All but 4% of Refuqees ' ~- Resettled, V~Orhees Says :By the Associated Press Tracy Voorhees, Chairman of the Presidential Committee for Hungarian Relief
- ~'Man, You Must Be Out _of Your Mind"' . .. All But 4% of Refuqees ' ~- Resettled, V~orhees Says :By the Associated Press Tracy Voorhees, chairman of the Presidential Committee for Hungarian Relief. says all but about 4 per cent of the refugees . admitted to this country have been resettled. .. Mr. Voorhees, appearing on NBC's TV program, Youth Wants .to Know. said yesterday that up until Saturday night there w--ere only 1,256 refugees remaining at the Camp Kilmer, N. J.,. recep tion center out of a total of --- · - - - ·--- -- - f28,928 · brought to the United 1Pa, earlier that "6,300 Hun- States. garian Communists and crim- : Saying that only 12 persons 1inals were given American visas out of the thousands of refu- and have slipped into this coun gees brought here have proved try along with genuine refugees." to be undesirable-. he added: Mean\vhile, legislation to pro- j "The freedom :fighters them- lvide for the immigration of ref- 1selves knew the secret police Iugees · from the Middle East as type and put the finger on ;well as escapees fror.ll behind 1 1 1them.'' . It he Iron Curtain was proposed by i I But Representative Walter, Senators Javits and Ives, New 1 Democrat of Pennsylvania, told York Republicans. 1 /a veterans' group in Harrisburg, Under the legislation, the 1 Every tin1e this set of notes is ready for the deadline (and sometimes afterward), Tracy Voor hees pops up. This time he appeared on TV on "Youth Wants to Know" on March 10. For half an hour Tracy had a succession of tough ques tions thrown at him by a group of brilliant teenagers about the admission and assimiliation of the 29,000 Hungarian refugees in this country.
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