Report: Summary - Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Total Sessions 149,986.00 Total Pageviews 1,961,662.00 Total Hits 3,800,651.00 Total Bytes Transferred 196.26 GB

Average Sessions Per Day 4,838.26 Average Pageviews Per Day 63,279.42 Average Hits Per Day 122,601.65 Average Bytes Transferred Per Day 6.33 GB

Average Pageviews Per Session 13.08 Average Hits Per Session 25.34 Average Bytes Per Session 1.34 MB Average Length of Session 00:07:30

Help Information

Summary The Summary shows totals and averages for Sessions, Pageviews, Hits, and Bytes for the currently selected Date Range. Visitors information is not shown here because it is only available when UTM visitor tracking is employed.

Calculation Methodology

• Session: A series of Hits to your site over a specific period of time by one visitor. • Pageview: A request to the web server by a visitor's browser for any web page; this excludes images, javascript, and other generally embedded file types. • Hit: Any successful request to a webserver from a visitor's browser. • Bytes: The quantity of network bandwidth used by the requested during the selected Date Range.

Note Because Bytes numbers can be very large, abbreviations are used as appropriate, such as MB for megabytes (~millions of bytes). The average length of Session is displayed as hours:minutes:seconds.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Corporation

Report: Requested Pages -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Pages (1-20) / 10,001 Pageviews Percent

1. (other) 996,702 50.81%

2. /cs/root/toplinks/site_map 116,389 5.93%

3. / 73,657 3.75%

4. /galleries/html/news_win2.htm 44,682 2.28% /galleries/default- 5. 43,613 2.22% image/trends%20logo%20web2.bmp

6. /galleries/default-image/logo%20revised.bmp 43,167 2.20%

7. /page.ww 42,999 2.19%

8. /galleries/default-image/logo%20part%201.bmp 30,936 1.58%

9. /galleries/default-file/Dce08ASRFeature.pdf 23,254 1.19%

10. /cs/email_page 20,983 1.07%

11. /cs/root/leftnav/meetings/2009_call_for_papers 15,627 0.80% /cs/root/leftnav/careers_and_jobs/careers_in_sociol 12. 11,165 0.57% ogy

13. /galleries/default-file/Oct08TSFeature.pdf 9,891 0.50%

14. /cs/meetings/2009 9,859 0.50%

15. /robots.txt 8,464 0.43%

16. /galleries/rss/rss-2.0_feed_press.xml 8,463 0.43%

17. /galleries/default-file/Winter07ContextsFeature.pdf 8,415 0.43%

18. /pagenc.ww 8,154 0.42%

19. /resin-status 8,069 0.41%

20. /cs/press/view_news 7,738 0.39%

View Total: 1,532,227 78.11%

Total: 1,961,662 100.00%

Help Information

Requested Pages This report ranks the popularity of the Pages (HTML files, generally) visited on your site by number of Pageviews and relative percentage. Urchin's configuration controls which file extensions are treated as Pageviews. In general, images and other embedded content, such as style sheets and javascript, are not considered to be Pageviews.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: Downloads -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Downloads (1-20) / 1,834 Hits Percent

1. /galleries/default-file/Code%20of%20Ethics.pdf 1,624 2.80%

2. /galleries/default-file/09%20Submit%20FAQ.pdf 1,597 2.75% /galleries/default- 3. 1,399 2.41% file/09AM%20List%20of%20Topics.pdf /galleries/default- 4. 1,053 1.81% file/2009%20Submission%20Instructions.pdf

5. /galleries/default-file/Dce08ASRFeature.pdf 963 1.66% /galleries/default-file/09AM%20Call%2012-24- 6. 809 1.39% 09.pdf

7. /galleries/default-file/June06ASRFeature.pdf 784 1.35%

8. /galleries/Research/ASAResearchBrief_revised.pdf 616 1.06%

9. /galleries/default-file/09AM%20Call%201-9-09.pdf 541 0.93%

10. /galleries/default-file/clinsoc_45575v2.pdf 517 0.89%

11. /galleries/default-file/asaguidelinesnew.pdf 516 0.89%

12. /galleries/Research/ASAChartBook_0117w1.pdf 510 0.88%

13. /galleries/default-file/JBDigest.pdf 456 0.79%

14. /galleries/default-file/Oct08TSFeature.pdf 416 0.72% /galleries/Research/ASAResearchBrief_corrections.p 15. 384 0.66% df /galleries/default- 16. 350 0.60% file/PhDs%20Employment%20Brief%20(FINAL).pdf

17. /galleries/default-file/Dec08STFeature.pdf 338 0.58%

18. /galleries/default-file/Nov08CSFeature.pdf 333 0.57%

19. /galleries/default-file/DEC08JHSBFeature.pdf 315 0.54%

20. /galleries/Research/ASARaceCrime.pdf 311 0.54%

View Total: 13,832 23.81%

Total: 58,089 100.00%

Help Information

Downloads This report ranks the popularity of all Downloads on your site by number of Hits (requests) and relative percentage. A Download is determined by the file extension and Urchin's configuration settings. In general, Downloads includes archives, executables, PDFs, and other non-image/non-HTML documents.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: All Files by Hits -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Files (1-20) / 10,001 Hits Percent

1. (other) 1,101,497 28.98%

2. /site/images/nav_bullet.gif 153,564 4.04%

3. /cs/root/toplinks/site_map 116,389 3.06%

4. /site/images/spacer.gif 103,324 2.72%

5. /site/images/i_print.gif 97,710 2.57%

6. /site/images/i_email.gif 97,708 2.57%

7. /favicon.ico 82,651 2.17%

8. / 75,322 1.98%

9. /site/script.js 67,345 1.77%

10. /site/images/logo_asa_cent.gif 65,751 1.73%

11. /site/images/logo_asa.gif 65,622 1.73%

12. /site/images/submit_button.gif 65,481 1.72%

13. /site/asa.css 62,862 1.65%

14. /site/print.css 61,034 1.61%

15. /galleries/default-image/pdf_icon.gif 49,820 1.31%

16. /galleries/html/news_win2.htm 44,707 1.18%

17. /site/images/studenta/light_brown.jpg 44,120 1.16%

18. /site/images/studenta/brown.jpg 44,087 1.16%

19. /site/images/additional_bullet.gif 43,830 1.15% /galleries/default- 20. 43,615 1.15% image/trends%20logo%20web2.bmp

View Total: 2,486,439 65.42%

Total: 3,800,651 100.00%

Help Information

All Files This report ranks the popularity of all files on your site by number of Hits (requests) and relative percentage. This chart includes web pages, downloads, images and all other requested files.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: Entrance Pages -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Entrance Pages (1-20) / 211 Pageviews Percent

1. / 43,752 44.30%

2. /page.ww 14,250 14.43%

3. /robots.txt 6,034 6.11%

4. /galleries/rss/rss-2.0_feed_press.xml 5,808 5.88% /cs/root/leftnav/careers_and_jobs/careers_in_sociol 5. 3,994 4.04% ogy

6. /cs/root/topnav/sociologists/what_is_sociology 3,024 3.06%

7. /cs/root/leftnav/join_or_renew/join 1,608 1.63%

8. /galleries/rss/rss-2.0_feed_v3.xml 1,431 1.45%

9. /student/career/homepage.html 1,374 1.39%

10. /cs/root/leftnav/meetings/2009_call_for_papers 1,310 1.33%

11. /index.ww 1,045 1.06% /cs/root/leftnav/careers_and_jobs/careers_and_jobs 12. 1,011 1.02% _home

13. /cs/root/topnav/press/media 1,003 1.02%

14. /cs/email_page 778 0.79%

15. /cs/press/view_news 732 0.74% /cs/root/leftnav/ethics/code_of_ethics_table_of_con 16. 680 0.69% tents

17. /galleries/default-file/June06ASRFeature.pdf 572 0.58%

18. /student/career/world.html 455 0.46%

19. /cs/root/toplinks/site_map 442 0.45%

20. /cs/root/topnav/press/teenage_relationships 337 0.34%

View Total: 89,640 90.76%

Total: 98,768 100.00%

Help Information

Entrance Pages This report shows the first Page viewed for each Session in the currently selected Date Range. This is where Visitors entered your . Urchin's configuration controls which file extensions are treated as Pageviews. In general, images and other embedded content, such as style sheets and javascript, are not considered to be Pageviews. Clicking on any Page name will bring it up in a separate browser window.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: Exit Pages -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Exit Pages (1-20) / 1,583 Pageviews Percent

1. /galleries/default-image/logo%20revised.bmp 10,138 10.32%

2. / 7,761 7.90%

3. /page.ww 6,232 6.34%

4. /galleries/rss/rss-2.0_feed_press.xml 5,304 5.40%

5. /cs/root/leftnav/meetings/2009_call_for_papers 3,629 3.69% /cs/root/leftnav/careers_and_jobs/sociology_a_worl 6. 3,458 3.52% d_of_opportunities

7. /robots.txt 2,352 2.39% /cs/root/leftnav/meetings/2009_participation_policie 8. 2,249 2.29% s

9. /cs/meetings/2009 1,779 1.81%

10. /cs/root/leftnav/join_or_renew/join 1,760 1.79%

11. /galleries/rss/rss-2.0_feed_v3.xml 1,533 1.56% /cs/root/leftnav/careers_and_jobs/careers_in_sociol 12. 1,442 1.47% ogy

13. /cs/root/topnav/press/media 1,414 1.44%

14. /cs/root/topnav/sociologists/what_is_sociology 1,103 1.12% /galleries/default- 15. 983 1.00% image/trends%20logo%20web2.bmp

16. /blocks/view-bean.ww 970 0.99%

17. /pagenc.ww 935 0.95%

18. /student/career/world.html 896 0.91%

19. /galleries/default-image/logo%20part%201.bmp 864 0.88%

20. /portlets/login/do-login.jsp 826 0.84%

View Total: 55,628 56.61%

Total: 98,270 100.00%

Help Information

Exit Pages This report lists the last Page visited in each Session by your site's visitors over the currently selected Date Range. Urchin's configuration controls which file extensions are treated as Pageviews. In general, images and other embedded content, such as style sheets and javascript, are not considered to be Pageviews. Clicking on any Page name will bring it up in a separate browser window.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: Length of Pageview -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009


Pages (1-20) / 2,430 Percent Time

1. /site/print.css;jsessionid=ax0albAmcs570WeWr6 00:17:25 0.55%

2. /site/print.css;jsessionid=aQDs5wQHpE37fhB0r6 00:16:00 0.51%

3. /site/print.css;jsessionid=asOnyR_j2e3d2XFbs6 00:15:11 0.48%

4. /galleries/rss/rss-2.0_feed_v4.xml 00:15:08 0.48%

5. /site/print.css;jsessionid=aJl3aObD7P__mOF2r6 00:13:55 0.44%

6. /site/print.css;jsessionid=abfb9O8QPli90eUis6 00:13:15 0.42%

7. /site/print.css;jsessionid=aqcEjycX3Mn4J_8Qq6 00:13:07 0.42%

8. /cs/root/topnav/press/media 00:12:52 0.41%

9. /site/print.css;jsessionid=astQ1Q-IjVD4qDgKr6 00:11:58 0.38% /cs/root/leftnav/meetings/future_meetings/2007_pr 10. 00:11:54 0.38% ogram_committee

11. /galleries/rss/rss-2.0_feed_press.xml 00:11:00 0.35% /cs/root/leftnav/elections/candidate_biographical_inf 12. 00:10:05 0.32% o_form

13. /site/print.css;jsessionid=a74neZl8abY9p2u1q6 00:10:03 0.32%

14. /footnotes/nov04/fn8.html 00:09:45 0.31%

15. /site/print.css;jsessionid=azObZWFvAJigoIXkr6 00:09:10 0.29%

16. /site/print.css;jsessionid=aQpsRiBg1ME_76l-q6 00:08:48 0.28%

17. /site/script.js;jsessionid=aZ1l3pBNswhdvdTer6 00:08:40 0.28%

18. /site/print.css;jsessionid=aHA0akqVZcE9cJ22r6 00:08:37 0.27% /cs/sections/2007_call_for_section_award_nominati 19. 00:08:19 0.26% ons

20. /site/print.css;jsessionid=a92Us-dV9tGbaO8Sr6 00:08:01 0.26%

View Total: 03:53:13 7.43%

Total: 52:19:28 100.00%

Help Information

Length of Pageview This report shows the Pages on your site by the average time spent on each Page for all Sessions during the currently selected Date Range. Use the Filter option at the top or the Next button at the bottom to find a particular page. The average time spent on the page is shown in hours:minutes:seconds. Clicking on any Page name will open it in a separate browser window.

Calculation Methodology In order to determine how long someone spent on a particular Page, Urchin compares the timestamp of that Page with the timestamp of the next Page in the Path, and uses the difference. This only works for Pages that were not the Exit Page. The report keeps track of the total time spent on a Page and computes the average by dividing by the number of non-Exit Pageviews for that Page.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: Referrals -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Referrals (1-20) / 7,141 Sessions Percent

1. (no referral) 76,687 51.13%

2. 33,059 22.04%

3. 3,333 2.22%

4. 2,072 1.38%

5. 1,251 0.83%

6. 1,147 0.76%

7. 1,130 0.75%

8. 713 0.48%

9. 646 0.43%

10. 537 0.36%

11. 500 0.33%

12. 425 0.28%

13. 424 0.28%

14. 385 0.26%

15. 368 0.25%

16. 340 0.23% 17. 322 0.21% php

18. 284 0.19%

19. 278 0.19%

20. 225 0.15%

View Total: 124,126 82.76%

Total: 149,986 100.00%

Help Information

Referrals This report ranks referring URLs (external web pages) that brought traffic to your site. For Sessions without an external referral, which occurs when a Visitor goes directly to your site via a bookmark/favorite or by typing in the URL directly, the (no referral) entry is incremented. This allows you to compare the percentage of traffic from external links versus Visitors that already know about your site. Click any referring page to view it in a new browser window.

Calculation Methodology Each session is scanned for an external referral, which is determined using the domains list in the configuration for this site. If an external referral is found, then the base-URL of the referral is entered and incremented. The base-URL does not include query parameters (after the ? query token) which would cause extreme granularity. If no external referral is detected then '(no referral)' is incremented.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: Search Engines -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Search Engines (1-20) / 272 Sessions Percent 25,300 50.66%

(other) 15,630 31.30% 3,167 6.34% 693 1.39% 647 1.30% 412 0.83% 360 0.72% 265 0.53% 233 0.47% 207 0.41% 183 0.37% 151 0.30% 127 0.25% 121 0.24% 101 0.20% 95 0.19% 87 0.17% 80 0.16% 65 0.13% 64 0.13%

View Total: 47,988 96.10%

Total: 49,938 100.00%

Help Information

Search Engines This report lists each Search Engine that referred traffic to your site using a keyword search. By clicking on the arrow next to each entry, you can see the actual Search Terms people typed in. Entries are ranked by the number of Sessions each Search Engine was responsible for.

Calculation Methodology Each session is scanned for an external referral, which is determined using the domains list in the configuration for this site. If an external referral is found, then the query of the referral is scanned for search variables. If a search variable and term is found, then the search domain and term are entered and incremented. The list of search variables can be controlled in Urchin's configuration.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: Domains -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Domains (1-20) / 5,933 Sessions Percent

1. (no entry) 27,452 18.30%

2. 12,370 8.25%

3. 8,178 5.45%

4. 5,047 3.36%

5. 4,583 3.06%

6. 3,811 2.54%

7. 2,933 1.96%

8. 2,558 1.71%

9. 2,504 1.67%

10. 2,377 1.58%

11. 2,221 1.48%

12. 1,904 1.27%

13. 1,561 1.04%

14. 1,297 0.86%

15. 1,178 0.79%

16. 1,161 0.77%

17. 1,154 0.77%

18. .com 995 0.66%

19. 992 0.66%

20. 899 0.60%

View Total: 85,175 56.79%

Total: 149,986 100.00%

Help Information

Domains This report shows you what networks your site visitors came from, ranked by Sessions. Urchin can resolve most networks, but some will always be unresolved, meaning the network could not be identified. It is common to get about 50-80% resolution. Domains with country codes will be shown with 3 levels; other domains, such as '.com', will be shown with 2 levels. The (no entry) listing is a catchall category for Sessions with unresolvable Domains.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: Domain Drilldown -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Domains (1-20) / 140 Sessions Percent

net 51,632 34.42%

com 33,724 22.48%

(no entry) 27,452 18.30%

edu 19,106 12.74%

ca 1,834 1.22%

us 1,298 0.87%

de 1,186 0.79%

uk 1,154 0.77%

org 1,044 0.70%

sg 814 0.54%

nl 611 0.41%

jp 581 0.39%

cn 510 0.34%

in 509 0.34%

ie 486 0.32%

gov 458 0.31%

it 451 0.30%

au 441 0.29%

se 386 0.26%

fr 378 0.25%

View Total: 144,055 96.05%

Total: 149,986 100.00%

Help Information

Domain Drilldown This report lists the top-level domains, such as .com and .net, that your site's visitors came from, ranked by Sessions. By clicking the arrow next to each entry, you can see the actual networks (second and third level domains) under each top-level domain. Urchin can resolve most networks, but some will always be unresolved, meaning the network could not be identified. The (no entry) term includes all unresolved IP addresses. This will often be the first or second item in the chart.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: Countries -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Countries (1-20) / 140 Sessions Percent

1. net (Network) 51,632 34.42%

2. com (Commercial) 33,724 22.48%

3. (no entry) 27,452 18.30%

4. edu (Educational) 19,106 12.74%

5. ca (Canada) 1,834 1.22%

6. us (United States) 1,298 0.87%

7. de (Germany) 1,186 0.79%

8. uk (United Kingdom) 1,154 0.77%

9. org (Non-Profit Organizations) 1,044 0.70%

10. sg (Singapore) 814 0.54%

11. nl (Netherlands) 611 0.41%

12. jp (Japan) 581 0.39%

13. cn (China) 510 0.34%

14. in (India) 509 0.34%

15. ie (Ireland) 486 0.32%

16. gov (USA Government) 458 0.31%

17. it (Italy) 451 0.30%

18. au (Australia) 441 0.29%

19. se (Sweden) 386 0.26%

20. fr (France) 378 0.25%

View Total: 144,055 96.05%

Total: 149,986 100.00%

Help Information

Countries This Report lists top level domains with an emphasis on political affiliation, ranked by Sessions. Since the bulk of web traffic is from net, com, and org domains (mostly US-based), they are included. The rest will mostly be actual country codes, which in most cases are reliable indicators of the origin of the traffic (though some sell domains to anyone). The (no entry) term includes all unresolved IP addresses.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: Browsers by Sessions Drilldown -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Browsers (1-20) / 510 Sessions Percent

Internet Explorer 68,084 45.39%

Firefox 37,510 25.01%

Safari 9,330 6.22%

Mozilla Compatible Agent 7,501 5.00%

msnbot 3,460 2.31%

Mozilla 2,822 1.88%

(unknown) 2,545 1.70%

Feedfetcher Google; 1,854 1.24%

Baiduspider+ 1,750 1.17%

msnbot media 1,255 0.84%

User Agent: Mozilla 1,095 0.73%

UniversalFeedParser 896 0.60%

Opera 884 0.59%

Apple PubSub 715 0.48%

Alltop 659 0.44%

WordPress 652 0.43%

Netscape 465 0.31%

MSMOBOT 455 0.30%

Yeti 444 0.30%

Googlebot 412 0.27%

View Total: 142,788 95.20%

Total: 149,986 100.00%

Help Information

Browser Drilldown vs Sessions This report lists the top Browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, that people used to view your site, ranked by Sessions conducted with that particular Browser. To see the version numbers of any browser used, click the arrow next to any entry.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: Combos by Sessions -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Combos (1-20) / 1,200 Sessions Percent

1. Internet Explorer|7.0 - Windows|XP 29,238 19.49%

2. Internet Explorer|6.0 - Windows|XP 17,824 11.88%

3. Internet Explorer|7.0 - Windows|NT 17,031 11.36%

4. Firefox|3.0.5 - Windows|XP 16,173 10.78%

5. Mozilla Compatible Agent|5.0 - (unknown) 6,851 4.57%

6. Firefox|3.0.5 - Windows|NT 6,715 4.48%

7. Firefox|3.0.5 - Macintosh|PPC 4,203 2.80%

8. Safari|525.27.1 - Macintosh|PPC 3,684 2.46%

9. msnbot|1.1 - (unknown) 3,459 2.31%

10. (unknown) - (unknown) 2,545 1.70% Feedfetcher Google; |(unknown version) - 11. 1,854 1.24% (unknown)

12. Safari|525.20.1 - Macintosh|PPC 1,802 1.20%

13. Firefox| - Windows|XP 1,790 1.19%

14. Baiduspider+|(unknown version) - (unknown) 1,750 1.17%

15. Internet Explorer|6.0 - Windows|2000 1,394 0.93%

16. msnbot media|1.1 - (unknown) 1,229 0.82%

17. Mozilla|1.8.1 - Windows|XP 1,126 0.75%

18. Mozilla|1.2.1 - Linux|(unknown version) 992 0.66%

19. UniversalFeedParser|4.1 - (unknown) 896 0.60%

20. Firefox|3.0.4 - Windows|XP 784 0.52%

View Total: 121,340 80.90%

Total: 149,986 100.00%

Help Information

Combos by Sessions This report combines the Browser and Platform reports and produces a list of the most common computer setups used to view your site, such as 'Internet Explorer 6.0 | Windows XP'. Browsers are grouped by minor release number, that is, 6.0 and 6.1 would be different entries. Due to the way log data is recorded, Macintosh computers are only shown in terms of processor type, either 68k (old) or PPC (new).

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation

Report: Robots by Hits Drilldown -

Date Range: 01/01/2009 - 01/31/2009

Robots (1-20) / 603 Hits Percent

Mozilla Compatible Agent 189,223 44.21%

msnbot 97,161 22.70%

msnbot media 24,958 5.83%

Yanga WorldSearch Bot v1.1 16,294 3.81%

FAST Enterprise Crawler 11,859 2.77%

libwww perl 9,487 2.22%

check_http 8,077 1.89%

Yandex 5,416 1.27%

WebVac 4,896 1.14%

DealGates Bot 4,579 1.07%

Gigabot 3,665 0.86%

UniversalFeedParser 3,551 0.83%

Java 2,842 0.66%

httpunit 2,635 0.62%

SapphireWebCrawler 2,352 0.55%

Baiduspider+ 2,184 0.51%

Seekbot 2,099 0.49%

Googlebot 1,981 0.46%

Feedfetcher Google; 1,892 0.44%

Alltop 1,576 0.37%

View Total: 396,727 92.69%

Total: 427,994 100.00%

Help Information

Robots by Hits Drilldown This report lists the Robots and Spiders that visited your site, ranked by Hits (requests). This report does not include Browsers, such as Internet Explorer. By clicking the arrow next to any entry, you can see its specific version information.

Urchin 5 ©2005 Urchin Software Corporation