1950 CO_NGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 41f I Walter F. Murphy, Jr. David M. Staples The following-named (civilian college goodness. As instruments in Thy hands, , Harvey A. P. Myers IIIJohn S. Steel graduates) to be' ensigns in the Medical Serv· help us to be diligent in all good works, l James W. Myers Richard B. Steinmetz, ice Corps of the Navy: and thus bring honor to our country and I Hal S. Needham Jr. Travis W. Drummond our God. We pray in the Redeemer's , Murray L. Nelson Richard L. Stemshoel Ray F. Paige name. Amen. Aloysius E. O'Flaherty Alexander M. Stewart Vera L. Ortynsky (civilian college grad· ' III Samuel T. Stumbo uate) to be an ensign in the Medical Service The Journal of the proceedings of Howard B. Olson Joel D. Sugg .corps of the Navy. Thursday, January 12, 1950, was read Glenn E. Omholt Oral R. Swigart, Jr. The following-named to be ensigns in the and approved. P.eter G. Parai:kos Aubrey W. Talbert, Jr. Nurse Corps of the Navy: Davis R. Parker Arvin C. Teschner MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Helen M. Balashek Dolores G. Irion David A. Patriquin Richard L. Thompson Sundry messages in writing from the ~obert C. Phelps William S. Torrance Ella Barber Kathryn D. Kutina 'Jack N. Phillips Dallas B. Trammel Myrtis R. Beaudrot , Betty J. Lewis President of the United States were com­ Reagan L. Freis Richard E. Tremblay Dorothy E. Blackmore Gloria L. Mcintyre municated to the House by Mr. Hawks, Robert E. Presson Thomas G. Troxel, Jr •. Lola C. !Bull Mildred J. Pastrana one of his secretaries. Mattie L. Chandler Ruth A. Petchesky Kenneth F. Provost George F. Tubley CALENDAR WEDNESDAY ; David J. Pudas Edward F. Tucker Irene M. Chulack Onis Spinka Joseph D. Reed Thomas A. Tweedy Audrey M. Devaney Vivian I. Tedder Mr. PRIEST. Mr. Speaker, I ask James L. Rice Wendell N. Vest Mary T. Duhai:nel Loraine H. Tourville unanimous consent that business in Nicholas E. Ries, Jr. Paul G. White Bernice E. Fenn Joan Warmack order on Calendar Wednesday of this Pearl Y. Gasper Fern R. Warnes I Elmer P. Rieser Robert M. Wilkins week be dispensed with. Harvey F. Robbins David W. Wilkinson Helen M. Gustas Charlene T. Yasiunas Eva V. Haring Joycelaine M. Zimmer- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to : Ray C. Roberts, Jr. Walter G. Wilson the request of the gentleman from 1 Donald E. Ross William B. Wilson, Jr. Olive J. Haskew man Philip F. Ruppel Edwin W. Wislar Betty J. Hogan Adela DeL. Zubke )'ennessee? Mary N. Hood 1 Richard W. Scott Frederick M. Woeller There was no objection. , William E. ShackelfordRoger Wolin The following-named officers to the grades EXTENSION OF REMARKS 1Donald DeL. Shrier James L. Wood · indicated in the Medical Corps of the Navy: Mr. McCORMACK <at the request of Charles A. Sloan, Jr. Kenneth W. Yonkman COMMANDER ·Erin D. Smith Thomas S. Young III Mr. PRIEST) was given permission to ex­ Richard J. Smith Marvin H. Zelibor LeRoy F. Friend tend his remarks in the RECORD and in­ James E. Spangler Joe F. zuccarello LIEUTENANT COMMANDER clude a newspaper article. 1 The following-named w0men (civilian col­ George M. Bell Mr. MANSFIELD asked and was given lege graduates) to be ensigns in the Navy: LIEUTENANTS permission to extend his remarks in the Rosemarie S. Arm- Dolores T. Heutte David J. Greiner REcoRD and include an address by Vice strong Peggie R. Holliday Harold V. Palmer President ALBEN w. BARKLEY at a testi­ Emily C. Bittner Margaret A. Hubbell LIEUTENANTS (JUNIOR GRADE) monial dinner for William L. Boyle at Betty J. Bloxsom Kathrine V. Iams Kansas City, Mo., on September 29, 1949. Dorothy A. Borbidge Betty M. Krett Richard H. Lee Willard P. Arentzen Markham J. Anderson Donald T. Kelley Mr. DOYLE asked and was given per­ · Bonnie M. Brunner Donna J. Mueller mission to extend his remarks in the ' Beverly J. Cytron Audrey R. Murray The following-named officers to the grades indicated in the Dental Corps of the Navy: RECORD in three instances and to include , Dorothy J. Darr Rhea N. Parker therein some appropriate printed matter. Barbara J. Dobson Elizabeth A. Read LIEUTENANT ' Ludean S. Earnest Ada L. Reed Thomas J. Hanson SPECIAL ORDER GRANTED Eleanor M. EdwardsonSusan K. Reed Gloria J. Folger Marjorie L. Richardson LIEUTENANT (JUNIOR GRADE) Mr. WICKERSHAM asked and was Jimmie R. Fralic Jeanne M. Schrumpf James E. Naser given permission to address the House Dorothy M. Funk Mary A. Wilkinson The following-named officer to the grade for 15 minutes today following the dis­ Maryvonne L. Herron Joan E. Zook indicated in the Medical Service Corps of position of business on the Speaker's Bennett F. Avery (civilian college gradu· the Navy: .desk and the conclusion of special orders ate) to be a commander in the Medical Corps LIEUTENANT heretofore granted. of the Navy. Clarence W. Bowman COTTON-ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS The following-named (civilian college The following-named officers to the grades graduates) to be lieutenants (junior grade} indicated in the Nurse Corps of the Navy: Mr. WICKERSHAM. Mr. Speaker, I in the Medical Corps of the Navy: ask unanimous consent to address the LIEUTENANT House for 1 minute and revise and ex,tend John D. Bealer James J. Humes Emma H. Lichtenwald Deck E. Chandler Maurice N. Johnson my re:rr-arks. Konstantin H. Billy D. McKneely LIEUTENANTS (JUNIOR GRADE) The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Geocaris Donald J. MacPherson Kathyrn C. Duprea the request of the gentleman from Okla· Robert C. Hastedt Pierce P. Newman, Jr, Mae I. Schumm homa? Dale A. Hudson Joseph A. Witt There was no objection. The following-named women (civilian col· · Mr. WICKERSHAM. Mr. Speaker, it lege graduates) to be ensigns in the Supply is important that we give careful con­ Corps of the Navy: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sideration to remedying the cotton-acre­ Elizabeth Baker Alys I. George age allotments. Patricia E. Blakely Barbara J. Peterson MONDAY, J ANDARY 16, 1950 At 'the time the bill was being consid­ Elizabeth Campion Elizabeth C. Schwartz ered, prior to its passage, I a1weared be­ Ruth A. Dinsmore The House met at 12 o'clock noon. fore the House Agricultural Committee The following-named (civilian college The Chaplain, James Shera Mont­ and offered several amendments which graduates) to be ensigns in the Supply Corps gomery, D. D., offered the following would have relieved the inequities which of the Navy, from the 3d day of June 1949: prayer: we now face. Frederick B. Bunke Robert T. Mayo Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! Our State and county PMA officials Stephen R. Edson, Jr.Elvin L. Van Zee Heaven and earth are full of Thy good­ and committeemen are not to blame for Alfred S. Kulczycki ness; glory be to Thy holy name. We our present predicament. , Chester T. Radecki (civilian college grad· uate) to be an ensign in the Civil Engineer praise Thee that Thy love and mercy are Later, I offered several amendments on Corps of the Navy, from the 3d day of June over all, and blessed for evermore. the floor of the House during the debate 1949. In the spirit of gratitude we come to on the measure, and warned the mem­ The following-named (civilian college Thee, with faith and confidence in those bership that the acceptance of my graduates) to be lieutenants (junior grade} great virtues that make for righteous­ amendments was imperative. However, in the Dental Corps of the Navy: ness in man and stability in government. the amendments were not accepted. Milton C. Kohler O make us strong with Thy strength, Last week I appeared before the House Philip E. McLaughlin make us wise with Thy wisdom, and Agricultural Committee and urged the Ray A. Rigterink make us better with the sense of Thy adoption of certain other amendments 412 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 16 which I submitted. The adoption of the showing the estimated acreage which would Additional acreage required to provide Cooley amendment will not be sufficient be required "to provide each farm with (1) each farm-Continued 70 percent of the 1946-48 average actual cot­ .... to remedy the inequities. We must make 00 • ..., .... - """4~Z' ..., ton acreage, (2) 50 percent of the highest 'fb 11.s a provision that an individual farmer be planted cotton acreage, including war crop <O t) ~~~ s:l 8 s:l ""-o -~+ .... E .... @ :~~ allowed to plant at least 70 percent of credit for 1946, 1947, or 1948, (3) higher of .Q s:l<O ::I 0 a> ~~ ~ 0. -::i o~ e~~o~ the average acreage planted to cotton or 70 percent or 50 percent as outlined above." o.,.....Cl) aia> 'C bl) o~~ <>i:J~ .... 0 war crops, combined, in the years 1941 These estimates were made by .the county District and county +>al al "i:l~s~ d 'd~~ to 1948, inclusive, or at least 50 percent of committees on the basis of a 10-percent sam­ ~g},~ 8 o'-'0> ~:: ~'C 0 any of those years, including 1949, which­ ple of farms. ._.alai ~~ o.'.; t °'i: s-a g: Because of the time allowed and the lack · ~~ § o.~ 0 s:l ever is the greater acreage. It will also ~c.tl......, o.S o.1 ~g~ ~~a of any sound basis, we are unable to give you r:i:l be necessary that we pr~vide for realloca­ ~ ~ tion of acreage within the county and any estimate by counties of the additional -------- acreage which would be required had the 70- District 5: State in order that those who do not de­ percent provision included the war crop Canadian ________ 589 2, 294 2, 500 700 sire to plant may release the unused or credit.
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