Minutes of the 5th Meeting of the Recreation and Culture Committee (2016) of Kwai Tsing District Council

Date: 8 December 2016 Time: 2:33pm - 2:58pm Venue: K&TDO Conference Room

Attendee Time of Arrival Time of Departure (p.m.) (p.m.) Ms LAM Chui-ling, Nancy, MH Start of meeting End of meeting (Chairman) Mr POON Chi-shing, MH Start of meeting End of meeting (Vice-chairman) Mr CHAN Siu-man, Simon 2:43 End of meeting Mr CHOW Wai-hung, Rayman 2:49 End of meeting Mr CHOW Yick-hay, BBS, JP Start of meeting End of meeting Miss CHU Lai-ling 2:41 End of meeting Mr LAM Siu-fai Start of meeting End of meeting Mr LAW King-shing, MH 2:44 End of meeting Mr LEE Chi-keung, Alan, MH Start of meeting End of meeting Mr LEUNG Tsz-wing, Dennis Start of meeting 2:48 Mr LI Sai-lung Start of meeting End of meeting Ms LO Yuen-ting Start of meeting End of meeting Mr NG Ka-chiu Start of meeting End of meeting Ms TAM Wai-chun, MH Start of meeting End of meeting Mr TSUI Hiu-kit Start of meeting End of meeting Mr WONG Yiu-chung, MH Start of meeting End of meeting Mr LAU Hing-wa, James, MH, JP Start of meeting End of meeting Mr LAM Kin-tak Start of meeting End of meeting Ms LAM Wai-ching Start of meeting End of meeting Ms LEE Yuk-kuen Start of meeting End of meeting

In Attendance Ms FAN Lok-yi, Helen Curator, Make A Difference Institute Limited Mr LUK Hoi-yiu, Flavian Project Coordinator, Make A Difference Institute Limited Ms LEE Kit-yee, Kitty Senior Manager (NTS) Promotion, Leisure and Cultural Services Department Mr CHENG Kwok-kuen, Chris Deputy District Leisure Manager (Kwai Tsing)1, Leisure and Cultural Services Department Miss CHEUNG Wing Sze, Amy Senior Liaison Officer (2), Kwai Tsing District Office Miss MOK Sin-yan, Yvonne Executive Assistant (Kwai Tsing) District (Secretary) Council (5), Kwai Tsing District Office

Absent with Apologies Ms KWOK Fu-yung (With prior notice) Ms LAU Mei-lo (With prior notice) Mr LEUNG Wai-man, MH (With prior notice) Mr PAU Ming-hong (With prior notice) Mr TANG Shui-wah, MH (With prior notice) Ms HO Wai-fong (With prior notice) Mr LEUNG Chi-shing (Without prior notice) Mr TANG Kwong-wing (Without prior notice)

Responsible Department Opening Remarks

The Chairman welcomed Members and representatives of government departments to the 5th Meeting of the Recreation and Culture Committee (RCC) (2016) of Kwai Tsing District Council (K&T DC).

2. The Committee unanimously endorsed the application for absence submitted by Ms KWOK Fu-yung, Ms LAU Mei-lo, Mr LEUNG Wai-man, Mr PAU Ming-hong, Mr TANG Shui-wah and Ms HO Wai-fong.

Introduction of Papers

Progress Report on the Preparatory Work of Kwai Tsing Daily (RCC Paper No. 25/I/2016)

3. The Chairman welcomed Ms FAN Lok-yi, Helen, Curator of Make A Difference Institute Limited (MaD) and Mr LUK Hoi-yiu, Flavian, Project Coordinator of MaD to the meeting.

4. Ms FAN Lok-yi, Helen introduced the above paper.

5. Mr LAM Siu-fai said that the public might not be familiar with the road sections and traffic condition of the West Cultural District as it was located near construction sites. MaD should pay attention to the traffic arrangements at the entrances and exits.

6. The Chairman requested MaD to review and optimise the traffic arrangements on the event day.

Discussion Items

Arrangement of Regular Meeting Schedule of the Recreation and Culture Committee in 2017 (Proposed by Kwai Tsing District Council Secretariat) (RCC Paper No. 32/D/2016)

7. The Chairman introduced the above paper.

8. The above paper was endorsed unanimously by the Members.

Information Papers

Report on the Recreational Activities, Sports Programmes and Facility


Responsible Department Management in Kwai Tsing District in Decemeber 2016 by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (RCC Paper No. 26/I/2016)

9. Mr CHENG Kwok-kuen, Chris introduced the above paper.

10. Members noted the above paper.

Report on the Cultural Activities Organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department in Kwai Tsing District (RCC Paper No. 27/I/2016)

11. Ms LEE Kit-yee, Kitty introduced the above paper.

12. Members noted the above paper.

Report Items

Reports of Working Groups

(a) Kwai Tsing District Council Celebration of the National Day and HKSAR Anniversary Working Group (RCC Paper No. 28/R/2016)

13. Members noted the above paper.

(b) Kwai Tsing District Council Festivals Working Group (RCC Paper No. 29/R/2016)

14. Members noted the above paper.

(c) Kwai Tsing District Council Cultures, Arts and Sports Promotion Working Group (RCC Paper No. 30/R/2016)

15. Mr WONG Yiu-chung said that the 2016-2017 Kwai Tsing District Cultural and Arts Extravaganza cum Opera Excerpts would be held on the 8th January, 2017 in (KTT). The show would be performed by Ming Chee Sing Chinese Opera. The tickets for the extravaganza would be distributed through the KTT and Members’ ward offices while the tickets for the opera would only be distributed at the ward offices. He reminded that the residents of Kwai Tsing District should be given precedence when distributing the tickets and invited Members to participate in the ceremony to be held in the afternoon that day. The working


Responsible Department group would also issue letters to invite the co-opted members to attend the ceremony soon.

16. Members noted the above paper.

(d) Kwai Tsing District Council Games Working Group (RCC Paper No. 31/R/2016)

17. Members noted the above paper.

Date of Next Meeting

18. The next meeting was scheduled for 2:30pm on 9 February 2017 (Thursday).

Kwai Tsing District Council Secretariat January 2017