel Trade. of items qualifying for the con- Items that qualify for this con- Under the concession, there is cessions and they must be for cession will attract Customs Saint Lucians abroad are gearing-up to take the usual advantage of a a 100 percent waiver of import personal use only and not for service charges at the rate of six 100 percent waiver of import duty on barrels to be sent to family and duty on personal items, food, commercial use. percent friends back home between December 1 and February 15 next year New policies expected to Pipe water for Bouton increase production and supply in poultry sector and Colombette n the heels of a similar undertaking, the Saint OLucia Social Develop- ment Fund (SSDF) has initiated a contract with the Water and Sewerage Company (WASCo) Inc., to improve the water sup- ply in deserving communities. The Bouton Water Enhance- ment Sub-Project is being fund- ed under the 7th cycle of the Following extensive consultations, agreement was reached on an Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF) incremental approach to improving the production and supply to enhance access to basic social and economic infrastructure. capacity of the poultry sector Parliamentary Representative ndustry stakeholders have 3. To maintain existing regional for Soufriere/Fond St. Jacques come to consensus on mea- and international trade and Minister for Social Transfor- The SSDF has initiated a contract with WASCo to enhance access Isures that will increase the obligations. mation, Local Government and to basic infrastructure. production and supply capacity As a result, an incremental ap- Community Empowerment Har- of the domestic poultry sector. proach to improving the pro- old Dalsan says residents have Presently, Belvedere in Canar- and the installation of a water The Ministry of Commerce, in duction and supply capacity of had to rely on trucked water since ies is the closest and most reli- pump at the Belvedere water collaboration with the Ministry of the domestic poultry sector was the 2013 Christmas Eve trough. able water source to Bouton. tank location, and connections Agriculture, established a work- agreed to by all parties. He explains, “Since the trough “It has been the norm that we in 26 households in Bouton. ing group earlier this year with The approach was considered of 2013, the water catchment receive water once every three To enhance the sustainability stakeholders within the poultry necessary as it ensured that con- area at Quatre Chemin disap- months - with some people going of the project, water resource and industry to jointly formulate a sumer prices remained as stable peared. Since then, the residents as long as seven months with no water/waste maintenance, train- strategy and plan of action to im- as possible. have had to rely on trucked wa- pipe borne water," Bouton resi- ing will be provided for residents. prove the poultry sector. The Ministry of Commerce said ter from WASCO. dent Ms. Gifta Jongue said. The second phase of the proj- The stakeholders included that the Ministry of Agriculture “This system was not always "We know very well the challenges ect will extend to Colombette - hatchers, producers, farmers, pro- will announce the details of the dependable, and residents often associated with having inadequate a community which also lacks cessors, distributors and retailers. implementation of the new policy complained to me that a truck Under the guidance of an inde- measures to industry stakehold- water. That is why we are here today pipe borne water. pendent consultant, the working ers. had not come for a while, and to support the work of the SSDF and WASCo is the agency retained group held a number of meetings It also expressed gratitude to they were in need of my inter- the CDB through the BNTF to give for implementing the scope of and extensive consultations to stakeholders within the industry vention. us a consistent water supply.” works under the guidance and achieve a three-fold objective: for their efforts, commitment and “I am therefore lad that this The Bouton intervention is the supervision of the Caribbean 1. To determine the best ap- sacrifices made to support the de- will no longer be an issue and largest of all water sub-projects Development Bank retained proach to achieve industry velopment of the domestic poul- the residents will be relieved under the BNTF 7. consultant and the SSDF. growth; try sector. once this project is completed.” It includes the installation of Clean safe water is a privilege 2. To minimize any adverse ef- Their collaborative efforts, it The upgrade and extension of ductile-iron pipes inclusive of that is often taken for granted fects on consumers, farmers, said, will help result in the growth the water supply in Bouton is nec- all fittings, the construction of in developed countries and one processors, retailers and other of the poultry sector for the ben- essary to provide a reliable and a glass-fused steel water tank at that is not always accessible in stakeholders; and efit of the Saint Lucian people. safe water supply to residents. Quarte Chemin, a pump house the developing nations Page 6 NationWIDE Saturday November 14, 2015 Saturday November 14, 2015 NationWIDE Page 7 70 years after World War II, the tradition continues! Fallen Soldiers Remembered at the 11th Hour on the 11th Day of the 11th Month!

Story and Photos by Marius Modeste

ast weekend, St. Lucia remembered those St. Lucians 5:20 that morning. ("At the 11th hour" refers to the passing of who gave their lives for the peace of the world when over the 11th hour, or 11:00 am.) The First World War officially end- L30 of our sons and daughters died in the two world wars. ed with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919. Governor General Dame Calliopa Pearlette Louisy GCSL The memorial evolved out of Armistice Day, which contin- GCMG, along with Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Kenny D. Antho- ues to be marked on the same date. The initial Armistice Day ny and members of the diplomatic corps paid their respects to was observed at Buckingham Palace, commencing with King our war dead at the Derek Walcott Square, George V Park and George V hosting a "Banquet in Honour of the President of the at the the Commonwealth War Graves at Choc Bay in Castries. French Republic"[3] during the evening hours of 10 November Also in attendance were members of the French Legion. 1919. The first official Armistice Day was subsequently held Prime Minister Anthony, in his remarks at his Official Res- on the grounds of Buckingham Palace the following morning. idence, noted the absence of several veteran's from St. Lucia The red remembrance poppy has become a familiar emblem and Martinique who died since the last Remembrance Day of Remembrance Day due to the poem "In Flanders Fields". and called for a minute of silence in their memory. These poppies bloomed across some of the worst battlefields Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day) is a memo- of Flanders in World War I; their brilliant red colour became a rial day observed in the British symbol for the blood spilled in the war. member-states since the end of the First World War to re- Also in attendance at last Sunday’s ceremony was the new member the members of their armed forces who died in the British High Commissioner Annie Mc Gee. line of duty. In her brief remarks, she said "In the last two world wars, five Following a tradition inaugurated by King George V in 1919, million commonwealth nationals joined. They were not called, the day is also marked by war remembrances in many non- they didn't have to join, they chose to because they believed Commonwealth countries. in freedom and they wanted to make the world a safer place." Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November in most The high commissioner went on to say "The tradition in serv- countries to recall the end of hostilities of World War I on that ing in Her Majesty’s forces continues as St. Lucians play a vital date in 1918. role alongside other Commonwealth troops in the service of Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day the crown. of the 11th month", in accordance with the armistice signed by “I am happy to be here to celebrate this Remembrance Day representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and with you!" Page 8 NationWIDE Saturday November 14, 2015 PAHO says new hospitals can offer specialized care to neighbouring countries!

epresentatives from the Pan of several Caribbean countries American Health Organi- with the capacity to offer spe- Rzation (PAHO) recently met cialized health care services. here with Ministry of Health of- “The new national hospital or ficials to discuss transitioning to other medical facilities in Saint the Owen King EU Hospital. Lucia could offer specialized PAHO’s Advisor on Human care not only to its own citizens Resources for Health, Dr. Erica but also to those from neighbor- Wheeler, said the organization ing countries. will assist Saint Lucia in imple- “When you provide these re- menting new commissioning gional specialized centers of structures. care and you have agreements She explained, “I understand with sister governments, you there are two new hospitals to are in effect providing more ser- be commissioned. So we are vices for more people at lesser looking at the hospitals' human financial cost. resources as it relates to health. “It also serves to increase uni- “For example: How is it going versal health coverage and uni- to be staffed, will there be suf- versal access." ficient staff, how is the staff in The Dr. Owen King-EU Hos- relation to other services in the pital and the new Saint Jude community." Hospital in Vieux-Fort represent Dr. Peter Cowley, PAHO a combined investment of $270 Health Systems Strengthening million by the Government of PAHO will assist Saint Lucia in implementing new commissioning structures, following which Advisor, said Saint Lucia is one Saint Lucia. Saint Lucia will also be able to offer specialized care to parients from neighbouring countrie . Minister says women should be armed against rapists!

inister for Health, Well- The Gender Relations Minis- "How can we, as women, fight pen. Amidst the talking there of these crimes that enough is ness, Human Services ter said the incident provides back in the sense of protec- must be action. We, as a gov- enough, that there must be re- Mand Gender Relations an opportunity for broad public tion? The conversation must ernment, do have to step up in spect for women. We are equal Alvina Reynolds says local wom- discussion on how women can begin. This is the time, because terms of responding to victims partners. One group cannot be en may need access to self-de- protect themselves. we have had many sessions to of rape. It is time that we, as a disrespected and violated again fense products in order to protect Since the likelihood of having sensitize men on their roles in Cabinet, have that discussion and again." themselves from violent crimes. police protection at the instant terms of working along with for pepper spray and mace, for The minister, in condemning Her remarks were made on the when an attack occurs is low, the women and respecting women, women to begin to arm them- the reported rape, also refer- heels of a reported gang rape of minister suggested preventing the but that seems to fall on deaf selves with something. enced a disturbing increase in two young females in an apart- situation rather than responding ears," Reynolds said. "I want to send a strong mes- the number of reported rape ment in Rodney Bay. after the incident has occurred. "Something else has to hap- sage out to the perpetrators cases on the island Younger Saint Lucians being Saint Lucia to benefit from diagnosed with Diabetes technical international trade assistance

in services negotiations with active participation of stake- third countries. holders in the sectors identi- The Technical Assistance is be- fied, from both the public and ing provided through Consul- private sectors during the tancy Services and will involve national consultations over seven OECS Member States the period of November 2 to namely Antigua and Barbuda, 4, 2015. Commonwealth of Dominica, Stakeholders shared their Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts experiences with the legisla- and Nevis, Saint Lucia and St. tion governing individual According to the International Diabetes Federation, in 2014 there Vincent and the Grenadines. sectors and highlighted gaps were 10,200 reported cases of diabetes in Saint Lucia. And the The Ministry of External Af- and loopholes in the legisla- Diabetes and Hypertension Association says a hundred persons Saint Lucia is among OECS fairs, International Trade and tion and improvements re- lost limbs to the disease in the past two years. countries that will profit from Civil Aviation is responsible for quired. International Trade Centre this Consultancy and has fa- They also identified steps itizens have been placed Fort will end at the Vieux-Fort (ITC) technical assistance to cilitated a consultative exercise currently being undertaken on alert with the obser- Square. Member States in examining with the stakeholders with the to strengthen the governance Cvance that younger Saint “We are encouraging persons options for negotiating ser- Consultant, Dr. Natasha Ward, structure and obstacles being Lucians, including g children, to come out and support like vice commitments in bilateral and the OECS Commission. faced in trying export their are being diagnosed with Dia- they did last year." trade agreements. Ms. Shirnaya Stephen who has services as well as challenges betes. This disclosure was made Mr Eugene said people need The OECS Commission has se- lead responsibly for trade in ser- in establishing businesses in as diabetics engage in the annu- to become more aware of their cured technical assistance from vices at the Ministry is the focal Saint Lucia. al focus on promotion of healthy lifestyles and take the necessary the International Trade Centre point for this project during the The stakeholders from the lifestyles to combat Diabetes. steps to prevent the onset of dia- (ITC) based in Geneva, to re- exercise. private sector informed of the In observance of World Diabe- betes. view the approach for granting The Director of International professional development ini- tes Day (observed annually on “We are asking people to take access to the services sector in Trade, Mr. Nigel Edwin, ex- tiatives that they have under- November 14), the Saint Lucia better care of themselves and to the OECS to third countries. pressed his full endorsement of taken to be more competitive Diabetes and Hypertension As- exercise more and make more The main objective of the this initiative and indicated to in exporting their services sociation says it will host an en- healthy food choices. technical assistance pro- the Consultant and the OECS and the support provided by tire month of activities to dem- “You can prolong the onset of gramme, is to provide OECS Commission the timeliness of the Saint Lucia Coalition of onstrate how a healthy lifestyle diabetes by diet and exercise.” Protocol Member States with this focus of exploring alternative Service Industries (SLCSI), can help prevent diabetes. According to Mr Eugene, "A a Report that clearly outlines modalities for scheduling servic- TVET in the Ministry of Edu- President of the Association, growing concern now is that the policy implications in es commitments as this was one cation as well the Saint Lucia George Eugene, says increased 12, 14 and 15 year olds are being considering alternative ap- of the red line issues encountered Bureau of Standards. sensitization activities may help diagnosed with Type Two Dia- proaches to the traditional during the CARICOM-Canada At the conclusion of this lessen the prevalence of diabe- betes which we associate with positive listing for schedul- Trade Negotiations. Technical Assistance Pro- tes in Saint Lucia. older people. ing and liberalizing commit- The consultancy focused on gramme, it is expected that a He explained, “Strut for a “So, when our young people ments in bilateral and pluri- three priority sectors: Profes- clear directive would be pro- Cause is a major fundraising ac- are being diagnosed, then it's a lateral trade negotiations. sional services, Health and vided to OECS Member States tivity to be undertaken. serious problem." The Technical Assistance Wellness Tourism and Educa- on the prudent negotiating “We will also have a moonlight According to the International will also include the regula- tional services. Additional work options that could be consid- walk in Castries and Vieux-Fort, Diabetes Federation, in 2014 tory, legislative and institu- is also scheduled to be done on ered for granting access to as we did last year. We had well there were 10,200 reported cases tional requirements for devel- the Creative Industries sector. third countries into the ser- over 200 participants last year and of diabetes in Saint Lucia. oping an integrated services The Ministry of External Af- vices market of the Economic we expect well over 600 this time. Mr Eugene has also disclosed market and as a consequence, fairs, International Trade and Union whilst safeguarding “The walk to be held in Cas- that over 100 Saint Lucians lost provide a sound policy basis Civil Aviation wishes to express the objectives of the Revised tries will end at Vigie, while limbs to diabetes in the past two from which to engage in trade its extreme pleasure with the Treaty of Basseterre the other to be held in Vieux- years. Saturday November 14, 2015 NationWIDE Page 9 The Diplomatic Courier Third Taiwan Ambassador fully accredited!

‘Saint Lucia is grateful for ‘I will spare no effort to Taiwan’s immense contributions!’ further strengthen and deepen Following is the full text of an address by Her Excellency Dame Pearlette Louisy, GCSL, GCMG, D. STJ., Ph.D, Lld, our ties!’ (Hon.) on the occasion of the Presentation of Credentials Following is the full text of an address by Ambassador Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Ray H. W. Mou on the occasion of the Presentation of Republic of China (Taiwan) to Saint Lucia, His Excellency Credentials of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to Mr. Ray H.W. Mou on Thursday, October 22nd, 2015 Saint Lucia on Thursday, 22nd October, 2015

our Excellency I am pleased strengthened by your President’s our Excellency Governor cooperation between Taiwan and to welcome you to Saint Lu- philosophy of “viable diplomacy” General Dame Pearlette Loui- Saint Lucia on areas such as agri- cia and to accept from you which places emphasis on the prin- Ysy, it is indeed my great honor culture, aquaculture, medical care, Y to present the letter of Credence information technology, environ- the Letters of Credence by which ciples of compassion, sensitivity, your President, His Excellency Dr. reciprocity and good neighbourli- accrediting me as Ambassador Ex- mental protection, and community Ma Ying-jeou accredits you as Am- ness. Saint Lucia has been at the traordinary and Plenipotentiary of infrastructure construction. The bassador Extraordinary and Pleni- receiving end of this policy and we the Republic of China (Taiwan) to high-level mutual visits, together potentiary of the Republic of China than you for it. We aim to recipro- Saint Lucia. I also avail myself of with the youth training and cul- (Taiwan) to Saint Lucia, and the cate in our own modest way, and we this occasion to present the letter of tural exchange programs between Letter of Recall of your predecessor, hope that the opening of our Em- Recall of my predecessor, Ambassa- our two countries, have created an His Excellency James Chang. bassy in Taiwan will strengthen the dor James Chang. environment of mutual respect and Your Excellency Saint Lucia is already very good relations that ex- I have also the honor and distinct broader understanding. truly grateful for the immense con- ist between our two countries. pleasure, Your Excellency, to con- Your Excellency, as Ambassador tribution of the Government and I therefore wish you a rewarding vey to you and to the people of your of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to People of Taiwan to its development tour of duty among us. am heart- great nation the cordial greetings Saint Lucia, I wish to solemnly as- efforts across such a wide cross- ened by the commitment you have and best wishes of the President of sure you that during my tenure of section of its initiatives, and wishes expressed in sparing no effort to fur- the Republic of China (Taiwan), His office, I shall spare no effort in fur- to place on record that gratitude ther strengthen these relations and I Excellency Dr. Ma Ying-jeou, and ther strengthening the friendly re- and your appreciation of the chal- can commit in turn to providing the those of the people of Taiwan. lations between our two countries. lenges that we face as a small island support and assistance of my govern- Your Excellency, I wish to high- On embarking upon my mission, I developing state. Indeed Taiwan is ment and myself to ensure the suc- light the joint efforts for strengthen- expressed the hope that, in this en- ideally positioned to serve as a vi- cess of your mission here among us. ing the ties between our two coun- deavour, I will have the privilege to able economic development model Your Excellency, I thank you for tries through cooperation programs receive assistance and support from for small states such as ours, as it conveying to us the wishes and and various initiatives. Evidences of Your Excellency and that of your has successfully overcome some greetings of your President and our expanding and deepening re- Government. I thank you, Governor of the constraints characteristic of the people of Taiwan. I wish to ask, lations have been seen in the close General small states: in particular scale, iso- in turn, that you convey our best lation and dependence. Your eco- wishes for his personal well-being, nomic success is well known and and for the continued peace and applauded all over the world and prosperity of the Government and you continue to be a front runner in People of Taiwan. Your Excellency, the global economy. This is further welcome once again, and thank you. Page 10 NationWIDE Saturday November 14, 2015 The Diplomatic Courier Record 191 Nations voted for lifting Maduro says Venezuela U.S. Blockade on leads the world in Home Construction

The vote against the embargo was very clear at the UN this year -- as always!

n Tuesday October 27th, Despite President Obama’s an- the U.S. and Cuba, from July 20th, “Venezuela is the country that Yaracuy, the Government will 2015, for the 24th time, the nounced intentions to normalize 2015 are some benefits so far de- builds the most houses in the build a total of 156,000 houses. OUnited Nations General relations with Cuba, the Trade rived from this engagement. world, this is the Venezuelan The Bolivarian Government Assembly voted on Resolution Embargo remains in effect. “The A number of Heads of Govern- socialism,” said President Mad- has built and delivered a to- 69/5 of the United Nations Gen- Blockade is obsolete and has ment have recently visited Cuba and uro on Thursday night during tal of 400,000 in 2015, stressed eral Assembly entitled “Necessity failed” – President Obama. The we have seen a significant increase of ending the Economic, Com- application of measures has been in Visitor Arrivals to the island. So an official activity to deliver Maduro, who has also assured mercial and Financial Blockade hindered yet the rest of the re- far for this year, over 2.6 million new houses units, from Yar- that the government will reach imposed by the United States of strictions remain in effect; com- tourists have arrived in Cuba. acuy State, in North-western a total of 1 million houses by America against Cuba.” merce/ trade, use of the U.S. Business interests from Europe, Venezuela. the end of this year through the One hundred and ninety one na- Dollar, financing. Financial trans- North America and the Caribbean A total of 714 houses were Great Mission Vivienda Venezu- tions voted for the Removal of the actions with the U.S. Dollar are region continue to increase. Saint delivered in Thursday in Ciu- ela (a social mission launched Blockade, with two nations; the still prohibited. Cuba is required Lucia recently signed a Memo- dadela Hugo Chávez, which three years ago by the late Presi- United States and Israel voting to pay upfront in cash, for any randum of Understanding with means a total of 2,520 deliv- dent Hugo Chávez to build new against the Removal of the Blockade. transaction that may be approved. Cuba, aimed at expanding trade ered by the government in that housing units for the people). The Resolution for the Lifting This Blockade has cost the Cuban between the two countries. neighbourhood. “Attention journalists! If we do of the Blockade against Cuba was Economy over 121 billion dollars, The complete Lifting of the “We will reach soon 21,481 not reach to deliver the 1 millionth first brought to the floor of the over this period. Blockade and the Return of Guan- new houses delivered in Yar- housing unit by January 1st, I will United Nations General Assembly The removal of Cuba from the tánamo Bay remain pre-requisites acuy”, Maduro stated, adding shave my moustache” joked the in 1992. This Resolution has never List of Countries Sponsoring for the complete normalization of that in Cojedes State, bordering President with the media. been defeated and support has in- Terrorism in May 2015 and the relations between Cuba and the creased every year since then. Re-opening of Embassies in both United States. Venezuela will deliver to 10 years ago FTAA was defeated by Paris COP 21 a Common Latin American leaders Proposal to determine ack in 2005, between the 4th 10 YEARS AFTER THE DEFEAT and the 5th of November in A series of events and activities causes of Climate Change Bthe Argentinean city of Mar scheduled for this month (Novem- de Plata, where the Fourth Sum- ber), have been organized with mit of the Americas was taking the goal of reminding the youth of place, the Free Trade Agreement the threat of ALCA, its defeat, and of the Americas (ALCA in Span- what it meant for us now in 2015 ish) breathed its last. The goal of as new paths were opened. ALCA, promoted by the US, was That’s how President Maduro nothing but the appropriation of sees it. In a special interview economic surplus produced by broadcast by TeleSur last July the countries of Central and South 24th, Maduro talked about the America, according to the rules of tenth anniversary of the battle free market imposed by the US. against ALCA. The battle had The continental project saw light already begun in the streets and for the first time during the First in big popular movements and Summit of the Americas that took workers’ unions who by the late place in Miami, Florida between 90’s were already drawing graf- the 9th and 11th of December in fiti that read “No Al ALCA” (No 1994 with the purpose of starting President Hugo Chavez to ALCA). operations that year, 2005. How- The Venezuelan Head of State Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Nelcy Rodriguez ever, it never happened. process is not useful for us”, but said in the interview that “ALCA During the Fourth Summit of rather “an integration that recog- was, without a doubt, the most au- cuador, November 06, tance of the historical encyclical the Americas, the then presidents: nizes the diversity” of the coun- dacious and aggressive economic 2015.- The Minister for of Pope Francisco which coin- Hugo Chávez (Venezuela), Luis tries of America. project of the last 40 years.” Foreign Affairs of the cides with many of the doctrines Ignacio “Lula” da Silva (Brazil), “An agreement cannot be a one- He added that President Chavez E Bolivarian Republic of Ven- of eco-socialism developed by and Néstor Kirchner (Argentina), awoke a huge movement back way path, with prosperity aiming ezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, said the Supreme Commander Hugo prompted the beginning of a new then. Chavez, along with other at one single direction,” Kirch- that Venezuela will bring to Chavez and the Bolivarian Rev- stage in the integration process of ner added and demanded that Latin American leaders defeated the peoples of Latin America by neoliberals and by doing so, al- the next Conference on Climate olution. a future integration agreement Change COP 21 - to be held in “What he said is absolutely the introduction of the Bolivarian should “contemplate safeguards lowed the birth of unconventional Paris from November 30th - a correct, the result of climate Alliance of the Peoples of America and compensations for the under- projects within the diversity of (ALBA). developed nations.” Latin America and the Caribbean. common proposal to determine change and the criminal impact What started as a debate focused “Our belonging to Mercosur One of these unconventional the causes of global warming, it has had on the environment, on the main challenges of the re- and to the South American com- projects was the Bolivarian Alli- which impede the harmonious is closely linked to an immoral, gion in the traditional topics of job munity is a priority,” Kirchner ance for the Peoples of America development between human developmental and capitalist creation and the strengthening emphasized. (ALBA), which is the response to beings and nature. model of consumption”. of democratic governability was On the second day of the sum- the proposal creating a Free Trade “What we are discussing here She added that rich countries soon turned into a debate around mit, it was Brazil’s “Lula” da Sil- Area in the Americas. is the existence of the human seek to dilute their responsibil- the issue of ALCA. va’s intervention. The Brazilian Contrary to the neoliberal mod- species. We are debating now ity. “There is an ecological debt The first to step in was the host president also rejected any inten- el the US intended to impose, the present and future [...], we of the rich countries to the poor Nestor Kirchner. He described the tion of imposing ALCA because ALBA’s integration is grounded in know that global warming can nations and we now call on the crude reality of Latin America’s of its hegemonic character. Fol- solidarity and mutual help. have a destructive impact on the conscience of the developed na- The idea of ALBA was first poverty as a consequence of neo- lowing da Silva came Venezuela’s environment. There is a scien- tions that boast of the capitalist liberal policies imposed by the In- proposed in 2001 by then presi- Hugo Chávez with a detailed ex- tific consensus on what can hap- system” ternational Monetary Fund, and dent Chavez, but it turned into planation on the necessity of the pen if we do not raise awareness; It is important to highlight urged for the creation of a new sub-continent developing new a reality in 2004 when Cuba and type of social-economic structure Venezuela signed an historical it is something that concerns that the CELAC meeting, held forms of integration at all levels; all” said Rodriguez, speaking to in Quito, Ecuador, will yield a in the world and the region. none of which had anything to do agreement that created a trade the multistate Telesur, minutes resolution of the Latin Ameri- The Argentinean daily La with the US’ monstrous proposal. model based on co-operation, Nación quoted Kircher’s opening This episode of Latin America liberation, and justice - instead before her speech at the meeting can and Caribbean countries, speech where the head of state history is known as “The burial of of exploitation, domination and of CELAC on Climate Change. which will be discussed at the pointed out that “any integration ALCA in Mar de Plata”. oppression. She also mentioned the impor- main summit COP 21 in Paris. Saturday November 14, 2015 NationWIDE Page 11 The Diplomatic Courier Annual Japan Day held last Paris Ministerial Meeting sought convergence on key Saturday at Castries City Hall Climate Change issues

aint Lucia's Minister for Sus- 2020, (iii) Action and Support Pre- tainable Development Dr. James 2020, and (iv) Ambition. SFletcher has been enunciating Saint Lucia’s Minister for Sustain- the region's perspectives on Climate able Development informed the Change issues at a meeting of min- meeting of the perspectives of Carib- isters with responsibility for Climate bean Small Island Developing States Change from over sixty countries (SIDS) on these issues, and on some of around the world held earlier gthis the other areas still unresolved, such week in Europe. as the treatment of Loss and Damage The meeting opened last Sunday in the new Agreement, the legal form (8th November) at the Ministry of of the Agreement, and the need to re- Foreign Affairs and International strict the global temperature increase Development in Paris, France. to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius The three-day Pre-COP meeting by the end of the Century. was the third and final of its kind to Minister Fletcher recently hosted be hosted jointly by the Minister of a meeting of Caribbean ministers the Environment of Peru, Manuel Vi- of the Environment and regional dal who was the President of COP20, Climate Change negotiators in Saint and Laurent Fabius, the Minister of Lucia to establish a CARICOM con- Foreign Affairs of France, who will be sensus on the issues being debated the President of COP21. at the Pre-COP Ministerial meeting. Like the previous two ministerial The 21st Conference of the Parties meetings, this one sought to estab- of the United Nations Framework lish convergence on some of the key Convention on Climate Change will issues that are confronting negotia- begin in Paris on Monday 30th No- tors from over 190 countries who are vember with a High Level Leaders working on the text of a new climate Summit. Saint Lucia’s Prime Minis- hoppers, ‘limers’ and tour- for themselves. Men, women and sary of the founding of JOCV in change agreement that will be signed ter, Hon. Dr. Kenny Anthony, who ists in Castries thought last children learned how to use chop- Japan and it is also the 20th year in Paris at COP21 in December. holds lead responsibility in CARI- SSaturday 7th November was sticks and then competed against since the JOCV Saint Lucia branch Four main subject areas were be- COM for Sustainable Development just going to be another ordinary each other in a chopsticks race. was established. ing discussed by the ministers at- and Climate Change, will address day, but they were wrong. People Others chose more sedate activities JICA/JOCV’s aim is to share the tending the Pre-COP: (i) Equity and the Leaders Summit on the Opening were delighted to find that the like sampling various Japanese teas benefits of international coopera- Differentiation, (ii) Finances Post- Day of COP21. day held a chance to enjoy the or trying on kimono (yukata) and tion with the host country. The culture of Japan, right here at the posing for pictures. And, no mat- most common approach of this Castries City Hall. ter the age or address, everyone just agency is through grant aid assis- Whether they were approached had to visit the writing booth to have tance and loans, technical coop- Dr. Walid Juffali is eminently by cheerful Japanese handing out their names written in Japanese. eration and volunteer activities. fliers in the street, or just hap- The Japan Day event is hosted Our volunteers are involved in suited to perform his diplomatic pened to pass by on Peynier street annually by the volunteers of the many sectors on the island. You that day, all came flocking to par- Japan International Cooperation can find them teaching music, duties for Saint Lucia at the IMO! ticipate in the once-a-year event. Agency/ Japan Overseas Coop- being involved in community overnment assures the pub- ment of Saint Lucia has expressed Despite its slow start, more and eration Volunteers (JICA/JOCV) development island-wide, assist- lic that all necessary due the view to the lawyers of the for- in Saint Lucia as a chance to share ing in the fisheries sector and in more persons kept coming, in- diligence was done prior to mer wife that this is a civil matter trigued to learn more about Japan. some of their home’s culture with education. They also collaborate G the appointment of Dr. Juffali. in which it does not desire to get The offerings of the morning; enka their host nation. The volunteers on projects with government- and The Government of Saint Lucia involved. singing and music by profession- live and work among us in vari- non-government agencies. has noted the concerns of individ- In the view of the Government, ally trained music volunteers, quiz- ous fields and in various activi- If you would like to learn more uals in response to a story carried this is a private matter and to zes about Japan, an educational lec- ties and use this day as a friend- about the Japan International Co- in the Daily Telegraph, a United waive Dr. Juffali’s immunity for ture and display of cultural dance ship activity with the public. The operation Agency/ Japan Over- Kingdom-based newspaper, on the purposes of resolving prop- served to enervate the crowd. event may be held one day out of seas Cooperation Volunteers Nov. 9, in relation to Saint Lucia's erty disputes arising out of di- And in the afternoon, persons the year, but the impact is lasting. (JICA/JOCV) please call us at Representative to the Interna- vorce proceedings will create a got to actually try out some things This year is the 50th anniver- 453-6032/3 tional Maritime Organization, Dr. precedent that could compromise Walid Juffali. current and future diplomatic Dr. Juffali was appointed in personnel in the United Kingdom April 2014 as Saint Lucia's Perma- and elsewhere. Morocco observed 40th Anniversary nent Representative to the Inter- To date, Dr. Juffali has conducted national Maritime Organization, his duties to the highest expecta- based in London. Dr. Juffali ‎is a tions of the Government of Saint of The Green March highly successful philanthropist Lucia. In addition to advancing and businessman. His record is the goals of Saint Lucia in the IMO By Mohammed Benjilany public and well-known. ‎He has and sourcing investment for Saint Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco in Saint Lucia received a number of prestigious Lucia, Dr. Juffali has initiated his awards, including: Knight of the first major project for Saint Lucia have been asked to explain beginning of a new era for the Mo- The celebration on November 6th, Order of Dannebrog - bestowed - the establishment of a medical re- what The Green march is all roccan Sahara. 2015 of the 40th Anniversary of the by Her Majesty Queen Marga- search industry. This project was about and why my country is Indeed, after Spain’s withdrawal, Green March by a whole Nation rethe II of Denmark; Knight of the announced in the Throne Speech I Cedars - bestowed by the Presi- of 2015 and the legislative frame- celebrating its 40th anniversary the Kingdom of Morocco was faced is the expression that His Majesty dent of Lebanon; and Knight of work for establishing such an in- this year. The following account with the immense challenge of de- King Mohammed 6 and all Moroc- Saint Sylvester - bestowed by His dustry is currently being reviewed seeks to respond to the inquiries veloping this region where the in- can citizens hold the Sahara dear to Holiness Pope Benedict XV. by the Attorney General's Cham- for information about that signifi- frastructure, schools, hospitals and their hearts and will spare neither Dr. Juffali and his family have bers in preparation for enactment. cant event in my country’s history. other facilities left by the occupier effort nor sacrifice to continue to a long tradition of serving other Dr. Juffali's‎ contacts and influ- Forty years ago (on November was close to nothing despite almost contribute to further develop the countries in diplomatic postings. ence will be major factors in ensur- 6th, 1975) 350,000 Moroccan wom- a century-old occupation. Southern Provinces. Dr. Juffali is also the Honorary ing success of this initiative. en and men answered the call of Since 1976, the Kingdom of Mo- On the occasion of His speech in Counsel of Denmark in Jeddah, Dr. Juffali's‎ second project has Late King Hassan II and volun- rocco has invested over 2 billion US commemorating this anniversary, Saudi Arabia. His brother serves been to investigate the establish- teered to take part in the Green dollars to make the Sahara a region His Majesty announced the launch- as the Honorary Counsel of Swit- ment of a Global Diabetes Research March that would immediately be- one where the level of develop- ing of numerous projects in the field zerland in Jeddah. His daughter Centre in Saint Lucia in response come a milestone in the history of ment, in only 40 years, is definitely of infrastructure, health, education, serves as the Saint Lucia Honor- to the chronic levels of diabetes in the Kingdom. remarkable. railways, airports, desalination ary Counsel in Saudi Arabia. the country. A detailed multidis- It is a source of extreme pride for Morocco’s firm commitment to plants etc, thus reaffirming Moroc- The appointment of Dr. Juffali is ciplinary investigation has been the Kingdom of Morocco to have bring its Southern Provinces to co’s firm commitment to guarantee consistent with the efforts of the conducted by some of the world's succeeded in carrying out such an the same level of the other regions the citizens from the Sahara a dig- Government to appoint trade and leading researchers in diabetes, unprecedented enterprise that con- bears no doubt and stems from the nified life from which their brothers investment envoys to assist in the science and medical business to sisted in bringing to end many de- principle that Morocco is one from are deprived in the Tindouf camps. promotion of Saint Lucia and to design a model for the Centre. Nu- cades of Spanish colonialism of the Tangiers to Lagouira. Together with the Autonomy attract investment. merous meetings were held with Moroccan Sahara. Moreover, the voter turn-out in Plan presented by the Kingdom of The current issue centres clinicians, nurses, and other medi- around a divorce case involving cal personnel during the months Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the Sahara during the regional Morocco aiming at granting the cit- Dr. Juffali and his former wife. of August and September. A final elections of September 2015 was izens of the Sahara an enlarged au- it ended a long occupation in the The parties were formally di- report will be issued in December a clear response from the popula- tonomy within its sovereignty, Mo- most peaceful manner ever adopt- vorced in Saudi Arabia but the with necessary announcements ed in the fight against colonialism. tion to anyone, individual, group, rocco sends a clear message to the former wife decided to launch on the way forward to be made in Indeed, 350,000 Moroccan civil- or country that seeks to shed doubt international community that, as a civil proceedings against her for- January 2016. ians, from all walks of life, whose and challenge Morocco’s territorial country that delivers, it will contin- mer husband in the United King- The Government of Saint Lucia sole weapons were the Holy integrity. ue on the path of development and dom seeking additional relief. assures the public that all neces- Quran, a vibrant patriotism and It is noteworthy to remind that regional and local democracy al- The lawyers for the former wife sary due diligence was done prior an unshakable faith in their cause, achieving independence for Mo- lowing the citizens to participate in of Dr. Juffali have requested the to the appointment of Dr. Juffali marched to recover the Sahara and rocco was not an easy task since it the decision-making process via its Government of Saint Lucia to lift and is satisfied that he is eminently encounter their brothers from the had to negotiate with the two colo- vision towards advanced regional- the diplomatic immunity of Dr. suited to perform his diplomatic Saharan Provinces. nial powers of the day then, France ization. The Development Model Juffali to compel Dr. Juffali to tes- duties on behalf of the Government Far from being an end in itself, and Spain -- and end the interna- for Morocco’s Southern Provinces tify in the civil suit. The Govern- and people of Saint Lucia. the Green March was, actually, the tional status of the city of Tangiers. fits exactly in this vision.

Page 12 NationWIDE Saturday November 14 2015 All Aboard to welcome ARC 30 next week

ver 1,200 participants and other participants taking joined the 30th Atlantic part in the race this year. ORally for Cruisers when ARC sailors normally have a it recently set sail last Sunday choice of routes with the intro- from the Canary Islands, heading duction of ARC+ Cape Verde to Saint Lucia. Now the island is and two starts were planned: waiting to welcome a record num- 64 boats sailing ARC+ depart- ber of yachts when they end their ed from Las Palmas marina grueling cross-Atlantic race in a on Sunday, November 8, fol- few days time. lowed by the larger ARC fleet Over 260 boats and 1,250 people, of 204 boats that will on Sun- including 40 children aged un- day, November 22. der-16, are taking part in the 30th As always, the ARC fleet repre- Atlantic Rally for Cruisers, which sents almost every principal sail- set sail from Las Palmas de Gran ing nation. Canaria, heading 2,700 nautical This year, boats are registered miles across the Atlantic to Saint in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Lucia. Bulgaria, Canada, Denmark, Fin- The Saint Lucia Tourist Board land, France, Hong Kong, UK, (SLTB) and the Ministry of Tour- Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, ism have all in place to welcome Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, the first yacht across the finishing Sweden, the USA and 12 other na- line, which is always a spectacu- tions --30 in total. lar event. Crews have also come from far There will also be another re- and wide to take part, with 41 dif- The first yachts are expected to arrive at Rodney Bay between the end of November 3cord number of yachts, sailors ferent nationalities represented. and the start of December. Saint Lucia hosts Olympians for Triathlon

he Digicel Saint Lucia Tri- pic competition manager for the will provide holidaymakers and athlon will be the culmina- Olympic triathlon in London. "It’s Saint Lucians with a taste of the Ttion of a week-long festival great for the event and great for overall triathlon event, offering of fun activities hosted by Tri St sport awareness on the island. families, couples and single people Lucia. For the third time in its his- Their presence will make a fabu- the opportunity to take part. tory, the beautiful island of Saint lous addition to the offering.” In addition there are free master Lucia will stage the Digicel Saint "It’s wonderful to be back in Saint classes taken by Steve and Daley Lucia International Triathlon on Lucia and I’m immensely proud of each morning held on the beauti- Nov. 21. In addition to event am- the fact that we are invited back ful beaches of the Landings Hotel. bassador and Double Gold Olym- each year to your wonderful is- With three separate competitive pic champion Daley land," DaleyThompson said. distances available, the course Thompson, the event is pleased The Saint Lucia Triathlon will includes a swim in the beautiful to welcome Olympic Silver med- be the culmination of a week-long clear waters of Rodney Bay, then a • The Pistol: 750m swim, 13.2km • 12 noon special needs event: allist, World Champion, mile re- festival of fun activities hosted tough hilly and a challenging bike bike, 5km run 100m swim and 800m run/ cord holder, running legend and by Tri St Lucia. These include a ride and finally the run loop to Pi- • The Cutlass: 1500m swim, wheelchair push BBC commentator Steve Cram, 5 p.m. beach run on Wednesday, geon Island and back. These dis- 26.4km bike, 10km run For further information please who will join the team on Nov. 21. an aquathlon (swim and run) at tances can be done individually or Children’s multi-sport events: contact John Lunt on: johnlunt- “We are delighted to have Steve 8a.m. Thursday, and a 2kilometre as a relay team of two or three. • 11a.m. 5-9yr olds triathlon: 100m [email protected] and Daley at the Digicel Saint ocean swim at 8a.m. on Friday. Event distances include: swim/800m bike /800m run Tel: +44 7885 964 664 or point Lucia Triathlon," said John Lunt, Designed with all ages and fit- • The Dagger: 200m swim, 6.6km • 11:30 a.m. 9-15yrs Aquathlon: your web browser to www.tristlu- event director and former Olym- ness levels in mind, these activities bike, 2.5km run swim 200m and then run 800m for details. Russia will be Visa Free Renovations to upgrade Vigie for FIFA World Cup 2018 to a premiere sports facility he Ministry of Youth De- begun the construction of the Christopher made an appeal he countdown clock has been velopment and Sports foundation for the gym. to the public to “donate-a-block” launched on Manezhnaya Thas plans to make the Vi- According to SLABA President in order to fully undertake the TSquare in Moscow, marking gie Sports Complex a premiere David “Shakes” Christopher, work at the gymnasium. a 1,000-day countdown to the 2018 sporting facility in Castries via because the renovations are The renovations are necessary, FIFA World Cup in Russia. several renovation projects. being undertaken “koudmen- he said, in order to provide a Russia promises to make a it a The Saint Lucia Amateur Box- style”, there is need for public safe space for youth and ath- planetary scale event -- the most ing Association (SLABA) will support. letes. spectacular in its history. expand and renovate its boxing Contractor Martin Renee has The entire project has been The whole country will indeed gymnasium at Vigie, “The Sab" submitted drawings and will estimated at a cost of $95,000 be the territory of football. The playing field is to be re-fenced, provide free technical assis- and is being undertaken via as- world championship will be while the courts at the complex tance for the construction, while sistance from corporate Saint held at 12 stadiums in 11 Russian are to be resurfaced. Caribbean Metals Limited has Lucia and the Ministry of Youth cities: Moscow, Saint Petersburg, The country promises that Already, the ministry has pledged the donation of a roof. Development and Sports. Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Sa- the event will be the most ransk, Kaliningrad, Volgograd, spectacular in its history. Ekaterinburg, Samara, Sochi and Rostov-on-Don. Twelve modern stadiums will Hundreds of fans and profes- be reconstructed, 110 training sional players from different fields will be built. We have pro- countries came to watch, with posed a framework for the ac- their own eyes, the ceremony for commodation of 64 teams. For the countdown. the World Cup the country will "I believe that the forthcoming upgrade 13 airports. championship will be just fine. Russia for the first time in his- I am sure that Russia will have tory has made a commitment to a warm and familiar welcome provide foreign fans not only [for] participants and guests of the right to visa-free entry into the championship. the country, but also to free rail “And the remaining thousand travel between cities that will days will be enough [time] for host matches at the tournament, the Russian national team to subject to the availability of tick- prepare and adequately address ets for respective matches. the domestic championship," In the coming years Russia will said Lottar Matthaus, 1991 FIFA have more than two dozen large- World Player. scale sporting events - world Russia won the right to host the level championships and World FIFA World Cup in 2018, in fair Cup events including Formula 1 competition, by offering the pre- car racing and the World Winter ferred modalities of world sports Universiade Games. forums, both technical and orga- We are waiting for the Carib- nizational, defending the idea of bean guests at the 2018 World de-politicization of sports in the Cup and other sporting events international arena. in Russia!