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ANNEX E I L'hi stoire de la SLA U ( 1890), les di x premi ères années 465

ANNEX E Il Lettre de Samuel F. Morey à The Studio en 1885

et réponse du rédacteur. 00. 00. 00 • • 00 ••••• 00 • •• 00 00 00 00 •• •• • • • 00 . .. 473

ANNEX E III Transcription des procès-verbaux de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Association pour la péri ode

du 30 novembre 1886 au 22 novembre 1927 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 479

ANNEX E IV Certi ficat d 'actions de la SLAA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 0000 543

A NNEX E V Transcription du « Record Book » de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Union pour la péri ode du 1er févri er 1906 au mois de juin 19 11 547

ANNEX E VI Correspondance entre la National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa et la Librmy & Art Union, Sherbrooke,

du 23 septembre 19 14 au 2 décembre 192 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 . 615

ANNEX E VII Articles de journaux en li en avec la « Loan Exhibition » de 19 16 de la National Gallery o.f Canada, Ottawa

à la Librmy & Art Un ion de Sherbrooke 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 . 657

ANNEXE VIII Source : les j ournaux ...... 667

ANNEX E IX Les sources pour l' in ventaire de la coll ection de la SLAU 00 0 73 1

ANNEXE X Courtes bi ographies des artistes cités dans la thèse ...... 741

ANNEX E XI Plans de la ville de Sherbrooke- ACRCE,

H. W. Hopkins, City Atlas of Sherbrooke, 188 1 00 .... 00. 00 0000 761


L'histoire de la SLAU (1890) Les dix premières années

Source : Sherbrooke. Archives de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Association, Fonds P032. Service d'archi ves du Centre de recherche des Cantons de l'Est, Université Bishop's, Lennoxville, Québec.


OF THE In the fo llowing pages will be fo und the history of a successful attempt to establish a Free Reading Room, a Public Library and Art Institute in the manufacturing Town of LIBRARY AND Sherbrooke, without endowment or ART UNION special legislation whereby fu nds could be raised, and with no conditions more favourable than preva il in ali towns of similar size. The a bj ect in giving this hi story is two fo ld, l st, to OF SHERBROOKE. preserve it in permanent form fo r those who may hereafter fi nd it of interest; 2nd, to afford suggestions of practical valu e to other workers in the same 1890 fie ld . 468

History of the Library and circumstanccs that he gladl y accepted th e terms offered him, viz., that he Art Union would take care of the room day and of Sherbrooke evening, in return for which he was permitted to have a stand therein fo r Doubtlcss many a one can recall to sa le of fruit, confecti onery, etc. , and mind a rcading-room opened in hi s was loaned the capital necessary. A locali ty, to th e support of whi ch he curtain, and a li ght partition of boards, gladl y contributed, whi ch received the separated hi s stand fro m the remainder most favorable noti ces from the local of the room. In the latter were press and clergy and th e good w ishes arranged tabl es containing dai ly and of ali in the community, but whi ch, weekly papers, illustrated periodicals from sorne unexplained cause, saon and magazin es, a stereoscope, ceased to attract th e class of persans kaleidoscope, and games of ali fo r whom they were intended, and descriptions, such as checkers, cbess, after vain attempts to resuscitate them dominoes, etc., (but no cards.) fi nall y di ed from sheer lack of interest. Two notices were conspi cuous: If there are those who, white 'T he use of tobacco in thi s area recogni zing the great value of these positively prohibited," and "Pi ease institu ti ons in the towns and villages of remove your hat on entebring," /4 ath our land, have yet become skeptical as of thcsc rul cs being strictly enforced. to th eir success in sucb locali ties, thi s Two or three daily papers were account may give new courage as weil procured from th e publisbers direct, to as useful suggesti ons. secure the latest news, the local papers At the date this institution was and those fro m surrounding towns projected the town of Sherbrooke bad were contributed grati s by the a population of 9,000 representi ng publishers and the remammg French and Engli sh nati onali ties in periodi cals were obtained fro m about equal proporti ons. Previous to fri ends, who gladly promised th em on 1880 severa( attempts bad been made condition th at th e curator should call to establi sh reading-rooms, but, owin g fo r them on stated days. to un desirabl e location, lack of energy The columns of the local and devotion on the part of the papers wcre freely used to herald the promoters, and other causes, without opening of this room, and the fi rst success. In th e Fall of th at year the even1ng more than fu lfi ll ed th e experiment was renewed and a large expectations of the promoters, a large room was rented on th e ground fl oor number being present. The readers adj oining the post-office, and in th e naturall y gravitated to the reading­ center of the town - in fact, one of the tabl es, and the boys as naturall y to the best business stands in the pl ace. A games, while one or two ta bles, man was engaged who from ill health surrounded with most invitin g looking bad become so much reduced in his arm -chairs, and ho lding cbecker­ boards, proved too strong an attracti on 469 fo r some of th e older men, who had suffi cient to defray all expenses of the come in "just to sec what was going room and to pay a salat)' to the curator on," and who soon resolved obviati ng the necessity of continuing th emselves in to a checker club of the /5 th e sale counter. An association of most approved type. The conventional the annual subscribers was established, standing desk usuall y seen in reading with the usual fo nn of organi zation, rooms, as weil as the locked the Town Council was petiti oned to newspaper fi les were not to be fo und, make an annual grant, and th ere has it bein g wisely assumed that th e tired since been inserted in the charter of the laborer who bad been on hi s feet ali town, rati fied by the Legislature, a day did not want to spend hi s evenings clause providing fo r the same. standing up at a reading-desk, and that About a year after the room he would feel much more comfortabl e was opened, it was deemed practicabl e and "at home" if seated and reading a to form a library in connecti on w ith it single paper, fo lded at hi s own and $ 100 was invested in a careful convemence. selecti on of books whi ch were The next issue of the local immediately advertised to loan at papers aru1ounced the attendance on twenty -five cents per month or $2 per the fi rst evening as some two hundred, annum. Donati ons soon came in and th is was remarkably well sustained representing in value $ 100 more. The throughout the w inter, th e room in the appoin tment of Government "Postage­ evening often being uncomfo rtably Stamp Vendor," was obta ined which crowded. The newspapers published yielded a commission of three per in the town were kept weil supplied cent, the sale of these stamps by the with locals upon the subj ect; any curator in the room being not only a special picturcs coming with the conveni encc to those frequenting it but illustrated papers were exhibi ted in the adding quite a revenue fo r th e fro nt window, and in various ways purchase of books. Later, public attention was constantly arrangements were made with one of directed to the room. th e many subscription agenctes Subscri ption papers in aid of whereby subscriptions were received th e Institution found everywhere ready at the room for ali periodi cals, thereby and generous responses. These read conveni encing the citizens and adding somewhat as fo ll ows: "We, the another source of revenue. The books undersigned, agree to give eacb the increased in number so rapidly that it sum of twenty-five cents per month, was soon fo und necessary to transfer when cal led upon, fo r the term of one th em to an adj oining room, having an year, and until furth er noti ce hereafter, entrance from th e reading room, and in aid of the Sherbrooke Free Reading also a separate entrance from the room." The amounts specified in each street. From advances made and the paper bein g respectively 25 cents, 50 source of revenue indicated - viz. , cents, $ 1 and $2 per month. The loan of books, sale of postage stamps, annual subscriptions were soon fo und 470

etc., and subscriptions to peri odicals - Library fu nd), etc. Public interest the library in creased to about 1,300 steadily in creased in thi s directi on. volumes, comprising many valuab le One large and valuabl e pa inting was works, such as the "Encyclopredi a purchased, two or three plaster casts of Bri ta nnica," hi stori es, ancient and famous bas-reliefs were added, and modern, etc. etc. already the collection seemed not an Not content to stop here, it was impossibility to those who laughed at announced that natural hi story and art th e propositi on when it was made, and collecti ons were projected, the fo rmer who had pronounced it impossibl e to to show especially the mineral acquire any coll ection of interest in a resources of th at section of country, its place of thi s size, and with but few foss i ls, bi rds, butte rtl ies, etc. wealthy residents. Specimens soon began to come in; a As the coll ecti ons increased in pri ze of ten dollars offered fo r the best importance, it was thought best to coll ection of butterfl ies readily fo und a place them in the bands of another claimant; a small typi cal coll ection of society, and an organizati on called the foss il s was obtained to in terest "Library, Art and Natural History residents in the searcb fo r them; Association of Sherbrooke," was application to the Government brought formed to take up the work of caring a geological and mineralogical for and building up these collections, collecti on, properl y classified and leavin g the Reading-Room labeled; a coll ection of beautiful shells Association stiJl to carry on its own was added, whi ch not onl y had its work of providing fo r the main tenance place in the Natural History of th e Reading-Room proper. Department, but, with its beautifu l The new Association required colors and forms, could not but have of its members an annual fee of two its influence in art culture; a collection dollars (whi ch entitled the member to of rare corals fo ll owed, specimens of use of its books in the Library free) . It nati ve woods, etc., until a long row of bad a Library Committee of seven, cases lined one sid e of th e room. The three of whom were selected with art collecti on /6 was a slower growth. special reference to their ability in One of the large windows of the making selections; th e remaining four, Reading Room was fi tted up with a being younger and more active, case to exclude dust, tl ies, etc. , and assumed the practical care of the with lock and key, and here fo r two books, cataloguing, etc. There was a years were on constant exhibition Natural History Committee of three, works of artistic value; now a beautifu l compnsmg a mineralogist, an or etching, then a coll ection ornithologist, and a conchologist, who of drawings from th e public schools; also bad charge of the foss il s. There an exhibit of photographs of local was an Art Committee, a Lecture scenery, made by an amateur (the Committee, and, last but not !east, a profit on the sale of whi ch swell ed the Ladi es' Aid Commi ttee. A drinking fo unta in of attractive appearance was 47 1

pu t in to one of the front windows without charge, to the exclusive uses among the pl ants and fl owers with of th e institution, the said pro perty whi ch it was always fi ll ed. should be exempted from taxation. So rapidly did the coll ections The building was completed in th e in crcasc that in 1886 cnlarged spring of 1887, and upon its accommodati on became a necessity. occupati on a special Jubilee Fund of Up to thi s date it will be noted that no $ 1,000 was subscribed by the citi zens, special donation of any considerable to be expended in fu rther addition to amount had been made to the the Library, persans subscribing $50 Association, but its support had been towards the fund bein g created deri ved from the small contributions of honorary members. a large numbcr of citizcns interested in The ladies of thi s city on their its work. The possibility of a Library part held a grand bazaar in the new Art building was now suggested, and and Lecture Hall about Chr istmas adhering 17 to the principl e which had time, and so successful whcre they that contributed so largely to the success of it rea li zed over $ 1,200, affording the ori gina 1 fo undati on, the priee was ample means to provid e furni ture fo r obtain ed of th e most central business th e Reading-Room, cases fo r Books site in the town, and fifteen residents and Natural H istory specimens, of the city agreed to form a joint stock comfo rtabl e seats and a movabl e stage company w ith a capi ta l sufficient to fo r the hall, and di scharge ali meet the estimated cost of th e building accumulated li abilitics. and site, of whi ch th ey paid up about As the Library, Art and Natural one half, the balance to be borrowed History Associati on and the Reading­ upon the security of the property. lt Room Association were now safely was proposed to crect a handsome housed in permanent rooms they were building 60 feet w ide by 100 feet deep, amalgamated in one organi zati on one half of whi ch should be speciall y called the "Library and Art Uni on," designcd to afford sui ta bl e library and and registered as an incorporation reading rooms, and an art and lecture under th e General Provincial Act ha ll combined, capabl e of seating 400. respecting mecbani cs' institutes. A li The remaining half of the building to persans contributing by monthly be devoted to stores and offices, whi ch instalments, or otherwise, $6.00 per from th eir central location would yield annum became members with ri ght to sufficient renta i to pay th e interest on use of books in the Library. The the mortgage and a small di vidend on annual membership fee to the Library the paid-up capi ta l. onl y, was retained at $2.00 per annum The in corporatcd name of the or 25 cents per month, whil e the books company was th e "Sherbrooke L ibrary were made frce for consul tation and and Art Association." The town use at the rooms of the Uni on. The Counci l for its part voted that upon the officers were /8 elected an11u ally, erection of a sui tabl e building, one­ consisting of seven Trustees and a half of whi ch should be devoted, President. This Board selected from 472

among th eir number a Manager and experi ences. We can onl y commend Sec.-Treas., and from among th e th e past to your consid erati on and hope members, Library, Art, Natural fo r the future. H istory, Reading Room and Lecture Committees, appointing one of their own number on each committee to act as chairman. The space accorded to thi s short hi story would fait to record th e many sources from whi ch funds were deri ved. The Ladies' Aid Society of one of th e churches gave $25.00, the Sherbrooke Snow Shoe Club a similar amount, one winter's lectures netted $ 125.00, and otb ers smaller amounts. Three loan art exhibitions have been held, reali zing a small amount for photographs and other reproducti ons suitable for the Art Gall ery. Three have been purchased by subscription, white loans fro m ti me to time have belped to make its wall s attracti ve, and many donations have come to the Natural H istory Museum. The Library has in creased to about three thousand volumes at thi s date ofwri ting. A li the rooms, including the Art Gall ery, are open fro m 8 a. m. to 10 p.m. each week day, and on Sunday th e Reading-Room is open fro m 2 to 5 p.m. A Curator is employed, as also a Librari an, th e latter being in attendance every afternoon and evening during week days. The attendance is most cncouragin g and the circulation of the Library is constantly increasing. Ob ne must e a dull reader who fa it s to see between the !ines of this chroni cle of success many perplexities and di scouragements . White without endowment, relying solely upon vollllltary contributions, th e fu ture of thi s in stitution must hold many similar ANNEXE Il

Lettre de Samuel F. Morey à The Studio en 1885 et réponse du rédacteur

Source : Bibli othèque du Metropo li ta n Museum of Fine Arts, New York

475 THE STUDIO Journal of the Fine Arts.

N ew Seri es, No. J 4. New York, February 14, 1885. Priee, Ten Cents.

The Studio. obtaining repayment fTo m Joan of books, and now have 1,200 volumes, standard li terature, including Clarence Cook, Edi tor. Encyclopedia Brittanica, History of Gaston L. Feuardent, Publisher Art. etc .. etc. I have also undertaken to make a Office: No. 30 La Fayette Place, . coll ection in Natural H istory in the same connecti on, and now have a good New York, Febru ary !4th , 1885 co ll ection of fossil s and minerais, both Note : La lettre de Samuel F. M orey local and foreign. Now, I want to adressée à Th e Studio est reprodui te ci­ commence an art-coll ection, whi ch, dessous avec la réponse du rédacteur le with the library of na tura! hi story, shall tout publié sur deux colonnes dans les forrn un important educational pages 163 -1 65. institution fo r our town. W e have no wealthy men to endow an in stitution. The place is small , and it is a day of AN INFANT MUSEUM . 1 small begim1ings with us: the SHERBROOKE, P. Q ., Feb. 4' \ 1885. expenditure of $20 or so at a ti me. Y ou To the Editor ofThe Studio : will see we can hardly buy ori ginal DEAR SIR : I am desirous of works, the desirability of which I fu lly obta ining some advice about fo rrning a appreciate, but it seems to me in th ese public art-coll ection in our town, and days of reproductions, suc h as the take the liberty of applying to you, heli ogravures of Amand Durand, the tru sting you will eithcr favor me with a photogravures of Goupil, the persona! communicati on or give an publications of such Societi es as the editori al on the subj ect in THE "Arundel " of , and the copi es STUDIO for the benefi t of oth ers as in plaster to whi ch recent reference weil. was made in THE STUDIO, 1 ought to We have a public Reading-Room be able to obtai n much of educati onal supported by private subscri pti on. I valu e for an outlay of $100, but I don't have undertaken the formation of a know where to begin. I must not aim public library in connecti on with it, over th e heads of the masses, with adva ncing money from time to time, whom 1 am to deal, but must get what 476 will interest them, and, at the same case of museums, they are often time, cultivate a love of true art. Will looked upon as convenient receptacles you give me sorne practical advice as for abj ects of wbich the owner is tired, to kind of work to buy and where to or for which he is glad to find storage obtain it, I want something which can room free of charge, especially during be framed, or at !east be put where it the summer months, white be is will not be injured by handling, and traveling in . On th e parti cular therefore I a bj ect to portfolios of occasion we speak of, the first gift to works. J. W. Bouton is selling the new-born museum appeared in the heli ogravures of famous works at a shape of a life-size bronze statue, low priee just now (or his assignee is). called a " Dancing Girl," but which Any advice you can give a subscriber reall y looked like a persan whose will be fully appreciated. corns bad been trodden on, and who Yours truly, was meditatin g the nearest revenge. It Sam. F. Morey was simply a pretentious perfonnance without meaning, or beauty, or any A letter like th e above is very pleasant recommendation whatever, except, it reading, and moves strongly the desire may be, to a socialist workman like the to assist in so useful an enterprise. We one described by the Rev. Mr. Eaton in would suggest, as a first principl e to be a recent sermon, who was overheard / 164 observed in th e foundation of any saying to a companion, as they were art-coll ection, that nothing but what is carrying a heavy bronze statue into "a excell ent of its kind should be Fifth Avenue mansion" : "These admitted to the privilege of exhibition. statues will yet be melted in the tire, This we consider a matter of great and used in the shape of bullets against importance: the character of a the ir owners." Seeing this unhappy museum, like the character of a man, is abject, we remonstrated witb the theo formed in its youth, and a great waste Director against its acceptance, and of time and energy in adult years may expressed a wish that nothing should be avoid ed, both for museums and be admitted to the museum except men, by not laying up a lot of rubbish, what was really good: that the only to be get rid of, somehow or other, at way to build up a museum worth sorne future time. The editor of The having, was to start with masterpieces Studio was present when a certain in whatever department, and if, as was museum was brought to the font, and most likely, original works could not wbcn gossips and godmothers crowded be procured, then reproductions (not about it to present their gifts. We have copies - a very different thing) would heard a jest about things bought at serve a useful purpose. Of course, no auctions with the idea tbat they might attention was paid to this advice, the sorne day come bandy as wedding­ Director in question assuring the giver presents: but, however it may be with of it, that the way to do was to take human beings, it is certain that in the everything that was offered. "so as to 477

excite an intcrest, you know," and, as and onl y th ose things fo r whi ch a any one may sec, thi s principle has certain preparati on in popular training been adhered to, and, in consequence exists, or whi ch will take their pl ace in as pretty a lot of rubbish collected, as a series - whether one illustrating one may see on a summer's day, with hi storical development, or showing the chances of gettin g anything really comparisons in th e art- feeling of good, either by gift or purchase, different peoples, - should be reduced to a minimum. purchascd or accepted. Nothing As the fo undation of ail art-study barbarous, no matter how hi gh­ is, by common consent, th e art of sounding the name of th e museum or Ath ens in the age of Pericles, th e fi rst coll ection fro m which it corn es sbould things to go into a young museum likc be bought, no matter how cheapl y it that proposed by our correspondent, may be had, at least until the collection should be plaster casts from th e is ri ch enough in good things to sculptures of that peri od, and to th ese counteract the influence of the bad mi ght be added some electrotypes of things. Collections of old Dutch coi ns of the best peri od, and even a pictures, to show how badl y the Dutch few specimens of Greek or Italo-Greek could pain t, even while th e mastcrs pottery. Enougb could be done in thi s were ali ve; collections of Chinese direction, with a lmndred doll ars, to porcelain, w ith no Japanese porcelain, make a happy beginning, and th e or ltali an or Persian majo li ca to put to things thus brought together could not shame; coll ections of fictile ivori es, fa i 1 to be of interest to ali intelligent where art bas nothing to say, and onl y peopl e, men and women, boys and archaeology, and that not very girls. Of course, the services of instructive, is to be studi cd: coll ections neighbors or outsiders who are able to of electrotype copies of barbarie works expl ain the abj ects coll ected, to make in metal with a merely avoirdupois th em more instructive by comment and signi ficance things like these are the observation, sbould be obtained snares of new museums, and ought to whenever it is possible: in fact, be avoided altogether. Nor sbould everybody who can do anything to anything be bought because it is cheap, make the coll ection bea r frui t in the or because its possession sow1ds minds of the people at large, ought to grand. A museum, like a child, ought be enlisted in the service. to be seen and not beard : it ought to be Tbere is a danger attending the content to grow slowly and modestly: substitution of reproductions fo r in truth, unless it have /165 what few ori ginal works, whi ch needs to be museums have, anywhere, a large mentioned,. Now-a-days, when yearl y revenue, it cannot reall y grow everything that can be reproduced is in any oth er way with profit, either to subjected to some one of the many itself or to the publi c. processes in vogue, a choice of what In order to give the most practi cal alone is really va lu ablc has to be made. advice n such a case as the one with 478

reference to whi ch we arc consulted, places. A persan, accustomed to the we ought to know something about th e conte mplati on of th ese things, can locali ty: what is th e size of th e room to ncver go fa r wrong in his feeling for be used as a museum? Is there more th e outward manifestations of art, and th an one room? How is it li ghted? If even if it were not proposed to make a th ere is more tban one room, it might complete, or even a reasonably full be advisable to start th e coll ection on a natural-hi story coll ecti on, it would less ri gorous bas is than would, in our none the less be advisable to have a judgment, be weil if th ere were onl y suffic ient number of the abj ects we one apa1tment to begin w ith. Thus, in have mentioned, and in as great vari ety the larger and more important room, as possible, to fu rni sh id eas and the classic things mi ght be pl aced, as suggestions to persans engaged in th e purchased, and in the small er rooms, study of design, and no less to those casts and photographs of abjects making art proper, as understood ta­ belonging to the renaissance period. day, a profession. The fo undati on of The books, as obtained, mi ght be put the art of design ex ists - eternal, in low cases, ranged along the wall on inexhaustibl e and complete - in the th e shelf- li kc top of whi cb casts could study of natural fo rms, and the chief be placed, and photographs, in frames, reason why th ere is so li ttle originali ty hung upon the wall above. The natural in the designs of our day, why we are abjects ought to be di sposed in as ail so content to copy the forms of attractive a way as possibl e. They are oth er times and other civilizati ons is most valu abl e adjuncts to an art that we have lost our bearings, and go collecti on; indeed, we think that, in the no longer to th e fu ll springs from absence of origi nal works in color and wbi cb our eiders drank. The museum fo rm by the bands of masters, it is at Sherbrooke is beginning in th e right absolute ly necessary to bave natural way, and we hope to hear from it good abj ects - shell s, crystals, fossils, news of its success. stu ffed birds, buttertlies and beetles, and the skins of animais, to take th eir ANNEXE Ill

Transcription des procès-verbaux de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Association pour la période du 30 novembre 1886 au 22 novembre 1927

Note : la transcription est faite en format tableau de MSWord et tente le plus possible de respecter le plus possible l'apparence du manu scrit.

Source : Sherbrooke. Archives de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Association, Fonds P032. Service d' archi ves du Centre de recherche des Cantons de 1'Est, Université Bishop' s, Lcnnoxvill e, Québec.


48 1

An nuai 3 Meeting Sherbrooke Nov. 30 111 1886

A meeting of the Shareholders of the Sherbrooke Library and Art Association was held thi s day in the boardroom of the Eastern Townships Bank in thi s City according to th e legal notice heretofore given.

Officers Pro-tem Revd C. P. Rei d having been dul y appointed Chairman and S.F. Morey Secretary pro-tem

Accepta nce of It was moved by R. N. Hall seconded by J.A. Charter Archambault that the Charter of thi s Association bearing date of issue Nov 1i" 1886 be accepted; Carri ed

Bye Laws The fo ll owing Bye-laws were th en unanimously passed :

5 Di rectors N° 1 The Affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board offive Directors elected at the General Annual Meeting of th e Shareholders, and who shall be entitled to retain office until the next General Annual Meeting of Shareholders or until th eir successors are elected.

Quai i fi cation N° 2 No one shall be qualified to act as a Director who does of Directors not own in his own right at ]east two shares of the Capital Stock of the Association.

Officers N° 3 The officers of the Association shall be, a President and Secretary- Treasurer who shall be elected by the Directors at th e ir fi rst meeting after th e General An nu ai Meetin g of th e shareholders each year and who shall retain office until their successors are elected.

Meeting N° 4 Special meetin gs of the Directors may be convened at of D irectors anytime upon a notice from the President or Secretary- Treasurcr givcn by post-card at any hour of one day for any business hour of the succeeding day; And a meeting of the newly elected Directors shall always take place immediately after th e adj ournment of the General An nu ai Meeting of the 482

Shareholders without any previous notice thereof being necessary.

N° 5 Ail notes cheques & Bills ofExchange or other 4 documents used or required in the business of sa id Association shall be signed by the President and Secretary­ Signing of Treasurer. Notes Cheques 8 In the absence of the President, they shall be signed by a director to be named by the President, with notification to the Bank where the deposit account of the Association may be kept. Al i cheques in favor of the Association may be endorsed for deposit purposes by the Secretary-Treasurer alone.

Date of N° 6 The fi rst general annual meeting of the Association shall Annual Meeting be on the second Tuesday ofFebruary 1888 and the succeedin g general annual meetings shall take place on the same date of each succeeding year at three o'clock in the aftemoon.

Seal N° 7 The seal of the Association shall be hereafter determined. 1. Wood, Pres. Samuel F. Morey Sec-Treasurer

Amended at Annual Meeting 13 111 February 1894 to Constitute and make the Annual Meeting on the second Tuesday in May of each year at the hour of 3 PM.

May 18, 1894 hour for Annual Meetings fixed at 5 o'clock PM. 5

The fo ll owin g Directors were elected by ballot : Recd C.P. Reid D.D. Major Israel Wood I.A. Archambault T. J. Tuck J.S. Mitchell Moved by W illi am White, seconded by I.A. Archambault, 483

that the Association be authorized to accepta deed of the porti on of lot N° Two hundred & fifty seven of Centre Ward of the City of Sherbrooke together with right ofway, as stipulated fo r in the memorandum of agreement entered into between Thomas J. Tuck, John McN icol and Samuel F. Morey on behalf of thi s Association bearing date September 8111 1886, for the sum of Four th ousand Doll ars with in terest from said date - Carri ed. Moved by Major Israel Wood, seconded by Thomas J. Tuck that the Directors be authori zed to negotiate a Joan for a sum not exceeding fiftcen thousand dollars fo r such terms as to repayment and rate of in terest as they may decm advisabl e in th e interests of th e Associati on and to give a hypotheque on th e property of the Associati on and a transfer of Insu rance. Carri ed. Moved by R. W. Heneker, secondcd by Ju dge G. E. Ri oux and carried, that whereas a "Free Reading Room Association" and a "Lib rary Art and Natu ra l History Association" have been fo rmed and maintained fo r many years in the City of Sherbrooke, th e Officers of whi ch are respectively of the Readi ng Room Association R.W . Heneker Presid ent, E. Hargrave Secretary. "Lib ra ry Art & Natural 6 History Association" R. W. Heneker Pres id ent, S. F. Morey, Secretmy-Treasurer, and whereas, in order to secure th e permanency of sa id Institutions the present Library & Art Association bas been organi zed and in corporated, and a sui table building is in course of erection - Now in order to carry out the design of sa id organization, the Dircctors of thi s Associati on are hereby specially authori zed and empowered to execute to and in favor of said Free Reading Room Associati on and sa id Library Art and Natural History Associati on fo r a nominal consideration only a suitable lease of a Library Room a Reading Room, an Art Hall and Curators Room in the building of thi s Associati on, said lease to be fo r a term of five years and subject to su ch conditions as to the said Directors may seem best, and with privilege of renewal from year to year so long as said lessers shall main tain the respective objects of sa id Associations in a manner satisfact01y to the sharebolders of this Association. I. Wood, Pres. Samuel F. Morey Secry Treas. 484

Directors Meeting 7

Sherbrooke Novr 30th 1886 A meeting of the Directors of this Association was thi s day held in th e Board Room of th e Eastern Townships Bank. Moved and ca rri ed that Revd C.P. Reid DO be th e President of thi s Associati on. Moved and carri ed th at Samuel F. Morey be the Secretary Treasurer of thi s Association . The meeting was then adj oumed. I. Wood, Pres. Samuel F. M orey Secy Treas

Directors Meeting Sherbrooke Dec. 8th 1886 A meeting of th e Directors of this Associati on was held in th e offi ce of Thomas J. Tuck at four o'clock PM thi s day, th ere bein g present Major Israel Wood J.A. Archambault NP T. J. Tuck J.S. Mitchell fo rming a quorum fo r th e transacti on of busin ess. The President not being present, Major 1. Wood was cal led to the chair. Moved by J.S. Mitchell , seconded by T. J. Tuck and carri ed that th e Directors hereby accept th e offcr ofMrs. Mair by her Attorney William White to loan the Association the sum of Fifteen th ousand Doll ars for three years with interest at 5% per annum payable semi-annuall y upon a hypotheque upon the Real Esta tc of thi s Associati on and th e President and Secretary Trcasurer are bereby authori zed to accept sa id amount and execute a hypotheque as aforesaid . 8 Moved by J. S. Mitchell seconded by J. A. Archambault th at th e statement of Messrs T. J. Tuck and S. F. M orey, Trustees of th e Sherbrooke Library and Art Association, showing Total receipts on account of Capital stock $9 160. and from Eastern Townships Bank $8884.QQ and payments on account of building and land $9684.QQ & to th e Eastern Townships Bank in deposit account $8360°0 be accepted as correct. Carri ed. 485

Movcd by J. A. Archambault and seconded by J. S. Mitchell and carried that th e contracts entered into by S. F. Morey with Messrs Gordon Loomi s, C.P. Byrd and James Manus & Co fo r th e erecti on of th e building to be owned by this Associati on be assumed by thi s Associati on and that said Sam F. Morey is hereby reli eved from ali further li ability in conn ecti on with the same. I. Wood, Pres. Samuel F. M orey Sec y Treas

Directors Meeting Sherbrooke March 15t 11 1887 A meeting of th e Directors of this Association was thi s day held pursuant to notice given in the form prescribed by th e By laws. Their being present Maj I. Wood, Revd C. P. Reid, T.J. Tuck and J. S. Mitchell. Moved by I. Wood, seconded by T,.J . Tuck and carri ed th at th e bui !ding erected by th e Association bear the na me of the Morey Art & L ibrary Building and that said name be put upon the building in a suitabl e place. Meeting adj ourned. I. Wood, Pres. Sam F. Morey Secy Treas.

Directors Meeting 9

Sherbrooke Sept. 28th 1887 A meeting of the Directors was this day held in the Lirary Building pursuant to noti ce given in the manner prescribed by the By laws, there being present Revd C. P. Reid DD President, in the chair and Directors J.A. Archambault Maj . I. Wood T. J. Tuck J. S. M itchell fo rming a quorum fo r the transacti on of business. Moved by J. S. Mitchell , seconded by Maj . I. Wood, that the Pres ident & Secy Treasurer be authorized to enter into a lease to Samuel Farwell of the Center front office on first fl oor 5 after stairs of the Library Building to l t May 1889 at the annual priee of $75 QQ with ri ght of renewal for three years from th e latter date at such priee as may be agreed upon or at the annual renta i of $100 if he desires that stipulation. 486

Carri ed. M oved by Maj . I. Wood seconded by J. Mitchell that leasc to James Ross of two rear northerl y offi ces to 1s t M ay next at $150 per annum be confirmed. Carri ed. Movcd by Maj . I. Wood seconded by J. Mitchell that priee of two rear southerly offices be respectively for N° 7 $75QQ& N° 6 $50 per annum or $ 125QQfo r the two, carri ed. Moved by T. J. Tuck, seconded by I.A. Archambault and carried that the President and Secretary Treasurer be authorized to borrow upon the not of the Association a sum not exceeding Twenty five hundred Dollars at such rate as may be to them satisfactory, sand amount to be applied in 10 payment oft he existing liabilities of the Association. M oved by I. Wood, seconded by J. A. Archambault, that the President and Secy Treasr be authorized to lease to th e Curator of the Reading Room th at portion of upper fl at situated south of Main Hall at the annual renta i of $ 100 and to expend a sum not exceeding $75QQin parti tions & such work as may be necessary to render the same habitable. Moved by J.A. Archambaul t, seconded by J. S. Mitchell th at the Secretary Treasurer be authorized to pay C. P. Byrd $600 in settlcment of his account in fu ll against the Association. Carri ed. Moved by Maj . I. Wood seconded by J.S. Mitc hell that thi s meeting adj ourn. carri ed. I. Wood, Pres. Samuel F. Morey Secy Treasr

111 Directors Meeting 1 Sh erbrooke, D ecr 20 1887 A meeting was this day he id in the Library Room of the Building belongin g to thi s Association pursuant to notice, there being present I. Wood, J. A. Archambaul t, J.S. Mitchell, Revd C. P. Reid President in the Chair. Moved by J.S. Mitchell secd by J.A. Archambault that until further action be taken, this Association pay one ha if the Cost of Gas for main passage Hall in ground, fi rst & second fl oor. carri ed. Moved by J.A. Archambault seconded by J. Mitchell that a/c ofC. Pt . Byrd o date amtg to $ 12m. be paid when he has satisfactorily fixed the partitions in room occi.IQieEd by .B. 487

Worthington. can ied. Moved by I. Wood seconded by J. Mitchell that ale of Nelson & Clift $26lill be paid Jess charge fo r ti me visiting Sherbrooke 111 111 Dec 8 & 9 • carried. Moved by I. Wood seconded by J.A. Archambault that accounts of Wilson & Bou telle $4311 A. Garwood 11

$ & G.G. Bryant$ be paid. cani ed. Moved by J. Mitchell seconded by J.A. Archambault that Messrs Tuck, Wood & Morey be authorized to effect a settlement with Gordon & Loomis of their account fo r work under contract and extras on Building owned by the Association said account showing a balance due them of $40IQ carried. Moved by J. Mitchell seconded by I. Wood that th e President 7 Secy Treas' be authorized to lease the south Store and basement to the Canada Pacifie Railway C0 for the term of four years from the 1s t of May next at an annual rentai of $500 including heating of store without extra charge. Moved by I. Wood seconded by J.A . Archambault that the lease of Office to Gustavies Lucke be cancelled and the President & Secy Treasurer be authorized to lease said North east office on first floor to General White for the tem1 of one year at an annual rentai of $ 175®. with right of renewal from year to year for a term of three years thereafter. & th at the Treasurer be authorized to expend a sum not exceeding $150 in improvements to said room. Meeting then adjoumed. I Wood, Pres. Samuel F. Morey Secy Treas'

Sherbrooke Feby 14111 1888 12 Pw·suant to notice sent to ali the Shareholders the general Ammal Meeting of Shareholders was held this day in the Art Anna ut Hall of the Morey Art & Library Building. Revd C. P. Reid Meeting DD President in the chair. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confirmed. The Secretary Treasurer then laid before the meeting the Annual Statement of Assets & Liabilities, the 488

General Report, Dctailcd Statcment of Charges and Estimates for the coming year. Moved by R. W. Heneker Esq. seconded by Judge Rioux that the Report be accepted, carri ed. - Moved by T. J. Tuck seconded by W .A. Hale that the sum of $700 be carri ed to Real Es tate Account, representing services of inspection, superintendence, interest on capital during construction and incidenta l expenses in construction of building and the amount be credited to Profit & Loss. Carri ed. Moved by R. W. Heneker seconded by G .E. Rioux & carried that a vote of thanks be tendered Messrs M orey & Horace Wilson for gratui tous services rendered by them. Moved by G. E. Rioux and carried unanimously that the old Board of Directors be reelected. Moved by R. W. Heneker seconded by G.E. Ri oux that the President and Secretary Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to lease to the Library & Art Uni on, the rooms in the building belonging to the Associati on known as the Library Reading & Curator's Rooms and the Art Gallery, in accordance with the terms and conditions specifi ed in the Resolu tion passed by the Shareholders of this Association at 1 th eir annual meeting on the 30 h Nov,. 1886 & now standing in the Records of this Association, carri ed. 13

The meeting then adjourned. I. Wood, Pres. Samuel F. Morey Secy Treasr

Directors Sherbrooke Feby 14m 1888 Meeting A meeting of Directors was hcld immediately after the Annual Meet ing thi s day, there being present Revd C.P. Reid. T. J. Tuck, J. S. Mitchell. Moved by T.J. Tuck seconded by J. S. Mitchell that Revd C. P. Reid be electcd President, carri ed Meeting then adjourned. I. Wood, Pres. Samuel F. M orey

Acting Secy Treas,. 489

Directors Sherbrooke March 151 1888 Meeting A Special meeting ofDirectors ofthe Sherbrooke Library & Art Union was held at which were present I. Wood, T.J. Tuck, J.S. Mitchell & J.A. Archambault. On motion I Wood took the chair & J.A. Archambault acted as Secreta1y. On motion ofT. J. Tuck seconded by J. Mitchell resolved that in the absence of S. F. Morey, Mr. C. W. Cate be and is requested to act as Secretary and Treasurer of the Association. carried. I. Wood Chairman

1 Sherbrooke April 28 n 1888 14 A special meeting of Directors thi s day held at the office of T.J. Tuck, there being present I. Wood, T.J. Tuck, J.S. Directors Mitchell, Directors and C.W. Cate, the acting Secretary Meeting Treasurer. On motion, I Wood took the chair. Moved by J.S. Mitchell seconded by T.J. Tuck & carried that the Acting Secretary be instructed to accept and pay the order in favor of the Library & Art Union for $88~ drawn by James Munro on the Association and charge the same to Drawee. The meeting then adjourned. I. Wood Chairman

1 Directors Sherbrooke June 9 n 1888 Meeting A special meeting of the Directors held this day at the office ofT.J.Tuck, there being present Directors 1. Wood in the chair, T.J. Tuck, J.S. Mitchell & acting Secy Treas' C.W. Ca te. The Tenders ofG.G. Bryant, Wilson & Boutell e & Long Bros & C0 to repair damages caused to the building by the recent storm were read and Mr. Bryant's tender at $169.8.1. was accepted. Meeting then adjoumed. I. Wood Chairman 490

Directors Meeting 15

Sherbrooke Jany 2d 1889 A Meeting of the Directors was this day beld in the Library Room of the Association Building there being present Directors I. Wood, J. Mitchell & J.A. Archambault. Director Wood in the Chair. Moved by J.A. Archambault seconded by J. Mitchell & carried that Director Wood & the acting Secretary Treasurer, S.F. Morey, be authorized to effest:- execute a lease to the Central Railway CoYof the third floor of the Library Building for a tenn offive years from the first of May next at the annual rentai of $450 per annum payable quarterly. The Association to erect a vault on said flat according to the plans laid before the meeting, made by Nelson & Clift of Montreal. The Railway Company aforesaid to put in or change such partitions as they may require at their own expense and to defray cost of putting in sa id flat sui table Water Closets and also to pay in addition to the foregoing arumal rentai, an annual amount for cost of heating said Flat the Amount to be detennined by the Cost of heating sa id Flat for the Winter of 1888 & 1889 tht is to say from the Fall of 1888 to the Spring of1889. Moved by J.S. Mitchell seconded by J.A. Archambault tbat a vault be constructed on the third floor of the building belonging to the Association according to the plans prepared by Nelson & Clift submitted at this meeting and under the direction ofMr. T. Lemaire. Carried. A Copy of printed Lease which had been supervised by the Solicitor W 111 White was laid before the meeting with reference to adopting the same for use in future leases to be made by the Association. The samc having bcen read was approved. A copy being herewith attached. Meeting adjourned. Samuel F. Morey Actg Secy Tr.

Sherbrooke February 15 111 1889 16 According toBy laws& notice mailed to each shareholder The Annual Meeting of the Association was this 491

An nuai day held in the Art Hall of the building belonging to the Meeting Association. Major 1. Wood having been called to the chair, the minutes of the Jast general meeting of shareholders were rcad & confirmed. Moved by R. W. Heneker seconded by C.H. Fletcher that the Annual report & Statements be accepted subject to audit. carried. Moved by G.E. Rjoux seconded by R.W. Heneker that Maj 1. Wood, J.A. Archambault, T.J. Tuck, J.S. Mitchell , W.A. Hale, be Directors for the coming year, carried. Meeting then adj ourned. l. Wood, Pres. Samuel F. Morey Actg Secrctary

Directors Sherbrooke February Meeting 15th 1889 ln accordance with By-laws a meeting of Directors was thi s day held after adjournment of Annual meeting. Moved by T.J. Tuck seconded by J.A. Archambault & carried that Maj. I. Wood be elected President for the coming year. Moved by J.A. Archambault seconded by W.A. Hale & carried that Samuel F. Morey be Secretary Treasr. Meeting then adjoumed. I. Wood, Pres. Samuel F. MoreySecy Treasr

Directors Meeting 17

Sherbrooke Sept 1i" 1889 Minutes ofDirectors Meeting of Jany 2d 1889 read & confirmed there being present Maj I. Wood, T.J. Tuck, J.A. Archambault, J. S. Mitchell, W.A. Hale, the President in the chair. Moved by T.J. Tuck seconded by W.A. Hale that three ventilatin g in lets be put into the Art Hall according to plans submitted by Nelson & Clift, architects & that G.G. Bryant be employed to do the work at a priee not exceeding $27iQ. carri ed. Moved by J.A. Archambault seconded by W.A. Hale that two 492

radi ators be put in on third fl oor & new grate in Fumace undcr supervision of Director Mitchell. carri ed. Moved by T.J. Tuck, seconded by J. S. Mi tchell that account of G.G. Bryant $36687 be pa id. carri ed. Moved by J.S. Mitchell secd by J. A. Archambault & carri ed that President & Secretary Treasurer be authori zed to execute a lease to Dudswell Lime & M arble Company orto sa id Company & Dominion Lime Company of Rooms N os 2 & 3 at $215QQ per annum including heating. Moved by J.S. Mitchell seconded by T.J. Tuck that President & Secretary Treasurer be authori zed to obtain an extension of th e mortgage given by the Association to Mrs Mair upon the sa me terms for three years from 15111 Decr 1889. Moved by T.J. Tuck seconded by J.A. Archambault that th e Account of Munro&Crabtree $ be paid . Meeting then adj oumed. I. Wood, Pres. Samuel F. Morey Secy Treas'

Sherbrooke Fcby 11 111 1890 18 In accordance with the By-laws and noti ce mai led to each Annual Meeting sharcholdcr, th e Annual meeting of the Association was this day held in the Morey Art & Library Building in this city, th e President M ajor I. Wood in the chair. The M inutes of the last Annual M eeting were read and confirmed. The Secretai)' Treasurer then laid before the meeting the Annual Statement and Supplementar-y detail ed statements of Profit & Loss & Ch ares Accounts. On motion of JS. Mitchell seconded by W 111 White th ese Statements were accepted. The Directors having recommended th e paymcnt of a di vidend of 4% upon the paid up capital stock, it was moved by Tl Tuck seconded by AG Lomas & carried that a di vidend of 4% be and is hereby declared upon th e paid up Capi ta l stock of thi s association and that th e same be payabl e on the 15 111 in st. Moved by W 111 Whi te seconded by AG Lomas & carricd that it is the opinion of thi s meeting that it is desirabl e that the balance oftwcnty percent unpaid upon th e subscribed capital stock should be call ed up and th at stockholders should be allowed to rank fo r di vidend from date of_Q_ é!l_ment. 493

The election of Directors was th en proceeded w ith. On motion, W A Hale & AG Lomas were appointed Scruteneers. A ball ot havin g been taken, th e Scru teneers reported the fo ll owing: Directors clected for th e ensuing year viz JA Archambaul t, Maj I. Wood, T.J. Tuck, WA Hale & JS Mitchell. Meeting th en adj ourned. I. Wood, Pres. chairman

Directors Meeting 19 Sherbrooke Feby 11 111 1890 A Meeting of the newly elected Directors was held immediately after th e Annual Meetin g. Major I Wood acting as chairman. On Moti on Major I Wood was unanimously elected Presid ent and S. F. M orey appointed Secretary Treasurer for th e ensuing year. Moved by WA Hale seconded by TI Tuck that in view of th e resolution passed by th e Shareholders at th eir meeting held thi s day, recommending th e calling up th e unpaid balance of su bscribed stock tfla.t th e balance of twenty per cent remaining unpaid upon th e Subscribed Capital Stock of thi s Associati on be and it is hereby call ed up and th at the same shall be payabl e to the Secretary Treasurer on the 1s t day of March ncxt. Carried. The meeting then adj ourned. I. Wood President 1 Directors M eeting Sherbrooke Jan y 15 n 189 1 Pursuant to noti ce mai led to each Director on the 14111 Jany 189 1 a meeting of th e Directors was held in th e Library Room of the building belonging to th e Associati on th ere bcin g present Israel Wood President, J. A. Archambault & J S. Mitchell , th e Pres ident in the Chair. Moved by JA Archambault seconded by JS Mitchell that bill of th e Jenckes Machine Company $11 9°2 be pa id subject to any deducti ons th e Secy could obtain fro fittings th ey might be willing to ta ke back whic h are charged in said bill. Carri ed. Movcd by JS Mitchell seconded by JA Archambault th at th e Accoun ts ofR. Lampron $87illl. & R&HLampron $55llli be ,------


pa id subj ect to such di scounts, if any, as the Secy mi ght be 20 abl e to obtain . Carried. Moved by J.S. Mitchell seconded by JA Archambault that th e President & Secretary Treasurer be authorized to renew at its expiration the lease to th e Sherbrooke Gas & Water Company for the term of two years at $175 per annum including heating and th at to EB Worthington for three years at $ 150 per annum. Carri ed. Moved by J.S. Mitchell seconded by J.A. Archambault that G. Bryant be engaged to examine th e building and report wheth er he coosiders it safe to lease th e hall in said building to be used for dancing. Carried. - Meeting th en adj ourned. I Wood , Pres. SamMorey Secy Treas Directors Meeting Sherbrooke Feby 7th 189 1 Pursuant to Notice mail ed to each Director on th e 6th inst. a meeting was thi s day held in th e Library Rooom of th e Building belonging to the Association, present Maj I Wooed Pres ident, TJ Tuck, JS Mitchell, WA Hale, the President in th e Chair. The Secy Treas was instructed to read ail the minutes of th e Directors meetings from the organization of the Associati on after whi ch it was moved by T J Tuck seconded by JS Mitchell that the minutes as read be confirmed & the Presid ent sign the same. Carried. Moved by JS Mitchell seconded by W A Hale that a dividend of 5% upon the paid up Capital be declared payable on the 9th inst. Carried. Moved by TJ Tuck seconded by W A Hale that $100 be paid th e Secy Treasurer fo r thi s services. Carri ed. Meeting adj ourned !Wood SamMorey Secy Treas. 21 Sherbrooke Feby 1oth 189 1 Pursuant to th e provisions of th e By-laws of this Associati on and to notice mail ed to each shareholder, the Annual meeting was thi s day Feby l Oth held in the Art Hall of this building 11 belonging to th e Ass • The President in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. 495

The Secy Treaa th en read the Annual Statement of the Affairs of the Ass" for which being submitted to the meeting was du \y accepted upon motion of R. W. Heneker. The election of Directors was thus proceeded with resulting in the election ofi. Wood, J.A. Archam,bault, T. J. Tuck, W. A. Hale & J. S. Mitchell. Moved by R. W . Heneker, seconded by C. H. Fletcher, th at the thanks of the Shareholders be and are hereby tendered th e Directors of the Association for their conduct ofthe affairs the past year. Carri ed. The meeting then adjourned. I. Wood, Pres. Sam Morey, Secy Treas. Sherbrooke F eby 10111 189 1 At the close of the Annual Meeting a meeting of the newly elected directors was held when it was moved by F. J. Tuck seconded by J. S. Mitchell that Major I. Wood be President for th e ensuing year. Carri ed. Moved by J. S. Mitchell seconded by J. A. Archambault that S. F. Morey be Secretary Treasurer. Carri ed. The meetin g thcn adjourned. I. Wood, President SamMorey, Secy Treas. Sherbrooke Feby 9rn 1892 20 Purs ua nt to the provisions of the By-laws of this Association and to notice mai led to each shareholder as required, the Annual Meeting was this day held in the building belonging to the Association. The Pres ident in the Chair. Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were read & confirmed. The Secy Treas th en submitted th e Financial Statement which was duly accepted by Resolution ofR. W. Heneker seconded by A. G. Lomas. Moved by R. W. Heneker seconded by J. S. Mitchell that a dividend of 5% on th e paid up Capital Stock by declared payabl e as early as practicable to the Secy Treas. carried. Moved by G. E. Rioux seconded by A. G. Lomas that the retiring directors be reelected. Carried. Said Directors being I. Wood, J. A. Archambault, T. J. Tuck J. S. Mitchell, W. A. Hale. After a vote ofthanks to the officers of the past year th e meeting adjourned. I. Wood Chairman SamMorey, Secy Trcas. 496

1 Sherbrooke Feby 9 h 1892 Pursuant to the By-laws of this Association the a meeting of the newly elected directors was this day held in the building belonging to the Association. There being a quorum for the transaction of business. On motion of : T. J. Tuck, seconded by J.S. Mitchell, Major I. Wood was reelected President and S. F. Morey Secy Treasurer. The meeting then adjourned. I. Wood, Pres. SamMorey, Secy Treas. 23

Sherbrooke Decr 2ct 1892 ln accordance with notice given to the Directors as required, a special meeting thereof was this day held in the building belonging to the Association, tbere being a quorum for the transaction of business and the President being in the chair. Moved by Director T.J. Tuck seconded by Director J.S.

Mitch~li that in as much as the Ex ecu tors of the Will of the la te Mrs Ma ir desire the payment of the sum of $15000 due by the Sherbrooke Library & Art Association under the deed ofMortgage obligation heretofore granted to ber- that the President and Secretary be and they are hereby authorized to negotiate a new loan for the same amouot to be made payable upon such terms and conditions as they may be able to effect the same and that as security for the paymeot of the sa id sum authority be and the same is hereby granted to bypothecate the real estate of the sa id Association for the payment of the principal and interest of the new loan to be effected for the purposes aforesaid. The meeting then adjourned. I. Wood Pres1 SamMorey Sey Treasr

Sherbrooke Oct 51111892 aA special meeting of Trustees was held in the building ofthe Ass". Moved by J.A. Archambault secct by W.A. Hale that tender of GG Bryant be accepted for strengthening present trusses of Art Hall ceiling according to drawings made byE. Berryman with a reasonable addition for cost of tying present trusses to walls, the whole to be done under supervision of 497

Mr. Bcrryman. Carri ed. Meeting th en adj ourned. 1. Wood Prest SamMorey Secy Treasr

24 Sherbrooke Mch 3d 1893 Pursuant to regular notice and th e By-laws a special meeting of th e Directors was this day held in th e building belonging to th e Associ ati on there bein g present Major 1. Wood Presid ent in th e Chair, J.A. Archambault, T.J. Tuck J .S. Mitchell. The Secy submitted th e tenders ofT. Lemaire &Low & G.G. Bryant for partial repair of damages caused by late fi re. Moved by T.J. Tuck seconded by J.A. Archambault th at th e tender of Lemaire & Low be accepted & th at they be instructed to proceed with the work tendered fo r. Moved by J.A. Archambault seconded by T.J. Tuck that th e fo ll owin g accounts be paid subj ect to such reductions as the Secy may be able to obtain , viz. Lucke & Mitchell $ 165 73 do 33 15 G.G. Bryant 57237 George Long 201 87 R. Sampson 12599 M oved by T.J. Tuck seconded by J.S. Mitchell that th e Secy Treasurer be paid th e sum of$100 in remunerati on of his services to 1s t May next. carri ed. The meeting then adj ourned. I. Wood Prest SamMorey Secy Treasr Directors Meetin g 25 Sherbrooke 10111 June 1893 Meeting of Directors held thi s day, regularl y cal led in accordance w ith the By-l aws, in the building of the Association, a quorum being present. The Minutes of previous meetings were read and confirmed. The action of th e Secrctary Trcasurer in paying th e fo llowing accounts was sanctioned. Lemaire & Locas 484.42 G. G. Bryant 45.25 G. H. Bradford 15.75 T. Lemaire 10.00 498

City of Sherbrooke taxes 81.68 Bell Telephone Co 12.50 The fo ll owing accounts were ordered to be paid Gco. Long 45 .80 Lucke & Mitchell 628.99 G. G. Bryant 17.70 R. Sampson 36.20 The Treasurers statement was presented and accepted subject to audi t. On moti on duly seconded it was resolved that James Hetherington be named to audi t the accounts to 1s t May 1893 and to certi fy as to con ectness of the Treasurers statement. lt was resolved th at James Hetherington be appointed Assistant Secretary to 1s t May 1894. The meeting then adj ourned. W. A. Hale, Chairman 26 Directors M eeting Sherbrooke 23 October 1893 Meeting ofDirectors Call ed in Accordance with th e by-laws held at the Library building thi s day a quorum being present. M. W.A. Hale was appoin ted chairman. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confi rmed. The Auditor's report was received and read to the meeting. The payment of accounts reported, - was approved. The fo llowing accounts were submitted and ordered to be paid : - Wm White for 6 months interest 41 2.50 G. G. Bryant 33.95 Geo Long 7.45 Lemaire & Low 5.60 Lucke & Mitchell 28 5. 97 The Account fo r the new boit er was read and di scussed and after examination of the work, it was resolved th at it be refen ed to the President and Secy Treas with authority to settle with the Messrs Jenckes on the most favourabl e terms obtainable. The meeting then adj ourned. J. Heth erington I. Wood asst. sect. Chairman 27 499

Sherbrooke - 17'h January 1894 Meeting of Directors regularly called in accordance with the Directors Meeting by-laws, held at the Library Building - a quorum being present. Mr. Israel Wood, chairman. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The offer of the C R Ry Coy fo r the office occupi ed by th em was di scussed, and it was resolved th at the President and the Secy Treas be authorized to sign a lease fo r year from first May next at a rent of per annum. A letter from the General Manager of the Quebec Centra l Railway requesting that an elevator be provided was read and fu lly di seussed the conclusion being that the scheme would be impracticable. Messrs Wood, Tuck and Mitchell to interview Mr. Grundy and convey thi s decision to the R. R. Coy. The fo llowing accounts were presented and ordered paid : - Jenckes Machine Coy 3.26 R. Sampson 32.50 but this amount subj ect to revision in respect to any items chargeabl e to the Library Uni on. Lemaire & Lomi s a/c fo r 43.30 was laid before the meeting and after explanation by the Secy Teas settlement on the best terms possibl e was authorized. The Meeting th en adj ourned. Jas Hetherington I. Wood asst. sect. Chairman 28 Sherbrooke 13!h F ebruary 1894 Annual Meeting In accordance with the By-Laws and Notice mailed to each Sbareholder, th e Arum al Meeting of th e Association was held at the Library Building at the hour appointed : 3 o'c lock in th e aftern oon. A quorum being present, M r. Israel Wood was appointed chaim1an and the Assistant secretary was requested to keep the Minutes of the Meeting. The M inutes of the last Annual Meeting were read and confirmed. It was moved by S. F. Morey seconded by C. H. Fletcher and resolved :- That By-law No 6 be amended to constitu te and make th e 500

Annual Meeting on the second Tucsday in May of each year at the hour of 3 p.m. Moved by J. S. Mitchell second ed by W. A. Hale and resolved : - That the President, I. Wood, be directed to sign ali records of the Annual Meetings whi ch not havin g been signed, have been read and approved by subsequent Meetings. On Motion by W. A. Hale seconded by j. S. Mitchell it was resolved that the meeting be adjourned until the second Tuesday in May next at the 3 o'clock p.m. in the Library building. 1. Wood chairman Jas Hetherington asst secy 29 Adj ourned Ammal Sherbrooke 8!h May 1894 Meeting In accordance with resolution of shareholders meeting13th Feby 1894 to adjourn till this date. No quorum bei ng present no meeting took place. Sherbrooke 18 May 1894 30 Meeting of Directors called in accordance with the by-laws Directors Meeting held at Library Building. Present : Messrs Mitchell, Hale & Wood. The Balance sheet and statement of Revenue and Outlay fo r the year ending 30th April 1894 were read to this meeting and acccpted. After due consideration, it was unanimously resolved that a dividend of 5% upon the paid up Capital be declared payable upon the 151 June next. The meeting theo Adjoumed. Jas Hetherington l. Wood asst. sect. Chairman 31 Annual Meeting Sherbrooke 18!h May 1894 The adjurned annual meetin g of shareholders was held in pursuance of the fo ll owing notice mailed to each shareholder. "Sherbrooke Library and Art Associti on. The adj oumed Annual Meeting will be held at the Art Hall on Friday afternoon ! 8th in stant at ftve o'clock." Israel Wood was appointed chairman of the meeting and J. 501

Hetherington was requested to act as Secretary. The Noti ce calling the meeting was read. The Minutes of the meeting held on 13111 February last was read and confi rmed. The Annual Statement of affairs and revenue was then submitted to the meeting the Directors declaring a di vidend of 5% to the shareholders payabl e 151 June next. It was moved by Israel Wood seconded by James S. M itchell and resolved that the report be adopted. lt was moved by R. W. Heneker seconded by J. S. M itchell and W. A. Hale and resolved That the hour of the An nuai meeting of shareholders be fixed for 5 o'clock p.m. instead of3 p.m. The election of Directors th en took place the fo llowing shareholders were elected as Directors fo r the ensuing year Israel Wood W. A. Hale J. S. Mitche ll J. A. Archambault T. F. Tuck 32 Sherbrooke J8!h May 1894 An11U al Meetin g On motion of R. W. Heneker seconded by J. S. M itchell : Sam F Morey was appoin ted General Manager fo r the commg ycar. And on motion of W . A. Hale seconded by J. S. M itchell : J. Heterington was appointed Secretary-Treasurer. After a vote of thanks to the retiring Directors fo r the ir services, th e meeting adj ourned. Jas Heth erington 1. Wood asst. sect. Chairman Sherbrooke 18!h M ay 1894

Dircctors Meeting In accordance with the by-l aws a meeting of the newly elected Directors was held thi s day. A quorum being present. On moti on of James S. Mitchell seconded by W . A. Hale Mr. Israel Wood was elected President. The meeting then adj ourned. Jas Hetherin gton 1. Wood asst. sect. Chairman 502


Sherb rooke 19th July 1894 Minutes of a meeting of Dircctors cal led in accord ance with the By-laws held at th e Library Building. Present, Mssrs. !.Wood I.A. Archambault J.S. Mi tchell. Mr. Morey the Manager requested that th e namc "Morey Art & Library Building" shawn on th e front should be changed to "Sherbrooke Library & Art Building" havin g beard Mr. Morey's reasons stated and having expressed regret that the change should seem necessary it was moved by J. S. Mitchell seconded by I. A . Archambault th at Mr Morey's request be acceded to and th e change be made. Carri ed. I. Wood J. Hetherington Pres ident Secy Treas.

Directors Meeting Shebrooke 14 May 1895 Meeting of Directors ca lied in accordance with th e By-Laws held at th e Library building Present : Messrs I. Wood J. S. M itchell T.J. Tuck W.A. Hale. Mr. I. Wood the president took the chair. The minutes of the meetings of 18 May 94 and 19111 July 1894 were read and confirmed. The Annual Statements were read and received. After di scussions, It was moved by

Mr. J. S. Mitchell seconded by Mr. T. J. Tuck and resolved 34 That a di vid end of 4% on th e paid up Capital stock of the Associati on is hereby declared payabl e as soon as the Secretary Treasurer shall have funds in hi s bands as availabl e fo r that purpose and th at the balance of Profi t & Loss in th e Annual Statement submitted thi s day aftcr deducting sa id 4% be applied in reduction of the permanent Improvement acct. Jas Heth eri ngton I. Wood asst. sect. Chairman 503

35 Annual Meeting Shebrooke May 14!h 1895 Annual Meeting in accord ance with the By-laws was held thi s day in the Library building. Major I. Wood was elected chairman and Mr. J. Hetherington named Secretary of the Meeting. The Notice of the meeting whi ch has been mailed to each shareholder was read. The M inutes of the last Arumal Meeting was read and confi rmed. The annual statement and Balance Sheet for the year ending 95 30th April was presented, w ith rep01i declaring a di vidend of 4% on the paid up Capital payabl e as saon as the Treasurer shall have funds in hand and that Balance of Profit & Loss be applied in reduction ofl mprovement aceount. After di scussion by those present on motion duly seconded the report was adopted. It was moved and seconded That the shareholders in arrears fo r the last cali of twenty perce nt made on 11 th February 1890 are hereby requested to pay same, and that notice of this be coneyed to these sharehold ers without delay. Carri ed. lt was resolved That the Secretary Treasurer be authorized to apply th e proceeds of payment of calls now due on the Capital Stock of the Association upon th e liability to the Eastern Townships Bank. Movcd by Mr. J. S. Mitchell Scconded by Mr. C. H. Fletcher and resolved : Tbat th e President and Secretary Treasurer are

are hereby authorized to renew the Note of the Association 36 now held by the Eastern Townships Bank for the sum of $2500. giving a new note for li ke amount dated 15 May 1895 payable on dcmand with interest 6%. It was moved by S. F. Morey Seconded by C. l-1. Fletcher and resolved That the retiring directors are hereby reelected for th e Coming year. viz. Messrs Wood W. A. Hale J. S. M itchell J. A. Archambault T. J. Tuck 504

Moved by C. H. Fletcher secd by W. A. Hale That S. F. Morey be appointed Manager th e coming year. Carried. And on motion ofT. F. Tuck seconded by S. F. Morey, J. Hetberington was made Secretary Treasurer. The meeting then adjourned. Jas Hetberington l. Wood Secretary President

Directors Meeting At a meeting of the Newly Elected Directors held at the Library Building on 14 May 1895 there being present Messrs. Mitchell Tuck Wood On motion duly seconded Major 1. Wood was unanimously elected President for Coming year. Jas Hetherington 1. Wood Secy Treas Pres. 37 Sherbrooke August 16 1895 Directors Meeting Meeting of Directors duly ca li ed by notice in accordance with the By-laws held at the Art Hall. Present: Messrs. Wood Tuck Hale Major 1. Wood in the chair. The statement of Cash Account was presented showing sufficient funds to pay the dividend declared on 14 May wb en the quarter rents to 1s t August shall be received ; after having Mr. Morey's explanations and di scussion it was resolved that the dividend be paid provided that overdraft could be arranged, to provide for immediate payment. It was reported that the sum of 460 had been received upon Capital account, this amount the Treasurer was instructed to apply in part payment of the Note held by the E. T. Bank, the question of action to be taken in the matter of the un pa id cati s was referred to next meeting. Jas Hetherington I. Wood Secy Treas President Sherbrooke 12 May 1896 38 At the regular meeting of the Directors held this day 505 according to notice. Present Major Wood in the cha ir, Messrs. Tuck, Archambaul t & Hale. M r. Hale was asked to act as Secretai)'. The accounts & Balance Sheet having been read by the chairman they were by resolution received an approved after being full y di scussed. It was moved by Mr. T. J. Tuek seeonded by Mr. J. A. Archambault that a dividend of2% upon the paid up Capital Stock be declared fo r the current year and that the balance of $ 15 111 be applied in reduction of the Note in th e Eastern Townships Bank and th at any unpaid calls that may be received should be also applied in reduction of sa id N ote. The di vidend referred to above shall be pauabl e upon the frrst day of June next. Carri ed. Jas Hetherington 1. Wood Sec_y Treas Chairman 39 Sherbrooke 12 M ay 1896 At th e Annual M eeting of sharehold ers held this day in accordance wi th the By-Laws, Major Israel Wood in th e chair. Present Messrs. Tuck C. D. White Mr. J. Heth erington was requested to act as Secretary. The Notice of meeting mai led to each sharehold er was read. The Minutes of the last Annual M eeting were read and confirmed. The Chaim1an presented the Repo11 of the Directors together with th e Annual Statements whi ch by resolution were adopted by th e meeting. lt was resolved that Messrs Israel Wood W. A. Hale J. A. Archambault J. S. M itchell T. J. Tuck be th e Directors for the coming year ­ Resolved that Mr. S. F. M orey be manager & Mr. J. Hetherington be Secretai)' Treasr fo r th e coming year. The meeting then adj ourned. Jas Heth erif!gl:on R. W . Heneker 506

Sec y Chairman Sherbrooke 22 110 October 1896 40 In accordance with notice given to the Directors as required. A special meeting tbercofwas thi s day beld in the building belonging to the Associati on there bein g a quorum for the transacti on of business. Present Mssrs I. Wood, T. J. Tuck and J. S. Mitchell. lt was moved by James S. Mitchell seconded by T. J. Tuck and resolved th at Major Israel Wood be President for th e Current year. Moved by T.J. Tuck seconded by James S. Mitchell and resolved That the President and Secretary Treasurer be and are hereby authori zed to di scharge the present obligations and Mortgage fo r fi fteen thousa nd doll ars existing in favor of the Honorable William White upon the real Esta te of th e Association. thi s discharge to be affected by th e payment of tbe amount of the claim, fro m the loan to be negoti ated w ith Lt. Colonel Charles King. lt was moved by James S. Mitchell seconded by Thomas J. Tuck and resolved : - That th e Sum of Sixteen thousand dollars $ 16000 be borrowed from Li eutenant Colonel Charl es King, for the term of four years; for the purpose of payin g off th e existing Mortgage in favor of th e Honourable William White for fifteen th ousand dollars $ 15000 and the balance to be expended in paying off one th ousand dollars of the fl oating debt; - at th e 41

rate of five and one half per cent per annum, payabl e semi - annuall y : and that th e President and Secretary Treasurer by and are hereby authorized to sign the deed of obligati on and Mortgage on th e real Esta te of tbe sa id Association, being lot and building, Cadastral Number 257 Centre Ward, as securi ty fo r th e above Joan for the purpose aforesaid. Israel Wood as President onl y Jas. Hetherington Secy Treasr Sherbrooke 11 th May 1897 42 The AmlUal Meeting of the Shareholders call ed in accordance with the by-laws Noti ce of whi ch has been mai led to each member was adj ourned until Wednesday 12th in stant. at 507

p.m. in the Art Hall. J. Hetherington J. Wood Scey Treas President 43 Sherbrooke 12th May 1897 At the regular Meeting of the Directors cal led in accordance with the by-laws held this day in the Art Hall of the Library building Present Major Wood in the chair Messrs Tuck, W. A. Hale, J. S. Mitchell fo rming a quorum fo r the transaction of business. The Minutes of th e Directors meeting of 12 May and 22 October 1896 were read and confirmed. The lncome account and Balance Sheet were read and accepted. Moved by T. J. Tuck seconded by J. S. Mitchell that a dividend of 4% be declared upon th e pa id up capital, payable as soon as a sufficient a mount of the rents be received and that the balance at the Credit of Profit and Loss be applied in part payment of the Note held by the Eastern Townships BanJ<. The Meeting then adjourned. Jas Hetherington I. Wood Secy Treas Presid ent Sherbrooke 12!h May 1897 44 The adjourned Annual Meeting of the Shareholders called in accordance with the by-laws for the 11 th instant was held this day in the Art Hall of the building owned by the Association. On motion duly seconded Mr. R. W. Heneker was appointed chairman of the meeting and Mr. J. Hetherington was requested to act as Secretary. The Directors The Notice calling the meetin g which bad been mai led to each shareholder was read. The Minutes of the last Annual Meeting were read and confirmcd. The Accounts for the year ending 30th April in st. together with the Directors report declaring a Di vident of 4%, the balance of the carnings for the year cnded to be applied in part payment of the Association's Note, was submitted and on motion duly seconded were adopted by the Meeting. 508

lt was moved and second ed that the last board of directors be reelected for th e coming year. viz. Messrs. I. Wood W. A. Hale J. A. Archambault J. S. Mitchell T. J. Tuck carried. Moved and seconded That S. F. Morey be appointed Manager for ftftè. 45 and Jas Hetherington Secretary Treasurer for the coming year. It was moved by M . W. A. Hale seconded by Mr. J. S. Mitchell That Mr. Nei l Dunning be appointed auditor. Carri ed. The Meeting then adjourned. Jas Hetherington 1. Wood Secy Treas President

Sherbrooke 12 May 1897 At a meeting of the newly elected Directors held immedi ately after the Annual Meeting a quorum being present and Mr. T. J. Tuck acting as chairman Major Israel Wood was unanimously elected president fort he commg year. On motion duly seconded Mr. J. Hetherington was appointed Secretary Treasurer for the coming year. The meeting then adjourned. Jas Hetherington 1. Wood Secy Treas President Sherbrooke 1O!h May 1898 46 At a regul ar meeting of the Directors held th is day in th e Art Hall. Present Mssrs. W. A. Hale J. S. Mitchell I. Wood T. J. Tuck forming a quorum. The chair was taken by the president. The statements for the year showing state of affairs and income and expenditures were read to the meeting and after 509

being di scussed by th ose present it was resolved that : That a di vidend of 3% on the paid up Capita l be decl ared payable on th e first of June next and th at the balance of Credi t of Profit and Loss thereafter be received and applied in part payment of the Association's Note. The Meeting th en adjoumed. Jas Hetherington 1. Wood Se9'_ Treas President Shareholders 47 Sherbrooke 10111M ay 1898 In accordance with the By-laws and Notice mailed to each shareholder the Annual Meetin g of the Association was held thi s day in the L ibrary and Art Building. Major Wood was elected chairman and Mr. J. Hetherington was requested to act as Secretary. The Annual statements and the report of th e Directors declaring a di vidend of 3% payable 151 June, the balance of earnm. gs to 1st M ay to be received and applied in part payment of th e Association's Note, was submitted to the meeting and upon motion duly seconded was adopted. The election of di rectors fo r the coming year was then proceeded w ith th e fo llowing members being choscn as directors: Messrs. 1. Wood W. A. Hale J. A. Archambault J. S. Mitchell T. J. Tuck. The meeting th en adj ourned. Jas Hetherington 1. Wood Secy Treas President Sherbrooke 10 M ay 1898 48 At the close of th e Annual Meeting of shareholders, a meeting of the newly elected directors was held at which it was moved and seconded and resolved that Major 1. Wood be president fo r the coming year. On motion duly seconded it was resolved that M r. S. F. Morey be appointed Manager, Jas Hetherington Secretary­ Trcasurcr and N . Dunning Auditor. The meeting then adj ourned. 510

Jas Hctherington I. Wood Secy Treas President June 1899 The Deferred Annual Meeting of the sbarebold crs of the Sherbrooke Library & Art Ass 11 was held purs uant to noti ce mail ed to each shareholder in th e Art Hall , The President in the chair. The minutes of the last Annual meeting May 10/98 were read and confim1ed. The Treasurer submitted th e Annual Financial Statement of th e Affairs of th e Associati on to the 1s t of May 1899. and after consideration thi s statement was adopted. Upon moti on of R. W. Heneker the retiring Board of Directors was reelected as fo ll ows: Israel Wood J. S. Mitchell T. J. Tuck W. A. Hale J. A. Archambault. The meeting then adj ourned. I. Wood President Sam Morey Secy Treasr 49

June 1899 At th e close of the Annual meeting of Shareholders a meeting of the newly elected directors was held . Major Israel Wood was duly proposed as President for the coming year and elected unanimously. Upon motion S. F. Morey was appointed Secretary Treasurer fo r th e year ending April 30th 1900 and hi s acti on in fi lling the position of Secretary Treasurer fo r the year ending April 30th 1899 and th e acts perfo rmed in c01m ection therewith were duly confi rmed. Lease of front fo ur offices on second fl oor to Brown & McDonald for fivc ycars from 1s i May 1900 at $425 per Annum with occupati on from September 1899 tosa id 1s i May 1900 fo r $100 was confi rmed. l. Wood President SamMorey Secy Treasr 11 Feby 12 ' 1900 5 11

PUI·suant to notice mailed to each shareholder, a special meeting of the shareholders was this day held in th e Library building therc being present th e President I. Wood in the chair, R.W. Hcnckcr, A.G.Lomas, C.H. Fletcher, W.A. Hale, J. A. Archambaul t and S.F. Morey, forming a quorum for transaction of business. The Secretary & Treasurer submitted estima tes of present & fu ture income & ex penses. After di scussion it was unanimously resolved & carried tht the President & Secy Treas' give wri tten notice to the Council of th e City of Sherbrooke th at in view of the present unfavorable fi nancial position and eamings of the Association, it catmot continue to afford th e same space as heretofore to the Library & Art Union for the compensation received. Meeting then adj ourned. SamMorcy Secy Treas' I. Wood President Sherbrooke F eby 2 151 1900 50 Pursuant to special notice mai led to each sharehold er a special meeting of the shareholders was thi s day held in the Library Room of the L ibrary Building, there being present 1. Wood President in the chair, R.W. Heneker, C.H. Fletcher, J. S. Mitchell, E. R.H . Brooks representing Esta te of la te E.J. Brooks, H.D . Lawrence representing Estate of late T. J. Tuck, I .A. Archambaul t, also representing Estate late G.E. Ri oux, S.F. Morey. The Secy Treas' reported that a letter of notification bad been sent to he C ity Council under the terms of instruction given at last special meeting : that as a result tbereof the President, Secy Treas" of the Association accompanied by Mr. H .D. Lawrence had met a special Committee appointed by the Council fo r conference; that said Committee desired to know if the Association would sell th e L ibrary Building to the C ity & upon what terms, & also requested a definite statement of what the Association were willing to do towards supply accomodations fo r th e Library & Art Union. -After consideration it was unanimously resolved th at the Committee referred to be informed that the Association w ill sell the Library Building to the City for the sum of $25000 the valuation placed upon it by the City Valuators. This offer subject to acceptance on or before April 15'h 1900. That as an alternative propositi on, the Assn will grant until further notice to the Library & Art Uni of n the ree & exclusive use of the 512

Library Room 25 x 40 heated frec of charge, the right to use the Art Hall for the exhibition of the pictures on its wall s with acccss by the public except when undeer temporary renta! & th e use in common with other tenants of the Cura tors room so cal led givin g entrace to the premises named in return for the exemption of taxation as heretofore. Meeting th en adjourned. SamMorey Secy Treas,. !.Wood President 51 Blank P

Manager and Seeretary-Treasurer was reeeived, read and ordered fyled, pending the return ofMr. Morey when the Directors would confer with him in the matter 55

Feb. 14th continued M. A. L. Parker, of Sherbrooke Que. was duly appointed Acting Secretary Treasurer and authorized to sign cheques on behalf of the Sher. Lib. & Art Association, in conjunction with the Presid ent Major 1. Wood, who shall countersign the sa me. Meeting then adjourned. A. L. Parker Acting Sec. Treasr. Sherbrooke, Que 56 May30 / 1901 Deferred 1 Pursuant to notices mai led to each shareholder May 28 h the Annual Meeting deferred annual meetin g of the Sherbrooke Library and Art Association was held this day at 8 p.m. in the Art Hall. There were present Directors W. A. Hale, J. S. Mitchell , also S. F. Morey, Manager & Sec. Treas., C. H. Fletcher, and H. D. Lawrence, representing Mrs E. M. Tuck. Upon th e motion of Mr. S. F. Morey, seeonded by J. S. Mitchell, Mr. C. H. Fletcher took the chair. The minutes of the annual meeting in June 1899, also minutes of special meetings held since were read and confirmed. The financial statement of assets and liabilities and also profit and loss was read and explained by the Sec. Tres., Mr. Morey. The statement showed it to be necessary to make a loan of $700.00 in order that accounts payables should be squared. Upon motion ofH. D. Lawrence, seconded by J. S. Mitchell, a resolution was passed authorizing the Secretary Treasurer to execute a note at six percent for th e required amount, viz $700.00, pledging as security therefore the rentais to accue from Messrs Brown & Macdonald, same to be applied to th e reduction of the note as pa id in to th e Secretery Treasurer It was also resolved that W. L. McSwygans account be paid subject to the cxamination and approval of the work by the arch i tects. Major Wood's verbal notification asto his being no longer eli gibl e for the position of President was brought to the notice ------


of the shareholders pages missing 57 and 58 59 The Directors in accepting the resignation of S.F. Morey, Esq., as Secretary Treasr and Manager, although recognizing the fact that his services have been given, not through any desire or expectation of reward or commendation, but sol ely on account of hi s deep interest in th e ai ms and wei fare of the Association, nevertheless felt that it would be fitting to place on record an expression of the ir appreciation of the long years of gratuitous and arduous la bor which he bas devoted to the upbuilding and extension of the work of the Library and Art Union and the management of the building erected by the shareholders for its use. They feel that they voice the universal opinion, in recording the fact that without his active and vigorous direction and efforts the association would never have been inaugurated or carried on, and that the citizens of Sherbrooke owe, and acknowledge a vast indebtedness to him for the benefits flowing from its continuance. Upon motion ofW.A. Hale, seconded by J.S. Mitchell , Messrs. S.F. Morey, H.D. Lawrence and C.l-l. Fletcher were duly elected as Directors. The meeting theo adjourned. A.L. Parker Sec. Tr. C.H. Fletcher Presid ent Directors May 30/ 1901 meeting At the close of th e annual meeting of shareholders a meeting of th e newly elected directors was held, viz. J.S. Mitchell W.A. Hale S.F. Morey C.H. Fletcher. Mr. C. H. Fletcher was duly proposed as President and 60 unanimously elected upon motion of W. A. Hale, seconded Dircctors meeting by H. O. Lawrence. Mr. A. L. Parker was appointed Secretary May 30 1 190 l Trcasurer at a remuneration of $50 per annum for the year continued commencing Oct 1s t 1900 The meeting theo adjourned A. L. Parker C. H. Fletcher Sec Treas President Special Directors called for July 16 1 Ol at 5 p.m. Meeting Present the President and Mr. Morey. not a quorum. 515

Special Directors meeting 61 Pursuant to notice mailed to each Director as special meeting ofDirectors was held in the Art Hall, Tuesday evening Sep 10 1 1901 at 8 o'clock. There were present Messrs C. H. Fletcher, the President, presiding, H. D. Lawrence and S. F. Morey. Letters read from Messrs Dresser & Co asking that policy in Phoenix Co for 5000.00 expiring Sep 16 1 1901 be replaced by a po licy in the Royal. Also letter from Messrs G. E. & C. K. Fraser asking that the policy be renewed with them in Phoenix. Both firms enclosing interim receipts. Upon motion of S. F. Morey seconded by H. D. Lawrence it was decided to accept the policy in the Royal with Messrs Dresser & Co. James Lowe, plumber, made verbal report on the drain pipe and was instructed to make examina ti on of same at next rain storm with a view of locating difficulty. An examination of its large room in the basement was made and Mr. Lowe asked to make a tender for the bea ting of same. The Directors gave instructions to paint doors of Gas & Water Co. ' s office and to complete the papering and painting of lower hallway & staircase. An application was made by the Secretary Treasurer on behalf of Mr. Shea representing a number of young men for the use of the Art Hall one night every two weeks for an assembly_ Hours to be from 8 to 12 o'clock. subject to change ofnight 62 on the part of the Directors. The Secretary was instructed to charge eight dollars and to stipulate that Mr. Tate should be engaged to be in attendance each night. The following accounts were authorized to be paid Dominion Plate Glass Ins. Co. premium 2.03 Sher. City Water Dept. 12.50 Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. 10.00 Geo. Long 4.47 The Secretary was instructed to see Mr. Broderick and endeavor to secure a payment on account of rent due also to notify Mr. McSwiggin to complete his contract according to the report of Messrs Cox and Amos. Necessary repairs to the ceiling in the Art Hall were authorized. 51 6

Meeting th en adjourned. C.F H. letcher Prest A. L. Parker Sec Treas Special Directors meeting 63 Pursuant to noti ce mail ed each Director, a meeting was held in th e Library, Dec 2 1 01 at 5 o'clock p.m. there being present The President, Mr. C. H. Fletcher presiding and Directors Morey, Lawrence, Mitchell and Hale. The minutes of preceding minutes were read, confirrned and signed. The Secretary reported verbally upon matters referred to in minutes of previous meetings. The following accounts were presented and duly ordered paid

Geo Long $ 10.64 J. A. Montminy 2.1 2 Chas Lacey .55 Sher City Water 6.25 J. S. Mitchell & Co. 169.80 Cox & Amos gas bill 1.50 Mr. Morey reported th at correspondence bad passed between Mr. Hurd, representing the Association, and the Post Office Dept. in regard to the balanec of account due. The Secretary was instructed to ask Mr. Hurd to again write th e Department, with a view to getting a settlement. Leases of offi ces to Mrs. J. O. Foss and Miss Dawson were confim1ed and rentai approved. The Secretary was instructed to dispose of lumber stored in basement at best possible priee and report result of sale. Also to get tenders fo r ceiling lower room n.w. comeer with 7/8 in spruce ordinary finish, oil shell ac, varni sh. and report at next meeting. Then adj ourned. A. L. Parker Sec. Tr. C. H. Fletcher Prest Purs uant to noti ce mailed each director a meeting was held in 64 th e Art Hall , Jan 8/ 1902 at 5 o'clock. The President, C. H . Special Directors ' Fletcher presiding; there were present Directors Mitchell , meeting Lawrence and Morey. M inutes ofpreceding meeting were read and confi rmed and signed. Secretary reported th at a small cheque 2.1 2 mailed to J. A. Montminy bad not been paid and that payee was claiming non receipt of same. Secretary in structed to let matter stand at 517

!east 30 days longer before issuing duplicate also rcportcd that Post Office Department had remi tted a mount of arrears due for rent. Messrs Hurd and Fraser's account, $5 .00 for services in connection with the collection of the account was ordered paid. Also reported that lumber stored in basement had becn used in connection with repairs to floor of coal-bin. A Iso presented tender from Loomi s & Sons of $60 and from C. P. Byrd of$ 57.90 and $48.00 for ceiling of rooms in basement. Upon motion of Mr. Lawrence, seconded by M r. Mitchell it was decided to take steps fi rst towards the securing of a tenant before proceeding with proposed improvements in rooms in question. The fo llowing accounts were ordered paid : R. Sampson $ 2. 05 Shr City Water 6.25 Sher Gaz W. Co. Geo. Long 15.0 1 Jess any sum included therein chargeable to Mr. McSw iggin re: glass in sk_y_!i_ghts. 65

Secretary was instru cted to make an appointment with Mr. McSwiggan to meet Messrs Mitchell and Lawrence to adjust th e matters in connection w ith the unfi ni shed roof. A schedule of rates for the rentai of Art Hall was adopted as follows - For Entertainements evening net 10°0 For Dances, not to include moving of chairs 12°0 extra expenses incurred to be borne by parties renting the Hall. Where Hall is rented for more than one night, second ni ght to be $1 Jess than first night, third ni ght $ 1 Jess than second ni ght. - and in any case cxtraordinary matter to be treated Specially by the Directors- A di scount of 10% will be allowed to churches and charitable organi zations renting the Hall. Sccretary was instructed to prepare statement of the Vosburgh claim and send sa me to Mr. W.E. Morehouse, making him offer of25 % to collect same and authorizing him to accepta minimum scttlcment of $50 - outs ide of hi s own commiSSIOn - 518

Upon motion by Mr. Mitchell seconded by Mr. Morey, Mr. H.D. Lawrence was appointed to be chairman of the association 's Directors acting for the President during his absence only. Meeting then adjourned. C.H. Fletcher Prest. A.L. Parker SecTr

Pursuant to notice a meeting of the Directors was held in the 66 Art Hall at 5:30 on Monday April 14/02, there were present Special Dircctors Mr. Fletcher, the President, Mr. Hale, Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Meeting Morey. Minutes of preceding meeting were read confirmed and signed. The following accounts were presented and after di scussion were ordered paid : City Water Dept. to June 15/02 6.25 City of Sherbrooke taxes 1901 80.00} Interest accrued 2.40} J.S. Mitchell & Co. coal 143 .23 12. 19 12.60 " 12.19 (coal at same rate as in Jany 6.25 - gross ton 2200 #) Sher Gas & W Co. {upper hall & passage .88} Period of {3 electric li ghts 3.48} 3 mos {Art Hall 8.35} {Basement 2.38} {n.w. cor room Foss 2.38} Col Chas King interest 6 mos 440.00 Rentai of Art Hall to ladies for Hospital Euchre party net $ 10 was confirmed. Secretary was requested to write Mr. Lawrence asking him to clo se up roof matter , now in abeyance, which had been under hi s supervision and report as to settlement with McSwiggin. Secretary requestcd to writc S. J. Brodcrick and inform bim th at the Directors were di sposed to let the arrears of rentai stand as at present and not require him to vacate the office on condition that he pay $40 during may nex t as agreed w ith Mr. More)'_ 67 caretaker to leave one of three closets in basement unlocked 519

and pl ace noti ces so th at parties may know that th cre arc fa cil itics fo r th e ir conveni ence other th an ash heaps and trap doors. Secretary also requested to advise the Metropolitan Am. Ath. Association to thi s effect. Meetin g then adj ourned. C. H. Fletcher Prest Sherbrooke 68 June 13 1902 Deferred The deferred annual meeting of th e Sherbrooke Library & Art Annual Meeting Association was held thi s day at 5 o'clock p.m. in th e Art Hall. Thcre were present Messrs C. H. F letcher, th e President, Mr. S. F. Morey, Mr. R. W. Heneker and Mr. H. R. Fraser, representing the interests of Mrs. Brooks. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confi nned, upon th e motion of H. R. Fraser, seconded by R. W. Hcncker. The Secretary Treasurer th en presented a statement of the Assets and li abilities of the Association as standing in the books on th e 30 111 May, also statement of profit and loss account fo r the year showin g a balance at credit of the account of$812.55. The statements presented were di scussed in detail by the sharehold ers present and it was resolved th at the outstanding li abilities of th e Association, viz. Bills Payabl e, and Accounts payabl e as appearcd by th e Treasurers statement should be liquidatd as funds became available for the aforesaid purpose. Upon moti on ofMr. S. F. Morey, seconded by Mr. R. W. Heneker, the retiring board of directors, (viz. C. H. Fletcher, W. A. Hale, J. S. Mitchell and S. F. Morey) were reelectd. Movcd by M r. S. F. Morey, seconded by R. W. Heneker that Mr. H. R. Fraser be elected Director to repl ace Mr. H. D. Lawrence. Meeting th cn adj ourned. C. H. Fletcher A. L. Parker Prest Sectr Special Dircctors Meeting 69 At th e close of th e annual meeting a meeting of the newly elected directors was held at whi ch were present Messrs 520

Fletcher, Morey and Fraser. lt was moved by Mr. Morey, seconded by Mr. Fraser that C. H. Fletcher Esq be the President of the Board of Directors for the year ending April 30/1903. Carri ed. The Secretary Treasurer, Mr. A. L. Parker was reappointed for the year ending April 30 1 1903, remuneration as before $50. The payment by the President and Secy Treas of premiums of in surance policies expiring since last Directors meetin g was confirmed viz. Dominion Plate Glass Ins Co. $36.90 $35 Western Dresser & Co. The Sec. Treasurer was instructed to pay the floating li abilities as rapidly as funds would permi t, applying the rentais of Brown & Macdonald however as heretofore on the Hale note. The current regular expenses were also ordcred pa id witbout further authorization from the directors than the signature of President and Secretary Treasurer on cheques. Meeting then adjourned. C. H. Fletcher A. L. Parker Prest Sectr annual meeting. 70 Present, Messrs. C. H. Fletcher, S. F. Morey, J. S. Mitchell & 1904 May 10 H. R. Fraser. Statement of cash receipts & expenditures presented by Secy Tr. as also balance sheet of Assets & Liabilities, & profit and Joss accoun t. Statements as presented were discussed and Secy Treaserer ordered to transfer the balance oflmprovement a/c viz. 490.60 to the Profit and Joss account also to write off from Reas Estate a sum of335.77 which would bring the account down to 29,000 in round figures. Moved by C. H. Fletcher seconded by Jas S. Mitchell that the demand note at the E. T. Bank be retired. carri ed. Officers elected for year 1903-04 were continued in office fo r year 1904-05. C. H. Fletcher President Sec Treas. 1906 May 8th 71 Annual Meeting Pursuant to a notice mai led to each of the shareholders, th e Annual Meeting of the Association was held in th e Art Hall 521

on the eighth day of May, 1906, at five o'clock in the afternoon, at which meeting were present the fo llowing shareholders : C. H. Fletcher, J. S. Mitchell, H. R . Fraser and S. F. Morey, the President , C. H. Fletcher in the chair. The minutes of the Annual Meeting held on the lOth ofMay 1904 were read and confirmed. The Treasurer submitted the Annual Finaneial Statement of the affairs of the Association for the year ending Apri 1 30th 1906 and after being discussed, thi s statement was adopted. Upon motion duly seconded it was resolved that the rentai of the offices, occupied by C. H. Foss, should be fixed at $300.00 a year instead of$275.00 rent and $25.00 for heating as heretofore. The monthly payments of $7.50 to S. R. Tate was ordered discontinued from the first of May instant. The treasurer was instructed to write off $18.10 the account due by J. S. Broderick. It was decided that an effort should be made to obtain from The Library & Art Union a settlement of the amount due by them either by cash or note. The retiring Board ofDirectors, (viz. C. H . Fletcher; W. A. Hale, J. S. Mitchell, S. F. Morey and H . R. Fraser), were re­ elected. The meeting then adjourned. G. S. McFadden G. H. Fletcher President Sec. Treas. 1906 Directors Meeting : - May 8th At the close of the Annual Meeting held this day, a meeting of the Directors was held at whi ch were present Directors J. S. Mitchell, C. H. Fletcher, S. F. Morey & H. R. Fraser. Moved by H. R. Fraser & seconded by S. F. Morey, tbat C. H. Fletcher be re-elected President, and that George S. McFadden be appointed Secretai)' Treasurer of the Association to replace Mr. A.L. 72 Parker, resigned, his remuneration to be fifty dollars a year. Carried. A vote of thanks to the retiring Secretary and Treasurer of the Association, A.L. Parker, was passed. The meeting then adjourned. C.H. Fletcher President 522

G.S. McFadden Sec. Treas.

1906 Special General Meeting July 26th Purs uant to a notice mai led to each of the shareholders, a Special General M eeting of the sharehold ers of the Associati on was held in the Art Hall on the twenty-sixth day of July, 1906 at fi ve o' clock in the after-noon, at which meeting were present th e followin g sharehold ers : - H.R. Fraser, C.H . Fletcher, S. F. Morey, W.M .. Mitchell & W.A. Hale. The minutes of the Annual Meeting held on th e eight day of May 1906 were read & confirmed. lt was moved by C.H. Fletcher & seconded by H .R. Fraser and resolved : - That the Board of Directors be and th ey are hereby authori zed to obtain a loan of fi fteen thousand dollars from such person or Company, for such a term and at such a rate of interest as they may deem fit, for the purpose of payin g off the ex isting Joan to th e Estate of the late Colonel Charl es King and as securi ty fo r such loan, to grant a mortgage and hypothec upon the building and premi ses of the Associati on. The meeting then adj oumed. G.S. McFadden C.H. Fletcher President Sec. Treas. 1906 July 26th 73 Special Directors Meeting: At th e close of the Special General Meeting of the Shareholdeers held thi s day, a special meeting of Dircctors was held at which were present Directors : H. R. Fraser, G. H. Fletcher, W. A. Hale, S. F. Morey and J. S. Mitchell. The M inutes of the Directors meeting held on the eighth day of M ay 1906 were read & confirmed. It was moved by Director Hale & seconded by Director Mitchell and resolved : That in order topa y off the ex isting loan to the Esta te of the late Co. Charl es King, th e President and Secretary be and they are hereby authori zed to obtain a loan of fifteen thousand do ll ars from such person or Company, fo r such period and at such a rate of interest as they may deem wise, and in order to secure such loan to mortgage and hypothecate 523

the building, premi ses and property of the Association, and for that purpose to sign and execute ali such deeds, documents and mortgages as may be necessary in the prem1 ses. The meeting then adjoumed. G.S. McFadden C.H. Fletcher President Sec. Treas. 1907 Annual Meeting. May 14th Pursuant to a notice mai led to each of th e shareholders, the Annual Meeting of th e Association was held in th e Art Hall on the fourteenth day of May, 1907 at five o' clock in the after-noon at which meeting were present the following shareholders:- C. H. Fletcher, J. S. Mitchell, W . A. Hal e, S. F. Morey & H. R. Fraser. The minutes of the Special Meeting held on the twenty-sixth day of July, 1906, were read and confirmed. The Treasurer submitted th e annual financial statemcntof the affairs of the Association for the year ending April 30th, 1907 and after being di scussed, the statement was adopted.

The retiring Board ofDirectors, viz. : C. H. Fletcher, W . A. 74 Hale, J. S. Mitchell, S. F. Morey and H. R. Fraser, were re­ elected. The Meeting th en adjourned. G.S. McFadden C.H. Fletcher Sec. Treas. President 1907 Directors Meeting. May 14th At the close of the Annual Meeting held thi s day, a meeting of the Directors was held , at which were present, Directors C. H. Fletcher, W. A. Hale, J. S. Mitchell, S. F. Morey and H. R. Fraser. The minutes of the Special Directors Meeting held on the twcnty-sixth of July, 1906, were read and confirmed. The qu estion of a new tariff of rates for the Art Hall was di scusscd and the following tariffwas agreed upon ; ­ Concerts, etc. from eight o'clock to ten ...... $ 10.00 When th e engagement is for more than one evening, th e priee shall be $ 10.00 for the first evening, $9.00 for the second cvening, $8.00 for the third evening and son on. Banquets ...... $ 15.00 Dances from eight o'clock to twelve (two rows 524

of chairs around the Hall, being left) ...... $ 12.00 Dances lasting later than twelve o'clock ...... $15.00 A discount of 10% from the regular priee of $10.00 wi ll be made when the Hall is rented for religious or charitable purposes. Moved by S. F. Morey and seconded by H. R. Fraser that C. H. Fletcher be re-elected President and that George S. McFadden be re-appointed Secretary and Treasurer of the Association. Carried. The meeting then adjourned. G.S. McFadden C.H. Fletcher President Sec. Treas. 1908 May 12th 75 Annu al Meeting. Pursuant to a notice mailed to each of the sharehold ers, the Annual Meeting of the Association was held in the Art Hall on the Tuesday the 12th day of May, 1908 at five of the clock in the after-noon, at which meeting were present the followin g sharehold ers: C. H. Fletcher, J. S. Mitchell, W. A. Hale and H. R. Fraser. The minutes of the Annual Meeting held on the fo urteenth day of May 1907 were read and confirmed. The Treasurer submitted the Annual Financial Statement of the affairs of the Association and after being discussed, this statement was adopted. The retiring Board ofDirectors, viz. C. H. Fleetcher, W. A. Hale, J. S. Mitchell , S. F. Morey and H. R. Fraser were re­ elected The meeting then adjoumed. G.S. McFadden C.H. Fletcher President Sec. Treas. 1908 Directors Meeting May 12th At the close of the Annual Meeting held this day, a Meeting of the Directors was held at which meeting were present the fo ll owing Directors : C. H. Fletcher, J. S. Mitchell, W. A. Hale and H. R. Fraser. The minutes of the Directors Meeting held on the fourteenth day ofMay, 1907, were read and confirmed. Moved by Director Hale and seconded by Director Fraser that Director C. H. Fletcher be re-elected President and that George S. McFadden be re-appointed Secretary and Treasurer 525

of the Association. Carri ed. The meeting th en adj ourned. G.S. McFadden C.H. Fl etcher President Sec. Treas. Annual Meeting 76 Pursuant to a notice mail ed to each of the shareholders, the 1909 Annual Meeting of th e Associati on was held in the Art Hall May Il th on Tuesday th e eleventh day of May, 1909, at five o'clock in the after-noon, at whi ch meetin g were present the fo ll owing shareholders: - C. H. Fletcher, J. S. Mi tchell , S. F. Morey and H. R. Fraser. The minutes of th e Annual Meeting held on the 12th dayof May, 1908, were read and confirmed. The Treasurer submitted the Annual Financial Statement of th e affairs of the Associati on; and after bein g di scussed, this statement was adopted. The retiring Board of Directors, viz. J. S. M itchell, W. A. Hale, S. F. M orey, C. H. Fletcher and H. R. Fraser were re­ elected. The meeting then adj oumed. G.S. McFadden C.H. Fletcher Sec. Treas. President 1909 Directors M eeting May 11 th At the close of the Armual Meeting held this day, a meeting of the Directors was held, at which meeting were present the fo ll owing Directors : H.R. Fraser, C. H. F letcher, S. F. Morey and J. S. M itchell. The minutes of the Directors M eeting held on May 12th , 1908, were read and confirmed. Moved by Director Morey and seconded by Director Fraser that Director Fletcher be re-elected President, and th at George S. McFadden be re-appointed Secretary and Treasurer of the Associati on. The meeting th en adj oumed. G.S. McFadden C. H. Fletcher Sec. Treas. President 1910 May lOth 77 Annual Meeting Purs uant to a noti ce mai led to each of the shareholders, th e An nuai Meeting of the Associati on was held in the Art Hall on Tuesday the tenth day of May, 19 10, at five o'clock in the ------


after-noon, at which meeting were present the following shareholders: C. H. Fletcher, J. S. Mitchell, H. R. Fraser and W. A. Hale. The minutes of the Arnmal Meeting held on the eleventh day ofMay, 1909 were read and confirmed. The Treasurer submitted the Annual Financial Statement of the affairs of the Association and after being discussed, this statement was adopted. The President submitted a report which was approved and ordered filed. The retiring Board ofDirectors : viz. J. S. Mitchell, W . A. Hale, S. F. Morey, C. H. Fletcher and H. R. Fraser were re­ elected. The Meeting then adjourned. Sec. Treas. President 1910 Directors Meeting May 10 1910 At the close of the Annual Meeting held this day, a Meeting of the Directors was held, at which meeting were present the following Directors: - H. R . Fraser, C. H. Fletcher, W. A. Hale and J.S. Mitchell. The minutes of the Directors Meeting held on May Il th , 1909 were read and confinned. Moved by Director Mitchell and seconded by Director Fraser that Director Fletcher be re-elected President ant that George S. McFadden be re-appointed Secretary and Treasurer of the Association at a remuneration of $100.00 per year as heretofore. The meeting then adjourned. Directors' Meeting May 20111 1911 79 Pursuant to notice given according to the by-laws a meeting of the Directors was this May 20111 1911 held in the office of H.R. Fraser in the Art Building . Resolved and unanimously carried that this Sherbrooke Library and Art Association accept from the Standard Li fe Assurance Company an extension of the Joan of Fifteen thousand Dollars from the said Standard Life Assurance Company under a deed of obligation passed before Maître E.B. Worthington dated August 20111 1906, whereby the property of the Association being the north easterly part of lot number 257 on the official plan & book of reference of the Centre Ward of the City of Sherbrooke is hypothecated as security for the repayment of the above mentioned sum, the 527

sa id extension to be fo r a term of fi ve years & pay during the said extension term of fi ve years interest at th e rate of 5Y2% per annum as provided by th e said deed of obligation, the condi tions contained in the sa id deed of obligation to be otherwise maintained and that the President C.H. Fletcher, and S.F. Morey, the Secretary of the said Associati on be and they are hereby authori zed to appear before any notary Public and execute on behalf of the Association a deed of extension of the sa id obligation of date th e 20111A ugust 1906 containing the aforementioned conditions and in such form as the said President and Secretary may approve. Samuel Morey, Secretary Pursuant to notice given as required by by-laws a special 80 meeting was held in the building belonging to th e Association Association on this fo urth day of December 19 11, the President CH Special Meeting Fletcher in the chair. It was moved by H. R. Fraser seconded Decr 4 19 1 1 by S. F. Morey th at a dividend of fivc percent be pa id to Shareholders from the balance of profit shown on the general statement of 30th Aprill ast. carri ed. Moved by H . R. Fraser seconded by J. S. Mitchell th at in as mu ch as th e President CH Fletcher and the Secretary S. F. Morey are and have been jo intly conducting and managing the affairs of the Association and undertake to continue su ch services until the 1s t of May nex t, obviating the otherw ise expense of Manager and Secretary Treasurer, that th e sum of One hundred and fifty dollars is hereby appropriated to them j ointly in consideration of such services fo r the year ending 30111 April 19 12, ofw hi ch $75.00 shall be pai d to them now and seventy five dollars at the expiration of th e sa id year. C. H. Fletcher Sam Morey Secy President A1111ual Pursuant to notice mailed to each shareholder the deferred Meeting accunal meeting of th e Assocition was held in the Art Hall of May 23rd 19 12 the building belonging to the Assoc11 this twenty third day of May 1912 at 5 o' clock P.M . The President in the chair and a quorum fo r the transaction of business present. The minutes of th e last annualm eeting were read and confirmed. The fin ancial statement at th e close of business fo r th e 30111A prill ast was then submitted showing a balance of Profit of $3204.14 with net earnings for th e year of $853.52. 528

Moved by J. S. Mitchell, seconded by W. A. Hale that the Financial Statement be accepted & considered satisfactory. carried. Some discussion followed asto collection of old accts receivable & the Solicitor present, H. F. Fraser undertook to give these further attention. The election of officers followed wben it was moved by JS Mitchell seconded by H. R. Fraser that the retiring board of Trustees be reelected the Secretary to cast one ballot therefore, carried. The board having been reelected vi z. C H Fletcher JS. Mitchell W A Hale H R Fraser & S F Morey, the meeting adjourned. Sam Morey Secretary C. H. Fletcher Presdt Directors Meeting At the conclusion of the Annual meeting a meeting of the May 23"ct 1912 newly elected Directors was held. Minutes of last meeting of Directors was read and confirmed. Moved by H R Fraser seconded by W A Hale that C H Fletcher be reelected President and that S F Morey be reelected Secretary - carried and that to the said President and Secretary the sum of $150 be appropriated for the year 1 ending April 30 h 1913 in consideration of their undertaking and continuing to manage the affairs of the Association during the said term the said sum to be paid them in two semi annual instalments of $75.00 each payable on the 1s t Nov & 1 30 h April respectively - carried. Moved by W A Hale seconded by H R Fraser that a dividend of 5% on the capital 1 stock paid up on the 30 h April be paid to the shareholders of record on the said date, carried. The meeting then adjourned. Sam Morey_ Secretai}'_ 1 Sherbrooke May 13 h 1913 82 Pm·suant to notice mailed as required by the by-laws to each Annual Meeting shareholder the Annual Meeting of the Association was held this day at the hour of 5 o'clock pm in the Art Hall of the building belonging to said Association. the President in the chair. The Minutes of the last annual meeting were read and confirmed. The Financial Statement was theo submitted showing th e balance at credit of Profit & Loss to be $3796.27. On motion of James Machinon seconded A. G. Lomas the same was accepted and approved. Moved by A. G. Lomas seconded by James Machinon the 529

rctiring Board of Dircctors viz. CH Fletcher JS Mitchell W A Hale HR Fraser and SF Morey be reelected and the Secretai-y be autb ori zed to cast one ball ot th erefore. Carried. The Meeting thcn adj ourned. Sam Morey Secretary Dierctors Meeting Subsequent to the abovc mcntioned Annual meeting a Meeting of the newly elected Directors was held wherc it was resolved and carri ed th at C H Fletcher be reelected President and SF Morey be reelected Secretary, both upon the same terms and condi tions as last year. Moved by JS M itchell seconded by W A Hale that a di vidend of 5% be pa id to sharehold ers for the year ending April 30th 19 13 to shareholders of record on sa id April 30th. Carried. Sam Morey Secretary. 83 Sherbrooke May 1t 11 19 14 Pursuant to noti ce mail cd to Shareholders as required by By­ laws and at thi s date whi ch is fi xed by said By-l aws fo r the annua1 meeting, the same was thi s day he1d in th e building belongin g to thi s Associati on in Sherbrooke, th ere being present C. H. Fl etcher, President, J. S. Mi tchell , W . A. Hale, S. F. Morey, forming a quorum fo r th e transaction of busin ess. The minutes of the last meeting werc approved and confi rmed. The fi nancial statcmcnt to 30th April last was read & confirmed under resolu tion moved by J. S. Mitche ll seconded by A. G. Lomas. The President gave a verbal report of the year's transacti ons, ca !ling attention to the fact that during the year the mortgage had been reduced by $ 1500 and extensive refreshing and improvements made to offices including construction of a vaul t ali ofwhi ch had been cbarged to repair and ta kcn out of camings. As a large porti on of this bad not been anticipated & bad depleted the avail abl e funds it bad not bcen fo und practi cable to paya di vidend . W. A. Hale moved seconded by A G Lomas th at thi s report be accepted, carri ed. Moved by J. S. Mitchell seconded by W A Ha le that the retiring officers be reelected, carri ed. The meeting then adjourned. C. H. Fletcher Sam Morey Secretary r------


Sherbrooke May 16th 1916 84 The Annual meeting of th e Sherbrooke Library & Art Associati on was held this day at 5 o'clock PM in the building belonging to th e Associati on, th eir bein g present CG Fletcher NE Brooks, HR Fraser & W A Hale & S F Morey th e Presid ent in th e chair. The minutes of the last annual meeting held were read & by unanimous vote confim1ed. The Secretary submitted the Armu al fi nancial Statement of April 30111 19 16. Moved by H R Fraser seconded by W A Hale that the same be accepted and confi rmed and that th e last two items of Accts viz Accounts due by Choral Society $56 and Snow Shoe Club $7.74 be charged offto Profi t & Los s. Moved by N E Brooks seconded by W A Hale that no di vid end be declared, carri ed. Moved by NE Brooks seconded by HR Fraser that a vote of thanks be extended to the retiring offi cers, carri ed. Moved by HR Fraser seconded by WA Hale th at the retiring board ofDirectors be reelected viz. CH Fletcher , HR Fraser, JS Mitchell , W A Hale, SF Morey, carried. The meeting tb en adj ourned. Sam1 F Morey Secy C.H. Fletcher A meeting fo th e Board of Directors fo llowed when it was moved by HR Fraser seconded by WA Hale and carried that CH Fletcher be reelected President and th at Philip Robins be appointed Secretary Treasurer subj ect to hi s acceptance at a salary not to exceed $ 150 per annum. Sam1 F. Morey Secretary C.H. Fletcher 85 Sherbrooke Jan 4, 1917 A Speci al M eeting of the Board of Directors of th e Sherbrooke Library & Art Associati on was held this day at 12 noon. There was present a quorum of Directors of th e Association consisting of Messrs C.H. Fletcher, W.A. Hale and H.R. Fraser. On motion by Col. H.F. Fraser, seconded by W. A. Hale, it was resolved : That Henry Tourgeon be and is hereby authori zed to enter into an agreement on behalf of the 53 1

Company with th e Standard Life Assurance Company, cstablished at Edinburgh in Scotland, whereby th e te rm s for th e payment of th e sum of thirteen thousand five hundred doll ars bring th e balance remaining un pa id of the sum of fifteen th ousand dollars under a deed of obligati on, executed before E.B. Worthington, Notary, on the twenti eth day of August nineteen hundred and six, registered in th e Sherbrooke Di vision Registry Office in Reg. B. Volume 64, Number 4 11 , and Page 196 said Reg. a delay fo r the payment th ereofwas granted by deed executed before E. B . Worthington, Notary, on the twenty second day ofMay nineteen hundred and eleven, registered in the said Registry Offi ce in Regis ter B vol. 67 No. 1031 and Page 492, be extended until the twentieth day of August nineteen hundred and twenty-one, and on behalf of th e Association to acknowledge to owe the said sum and to promi se to repay the same as fo ll ows: 86 Five hundred dollars on th e twentieth day of August nineteen hundred and seventeen. Five hundred dollars on the twentieth day of August nineteen hundred and eighteen. Five hundred dollars on the twentieth day of August nineteen hundred and nineteen. Five hundred dollars on th e twentieth day of August nineteen hundred and twenty, and Eleven thousand fi ve hundred doll ars on th e twentieth day of August nineteen hundred and twenty one, and not otherwise without the consent of the Company, with interest th ereon at the rate of six and one half per centum per annum, computed from th e twentieth day of August las t (1916) payabl e half yearl y on the first day of the months of May and November in each year. The meeting then adj ourned. Philip Robins C. H. Fletcher Secy Treas. Presid ent 87 Sherbrooke Q May 8, 19 17 The An nuai General Meeting of th e Shareholders of the Sherbrooke Library and Art Associati on was held thi s eight day of May at 5 P.M. in th e Art Hall pursuant to usual noti ce given to shareholders as required. 532

Therc were present : Messrs C.H. Fletcher, W . A. Hale, N. E. Brooks and J. S. Mitchell . The President occupied the chair. Minutes of las t Annual General Meeting held May 16, 19 16 were read and confi rmed. The Secretary Treasurer presented the Annual Statement of F. Lefebvre 16.67 the Associati on's affairs to April 30th 19 17, and it was C.A. Foss 166.66 moved by the Pres ident, seconded by W.A. Hale that sa me be G.R. Kennedy approved and adopted. 375.00 It was moved by J.S. Mitchell seconded by N .E. Brooks that Miss Hi ggins 9.40 the fo llowin g uncollectable Renta i accounts be wri tten off to Chri sti an Science Profi t & Loss. carri ed. 20.68 Moved by W .A. Hale seconded by J.S . M itchell th at th e old Board, viz. C. H. Fletcher, W.A. Hale, H.R . Fraser, J.S. M itchell and S.F. Morey be reelected with the addition of N.E. Brooks, and that the Secretary Treasurer be authorized to cast one ballot therefore. Carried. The meeting then adj ourned. Philip Robins W.A. Hale Sec Treas. Presid ent Sherbrooke May 8, 1917 88 The Board of Directors meeting of the Sherbrooke Library & Art Associati on was beld this day fo llowing the Ann ual Meeting of Shareholders with Messrs. C. H. F letcher, W. A. Hale, N. E. Brooks and J. S. M itchell , presdent. M inutes of Meetings held May 16, 1916 and January 4, 19 17 were read and confi rrned. It was moved by C. H. Fletcher, seconded by N. E. Brooks th at W . A. Hale be elected Presid ent for the Ensuing year. Carri ed. It was movedF by C. H. letcher seconded by S. J. Mitchell that Philip N . Robins be reelected secretary treasurer fot he Ensuing year with increase ofSalary from $150 to $200 per annum. Carried. It was moved by J. S. M itchell, seconded by W. A. Hale that it be pl accd on record the regret fc lt by the Board on th e refusai ofMr. Fletcher to accept the Presidency of the Association for a further term, and that a vote of thanks be tendered him fo r bi s valuables services rendered the Association in innumerable ways durin g hi s long term in office. Carri ed. On motion by J. S. M itchell seconded by N. E . Brooks, it was 533

resolved th at the President and Secretary Treasurer are hereby authori zed for and in the name of the Sherbrooke L ibrary and Art Association to draw, accept, sign and make all or any Bills ofExchange, Promissary Notes, cheques and oth ers fo r the payment of money to pa y and receive a li moneys and to give aquittance for the same, to assign and transfer to the Bank ali money, stocks, bonds, 89 and other securities; from tim e to time, to borrow money from the Canadian Bank of Commerce, either by overdrawin g the account of the undersigned or otherwise, and genera li y fo r and in th e name and on behalf of the sa id Associati on to transact with the said Bank any busin ess th ey may think fit.

0 IS Also th at the President and Secretary Treasurer, or any of the twe, be and 0 are hereby authorized on behalf of the sa id Association to negotiate with , deposit w ith , or transfer to the sa id Bank (but fo r Credit of the sa id Associati on only) all or any Bills ofExchange, Promi ssary Notes, cheques or orders for th e pa y ment of money and oth er negoti able pa pers, and for the sa id purpose to end orse the same or any of th em on behalf of the said Associai ton; also fro m ti me to ti me to arrange, settle, balance and certify all books and accounts between th e said Association and the Bank, and to receive aU paid cheques and vouchers, and to sign the Bank's fo rm of settlement of balance and release. The meetint then adj oumed. 8 words erasure are made 1 word added is good. Philip N. Robins W. A. Hale sec. treas. President Sherbrooke, Aprill 7, 19 18 90 A Special M eeting of the Board of Directors of the Sherbrooke Library & Art Associati on was held this day at 12 o'clock noon, with th e fo ll owing Directors present: Messrs W.A. Hale, H.R. Fraser, N.E. Brooks & J. S. Mitchell. It was moved by Mr. Fraser seconded by Mr. N.E. Brooks that Mrs Mabel M. Robins be and is hereby appoin ted Assistant Secretary Treasurer of the Company during th e absence of the Secretary Treasurer. Carried. On motion by Mr. M itchell , seconded by Mr. Fraser, it was 534

decid ed to increase th e a mount of Fir e Insu rance carri ed on th e Art Building from $15000 to $3 0000. Carri ed. Moved by Col. Fraser, seconded by N.E. Brooks, that th e sum of$50.00g be iven to Philip M. Robins as a sma ll token of appreciation of the good work he has done in managing th e Art Building during hi s term of offi ce as Secretary Treasurer. Carri ed. The meeting then adj ourned. W. A. Hale Pres id ent 91 Sherbrooke, May 13, 1918 At the General Meeting of th e Sharcholders of the Sherbrooke Library and Art Association call ed fo r thi s thirteenth day ofMay 1918, at 5 o'clock in the aftern oon, there were present Messrs W. A. Hale and N.E. Brooks. A quorum not bein g ava ilable, the meeting was adj ourned subject to th e cali of th e President. P. M . Robins Sec. Treas. Sherbrooke, Jan. 6, 1919 A Special meeting of the Board ofDirectors of th e Sherbrooke Library and Art Association was held this day at 5 P.M. plll·s uant to notice given by the President: There were present : Messrs. W. A. Hale, president in the chair, J. S. M itchell , H.R. Fraser & N. E. Brooks. The meeting was call ed to consider th e advisability of in stalling an auxili ary bo il er to assist in the heating of the building. After di scuss ion it was decid ed to allow the matter to stand until the spring. The meeting then adj ourned. W. A. Hale Presid ent Sherbrooke, May 13, 1919 92 The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Sherbrooke Library & Art Associati on was hcld thi s day at 5 P.M . in the Board Room of th e S.L.&A.A. Co, pursuant to usual notice given as required. Therc were present: Messrs. W. A. Hale, N. E. Brooks, H.R. Fraser and J.S. M itchell. Min utes of Annual General Meetin g held May 8, 19 17 were 535

read and confinncd. Balance Sheet with Statement of Profit & Loss was theo presented and on motion by Mr. Brooks, seconded by Mr. Fraser, the same was adopted. It was moved by Mr. Hale, seconded by Mr. Brooks, that the old Board with the exception of C. H. Fletcher who has resigned, be reelected, viz. W. A. Hale, N. E. Brooks, J. S. Mitchell. H.R. Fraser and S.F. Morey and that the Secretary Treasurer be autbori zed to cast one ballot therefore. The meeting then adjoumed. Philip M. Robins W. A. Hale Sec. Treas. Presid ent 93 Sherbrooke, May 13 , 19 19 Following the Annual Meeting of Sbareholdeers, a meeting ofDirectors was hcld, Messrs W.A. Hale, N .E. Brooks, H.R. Fraser and J.S. Mitchell being present. Minutes ofDirectors meetings held May 8, 19 17, April 17, 191 8 and January 6, 1919 were read and confirmed. On motion by Director Brooks, seconded by Director Fraser, Mr. W .A. Hale was re-elected President for th e ensuing ycar, and Philip M . Robins, Secretary Treasurer. The question of payin g a Dividend for the curra nt year was di scussed but laid over for action at a subsequent meeting of the Board to be call ed by the President. The meetin g then adj ourned. Philip M. Robins Sec. Treas. President Sherbrooke, May 19, 1919 94 A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Sherbrooke Library and Art Association was held this day at 12 noon in the Board Room of the S.L. & M. Co. pursuant to notice ?????. The following directors being present: W.A. Hale, N.E. Brooks and S.F. Morey. lt was moved by Mr. Morey that a Dividend of 5% on the Capital Stock paid up with a bonus of2% be paid to Stockholdcrs of record Apri 1 30111 19 19. An amendment to the above resolution was moved by Mr. Brooks that a Dividend of 4% be declared payable to stockhold ers of record Apri 1 30111 19 19. The amendment being putto a vote, Mr. Hale and Mr. Morey 536

voted against it and the amendment was !ost. The main motion was then putto a vote and carried, Mr. Brooks dissenting. On motion by Mr. Morey, seconded by Mr. Brooks, the Secretary Treasurer salary was increased to $250°0 per annum commencing May 1, 1918. Carried. The matter of an account due of 2250 by the Girl Guides was brought up and it was decided that the Board could not see its way clear to waiving the account. It was decided that the question of ra ising the rentai of the Library & Art Union and Art Hall rentais be left in the bands of Mr. Morey & Mr. Hale for action. The meeting then adjourned. President 95 Sherbrooke, Dec. 11, 1919 A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Sherbrooke Library & A11 Association was held this day at 12 noon with the following Directors present: W. A. Hale, president, H.R. Fraser, J.S. Mitchell & H.E. Brooks. Inquiries having been received from certain parties with vicw of purchasing the Art Building, this meeting was called to discuss the matter and if seen fit to set a priee on sa me. After discussion, the Board resolved to appoint Mr. W. A. Hale and Mr. H.R. Fraser as a Committee to confer with those interested in purchasing the Building and to submit any offer received to the Board for approval. The meeting then adjourned. President Sherbrooke, May Il, 1920 96 The Arumal General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Sherbrooke Libra1y & Art Association was held this eleventh day of May at 5 P.M. in the office of the SL&AA Co. pursuant to notice duly made. There were present: W.A. Hale, President in the Chair, N. E. Brooks and J. A. Farwell. Minutes of last Arumal General Meeting held May 13, 1919 were read and confirmed. Annual financial statement with profits & loss account was presented and on motion by Mr. Brooks seconded by Mrm. 537

Farwell, the same were adopted. It was moved by Mr. Brooks seconded by Mr. Farwell that the question of wage increase for the janitor be left in the bands of th e President for adjustment. It was moved by Mr. Brooks seconded by Mr. Farwell and un animously resolved: That the President draw up letter to Mrs. J.S. Mitchell of sympathy and condolance in the death ofMr. J.S. Mitchell . The meeting th en adjoumed subj ect to the cali of the President. President 97 Shebrooke, May 13 , 192 1 Owing to lack of quorum no meeting of shareholders was held this day. P.M. Robins Sec. Sherbrooke, May 23 , 1922 Owing to the lack of a quorum no meeting of shareholders scheduled for today at 5 p.m. was held . Sherbrooke, July 16, 1922 The adj ourned annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the Sherbrooke Library & Art Association was held thi s day at 4 P.M. The following shareholders present: W. A. Hale, President in the chair, N.E. Brooks, H.R. Fraser. Minutes of A1mual General meeting held May 11 , 1920 were read & confirmed. Balance Sheets & statement of Profit & Loss for year ending April 30, 1922 were presented and on motion of the President seconded by H.R. Fra ser the Reports were adopted. Carried. 98 It was moved by Mr. N.E. Brooks, seconded by col. H.F. Fraser, that a di vidend of 4% for the year be declared payabl e at one to stockholders of record April 30, 1922 and th at the sum of $1000 be applied in part payment of mortgage. Carried The fo llowing Directors were appointed for the ensuing year W.A. Hale, H.R. Fraser, N.E. Brooks and M.W, Mitchell. The meeting then adjourned . W.A. Hale President 538

May 13, 1923 Ow ing to th e Jack of a quorum no meeting of the sharcholders was held thi s day. May Il , 1924 Owin g to th e Jack of a quorum no meeting of the shareholders of the Sherbrooke Library & Art Associati on was held thi s day. 99 April 9th 1925 A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of th e Sherbrooke Library & Art Associati on was held thi s 9th day of April 1925. The fo ll owing Directors present : W. A. Hale, Pres ident in Chair, N.E. Brooks & M .W .. Mitche ll . The meeting having been called fo r th e specifi e purpose of authorizing Loan fro m the Sherbrooke Loan & Mtg Co on th e Art Building, it was moved by Director Brooks, N .E. & seconded by Di rector M itchell, M.W, and resolved : That the President W.A. Hale, and D irector M.W. M itchell be and are hereby authori zed to sign mortgage on behalf of th e Sherbrooke Library & Art Associati on fo r $ 11 500. to cover Loan from The Sherbrooke Loan & Mortgage Co. th e proceed of the said mortgage to be used in payment of a like amount due to the Standard Life Assurance Company, Montreal. Carri ed. The meeting th en adj ourned. Scy Treas. W.A. Hale


May 12, 1925 100 Ow in g to lack of a quorum no meeting of sharehold ers of Sherbrooke L ibrary & Art Association was held thi s day.

Sherbrooke May 17, 1927 The Annual General Meeting of th e Shareholders of the Sherbrooke Library & Art Association was held thi s 17th day of May 1927 fo llowing noti ce sent to sharehold ers in 539

accordancc with the By-Laws. (2) Minutes of meeting of Sharehold ers held June 16, 1922 were rcad & confirmed. (1 ) The fo ll owing Shareholders being present: W.A. Hale, in Chair, Jas MacKin11 on, & F.S. Rugg. President's Report witb Balance Sheet and Statements of Profit for the year ending April 30, 1927 were prescnted for the meeting and it was moved by the President and seconded by Mr. Rugg that the Reports as made be and are hereby approved and adopted. It was deemed advisable by the meeting that strenuous efforts be made to di spose of th e property and it was decided to offer the building for sale by ca lling fo r tenders through advertisements in the local papers. The secretary was 101 therefore in structed to attend to the necessary noti ces. Electi on ofDirectors for the ensuing year then took place and it was moved by Mr. Rugg seconded by Mr. M acKinnon that the fo ll owing sharehold ers be elected Directors for the ensuing year. : M. W. Mitchell , W . A. Hale, Jas MacKi1111oBn, A. A . owman & F. S. Rugg. Carri ed.

On moti on the meeting was adj ourned to Monday, June 6, 1927 at Il p. m. Sccretary Treasurer President Sherbrooke May 17, 1927 A meeting of the Directors of th e Sherbrooke L ibrary & Art Associati on was held this day fo ll owing the Annual M eeting of Shareholders. Minutes of of meeting of the Board of Directors held April 9, 1925 were read & confirmed. It was moved by Mr. F.S. Rugg, seconded by Mr. Jas MacKim1on and resolved that the President and Secretary Trcasurcr be and are hereby authorized to borrow from the Canadian Bank of Commerce by way of a note the 102 sum of $350.00 Canadian. This sum being required to retire balance of indebtedness due fo r Electri cal work on building. The meeting then adj oumed. P.M . Robins 540

Secretary Trcasurer Presid ent Sherbrooke, Oct. 26, 1927 The Special General Meeting of the Shareholders of Sherbrooke Library & Art Association cal led for 4 pm thi s 26th day of Octobcr 192 7 was not held owing to lack of quorum P.M. Robins Sec_ry Treas. 103 Sherbrooke, Nov. 8, 1927 A Special General Meeting of th e Shareholders of the Sherb rooke Library & Art Associati on was held this 8th day ofNovember 1927 at 5 p.m. with Mssrs. W .A. Hale, Jas. MacKinnon and F.S. Rugg present in persan and M iss R.M . Reid, Mrs. Mari on Brooks, Estate S.B. M itchell, Mrs. L. D. Bowman, Estate Ell en M. Lomas and J. A. Farwell represented by proxy. The meeting havin g been called fo r the express purpose of authori zing th e sale ofthe Art Building and the winding up of the Associati on it was moved by Mr. Jas MacKinnon, seconded by Mr. F.S. Rugg and resolved : th at thi s company do sell to the Hon. Jacob N icol or hi s nominee, th e property of th e Company , part Lot No. 257 Centre Ward in th e City of Sherbrooke, known as the "Art Building" and ali of its accessories but exclu sive of th e property and cffects of tenants or third parties now th erein, and subj ect to existing leases fo r the priee or sum of $32,500. and that th e President W .A. Hale, with the Secretary Treasurer Philip M . Robins be and they are hereby authori zed for and on behalf of this Company to negotiate, sign and execute ali such contracts, deeds of sa le, di scharges and for other documents as may be required in the premi ses. Carri ed. It was moved by Mr. Jas . MacKinnon, seconded by Mr. F. S. X 104 Rugg and resolved: That upon the completion of the sale of the assets of th e Company and the payments of its debts , the Di rectors be and they are hereby authori zed to wind up th e 541

affairs of the Company and to distribute among the shareholders pro rata of their holdings in the Capi ta l Stock of the company after deduction of any amounts due thereof, the proceeds ofs uch sa le and, if they see fit, to sun ender the charter. Carricd. The meeting then adjoumed. P. M. Robins Secretary Treasurer Chairman 105 Sherbrooke, Nov. 22, 1927 A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Sherbrooke Library & Art Association was held this twenty second day of November 1927 at 5 p.m. in the Board Room of the Sherbrooke Trust Company. Directors Hale, MacKinnon and Rugg being present. Mr. W. A. Hale occupied the chair. The Secretary rep01ted the completion of the sale of the $32,500- Building, signing of ali documents in connection th erewith and receipt of the sum of- thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars. From this amou nt the sum of E leve n thousand five hundred dollars ($ 11 ,500) and interest had been applied in payment ofMortgage on th e property, leaving a balance of Nineteen thousand nine hundred dollrs ($ 19,900) approximately in cash for payment of Sundry accounts and redemption of outstanding Capital Stock. Cash statements of the affairs of the Association from May 1st 1927 to this date was presented to the meeting. On motion by Mr. Jas MacKinnon, seconded by Mr. F. S. Rugg, it was resolved that the sum of One hundred & forty dollars ($ 140QQ) per share, Jess amount of indebtedness, if any, due on stock, be di stributed stockbolders immediately on surrender of the ir Stock certificates. Can ied. It was moved by Mr. Jas MacKinnon seconded by Mr. F. S. 106 Rugg and resolved : That in view of the small remuneration paid to the Secretary Treasurer for many years back and that the present sale of the property is pa1ily due to his efforts, the Dircctors of the Association herewith have pl easure in recognizing hi s claim fo r compensation by voting him a bonus of five hundred dollars ($500). Carried. The Secretai)' was authorized to carry out the e instructions of the Shareholders to an-ange for th e winding up 542

of the Association 's affairs and surrender of its Charter, the Associations solicitor to work in this connection in conjunction witb the Secretary. The meeting theo adjourned. P.M . Robins Secretary Treasurer Chairman ------


Certificat d'actions de la SLAA.

Note : Émi ssion vers septembre 1886 ori gin alement au révérend Charles P. Reid (1811 -1888) ; transféré à son épouse Mme Julia Reid le 29 févri er 1890 ; transféré à leur fill e Anni e McDermid Reid le 22 décembre 19 11 ; cédé pour remboursement par Annie McDermid Reid le 19 décembre 1927.

Source: Sherb rooke. Archi ves de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Association, Fonds P032. Service d'archi ves du Centre de recherche des Cantons de l'Est, Uni versité Bi shop's, Lenn oxvill e, Québec.


.• ~ , 546

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Transcription du « Record Book » de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Union pour la période du 1er février 1906 au mois de juin 1911

Note : La transcription fa ite en format tableau de MSWord tente de res pecter l'apparence du manuscrit.

Source : Sherbrooke. Archives de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Association, Fonds P032. Service d'archives du Centre de recherche des Cantons de l'Est, Université Bishop's, Lennoxvi lle, Québec.


Record Book of the Sherbrooke Library and Art U mon References Annual General Meeting Page 1 Meeting of Trustees - 4- 7- 10- 14- 2 9 Finance Committee - 18- 29 Library - 21- 37 (39 Books) Reading Room - 24 Ladies Commïttee - 73 R E CO R D B 0 0 K . of TheL I B RA R Y & A R T U N l 0 N. from lst February, 1906. to June l 9 11

1s t Sherbrooke, l st February '06 At th e deferred annual and special general meeting of the Library & Art Union held thi s first day ofFebruary, the fo llowin g members were present: - Messr's C.F. Fletcher, W. S. Dresser, S. F. Morey, A.T. Nourse, J.R. Sangster, J. S. Mitchell, H.A. E lkins, H.D. Lawrence, Frs. Bennetts, J.P. Watson, N, Dinning, L.E. Panneton, C.W. Cate, C.H. Foss and R. N. Robins. On a motion ofMr. Morey, seconded by Mr. Mitchell, Mr. W .S. Dresser took the chair. The Sec'y of the Union read the notice calling the meeting as follows: ­ "By order of the Trustees the deferred annual and a special general meeting of the Library & Art Union will be held in the Art Hall on Thursday Feb. lst at 8 o'clock P.M . :- Business; reception ofannual report, election of officers, and the transaction of any business which mi ght come up at an annual meetin g, including such action as might be deemed best in the lease or sale of any of its property or th e liquidation of its affairs generally." The minutes of the meeting of the 4th Jans. were read 2 and on motion confirmed. The Chairman call ed upon Mr. Morey to bring this business before the meeting, which he did, reviewing the hi story of the past year. The Election ofOfficers was then proceeded with. lt was moved by Mr. Cate, seconded by Mr. C.H. Foss, that Mr. James 550

Mackinnon be elected Presid ent fo r th e ensuing year. Carri ed. Nominations fo r the Board of Trustees were th en made. More than th e requisite number having been nominated, it became necessary to ballot, and Messr' s C.H. Foss and J.R. Sangster were appointed by the Chair as Scrutineers of th e Ballot. The vote bein g taken, the Scrutineers reported that the following gentlemen bad been duly elected to the Board ofTrustees. § On motion the report of the Scrutineers was adopted. It was moved by Mr. Morey, seconded by Mr. Cate, and resolved :­ "That the trustees 3 of the Library & Art Union be, and are hereby authorized.to lease th e contents of the Library and of the Reading Room for th e term of one year, on such conditions as they may think wise and to appropriate th e funds that may come in during such year to the use of the Lessees as they, the Trustees, may deem advisable. (Not gone on with) The meeting then adjoumed. R.N. Robins Sec'y pro tem. W. S. Dresser Chairman §Messrs C.W. Cate, Firmin Campbell , H. Irwin, J.N. Leonard - S.F. Morey, L. E. Panneton, J.R. A.M . Sangster, Frs Bennetts, R. N. Robins. W. S. Dresser sec protem chairman 4 Sherbrooke 9!h F ebry 1906 Pursuant to notice -Rettee a meeting of the Trustees of the Shebrooke Library and Art Union, was held in the Board room of the E. T. Bank at 8.15 PM thi s day. Present Jas Mackinnon Esq Pres in th e Chair, Messrs C.W. Cate F Campbell , H. Irwin, J Leonard, S. F. Morey, L.E. Panneton, A. M. Sangster, Fra Bennetts, R. N. Robins Sec Treas.

Notice ca !ling the meeting having been read, the minutes of the deferred and special general meeting of the Library and Art Union held on the l st February lnst. were read and with eight additional names was read for the information of the Trustees. confirmed on motion. Nominated by Mr. Irwin seconded by Mr. Campbell that Mr. Cate be appointed Vice President for the ensuing year. 5 Moved on amendment by Mr. Cate, seconded by Mr. Panneton, that 551

Mr. Irwin be appointed Vice President for th e ensuing year. The amendment not bein g sustained, The main motion tht Mr. Cate be th e Vi ce-Presid ent for the ensuing year was brought before the meeting and carri ed. Moved by Mr. Morey, seconded by Cap. Bennetts th at Mr. Irwin be appointed Manager fo r th e ensuing year. Carried. Moved by Mr. Panneton, seconded by Mr. Ca te, that Mr. Leonard be elected secretary Treasurer for the ensuing year. Mr.Leonard havin g stated th at the demands of busin ess would prevent bi s acceptance of the office, It was moved by Mr. Irw in seconded by Mr. that M r. Sangster be appointed secretary Treasurer fo r the ensumg year having raised similar obj ecti ons as Mr. Leonard It was moved by Mr. Sangster seconded by Mr. Irwin that Cap Bennetts be appointed 6 Secretary Treasurer fo r the ensuing year. Carried Moved by Cap Bennetts, seconded by Mr Pal1Jl eton That this Board wishes to express to Mr. M orey their regret at hi s determinati on to resign hi s positi on as Manager of this Uni on and at the same ti me to put on record th eir appreciati on of hi s great services to the Union for a long peri od and that the Secretary-treasurer be requested to send Mr. Morey a copy of this resolution. Carried On Motion th e Election ofChairman ofCommittee laid over until until the questi on of lease ofthe Library and Art Union to th e School board of this city is decid ed. The meeting then adjourned. Fra5 Bennetts J. Macki1mon Secr. Treas Pres. 7 Sherbrooke, 16th F ebruary 1906 At an adj oumed meeting of the Trustees ofLibrary & Art Uni on held in the Art Hall on Friday evening 16th February 1906. Present Jas MacKinnon Presid ent in th e Chair Messrs H. Irw in, M anager, S.F. Morey, A.M . Sangster, F. Campbell Fra5 Bennetts, secr. treas. The notice calling th e meeting accepted as having been read. The minutes of the last meeting on Fe bry 9th Inst. were read and with the recommendati on th at the phrase "confi rmed on motiaon" be ltered to "was read for th e informati on of the Trustees" th e minutes on motion werc confi rmed. 552

The Manager Mr. Irwin having made a 8 report cal ling attention to sorne present expenses, renewal of lapsed subscriptions to papers and periodicals, condition of th e flooring in the Library room, Books, Specimens, etc. - after sorne di scussion it was decided That the subseription for th e Papers and Periodicals be renewed. That the condition of th e flooring in th e Library room would likely be attended to if brought to the notice of the Proprietors. That the questi on touching on present expenses be defen ed to next meeting. A Iso that th e di sposai of th e old Books, Papers and peri odicals now in th e Library be likewise defenedn to ext meeting, th e desire however was expressed that at !east one paper should be kept on fi le. M oved by Manager seconded by Mr. Sangs ter That the lease of the Library and Reading room to the School boards be left in abeyanee un til such time as the School boards shall

9 signi fy the ir readiness to undertake the management of the Library & Art Union. Carri ed ______- No report from school board . Resolved Th at th e Secretary-Treasurer be requested to continue canvassing th e Public fo r additional subscriptions to the present subscription li st. That th e preparation of an Inventory of the Books, Pictures, specim ens and oth er property of the Library and Art Uni on be left to the Manager and Secretary Treasurer. That the selecti on of any additional books, papers, peri odica ls etc., be left to a committee to be appointed. Moved by the Manager seconded by Mr. Sangster That a general committee be formed and th at names for the same be submitted at next meeting on the 23 rd. Carri ed. Meeting then closed. Fra5 Be1metts, secr. treas. C.W . Cate, vice Pres.

10 Sherbrooke 23 Febry 1906 Pw·suant to noti ce a meeting of the Trustees of th e Library and Art Union was held in th e Art Hall on Friday th e 23 Febry 1906 at 8 o'clock P.M. Present C. H. Cate Esq Vi ce Pres in th e Chair Messrs I1w in , S. F. Morey, A. M . Sangster, L. E. Patm eton Fra Bennetts.

Noti ce ca lling meeting accepted as read. 553

Minutes of last meeting held on the 16th Inst read and on motion confirmcd. On the question of the books of the Library, It was moved by Mr. Morey scconded by Mr. Panneton. That this question be !cft in the bands of the Manager and committee for disp_osal carried. 1 1 Re Flooring That the Manager be requested to send a letter to the Secretary of the Building Association calling attention to the condition of the flooring in the library room and requesting the Building Association to take action thereon. The Expenses The Manager was instructed to ascertain if any reduction can be made in Curator's Salat-y. Re Bills viz Geo. A . Bradford & Son 5.75 - Progrès de l' Est 2.00 E. J. Paige 1.35 L. S. Channel 2.30 MacLean Publishing 15.75 Co Met. Gaz to be referred to Finance Committee. Resolved That the Trustees of the Library & Art Union together with the following gentlemen viz. Messrs H. D. Lawrence, A. C. Skinner, G. Proulx, W. A. Hale, Judge Hutchinson, J. E. Edwards, B. C. Howard 12 McCullock - Watson, F. H. Hebert, A. T. Nourse, N.T. Truel! , H. R. E lli ott, M . T. Stenson, W. S. Dresser constitute a general committee of the Library & art Union. The question of the subdivision of the general committee to be left over to next meeting. Movcd by Mr. S. F. Morey seconded by Mr. Panneton. That whereas the Library & Art Union has a present indebtedness of $1000 but th estimated revenues for the current year are short about $400 of the amount desired to properly maintain the Library & Reading room and make such repairs and additions of new books as are necessary to render the Library attractive and encourage the public interest therein and in view of the importance of the institution to the best interests of the City and the active and practical interest shown by the Ladies of the City in past years 13 An appeal is again made to them to give their assistance in the present cmergency. Should no other suitable rooms be avail ablc, the Reading room would be placed at their disposai for a limited period and such assistance as might be rcquired rendered them by a special committee. 554

A Rummage sa le has been suggested and this would commend itself as a practi cal and desirable means of obtaining additional fu nds. The meeting th en adj ourned to Friday th e 2 M arch prox. Fras Bennetts C. W.Cate Sec. Treas vice Pres 14 Sherbrooke March 2, 1906 At an adj ourned meetin g of the Trustees of the L ibrary & Art Uni on, held in th e L ibrary room of the L ibrary & Art building, on this 2nd March 1906 at 8 P.M. Present C. W. Cate Esq Vi ce-President in the chair, M essrs Irwin, S.F. Morey, A. M . Sangster, J. Leonard , Fra Be1metts, Trustees, Lawrence, A. C. Skinner, B. C. Howard, members of General Committee. The noti ce cal ling the meeting was accepted as read. The minutes of th e meeting held on th e 23 February last were read and on motion confi rmed. The Manager stated, re the Curators 15 salary, th at as he was seeking full er info rmation on this subj ect, he would have to postpone hi s full report to a future meeting. Moved by Mr. Irwin, seconded by That th e Secretary Treasurer be requested to interview parti es and obtain their consent fo r th e money subscribed by them, in response to the appeal made by circular Nov. 6 1905, to be applied to th e funds of the Library. carri ed. The Manager reported that the Building Association will attend to the necessary repairs, required by th e fl ooring of the library room. Resolved That the condition ofthe Books, Papers and peri odi cals of the Library and the di sposai of su ch of th em as may on examina ti on be consid ered as unattracti ve to th e public, be left to the Manager and L ibrary Committee 16 Resolved That the names of th e followin g Gentlemen be added to the general Committee viz. Messrs J. H. Walsh, P. Hackett, L. S. Channe ll , R. N. Robins, E. S. Stewart Patterson. Moved by Mr. Irwin 2nd by M r. M orey, that the fo llowing gentlemen be appointed as a Fin ance Committee. viz. Messrs. B.C. Howard (chairman) J. Leonard , H. D. Lawrence, A. M . Sangster, L. E. Panneton, R. N. Robins, C. W. Cate, Cap. Bennetts with power to add Mr. Irwin to their number, 2nd M. as a Library Committce. Lawrence Judge Hutchinson (Chairman) Messrs. J. K. Edwards, A. C. Skinner, T. Hackett, J. T. Watson, N . G. Truell , L. S. Channel!, W. R. Elliott, S. 555

M . Irw in F. Morey, F. Campbell , H. Irwin, Cap Bennetts, with power to add to 2nd th eir number. M .Howard as a Reading room Committee M essrs. W. Dresser (chainnan) J.H. Walsh 17 F. H. Hebeert, A. T. Nourse, M . T. Stenson, L. Proul x, Wm M cCull och, E. S. Stewart Patterson, Cap Bennetts with power to add to th eir number. carri ed. M oved by Mr. Irwin 2nd Mr. Lawrence That ail present be a committee to assist the Ladi es at th e proposed "Rummage Sale" carri ed. The meeting was then closed. 18 Sherbrooke 1Oth M arch 1906 Finance Committee At a meeting of the Finance Committee of th e Library & Art Uni on held in th e Library room of the "Library & Art Uni on Building", on Satu rday the 1Ot h1 March 906 at 3 p.m. Present M essrs. B.C. Howard, Chairman, Cate, Lawrence, M orey, Irwin, Robins, Benn etts, sec.treas. The foll owing Bills viz. $ ~ W . S. Dresser, Insurance 27.80 L.S. Channell & Co. Adv. 2.30 E. J. Page Postais 1.35 Progrès de L'Est Adv. 2.00 Bradfo rd & Sons Receipts 5.75 MacLean & Co. Mil Gaz 15.75 S.R. Tate Sundry pay. 3.70 were laid before th e committee. 19 and w ith the exception of Messrs MacLean & Co. Bill fo r the Military Gazette and S. R. Tate's Bill fo r sundry petty payments ordered ra-ffi to be paid. NB Mr. W . H. M oore's Bill $30.95 bad been paid . Sherbrooke Power, Light & Heat Co. $6.22 added to be paid . Re Mr. S. R. Tate's bill, it was dec id ed that as an advance bad some ti me sin ce been made to him for th e purpose of meeting such incidenta l expenses, th e matter be now left in th e hands oftbe Manager M r. Irwin , M r. R. H. Robins, and Cap1 Benn etts, secr. treas. fo r settlement. Decisions That the present fisca l year ex tends from the 1s t Oct. 1905 to 30th Sep. 1906. 556

That the Chairs belonging to the Library and Art Union, at present in the Art Hall, be di sposcd of That Mr. Irwin, the Manager, disposes of Lot No 628 North Ward of this city. 20 The Manager, Mr. Irwin, having stated that he bad not as yet received a reply from the Building Association conceming the rooms occupied by the Library & Art Union, it was decided that this matter, as weil as the duties and sa lary of the Cura tor, be deferred for further info rmation and investi gation. The meeting then closed. 2 1 Sherbrooke March 19th 1906 Library Committee A meeting of the Library Committee was held in the Library room on the 19th March 1906 at 8 P.M. Present Honble Justice Hutchinson Chairman Messrs Campbell, Skinner, Watson, Irwin, Manager Bennetts Sec. Treas. The Manager and the Librarian having called attention to the dilapidated condition of some of the books of the Library, the unpopularity of other books, as shown by the very few times such books bad been taken out during a seri es of years, and a Iso to others that bad to give place in public interest to the productions of later Authors After a very careful consideration of these 22 matters and di scussion thereon the committee came to the following Decisions l st That the very ragged books be withdrawn and sent to the rummage sale for di sposai care however to be exercised that the books of popular au thors be retained. 2nd That culls and duplicate editions of books be sent to the rummage sale 3rd That the selection of the bound magazines in a dilap idated state for di sposai at the rummage sa le be left in the bands of the Librarian 4th That the binding of magazin es be di scontinued fo r the present. Th.tt~ .+tl- •n L .+ n. ,J, Jl, 1\lf, 23 5th That it is recornmended tbat the proceeds of the sale of Books, Magazines, or Pa pers be placcd at the di sposai of the Library Committee fo r re-investment in new books. lt is specially recommended that an appropriation of at !east $50 èe ------,


maè-e-to purchase books much call ed fo r, be made to the Library Committee. The meeting then cl osed. Fras Bennetts M . Hutchinson Sec. Treas. chairman 24 Sherbrooke 5th April 1906 Reading room Committee At a meeting of th e Reading room Committee of th e Library & Art Union held in the Library room on Thursday 5th Inst. at 8 P.M. Present Messrs. W. S. Dresser, Chairman, Irwin Manr. A.T. Nourse, F.H. Hebert, M. T. Stenson, Fras Ben11 etts, Sec. Treas. Notice of meetin g accepted. The Busin ess to be brought before th e Committee consisted of l st The age limit at which minors unaccompanied by fri ends would be admitted into the Library room. 2nd Revi sing the li st of Magazin es, Peri odicals and Newspapers now being received 25 by the Library and Art Uni on and deciding what Magazines, Peri odi cals and Newspapers shall be taken or renewed for th e ensumg year. 3rd The in spection of the property and fittings in th e reading room. A fier some di scussion of these matters, lt was moved by Mr. Sten son 2nd by Mr. Nourse That the age limit of minors using the reading room be left to the Manager's di scretion. CaJTi ed. The Committee th en proceeded to th e Reading room to examine th e Magazines, Peri odi cals, Papers & fittings thereof. A fier a close examinati on of some of these matters had been made resulting in th e rejection of some of the magazines, the hour for closin g having come The meeting was adj oumed to Tuesday th e 17th lnst. à 8 P.M . Fras Bennetts W.S. Dresser chairman sec. treas. 26 Sherbrooke April 17th 1906 Reading Room Comm ittee At the adj oumed meeting called for this evening there not being present a suffici ent number of th e members to fo rm a quorum, th e meeting was further adj ourned to Friday the 20th Inst. at 8 p.m. Friday April 20th 1906 At the adj oumed meeting of the Reading room committec held in the Library room on Friday th e 20th Inst. at 8 p.m. 558

Present Messrs. Dresser, chairman, A. L. Nourse, Patterson, Bennetts. The minutes of the last meetin g were read and confirrned A letter was received from Mr. J. S. Walsh 27 statin g that business engagements and frequent absence from the city would prevent his becoming a member of the Reading room Committee. The examination of the li st of magazin es and news pa pers now ta ken by th e Library and Art Union was resumed and it was decid ed that in addition to th ose the renewal of which for the year 1906 - 1907 was pa id for on the 1st March last viz. Perry Magazine, Century, St. Nicholas, Pearson's, Cosmopolitan, American Inventor, Scribners, Harpers Monthly, Strand, Revue Canadienne, Illustrated London News (extra no). Youths Companion, Outlook. The fo llowing be also purchased, viz. : Pali.Mall, Harper's Bazaar, McCiean's, Rod & Gun, Ladies Home Journal, Popular Science, Black & White, Harpers Weekly, Scientific American, Forest & Stream, Saturday Evening Post, Family Herald & Star, Le Samedi, Park & Cemetery, The Mitre, Journal de Française, Canadian Magazine 28 Weekly overseas edition ofDaily Mai l (Harmsworth), Cassiers Magazine, Power, Foundry Monthly (Cleveland). Revue Canadienne (Sorry) Ali present dai li es except N.Y. Times to be continued asper li st. Publishers to be requested to furnish April 1906 numbers. The Committee repaired to the Reading room to see the effects of the Gas lights lately put in and with which they were much pl eased. The meetin g was closed. W. S. Dresser, Chairrnan.

(29) Sherbrooke Apri 1 30th 1906 Trustees & Finance Committee of the Library Art Union At a joint meeting of the Trustees & Finance Committee held in the Library room on the 30th April 1906. Present Mr. Jas MacKinnon, Pres id ent in the Chair, Messrs. Panneton, Irwin, Lawrence, Robins, Bennetts. The notice calling the meeting accepted. 559

The minutes of the meeting of Trustees, held on the 2nd Mareh last were read for the information of the Trustees HBW present. The minutes of the Finance Committee's meeting held on the 10 March last were also read for the information of the members present. 30 A statement of Receipts and Expenditure from Oct. 1st 1905 to 30th April 1906 Inclusive was read by the Sect treasr as fo ll ows, viz. In the Treasury Oct. 1, 1 905 Mr. S. R. Tate Salee on Note $32.00 Mr. S. R. Tate Advce $25.00 $57.00 Rec'd to date City Grant Octr 30th 05 $250.00 D. March 29th $250.00 $500.00 Rummage Sale (Gross) $5 12.65 Subscriptions re; $529.55 W. H. Moore retumed U.S. Postage .37 $ 1,599.57 Expenditure A/cs pa id to date ( o/d Bank ale 59thlns) $ 1,140.85 $458.72 The Balce consists of Cr. Bal at Bank $401.35 Tate's ale 57.00 U.S. Post Stamps .37 $458.72 31 An Estimate of the Receipts & Expenditures from 1st May 1906 to 30Th Sept. 1906 in c lu sive was also read by the Secr. Treas. as fo ll ows, VIZ. Co Receipts Balance as above $458.72 Uncoll ected fu ll subscriptions $ 28.00 " half d. 150.00 178.00 City Grant due 1st June 250.00 D . " 1st Sept. 250.00 500.00 $1 136.72

Expenditure Balce salaries for April $ 36.48 5 mos salaries to 1st Oct. ..=....=...c"-'------==--=-=51th 255.30-=- 291.78 Rent ale 1 May 06 end 656.09 L ight 6 mo say 40.00 Cleaning " 15.00 711.09 560

Moore's Bill 42. 00 1044.84 Balce 9 1.8 5 Balce $9 1.85. To provide for books, unpaid Subscriptions, Debts and oth er contingencies. 32 Rentai Account. The Manager, Mr. Irwin, Mr. S. F. Morey and Bennetts the Secretary Treasurer appointed a commi ttee to meet th e Proprietors of the Library & Art Uni on Building to deal with this matter also th at th e di sposai of th e chairs in th e Art Hall be dealt with at the same time.

Moved by Mr. Irwin, seconded by Mr. H. O. Lawrence, That the Trustees of the Library & Art Union tender a hearty vote of thanks to th e Ladi es who so kindly inaugurated and managed the recent Rummage sale and as a sli ght token of gratitude have pleasure in asking th em to accept honorary membership of the Library & Art Uni on and that the Secretary be requested to send a copy of this reso lu tion to their Presid ent, Mrs. Tuck. Carried unanimously. 33 The Manager reported th at the French portion of the Library bad been inspected by Father Roy and also the books that were expunged from th e shelves - he Fa th er Roy asked to have a list of these books and sa id that he would make th e fo llowin g offer, viz. 1st- We were to burn th e books, and he wou id refund the value, or 2nd- Replace them by oth ers of th e same va lu e, and unobj ectionable, At the Managers suggesti on, th e offer of the Rev. Fath er was unanimously accepted, and it was decided to leave th e matter in th e bands of th e Manager to be dealt w ith.

M oved by Mr. Panneton, 2nded By Mr. Lawrence That the unanimous th anks of this meeting are due, and are hereby tendered to Mr. C. Skinner, fo r his great kindness in fumishing a free Telephone to the Library & Art U nion. Carried. The meeting then adj ourned to Monday 4th Inst. at 8 p.m.

34 LIBRARY & ART UNION Sherbrooke 7th May 1906 Trustees and Finance Committee At an adjourned meeting of the Trustees and Finance Committees of the Library & Art Uni on held in the Library roof!! on Monday th e 7th ofMay 1906. Present 561

Mr. Jas Mackinnon Prest. in the Chair Messrs C. W. Cate H. Irwin, J. Leonard, Fras Beru1etts. The notice calling the meeting accepted as being read. The minutes of th e meeting of the Trustees and Finance Committee held on the 30th April were read. The Manager, Mr. Irwin having reported to the meeting the result of the interview with tRe Messrs Fletcher & Morey the 35 representatives of the Library & Art Association re: Rentai Account. It was moved by Mr. Cate 2nd by Mr. Leonard That the Manager, Secretary Treasurer and the Chairman, Mr. Howard of th e Finance Committee, be appointed a special committee with authority to sell the Chairs in th e Art Hall to the Library & Art Association at the best priee obtainable to apply to the rent and that the account for rent up to May 1st 1906 be settled by the committee on such terms as they deem advisable. Carri ed. lt was deeid ed to leave the question of the Caretaker to an early meeting of the Finance Cornrnittee. The Revd Father Roy's offer conceming the objectionable Books in the French portion of th e Library it was decided to accept the Revd. Father's offer viz. either to pay for or replace the objectionable books leavin g the decision to him over 36 as to which one of the two offers he wou id prefer to accept and complete. The meeting then closed. 37 LIBRARY & ART UNION Sherbrooke May 23rd 1906 Library Committee At a meeting of the Library Committee, held in the Library room on Wednesday th e 23rd May 1906 Present Honble Justice Hutchinson in the Chair, Messrs Truell, Irwin, Bennetts. The notice calling the meeting aceepted as read. The minutes of th e Library Committee's meeting on !9th March last were read and accepted. The Business brought before the Committee being the Selection of Beeks such Books to be added to th e Library, as would in th e Committee's opinion best meet the present 38 needs of the Library, and there having been two 1ists of su ch books 562

submitted and peruscd, it was dccidcd, that the offer of the Messrs Mr. Briggs ofToronto be acceptcd and that th e Librarian be authorized to ord cr th e Books on said li st to be forwarded by Expres as oon as possible. Jt was a Iso decided that the proposed change of Fence and Bookcases be carried out at once. The meeting then c losed. M. Hutchinson Chairman 39 Priee List of Books ordered 25th May 1906 Au thors $ 1.00 Conquest of Canaan Booth Tarkington 1.00 The Wbeel of Li fe Ell en Glasgow 1.70 V ikings of the Pacifie A. C. Laut 1.00 On the Field of Glory Sienkiewicz 1.05 Cleansin g of the Lords Harold Wintlc 1.00 The Debtor Wilkins Frccman 1.00 The Gambier K. C. Thurston 1.05 Profcssor's Legacy Mr. A. Sedgwick .88 The Di vin e Fire Miss Sinclair .88 The Great Refu sai Maxwell Gray 1.00 The Portreeve Eden Philpotts x .88 Wood Fire in No. 3 Hopkinson Smith 1.20 Sign of the Jack O'Lantern Myrtle Recd 1.00 Con tance Trcscott Weir Mitchell 1.00 The Genius Margaret Potter 1.00 Quccn Ziai of Ix L. Frank Baum 1.05 Under Rocking Skies L. Frank Tookcr 1.00 Tom Moore L. B. Sayre .88 Lightning Conductor Williamson M Prin cess Do 20.45 carried over 40 Priees Cont List of Books ordered 25th May 1906 Au thors $ 20.45 Brot ovcr .84 My Friend the Chauffe ur Williamson 2070 March and Borderland of Walcs A. G. Bradley 1.00 Lad Baltimore Owen Wistcr 1.00 The Reckoning Chambers 1.00 Fair Maid ofGraystoncs B. M. Di x 1.00 St. Cuthberts Knowlcs 1.00 Servant of the Public Hooe 563

1.00 Fenwicks Carcer Mrs. Ward .&8_ The Mayor of Troy Quiller Couch $3 0. 84 NB Mr. Briggs Bill for th e foregoing amounted to $3 1.04 whi ch was paid him th e di fference 17 ~ is accounted fo r by hi s statement th at the Canadi an Edition of Wood Fire in No. 3 88~ out of print and the Ameri can Edition was forwarded $1.05 di ff. 17 ~ . F. B. 41 LIBRARY & ART UNION Sherbrooke P.O. 9th July, 1906 Libra1y Committee At a meeting of the Library Committee beld in the Library room on Monday th e 9th July 1906 at 8 P.m. Present Honble Justi ce Hutchinson Chairman Messrs Elliott, Campbell , Skinner (A.C.) Irwin Mang, Bennetts Sec Treas. The notice calling th e meeting was accepted. The Minutes of th e last meeting of th e Library Committee on May 23 rd 1906 was read, and on motion adopted. The meeting having been call ed fo r th e following a bj ects, viz. First The examinati on and acceptance of Books givcn in exchange by the Rev'd 42 Father Roy, for sorne books in the Library, that were consid ered to be not desirable. Second To receivc and di scuss any suggestions that might be made fo r th e benefit of the Library. These matters havin g been full y di scussed, th e Committee came to th e following decisions, viz. First That a communication be made with th e Rev'd Fath er Roy, the abj ect being to ascertain if be will be good enough to have the volumes he has supplied, bound, as in their present condi tion they canna t be used for any length of ti me - also th at we have nine duplicates on hand of th e books furni shed by him. 43 Second Rev'd Fath er Roy to be asked to supply ef a li st of such books as he could recommend, say fifty-some of them to be by Canadi an Authors. Third That an addition to th e present Bookcase of the Ficti on section of the library be procured. the dimension dimensions to be left to th e Manager. Moved by Mr. A. C. Skinner 2nd by Mr. Elliott That th e Librari an be authori zed to di spose of th e di scarded Books & Magazines at such rate 564

per volume as she may decide. Carri ed unanimously. The meeting was then closed. M. Hutchinson Chairman 44 LIBRARY & ART UNION Sherbrooke Que. 8th Aug 1906 Finance Committee A meeting of the Finance Committee of the Library & Art Union was held in the Library room on Monday 6th August 1906. Present B.C. Howard, Esq. Chairman. Messrs. C. W. Cate, H. Irwin, Fras Bennetts.

lst 1 The notice fall in g the meeting accepted. The following resolutions were proposed and carried viz. Moved by C. W. Cate Esq., seconded by Capt. Bennetts. That the Manager be authorized to enter into an arrangement iffeasible with the Library & Art Association by which a Curator to be employed by the L ibrary & Art Association shall perform such 45 services as the Library & Art Union may require at a priee to be agreed upon. Carried.

2. 1 Moved by Mr. Irwin seconded Mr. Howard That the Library & Art Building Association be notified that it is the intention ofthe Library & Art Union to sell the Chairs in the Art Hall and that the Library & Art Building Association be given the first opportunity to make an offer before advertising the sale of sa id chairs. Carried. The meeting thens closed. M. Hutchinson Chainnan 46 LIBRARY & ART UNION Sherbrooke Que August 31 1906 Finance Committee A meeting of this Committee was held in the Library Room on Friday 31st Aug. inst. at 4 p. m. Present B.C. Howard, Esq. Chairman . Messrs. Cate, Lawrence, Panneton, Robins, Leonard, Irwin, Manager, Fra5 Bennetts, Sec. Treas. The Notice calling the meeting being accepted. The Minutes of the last meeting of the Finance Committee were read & no errors nor omissions found. 565

After some discussion relative to the re-engagement of the Cura tor whose present engagement terminates thi s day.

47 It was moved by Mr. Irwin seconded by Mr. Lawrence That the offer made by the Librarian Miss Wilson that she will undertake in addition to her present duties the duties of cura tor with th e exception of sweeping, and dusting, and washing be accepted, for the sum of $20 per month be accepted with the proviso that her offer is to have the doors open at 9 a.m. Carried

The secretary was instructed by the Finance Committee to notify th e "Library & Art Building Association" that arrangements have been made with the Librarian to take charge of th e Library & Art Union rooms and they will not require any services from the Janitor of the Library & Art Building Association.

Also that th e Finance Committee of th e Library & Art Union are desirous of having the sa le of the 48 the chairs belongin g to the Union closed at an early date and will wait for your reply as to the purchase of th em by th e Library and Art (C.H. Building Association until the lOth September next. Fletcher) It was also decided that th e notes given by Mr. Tate on th e 25the October 1901 , on which the balance now due on them amounts to $32 be surrendered to him on hi s giving hi s receipt in full fo r any claims due him by th e Library & Art Union The meeting then closed. 49 LIBRARY & ART UNION Sherbrooke Que 29th Sep.r 1906 Finance Committee A meeting of the Committee was held in the Library room on Saturday th e 29th Inst at 4 P.M. Present B. C. Howard Esq. chairman C. W. Cate Esq. vice-president H. Irwin Esq. Manager Jn Leonard Esq. Fras Bennetts, Sec. Treas. Notice of meetin g accepted. Re. : Rentai It was decided that the Library & Art Union pay the taxes on the Library & Art Association Building to the 1st January 1907 tRe B+l-1--ef amounting to $250. the Rend due on 1st Sep. Inst amounting to $4 1.07 also the Rent due 31st Dec. pro x. $91.57 566

50 Re Chairs - That Notice be given in the Papers that th ese chairs are fo r sale and that the Library & Art Association be given a month 's notice of the sa me. Re Lot 628 N.W. That offers fo r the purchase thereof be still received. Re Rent - That the rent fo r the Library & Reading Room shall be $550 per annum commencing fro m the 1s t January 1907. The meetin g th en closed. 5 1 Sherbrooke Que. 19th Oct. 1906 The Annual General Meeting of the Library & Art Uni on was held in the Library-room on thi s day th e 19th Oct. 1906. Present Messrs. W. S. Dresser, Panneton, Irwin, A. C. Skinner, Rev. Read, F. Campbell , Sangster, Mr. & Mrs. Hargraves, F. Bennetts. Mr. W. S. Dresser having been elected took the chair. The Notice calling th e meeting having been accepted as read. The M inutes of the deferred and Special General Meeting ofthe Library & Art Uni on held on the l st ofFebruary last werc read and on motion confi rmed. 52 The Secretary-Treasurer having read the Financial Statement of th e "Library & Art Uni on" for the year 1906 showing an income of in cluding Bills receivable of$2373.u and an expenditure including Bills payabl e of$2497 8 7 sho'Ning leaving a Debi t balance of$ 124.72 Also a Financial statement of the "Special Endowment Fund" of an estimated credit amount of $224.TI for the sa me peri od viz. 1905-06. lt was moved by th e Rev. G.E. Read and seconded by Mr. Hargraves. That th e Statements as read by the Secretary Treasurer be received and adopted a Iso th at a vote of thanks be given to the Sccrctary Treasurer fo r his services on behalf of th e Library & Art Union. carri ed The Libra ri an 's Report, showing th at there are in the Library at present 5425 vols.

53 ofwhi ch number 481 vols fo rm the French secti on- and also giving other interesting details connected with the working of th e L ibrary, was read by Sec. Treas. and on motion made by Mr. Irwin seconded by Mr. Skinner. lt was resolved th at the Librarian's report be received and adopted also that a vote of thanks be given to th e Lib rarian fo r the same.

The Manager's Report fo r the year ending 30th Sept. 1906, givin g a ,------


brief but very interesting account of the events sin ce the new management commenced, was read by the Manager who has described in hi s report in detail the removal ofthe Fence in the Library room, the di sposai of old and soi led books, the removal of obj ectionabl e "French books" . th e admissions of boys to the rooms, th e cleaning & labeling of specimens by Mr. Nourse, the placing of a Telephone by the General Manager of the People's Telephone Co., th e disposai of certain property of no use to us, the appointment of the

54 Librari an as Curator, that most important & gratify ing event th e "Rummage Sale",s the mall addition expenditure for books owing to the want of money and addition to the mineral section by Mr. Skinner, an offer of$75. fo r th e Island St. lot, Suggests the taking up of the question of Holidays and concludes w ith thanks to ali who have assisted him in carrying on the work for th e past year. It was moved by Mr. Panneton seconded by Mr. Hargraves That th e Manager's report be received and adopted and tb at a vote of th anks be given him for hi s efforts on behalf of the Library. carried

Moved by Mr. A. C. Skinner seconded by Mr. A.M . Sangster. Th at a vote of thanks be tendered and 55 arc hercby given to Mr. C. Nourse fo r his kindly interest and carc in labeling the Mineral Specimens and curios in th e rooms of the "Library & Art Uni on" .. Carried

Moved by Mr. Irwin seconded by Mr. Sangster Th at the question of hol ida ys annual and oth erwise be le ft to the Management. carried Moved by Mr. Sangster seconded by Mr. Skinner That a committee consisting of Messrs. Irwin, Cate, Campbell , Dresser & Pannaeton be nd are bereby appointed to revise the By-laws of the Corporati on the same to be submitted to th e adj ourned annual meeting it being under stood th at 3 fo rms a quorum of a committee. carried P.T. O. 56 Moved by Mr. Irwin 2nd by M r. A. M . Sangster That the meeting be adj oumed to Tuesday evening 20th Nov. prox at 8 P.M. 568

carried N . B. The Financial Statements, Librarian's full report also Manager's Report are on File in the Library and can be seen on application to the Librarian. C. W. Cate vice-president 57 LIBRARY & ART UNION Sherbrooke Que. Oct. 25, 1906 Library Committee A meeting of the above committee was held in the Library room on the 25th day ofüctober 1906. Present Honble Justice Hutchinson, Chairman, Messrs. H. Irwin, J. P. Watson, F. Bennetts. The Minutes of the last meeting of the Library Committee on 9th July last were read and on motion confirmed. The Business before the meeting being the selection of Books, It was moved by Mr. Irwin 2nd by M. J. P. Watson That the new copies of Scott Dickens and Thackeray be used by the Librarian as occasion may require. 58 Moved by Mr. Irwin 2nd by Mr. J. P. Watson That the list of new books as handed in by the Librarian be purchased provided the amount does not exceed fifty dollars and that the books are to be revised by the Librarian said books to be ordred at once and payment for same to be made about Dec. !5th. 1906. carried. N.T. Truell , chairman 59 Sherbrooke, Que. 22nd Nov. 1906 The Postponed General Annual Meeting of the Library & Art Union was held in the Library room on this day the 22nd Nov. 1906. Present Messrs. C. W. Cate, vice-president in the chair, Messrs. Lawrence, Irwin, Nourse, Stenson, Rev. Canon Shreve, F. Bennetts. Ladies Mdmes Lawrence, Tuck, Morehouse, Mdlles Edwards, Sutton, Wilson. Moved by Mr. Lawrence 2nd Mr. Irwin that Mr. Mackinnon be re­ elected as President for the ensuing year. carried. Moved by Mr. Lawrence 2nd Mr. Nourse That the Chairman of the Finance Committee Mr. B. C. Howard and the Manager Mr. Irwin be authorized to dispose of the Lot No. 628 N.W. at the best ad van tage obtainable. carried. 569

60 The Committee appointed fet:-the on the 19th Oct. last for the revision of the By-laws not having concluded their review of sa id laws it was decided to postpone the report th ereon to an adj ourned meetin g. lt was a Iso decided th at due noti ce of th e revision of the By-laws be posted in accordance with the By-law on such act. The meeting was closed by the Chairman (Mr. Cate) thanking the Ladi es who were present for their attendance and also expressing the obligation of the Library & Art Uni on to the Ladi es who by th eir kindly interests & exertions had contributed very largely to the present very satisfactory position of th e Insti tution . confi rmed. J.Mackinnon. 61 Sherbrooke, Que. 8th Dec. 1906 Finance Committee A meeting of this Committee was held in the Library room on Saturday th e 8th Dec. Inst at 4 P.M . Present Messrs. Mackinnon, Presc . in the hair. Cate, Lawrence, Howard, Bem1 ets. The meeting of the Finance Committee on 29th Sept was read. Moved by Mr. Howard 2nd Mr. Mackinnon That the Secretary be authori zed to offer the Chairs in the Art Hall belonging to the L ibrary & Art U ni oLn to the ibrary and Art Associati on at th e priee of $200 for the lot (about 300) and if not feasible to accept 60~ per chair. carri ed. Decided that th e Secretary Treasurer be instructed That the charge for the Insurance in 62 the London Mutual Fire Insurance Company of $ 1000 at the rate of $ l .l.Q per cent be paid .

That the Insuranee of $ 10 00 in the Richmond Drummond & Yamaska Mutual Fire Insurance Company be offered for renewal to M r. Dresser on its expi ry on the Il th Inst. at $1°0 per cent and if not accepted by him to obta in sati sfactory insurance elsewhere.

Moved by Mr. Cate 2nd M . Howard That Messrs Irwin & Lawrence be appointed a committee to carefull y go over the ro01nb s rented y th e Library & Art Uni on and havin g decided what repair are necessary, required to in terview the Proprietors and request them to make such repairs. The meeting fR.e.R closed by Mr. H.D. Lawrence Chairman that there would probably be $400 to apply to purchase of books etc du ring th e 570

present year.

63 Sherbrooke 11 th Janry 1907 Library Committec A meetin g of the above committee was held in the Library room on this l J th Janry 1907 at 8 p. m.

Present Messrs. Truell, Chairman; Irwin, Elliott, Channell , Patterson, Beru1etts. The Minutes of the last meeting of this committee held on th e 25th. Oct. 1906 were read and on motion were confirmed.

Moved by Mr. Elliott 2nd by Mr. Channell That Mr. Truell be appointed Chairman Carried

The Secretary having reported that Messrs. W. S. Dresser & Co. representing the London Mutual Fire Insurance Co had consented to take a premium of 1% ·~ .++, ..1 64 on the Po li cy of $ 1000 now about fa lling due it was decided to accept the said offer.

A Iso that the sale of the chairs (296) belonging to the Library & Art Union and offered to the Library & Art Association at 60 ~ each or $ 177 QQ fo r the lot. Be ratified.

Also that cheque 555 Outstanding and unclaimed since June 6th 1900 be written offwith the understanding that should said cheque be presented for payment the same be acknowledged and prompt1y paid.

A suggestion was made that a memo be put in the paper th at the Library & Art Union are now in a position to fumish the reading public with new books and that subscribers may fee l assured their money is not~ used for paying old dcbts.

The Secretary having read a communi cation 65 received from Sam1 F. Morey Esqre as fo ll ows viz. Board of Trustees Library & Art Uni on Sherbrooke Que 571

Gentlemen I beg to advise y ou th at at the conclusion of the two years course ofWinter Study carried on by the "Art & Culture Club", it was voted to purchase and dona te to the Art Gallery a reproduction of that celebrated picture by Holman Hunt, entitled the Light ofthe World. I beg to ask if it wi ll be agreeable to you to accept this to be placed in the Ga llery if suitably framed. Y ours truly Sigd Sam1 F. Morey as a reply to the above it was unanimously resolved That the above offer be gratefully accepted and that a fitting acknowledgment be sent to Mr. Morey & The Art & Culture Club.

66 The Manager brought before the meeting an offer made to supply a complete set ofD'Israeli 's works for $40# payable in ~~ instalments of$2# per month after sorne discussion the offer was withdrawn. The meeting then closed. M. Hutchinson, Chairman Copy of letter of acceptance sent to "Art & Culture Club" To the "Sherbrooke Art & Culture Club Ladies & Gentllemen On hehalfofthe Sherbrooke Library & Art Union I am instructed to convey to you their sincere thanks for your generous gift of a reproduction of Ho Im an Hunt's celebrated pic ture the "Light of the World" and to express their high appreciation ofthe merits of the picture whi ch is now placed on exhibition in the Art Gallery of the Library & Art Association's Building in this City. Library & Art Union sige Fra5 Bennetts., sec. treas. 67 SHERBROOKE, QUE. 11 th Febry 1907 Reading room Committee A meeting of this committee was held in the Library room on this day Mon day the Il th F ebry 1907 . Present Messrs. W.S. Dresser, Chairman, A.T. Nourse, M. T. Stenson, E. L. S. Patterson, Fra5 Bennetts, Secr. Treas.

The Notice calling the meeting baving been accepted. The Minutes of the meetings of Apri l 5th, 17th & 20 1906 were read and on motion confirmed. 572

The List of Magazin es & Newspapers now ta ken fo r the use of the Reading room hav in g been di scussed 68 It was decided That of th e Magazines th e subscription fo r which expires on the l st April nex t (Paid fo r l st March 1906 To commence w ith March Issue. The fo ll owing be reviewed viz. Perry Magazin e, Century, St. Nicholas, Pearsons. Cosmopolitan, Ameri can Inventor, Scribners, Harpers M onthly, Strand Illustrated London News, Youths Compani on Outlook. That Lecture pour tous be taken instead of Revue Canadi enne. That Blackwoods Magazine and th e Rapid be added to the present li st. < That of the Magazin es & Newspapers the subscription fo r whi ch expires on the 1s t May next (Pa id fo r 1s t May 1906) To commence with April Issue The fo ll owing to be reviewed. 69 Pail Mali Engli sh, McCiures, Harpers Weekly, Forest & Stream, Family Herald Star, Foundry, Canadian Magazin e, Cassiers Magazin e, Ladi es Home Journal, Black & White, Saturday Evening Post, Rod & Gun in Canada, Power, New-York Times (Saturday), Park & Cemetery, Mail Engli sh overseas edition, Popular Mechani cs, Harpers Bazaar, Scienti fic Ameri can. Canadi an L ife & Resources to be taken instead of Colli ers weekly. Newspapers to be added to the present number taken Weekli es - London Tim es, Montreal Standard, World Wid e Dai li es - Boston Journal, Quebec Chronicle Attention baving been call ed to the rates charged fo r the fo llowing papers viz. The Star $3 per annum, The Witness $3 ; La Presse $3 ; it was decided tb t the Secretary Treasurer be requested to write 70 th e Proprietors of these Pa pers asking fo r a reducti on in these priees also that he renews the subscriptions to the other papers as they become due.

The Committee th en vi sited and inspected th e Reading room and its furnishings and havin g expressed their entire sati sfacti on w ith the general condition of the Room and furni shings authori zed that th e necessa~y repairs be made to the Chairs and that wood be procured to supply a fi re to be li t on th e hcarth of th e open fireplace in the room. W .S. Dresser, Chai rman NB Extra 71 573

charged for Ord ered from Montreal News Company Fcbry 1907 renewal 1 yr From March 1st 19 07 1 yr From April 1s t 1907 subscriptio Century 3.75 Pail Mali 1. 56 n Youths St. N icholas 2.65 McClures 0.90 Compani on Pcarsons 1.10 Harpers Wkly 3.35 35; Parks & Cosmopolitan 0.90 Forest & Streams 4. 05 cemetery Amer. lnventor 0.90 Wkly Star 0.85 45; NB Scribncrs 2.40 Foundry 0.90 Pearsons Harpers Month ly 3.35 Canadian Magazin e 1. 80 Magazin e Strand 1.10 Cassiere's 2.65 & Il l London News 6.30 Ladi es Home JI 1. 30 Blackwood Youths Comp * 1.50 Black & White 5.40 s , Harpers Outlook 2.90 Sat Eve Post 1. 25 Monthly to Lecture pour tous 1. 90 Rod & Gun 0.90 commence Blackwoods 2.90 Power 1. 90 with April Rapid Review 1. 80 N. Y. Times Sat Ed 0.95 No. London Times Wk 3.38 Park & Cemetery 0.90 Boston Journal D 2.70 Mail O. S. Ed 2.40 March Literature $39.53 Popular Mech.s 0.90 April Do $36.51 Harper's Bazaar 0.90 $76.04 Scientific Ameri can 2.75 Charg fo r Rcnewals 0.45 Can. Life & Resourc 0.90 Total paid $76.49 $36.51 72 BLANKPAGE 73 SHERBROOKE, QUE 28th March 1907 Trustees A meetin g of the T ru stees of the Library & Art Uni on was held thi s day in the Library room at 12.15 p.m. Present Messrs. Ja5 Mackinnon, President in the Chair, C. W. Cate, Jn° Leonard . Fra5 Bennetts.

Moved by Mr. C. W. Cate seconded by Mr Jn° Leonard That in connecti on with the Library & Art Uni on a commi ttee, composed of th e fo ll owing Ladi es, viz. Mrs. E.C. Fraser, Pres ident " W.S. Dresser " L.E. Panneton Miss Christina Edwards W.A. Farwell " M .L. Wil son " R.E. Bradl ey G. Dcscve ,------


to be called an "Entertainment Committeef " be ormed, having for its obj ect, the givin g from over

74 timc to timc a public entertainment in aid of the funds of th e L ibrary & Art Union, with th e ri ght to apply for th e benefit of the sa id Library & Art Uni on, subj ect to the approval of th e Librmy Committee, such su ms of money as they may receive from entertainments given by them. Carried unanimously The meeting th en adj ourned.

In accordance with th e above resolution a report was made by Miss Wilson as fo ll ows. viz . .Qmy After carefu ll y looking through the Library, I feel that the fo ll owin g Authors & Poets, are the fi rst to be renewed, viz. Dickens, Tennyson, Longfell ow, wmBl ack, Gilbert Parker, Charles Reade, Caprr Mayne Reid,

W ilson This li st of Books having been submitted to them was approved by the fo llowing members of the Library Committee. Judge Hutcbinson, Chair, Messrs. Mackinnon, Skinner, Edwards, Patterson, M orey, Hackett, Chann el! , Truell, Campbell , Elli ott, Watson, Bennetts. 75 SHERBROOKE, QUE. 3 June 1907 Trustees At a meeting of the Trustees of the Library & Art Uni on held this day in th e Library room at 8 P.M . Present Messrs. Jn Leonard , Chairman, Campbell, Irwin, Sangster, M orey, Beru1 etts, Sec. Treas. Moved by Mr. Campbell 2nd by Mr. Irwin That the sum of$100 be expended fo r new books and th at 15% of thi s be used fo r French li terature. Carried It was suggested that the Proprietor of the building repair the Ceiling of the Library room in stead of its floor and that they also be asked to paint the floor of sa id room. No action was ta ken regarding Postal rates. over ,------


76 Moved by Mr. Sangster 2nd Mr. Campbell That a committee consisting of the following Gentlemen viz. M essrs. Morey, Hargraves & Hudspeth be appointed to supervise the rehanging and where necessary the re-arrangement of the Pictures in the Art Gallery. The cost of said work not to exceed $6#. The meeting thcn closed. J. Mackinnon.

77 SHERBROOKE, QUE. 1 14 h June 1907 Library Committee A meeting of th e ab ove was held in the Library room on this day th e 14th June 1907 at 8 P"M" Present 1 Honb e Justice Hutchinson, Chairman, Messrs. F.Campbell, W .R.Elliott, H. Irwin, F. Bennetts. Moved by Mr. Irwin, 2nd by Mr. F. Campbell That the li st ofNew Books as read and fyled w ith the addition of a li st of French books to be furnished by Mr. Campbell, the total li st not to exceed in priee $ 100 # be ordered. Carried Moved by Mr. Campbell 2nd by Mr. Elliott The Treasurer having reported a further sum of $25 available for Books. Moved by Mr. Campbell 2nd by Mr. E lliott That the said sum be used to replace worn

78? (sans pagination) out standard works and that the Manager and Librarian be appointed to decid e as to the condition of the books to be replaced . Carried The meetin g then closed. W. Hutchinson, Chairman

79?(sans pagination) Sherbrooke, Qe. Aug1 19, 1907 Trustees At a meetin g of the Trustees of the Library & Art Uni on held this day in the Library room at 8 P"M" Present ------


Messrs. Ja5 Mackinnon, Pres. in the Chair, Campbell, Sangster, Irwin, Bennetts. Sec. Treas. The Minutes of the last meeting of the Trustees on 3rd June last were read and on motion confirmed. The members present having read a letter from Mr. W. L. Morkill to Mr. S. Morey containing an offer to loan free of cost to the Library & Art Union a valuable collection ofMexican & Aztec curios. It was moved by Mr. Campbell seconded by Mr. Irwin That Mr. W. L. Morkill's generous offer be accepted and that Mr. Morkill be immediately advised thereof also that a copy of the letter

80? (sans pagination) of acceptance be entered amongst the Minutes in this book. Carried. The meeting then closed. W. Hutchinson, Chairman

(Written vertically in margin- NB. !7th Sep. 1907. Wrote Mr. Morey re. hanging Pictures in Art Hall. )

"Copy'' of Lettcr of acceptance of Mr. Morki Il ' s offer Sherbrooke Que. 1 1 20 h Aug . 1907 W.S. Morki ll Esqc Dear Sir At a meeting of the Trustees held last night, it was unanimously resolved to accept your generous offer, contained in your letter of30 July ult. to Mr. Morey, ofMexican & Aztec curios and the Secretary was instructed to convene to y ou the thanks of the Library & Art Union for the Kindly feeling di splayed by you towards your home city, in loaning what we fee! sure will prove a most interesting, and instructive exhibit. Very Respectfuly Sige LIBRARY 7 ART UNION, Fra5 Bennetts, Sec. Treas.

(sans pagination) 8 1? (Printed Head) LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H.lrwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager 577

Sherbrooke, Que. Novr 26 1907 At the General Annual Meeting of this Institution held in the Art Hall on this day at 8 P.M. there were Present Rev d Canon & M rs . Shreve, D r & M rs . W. A. Farwell, D r & M rs . E. J. 5 5 Williams, M'". & M'" . Hargraves, M'" & Miss Gwyn, Mr Tuck, Miss Elkins, M'"s. E. C. Fraser, Mrs_J. P. Wells, Miss Sutton, Judge Hutchinson, Revd G. Ellery Read, M'"s. Macfarlane, Mr. Leonard, Mr. Dinning, Mr. H. D. Lawrence, Mr. Andrew M. Sangster, Mr. Morey, Mr. Jas S. Mitchell, Mr. Stenson, Dr Spencer, Mr Duffett, Mr. Charmeil, Mr. Truell, Mr. A.C. Skinner, Mr. Hetherington, Mr. W. R. Bradley, Mr. C. K. Edwards, Mr. J.A. Archambault, Mr. Cariston, Mr. C. H. Foss, Mr. Smellie (of Toronto) Mr. Jas Mackinnon, Mr. Irwin, Miss Wilson, Fras Bennetts.

82? (sans pagination) Ja5 Mackinnon Esq'"c having taken the Chair. The Minutes of the Postponed Annual Meeting of the Library & Art Union held on the 22 11 ct Novr 1906 were read and on motion were confirmed. The Reports of the Manager, Secretary-Treasurer and Librarian were read. Moved by Mr Sangster seconded by Mr Lawrence That the above Reports be accepted and adopted. Mr Lawrence ffi-tA.e, speke _ speaking _ of the reports in a congratulatory strain. Carried Moved by M'" Lawrence 2"ct M'" E.L.S. Patterson That the question of additional room being likely to occur : that the new room be obtained downstairs if th e expense of leasing it

(sans pagination) 83? is reasonable and within the means of the Institution. Carried. Resolved That the Management be requested to see the Proprietors re the use of the Art Hall. Moved by M'" Channell 2nct M'" Dim1ing That the thanks of this meeting are due and are hereby tendered to Mr. W. Morkill for hi s _intended _ kindly Joan ofMexican curios. Also Th at the hearty and sin cere thanks of the Trustees & Members 578

of the "Library & Art Union" arc duc and arc hcreby tcndered to Messrs H. Morgan & Co for their gencrous gift toit of the interesting & valu able painting by M" Coburn whi ch is greatly appreciated by visitors to the Art Gall ery. Can·ied


84 Moved by Mr. Mackinnon 2nd Mr. Irwin That a cordial vote of thanks be tendered to the Ladies' entertainment Committee for their splendid assistance in starting and conducting teas in a id of the Library and other abjects connected with the Library weifare of the Library & Art Union. Carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Irwin 2nd by F. Bennetts That Mr. Mackinnon be re­ elected President of the Institution. Carried. Moved by Mr. A. M. Sanagster 2nd Mr. Dinning That the fo llowing gentlemen be elected Trustees of the Library & Art Union vtz. Mr. Jas Davidson Mr. B. C. Howard A. G. Sbnmw L. S. Channell S. H. Jenckes M . T. Stenson V/rn Farwell F. Campbell Judge Hutchinson L. E. Panneton 85 Resolved tbat Judge Hutchinson be elected Vice-President The meeting then adjoumed J. Mackitmon

*NB Mr. Jas Davidson Resigned - H. Irwin appointed Manager Wi ll Farrell Resigned - Fras Bennetts appointed Sec. Treas. 86 (sans pagination) (Printed form) LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 29th Nov" 1907 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ---- Trustees ----­ committee to be held in the Librmy - room on Saturday 30111 at 8 P.M Sharp business appointment of committees & other business. Very respectfully, Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. 579

(sans paginati on) 87 LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts J-I. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

1 Sherbrooke, Que. 30 h Nov' 1907 Trustees At a meeting of the Trustees of the Library & Art Uni on held in the Library room on thi s 30th Novr 1907, there were Present 1 Honb c Justi ce Hutchinson, v. p. Chairman Messrs. L.S. Cha1mell ; S. W. Jenckes, H. Irwin, Fra5 Bennetts. The Minutes of th e meeting of Trustees held on th e 19th Aug. last were read and on moti on confi rm ed. Resolved That in confo nnity with th e expressed desire of Mr. A. Y. Nourse to resign th e office held by him as curator

88 (sans pagin ati on) of the Curios, M inerais & Nah1ral Hi story abj ects, etc. of this Institu tion. Mr. Nourse be info rmed that hi s resignati on is w ith much regret accepted and th at thanks are due and hereby tendered to him for the care and attention he bas di splayed in hi s office as weil as the very great interest he has shawn in the affairs of the Libra1y & Art Uni on. Resolved That no acti on fo r the present be taken for leasin g of additional rooms. Resolved That th e fo llowing salari es viz. To Miss Wilson's Salary to $3 00 per year · M iss Deseves salary to $100 per year to ta ke effect from 1st Oct. ' 1907.

(sans paginati on) 89 Resolved That the present amount oflnsurance be continued. The meeting then closed. MT Stenson, Pro Interim 90 LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts !-!. Irwin ------·------


Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Dear Sir Sherbrooke, Que. 2nd Decr 1907 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ---- Library----­ committec to be he1d in the Library - room on Tuesday 3rd In' at 8 P.M Sharp business Selection of Books & other business . . Very respectfully, Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas.

91 LIBRAR Y ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 3 Decr 1907 Library Committcc A meeting of this committee was held in the Library room on the 3rd Decr 1907. Present I-lonble Justice Hutchinson, v.p. Chairman Messrs. Campbell, C. H. Foss, W. R. Elliott, M . T.Stenson, H. Irwin, Fras Bennetts. Minutes of the meeting of the committee held the 3rd & 14th June last were read and on motion confirmed. Moved by Mr. Irwin 2nd Mr. Stenson That a unanimous vote of thanks be given to Mr. H. O. Lawrence for his very generous gift of the works ofD'lsrae1i to the Library & Art Union. carried. 92 Moved by Mr. Elliott 2nd Mr. Campbell That the purchase of the work entitled the "Makers of Canada" be deferred to the next meeting of this committee and in the mean ti me a better priee be sought and a Iso to get further information respecting this work. carried. Moved by Mr. Irwin 2nd Mr. Elliott That the Finance committee be askcd for a grant of $200 for the purchasc of books for the Library. carried. Moved by F. Bennetts 2nd Mr. Irwin That the .J.ts.t-.e.f Books on the Librarians list as now presented with the exception of tho se marked 0) toge th er with the addition of Mr. Elliotts list of Books 93 be accepted and priees obtained. carried. Moved by Mr. Elliott 2nd Mr. Foss That the edition of Scott's novels 581

from De Wolfe, Fiske & Co which is not uscd by the Library & Art Union be donated to the Boys' Reformatory. carried. The meeting then closed with th e appointment of the fol lowing committees and of:ficers, viz. Finance Messrs B. C. Howard, Jn Leonard, Lawrence, Paru1 eton, J. M. Sangster, L. S. Charu1e ll , C. W . Cate. Library Judge HHutchinson, C. H. Foss, A. C. Skiru1er, M. T. Stenson, Dr Darche, N. J. Truel!, Chai1J1ell,E H. R. lliott, S. F. Morey, E. L. S. Patterson, W. Farwell. Reading room Messrs. W. S. Dresser, Dinning, Jenckes, H. T. Dussault, Patterson, J. A. Leblanc, C. D. Genest, C. W. Cate, W. R. Elliott. 94 Officers Honble Justice Hutchinson, vice President, H. Irwin, Manager, Fras Bennetts, Secy Treasr, Art & Natural History S. F. Morey, E. Hargraves, R. H. Hudspeth, A. Audet, Robt Wyatt. LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Dear Sir Sherbrooke, Que. Nov. 30th 1907 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ----Finance----­ committee to be held in the Library- room on Friday 6 Jnst at 8 P.M Sharp busin ess Allotment ofFunds ta committees important Very respectfull y, Fras Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Trcas. 95 Sherbrooke P. Q. 6th Dec. 1907 Finance Committee At a meeting of this Committee held this day in th e Library room th ere were present Messrs. Lawrence, chairman, Macki11J1on, Pres. Channel!, Irwin, Mangr, Bei1J1 etts, sec. Treas. ** (in the margin)The minutes of the 8th Dec. 1906 were read and on motion confirmed. Moved by Mr. Channel! 2nd Mr. MacKinnon That to meet th e cost to be incurred in the purchase of New Books, renewal of the subscriptions for Newspapers, Magazines, the payment for the Otter Skin already incurred as weil as other objects tbere be assigned to the Library Committee $100, Reading room Committee $ 100, Art & Na tura! History Committee $ 10 (now spent) sundries Rentai due 582

February 1908$137.50 carried. 96 98 LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 7th Janry 1908 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ----Reading room----- committee to be held in the Library - room on Thrusday 9th ill' at 8 P.M Sharp business Revision of old Literature & selection ofN ew Mags & Papers. Very respectfully, Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas.

99 Sherbrooke P.O. 9th Janrv 1908 Reading room Committee A meeting of this committee was held in the Library room on this day at 8 P.M. W. S. Dresser esq. Re-electec Chairman Present Messrs W. S. Dresser Chairrnan, C. W . Cate, S. W. Jenckes, J. A. Leblanc, H. Irwin, Maogr, Fras Bennetts, Sec. Treas. The Minutes of the last meeting on the 11 th F ebry 1907 were read and on motion confinned. After which the Reading room was visited. Resolved That the subscriptions, when fa lling due, be renewed for approved Literature, but not for that objected to. 98 Moved by Mr. Cate seconded by Mr. Dresser That the Manager be authorized to remove the Case containing Corals from the center of the reading room and replace it by a Table and chairs. carried. Moved by Mr. LeBlanc seconded by Mr. Cate That appli cation be made by the Manager of theL. & A. U. to the Library & Art Building Association for the renting of the room below the Library room and if it can be obtained for $25 or Jess per year to accept the offer. carried. Resolved that the application be made by requisition to Government th at the old rates of Postage be restored. Resolved that Messrs LeBlanc, Dussault & Genest forma sub committee, with the abject of selecting French Litera ture to the extent of$50. 99 583

and submi tting the sa id li st to this Committee Resolved that th e meeting adj ourns to reassemble at the cali of the Secretary. The meeting then closed. W. S. Dresser 100 LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. January 18th 1908 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ---- Reading room----- committee to be held in the Library on Monday 20th Inst at 8 P.M Sharp busin ess Selection of new Reading matter. . Very respectfully, Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas.

10 1 Sherbrooke P. O. 20th January 1908 Reading-room Committee A meetin g of thi s Committee was beld this day in the L ibrary at 8 P.M. Present Messrs W. S. Dressser, chaim1an, W. R. Elli ott, S.W. Jenckes, H. Irw in , J. A. Lebl anc, F. Bennetts, Sec. Treas. The M inutes of the meeting on th e 9th Inst. were read and on motion approved. The fo llowing selecti on viz. Saturday Review, Chambers Journal and Boys Own Paper having been recommended to the Commi ttee thi s li st was accepted. 102 Mons. Le Blanc having presented a li st of French reading matter that he could recommend as being sui table. Moved by Mr. Irwin seconded by M r. Jenckes That Mons. LeBlanc's li st of new French publications be adopted subj ect to an approximate expense of $50. carri ed. Resolved That Publishers as weil as News Agent be corresponded with for the obtaining of Priees and that the selecti on of th e Furnishers who would be likely to give sati sfacti on be left to the Librari an & Secretary. Moved by M. LeBlanc 2nd M. Jenckes That a sub commi ttee consistin g of Messrs Irwin, Elliott & Patterson be fo rmed fo r the selection of new Magazines & Pa pers. carri ed. 584

103 Moved by Mr. Jenckes 2nd M r. Elliott That th e Manager be authori zed to obta in a new Clock fo r th e Reading room priee not to exceed $5. carri cd. Rcsolvcd That the di sposai of the Mega telescope be left in the bands of the Manager. The meeting th en closed. J. Mackiru1on 104 LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Dear Sir Sherbrooke, Que. Il th March 1908 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ---- Trustees----- 8 €H~tl1itt gg to be held in th e Librmy room on Thursday 12th lnst at 8 P.M Sharp busin ess Financial Out/oak Important. Very respectfully, Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas.

105 Sherbrooke P. O. 12th March 1908 Trustees A meetin g of the Tru stees was held thi s day at 8 PM in the L ibrary room. Present M r. M. T. Stenson in the Chair Messrs. F. Campbell , L. S. Channe ll , C. W . Cate, H. Irw in, Fras Bennetts, Sec. Treas. Minutes of the meeting of 30th Nov. 07 Read & approved. M oved by Mr. Chann ell 2nd Mr. Campbe ll That a committee composed of the fo ll owing Gentlemen appear before th e Finance Committec of th e City to di scuss witht hem th e proposed reduction in th e City 's grant to thi s Library & Reading room Deputation to consist of Mr. Stenson, to be Chairman, Messrs. Campbell, Cate, F. H. Hebert, H. Irwin , S. H. Olivier, N . T. Dussault, Judge White, Fras Bcnnetts, with power to add to tbeir number carried. M . Hutchinson, chairman 106 LIBRARY AND ART UNION 585

Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. J st June 1908 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of th e ---- Library----­ committee to be held in th e Library room on thi s afternoon at 4 P.M business appointment ofA ssistant Librarian to be settled. Very respectfully, Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. 107 Sherbrooke Que. Jun 1 - 1908 Library Committee A meeting of thi s committee was held thi s day at 4 P.M. Present H. Irwin, Esq. Manager, chairman Fras Bennetts sectr Treas. M essrs F. Campbell & Channel! (per T. B. proxy) The M inutes of the last meeting of this committee were accepted as being read and confirmed. The Committee havin g beard with much regret of the resignation of the assistant librari an Miss Desève, It was resol ved that a number of applications received and on band for the vacant position be now considered (5 in ali ) It was finall y decided that th e applicati on 108 of Miss L. Forti er be approved and the secretary noti fy her to that effect and that the salary be the same as given to Miss Desève thi s appointment to be made permanent after 3 mos probation. It was resolved that the secretary be requested to convey to Miss Desève th e thanks of th e committee fo r ber fa ithful servi ces and their eamest hopes that she will soon be restored to ber usual health. Taken as read J7th Aug. 1908 F. B. Sec. Treas. 109 LJBRARY ANnART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Dear Sir Sherbrooke, Que. Jun 12 1908 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of th e ----Finance -- --­ llêmmittllll to be held in th e Library room on Jun 12 1908 at 4 P.M Sharp business General Financial position 586

Very respcctfully, Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Sherbrooke , Que. Jun 12 1908 Finance Committee A meetin g of this committee was held this day in the Library room at 4 P.M . Present Mr. B. C. Howard, Chairman, Messrs Cate & Irwin, C ha1111 ell & Bennetts. II 0 On request a porti on of the minutes of the Minutes of th e General Meeting ofNov. 26th 1907 was read by request fo r the information of the members now present. Moved by Mr. Howard 2nd Mr. C ha1111 ell That the Trustees be recommended that the Librarian salary be increased to $450 (per year) and that the full amount be paid to Miss Wilson and that she engages & pays ber own assistant. carried. Moved by L. S. Channel! 2nd C. W. Cate That $75 in addition to former grant be given for Books. carried. Moved by L. S. Channell 2nd C. W. Cate That $5 be granted for pain tin g & rcvarnishing. carri ed. 111 LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 18th June 1908 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ---- Trustees----- 8êi~~I"Nitt€l8 to be held in the Library room on Thursday l2th lnst at 8 P.M Shmp business General. * Saturday Very respectfully, Fra5 Be1111etts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Sherbrooke 20th June 1908 Trustees A meeting of the Trustees was held in the Library room at 8 P.M. sharp. Present Honble Justi ce Hutchinson, v. p. Chairman, Messrs . S. M . Jenckes, M . T. Stenson, Fras Bennetts to be accounted as being present Messrs. Irwin & Channell. The Minutes of the meeting of the Trustees held on the 12th March 1908 wcre read and on motion approved. 587

11 2 Moved by Mr. S. M. Jenclces 2nd by Fras Bennetts The resolution passed at th e meeting of th e Finance Commi ttee held on th e 12th June inst was read viz. That th e Trustees be recommended th at th e Librari an 's sa lary be increased to $450 (per ycar) and that the full amount be paid to Miss Wilson and th at she engages and pays her own assistant. lt was moved by Mr. Jenckes 2nd by F. Bennetts That th e above recommendation be adopted and th e Librari ans salary be increased to $450 per annum in accordance with the resolution of th e Finance Committce. carri ed. M ovcd by Mr. Jcnckcs 2nd by F. Bcnnctts That th e increase in th e Librarians sa lary shall commence to date from the 1s t May last. carri ed. 11 3 Moved by Mr. Stenson 2nd Mr. Jenckes That the Lib rary (onl y) be closed fo r a fortnight during Mi ss Wilson's holidays and th at due noti ce of the closing be given by advertisement in the Papers. carried. The meeting then Closed. J. Mackinnon 114 LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 15th Augt 1908 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ---- Library----­ committee to be held in the Library room on this Aug 17 1908 at 8 P. M Sharp business Selection ofN ew Books . . Very respectfully, Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Library Committee A meeting of thi s committee was held in th e L ibrary room on Monda y the 17th of Augt 1908 at 8 P.M . Present Messrs. Jas Machinnon, President, Chairman, Messrs. Patterson, Irw in, Bem1 etts, ElliottS & kinner, proxy FB. The minutes of the meeting on June 1st /08 accepted as read. 11 5 A li st of new books was read and w ith some exceptions approved. The matter of th e purchase of th e "Encyclopedia Ameri cana" was brought up but in view of th e Treasurers statement regarding our 588

Financial standing it was decided to postpone the consideration of same at present. Moved by M . Patterson seconded by M. Irwin That the li st of new Books to be purchased be forwarded to Messrs Briggs of Toronto and Foster Brown of Montreal for their priees, the lowest or most suitable priee to be accepted. carried. The meetin g then c losed. M. Hutchinson, J S C 116 LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 7th Nov. 1908 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ----Finance----­ committee to be held in the Librmy room on this day at 4.30 P.M Sharp business delay in City Grant. Very respectfully, Fra5 Be1metts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. 117 Finance Committee A meeting of the Finance Committee was held this aftemoon at 4.30 P.M. in the L ibrary room. Present Mr. B. C. Howard, Chairman, Messrs. C. W. Cate. H. D. Lawrence, E.L.S. Pattcrson, H. Irwin, Fras Bennetts, Sec. Treas. The question of reducing the Insurance was discussed and it was decided to leave it as it now stands viz. $4000. Resolved That the General Annual Meeting be held in the Art Hall on Thursday !9th Nov. Ins. NB Art Hall engaged on !9th, postponed to 26th. 118 The question as to the annual statements to be presented at the General Annual Meeting was discussed and it was Resolved That in consequence of the delay that bas arisen in the reception of accounts, the statement of the years Revenue & Expenditure only be read at the sa id meeting. Resolved That the Secretary be instructed to cali on Mr. Stenson the Chairman of this Special Committee and ask him to cali a meeting of the sa id committee Re the delay in the reception of the City's Grant and what action if any to be taken thereon. Resolved That the Secretary be assigned to invite the Mayor to be 589

present at the General Annual Meeting. The meeting th en closed. B.C. Howard , Chairman 11 9 LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 1s t Decr l 908 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting ef the ---- General Annual ---- €l€11TH~ithHl to be held in th e Art Hall on 3rd Decr 1908 at 8 P.M busin ess Reports, Election ofOfficers & Address by Rev. G. E. Read Very respectfully, Fras Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Sherbrooke Deer 3, 1908 At the General Annual Meeting of this Institution hcld in the Art Hall on thi s 3rd day of Decr 1908 th ere were Present Jas Mackinnon, Exq. Prest in th e Chair, Judge Hutchinson, Mayor Bachand, M . C. H. Fl etcher, Mr. & Mrs. Hargraves, Mr. Cate, Mr. Tuck, Mr. Moe, Mrs. Wells, Mr. Hebert, Hon. Henry & Mrs. Aylmer, Mr. K. Edward s, Revd Canon Shreve, Revd Deeprose 120 The notice calling th e Meeting was accepted as having been read. The Minutes of the last General Annual M eeting held on the 26th Novr 1907 were read and on motion were confirmed. The Chairman having made some introductory remarks relati ve to th e Library its condition and requirements ca lled on The Secreta1y Treasurer was called on for hi s report whi ch was he read, showing a balanee of$48.85 revenue fo r the past year of 1907- 1908 (in cluding the balance from 1907) a total Amount of$1461.94 and an expenditure of$ 141 3.09 leaving a credi t balance of$48.85, ali accounts to 30th sept. 1908 paid. 12 1 The Secretary Treasurer expl ained that in consequence ofunavoidabl e dela ys he was not prepared to give an accurate statement of th e Financial positi on of th e Institution on th e 1s t October 1908 but th at th ere were strong and reasonable grounds to expect an equall y prosperous eonditi on result fo r the present year. The Librari an in ber Report gave a full description of th e working of th e Library during th e past year th e details showing that th ere are now 590

6,829 vol s in the Library 480 ofwhich form the French section. and that includ ing donations 258 vols have been added to th e Library during the past year. The above Reports are in the Custody of the Librarian and can be consulted on application to the Person in charge. 122 The Manager, Mr. Irwin, having stated that he had no written Report commendted very favorably on th e Reports of th e Secretary & the Librarian. Moved by Mr. H. D . Lawrence 2nd Mr. Irwin That Mr. Mackinnon be re-elected President for th e ensuing year. carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Hargraves 2nd by F. Be1metts That the following Gentlemen be elected Trustees for the ensuing year viz. Messrs. Jas Mackinnon, B.C. Howard, S. W. Jenckes, C. W. Cate, M. T. Stenson, Fs Bennetts, F. Campbell , H. D. Lawrence, H. Irwin, H. Farwell , Judge Hutchinson, carried. 123 The Revd G. E. Read having been called on by the President gave an add1·ess a most able and interesting address on "The Public Library" its utility & claims on Public support. th e applause given by th e audience was an indication of their appreciation of the address. Moved by Mr. Mackinnon, 2nd Mr. Irwin That the thanks of this meeting be given to the Revd G. E. Read for his very interestin g address. carried unanimously. In response to a cali on him, hi s Worship the Mayor Dr Bachand expressed himself as being personall y in favor of the City Council giving the old grant of $1000, to this Institution and voting an additional sum for the support of th e Library at the Monument Nationale. 124 The Pres ident at th e close of th e Revd. Mr. Reads address, cal led on Judge Hutchinson for a few remarks. The Judge spokc very highl y of the value of su ch an institution to a community and quoted severa! in stances which showed its value. In many cases, when an industry was deciding in which oftwo Towns it would buil d a plant, its promoters were influenced, to a great extent, by the fact that there was a library in our Town and not in the other. The businessmen at th e head of these industrial concerns, reali zed the great benefit th e Library would be to their employees. With a ca li on the Ladies for a few remarks, to which there was no response, the meeting closed. J. Mackinnon, President 125 591 LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Be1111etts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. Janry 13th 1909 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ---- Trustees----­ committee to be held in the Library room on Janury ! 5th 1909 at 8 P.M Sharp business Election ofO.fficers & General Very respectfully, Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Sherbrooke 15th Janry 1909 Trustees A Meeting of the Trustees of the Library & Art Union was held this evening at 8 P.M. in the L ibrary Room. Present Messrs Jas Mackinnon, Pres1 in the Chair, B. C. Howard, C. W. Cate, M. T. Stenson, H. D. Lawrence, Fras Bennetts. Sec. The Minutes of the !aast meeting ofTrustees on the 20th June 1908 were read & confim1ed. 126 Officers Moved by Mr. Cate 2nd Mr. Stenson That the following officers be re-elected viz. Honble Justice Hutchinson as Vice President, Messrs. H. Irwin Manager Fras Bennetts as Secretary Treas. carried. Finance Committee Moved by Mr. Stenson 2nd Mrs. Lawrence That the following gentlemen be re-elected as a Committee of Finance viz. Messrs B . C. Howard, Chairman, Jn Leonard, H. D. Lawrence, A. M. Sangster, L. S. Channell, C. W. Cate. Carried. Reading room Committee Moved by Mr. B . C. Howard 2nd Mr. H. D. Lawrence That the fo ll owing gentlemen compose the Reading room Committee viz. Messrs. H. S. Dresser, cbairman, N . Dinning, S. W. Jcnckcs, N . T. Dussault, E.L.S. Patterson, F. Campbell, C. O. Genest, C. W . Cate, W . R. Elliott. carried. 127 Library Committee Moved by Mr. Cate 2nd Mr. Stenson That the L ibrary Committee be composed of the fo ll owing gentlemen, viz. Honble Justice Hutchinson, V . P. Chairman, Messrs. C. H. Foss, A. C. Skinner, M . T. Stenson, E. C. Irwin, L. S. Channel!, H. R. Elliott, S. F. Morey, E . L. 592

S. Patterson, H. Farwell, F. Campbell, T. H. Hebert, Dr. Darche. carried. Art & Nat. History Committee Moved by Mr. Lawrence 2nd Mr. Howard That the Art & Natural History Committee be composed ofthe following gentlemen, viz. Messrs. S. F. Morey, chairman, E. Hargraves, R. N. Hudspeth, Abr Audet, Robt Wyatt. carried. Ladies Committee Moved by Mr. Cate 2nd Mr. Lawrence That the following compose the Ladies Committee - Mmes E. C. Fraser, Pres\ W. S. Dresser, F. Campbell, S.E. Panneton, W.A. Farwell, J. P. Wells, Mrs Dr Darchc, Tuck, D. c. Bloomfield, J. J. Armstrong, Poutre, Mdlles Chris Edwards, M. L. Wilson, Kate Sangster, and Fortier. carried. 128 Deed of Sale Lot 628 N. W. Moved by H. D. Lawrence 2nd B. C. Howard and resolved That the President and Secretary of the Library & Art Union be and are hereby authorized to sign and execute a deed of sale of Lot No 628 North Ward Sherbrooke to Dr F. H. Bradley who has already paid the priee agreed upon viz. $100. Amt at disposai of Sect Treasr. Resolved That the Secretary Treasurer be authorized to expend a sum not exceeding $ 10 in any one mon th for Articles purchased for the Library & Art Union without calling a meeting ofCommittees. Insurance Resolved That the amou nt of Insurance on the property of the library & Art Union remain as at present. The meeting then closed. M. Hutchinson chairman. 129 LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H.lrwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 22nd Jany 1909 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ----Reading room----- committee to be held in the Library room on Monday 24th Janry 1909 at 4.30 P.M Sharp business Selection of new Reading matter & General Very respectfully, Fras Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Monda)' next Sherbrooke 25 Januarv 1909 593

Reading room Committee A meeting of this committee was held thi s day in the Library room at 4. 30 P.M. Present Messrs. Jas Mackinnon, Pres.C in the hair. E, L. S. Patterson, H. Irwin , Fras Be1metts. The noti ce calling th e meeting was ta ken as havin g been read. 130 The minutes of the last meeting of the comrnittee held on the 20th Jan.ry 1908 were read and on moti on confirmed. The li st of th e magazin es and Papers subscribed for during the past year having been submitted for consid eration it was Resolved That the li st of Magazines and Papers as read be adopted with the fo ll owing changes. New Weeklies to be taken - Graphie, Punch, Modern , Priscilla. To be struck off- Harpers Weekl y, Outdoor Canada. New Daili es to be taken - Toronto Mail instead of Globe. Resolved That the Secretary be instructed to obtain th e Rates fo r the foll owing Papers, Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa Frcc Press, Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg Evening Telegram, The Weekl y Iri sh Times, The G lasgow Weekly News & Weekly Scotsman.

13 1 List of Magazines +c ordered for the Reading room from W . Dawson & Sons Ltd Toronto for th e 12 mos from 1st April 1908 to 3 1st Mch Incle 1909. Centu ry Harper's Monthly Youths Compani on Cosmopolitan Blackwoods St. N icholas Outlook Scribners Canada Magazine Poweer Scientific American McClure Cassieres Saturday Evening Post Popular M echanics Harper's Weekly Punch Ladi es Home Journal Rod & Gun Harpers Bazaar Outdoor Canada Boy's Own Paper Lecture pour tous Strand (British) Pearsons (British) Pail M ali (Do) Engli sh Illus d Illus t London News (Do) Graphie Times (Weekl y) Black & White Boston Journal Famil y Herald & Star Saturday Review (NF) Canadi an L ife & Resources Da il y Mail (overseas Edition) Modern Priscilla 594

Newsoaoers Purchased From Publishers. Montreal Gazette Montreal La Presse Daily Witness « World Wide " Daily Star « Le Journal de Françoise Herald Toronto Globe 15 June 09 Standard The News or Mail " La Patrie Quebec Chronicle NB The Flag Magazine Donated Suggested to be taken The Quarterly Review Ottawa Citizen The Standard of Empire an Irish Paper (weekly) Winnipeg Evening Telegram Scotch Paper (weekly) Glasgow News Sec. suggests th e Mag. Harpers Edinborough Weekly x Please write for free copies. Scotsman Transcript American Boy 132 Blank Page 13 3 Resolved That the Quarter! y Review (Eng) and the Standard of Empire be added to the reading matter in th e reading room. Resolved That the Reading room be used only for the purposes .J.affi èewtl-of a Library & reading Room or for the purposes connected with the affairs of the Library & Art Union. Resolved That th e con tract for the supply of the foregoing be given to the Messrs W.Dawson & Sona Ltd. nd that the priees be Ieft to the Manager and Secretary for acceptance. The Meeting then closed. C. W. Cate, Chairman 134 LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. March 12th. 1909 Y ou are rcquested to attend a meeting of the ----Finance----­ committee to be held in the Library room on March 13 1909 at 8 P.M Sharp business Appropriations & lnsurance Very respectfull y, To-morrow Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Finance Committee 595

A Meetin g of thi s Committee was held thi s day in the Library room at 8 P.M. Present 1 M r. Mackinnon, Pres • Chairman, B. C. Howard, C. W. Catc, A. M . Sangster Fras Bennetts. Noti ce of meeting accepted as read. 135

M inutes of last Meeting Novr 7 1908 were read and approved. Moved by M r. Mackinnon 2nd Mr. Cate That th e unexpended balanec of fo rmer grants be cancell ed as being understood to be included in th e fo ll owing all otment. carri ed. Moved by Mr. Cate 2nd Mr. Mackinnon That $ 125 be assigned to th e Library Committee for the purchase of books to the 1st Oct. 1909. carri ed. Moved by M r. Sangster 2nd Mr. B. C. Howard That the Secretary Treasurer be and is hereby authori zed to insure the $2000 Poli cy of Insurance now cancelled by th e Anglo Arneri can Co in th e London M ontreal at the same rate $ 1 per cent. carri ed. The meeting closed with instructi ons to th e Secretary Treasurer to collcct th e payment for the Note in Margin : Special Endowment 's Fu nd Lot No . 628 N. W for the pwpose of apply ing the amou nt to sorne suitable investment.for the beneflt of the said Special Endowment Fu nd. 136 LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 13th March 1909 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ---- Librmy ----­ commi ttee to be held in the Library room on thi s 16th March 1909 at 8 P.M Sharp business Selection of New Books & General Very respectfull y, Tu esday next. Fras Benn etts, Hon . Sec. & Treas. L ibra1y Cornrnittee 16th March 1909 A meeting of the above Committee was held thi s day in the Library room at 8 P.M . Present Honble Justice Hutchinson, Prest. Chaim1an, Messrs. Patterson, Foss, 596

Skinner, Hebert, Bennetts. Notice of Meeting taken as read. Minutes of th e last meeting of th is committee were read and on motion approved. 137 The Secretary Having informed the Meeting that $ 125, for the purchase of New books for the Library bad been placed at the disposai ofthis Committee. After full di scussion, it was decided that priees be obtained from M essrs. Briggs for the books on the li sts now presented and if sa id priees are satisfactory to the Librarian & Secretary the Books to be ordered. It was also decided that th e purchasing ofPictures did not come under the control of this committee and recommended that sorne other means be taken for the purchase. Moved by Judge Hutchinson 2nd Mr. Hebert That with the object of obtaining a satisfactory list of French Publications, sui table fo r Eng li sh speaking students of the French language as weil as others, this meeting be adjourned to meet subj ect to notice of cali. M. Hutchinson, chairman

136A- Typed document attached to Record Book at this page Movcd by Ald Ledoux, Seconded by Ald Simoneau That the annual appropriation of$ 1,000.00 towards the support of libraries be divided as follows $500 to La Biboletecque du Monument National and $500 to the Library and Art Union. Carri ed Ald Armitage voting No. Copy of resolution passed 9th June 1908. Extra ct taken from the Report of the Finance Committee and adopted by the Council on the 1st March 1909. Petition of Francis Bennett in favor of an increased grant to Public Library and Art Union , Y our Committee recom- rn end that an increase of $250 be made to the present grant.

138 LJBRARY ANn ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin 597

Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 18 March 1909 Y ou are rcqucstcd to attend a meeting of the ---­ Finance----- committee to be held in the Library room on * 19th March 1909 at 8 P.M Sharp busin ess Accepta nee of 1 share ofE. T. B. stock. Very respectfully, *Friday Fra 5 Betu1 etts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. 139 Sherbrooke, !9th March 1909 F inance Committee A meeting of this committee was held this day at 8 P.M. in the Library Roorn . Present Messrs. Mackinnon, Pres. Chainnan, Cate, Jenckes, Stenson, Irwin, Bennetts. Notice of meeting ta ken as read. Minutes of last meetin g of this committee also taken as read. Moved by Mr. Cate 2nd by Mr. Irwin Resolved That the Secretary treasurer, Francis Bennetts Esq. be and is hereby authori zed to purchase one share of the Capi ta l Stock of the Eastem Townships Bank, and accept the Transfer thereof in the name of the Library and A1t Un ion, the sa me to be held as pmt of the Special Endowment Fund. carried. B. C. Howard, chainnan 140 LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. April 23rd 1909 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ---- Library­ ---- committee to be held in th e Library room on *April 26 1909 at 8 P.M Sharp busin ess Selection ofFr ench Literature Very respectfully, *Monday next Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. 141 Sherbrooke, 26 April 1909 Library Committee A meeting of the Library Committee was held this day in th e 598

Library room at 8 P.M. Present Hon. Justice Hutchinson, chairman, Messrs. Mackinnon, Morey, Channel! , Stenson, Hebert, Irwin, Be1metts. Notice of meeting acccpted as baving bccn rcad. The minutes of the last meeting of this committee held on the l6th March last was read and on motion confirmed. Movcd by Mr. Irwin 2nd by Mr. Chmmell That Messrs Hutchinson, Stencon and Hebert be a committee to select French Books to the amount of $75 & that the Secretary be authorized to order & pay for same as avai lable funds permit. carried. 142 Moved by Mr. Irwin 2nd by Mr. C. H. Foss. That to encourage the reading of good books & to ena ble outside points to become subscribers to our Library the Librarian be instructed to communicate with interested parties with a vicw to sending out parcels of books provided the Management undertakes to see that the proper safeguards are enforced. Moved in amendment by Mr. Morey 2nd Mr. Stenson That in view of the fact th at this Library being supported in part by the City, and in part by the Citi zens, for the supplying of books for the use of the Citizens, and in view of the small size of the Library, it is not expedient, or regular, that this committee should authorize the loaning of these books outside of the City 1imits , in any other ma1mer than is provided for by the rules and regulations herein before establi shed. carried. M. Hutchinson, chairrnan 143 LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 8th October 1909 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ----Trustees & Finance----- comrnittee to be he1d in the Library room on 13 October 1909 at 8 P.M Shmp business Financial Position Very respectfully, To-morrow Fras Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Trustees 13 th Oct. 1909 599

A meeting of the Trustees was held thi s day in the Li brary room at 8 P.M . Present Judge Hutchins, v.p. chairman, Messrs. H. D. Lawrence, B . C. Howard, Fim Campbell , Fras Bennetts. The Noti ce of meetin g ta ken as read. Minutes of last meeting of Trustees on th e 15th Janry 1909 Read and approved. 144 The Financial Statements for th e year ending with the 30th Sepr last having been read it was decided that th e General Annual Meeting be cal led fo r the 26th October inst and that noti ce be given to th e Public to that effect. Finance Committee Mr. B. C. Hoard Chairman, th e forego in g Gentlemen being present. The Minutes of the last meetin g of th e Fin ance Commi ttee held on the 19th March 1909 were read and approved. The Financial Statcmcnt for th e past year were discussed and satisfactory answers having been given to questi ons asked it was decided that it is ad visa ble that no addition of books be made fo r the L ibrary until such time as the Secretary shall 145 report such a reasonable amount of money on band as to permit such purchase to be made without puttin g th e institution in debt. In view of th e above and from the fact that in consequence of Deaths Removals and oth er causes the ori ginal subscribers to the Institution are diminishing it is desirabl e that efforts be made to obtain New Subscribers to fi ll the vacant places and to in crease the efficiency of thi s Library & Art Uni on. The meeting th en closed. M. Hutchinson, President B. C. Howard , Chairman 146 LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Jrwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 22 Octr. 1909 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting e.f the ---- General Annual Meeting---- semmi tt€l€l to be held in the Art Hall on the 26 Inst at 8 P.M 600

business Election ofOfficers & Address etc Very respectfully, Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Sherbrooke, 26th Octr. 1909 The General Annual Meeting was held in th e Art Hall at 8 P.M. Present Jas Mackinnon, Esq. Chairrnan, President, Judge Hutchinson, Vice President, Messrs. C. W. Cate, H. D. Lawrence, M. T. Stenson, Irwin, Bennetts, Skinner, C. H. Foss, Rev.d Canon Sbreve, Messrs. Hargraves, W. Wilson, E. J. Page, E. Causton, R. N. Robins, L. A. Bayley, N. Diru1ing, lrvine, Mr. Hutchinson, Lawrence, Bayley, Tuck, E. C. Fraser, Milord Moe, Cate, Misses Bali, Wilson, Gwyn, Mrs. W.R. Bradley, Mr John and Mrs. Richard, Findlay & others.

147 The Notice calling the meeting was accepted as having been read. The Minutes of the last General Annual Meeting on the 3rd Decr 1908 were read and duly confim1ed. The Secretary then read his Financial Statement for the year 1909 showing a Revenue a/c including the balance left from 1907 of $1752.41 and an Expenditure a/c of$1677.80 leaving a balance of$74.91. In the absence of the Librarian the Secretary a Iso read ber account for the past year showing that the loan of books for the past year bad been 11 ,534 (an increase of 1202 over the loans of 1908) tlwt-67 volumes of which 67 '>vere from the best French authors in that language had been added to the Library aise that 61 volumes had been supplied by the McGill traveling Library and that thanks were due to (text in the margin) Mr. T.J. Tuck for the donation of"Custers tenting on the Plains" to Mr. L. S. Charu1ell for a "History of Canadian Journalism" to Mr. C. C. Perkins for "Houston's Electricity in Every day Li fe" 3 vols and to Mr. W. B. Lenny for 2 Vols Fiction. (*The Books in the Library 7090) 148 Mr. T. J. Tuck the tate Mr. L. S. Channell, Mr. G. C. Perkins, Mr. W . B. Lenny for donations of books to the Library. The Manager, Mr. Irwin made a verbal report as he said the ground ha been so ably eovered by the Secretary Treasurer and Librarian & that he was mu ch pleased at the number of Books that had been added to the Library during the past year. Mr. Mackinnon as President tfl.a..t..-h.e tbought the Library was 601

fulfillin g its mission and di sseminating a liking for a better elass of Litera ture. Moved by Mr. Lawrence 2nd Mr. Wi !son, Th at th e reports as read be adopted. earried. The Election of Officers was th en proceeded with. As Mr. Mackinnon bad filled the office of President for three years and expressed the desire to retire, Moved by Mr. Lawrence seconded by Mr. Stenson 149 That Judge Hutchinson be elccted President, carried. It was a1so resolved that Mr. H. D . Lawrence be e1ected vice­ president. The newly elected President having taken the Chair The election ofTrustees was proceeded with and on motion ofMr. Lawrence seconded by Mr. Skinner the old board consisting of the fo ll owing was reelected, viz. Trustees Judge Hutchinson, President, H. D . Lawrence esq. Vice Presid ent, Messrs. Cate, F. Campbell , W. Farrell, B. C. Howard, M . T. Stenson, S. W. Jenckes, Jas Mackinnon, H. Irwin, Fras Bennetts. Mr. Irwin spoke feelingly of the Joss th e Library & Art Union had sustained through th e dea th of the la te Mr. L. S. Channell who was a good friend 150 of the Library and always wil ling to give hi s time and energies on its behalf. It was moved by Mr. Irwin, seconded by capt Bennetts that the Secretary be in structed to convey to the widow the Meeting's deep sympathy in ber Joss. carried. The Revd. J. C. Nicholson then gave an able and very interesting address on the value of the Library as a factor in promoting Education to which the audience listened with close attention. Mr. Cate seconded by Capn Bennetts Moved a cordial vote of thanks to the Revd J. C. Nicholson for the address he had so wei l & kindly given. Votes ofthanks were also passed to the retiring President, the Manager, Secretary & Librarian. 151 Moved by Mr. Mackinnon seconded by Mr. Irwin That a hearty vote of thanks be tendered the Ladies for the ir good support of the Library. carried. Short addresses were made by Judge Hutchnson, Revd. Canon Shreve, Mr. M . T. Stenson, Mr. C. W. Cate and Mr. lrvine on th e 602

subjeet of th e uses and encouragement of Public Librari es. The Meetin g then adj ourned. M . Hutchinson, President 152 LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 12th Nov. 1909 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ----Trustees ----- commi ttee to be held in th e Library room on thi s evening at 7.45 P.M busin ess Election of Committes & O.fficers Very respectfully, To-morrow Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Trustees A Meeting of th e Trustees was held in the Li brary room on the 12th Novr 1909 Present Judge Hutchinson prest in the Chair. Messrs Cate, M .T. Stenson, B. C. Howard, H. Irw in , H. D. Lawrence, F. Campbell , F. Bennetts. Moved by Mr. C. Cate 2nd M . T. Stenson That Mr. H. D . Lawrence be elected Vice-President, carri ed. 153 Resolved that Mr. W . Farwell 's wish to retire from the li st of Trustees be complied w ith and th at Dr. W . A. Farwell be elected to ti ll hi s place. Moved by M r. F. Campbell 2nd Mr. H. L. Lawrence That th e old board of Fin ance with the substation of Mr. P. Hackett in place of Mr. L. S. Channel! deceased be re-elected, B. C. Howard , chairman, carri ed. Moved by M r. Lawrence 2nd F. Campbell That the Manageer & Secretary Treasurer be re-elected. carri ed. Moved by C. W. Cate 2nd M. T. Stenson That th e old board of the Library Committee be re-elected with the addition ofM essrs Neil Dinning & V. S. Morrill as members thereofand that M r. M . T. Stenson be chairman. can·ied. Moved by H. D. Lawrence 2nd by B. C. Howard That th e old board of the Reading room Committee be re-elected & th at H-:--I* Lav.Tence C. W . Cate be chairman. carri ed. 603

154 Resolved that the following gentl emen be elected as members of the Art Committee, viz. Messrs. H. D. Lawrence, S. F. Morey, E. Hargraves, Abn Audette, Robt Wyatt, L. E. Panneton, E. Sylvestre and that H. D. Lawrence be the Chairman. Moved by C. W. Cate 2nd by F. Campbell That the old board of the Ladies Committee be reelected with power to add to their numbers. carried. The meeting adjourned. M.T. Stenson 155 List of Trustees & Members ofCommittees 1909-1910 Also Officers Officers Honble Justice Hutchinson, Pres. H. D. Lawrence, Vice Pres. H. Irwin Manager, F. Bennetts, Sec. Treas. Miss M. L. Wilson Librarian Miss Ruby Hunt Assist. Lib . Trustees Honble Justice Hutchinson, Messrs Jas Mackinnon, C. W. Cate, F. Campbell, Dr W. A. Farwell, B. C. Howard, M . T. Stenson, H. D. Lawrence, S. W. Jenckes, H. Irvine, Fras Bennetts. Finance B. C. Howard, chairman, Messrs. Jn Leonard, C. W. Cate, A. M . Sangster, H. D. Lawrence, P. Hackctt. Libra1y M. T. Stenson, Chairman, Messrs. C. H. Foss, E. C. Irvine, S. F. Morey, F. Campbell , A. C. Skinner, Neil Dinning, Dr. Darche, V. S. Morrill, F. Hebert, E. L. S. Patterson, W . R. Elli ott, W. A. Farwell. Reading Room C. W. Cate, chairman, Messrs. W. S. Dresser, N. Dinning, S. W. Jenckes, N.T. Dussault, E.L.S. Patteron, F. Campbell , C. O. Genest. W. R. Elli ott. 15 6 Art & NatL History H. D. Lawrence, Chairman , Messrs. S. F. Morey, E. Hargraves, Robt. Wyatt, Abm Audette, L. E.Panneton, E. Sylvestre. Ladies Committee Mrs. E. C.Fraser, chairwoman Mmes W.S. Dresser, F. Campbell , L. E. Panneton, W. A. Farwell, J. P. Wells, Dr. Darche, R.J. Tuck, D. Bloomfield, J.H. Am1strong, Poutre, Misses Christina Edwards, Kate Sangster, M. L. Wilson, Ruby Hunt. 157 Material on this oa2:e crossed out. 158 LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts T-1. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. 604


Sherbrooke, Que. 13 January 19 10 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of th e ---­ Finance----- committee to be held in th e Library room on *Saturday next at 8 P.M Sharp business Financial outlook & allotment Very respectfully, *Jan 15 1910 Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Estima tes 1909-1 910 Assets Balance carri ed on $74.9 1; City Grant $750; Subscriptions $500; Library $150 = $ 1474.1 Payments Rentai $550; Extra* $30; Librari ans $450; Sweep $60; Reli eving $5; Light $55; Insurance $40; Supplies $20; Stati onary $5; Stamps & Box $5; Sma ll ale $ 10; Clean $8 Ads $4. $12 15 - $259.9 1 For unfo rcsccn a/c - 9.9 1 Surplus say $250. * Rent of Hall. !59 Sherbrooke, Janrv 15, 19 10 Finance Committee A meeting of thi s committee was held in th e Library thi s day at 8 P.M . Present B. C. Howard, Chairman, Judge Hutchins, A. M. Sangster, Fras Bennetts. Noti ce calling meeting accepted. Minutes of Fin ance Committee's meeting on !3th Oct last read and confirmed. Es ti mates of Receipt s & ex penses fo r 1910-11 read. After discussion th e all otment of the estima tes balance of funds at th e di sposai of the Committee was made as fo ll ows. Jst For Reading room Literature $ 125. 2. For Library, Books including any balance 160 left from sums th at may have been already voted $ 125. Art & Natural History claims to be considered. Resolved That th e moneys now allotted the fi rst expenditure shall be fo r the L itera ture of the Reading-room in such su ms onl y as the funds at the immedi ate command of the Trcasurer will permit and the R.R. Committee decide. After whi ch the all otments fo r th e Library & Art & Natu ral 605

History shall be expcndcd subj cct to the same conditions as the above, viz. in such sums onl y as the funds at th e immediate command of the Treasurer will permit and th eL. & N.H. committees may decide. The meeting th en adj ourned. B. C. Howard 16 1 LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. i rwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 2nd Febry 1910 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of th e ----Reading room ----- committee to be beld in th e Library room on Saturday next at 8 P.M business Revision of enclosed list. Very respectfully, Feb. 5 1910 Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Sherbrooke 5, F eb1y 1910 Reading room Commi ttee A meeting of thi s committee was thi s day held in the Library room at 8 P.M . Present C. W. Cate, Chairman, Judge Hutcbinson, Messrs. E. L. S. Patterson, Bennetts. Notice calling meeting accepted as read. Minutes of the last meeting on January 25th 1909 were read and confi rmed. 162 In revising the li st of the Reading L iterature it was decided that from the li st of Magazines & Papers supplied by the Messrs Wm Dawson & Sons Ltd th e fo ll owing should be dropped viz. ­ Engli sh Illustrated Magazine, Scribner's & Family Herald Star. Blackwoods to be le ft tot th e decision of the Librari an to review. Of pa pers purchased from Publishers La Presse and Que bec Chroni cle a ll owed to expire if no obj ecti on or request ari ses from frequenters of th e Reading room. Ali other Magazin es & PDapers on awson & Sons Ltd li st or purchased from th e Publishers to be renewed at expi ration of th e ti me of the present subscription. The meeting th en adj ourned. 606

M . Hutchinson, Chairman 163 LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 17th May 1910 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ----Art & Natural History----- committee to be hcld in th e Librmy room on Wednesday 18th Inst at 8 P.M busin ess Cleaning & hanging ofPi ctures Very respectfu lly, To-morrow Fras Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Sherbrooke, 18th May 1910 Art & Natural History Committee At a meeting of this committee held thi s day at 8 P.M. in th e library room th ere were Present Messrs. H. D. Lawrence, chairman, E. Hargravcs, F. Bennetts. The members of this committee who were present visited the Art Hall and having inspected th e condi tions of th e Pictures & their positions came to the following decisions viz. 164 That whereas on many occasions of Public meetings held in the Art Hall, pictures hung on the wall behind the Stage have to be removed to prevent injury bein g done to them, it is therefore advisable, that no picture be hung in the space lately occupied by that of St. Cecilia. Tbat whereas The Public have now become accustomed to the positions of the Pictures on th e walls of the Art Hall , it is not desirable that any change be made in their present arrangement, and th at a continuati on of the usual peri odical and careful attention to the dusting of th e Pi c tu res is sufficient. Th at whereas Some of th e Pictures in the Art Hall are loaned to thi s Institution, it is desirable th at a new and complete catalogue of the pi ctures be made, giving th e conditions under whi ch they were loaned, the names of 165 th eir owners, as weil as any oth er useful info rmation connected with th e said Pictures, and th at th e new li st be copicd into a book fo r reference. 607 166 LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Be1metts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. June 18 1910 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ----Trustees ----- committee to be held in the Library room on *Monday next at4.15P.M business Rentai a_[ Telephone Very respectfully, *Jun 20 !9!0 Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Sherbrooke 20th June 191 0 At a meeting of the Trustees held this day at 4.15 P.M. there were Present M.T.Stenson, Esq. Chairman; Messrs Cate, Lawrence, Howard, Mackinnon, Irwin Mang. Bennetts Sec. Treas. The Notice calling meeting having been accepted as read. The Minutes of the last meeting of Trustees 12 Nov. 1909 were read and on motion confirmed. 167 Moved by Mr. Cate 2nd Mr. Mackinnon That the Telephone unless supplied free of charge be discontinued after 1st July next and that the Manager be requested to notify the Manager of the "Peop1e's Telephone Company" of this decision. carried. Moved by Mr. Mackinnon 2nd Mr. Cate That if an application be made by the Eastern Townships Agricultural Association for the loan ofPictures during Exhibition the decision to be left to the Art & Natural History Committee with authority to settle the request. carried. The meeting then adjoumed. M. Hutchinson, Chairman 167A Copy of typed letter attached to this page. 679 THE LIBRARY & ART UNION SHERBROOKE, QUE. The Peoples Telephone Co. Sherbrooke

Dear Sir, Referring to your letter of 14th inst. It was decided at a 608

meeting held today of the Trustees, that owing to our revenue being so limited and barely enough on hand to buy new books, that we were not in a position to incur the ex pense of a Telephone, and I was instructed to convey to you the thanks of the Trustees for your kindness in the past, and should you at any timc fee] that you can contribute a free Telephone to the Library it wi ll be gratefully accepted. Y ours very truly H. Irwin, mgr 168 LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. Sep 29 1910 You are requested to attend a meeting of the ----Trustees ----- committee to be held in the Librmy room on Sep *30 1910 at 8 P.M business connected with Annual Meeting. Very respectfully, To-morrow Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Trustees At a meeting of the Trustees held in the L ibrary room this 20th Sepr 1910 at 8 P.M. Present 1-lonble Justice Hutchinson, Chairman, Messers Howard, Lawrence, Campbell, Cate, Irwin, Bennetts. Notice of meeting taken as read. 169 M inutes of last meeting on 20th June 1910 were read and confirmed. The Manager report re: the removal of the Telephone was read. Mr.Lawrence reported that no pictures for exhibition were taken by the Eastern Township Agricultural Association. Moved by Mr. Lawrence 2nd by Mr. Irwin That the date for the holding of the General Amlllal Meeting be left to the Secretary Treasurer. carried. Moved by Mr. Cate 2nd Mr. Campbell That Dr Shreve be asked to give an address at the General Annual Meeting. carried. Moved by Mr. Howard 2nd by Mr. Lawrence That the sum of $120 viz. $40 for French Books & $80 for Engli sh be invested in 609

books for the Library. carried. 170 Suggestion as to getting Dr. Colby and others to give Lectures during the coming winter were discussed and left to be treated of at a later meetin g. In response to the suggestion of the Secretary Treasurer that to in crea se and ex tend the efficiency of the Library it is desirable that new members be obtain ed, the fo llowing were given as persons who on being intervi ewed might consent to become members, viz. Judge Globesky, Dr. McCallum, Messrs. C. Howard, Dimick, Allen, B. C. Root, McFadden, Nicol, Pilcher, F. W . Andrews. The meeting tben closed. M . Hutchinson, Chairman 171 Oct. 24th 1910 Notice The General Annual Meeting of the Library & Art Union will be held in the Art Hall on Oct. 27th lnst at 8 P.M .

Sherbrooke Oct. 27th 1910 The General Annual Meeting of the Library & art Union was held in the art Hall this evening at 8 P.M . Present Honble Justice Hutchinson, Pres. Chairman, Messrs. Stenson, Irwin, Lawrence, J. C. Waterhouse, Fletcher, H. H. Wiggett, Gleason, Mackinnon, Cate, W. Bradl ey, Morrill, Smith, Edgell , D. Bradley, Hackett, Armstrong, Bennetts, REv. Canon Shreeve. Mmes. Hutchinson, Lawrence, Shreve, Enright, Gleason, Bradley, Dr. Bradley, Miss Shreve, Bottrell , Hick.ness, Wilson, Edwards, and others. 172 The Notice calling the meetin g was repeated by the Secretary Treasurer. The Minutes of the la st General Annual Meeting were read and on motion were confirmed. The Librarians Report was read by the Manager Mr. Irwin. The Secretary Treasurer read hi s report for the past year. Moved by Mr. Waterhouse, seconded by Mr. Stenson and carri ed That the above reports be adopted. Moved by Mr. Mackinnon seconded by Mr. Waterhouse and carried Th at the thanks of this meetin g are due and are hereby given to ail those who during the past year have generously 173 ------

6 10

generously made donati ons of Books, Pi ctures etc to the Library & Art Union th at a list of th e na mes and gifts of such Donors be entered in th e minutes of this meeting and that noti ce of the sa me be conveyed to said Donors by the Secretary Treasurer. List of Don ors Donations Mr. J. Rosenbloom 25 Vols Bret Hartc Ladi es Committec 16 - Chas Read " l 0 - Shakespeare " 8 - George Elliott " 3. - Fiction Mr. Richard Bray The White Prophet A Lennoxvill e Friend Ki 1m en y of the Ore hard The Author Bacon is Shakespeare Hon. Hy. Aylmer The Battle of the Plains Mr. H. P. Royer Sherbrooke City Directory T. P. Macdonald 22 Vos Best French L iterature Mr. E. R. Coleman Pi cture Lennoxville 1832 Mr. E. R. Coleman Pi cture Sherbrooke 1834 Friend Framing of same pictures Mr. J.H. M . Parker Obtaining Farmers' Advocate Messers Biggar Wi lson Ltd Tex til e Journal & Pulp&Paper of Canada 174 Moved by Mr. Lawrence seconded by M r. Irwin th at Judge Hutchinson be re-elected Presid ent fo r ensuing year. carri ed unanimously. Revd Canon Shreve then delivered a very able and interesting address on the H istory of a Book from its earliest peri od, th e audience li stened w ith the closest attention to the address and at its close It was moved by Mr. Cate seconded by M r. W. Bradley and carri ed unanimously That a hearty vote of th anks be given to Revd Canon Shreve for hi s very in structive address. M r. Stenson spoke in approval of the address. Mr. Irwin stated that no book is allowed to enter th e Library th at in any way would 175 inj ure th e young. M r. Lawrence expressed hi s approval of the address and th at he hoped we would have a larger home fo r its books and that an opportuni ty ex ists fo r some one to donate some good books. Moved by Dr. F. Bradl ey seconded by M r. G leason and carried. Th at a vote of thanks be given to the Presid ent Trustees, 61 1

committees and Officers of the Institution for their services during the past year. The meeting then adjourned. M. Hutchinson, Chairman 176 Sherbrooke, Nov. 4 1910 Trustees & F inance A Meeting of the Trustees 7 Finance Committee was held this day in the Library room at 8 P.M. Present Judge Hutchinson, Chairman, Pres. H. D. Lawrence Esq. Vice Pres. Messrs Stenson, Howard, Hackett, Mackinnon, Leonard, Bennetts. Notice calling Meeting accepted as read. Minuets of meeting of Trustees on 20th Sep. 1910 were read and on motion confirmed. Minutes of last meeting of Finance Committee on Jan. 15th 1910 were read and on motion confirmed. 177 The Secretary Treasurer having notified the Meeting that the London Mutual Fire Insurance Company bad refused to renew the po li cy oflnsurance for $1000 fa !ling due on the 2nd lnst. at the rate of $1 percent. Resolved That the Chairman of the Finance Committee and the secretary treasurer be empowered to arrange the lnsurance with some other Insurance Company at a rate not exceeding $1.10 per cent. Resolved That Rev. Canon Shreve's offer of the delivery of a lecture for the benefit of the fu11ds of the Library, provided an audience of a )east 100 persons be secured, be accepted, and th at efforts be made to have the delivery of sa id lecture about the middle of next December. Admission Fee for Lady & Gentleman 25~ M. Hutchinson, Chairman. 178 LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. Jan 14 1911 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ----*Librmy ----- committee to be held in the Librmy room on Jan 16 1911 at 612

7.45 P.M business Selection ofBooks Very respectfully, Monday next Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. LIBRARY ANDART UNION Miss Wilson F. Be1metts H.lrwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

S berbrooke, Que. Jan 14 19 11 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of the ---­ *Reading room ----- committee to be held in the Library room on Jan 16 1911 at 8.30 P.M business Selection of litera ture. Very respectfully, To-morrow Fra 5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. 179 Sherbrooke, Jan. 16, 1911 Library Committee A meeting of this Committee was held this day in the Library room at 7.45 PM. Present Honble Justice Hutchinson Presiding, Messrs E. C. Irvine, Irwin, Bennetts. Notice of Meeting accepted as having been read. Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion confirmed. Rcsolvcd that new books as pcr li st now prcscntcd and approved be purchased to the Amount of $80. Moved by Mr. Irwin, 2nd Capn Bennetts. Tbat ali the Books purchased for the L ibrary be for distribution within one month after having been received. carried. M . Hutchinson, Chairman 180 Reading room Committee A meeting of this Committee was held this day Janry 16, 1911 in the Library room at 7.45 PM Present Bon Justice Hutchinson, President, Mesrs Irwin & Beru1etts. Notice of meeting accepted as read Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion accepted. The li st of the reading matter now suppli ed the Reading room having been presented with recommendations of additions & 6 13

erasures it was resolved that th e List of Publicati ons as read with th e additions & erasures be passed. The committee hav ing visited th e Reading room with w hi ch they were pl eased th e meeting closed. M . Hutchison, Chairman 181 LIBRARY AND ART UNION Miss Wilson F. Bennetts H. Irwin Librarian Sec. Treas. Manager

Sherbrooke, Que. 26th Apri 1 19 11 Y ou are requested to attend a meeting of th e ----Art & Na tura! History----- committee to be held in the Library room on thi s evening at 8.30 P.M business Very respectfully, To-morrow Fra5 Bennetts, Hon. Sec. & Treas. Sherbrooke, 26th April 19 11 Art & Natural History A meeting of thi s Committee was beld thi s evening in the Library room at 8.30 PM. Present H. D. Lawrence, Esq. Chairman, Messrs E. Hargrave, Bennetts, Messrs Irwin & Wyatt bad call ed but could not remain . 182 The Noti ce calling th e meeting accepted as having been read. The Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee on the ! 8th May 1910 were left in abeyance. Mr. Lawrence read a letter from Mr. S. F. M orey in which it was stated, that th e Trustees of the Montreal Art Associati on bad decided to loan sorne Pictures to the Library & Art Uni on, on application being made fo r such a loan. The announcement was received with hearty th anks to the Trustees of the M . A. A. fo r their public spirited generosity, and the Secretary was instructed to write, and obta in the conditions under whi ch the loan could be procured, especially the length of time for whi ch the loan would be granted as weil as any fuller info rmation bearing on th e matter. 183 It was also suggested, th at should th e conditions be such as th e L ibrary & Art Uni on could carry out, th e arrangement for th e 614

in su rance of th e Pi ctures be Jeft to the M . A. A. to make such provision w itb an Insurance Company as wouJd be sati sfactory to the M. A. A. and th at th e bi 11 of cost be sent to th e Library & Art Uni on for payment. The timc requested for the durati on of the Joan was to be not Jess than tweJvc months, as the A. & N. H. Committee were of the opinion that a shorter peri od wouJd not be an adequate retum fo r th e expense in curred in procuring the Joan. Messrs Irwin & Wyatt bcforc Jeaviog stated that thi s was aJso the ir opinion of th e matter. The meeting adjoumed. 184 Sherbrooke 8th June 19 11 Library Committee A meeting of thi s Committee was hcJd thi s day in the Library room at 8 P.M. Present HonbJ e Justi ce Hutchinson, Chairman, Messrs. Hebert, Irwin, Bennetts. Noti ce calling meeting accepted. M inutes of last meeting having been read were confi rmed. Moved by Mr. Irwin 2nd Mr. Hebert That the sum of $75 be grantcd fo r the purchase of books as per 1i st read by the Secretary and the selecti on of sa me be left to th e Li bra ri an and Management. carried. 185 The qu esti on of pm·chase of certain books offered for sale by Mr. Galt Lomas & two travelers was di scussed and decided not to undertake the purchase of same at present. The matter of Holidays and th e closing of the Reading room on Sundayss & Evenings was di scussed and the opinion expressed thereon was that the matter was one to be dealt with at a General Meetin g ca iJ ed fo r th at purpose and th at a months notice would have to be posted according to by-l aw. The meeting th en adj ourned. M. I-lutchinson ANNEXE VI

Correspondance entre la National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa et la Library & Art Union, Sherbrooke, du 23 septembre 1914 au 2 décembre 1921.

Source : Ottawa. Archi ves de la Galerie nationale du Canada , (aujourd'hui le Musée des beaux-arts du Canada), pour la période de 1910 à l 921.



Correspondance NG et SLAU (source: Archi ves du Musée des beaux-arts du Canada)

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

September 23 rd , 19 14 Samuel Morey, Esq., Sherbrooke, Que. Dear Sir: I am requested by the Trustees of th e National Gall ery to forward you an ex tract from a memorandum of a conference held by th e Trustees and a committee of the Royal Canadian Academy for th e purpose of deciding the best means of furthering the cause of . As your ci ty possesses a public picture ga ll ery, the Trustees would be interested to hear from you as to wheth er a loan ex hibition of from ten to twenty representati ve Canadi an pictures, under the condition stated in the memorandum, would be agreeabl e to you and would be likely to increase the interest in art in your ci ty. The loan would probabl y be made fo r a year with a renewal or an exchange at the end ofthat time. Y our early consideration of the matter would greatly oblige. Y ours very truly,


(lettre manuscrite)

6 Spadina Garden Spadina Raad Toronto, Octr 1Oth 19 14 E ri c Brown Esq. Director Nati onal Gall ery Ottawa Dear Sir I regret that my acknowledgment of your valued favour of 23d ult. bas been delayed, owing to my unexpected cali here, due to the seri ous illness of my daughter. I read your enclosure with th e greatest interest and approval. Before repl ying thereto I should perhaps say in justi ce to myself, that, although prominent in the fo undati on and main tenance of th e "Library and Art U ni on" of Sherbrooket for wenty years, 1 am not at the present ti me more th an an advising member of the Art Committee, th e management of the Institution and of its fi nances bein g in other hands. 618

I submitted your communications to the authorities, with my strong recommendations in their favour, but regret to say that they would much prefer to leave the matter in abeyance for the present, until general conditions are more favourable. ln further explanation of their position I may say. I think I told you the Institution is carrying on a fine Reading Room, a public Library and bas quite a little museum in addition to Art Gallery. With the exception of a municipal grant of$750, ali its funds are provided by private subscription, without any endowment & with the constant demand for additions toits circulating library & to other expenses the financial problem is always a pressing one. Still further complications are the present financial stringency, the absorption of ali public interest & effort in the "Patriotic Fund" and the new hospital & and it seems to the executive to mak:e it unwise to assume additional ex penses just now. Y our proposai seems to me ti mel y and most beneficiai for Canadian Art and the increased interst therein. I should be inclined to extend the scheme still further by reducing the unit loan to even two pictures, and placing them in eve1y small town where one or two responsible citizens would assume the responsibility of their care and exhibition. Opportunities for the latter must be available in every community, even where there is no gallery or skylight, by proper shading of side li ghts. Upon my return home, I shall take pleasure in sending you a list of the present gall ery picture in Sherbrooke. Assuring you of my deep interest in ali efforts for the promotion of the Fine Arts in Canada. I remain Yours sincerely Sam! F. Morey

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

October !3th, 1914. S. F. Morey, Esq. 6 Spadina Garden, Spadina Rd., Toronto. Dear Mr. Morey: I am mu ch obliged by y our letter of the 1Oth inst. and grea tl y regret the committee's decision not to undertake the loan exhibition of Canadian pictures offered by the National by the National Gallery. The expense offreight and insurance would be small and the exhibition could not fait to be in structive and interesting. However I trust that at some later date th e committee may reconsider the matter when I shall be glad to hear from you and to do ali in my power to help your art work in any possible way. Y ours very truly, Director. 619

copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

October 29th. 1915 Dear Mr. Morey: Supplementing our recent conversation the National Gallery will be glad to supply the Sherbrooke Art Gallery with a Joan exhibition of from 20 to 30 pictures, Canadian and foreign. Y our expenses in the matter will be the freight both ways and the insurance of the pictures at a nominal figure probably $3000, against ali risks from the ti me the pictures leave the National Gallery, to the time oftheir retum. I hope to be able to make up the loans and get them forward by Christmas. I shall be very glad to know if such a loan would be agreeable to you. The Trustees of the National Gallery are anxious to do ali in the ir power to help forward the understanding of art wberever possible, and in view of the fact that you have done such good work in Sherbrooke and are possessed of such an excellent art gallery they believe that a loan exhibition would help to increase the art interest in the community. I shall be glad to hcar from you at your earliest convenience as I hope to lay the matter of the loans before the Trustees on November 8th inst. With kind regards and many thanks for the interesting time spent with you at Sherbrooke. lam Y ours sincerely, Eric Brown Director. Mr. Morey, Sherbrooke, Que bec.

(lettre manuscrite)

Sherbrooke, Que. Novr 5th 1915 Dear Mr. Brown Replying to your esteemed favor of29th ult. , and appreciating exceedingly your proposai and the broad and liberal po licy of the Trustees and yourself for the encouragement and appreciation of Art work in Canada, could you not at the coming meeting of the 8th inst. obtain official sanction for the Joan suggested and the accessory details and leave the matter open a little longer. The expenses to be born by the gallery here including insurances of about $60. freight and accessory charges here, would approximate $100.00. Were I in a 620 position to do so I would gladly assume thi s my self, but I do not feel I should. The interest and efforts of ali liberal and patriotic citizens in the various appeals arising fro m the war is intense, and bas seriously affected the resources of the Library & Art Union, which controls not only the Art Coll ection but the public free library reading room and museum, and the introduction of any extraneous appeals to C iti zens, especially on behalf of Art, so caviare to the general public,requires special care, while the general position and th e management of the Institution, with which I think I told you I had not bccn in very close sympa th y for a number of years leads mc to feel that the entire position should be dealt with, and I have endeavoured to initiate its consideration, which requires more ti me. Of course th e gallery is quite weil fi lied now, but many pictures should be weeded out, and replaced by the proposed loan. 1 am sa nguine of bringing this about la ter. With kind regards to Mrs. Brown·. Y ours sincerely Samuel F. Morey Mr. Eric Brown Dircctor The National Gallery Ottawa

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

November6th., 1915 Dear Mr. Morey: lam much obliged by your letter of the 5th inst., and while 1 am only too glad to meet your wishes in any way and will certainly delay matters until you have had th e opportunity of presenting the idea of the Joan exhibition to the Committee in the most favourable way, I feel1 must hasten to advise you that your estimate of expenses on the loan is altogether too high, in the hope that this may improve your chances of obtaining the committee's sanction to the Joan. Asto in surance, Mr. James MacMillan, 46 Leadenhall St., London, E.C., will cffect th e insurance of $2,500 at the rate of 7s/6d per fl 00 per year against ali risks, so that the in surance of the loan, even if the condition ofyour building raised this priee sli ghtly, could be made for under $ 10. per year. As to freight, we would send the shipment by Express whose charges to Sherbrooke are $ 1.10 per 100 when shipment is covered by insurance as this would be. The shipment would weigh from 700 to 1000 as the express charges would not exceed $10. Under the circumstances the whole expense to you in the matter is not likely to be more than $35 to $45, including packing and this should make the proposition much casier. 62 1

If thi s in fo rmation will make the acceptance of the loam more probable, I shall be very glad for I am anxious that Sherbrooke as one of the pioneers in the art crusade should have a li th e encouragement the Nati onal Gall ery can give. Kindly rcply at your earliet conveni ence and w ith kind regards, beli eve mc Y ours sin ccrcly,

Director. S. F. Morey, Esq., Sherbrooke, Quebcc.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

Novcmber 26th. 19 15. Dear M r. Morey: Time is passin g and I have promi sed those to whom I am sending loan exhibitions, th at they shall have them before Christmas, so I must ask you if y ou can possibl y givc me an answer during the next few days as to whether you will be able to undertake the suggested loan exhibition. I trust tbat you will be able to accept it, as owin g to recent purchases J hope to be able to scnd you a speciall y in teresting exhibition. An earl y reply will oblige, Yours sincerely,

Director. S.F. Morey, Esq., Sherbrooke, Quebec

(lettre manuscrite)

Sherbrooke, Que. Novr 30th 19 15 My Dear Mr. Brown, I am sorry to have delayed the question of the loan so long, but I cou Id not arrange it with the executive of theL & A Uni on, so fa r as the expense was conccrn cd, and bad to soli cit subscriptions by a li ttle circul ar to individuals, reponses to whi ch came in slowly. Had it not bcen just at this War peri od it would have given no troubl es. However, I have it arranged for but I am goin g to Toronto tomorrow to visit my daughter, Mrs. Bowman, un til about the 1O th or 15th January and it would not be 622

wise to send the picturcs down until I return, as r shall have to see to the hanging & selection of pi cture to be returned to Montrea l. Dr. Shepherd, with whom I had a deli ghtful visit ten days ago, looking over hi s coll ection, suggested th at I mi ght go up to Ottawa and see the coll ecti on before it was sent down and r assume thi s would be agrccabl c to you, say on my way home. Refering to our di scussion in the gall ery about th e quali ty of th e pi ctures th erein 1 qui te appreciated your argument fo r a better selecti on although perhaps disinclined undcr th e circumstances to admit ali I mi ght have done. I am looking fo r a great chage when your selection cornes down, while I appreciate you must have a lot of Canadian pi ctures bought under th e pressure fo r th e "encouragement of Canadi an Artists", which I would ask to be deli vered from, in the attempt to put Art on a better footing here. I have promised to devote sorne ti me to its furtherance, if I remain in Sherbrooke th e rest of the Win ter, but I kn ow nothing more diffi cult to do, judging from my observation every where. I fear it w ill be impossible to secure th e in surance rate you menti on, but th ere is time. I should be glad ifyou would carry out your suggesti on and wri te th e fi rst letter to your Engli sh correspondent. The risk is not the standard i.e. cement fl oors, steel constructi on, but is called fa ir risk, witb th e present amount caari ed at 1%, but further in creases they think should be at 1.45% of course ail th e best Engli sh Compani es doing a Coloni al business are represented. Whatever you send will be at maximum insurance of $2500, I understand, & as you saynothing about packing, I assume you have cases & a staff to do thi s so it does not represent any expensc to us. I wish the estim a te I made may be reduced to yours but of course I bad to fi gure on packing & express of returning many pi ctures to Montreal & competent men to rehang the gall ery & rates fo r Cataloguing which I would like to make more instructive than is usuall y the case by th e way you said you would send me your new catalogue, whi ch pl ease address with any correspondence to c/o A. A. Bowman, 6 Spadina Gardens, Toronto. I enclose a photo I took the other day whi ch please hand to Mrs. Brown w ith my regards. Y ours sincerely, Sam! F. Morey Eri c Brown Esq. Director Ntl Gallery

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

December l st. 19 J 5. Dear Mr. Morey: 623

1 beg to acknowledge the receipt of y our letter of the 30th ulto., and I am very glad to hear that Sherbrooke will be able to accepta loan exhibition ofpictures from the National Gallery. 1 understand that you do not wish to have the exhibition forwarded before January 15th. 1915 (s ic), and th at you will either visit me or write and advise of the exact date. I shall be very glad to see you on your way back home and to show you the pictures I propose sending. I am at present contempla ting sending about 25 or 26 pictures, none of them of great size, but I think making an attractive and interesting exhibition, and including a few foreigh pictures and a few also that might be called popular. I wi ll take up the matter of insurance along the lines you sugget and hope soon to be able to put you in communication with our agent in London. 1 am sending our exhibitions to Winnipeg and Hamilton immediately and I only regret that I cannot send out yours at the same time. We shall of course pack the pictures for you at this end and if the same method of packing is used and the pictures are packed in the sa me cases on the ir retum, they wi ll be little trouble to you. I wi ll write you further regarding our rules and regulations goveming thcsc loan exhibitions. The photograph is very good and I shall be very glad to give it to Mrs Brown, who joins with me in sending you our kind regards. I trust you wi ll also remember me to Mrs. Bowman when you see her. Y ours sincerely,

Director. S. F. Morey, Esq. Sherbrooke, Quebec.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

December 6th. 1915.

Dear Sir Edmund : I beg to enclose copies of the li st of pictures whi ch I propose to send to Hami lton, Winnipeg and Sherbrooke. The Hamilton and Winnipeg exhibitions wi ll go forward as soon as possible after Christmas, the Sherbrooke exhibition about the middle of January. Recent purchases have made it possible to arrange better exhibitions than before and I trust that y ou w ill approve of the selections. Y ours si ncerely, 624

Sir Edmund Walker The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto, Ont.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

Toronto, December 7, 1915. Dear Mr. Brown: National Gallery I have your 1etter of the 6th instant. I qui te a pp rove of the li st of pictures y ou propose to scnd to Hamilton, Winnipeg and Sherbrooke. Y ours fa ithfully, Sgd.- E. Walker. Eric Brown, Esq., Director, National Ga ll ery Ottawa, Ont.

(Copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

December 7, 1915. My dear Brown, The list ofpictures for the various exhibitions in the three towns, of Winnipeg, Hamilton and Sherbrooke seems tome to be an excellent selection. 1 am glad Sherbrooke has decided to take an exhibition. With St. John this wi ll make four exhibiti ons - How about Halifax? Y ours truly, Sgd. F. 1. Shepherd. Eric Brown, Esq. , Director, National Gall ery, OTTAWA, Ont.

(Copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

MONTREAL, P.Q. December 7, 1915. Dear Mr. Brown, In answer to you 's of yesterday, I have no objection toy our list of pictures to be loaned and as the song says : none of them wi ll be missed or hardi y so! Your's, 625

Sgd. Arthur Boyer. Eric Brown, Esq., Director, National Gall eery, OTTAWA, Ont.

(lettre manuscrite)

6 Spadina Gardens TorontoJanY llth 1916 My Dear Mr. Brown 1 have decided to rem ain he re un ti 1 about the 1st ofF eby as there are sorne important musical events co ming off the latter part of this mon th. The New York Symphony Concert on 20th, Mendelsohn Choir on 29th to 2nd pros so this will further delay the Jo an to sherbrooke. I am sorry, but 1 conccivc it will be quite useless to send them before my return. Not only for the provision for expenses but the necessary attention re: hanging etc. I spent a long time with Sir Edmund Sunday afternoon, looking over his coll ection of Japanese prints and he makes the same suggestion that Dr Shepherd did viz. that I should go to Ottawa on my way home and ta lk over with you the pictures to be sent and this I expect to do, having in mind your own previous kindly assent thercto. Did you learn anything further fTom your London Correspondent, relative to msurancc. Y ou mentioned in your last that you were going to write me further about the conditions under which the loans were made and it might be weil to do so, as I might have to communicate these to the officers of the Union before shipment was made, for you wi ll rcmember I am in a way an "outsider" at the present time. Don't forget you werc to send me one ofyour new catalogues. I have a bound copy of the old one which Sir Edmund gave me 2 or 3 years ago but would like the later one as weil. I rcceived Mrs. Brown' s kind note from New York. I trust you both enjoyed your visit thcrc. With kind regards to here Y ours sincerely Sam! F. Morey Eric Brown, Esq. Director The Nat! Gallery

(lettre manuscrite)

6 Spadina Gardens Toronto, Feby 3rd 1916 My Dear Mr. Brown 626

I expected to be in Ottawa on Friday but circumstances have led me to defer my return home until about the ! 8th and I hope to see you on th e 17th . 1 am sorry for the delay, but I know of no one who cou Id or would undertake the rearrangement and hanging of the pi ctures. 1 bad a lctter from Mr. James McMillan of London advising that he bad placed an in su rance of $2500 on pi cture to Sherbrooke & back fo r one year from 1st January at an expense of 10/% whi ch is certa inly very sati sfactory. He wrotc he would send me earl y in the year an a/c fo r it, which however bas not come to hand yet. 1 am wri ting him today. Trusting you and Mrs. Brown are weil. Beli cvc mc Y ours sincerely Samuel F. M orey.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

February 5th. 19 16 Dcar Mr. Morey: I am obliged by your letter of th e 3rd in stant. 1 hope the loan to Sherbrooke will not be much longer delayed as ail my avail abl e storage space is now occupied with pi ctures saved from the ti re. 1 think it possibl e 1 may be away in N ew York on th e 17th ., but Miss Snelling of my office wi Il be glad to show y ou the pi ctures and to give y ou any in formation you may need regarding the loan. Y ours sincercly,

Director. S. F. Morey, Esq., 6 Spadina Gard ens, Toronto. Ont.

(lettre manuscrite)

6 Spadina Gardcns Toronto, Feby 8th 19 16 Dear M r. Brown 1 am sorry to leam by your favor of 5th inst. that there is a possibility 1 mi ght not see you on the 17th in Ottawa (as a matter of fact it will be the !8th if at all, as 1 want to see a great pageant whi ch is comin g on here). As you may have inferred 1 bad in view the possibility ofyou very kindly giving me an altern ative selecti on in a very few instances if 1 desired. A visit to Ottawa in thi s connection wou id probabl y not 627 have (li gne de texte manquante) thought of & expressed by both Dr Shepherd and Sir Edmund, entirely without any prompting on my part; although an invitation to go in and select fro m th e pi ctures avail abl e was also given me by Mr. Abbott where the Montreal Joan was made. 1 know fro m tbe position the National Gall ery is in, in relation to the pressure by Canadian Artists, as weil as by hearsay, that you have ali sorts of an accumulation, and whit e, I give ali deference and weight to your judgement in the selection. Y ou lm ow enough about persona( preferences in Art, to appreciate my desire for pi ctures who appea l to me and have promised to carry on a crusade for a fuller appreciation of Art locally. Of course l do not expect any of the more important pictures which arc desirable for your own exhibition galleries, nor any considerable change in your selections, if at ail , onl y a possible occasional one in size or subj ect. On the other band, if this is not possibl e, l hardly feel warranted in the extra day's trip, although l should much enj oy seein g you and if opportunity offered Mrs Brown. Will you kindly write me qui te frankly upon this subj ect, and, if no change is practicabl e have the assistant secretary send me a li st of the selected paintings, subj ect & Artist; with just a rough estima te of sizes that 1 may judge as to space. Y ours si ncerely Samuel F. Morey A repl y this week will reach me here. Eric Brown Esq. Director National Gall ery Ottawa

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

February lOth. 1916 Dear Mr. Morey: 1 am obliged by your letter of the 8th in stant. In arranging these loans of pictures and trying to supply each gallery with as representative an exhibition as possible, it is a difficult matter to prepare a li st which may be subject to alterations at the last moment. The needs of th e other gall eri es bad to be considered at the sa me time and both these ga ll eries bad bad previous exhibitions and consequently required an entirely fresh selection. For the National Gall ery exhibition 1 bave to keep what I consid er the arti sts best and most representative work; consequently the choice is consid erabl y narrowed down and the Sherbrooke selection bad to be made some months ago when consid ering the requirements of the oth er gall eri es. 1 have no reason to suppose th at you will be dissatisfied with the Sherbrooke selection. 8oth the other ga ll eri es profess themselves very weil pleased and J am as anxious to send you the best availabl e exhibiti on as you are to reeeive it. 1 beg to enclose a li st of the 26 pictures, whi ch I contcmplate sending to Sherbrooke with sizes. If on yo ur visit here any of the pictures do not appeal to you, it 628

would be quite possibl e to drop th em from th e li st or possibly in a few instances to make substitutions, but I trust you will see from my explanati on that thi s cannot be guarantccd. It is now possible that 1 may have returned home by th e !8th in whi ch case 1 shall be glad to see you. This dreadful fire bas so disorgani zed our work that for th e past wcck it has hardl y been possibl e to attend to anything. Yours sincerely, Dircctor. S. F. Morey, Esq. 6 Spadina Gardens, Toronto, Ont.

(lettre manuscrite)

Sherbrooke, F eby 22/ 16 Dear Mr. Brown l was di sappointed to mi ss you in Ottawa, and if 1 had reali zed how the fire had upset your gall ery, might not have gone at ali, however your assistant was so hclpful and courteous in conn ection with my mi ssion, th at 1 passed th e ti me much plcasantl y and l hope profitably. I sympathi ze greatl y with you in th e sad upset of ali your work by th e fire & th e delay in your pl ans and hopes for the future. Y our selection for th e loan here seemed to me gcnerally much admirabl e, and I appreciated th e th ought you bad given it as also the vari ous interests which you bad to consider as expressed in your letter. 1 made th e fo ll owin g suggestions which 1 trust may be agreeable to you, viz. The eliminati on from the li st for various reasons (not always prejudicial to th e Artists) Nos. " S" 5.- 9 - 10 - 18 - 23 - 26, and the addition of th o sc chosen by Gruppe (Ernest Lawson) Cleland. There was also an upright (quite large) in an old narrow frame a picture of tall trees carry ing sparse yell ow autumn leaves full of sunlight & which I think might show weil & attract attention at th e ri ght di stance. Y ou may be questioning w hy I omi tted the Tcn Kate after our conversati on in th e gallery here. Perhaps it should not be. lt is better painted th an the stony pictures from Montreal, although much th e same in moti fs but larger. & the expense of bringing it down & returning th e others to Montreal was my chi ef consideration. Now 1 value your judgment in these suggesti ons so greatly tb at l trust you will carry it (your judgement) out but don ' t send th e numbers that I have checked. I bad sorne question about the No 1, mainl y on account of size, but perh aps I can get in some fa rmers from th e market to look at it. Addrcss th e shipmcnt to "Library & Art Union Art Gall ery" & as the Can Express arc tenants in th e building, prefer shipment by them if it is agreeable to you. I haven' t th e bill yet from McMillan but in hi s letter of23rd Dec. he wrote "Acting on in structi ons fro m Mr. EL. Gree ling of Ottahwa, 1 ave in sured fo r $2500 or f 500 against ali ri sks 629 from Ottawa to Sheerbrooke & back to Ottawa, the rate is 10/ at Mr. Greeling's request. J' Il scnd you an a/c earl y in the year". This bas not come to band . There may be war taxes or something added. I will settl e as soon as 1 receive it and it is of course undcrstood that your shipment will be subject to thi s lctter of hi s being sati sfactory covcring of your ri sk from accident & tire. 1 had lunch yesterday with Mrs. Lucke, Mrs. Willis & M olina & spent severa) hours. th ey are ali weil , have never seen th e latter so weil. Has three very fine pain tings, the best yet, 1 think, fu ll of sunlight & good broad work coup led w ith admirable drawing & co lor. Did he write you that Mr. Bowman has bought th e portrait of me whi ch th ey enj oy very much. With kind regard s to Mrs. Brown. Y ours sin ccrely Sam) F. Morey.

(lettre transcrite à la main par MNS)

February 23 , 19 16 Dear Mr. Morey 1 have to th ank y ou fo r y our letter of th e 22nd in st. I am very sorry that I could not get back in ti me for your visit as l had hoped. 1 have considered th e rejections and suggested additions whi ch you have made to the li st ofpictures prepared for Sherbrooke. 1 sbould certa inly advise the sending of th e Ten-Kate pi cture as it is a weil painted picture of th e anecdoti c ki nd th at is dear to the heart of th e man in th e street. I regret that I cannat send you the Ernest Lawson "Misty Day" as it isou most recent purchase of hi s work, but 1 will substitute another equall y good "W in ter". 1 beli cve you will find that the selection, as it now stands, will be sati sfactory to you and w ill be a representative exhibition of Canadi an painting and qui te different to th at whi ch you had fro m the Art Association of Montreal. The fo ll owing li st of pi cture bas been packed and will be fo rwarded to you according to the tenns of your letter. I will ad vise you of the ac tuai ti me of shipment. With kind regard s Yours sincerely Director S. F. Morey Esq. Sherbrooke, Quebec

SHERBROOKE 1915 - 1916 S 1. Charl es H uot. Habitant Pl oughing.30 3/8 x 30 ~ S2. Lesli e J. Skelto n. The Strom Cloud. 20 3/8 x 31 3/8 S3 . Robert Harri s, R. C.A. Meeting of School Trustees 39 1/8 x 48% 630

S4. J.C.Franchere, A.R.C.A. The Close of Day. 15 Y2 x 21 Yz S5. P.M.Dupuy, (Foreigh) Pigeons, The Luxembourg 20:X x 29 Yz S6. A. Harlamoff " Flower Girl. 40 Y4 x 28 118 S7. Francois Flameng,(Foreign) Courtyard of the A lh ambra.31 Yz x 42 5/8 S8. Franklin Brownell, R.C.A. Coast Farm 8 3/t x 13 Yz S9. Franklin Brownell, R.C.A. Low Tide. 8 Y2 x 13 Y2 SlO. F. Verner, A .R.C.A. Turned out of the Herd. 19 Y4 x 28 Yz S 11 . Sydney Tully, A.R.C.A. K.nalhaven Derdrecht. 27 Yz x 35 Yz S 12. A. Y. Jackson, A.R.C.A. Sand Dunes at Cucq. 20:X x 25 Y4 S I 3. M. H. Reid,A.R.C.A. Chrysanthemums. 21 x 30. S 14. Bertha des Clayes. Shack in th e Bush. 36 Y2 x 26 Y2 Sl5. F.Chall encr, R.C.A. Wild Steeds of the Prairie 12 x 13 Sl6. W.H.Clapp, A.R.C.A. Moming in . 28 Yz x 35 Yz Sl7. T.M.Martin, R.C.A. Moose Country.35 Y4 x 52 Y4 S 18. J.M .Barnsley. Bass Rocks, Gloucester, Mass. l7 Yz x 29 Y2 Sl9. F. Le Gout-Gerard. The Port of Audieme,Brittany.25 l/8x31 Y4 S20. C.P.Gruppe. Sunny Day on the Beach. 19 x 23 Yz Britton Marguerite S2 1. M . Alberta Cleland. On the Beach.l9 )l 24 S22. Mary Wrin ch. The Little Bridge. 34 x 33 Yz S23. T. W. Mitchel. In the Blue Mountains.32 x 36, S24. Maurice Cull en, R.C.A. The North River. 23 x 28. S25. W. Brymner P.R.C.A. Fog on the Coast 20 Y2 x 27 Yz S26. H. Ten-Kate The Peddler. 27 5/8 x 36 5/8

(Copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

February 25th. 1916. Dear Mr. Morey: The pictures asper li st sent you February 23rd leave here this evening by C.P.R. Express. We trust they wi ll arrive safely. Enclosed li st shows the number of cases and contents of each. Will you kndly fi ll in accompanying form and return at your earliest conven1ence. Y ours very truly, C. L. S. Secretary. S. F. Morey, Esq. , Sherbrooke, Quebec (Formulaire imprimé complété à la main) 631

The National Gallery of Canada OTTAWA LOAN OF PICTURES REPORT 1. State condition of pictures on ani val. None of the pictures appear to have been injured in transit. S1 8 Barnsley has cracks & others to fesser extent but apparent/y, result of age & technical treatment in paints or varnish. 2. State condition of frames on arrivai. S7 Flameng.frame not in ve1y good condition joints imperfect & evident/y an old.frame perhaps refltted to this picture. S26 TenKate has qui te thin outer edge to which cleat was screwed in nice/y & was .fou nd cracked & broken away for perhaps a foot & injured nextframe some. 55 Dupuy. Ve1y rococo ornamental edges some pieces on one corner broken. We have a good localframer who has repaired, glued & regilded as calledfor, so general appem-ance is ve1y good & considering the shipment general/y came out fair/y weil. & should be considered satisfactory. One glass broken without injury to picture. 3. With whom are pictures insured and from what date? James McMillan of London writes 23rd Dec 1915 has placed in surance of [500 against al/ risks from Ottawa to Sherbrooke & hack.for 12 months from 1s t Jany as instructed by Mr. Snelling & will send bill. Have mailed him ch. f2.10. 4. If possible give record of attendance of visitors to exhibition. Do not expect to be able tofurnish this as we do not have an attendant in the gallery but entrance is through hallway ofR eading Room & Library except when.front doors are openedfor special exhibition or other purpose. Library & art Union H.D. Lawrence, Pres.

(lettre manuscrite)

Sherbrooke, Que Mch 8th 1916 Dear Mr. Brown The pictures came safely w ith some minor casualti es to the frames, no more than 1 would expect with my experience. I have them nearly al i hung & the gallery rearranged and consider the whole effect most satisfactory. I appreciate the persona) attention you gave to the selection. I hope a li ttle later 1 may be able to arrange for a local reception, perhaps in connection with Red Cross workers so as to secure a larger attendance & perhaps give the ga ll ery some attention . Possibly, 1 may give some talk on Art and Beauty in their relations to these pictures. Could you not give me something which would be of interest to present in regard to th e work within Ai ms & progress of the National Gall ery & possibly th e a mount of assistance it bas received from the Government. 1 would like to make people real ize that this is not a persona( "fad" or for the plcasurc of a few, but to sce the broader !ines. Y ours sinccrcly 632

Samuel F. Morey Eri c Brown, Esq. Director Nati onal Gall ery, Ottawa

Sherbrooke, Que. Mch 8th 19 16 Received from th e National Gall ery Ottawa twenty six pictures w ith their frames as a loan fo r exhibition purposes. Libraty & Art Uni on H.D. Lawrence, Pres.

(copie carbone d' une lettre dactylographiée)

March !7th. 19 16 Dcar Mr. Morey: In repl y to your letter ofMarch 8th 1 am very glad to hear of the safe arri vai of the pi ctures and of their successful hanging. 1 sincerely trust that they w ill givc you a good exhibition. l am sending you two articles written by me for the newspapers not long ago, w hi coh 1 trust y u wi Il make use of if they bear suffi ciently on the subj ect of y our lecture. With kind regards. Yours sin cerely,

Director. S. F. Morey, Esq., Sherbrooke, Que.

(lettre manuscrite)

Sherbrooke, Que. Mch 22d 19 16 My Dear Mr. Brown Thank you for th e two articles enclosed one whi ch I find very interesting and shall try and use later, although th ey did not come in ti me fo r the Opening view on Saturday last. It was very successful, an attendance of about 125, and every one much intercsted. It was not a social event in th e way the private views generall y are, whi ch to mc seem a fa rce, but everyone addressed themselves at once to the pi ctures for nea rl y an hour & th en seemed to thoroughl y appreciate the remarks. 1 enclose press book of latter w hi ch you see was on oth er tines from yours. Art bas many phases. I expect to give another talk next Friday & shall try & continue them. 633

The Gall ery reall y looks very fine & J think will compare favourably w ith others, as it must be nearl y as large as any one 1 know of 40 x 60. Molina is weil & going to Montreal thi s week. J may go to New York at Easter time fo r a few days. Y ours sincerely S. F. M.

(l ettre manuscrite)

Sherbrooke, Que. April1 2th 1916 My Dear Mr. Brown J have received from M r. M cMillan a copy of the po li cy oflnsurance on pi ctures from Ottawa $500 from 1s t Jany to 31st Dec 1916, made out in hi s namc, as he sa ys oth er w ise it would have had to be sent to me fo r endorsement in case of loss. I asked him to have th e po li cy made in favour of the Library & Art Union of Sherb rooke in whose bands and custody the pi ctures are. Will you kindly wri te me or the Uni on, stating th at this poli cy is sati sfactory to the National Gallery & the copy sufficient fo r Uni on to hold , made out to Mr. McMillan. It seems rath er a loose way, but I assume be is issuing other insurance fo r the Government or Gallery under similar method. I enclose reports of2nd & 3rd talks on Art in the Gall ery & a photo of one wall on whi ch most of th e Ottawa pictures are hung. I tried to keep them together as much as possibl e but there area nine on the oth er walls. They look very weil indeed, as does the whole Gallery. Tru stin g you and Mrs. Brown are very weil. I remain Y ours sin cerely Samuel F. M orey. Eri c Brown Esq. Director Nati onal Gall ery Ottawa. I wish Mrs. Brown could give us a talk on Art and you too of course. Perh aps on your next visit we may be favo ured.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

Aprill9th 19 16

------· --- 63 4

Dear Mr. Morey: M any thanks for your letter of th e 12th in stant with enclosures. T am very glad to know that the peopl e of Sherbrooke have been profiting so much from the exhibition and your ta lks upon it. The photograph is very good and the gall ery looks well. Regarding the insurance po li cy fro m M r. MacMill an, hi s procedure in your case is the same as with th e other loans he has made fo r us and other gall eri es to whi ch we have lent pi ctures. With kind regards. Y ours s incerely,

Director S. F. M orey, Esq., Sherbrooke, Quebec.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

22nd, November 1916 Dear Sir, In accordance with the tcrms of th e loan of pi ctures from the N ati onal Gallery, we shall be glad ifyou kindly fill in the enclosed form and return it at your earli est convemence. Y our truly, A.J. Adams For The Director S.F. Morey, Esq., Sherbrooke, Que bec,

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre du bureau d'avocats)

Lawrence, Morris & M clver Offices 67 Wellington Street Sherbrooke, P.Q. Nove. 22, 19 16. Eri c Brown, Esq., Ottawa, Ont. Dear Sir: - Since Mr. F. S. Morey went away he has sent me the papers in reference to the loan of pi cture from th e Nati onal Gallery to the Library & Art Uni on here, made sorn e months ago, from whi ch it appears th at the pictures are in sured from Gall ery to 63 5

Gall ery up to the end of Decembcr and arc cxpected to be rcturned to you by that ti mc, when another set will be sent in their place, as a loan for anoth er year. As I presume you know, th e Associati on here is extremely poor and bas no means at ali to promo te such matters, and when anything of this ki nd cames up, a subscription has to be raised among a few in terested peopl e. At the present time there are so many demands on account of the war that it is somewhat difficult to ra ise money fo r any purposes not connected with the war. lt has occuned to me th at under these circumstances, it mi ght be possibl e to keep thi s set of pictures he re fo r another year, and I should be very glad if y ou would let mo know if this can be do ne. Of course, the insurance would be renewed. If such an arrangement is not possible, 1 will see what I can do towards ra isin g th e money to secure anoth er setS. An earl y repl y will oblige. H.D. Lawrence President Library & Art Uni on.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

November25th. l 916. Dear Sir : In reply to your letter of th e 22nd inst. , regarding the loan exhibition of National Gallery pi ctures now at the L ibrary and Art Uni on at Sherbrooke, I can see no rcason why th e exhibition should not be extended another year if it is provin g a valuabl e attraction. I recent! y sent you one of our report fo rms to fill in and shall be glad to know as fa r as possible how successful the exhibition has been. I understand that you will renew the insurance fo r a year before it expires. Y ours very trul y,

Director H. D. Lawrence, Esq. 67 Wellington St. , Sherbrooke. Que.

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre du bureau d'avocats)

Lawrence, Monis & Mclvcr 636

Offices 67 Wellington Street Sherbrooke, P.Q. Nov. 27, 191 6. Eri c Brown, Esq., Director National Gall ery of Canada Ottawa Dear Sir: - Y our favo ur of the 25th ofNovember is reccived, and 1 note th at we have permi ssion to keep th e loan exhibits fo r anoth er year and 1 am to-day writing to James McMillan, 46 Leadenl1 all St., London, Eng. , who took out the insurance at Lloyds fo r $2500. 00 on these pi ctures , to renew sa me un til th e 31st of December 1917. Y ours very truly, H. D . Lawrence Presid ent Library & Art Union.

(lettre manuscrite)

Wychwood Park Toronto Decr 5th 19 16 Eri c Brown Esq. Di rector Nati onal Gallery Ottawa My Dear Mr. Brown On my arri vai here from a fo rtni ght spent in New Yf ork, I ound the enclosure (22nd in st) from th e Gall ery calling for a report on th e Sherbrooke loan, and have forward ed it to Mr. H.D. Lawrence, President of the Library & Art Uni on who will no doubt attend to it. As you are aware, th e Joan was offi ciall y made to the Uni on. 1 have closed my bouse in Sherbrooke for th e Winter, intending to spend it here with Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Bowman, (th e latter being my daughtcr). Before leaving, I bad communicati on with Mr. Lawrence about a further loan fo r 19 17, if agreeable to you, and I think he intends to try and arrange fo r it. As I pointed out to him, the ex pense of a second loan would be less as the arrangement 1 made of th e Gallery at th e beginning of the year left the West (& best) side of the Gall ery en ti rely free fo r Ottawa loans and a further, consignment could be mu ch more easily hung th an wben th e wbole gall ery bad to be dealt with. Further corrcspondcnce upon this subj cct should th ercfore be addressed to him and I hope it w ill result in Sherbrooke bein g favorcd with continuous loans. 1 gave four talks on Art in the Gallery. Y our own ex peri ence in th e extension of a general interest and appreciation of art (even in Ottawa) ena bl es y ou to understand the di fficulti es and di scouragements attendant upon it and I need not say more. 1 thought 1 mi ght see you in New York at th e Volpi sale or elsewhere. 637

l trust Mrs. Brown is weil . Pl easc give her my regard s and beli eve me Y ours trul y Samuel F. Morey

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

Dccembcr 7th . 1916 Dear Mr. Morey: In repl y to your letter of th e 5th in stant, Mr. Lawrence has wri tten me that the Library and art U ni on have decid ed to keep last year's loan another year rather than exchange it. Thi s procedure is satisfactory to the Trustees and the matter is th erefore settled until th e end of 19 17. With kind regards from Mrs. Brown and myself. Ys ours in cerely,

Director. S.F. M orey, Esq., L ibrary and Art U ni on Sherbrooke, Que.

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre du bureau d'avocats)

Sherbookc, P. Q. Dec. 17, 19 16

Eri c Brown, Esq., Director National Gall ery, Ottawa Dear Sir: - T have to-day received from James McMillan, Insurance Broker, 46, Leadenhall St., London, E.C. , England, cover note fo r renewal poli cy fo r $2500.00 on the pi ctures loaned by the National Gall ery to the L ibrary & Art Uni on here fo r another year to the 31st of December 19 17. Y ours tTul y, H. O. Lawrence

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

August 15th. 19 17. Dcar Sir : 638

In accord ance with th e terms of th e loan of pictures from the Nati onal Gall ery, we should be glad ifyou wou id kindly fil! in th e enclosed fo rm and retum it at your earli est conveni ence. Y ours trul y,

Secretary. H.D. Lawrence, Esq., 67 Wellington Street, Sherbrooke, Que.

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats)

Sherbrooke P.Q. August 17, 1917 E. L. Snelling, Esq., National Gall ery of Canada Ottawa. Dear Sir:- Your letter of th e 15th in st. , with fo rm received and I enclose same herewith. There is not much to say in regard to th e pi ctures. Their condition is, I think, qui te equal to what it was when th ey were received here, and a number of people have viewed them. There has bcen one or two exhibitions given fo r such pm·poses but no record of attendance, so fa r as I know, was kept. Sorne of the frames were damaged wh en th ey came but they have been repaired, and altogeth er I think th e pi ctures and frames are in a better condition than when received. Yours trul y, Enclo. 1. H. O. Lawrence Pres. Library & Art Uni on

(formulaire imprimé complété à la main)

The Nati onal Gall ery of Canada OTTAWA 639

LOAN OF PICTURES REPORT aw; 17/17 1. State condition of pi cturcs Good 2. State condi tion of frames As good or better than when received 4. If possibl e give record ofattendance ofvisitors to exhibition. No record was kept as far as 1 canflnd.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

November 8th . 19 17. Dear Sir : The time for the return or renewal of th e Nati onal Gall ery Joan exhibition is getting near. The in suranee on the pi etures expi res on Deccmber 3 1st and they must be in sured or retumed before th at ti me. 1 should th erefore be glad to know w hat your plans are regarding an exhibition of pi ctures fo r your Art Hall fo r next year, and wheth er y ou will apply fo r an exchange or continuation of y our present Joan of twenty-six pi ctures. Y ours faithfully

Direetor. 1-I .D. Lawrence, Esq., 67 Wellington Street, Sherbrooke, P.IQ.

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats)

Sherbrooke, P.Q. Nov. 10. 19 17. Eri c Brown, Esq., Director, National Gall eJy , Ottawa. Dear Sir: Y our favor of th e 8th inst., came duly to band thi s moming. On aceount of the tremendous expense in conn ection with the war, we think that it would be inadvisable to attempt to coll ect money fo r a new set of pi ctures and would like to retain the present set for anotber year, and hereby make applicati on for an extension of th e loan. I bave to-day written the in surance people in England to renew the insurance. Y ours truly. 1-I .D. Lawrence Pres Library & Art Union 640

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

November 12th . 19 17 Dcar Sir : In reply to your letter of th e l Oth instant applying fo r an extension of the National Gall ery loan exhibition to the Library and Art Uni on Gall ery at Sherbrooke, th e Trustees of th e Nati onal Gall ery w ill be glad to extend this loan until Dccembcr 3 1st. 19 18. It will be impossible to extend the loan beyond thi s date as the pi ctures must be returned fo r cleaning and oth er work on th em. Y ours fa ithfu lly,

Director. H.W. Lawrence, Esq., 67 Wellington Street, Sherbrooke, Que.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

October 2nd. 1918. Dear M r. Lawrence: It will be necessary fo r the Joan exh ibi tion from th e Nati onal Gall ery to be rcturned to Ottawa before the end of November. As your exhibition has been tw icc extended I cannot give you the option of retaining it anoth er year as it must return fo r renovation and necessary attention. The Trustees will however be glad to replace the exhibition w ith anoth er upon th e same terms, and I should be very glad to have your decision upon this point at your earli est conveni ence. The expenses of the exhibition are not very fo rmidable so 1 trust the Library and Art Uni on will see its way to holding anoth er exhibition, as 1 am sure th at ali such exhibitions of art espcciall y in such times as th ese arc more va luable than can be expressed. With kind regards. Y ours fa ithfu lly

Director. H. W. Lawrence, Esq., 67 Wellington Street, Sherbrooke, Que.

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats) 641

Sherbrooke, P.Q. Oct. 5. 19 18. Eri c Brown, Esq., Director, Nati onal Art Ga ll ery, Ottawa. Ont. Dear Sir:- Your letter ofOetober 2nd received. I will take steps to have th e pictures loaned to the Library & Art Uni on boxed and shipped to Ottawa, and will also try and ra ise an amoun t suffic ient to have another set sent. We appreciate these pi ctures very much and although the cost of getting them is not a very consid erabl e amount yet it is a very seri ous matter for an Associati on as poor as ours, and ali th e cost has to be paid by a few persona) subscriptions. Yours truly, H. D. Lawrence

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

October 7th . l 918. Dear Mr. Lawrence: I am in receipt of y our letter of th e 5th in stant, and am glad to hear y ou expect to be abl e to have another exhibition of pi ctures from The National Gall ery, which l am sure will be very glad to make the Joan. I hope you will impress your packer to be sure to follow th e order and method of packing the pi ctures under whi eh th ey arri ved, as ali th e damage to fra mes and pi ctures whi cb bas occurred to th ese loans bas been from neglect of this, and careful adherence to it will assure their safety. Y ours truly Director H. D. Lawrence, Esq. , 67 Wellington St. , Sherbrooke, Que.

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats)

Sherb rooke, P.Q. Oct. 15. 1918. Eri c Brown, Esq., Director, National Art Ga ll ery, Ottawa. Dcar Sir: - I am shipping to-day by Canadian Express to Nati onal Art Gall ery, Ottawa, the five boxes conta ining the twenty six pictures whi ch have been loaned to the Library & Art Uni on hcre. They ali check up with your li st w ith one exception. 642

No. 2 1, on y our li st "M. Alberta Cleland, On the Beach, 19 x 24" evidently was not sent here, and I think in its place "Marguerite by H. Britton" was substituted. At ali events I find the latter pi cture in the gall ery witb your label on the back, so I have sent it with the others. We would be glad to receive another set ofpictures and would like them sent as saon as possible, in arder that our gall ery may be again put in shape. Kindly let me know in answer to this when they will be shipped. The wa ll space which we have avai lable is forty five feet long, and from the wainscot to the cave eleven feet hi gh. Other things being equal I think pi ctures of medium size would be advisable. Y ours trul , H. D. Lawrence, Pres. LA.U

(copie carbone d 'une lettre dactylographiée)

October 18th, 19 18 Dcar Mr. Lawrence: The loan ex hibition of twenty-six pictures has arri ved safely, and I w ish to thank you for your promptness in returning th em and to say that I will make up another ex hibition for you just as saon as the pictures come in from other gall eries. The error on the li st was due to a mi stake here. The li st was changed at the last minute to meet Mr. Morey' s w ishes and some sli ght di fficulty arase. 1 wish to cali to your attention the fact that fo ur brass title plates are missing from the pictures. They belong to ( l) Sunny Day on the Beach by C. P. Gruppe, (2) Shack in the Busb by Berthe Des Clayes, (3) Flower Gi rl by Alexis Harlamoff, ( 4) Courtyard of the Alhambra by Franccis Flemeng. If by any chance these plates had been removed by the authorities for any reason, I should be obli ged if y ou would f01·ward them to me at your earli est conveni ence. Y ours faithfully,

Director H.D. Lawrence, Esq. Sherbrooke, Que.

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats)

Sherbrooke, P.Q. Oct. 19, 1918. J. Eric Brown, Esq., Director, National Gall ery, Ottawa. Dear Sir:- 643

1 have raised by subscription the money necessary to secure another loan of pi ctures for th e L ibrary & Art Uni on here, and have shipped the set we had back to you by Express, and trust th ey arri ved safely. Will you kindly let me know as soon as you can the earli est date when wc may expect new pi ctures, as l would like to get them hung and th e gall ery put into shape as soon as possibl e. l have alrcady wri tten to Lloyds to keep on th e insurance. Y ours truly, H. D . Lawrence

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats)

S hcrbrookc, P. Q. Oct. 22, 19 18 . Eri c Brown, Esq., Director, Nati onal Art Gall ery, Ottawa. Dcar Sir:- Your letter of the ! 8th inst. , came duly to hand. I note that there are four brass title plates mi ssin g from th e pictures returned, but I am qui te sure that they were not !ost here, and I have made enquiries from the caretaker, but he has never seen th em. I know personally that when the pictures were received here ori ginally there were a number of them without any brass title plates on them, and I think the one your menti on must have been among them. Yours truly, I--1.0 . Lawrence

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

October 24th. 19 18. Dear Mr. Lawrence: 1 was very surprised to hear from your letter that you have persona! kn owlcdge th at se veral of the pi ctures from th e National Gallery had no brass ti tic pl ates on them when they arri ved in Sherbrooke three years ago. The plate were undoubtedly in positi on when they left here and th e onl y thing I can think of is that they mi ght have been shaken off in transit and were either not fo und or wcrc left off by whoever unpacked the exhibition. In thi s case th ey mi ght have been put away somewhere and forgotten. Trusting that they will be found. 1 am Y ours fa ithfu ll y, Director. 644

H.D. Lawrence, Esq. , 67 Wellington St., Sherbrooke, Que.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

November 18, 1918. Dear Mr. Lawrence: The Sherbrooke Loan Exhibition of pictures is ready to send. I should be glad to know whether you would prefer us to effect the insurance here and forward you the account. Our agents here have been doing a good deal of this insurance lately and wi ll give us the best possible rates. If thi s arrangement is agreeable to you I wi ll put the matter in band and forward the exhibition in a few days, advising you of the exact date and sending you the necessary li sts and details. I beg to enclose a li st of the pictures which wi ll be sent. I should be glad to hear if any of the missing plats have been found. Yours faithfu ll y,

Director. H.D. Lawrence, Esq., 67 Wellington St. Sherbrooke, P.Q.

(copie carbone d'une liste dactylographiée)

November 1918 LIBRARY AND ART UNION, SHERBROOKE LOAN 1918-19. 1. Bell-Smith, F.M., R.C.A. Cascade Near Glacier 19 x 26 (W.C.) 2. Brown, J.A., A.R.C.A. Midsummer Nigbt 32 3/8 x 42 3/8 3. Chall ener, F. S., R.C.A. Aphrodite's Realm 30 x 26 4. Cutts, W.M., A.R.C.A. Britain's Domain 3912 x 53 12 S. Dabo, Leon Marigold's Cove, Late Evening 29 12 x 33 3/.t 6. Dagnac-Riviere, Charles Shadow and Sunlight 21 x 17 Y2 7. De Belle, C.E. Wayfarers 8 x 12 (Pastel) 8. Eaton, Wyatt Landscape 28 12 x 35 12 9. Edson, A . All an. , R.C.A. Mounts Orford and Ow1s Heaad from Lake Memphremagog 36 x 60 10. Gagen, Robert F. , R.C.A. Surf 36 x 45 12 1 1. Lawson, James Kerr St. Paul 's Cathedral, London 40 x 56 ------


12. MacDonald, J.E.H ., A.R.C.A. Asters and Apples 2 1 x 26 J 3. MacDonald, Manl y The Barn Win ter 19 3/8 x 23 Y2 14. Marcette, Alexandre Rainy Weather 22 x 29 Y2 (Tempera) 15. Mo lina, Valentino Morning 26 x 3 1 16. Ncil son, H. Ivan., A.R.C.A. An Octobcr Pastoral, Cap Rouge, Que. 20 x 24 17. Palmer, Herbert S. A.R.C.A. Fa ll Ploughing 43 Y2 x 47 Y2 18. Perri gard , Hal Ross Breaking for th e Tunnel (Pastel) 24 Y2 x 29 Y2 J 9. Plimsoll , Fanny Grace Solitude 32 Y2 x 42 Y2 20. Priestman, Bertram. , R.O.l. Summer 27 Y2 x 40 2 1. Reid , George A, R.C.A. Afterglow 2 1Yt x 40 22. Robinson, Albert H., A.R.C.A. The Thames at Westminster 19 1/4 x 23 3/8 23. Suzor-Cotc, A. de Foy., R.C.A. Stormy Sea 21 Y4 x 32

(l ettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats)

Sherbrooke, P.Q. Nov. 20, 19 18. Eri c Brown, csq., Director, National Art Gall ery, Ottawa. Dear Sir:- Your favor of the 18tb inst. , enclosing li st of twenty three pi ctures to be sent to the Library & Art Uni on, was duly received thi s morning, and I am glad that the new set are coming soon, so that we may get the Gall ery into shape again. With regard to the plates, none of them have ever been seen here, and I am quite sure that th ey never were received. I know personall y th at severa! of the pictures did not have plates on when I first saw them hung in the gallery here. We have had th e sa me janitor ali the ti me and he say s that he has never seen them and cannot find th em. With regard to the in surance I had already wri tten to an agent of Lloyd's, London, Eng. , who in su red the former lot of pi cturcs, to renew the insurance for th e coming year, and received an answer from him that he would do so, and he enclosed th e bill fo r insurance for the coming, whi ch, however, is not duc until January. Y ours truly, H.D. Lawrence

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée) 646

November 25th., 1918. Dear Mr. Lawrence: 1 am much obliged by your letter of th e 20th instant. lt seems as if th e mystery of th e brass plates will not be solved. It seems equall y certain that they were on the pictures when th ey left here, and the frames on th eir return conta in ed the ha les ofthe na il s th at held th em on. The new loan w ill be shipped today per Canadian Express. I beg to enclose a li st of the contents of the boxes. Pl ease see that th e arder of packing is carefull y noted fo r return. Wi th regard to the in surance 1 fi nd that the Lloyds po li cy covered the dis patch of th e pictures to Sherbrooke and retum with a year in your gall ery. It is evident therefore that a fu rther transit of th e pi ctures thi s year under the same po li cy would not be possibl e. The National Gall ery will, therefore, bear th e ex pense of insuring the pi ctures during transit to you with the Canadi an Express Company, and on their arri va i at Sherbrooke the Lloyds poli cy will continue to caver th em. Tru sting that thi s is in arder. yours fa ithfully,

Director. H.D. Lawrence, Esq., 67 Wellington Street. Sherbrooke, Que.

(copy carbone d'un e li ste dactylographiée)

LIBRARY AND ART UNION SHERBROOKE LOAN 1918- 19. CONTENTS OF BOXES BOXNO. 1. Brown, J. A. M idsummer Night Edson, A. A ll an Mounts Orford and Owls Head from Lake Memphremagog BOX NO. 2. Lawson, James Kerr St. Paul 's Cath edral, London Plimsoll , Fanny Grace Solitude Gagen, Robert F. Surf Palm er, Herbert Fall Pl oughing BOX NO. 3. Bell-Smi th, F.M. Cascade Near Glacier Suzor-Cote, A. de Foy Stormy Sea Molina, Valentin o Moming 647

Chall ener, F. S. Aphrodite's Realm Dabo, Leon Marigold's Cave, Late Evening BOX NO. 4. Dagnac-Riviere, Charles Shadow and Sunli ght Robinson, Albert H. The Thames at Westminster )Back to back MacDonal, Manly The Barn, Winter )on one cleat. De Belle, C.E. Wayfarers MacDonald, J. E. I-I. Asters and Apples )Back to back Neilson, H. Ivan An October Pastoral )on one cleat. Mareette, Alexandre rainy Weather BOX NO. 5. Cutts, W. Britain's Domain Eaton, Wyatt Landscape BOX NO. 6. Priestman, Bertram, Summer Reid, George A. Afterglow Perrigard, Hal Ross Breaking for the Tunnel

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats)

Sherbrooke, P.Q. Nov. 27, 1918. Eric Brown, Esq., Director, National Art Gallery, Ottawa, Dear Sir:- Your letter ofNovember 25th received and yesterday the pictures were delivered at the Art Hall. Unfortunately they will have to remain for a number of days in the hallway as 1 find that the Art Gall ery is rented every afternoon and evening until about the 6th or 7th of December. As saon as it is available 1 will see that the pictures are properly hung and marked as they are taken out of the box, so that they may be put back in the same place as when received. I also note that care should be taken to prevent the frames being damaged in unpacking. With regard to the policy, I wrote to J. Macmillan of London, Eng., who in sured the other lot at Lloyd's, that I was sending back the first set and a new set would be sent in their place, and asked him to renew the in surance for the same amount for another ycar, whi ch he wrote me he would do, and as the old policy covered in surance from gall ery to ga ll ery I presume the new one wi ll do the same, but I not that you have insured then in transit from Ottawa here, and would ask you to send me the bill for same so that I may bave ali the expenses in hand in connection with the exchange. Y ours truly, H.D. Lawrence (copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée) 648

Deccmber 27, 1918 Dea r Sir: I beg to enclose slip for insurance on pictures from Ottawa to Sherbrooke, as requestcd in your letter ofNovember 27th 191 8. I also enclose a form, will you kindly see that it is fillcd in and retumed tous as soon as possible and oblige. Y ours truly,

Secretary. H. O. Lawrence, Esq. , Cio Lawrence, Morris & mclver, 67 Wellington Street, Sherbrooke, P.Q.

(copie d'un formulaire imprimé complété à la main)

Dcccmbcr 27th. 191 8 The National Gallery of Canada OTTAWA LOAN OF PICTURES REPORT The Library and Art Union, Sherbrooke, Que. 1. State condition of pictures on arrivai Good 2. State condition of frames on arrivai Good 3. With whom are pictures in sured and from what date? Jas. McMillan, 46 Leadenhafl st. London, Eng. 4. If possible give record of attendance ofvisitors to exhibition.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

January 14, 1919. Dcar Sir : The enclosed receipt for the insurance of pictures from Ottawa 1 am sending to you as I think you may prefer to have it for your files. Y ours truly,

Secretary. H.D. Lawrence, esq., Cio Lawrence, Morris & Mclver


67 Wellington Street, Sherbrooke, P.Q.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

Mareh 27, 1919 Dear Mr. Lawrence: Will you kindly ha ve the enc1osed fonn fi li ed in and retumed tome at your earliest convenience. Yours faithfu ll y,

Director. H .D. Lawrence, Esq. , 67 Wellington Street, Sherbrooke, P.Q. S/1. En cl.

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats)

Sherbrooke, P.Q. March 29, 19 19 Eric Brown, Esq., National Art Gall ery Ottawa. Dear Sir:- Y our favor of th e 27th in st. , with fonns to be filled is received, and I have handed the same to our manager Mr. Irwin of the Merchants Bank here who will attend to it. Y ours truly, H .D. Lawrence

(lettre manuscrite sur papier à lettre en-tête The Merchants Bank of Canada)

Sherbrooke Mch 29, 1919 E. Brown Director National Gallery, Ottawa Dear Sir Mr. H.D. Lawrence has handed me your favor of 27 inst. , & I beg to rcturn herewith your form duly fi 11 ed in . Y ours tru1y, 650

H. Irw in mgr (par cachet humide) THE LIBRARY & ART UNION SHERBROOKE, QUE.

(copie d'un formulaire imprimé complété à la main)

March 27, 1919 The Natio nal Gallery of Canada OTTAWA LOAN OF PICTURES REPORT The L ibrary and Art Uni on, Sherbrooke, Que. 1. State condition of pietures on arrivai Good 2. State condition of frames on arrivai Good 3. With whom are pictures in sured and from what date? Lloyds De cl1 8. 4. If possible give record of attendance of visitors to exhibition. We have no official record. The attendance howe ver is very small unfortunately.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

Oetober 25 , 1919 Dear Sir : The ti me for th e return and redi stribution of the National Gall ery Loan exh ibitions of pictures is near and I should be glad to hear whether you des ire to retain th e exhibi tion another year orto exehange it fo r another. I will then lay the matter before the Trustees along wi th the other applications and ad vise you of their decision. Y ours fa ithfully,

Director. H.D. Lawrence, Esq., Cio Lawrence, Morri s & Mel ver, 67 Wellington StTeet, Sherbrooke, P.Q. B/ 1. (lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats) 65 1

Sherbrooke, P.Q . Oct. 27. 19 19 Eric Brown, Esq., National Art Gall ery, Ottawa. Dcar Sir;- Your letter of October the 25 th, re loan exhibition to th e Library & Art Union, rcccivcd. Our funds are not suffi cient to enable us to change these pictures every year and we shall be g lad to retain the present set for the full ti me of three years. Y ours tru ly, lnsured H. D. Lawrence to Dcc 19 19 Prest Library & Art Uni on

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

November 18, 19 19 Dear Sir : Referring to your letter of the 27th ul timo, in which you state that you wish to rctain your Nati onal Gall ery loan for another year, kindly advise us as to whether the pictures have becn in su red and to w hat date. If the po licy expires shortly, the Nati onal Gall ery would prefer to renew and send the account to you, as in this way the in surancc can be more casil y supcrvised. Yours trul y, Secretary. H.D. Lawrence, Esq., Cio Lawrence, Morri s & Mclver 67 Wellington Street, Sherbrooke, P.Q. Mil

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats)

Sherbrooke, P.Q. Nov. 19, 19 19 Director, National Art Gallery, Ottawa, Ont. Dcar Sir:- Your favor of the !8th in st., with reference to insurance on loan of picturcs to th e Library & Art Uni on here, was duly received this moming. These pictu res are 652

insurcd from gall ery to gall ery for f500 at Lloyds in London, in surance expiring on the 3 1st of December next. We have paid from $ 15. 00 to $ 18.00 a year for thi s insu rance, and if you can in su re them fo r the sa mc amou nt kindly let us know by return mail. Y ours trul y, H.D. Lawrence

(copie carbone d'un e lettre dactylographiée)

29th November, 19 19 Dear Sir :- J have your letter of 19th inst. , with reference to in surance on Nati onal Gallery pi ctures in the possession ofyour association. In reply I bcg to state that in view of the favourable rate you have obtained, it will be qui te satisfactory if you will attend to the in surance as beretofore, notifying me when thi s has bcen done. Y ours truly,

Director. H.D . Lawrence, Esq., 67 Wellington street, Sherbrooke, P. Q.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

Dccember 4, 19 19 Dear Sir : W ith further reference to your letter of the ! 9th ul timo, re insurance on you Joan, we are much in tcrested in obta ining as favourable a rate as possible for our loans. As the premiums quoted in your letter is so much lower than we have been abl e to get, would you kindly fu mish any further particul ars you may have, enclosing your certificate w hi ch I wi ll return to you. Y ours fa ithfu ll y,

Secrctary. H.D. Lawrence, Esq., 67 Wellington Street Sherbrooke, P.Q. M/ 1 (lettre dactylo graphiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats) 653

Sherbrooke, P.Q. Dcc. 6, 1919 The Sccrctary, National Art Gall ery, Ottawa, Ont. Dcar Sir:- Your letter of Decembcr 4th re insurancc on pictures rcccivcd. In answer I have to say that we took out this insurancc through James MacMillan, 46 Leadenhall St. , London, E.C. England, and I am quitc sure that by writing to him you would geta favorabl e answer in regard to in surancc of pi ctures in the National Gallery. 1 understand tbat Lloyds have in su rance amounting to upwards of a hundred million dollars in New York, and they in surc picture the world over. Y ours truly, H.D. Lawrence

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

November 1 st, 1920 Dear Sir : I beg to enclose hcrewith blank form for report on your loan of pictures from the National Gallery of Canada. Kindly fil! in and return the report at your early convcni cncc. Yours truly,

Sccretary. H.D. Lawrence, Esq., 67 Wellington Street, Sherbrooke, Que. M/ 1. En cl.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

November 4 , 1920 . Dcar Sir : The in su rance on your loan of pictures from the National Gall ery expires on Dcccmbcr 3 1st, 1920. As the National Gall ery w ill re-open to the public in a fcw wccks, it is ncccssary tbat allloans be rcturncd to Ottawa as soon as possible. 1 should be greatly obli ged, thereforc, ifyou would take the neccssary stcps to have the pictures in Ottawa bcfore December !5th, 1920. As soon as our gall erics have bccn hung, arrangements wi ll be made to supply loans to as many gallcrics desiring them as possible. 654

lfyou wish to have a new loan, applicati on should be made as early as possibl e. Y ours trul y,

Secrctary. H.D. Lawrence, Esq., 67 Wellington Street, Sherbrooke, Que. M/1

(lettre dactylographiée sur papier à lettre en-tête du bureau d'avocats)

Sherbrooke, P.Q. Nov. 5, 192 0. H.O. McCurry, Esq., Sec. National Art Gall ery, Ottawa. Dcar Sir:- Your lcttcr of the 4th in st. , rcceived. Wh en I was in Ottawa recently I made arrangements with Mr. Brown, as I undcrstood it, to leave our present loan of picture herc for anoth er year. Y ours truly, H.D. Lawrence President, Library & Art Uni on.

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

Novcmbcr 8, J 920. Dear Mr. Lawrence: I am obli ged by your letter of th e 5th instant. Mr. Brown grea tl y regrets th e nccessity of recalling your loan, bu t under the circumstances there does not seem to be any alternative. As I explai ned in my lettcr of November 4th, the Nati onal Gall e1y will re-open shortly and a number of pi cturc arc required from each loan exhibi tion fo r our own gall eri es. Evcry loan exhibition is being withdrawn bcfore J 5th December, irrespecti vc ofwhat pri or arrangements had becn made, and I fear no exception can be made in th e case of the Library & Art Uni on. As I in timatcd to your, every effort will be made to let your organi zati on bave a new loan at a la ter date, if at ali possibl e. Y ours trul y,

Secretary. H.D. Lawrence, Esq., 655

67 Wellington StTeet, Sherbrooke, Que. M/ 1

(copie d'une lettre manuscrite)

13 6 Wellington Street Sherbrooke, Que. November 29/2 1 Dear Mr. Brown: I would like to know if that picture "In the Blue Mountains" has got back to Ottawa yet. I am exceedingly desirous offinishing the copy I was making of it. In y our letter of October 1918 y ou sa id "its retum to Sheerbrooke might be arranged for at a la ter date". Could it be sent down now. If everybody was not so busy now with Elections and non employment questions I would try to get the people interested in another loan.- that is if you are sending them out as you were doing before. I 'rn not quite sure as I have mislaid my li st, but 1 thing the artists name was Mitchell. However I th in k you know the picture in question. Y our kind attention wi ll greatly obli ge. Y ours sin cerely F.E. Gleason (Mrs. E. S. Gleason.)

(copie carbone d'une lettre dactylographiée)

December 2, 1921 Dear Mrs. G leason: In reply to your letter of the 29th ultimo, I am afraid there is no chance of the pictures you mention coming to Sherbrooke, exceptas part of a loan and so far, 1 have had no application nor mention of such a thing from Sherbrooke. Perhaps you can interest the people enough to make appli cation for one. Y ours sincerely, Director. Mrs. E. S. Gleason, 136 Welli ngton Street, Shrbrooke, Que. B/ 1


Articles de journaux en lien avec la « Loan Exhibition» de 1916 de la National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa à la Library & Art Union de Sherbrooke.

Source : Ottawa. Archi ves de la Galerie nationale du Canada , (auj ourd'hui le Musée des beaux-arts du Canada), pour la péri ode de 1910 à 192 1. [Voir lettres de Morey à Brown, 22 mars eet 16 avril 19 16. ]


Articles de journaux parus à l' occasion de 1'exposition de tabl eaux prêtés par la Galeri e nationale du Canada à la SLA U.

Th e Sherbrooke Dai/y Record, semaine précédant le 18 mars 19 16.


There has recently arrived in Sherbrooke from the Dominion Government, Ottawa, a consignment of important and very beautiful pi ctures, owned by th e National Gall ery, for exhibition in the Sherbrooke Art Gallery. There are twenty-six of these, and until Saturday next the Gallery will be closed pending completion of hanging, etc. A special in formai opening view and reception will be held on Saturday afternoon, 18tb in st. , from 3.30 to 6 o'clock, under the supervision and patronage of the officers of the Red Cross and Victorian Order of Nurses. A very interestin g programme of music and reading, with a talk on the pictures. Tea and refreshments are to be served by the ladi es, the proceeds of admission devoted to the work of the two societies. The Govemment Director of the National Gallery bas requested a report of the attendance, and, as this reception has the threefold service, to the Red cross and Vietorian Order, and the promotion of art pl easure and appreciati on in the city, there should be a large attendance.

Th e Sherbrooke Dai/y Record. March 20th. 19 16

NEW PICTURES AT ART HALL Formally Opened to the Public on Saturday


The exhibition at the Art Hall, Saturday, of a large number of important paintings, loaned by the Dominion Government, was an event of much interest and attracted a large number of the more arti stic people of the city. The pictures have been carefully chosen and represent the best work of well known artists, Canadi an, Engli sh, Spanish, American, and many other nationaliti es, and should, therefore, benefit the city in an artistic sense. Mr. S.F. Morey, through whose instrumentality the pictures were secured, made a brief address, to uching on the pictures, art in general, etc., as follows : 660

The speaker of th e aftcrnoon prcfaccd hi s addrcss on th e valu e and j oy to be obtain ed from a vital appreciati on of beauty and art by some particulars respecting the National Gall ery, Ottawa, from whi ch th e pictures shown here have come. It was a dcpartmcnt of Government work incorporated by Special Act of Parliament with the powers of a Dominion Government Commission, vested in a Board of Trustees appointed by the Government of whi ch Sir Edmund Walker is a present chairman, and Mr. Eri c Brown, director. The obj ects are the diffusion throughout the Dominion of a general knowledge and love of art, fi rst by the acquisition of a nati onal coll ection of pi ctures; second, by the fostering of a Canadian Scbool of Art and the encouragement of its artists by the purchase of thcir masterpieces as they appeared worthy, and third, by loans to cities and towns where sui table fac ilities were available fo r exhibition th ereof; such loans had been made to Hali fax , Vancouver, Hamilton, Winnipeg, and now to Sherbrooke. Turning to th e main theme, he fo rcibly presented th e valu e and importance of beauty in th e development of li fe, adducing in proof the facts that th e Creator had fi li ed the world with it as an expression and revelati on of hi s own Being, its wisdom, glory, power and beauty, and of set purpose for the perfecti on of man; second , th at from the earliest evidence of hu man consciousness to th e present, ali its creati on showed a stri vin g fo r beauty. N o sooner had th e cave dwell er, the barbari an, succeeded in making some earthen receptacle, a weapon or a garment for protecti on, than he began to introduce the clement of beauty, by crude color change of forrn or otherwise, and today nothing could be found in stores or homes in wbi ch the trained eye could not fi nd evidence ofthi s beauty. Thcrc werc two ways of reali zing the value of beauty, fi rst by training the eye and mind to sec and be sensitive to it in color and form, fo r th e scnsual gratification of the eye and ear, in creasing the joy of !i fe ; second, by adding the spiritual exaltation and inspiration whi ch ari ses from the thought of it as the revelati on and message of the Divin e Father, thus bringing tboughts of bornage, thankfulness and love in the very act of seein g the beauty. Both the power to see and enj oy and the spiritual results are obtainabl e by the same attention and training whi ch we would use in dcvcloping othcr of our faculties. Art is merely th e expression of beauty by those few who have been endowed with unusual sensiti veness and powers of seeing it and by long years of training to express it, and arc thus able to reveal it to us. Art is not just the imitation of nature, but the beauty whi ch th e arti st sees in it, "whi ch we have passed perhaps a hundred times not carcd to see," until he bas revealed it to us through hi s temperament and power of express ton. Why arc so many indiffe rent to it? Wordsworth replies : "The world is too much with us ; latc and soon, "Getting and spending we lay waste our powers, "Little we see in Nature that is ours; "We have given our hearts away a sordid boon." 661

Mr. Morey followed with a strong appeal to parents and teachers to seek in every possible way to develop in children a love of beauty, to bring them to the Art Gallery and lead them to study the pictures and talk about them to ali, and to make a better use of the Gallery, bring visitors and strangers there and frequent it themselves. The Gallery is open everyday from 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 p.m.; Sunday afternoons from 2 to 4. In conclusion he referred to a little booklet for sale at the door and at Mr. Fraser's drug store, proceeds going to aid the Red Cross and Yictorian Orcier, from which he rcad extracts, expressing the wish that it might be in every home in the land. He then gave an informai talk on sorne of the new pictures by various artists, Brymner, Harris, Bamsley, Flaming, Ten Kate, Martin, Tully, Harlamoff, Gruppe, etc., and an explanation of the difference between the rea list Standard School and the modern Impressionistic School, initiated by Monet, in which the expression of sunlight, air and vibration of color was prominent, as represented by the pictures shawn of Messrs. Clapp and Mitchell, which must be looked at from a proper distance to get the desired effect.

MUSICAL PROGRAMME An interesting musical programme was contributed by Miss Enid Higgins, who rendered a brilliant piano solo, "Military Polonaise" (Chopin); Miss Leo Plaw, whose charming violin solo, "Melancholic" (Albert E. Weir) was accompanied by Mr. L. Sawdon. Mrs. Alberta LeBaron sang with the power and depth of expression that hold her audiences enthralled, "Morning," and for an insistent encore, "My Little Love," (Clarke), Miss Hubbard being accompanist. Miss Louise Webster in (a) "Serenade" (Jeffrey), (b) "Romance," displayed much technique and was applauded, as were ali the other performers with enthusiasm. Refreshments were served by the Red Cross and the Victorian Orcier of Nurses, Mrs. McSwiggin and Mrs. Rosenbloom being the convenors of the tea committee. Mrs. S.A. Jones took tickets at the door. The receipts were unexpectedly gratifiying.

Th e Sherbrooke Dai/y Record. April 1916


On Friday, as a1mounced, the second talk on the value of Beauty and Art was given and was weil attended, many young people being present. The speaker referred to th e valu e of art historically; ali our knowledge of the earliest peoples being obtained from their picture records - the progress and culture of later nations being more clearly revealed by their art than in any other way. 662 ln portraiture the appearance and character of the world's greatest personali ties were perpctuated ; the story-telling pi cture gave unending pleasure and profit in depicting great events and im aginary incidents, white the decorati ve valu e was in evidence evcrywhcre in our homes and ali our surroundings. Y et, these the speaker call ed "by-products" of th e one great ministration of Beauty and Art, viz., in the sensiti zing, refining and uplifting of the spiritual, as result to which ali li fe's experiences were directed by the Creator. Brief comments upon various pi ctures followed, emphasiz ing the desirabili ty of giving adequate time and study to appreciate a pi cture, and not di smissing with a glanee one over which the arti st had perh aps spent weeks of thought and work. If it was painted so hard and clear eut in ali its detail s that there was no feeling of atmosphere, mystery suggestion, in which the beholder could use hi s own imagin ati on, and by study find in it new charm, it was of secondary valu e. An essay by the Director of the Nati onal Gall ery, Mr. Eri c Brown, on "The Functi on of An Art Gallery," fo llowed, whi ch was most interesting and instructive. The speaker closed by reading th e fo llowin g quotation from an address recently given in Boston by Herbert Ward, th e noted Engli sh traveller, author and artist: "Any people that loves Art develops, and the traits developed are good. Art is the appreciation of nature and of beautiful things. The grea test gift an individual can have is to look at a sunrise or sunset and feel and see the beauties in it. Everything that is good fo ll ows individuals who are fi ll ed with this gift. " Next Saturday, 1st proxima, a talk will be given to the scholars of the public schools on the picturcs and the search fo r beauty in nature.

The Sherbrooke Dai/y Record. April 19 16

THE ART GALLERY LECTURES The attendance at the third address given on Saturday, especiall y for children, was very encouragin g, there being a large number present, who gave the closest attenti on for about an hour. In a rder to interest them and emphasize the value to them of Beauty and Art the speaker asked them to imagine that a boy was there who said fra nkly : "I don't know what Beau ty and Art are, but I want to leam." To this boy he said , "Beauty is the co-ordinator of color, fo rm, line and other qualities in a unity whi ch gives pl casure," but the boy shakes hi s head. "Weil, you would know Beauty and understand it better by looking at something beautifu l in nature, say an apple tree in bl oom." He repli es, "I never noti ced an apple trec flowcring, or any trce wi th flowers," Here the speaker showcd an intercsting and bcautiful pi cturc of an apple trec in bloom and im agined this boy replying, I see the beauty in that and I will watch fo r a real tree this spring, but what is that "Art" you speak of? Why Art is defi ned as "the 663

reali zation of expression of Bcauty" - but you have just secn what Art is, it's what this arti st did fo r you, the pi cture he painted to express and rea li ze to you the beauty of the apple tree. The speaker went on: "Now 1 want to fo llow thi s boy farther. He goes home thinking how beautiful th e tree must be, he even dreams of it, and as the spring comes on, he wakes each morning wondering if th e apple trecs arc in bl oom, and at last one sunny day he fi nds one and its beauty is even more that he expected. He wonders how it happened to be such beautiful colors and set against such a wonderful blue sky. Was itjust chance? What if th e ground had been blue, th e trunk a dirty yell ow, and ali that bloom black,against a dark green sky. No it couldn't be, it was no chance, ail apple trees had th e same colors, and then he began to think how wonderfu l and glori ous its Creator must be, how full of Beauty, and loving Beauty, and He must have made it to reveal Himself, and as a message of beauty to him, the boy, and he actu a ll y kn elt down ri ght tbere, to thank thi s Creator. He rose to look at it again , with a thrill of joy and love, and began to wonder if he was as good and fa ithful a boy as he might be. He looked around, and somebow it seemed as though everything looked more beautiful , as though hi s eyes had opened a little wider, and having reali zed the beauty of thi s tree he could see Beauty in oth er things he had never noticed before. From thi s Spring he began to fi nd !ife much more full of joy. He reali zed, even more th an before, th at hi s school studies and work at home were most important and must have precedence, but in hi s walks to and fro, he was keenly watcbful for Beauty and found th at th e more he looked for it the more he di scovered; even at home he becamc more observant of the li ttle touches of Beauty in most cverything. When he sat down to hi s desk fo r work he would have th e memory of a glanee up at the blue sky, th e slowly dri fting white clouds, a beautifu l trec, whi ch he always passed, and the thrill of j oy whi ch such things gave him, stayed with him and seemed to brighten ail hi s work, so th at instead of feeling it was over him, pressing him down as under a burden, he was looking down on it with a sense of mastery and an in spiration of uplift, largeness and sereni ty whi ch made it a joy to work. The new sense of joy li vin g never left hi m. In th e foregoing was shown:- First- Not only the definition of beauty but how it was seen in just one tree, wh il e th e whole world is fa ll of oth er things equally revealing it. Second - th e service of Art and the Artist in rcvcaling Beauty. Three - The possibilities of Beauty for thi s boy, th e joy it gave him, the effect it had upon hi s who le li fe in steadyin g him, and the development of hi s hi gher nature. The speaker referred to Art as expressing Beauty not onl y by pictures but in three other ways : First in architecture, which known as th e science of construction, building, receives fro m Art and the beauty joining arti st and sculptor that whi cb makes th e resultas it is sometimes "Frozen music. " So we have beautiful Cathedrals, as that at Milan with nearl y a thousand spires and each carrying a beautifu l statue. 664

In Sherbrooke study th e buildings of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, built by the old Eastern Townships Bank, and the new Quebec Central building. Sec how beautiful the proportions and color, and white the ornament is simple, how appropria te it is, the shape of th e windows, the finish of the top, etc. Hcrc a large picturc was shown of th e Cathedral of Rheims, recently destroyed. The second way of Art is in sculpture, carved in stone, marble, cast in bronze or iron, modeled in clay or plaster. Attention was cal led to a beautiful bas-relief over one of the doors in the gallery, the exquisite faces of the mother and child, and to a dozen other examples in the rooms below. The third way is in pictures, to which reference bad been made. Fourth - By music. The first thrcc appealing to the eye, and music to the ear. Who had such a loveof Beauty in sounds that they could bring them together in the varied and lovely melodies and chords and harmonies beard and sung in churches and concert rooms; or, invent such wonderful in struments as the organ, piano, harp, and ali the instruments the bands use? Just as in Architcch1rc, Sculpture, and Painting, it has taken centuries of gifted artists to attain to what we now enjoy, and it must not be forgotten that ali th eir gifts and sensitiveness to Beauty are the direct in spiration from the Creator of ali. Even in Music we find its wonderful expression everywhere in Nature. The birds, in countless vcricty of song - the most bcautif·ul perhaps the bobolink, then th e veery, hermit thrush, wood thrush, white throated sparrow, etc. Every country has its own varieties. Then the brooks and rivers, the wind in the trees, the rain, ali gave music. People looked at pictures for many reasons. Two were referred to:- First - because some place they know or have beard of, is represented; or some scene, real or imaginary, or some persan. Such pictures may have but little if any value as Art, and usually it is very subordinatc. The desire to see Beauty as the Artist saw and fclt it is the second reason and gives the finest results. The value and interest of many pictures, in the Gallery, were then pointed out and in conclusion cach one present was given a card, 6 by 7 inches, suitable for a wall, and worthy of framing, showing a reproduction of a picture by Carat (sic), "Orpheus Greeting the Mom," the original of which the speaker pronounced one of the most beautiful pictures in the world. The card also contained the motta, "The love and joy of Beauty is the path to the highway of Content and Thankfulness, leading to Love and on to Service for th e Creator," and a list of 28 common, daily sources of joy and inspiration for each life. These cards can be obtained by enclosing a two-cent postage stamp to 56 Dufferin Avenue, Sherbrooke, or free at E.C. Fraser's Drug Store. In commenting upon these sources of joy, he referred to the view to be obtained from the hill just west of Victoria Street; the lovelincss of the landscape to the n01th of the valley of the St. Francis, and cast and south, to the maj esty and repose of the Stoke mountains in the di stance, and hopcd that the whole of this hill might be deeded to the city for the joy and uplift of the community. He referred to the moral and beneficent obligation 665 resting upon the individual to aid in conserving such special places fo r general valu e and not secking to monopoli ze th em for their-own exclu sive enj oyment.


Source : les journaux ------669

Les journaux locaux ne sont sans doute pas la plus importante source d ' informati on sur 1' histoire de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Association et de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Union car les di fférentes archi ves (à Lennoxvill e, Sherbrooke, Montréal et Ottawa) offrent une mati ère plus abondante. M ais même s' il s sont plus ardus à consulter les j ournaux présentent un aspect fo rt important soit une vision de 1' extérieur. Ainsi, des milliers de pages de journaux ont été lu es et des centaines et des centaines ont été colli gées. Pour bi en gérer cette masse de documentati on, nous avons eu recours à une base de données in formati sée (File M a ker Pro) constituée sur ce modèle:

Modèle du fi chi er utilisé dans la base de données FMP

1 Date . . 1 Journal 1 Catégorie

Trois des cinq zones ont des li stes de sélecti on d'entrées: dans la zone « Journal », le choix unique se fa it entre Examiner, Gazette, Pionnier, Progrès de l'Est, Record et Tribune ; dans la zone «catégori ec », le hoix se fait entre trente-quatre activités telles que répertori ées ci-dessous, mais on peut in scrire dans cette zone un nombre illimité de catégori es.

Journal EXAMINER 463 fiches de 188 1-04-01 à 1904-07-11 GAZETTE 17 fi ches de 1894-01-05 à 1906-11 -03 PIONNIER 5 1 fiches de 1886-09-24 à 1897-03-26 PROGRES DE L'EST 66 fi ches de 1884-10-28 à 1920-05-14 RECORD 34 fiches de 1897-03-29 à 193 5-06-20 TRIBUNE 26 fi ches de 1910-02-06 à 1985-05-25

Catégorie Art & culture club 3 fiches de 1904-02- 12 à 1905-12-20 associations cul tu rell es 3 fiches de 1884-10-28 à 1904-11 -22 assemblée annuell e 28 fiches de 1885-02-06 à 1906-06-1 6 bibliothèque 8 1 fi ches de 188 1-04-01 à 1966-01 -27 carnet mondain 21 fi ches de 1882-06-30 à 1905 -12-05 670

ci néma 14 fiches de 1896-12-0 1 à 1904-06-17 coll ections 3 7 fiches de 1884-05-11 à 1985-05-25 comités 8 fiches de 1884-1 0-31 à 1902-11-07 concerts 133 fiches de 1885-11-06 à 1960-04-23 conférences 54 fiches de 1885-11-20 à 1937-07-31 cours de droit 1 fiche de 1888-10-28 cours d'art 28 fiches de f88 1-08-26 à 1904-03-28 cnse 2 fiches de 1903-12-04 à 1903-12-11 dégât 1 fiche de 1900- 11 -23 démographie 3 fiches de 1901-01-27 à 1902-12-15 divers 1 10 fiches de 188 1-09-09 à 1960-04-23 éditoriaux 15 fiches de 1885-02-1 7 à 1930-11-29 expositions 57 fiches de 1882-01-20 à 1905-12-15 immeuble 65 fiches de 1882-02-1 0 à 1960-04-23 incendie 2 fiches de 1893-03-03 à 1894-02-23 levée de fonds 14 fiches de 1885-1 1-06 à 1894-04-05 Monument national 10 fiches de 1904-1 1-1 8 à 1906-02-13 municipalisation 4 fiches de 1902-12-03 à 1902-12-17 musée 3 fiches de 1885-03-13 à 1930-11-29 nature science 1 fiche de 1888 -02-10 nécrologie 6 fiches de 1886-05-07 à 1935-06-20 promotions 5 fiches de 1886-11-04 à 1903-12-11 publicité 28 fiches de 188 1-09-09 à 1923-11-03 réceptions 20 fiches de 1887-09-08 à 1904-12-03 spectacles 23 fiches de 1882-02-10 à 1904-09-22 subventions 12 fiches de 1892-12-16 à 1903-12-30 tempête 1 fiche de 1888-06-08 tribune libre 1 1 fiches de 1885-04-10 à 1904-03-21

Dans les pages sui vantes nous présentons l'essenti el du dossier fiches 1 journaux en observant l'ordre par catégories principales puis l' ordre chronologique. ,------


RECORD 1904-02-12 Art & culture club First meeting held at Elmhurst, residence of Mrs. J.S . Mitchell. About 40 present. Musician: Mendelssohn; Goethe: poet; Hoblein: Artist.

RECORD 1904-11-11 Art & culture club Inaugural Meeting of the Art and Culture Club. At th e residence of Mr. William Farwell, about fifty present. After sorne very delightful music furnished by Miss Morey, the meeting closed, with very pleasant anticipations for the coming season.

RECORD 1905-12-20 Art & culture club City News, p. 5 Meeting of the Art & Culture club held at the residence of Mrs. Walter Wilson, Queen st. Dante, poet, Michael Angelo, painter, Beethoven, composer. Miss Morey was in charge of the evening's program.

EXAMINER 1885-02-06 assemblée annuelle Sherbrooke Free Reading Room (news item) Annual meeting report

PROGRES DE L'EST 1885-03-03 assemblée annuelle 1 nature science Capitaine Bennetts, M. Morki ll ct autres ont formé le projet d'organiser une société minéralogique en cette ville dans le but de développer d'avantage la connaissance de nos terrains à mine dans les C.E.

EXAMINER 1885-06-12 assemblée annuell e Meeting of subscribers interested in the success and permanence of the Sherbrooke Loan Library wi ll be hcld at Griffith Hall, Saturday, aftcrnoon at 4. A large attendance is desired as the future prosperity of the Library will depend large! y upon the results of this meeting. Ladies are particularly invited to attend this meeting.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1885-07-17 assemblée annuelle Société d'agriculture des Cantons de l'Est. Assemblée de fondation. Président R.N . Hall; administrateurs J.A. Camirand; (seul C.F. dans le groupe, siège également au comité exéc.) autres W .A. Hale; W .B. Ives;

EXAMINER 1886-07-30 assemblée annuelle Library Art and Natural History Association. The annual meeting of membcrs for the election of officers and transaction of other business will be held in the hall of the Y.M.C.A. (Hodge & Hyndman's new block) on Monday August 2, at 8.15 p.m. S.F. Morey

PIONNIER 1887-10-20 assemblée annuell e Chambre de lecture gratuite ... Une assemblée de toutes les personnes qui portent intérêt ... Sherbrooke Frcc Reading Room ... le 25 courant (nouvelle) 672

EXAMINER 1887-10-21 assemblée annuell e Annual meetin g of Sherbrooke Free Reading Room Association and th e L ibrary, Art and Natural History Associati on to be held on 25th. Amalgamation to be di scussed. (news item)

EXAMINER 1889-06-14 assembl ée annuell e Annual report of Library and Art Uni on. (news item) sur 2 colonnes 3 pages

EXAM INER 1890-05-30 assemblée annuelle The Annual Meeting of the Library & Art Uni on will be held on June 2.

PIONNIER 189 1- 10-02 assembl ée annuell e Rapport annuel de la «Library and Art Union». À la fo is une sall e de lecture, une bibliothèque publique, un musée d'histoire naturelle et d'obj ets d'art, une salle de théâtre. l'i nstitution existe depuis onze ans.

EXAMINER 1892-12-02 assembl ée annuelle Library and Art Uni or n annual eport

EXAMINER 1895- 10- 18 assembl ée annuell e The annual meeting of the Library & Art Union will be held in th e Art Hall on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1895 at 8.p.m. to receive the annual reports 7 statements and eleet officers for th e ensuing year and transaet sueh oth er busin ess as may be neeessary. Ali subseribers are earn estl y requested to attend.

EXAMINER 1895-11 -01 assemblée annuell e Library and Art Uni on, fifteenth annual report. sur 2 colonnes 3 pages

EXAMINER 1897-1 0-0 1 assembl ée annuelle Library & Art Uni omn annual eeting announcement. (want ad)

EXAMINER 1898-1 0-26 assemblée annuell e City Items - Annual meeting of the Library & Art Uni on held last ni ght

EXAMINER 1898-11 -04 assembl ée annuelle Sherbrooke Library and Art Uni oRn Annual eport 4 pages

EXAMINER 1899-11-03 assemblée annuelle The Am1u al Meeting of the Library and Art Uni on will be held at Art Hall on Friday evening, Nov.3 at 8 o'clock.

EXAMINER 1899- 1 1-06 assemblée annuell e Annualmeetin g of the Sherbrooke Library and Art Uni on (news item) 673

EXAMINER 1899- 11 -08 assemblée annuell e Library and Art Uni on- Annual Report - sur 2 colonnes 4 pages

EXAMINER 1902-02-10 assemblée aru1uell e Annual meetin g of the Corporation of Governors of th e Sherbrooke Protestant Hospital this afternoon at 3 p. m. Art Hall

PROGRES DE L'EST 1903-12-11 assemblée annuell e L'Union de la Bibliothèque et des Arts. Assemblée annuelle

EXAMINER 1904-0 1-27 assemblée annuelle Annual meetin g of the Canadi an Society for the protection of cruelty to animais to be held in the Art Hall, Thursday next, at 5 p.m.

EXAMINER 1904-02-22 assemblée annuelle Annual meeting of the Corporation of Sherbrooke Protestant Hospital in Art Hall.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1906-02-06 assemblée armu ell e Assemblée ar1nu ell e des membres de l'Association de la Bibliothèque Publique et des Arts la semaine dernière. Liste des membres élus. Président James McKinnon. On souhaite louer la bibliothèque et sa ll e aux commissions scolaires car les revenus, malgré l'octroi de la ville, ne sont plus suffisants. Le maintien de cette institution utile devient un problème inquiétant.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1906-06-16 assemblée annuelle Mechanist's Assembly le 19 juin à la Salle des arts. M. Jack Sangster secrétaire de l'Uni on.

EXAMINER 1899-01-27 assemblée annuelle ; collections; divers Sherbrooke Library & Art Union ? The Work Done by the Institution. List of the Picture in the Gall ery- Letter from S. F. Morey. sur 2 colonnes et 7 pages.

EXAMINER 1890-05 -28 assemblée annuelle; publicité Announcing armual meeting of Library and Art Union (a dvertisement) Royal Hand Bell Ringers under th e auspices of L. & A. Union (advertisement)

PROGRES DE L'EST 1884-10-28 association culturelles Notes locales : Choral Union. Fondation d'une société de chant. Président, R.N . Hall, M.P. Parmi les membres MM. Dr. Camirand; S.F. Morey, C.H. Bowen, etc. On est admis sans di stinction d'origine ou de croyances religieuses. 674

PROGRES DE L'EST 1902-06-20 association culturelles Association d'améli orati ons de Sherbrooke- Citoyens in vités à devenir membres de l'associati on. Coüt annuel $ 1.00- Des sociétés de cc genre existent dans les villes de progrès des États-Uni s.

RECORD 1904-11-22 associati on culturell es/ Art and culture club Academy of St. -Pierre. First meeting of the Season at th e Coll ege Saint-Charl es. Cette association ressemble au Art and Culture Club

EXAMINER 188 1-04-01 bibliothèque City Items - Just received at City loan L ibrary Sevcn Lamps of Archi tecture by Ruskin

EXAMINER 1884-07-1 8 bibliothèque Long li st of books received at the City Loan Library

PROGRES DE L'EST 1884-11-07 bibliothèque N.L Frcc Reading Room - on vient d'ouvrir un département où l'on peut s'abonner à n'importe quell e publicati on canadi enne et européenne. Le pri x de l'abonnement se fe ra ici sans charge extra.

EXAMINER 1885-05-22 bi bli othèque Sherb rooke Loan Library - 1258 "On the Sublime and the Beautiful" Burke

PROGRES DE L'EST 1885-07-21 bibliothèque Biblioth èque Publique. M. Sam. F. Morey, de la banque des Canto ns de l'Est - le Peabody de notre ville- continue son oeuvre de philantrope au milieu de nous. Long article sur The Lib rary, Art & Natural Associati on. On parle de la salle de lecture, la biblioth èque, li ste des membres, peu de C.F .. Féli citations à M . Archambault, v.p. to ujours à la tête de ces bons mouvements.

EXAMINER 1887-03-20 bibliothèque M r. W. J. Irwin, lately one of th e tumkeys at th e Jail has been engaged and taken charge of the Reading Room. The managers expect to move into the new building about the end of th e present month .

EXAMINER 1887-05 -1 3 bibliothèque Mr. Hall M.P. donates Blue Books reports to Free Reading Room (editorial)

PROGRÈS DE L'EST 1887-05-24 bibliothèque Notes locales- La bibliothèque de la Sall e de lecture de cette vill e est fermée depuis hi er. On est à fa ire le transport des li vres dans le nouvel édi fice Morey. 675

PROGRES DE L'EST 1887-05-24 bibliothèque La bibliothèque de la Salle de lecture de cette ville est fe rmée depuis hi er. On est à fa ire le transport des li vres dans le nouvel édifice Morey.

EXAMINER 1887-05-27 bibliothèque Loan Library closed for 2 weeks from May 23 - S. Morey

EXAMINER 1887-06-03 bibliothèque The Reading Room has been removed to their new building off the Magog bridge.

PIONNIER 1887-10-06 bibliothèque Nous apprenons avec plaisir que la bibliothèque de la sall e de lecture gratuite vient de s'enri chir d'une douzaine de romans français. . Alphonse Daudet. etc. En nous communiquant cette nouvelle, M . Morey, le zélé fondateur de la bibliothèque dit que le comité est disposé d'augmenter considérablement le nombre des ouvrages français s' il s'aperçoit que nos concitoyens désirent lire. Si, au contraire, les Canadiens français ne li sent pas, il est inutile d'encombrer les rayons de la bibliothèque avec des li vres sans utilité.

EXAMINER 1887-10-21 bibliothèque Additions to the Loan Library. (news item)

EXAMINER 1887-11-04 bibliothèque A catalogue of books in the Loan Library in connection with the Free Reading Room should be published. The cost could be defraycd by a small extra charge for each copy.

PIONNIER 1888-01-19 bibliothèque La Biblioth èque Publique de la Salle Morey sera bientôt dotée de 200 volumes français, choisis parmi nos meilleurs auteurs contemporains. Son honneur, M . Le juge Rioux et M. J.A. Archambault ont été chargés de faire le choix et l'acquisition de ces ouvrages.

EXAMINER 1889-02-08 bibliothèque Books Received at the Loan Library (news items)

EXAMINER 1890-03-07 bibliothèque "Views in Lower Canada ? 1836" issued by the British American Land Company avail able at the Reading room. Obtained by R. W. Heneker from a deceased gentl eman in England. (news item)

EXAMINER 1890-03-14 bibliothèque Long li st of Books added to Loan Library. (news item) 676

EXAMINER 1890-05-02 bibliothèque Books added to the Sherbrooke Loan Library (news item)

EXAMINER 1890-05-16 bibliothèque Books added to the Sherbrooke Loan Library (news item)

EXAMINER 1890-05-24 bibliothèque Books added to the Sherbrooke Loan Library. (news item)

EXAMINER 1892-11-25 bibliothèque Library Art Uni on acknowledges donations to the Sherbrooke Loan Library

GAZETTE 1894-01-05 bibliothèque New books in Loan Library

GAZETTE 1894-01-1 9 bibliothèque New books in the loan library. (news item)

EXAMINER 1894-02-16 bibliothèque New Books in th e Loan Library, Mary L. Wilson, Librarian, report (news item)

GAZETTE 1894-02-16 bibliothèque Sherbrooke Loan Library. Latest additions. Mary L. Wilson, librari an. (news item)

EXAMINER 1894-05- 1 1 bibliothèque New Books in the Loan Library, Mary L. Wilson, Librarian, report (news item)

GAZETTE 1894-05-11 bibliothèque New books in Sherbrooke Loan Library.

EXAMINER 1894-06-22 bibliothèque New books in the Sherbrooke Loan Library.

EXAMINER 1894-07-18 bibliothèque Report from the Sherbrooke Loan Library. Mary L. Wilson, Librarian. EXAMINER 1895-12-06 bibliothèque City Items - book added to Library;

EXAMINER 1896-01-31 bibliothèque Donation of books to the Sherbrooke Joan Library.

RECORD 1897-03-3 1 bibliothèque New books in the Sherbrooke Loan Library. Mary Wilson, Librarian . 677

EXAMINER 1897-09-17 bibliothèque Books donated to Library and Art Uni on (news item)

EXAMINER 1900-03-07 bibliothèque New City Hall may be lookcd fo r thi s ycar. Library wi ll be situated in new H all

PROGRES DE L'EST 1902-06-20 biblioth èque Conseil de Ville. Di scussion sur la biblioth èque publique et le projet de l'intégrer au nouvel Hôtel de ville. On parle de l'offre de $15000 de Carnegie qui exige que la ville paie $ 1,500. par année pour l'entretien de la b. p. Cate propose d'accepter le don de Carn egie, appuyé par Thompson et adoptée unanimement.

EXAMINER 1902-08-08 bibliothèque Meeting of th e Executive of the L ibrary and Art Uni on study new library building pl ans (news item)

EXAMINER 1902- 10-22 bibliothèque City Items - Library and Art Uni on appoints Eva Pell eti er, librarian French section.

EXAMINER 1902- 11 -05 bibliothèque City Council- Carnegie sends proper fo rmula fo r acceptance of $ 15 ,000. New fo rm accepted by Councillor Thompson and seconded by Concillor Jenckes

RECORD 1902-11 -22 biblioth èque A Carn egiHe Grant- a li fax asked Carnegie fo r money, it was promised and tb ere is trouble.

EXAMINER 1902-1 2-03 biblioth èque The New City Hall and Library

RECORD 1902-1 2-27 biblioth èque Public Lib rary Questi on - S.F. Morey - en réponse à D. McManamy. Premi ère communicati on complète (y compris la questi on de la privatisation de la Gas & Water Co. en anglais, reprise en français en janvier 1903 dans le Progrès

EXAMINER 1902-1 2-31 bibliothèque Lettre de McManamy en réponse à une lettre de Morey publiée dans le SDR

PROGRES DE L'EST 1903-01 -02 bibliothèque Communicati on - Question de la bibliothèque publique - En rapport avec l'offre de Carnegie. S.F. Morey 678

PROGRES DE L'EST 1904 bibliothèque Extrait d'un compte rendu d'une séance du Conseil municipal où le conseill er Olivier déclare que l'offre de M. Carnegie est trop lourde, et il favori se plutôt le projet d'une sali s pour bibliothèque dans l'hôtel de ville.

EXAMINER 1904-07-11 bibliothèque The Sherbrooke Free Library (editori al) (survival of th e library)

PROGRES DE L'EST 1905- 10-1 3 bibliothèque Conseil de ville, 10 octobre. Octroid annuel e $1,000. à l'Uni on de la Bibliothèque et des Arts, adopté une résolu tion mettant fi n à tous arrangements antérieurs entre la cité ct l'union, accordant un octroi annuel pour le soutien de la bibliothèque publique et de la sall e de lecture.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1906-01-09 bibliothèque N.L. Il y aurait désorgani sati on dans l'Associati on de la Biblioth èque et des A t1s. On di t que S.F. Morey, président, et RN. Robins, secrétaire, ont donné leur résignati on.

RECORD 1908-1 2-04 bibliothèque Premi ère page du Sherbrooke Dail y Record: The Probl em of Public Librari es

PROGRES DE L'EST 1920-03-05 bibliothèque L'Hôtel-De-Ville. Il nous semble que nos échevins fe raient un faux pas en achetant la bâti sse dite des Arts, car l'endroit n'est pas très convenabl e pour une telle fi n. etc ... .

PROGRES DE L'EST 1920-04-28 bibliothèque Affaires municipales. Les directeurs de la bibliothèque de la Sall e des Arts regrettent grandement le fa it qu'il n'y ait pas plus de li vres, journaux et magazines de langue française à leur bibliothèque.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1920-05-1 4 bibliothèque Affaires Municipales. La ville subventionne la bibliothèque ct la sall e de lecture de l'édi fice des arts pour un montant annuel de $ 1,500. On dépl ore le manque de li vres, revues ou journaux en français.

RECORD 1927- 12-06 bibliothèque Library plans are discussed by committee. Carn egie Library suggested, p. 4

RECORD 1927- 12- 12 bibliothèque p. 7. Mayor makes a suggesti on fo r library. Would advise amalgamation of Engli sh and French L ibrari es into one which would serve both nati onali ties and be a credi t to city. 679

TRIBUNE 1955 -01 - 19 biblioth èque P. 5 - Aucunement questi on de fenner la biblioth èque anglaise. Photo: La biblioth èque anglaise est bi en vivante.

TRIBUNE 1966-01 -26 biblioth èque P. 3 "Sherbrooke L ibrary" : librairi e ambulante. Loui s C. O'Neil

TRIBUNE 1966-01-27 bibliothèque En 19 11 - Discours de Laurier à la Bâti sse des Arts. On lit dans un catalogue que la "S herbrooke Library and Art Uni on", etc. Photo d'un incunable qui aurait fa it partie de la coll ecti on de la biblioth èque

EXAMINER 1885-06-1 9 bibliothèqu e; collecti ons Sherbrooke Loan Library, (news item) Meeting to separate library from Reading Room and creation ofNatural H istory and Art collections.

EXAMINER 1896-04-03 bibliothèque; collecti ons Books and artefacts donatcd to Library and Art Uni on (news item)

EXAMINER 1899-02-27 biblioth èque; concerts; subventions Sherbrooke Library & Art Uni oLn - ibrary charges - Promenade - Concerts - City Council grant in creased- (news item)

EXAMINER 1888-11-1 6 biblioth èque; éditori aux The Taste fo r Good Reading (edito ri al) re: Sherbrooke L ibrary.

EXAMINER 1885-07-1 0 bibliothèque; expositions The first pictu re "The Heart of the White Mountains" - City Items -Books missin g from shelves. Subscriber late in re turning books.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1887-06-03 bibliothèque; expositions La sall e de lecture a été ouverte régulièrement dans le nouvel édi fice Morey. U n local très propice a été choisi pour servir de musée. Les quelques fauves et oiseaux re mbourés qu'il y a déjà semblent avoir pris une fi gure toute nouvell e dans ce sanctu aire des sciences ct des arts.

EXAMINER 1887- 11 -04 bibliothèque; levée de fo nds Art Hall (editorial) plans fo r 350 capacity Concert Hall and Library Bazar

EXAMINER 1887- 11 -04 bibliothèque; levée de fo nds Bazar in Aid of the Libraty and Free Reading Room. (news item) 680

EXAMINER 1887-11 - 11 bibliothèque; levée de fonds Bazar in A id of the Library and Free Reading Room (news item) plans for bazaar and members of committee

PIONNIER 1887- 11 -17 bibliothèque; levée de fo nds On nous prie d'annoncecr qu'un Bazar sera tenu, dans la bâti sse des arts, les 29 et 30 novembre ... (nouvell e).

EXAMINER 1887-11-1 8 bibliothèque; levée de fo nds Bazar arranged by Sherbrooke ladies in aid of th e L ibrary to be held in Art Gall ery on N ovembeer 29 and 30.

PIONNIER 1887-1 2-01 bibliothèque; levée de fo nds Le Bazar tenu hi er et avant hi er à la Bati sse des Arts fut un véritable succès ...

EXAMINER 1887-1 2-02 bibliothèque; levée de fo nds Succcss of th e Library Bazar (news item) 3 pages - The Supper Room - The Café Chantant - The Main Room- Receipts of$1200 - Punch and Judy Show

EXAMINER 1887-1 2-02 bibliothèque; levée de fo nds Letter to the Editor re: raffl es at the Library, art Gallery and Reading Room Bazar

PIONNIER 1888-02-02 biblioth èque; levée de fonds; di vers Les syndics de l'union de la biblioth èque et des arts ont reçu de Mme A.S. Hurd, trésori ère du bazar. .. $ 1290.62 .. . La société Library and Art Uni on qui a remplacé ... a été incorporée le 11 novembre dernier ... officiers ... (nouvell e).

EXAMINER 1888-12-1 4 bibliothèque; rappo11 annuel Letter to the Editor, S. F. Morey, manager, accompanied by the Sherbrooke Loan Library annual report dated Nov. 1. 2 pages.

PROGRESL DE 'EST 1896-1 2-01 cinéma La plus grande merveille du siècl e, le Cinématographe à la Sall e des Arts. La merveilleuse invention du célèbre électricien Français, Loui s Lumière de Lyon. Recommandé par le clergé et les principaux personnages de chaque ville.

EXAMINER 1896-12-04 cinéma The Cinematograph at Art Hall .

------68 1

PROGRES DE L'EST 1896-12-04 cinéma La fo ule continue à se rendre an rangs pressés, tous les jours, à la sa ll e des Arts pour voir les merveilles du cinématographe. On ne se lasse pas de voir cela et la plupart des personnes y retournent deux et même trois fo is.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1897-03-23 cin éma cin ématographe

EXAMINER 1897-03-26 cinéma Library and Art Union; Cin ematograph at Art Hall (advertisements)

PIONNIER 1897-03-26 cinéma Cin ematographe

EXAMINER 1897-04-02 cin éma The Cin ematograph is again at the Art Hall (news item)

PROGRES DE L'EST 1897-04-02 cinéma Cinématographe

EXAMINER 1897-11-05 cinéma Moving Jubilee Pictures , Magniscope presentation at Art Hall (news item)

EXAMINER 1897- 11-1 2 cin éma City Items. 2 items abut the Jubilee Pictures. shown at Art Hall. (news items)

EXAMINER 1900-02-16 ci né ma City Items- Cin ematographe at Art Hall;

EXAMINER 1904-06- 17 cinéma Moving Pictures. Bioscope

EXAMINER 1900-02-19 cin éma; publicité City Items- Lumiere's Cin ematographe at Art Hall (advertisement)

EXAMINER 1900-03-28 cinéma; publicité City Items- Cin ematograph at Art Hall- Transvaal War (a dvertisement) 682

EXAMINER 1884-05-1 6 coll ecti ons C ity Items - The latest addition to the Reading Rom is the nucleus of a coll ecti on of mineralogical specimens - ores of iron, copper, copper and zinc, asbestos, phosphate, etc. contain ed in a handsome oak and glass case. This is useful and instructi ve and we hope that the specimens will soon cover a wider ra nge of th e productions of nature.

EXAMINER 1884-08-0 1 collections New additions to Natural History Reading Room. Amethyst from N .-S. by Mr. Morill , snake poison, etc.

EXAMINER 1885-01-30 coll ections The Art W indow ? (news item) The art window of the Free Reading Room has a couple of pi ctures. The Orford Moun ta in ; The Outlet of Lake Memphremagog.

EXAMINER 1885-09-04 collections The L ibrary, Art, and Natural History Association (news item) acknowledge receipt of artefacts

PROGRES DE L'EST 1885-1 0-06 collections Un ours noir, de forte stature, capturé il y a quelques jours à Wolfestown, a été présenté à la salle de lecture par M. C. Carter. On est à le fa ire rembourrer pour le moment, il sera pl acé en exhibition dans les galeri es de notre nouveau musée.

EXAMINER 1886-01-15 coll ections More addi tions to Natural H istory Coll ection

EXAMINER 1886-07-30 coll ections Art museum - Severa( handsome pl aster casts of celebrated works of art have recently been added to the Shebrooke M useum, among them the Hermes Proxiteles, the ori ginal of whi ch is in Berlin, also busts of Venus de M il o and Diana à la Biche, ori ginals of whi ch are in The Louvre, Pari s. The first named is exhibited in the front w indow and attracts general admiration.

EXAMINER 1886-08-06 coll ections Art M useum. Additions to Natural hi story coll ection : egg-moth, Sea horse, copy of medals, etc.

EXAMINER 1886-08-27 coll ections Theft of coins at Sherbrooke Reading Room 683

EXAMINER 1886-1 2-03 coll ecti ons Interesting curiosities - additions to Natural History collection ; Cape Cod and Martha's V ineyard survey are a donati on from th e Smithsoni an Institute obtained through the influence of W.A. Hale, Esq.

PROGRÈS 1887-05-3 1 collections Un alligator vivant reçu de la Floride est en exposition dans une des vitrines de la salle de lecture de cette ville. Il est de jolie taille et destiné à l' enrichi ssement du musée.

EXAMINER 1887-06-03 coll ecti ons Discredi table. (news item) articles of value abstracted from loan coll ecti on.

EXAMINER 1888-04-20 coll ecti ons New acquisitions. Books on rare A ustrali an beetl es in wools imported by Paton

EXAMINER 1890-01-1 0 coll ections Coons given to the coll ecti on of the Library and art Museum

EXAMINER 189 1-03-07 coll ecti ons Library and art Uni on. Goshawk by D. McManamy. Cat Owl also pl accd 111 collection.

EXAMINER 1892-1 2-23 coll ecti ons Merganser duck, mounted very tastefull y

EXAMINER 1893-05-1 9 collecti ons sa le of Fullonton collecti on

EXAMINER 1893-05-1 9 coll ections The pi ctures have been rehung in the Art Hall

EXAMINER 1895-09-27 co 11 ecti ons Fin e Blue Heron specim en given to th e Natural Hi story Department

EXAMINER 1896-04-10 collections City Items- Artefacts donated to Museum -

EXAMINER 1896-04-1 7 coll ections A Natural History Club would be adjunct to Sherbrooke Natural History Museum as suggested by Mr. Morey and hi s associa tes. (edi tori al) 684

EXAMINER 1896-06- 12 collections Library and Art Uni on acknowledges coll ecti on of curiositi es (news item)

GAZETTE 1896-06- 12 coll ections The Library and Art Uni on acknowledges with th anks a coll ecti on of curiosities from Miss Kate and Mastcr Geoffrey Edgell (souvenir artefacts from Florida)

RECORD 1897-04-02 collections Natural History - A royal Ponciana Bean fro m Lake Worth, Florida. Presented by Miss Desaulniers.

EXAMINER 1898-02-1 8 coll ections City Items - Library and Art Uni on ackn owledge artefacts donati on

TRIBUNE 1985-05-25 coll ections Cahi er souvenir du 75e, p. 6 d 1,2. Le Library and Art Building, Richard Milot. L'article porte sur l'édi fice et sur les coll ections de peinture et d'histoire naturelle.

EXAMINER 1887-06-10 co ll ections; éditori aux Suggesti on re Mineral coll ecti on ofFree Reading Room (editorial)

EXAMINER 1888-02-10 co ll ections; nature science Library Association natural hi story department (news item)

EXAMINER 1894-06-01 comi tés Meeting of Choral Society in Art Ha ll .

EXAMINER 1902-01-08 comités Commi ttee for ET Exhibition - Ladi es & Art. Dr. P. Pelletier, chaim1an, W. Morri s and L.A. Bayley

EXAMINER 1886-03-26 concerts The Closing Entertainment (news item) Fin al concert of th e Library Art and Natural History Associati on.

EXAMINER 1888-02-1 0 concerts M iss Couthoui , who has been so weil received in ali the large citi es of th e US will give a recita l assisted by local musical talent in the Art Hall.

EXAMINER 1888-04-20 concerts Schubert Quartette of Burlington concerts at Art Hall , May 9 - 10.


EXAMINER 1888- J 0-05 concerts Concert -Mendelsohn Quintette Club, Concert Co. of Boston. Miss Alice Ryan, Library Art Uni on , Oct. 6

EXAMINER 1888-1 2-14 concerts The Esth er Cantata presented at Art Hall (news item)

EXAMINER 1889-03-29 concerts Musical entertainment at Art Hall. Mr. C. W. Briggs and pupils

EXAMINER 1890-02-14 concerts Announcin g Swedi sh Ladies' Nati onal Concert;

EXAMINER 1890-02-14 concerts report on Harmony Band concert at Art Hall ; (news items)

EXAMINER 1890-02-28 concerts The Swedi sh Ladi es' Concert at th e Art Hall (news item)

EXAMINER J 890-03-1 4 concerts Harmony Band concert at art Ha ll (news item)

EXAMINER 1890-04-1 8 concerts Popular cantata by Dudley Buck in course of preparati on to be presented at Art Ha ll, (news item) "Don Munio" Concert at Art Hall (advcrti scmcnt)

EXAMINER 1890-05-09 concerts Report on "Don Munio" concert. (news item)

EXAMINER 1890-05 -16 concerts Fisk Jubilee Singers at Art Hall; (news items)

EXAMINER 1890-05-16 concerts Fisk Jubilee Singers at Art Hall. Brought by the Library & Art Uni on who have done a great deal in th e past winter to provid e hi gh class ente1tainment. EXAMINER 1890-05-28 conce11s Royal Hand Bell Ringers, May 26 at Art Hall

EXAMINER 1890-07-04 concerts Clos in g of schools - Boys of the Academy give concert at Art Hall (news items) 2 pages 686

PIONNIER 1891-01-16 concerts À travers la ville. L'administration de la Salle des Arts prépare deux concerts qui auront lieu les 17 et 19 courant. Le célèbre professeur Blaisdell qui a déjà figuré avec succès devant le public de Sherbrooke, a été invité pour ces deux circonstances. Les amateurs de bonne musique et d'amusements recherchés ne manqueront pas d'y assister.

PIONNIER 1891-09-25 concerts Soirée littéraire et musicale dans la sall e des Arts comme clôture de la réunion annuelle des journalistes des Cantons de l'est qui aura li eu le 19 octobre prochain à 2 P.M. au bureau du Pionnier.

PIONNIER 1891-12-11 concerts Le concert de la fanfare Victoria sous les auspices du 53e bataillon a attiré, hier soir, à la sa ll e des Arts, un très grand nombre de personnes. Madame Beaudoin a chanté une balade avec accompagnement de fanfare.

EXAMINER 1892-12-02 concerts Choral Union holds choir practices in Art Hall (news item)

EXAMINER 1892-12-16 concerts Grand concert given by the Clarions assisted by local talent. Dec. 29, 1892.

EXAMINER 1893-01-1 8 concerts The Event of the Season. London Schubert Quartette, jan. 21 . Art Building

EXAMINER 1893-05-19 concerts Fisk Jubilee Singers in concert at Art Hall; (news item)

GAZETTE 1894-01-26 concerts Concert in Art Hall for benefit of the Victoria Band.

EXAMINER 1894-02-09 concerts Miss Jessie Alexander of Toronto in dramatic and humourous recital at Art Hall, Feb 20. Full particulars next week.

EXAMINER 1894-02-1 6 concerts Recitals in Morey Art Hall , (advertisement)

GAZETTE 1894-02-16 concerts The press of Montreal speak in terms of the hi ghest praise of Mi ss Alexander's Recital.at the Art Hall. (news item) 687

EXAMINER 1894-04-13 concerts Three (news items) concerning Choral Society and need for concert hall.

GAZETTE 1894-04-13 concerts May 2, Art Hall. Grand concert McGill University Glee and Banjo Club.

EXAMINER 1894-04-20 concerts Sherbrooke Choral Society Annual Festival (news item) 2 pages

EXAMINER 1894-04-20 concerts Grand Concert at Art Hall. Canadian order of Foresters on the 28th. Proceeds to the Protestant Hospital.

EXAMINER 1894-04-27 concerts McGill Glee and Banjo Club at Art Hall, May 2nd.

EXAMINER 1894-05-04 concerts Miss Jessie Alexander recital, Monday evening at Saint-Andrew's Church Hall.

EXAMINER 1895-08-30 concerts Cosgrove concert at Art Hall.

EXAMINER 1895-10-11 concerts The grand concert at the Art Hall on Thursday, Oct. 17 will be a most enjoyable musical affair, if a good programme and able artists can be trustcd to make it so. It will be weil worth attending.

EXAMINER 1895-10-26 concerts Prof. Carl Walther, violinist in concert at Art Hall (news item)

EXAMINER 1895-11-08 concerts Choral Society opening rehearsal (news item)

EXAMINER 1895-Ll-15 concerts The Imperials trio to give concert at Art Hall. (news item)

EXAMINER 1895-11-15 concerts "The imperials" This trio who drew such large audiences in the city last week will give a concert in the Art Hall on Thursday evening, Nov. 28th. Choice local talent will take part. Beautiful Strioptican views of Palestine will be exhibited. Do not fall to take in this fine entertainment. Particulars later. 688

EXAMINER 1895- 11-22 concerts The Canadi an Concert Company in Art Hall (adverti sement)

EXAMINER 1895- 11-22 concerts City Items - Concert by Ladies Society of the Baptist Church.

EXAMINER 1895- 11-29 concerts Canadian Concert Company, train late, concert started at 9:00 p.m. but enjoyed by large attendance, especially the ventriloquist. (news item)

EXAMINER 1895-12-20 concerts Report on second entertainment, Miss Couthoui , (news item)

EXAMINER 1896-01-31 concerts Albani at Seminary Hall (news item)

EXAMINER 1896-03-06 concerts Opera tonight- French Opera Co of Montreal at Art Hal l (news item)

EXAMINER 1896-04-10 concerts City Items- Choir Society Festival (2 news items)

EXAMINER 1896-04-17 concerts Complete report of Choir Society Festival (news item)

PROGRES DE L'EST 1896-1 2-01 concerts Concert Albani. Miss Beverley Robinson, la plus jeune des filles de feu l'hon. J.B. Robinson, ex-li eutenant gouv. d'Ontario fait partie du programme. Éloge de Miss Robinson.

EXAMINER 1896-12-04 concerts Victoria Lodge gives in strumental concert at Art Hall (news item)

EXAMINER 1896-1 2-11 concerts Masoni c concert at Art Hall in a id of Protestant Hospital.

EXAMINER 1896-1 2-25 concerts Popular Concert by Sherbrooke Choral Society (advertisement) City Items - Gramophone at Art Hall Dec 30 to Jan 2nd.

EXAMINER 1896-12-25 concerts City Items - 2 items about the Choral Society concert 689

EXAMINER 1897-01-22 concerts City Items- 2 items = Concert postponed; Bell Smi th sketches and recitals.

EXAMINER 1897-01-29 concerts City Items. Victori a Band concert held .

RECORD 1897-04-28 concerts Festival Tonight 8: 15 . Dramatic Cantata, Joan of Arc. Tomorrow afternoon matinee, Fair Ell en.

EXAMINER 1897-05-07 concerts Sherbrooke Choral Society Festival report. (news item) 2 pages

RECORD 1897-05-10 concerts Violin Recital. A viol in recital will be given by the pupils of prof. Chas. W. Holmes in the Art Hall, on Tucsday Evcning, June 8th, inst.

EXAMINER 1897-07-1 6 concerts Signor Rubini's concert at Art Hall. (news item)

EXAMINER 1899-10-30 concerts Sherbrooke Ladies' Musica l Club first meeting at Art Hall. (news item)

EXAMINER 1899- 1 1-20 concerts Concert at Art Hall. Ladies' M usical.

EXAMINER 1899- 11 -24 concerts Watkins Mills Concert in Art Hall.

EXAMINER 1899- 11 -27 concerts Watkins-Mills Concert at Art Hall- (news item)

EXAMINER 1899-1 2-1 8 concerts Ladies' Musical at Art Hall (news item)

EXAMINER 1899-12-27 concerts Ladies Musical Club- Public concert, Jan. 25th.

EXAMINER 1900-01-05 concerts City Items- Ca ll ahan's GSO concert and Ladies Musical Club concert

EXAMINER 1900-01-05 concerts Library & Art Union engages Fiske Jubilee Singers for Art Hall (news item) 690

EXAMINER 1900-01-1 0 concerts Amusements- Tomorrow afternoon at 3.30. The Callahan Grand Symphony Orchestra will appear in the Art Hall. This is one of the best organization travelling and ought to receive the hearty support of the concert people.

EXAMINER 1900-01-17 concerts Redpath Grand Conce1t at the Art Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 31st. About 300 seats in the Art Hall.

RECORD 1900-01-29 concerts Mid Win ter Musical Festival - Red pa th Grand Concert at art Hall. Jan. 31st. Choral Society Festival, Mary Louise Clary- Contralto

EXAMINER 1900-02-12 concerts City Items- Ladies' Musical at Art Hall;

EXAMINER J 900-02-19 concerts City Items- Patriotic Concert by 53rd Battalion at Art Hall;

EXAMINER 1900-06-22 concerts Remenyi Concert Co. - Herr Victor Bage! - renowned Hungarian pianist, Marguerite Hall, the distinguished Mezzo soprano and Mr. Walker Weatherly, the noted tenor, will appear at the Art Hall on Tuesday, July 3rd.

EXAMINER 1900-07-1 8 concerts The Hausch Concert Company- July 4, at Art Hall.

EXAMINER 1900-1 0- 15 concerts Sons of England in concert at the Art Hall, Oct. 18. Under the patronage of Mayor Bélanger. & Mr. Camirand, Board ofTrade, etc.

EXAMINER 1900-12-12 concerts Course of Concerts - Subscribers to the course of concerts, arranged for by the Library & Art Union, can get their tickets, which have been reserved for them from Miss Wilson at the Library. The first concert, the Royal Hungarian Orchestra will be on Tuesday next. There are sti ll a number of seats, including nearly 100 that are sti ll available.

EXAMINER 1900-12-14 concerts Antoinette Tribelli- Singer- Art Hall, December 15th. 691

EXAMINER 190 1-0 1-06 concerts Tonight at Art Hall, Tanhauser, Boston Ladies' Symphony.

EXAMINER 190 1-0 1-07 concerts Second of the course of concerts by Library and Art Union in Art Hall (news item)

EXAMINER 1901-01-21 concerts Concert of the Ladies' Musical Club.

EXAMINER 190 1-04-1 0 concerts Subscribers Notice- Third concert under the direction of the Library and Art Union

EXAMINER 190 1-04-12 concerts Art Union Concert- The Parker Concert Co. (news item)

EXAMINER 1901-04-26 concerts Advertisement - To Night- The last concert of the course - Song recital Ernest Gambie, Bassa; Edison Shonert , Pianist. Ali seats reserved. Admission 75c.

EXAMINER 1901 -05 -01 concerts Ladies' Musical club gives an informai recital in G.A. Lebaron music parlor. About 40 ladies were present. LeBaron Store sold pianos in Shebrooke.

EXAMINER 190 1-05-17 concerts Change of Hall. Jubilee Si ngers Concert to be given in Art Hall. Because of the preparations for a Tombola in the Rink Opera House, the concert of the Jubilee Singers tomorrow evening will take place in the Art Hall.

EXAMINER 1901 -07-24 concerts Owen A. Sully coming to Art Hall tomorrow evenmg. Coming here under the auspices of the Harmonie Band.

EXAMINER 190 1-07-26 concerts Concert of Sully wel l-attended- Program much enjoyed.

EXAMINER 1901-10-28 concerts Ladies' Musical Club - Fi rst concert of the season, Saturday afternoon at the Art Hall.

EXAMINER 1901-12-30 concerts Concert held in Art Hall , auspices of Ladies' A id of Congregational (news item)

EXAMINER 1902-01-08 concerts Lady's Musical Club 692

EXAMINER 1902-02-05 concerts McKay's Institute Entertainment at Art Hall. Seven deaf-mute childrcn. Art Hall was crowded.

EXAMINER 1902-03-1 0 concerts Ladies Musical Club at Art Hall

EXAMINER 1902-04-02 concerts City Items - St. Peter' s Church choir concert in Art Hall; Closin g of the Art School, Work Done by Pupils on Ex hibition, Council of Art & Mfg. (news item)

EXAMINER 1902-04-02 concerts Miss Jessie Maclachlan, the Scottish prima donna will appear at the Art Hall on Monday evening, April 7.

EXAMINER 1902-04-04 concerts Closin g Concert, Ladies' Musical Thursday evening in th e Art Hall

EXAMINER 1902-04-04 concerts Slendid concert at Art Hall, April 29. Choir ofMethodist Church. 3 si ngers from N.Y. Sccnes from LaTraviata, Verdi, Faust from Gounod in costume.

EXAMINER 1902-04-14 concerts Annual Meeting of Ladies' Musical Club (news item)

EXAMINER 1902-04-30 concerts The Killin-Keough Concert at Art Hall. (news item)

EXAMINER 1902- 1 1-03 concerts First meeting of the season. Ladies Musical Club on Saturday afternoon next., in the Art Hall. A mi scellaneous programme will be given.

EXAMINER 1902-1 1-1 0 concerts Ladies Musical Club concert (news item)

EXAMINER 1902-11-10 concerts Ladies Musical Club first concert in Art Hall

EXAMINER 1902-11-24 concerts The Ladies Musical second recital devoted to Mendelssohn (news item) 693

EXAMINER 1902- 12-08 concerts The Ladi es Musical third recital dcvoted to Goun od (news item)

EXAMINER 1903-02-11 concerts Free concert by L'Ham1oni e of Sherbrooke at Art Ha ll (news item)

EXAMINER 1903 -02-1 3 concerts City items - Harmoni e Band concert in Art Hall-

EXAMINER 1903-03-06 concerts "ln a Persian Gard en" concert by Prof. Landry of Montrea l. (news item)

EXAMINER 1903-03-09 concerts Ladi es Musical Club Concert

EXAMINER 1903-03-25 concerts Free entertainment by L & A U with 53 rd Regiment band (news item)

EXAMINER 1903-04-06 concerts Ladi es Musica l Club Concert

EXAMINER 1903-05-1 3 concerts Mr. and Mrs. Botrel at Sherb rooke. (news item)

EXAMINER 1903-05-1 5 concerts The Botrel Entertainment in th e ha ll of St. Charl es Seminary (news item)

EXAMINER 1903- 11 -09 concerts Ladi es' Musical Club di scontinuing meetings (news item)

EXAMINER 1904-04-04 concerts The Harmony Band wi ll givc a concert in th e Art Ha ll on the 19th, under the auspi ces of th e Library and Art Uni on.

EXAMINER 1904-04-20 concerts Free Concert in Art Ha ll , (News Item)

EXAMINER 1904-06-1 7 concerts Miss LeBaron's Concert = A Musical Treat. (News Item) 2 pages

RECORD 1904-10-07 concerts City News, p. 4 .Jessie Maclachl an Concert. Crowded bouse at Art Hall last ni ght. 694

RECORD 1904-11-23 concerts Concert at the Art Hall in aid of the choir and building Committee of th e Church of the Advent, East Shrbrookc. Excellent program, Mi ss Morey excelled herself in Canzonetta, Tschaikowsky.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1905-12-01 concerts Concert à la salle des Arts, mardi soir, donné par des amateurs, au profit de l' église St. Patrice. M. l'abbé Fisette, curé de la paroisse présidait. Notre fanfare française fut très applaudie. Revenus pour les pauvres de la paroisse.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1906-10-31 concerts La société dite Caledonian Society donnera un concert d'Hallowe'en à la Salle des Arts ce soir. On dit que ce sera une soirée écossaise dans la force du mot.

GAZETTE 1906-11-03 concerts Citoyens écossais. Brillant concert d'Hallowe'en. Mlle Doherty au piano, nombreuse assistance.

RECORD 1927-12-12 concerts City Brieflets, p. 4. A coming event of interest. A dance recital will be given in th e Art Hall next Thursday aftemoon and evening by miss Cynthia Adams and hcr pupils. Part of the proceeds will go to the Library Committee.

RECORD 1927-12-27 concerts Mildred Largie gave brilliant recital here. Concert held in Art Hall

TRlBUNE 1937-07-31 concerts La vic musicale à Sherbrooke par Mme L. É. Codere, présid ente de l'A lliance française. Pages 84, 86, 87, 90 et 91.

EXAMINER 18 97-01-08 concerts; conférences City Items - 1 item about Victoria Band and 3 items about Roberts Harper lecture at Art Hall 2 pages

EXAMINER 1897-01-15 concerts; conférences City Items - 7 items about A11 Hall = Roberts Harper's lecture; Pro. Bell Smith, Toronto Artist lecture; Vocal and Instrumental Concert by the Victoria Band; Caricatures, crayon sketches; Bell Smith on Jan 19, Plan of hall at Fraser's. 2 pages

EXAMINER 1885 -11-06 concerts; levée de fonds Old Folk Concert (news item) funding for Library, Art and Natural History Association. by United Choirs. 695

EXAMINER 1890-04-1 8 concerts; publicité Concert at Art Hall Cantata "Don Munio" (advertisement)

EXAMINER 1890-05-02 concerts; publicité Fisk Jubilee Singers at Art Hall (advertisement)

EXAMINER 1890-05-28 concerts; publicité Hand Bell Ringcrs under the auspices of L. & A. Union (advcrti ement)

EXAMINER 1895-10-11 concerts publicité Art Hall -Sherbrooke Grand Concert Mr. François Heraly (advertisement)

EXAMINER 1900-01-19 concerts; publicité City Items - Fiske Jubilee Singers; Ladies' Musical Concert & (advertisement)

EXAMINER 1900-01-26 concerts; pub! ici té Concert at art Hall 53rd Battalion. (adverti sement)

EXAMINER 1885-1 1-20 conférences Lecture Course. (news item) first arranged by Library, Art and Natural History Association. Mr. Wm. I. Marh all , Massachussetts. Yellowstone National Park

EXAMINER 1885-12-04 conférences Lecture Course (news item) second arranged by Library, Art and Natural Hi story Association. Mr. L. T. Powers, New York, Dramatic Impcrsonator.

EXAMINER 1885-12-1 8 conférences Committee and Lecturer (editorial) third of series ofLibrary, Art and Natural Hi story Ass. Hon. T.M Taylor, New York, negative comment on lecture.

EXAMINER 1885-12- 18 conférences; tribune libre Communications (letter to the editor) Sam F. Morey explains background to lecture series, 1ecturers recommcnded by Star Lyceum Bureau of Brooklyn. Subscribers wi ll have another event offcred, etc. 2 pages

EXAMINER 18 86-01-15 conférences A Livelie and Lovelie Lecture. The Library , Art and Natural History Association have secured th e services of Revd J.S. Stone, rector of St. Martin's church in Montreal for their next lecture.

EXAMINER 1887-03-25 conférences Illustrated lectures Congregational Church- profits for the Library and Reading room association. Rev. Sanderson : Italy 696

EXAMINER 1887-12-09 conférences Free lecture by Mr. Griffin, Librarian of Parliement. Tuesday evening next. Library Committee will bear expenses as result of money made at Bazaar. Heneker will preside.

PIONNIER 1887-12-15 conférences Une soirée littéraire (3 pages) M. Griffin, bibliothécaire du Parlement d'Ottawa, dans la sa ll e de la bâtisse Morey, , article signé Vauvenarguc Jeune

PIONNIER 1888-01-05 conférences Lettre de Mari in J. Griffin à M. le Rédacteur, re article de Vauvenargue Jeun e

EXAMINER 1888-01-06 conférences; éditoriaux Plan for "popular scientific lectures" (editorial)

PIONNIER 1888-04-12 conférences Compte rendu de la conférence de l'écri vain Paul Blouet (Max. O. Rel!) John Bull et Jacques Bonhomme. Régal littéraire comme il nous est trop rarement donné d'en avoir à Sherbrooke.

PIONNIER 1888-06-21 conférences Séance publique, 29 juin. Salle des arts, pour entendre deux conférenciers compétents nous parler d'électricité. L'un des conférenciers est M. A. J. Corriveau dont la réputation comme électricien n'est plus à faire.

PIONNIER 1888-06-28 conférences La séance électrique remise au 6 juillet.

PIONNIER 1888-07-05 conférences Vendredi soir, Salle des arts. Sous les auspices de l'Association des arts, présidée par m. R.W. Heneker. Sujet à traiter, Les merveilles de l'électricité et son usage au service de l'homme, par m. W.R. Kimball, de la compagnie électrique royale. Conférence illustrée au moyen du Stereopticon et des expéri enes seront faites avec divers appareils: cuisine, moteur électrique, etc, dirigées par M . Corriveau.

PIONNIER 1888-07-12 conférences Commentaires très élogieux sur la conférence scientifique. Public nombreux et choisi.

EXAMINER 1889-01-11 conférences A Visit to London. Lecture on the 22nd. Capt Bennett, Mr. Vincent, A11 Hall

EXAMINER 1889-10-25 conférences Lecture by Geo Keenan : Tent life in Siberia ------


EXAMINER 189 0-0 1-03 conférences Lecture on London- Art Building

EXAMINER 1890-01-1 0 conférences Lecture - Shadows of the great city, by Prof. John A. N icholl s last evening - small audi ence owin g to severe wcather.

EXAMINER 1890-02-21 conférences Announcin g temperance orator, Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop, at Art Hall by W .C.T.U. (news item)

EXAMINER 1893-01-27 confé rences Popular Science Lectures. (news item)

GAZETTE 1894-02-1 6 conférences Adverti sement : Jessie Al exander, Talented Elocutionist

GAZETTE 1894-02-23 conférences Report on Jessie Alexander

EXAMINER 1896-01-03 conférences M ax ORel! , third entertainment of th e Library (news item)

EXAMINER 1896-01-10 conférences City Items. The fourth number of Library & Art U ni on Entertainrnent course will take pl ace in the Art Hall , Saturday evening, Jan. 18th. Subject : Around the world in a Man-of-War, an illustrated lecture by Robert Harper of London, Eng1and.

EXAMINER 1896-01-24 conférences Commentaires sur l'excell ente lecture de M . Harper. Views being exceptionally fine.

EXAMINER 1896-02-1 4 conférences Public Debate at Art Hall between Sherbrooke Academy and St. Francis Coll ege, Ri chmond, Admission 15 cents. (news item)

GAZETTE 1896-02-21 conférences Library & Art Uni on Lectures and Entertainrnents, Fifth Number "M iss Jerry" fa mous pi cturc pl ay by Alexander Black. (annonce)

EXAMINER 1896-03-1 3 confé rences Fin al Enterta inment at Art Hall , E li Perkins. (news item) 698

EXAMINER L896 -11-02 confé rences Lecture committee Library & Art Uni on (editori al)

EXAMINER 1896- 11 -13 confé rences Lecture committcc annuls season enterta inment. (news item)

EXAMINER 1896-11-20 confé rences City items - many of our citizens will no doubt regret th at the efforts of th e lecture committee of the Library and Art Uni on have not met with better success so that th e public mi ght be assured of a seri es of really good entertainment in the coming winter instcad of some cheap travelling shows that take away more money and leave li ttle sati sfaction.

RECORD 1897-03-29 conférences Hunter-Crosslcy Meetings. Yesterday aftemoon the Art Ha ll was weil fill ed with men who had come to hear th e evangeli sts speak & sing on suj ects of peculiar interest to men. Sur deux colonnes

RECORD 1897-03-31 conférences Hunter-Crosslcy Meeting last ni ght.

RECORD 1897-04-05 confé rences Hunter-Crossley Meeting in St- Andrew. Ces confé rences qui ti ennent plus du spectacle, données par des évangé li stes, deviennent si populaires que le Art Hall n'est plus assez vaste pour recevoir un auditoire qui est de plus en plus nombreux. Les di scours des évangéli stes vont susciter une controverse, on trouve beaucoup de lettres aux édi teurs, pour ou contre le di scours des évangéli stes.

EXAMINER 1899-11-10 conférences R. G. Bovill e's Lecture at Art Hall on the Transvaal War (news item)

EXAMINER 1900-05-02 confé rences Lecture on Mesmeri sm by Prof. Maclntyre.

EXAMINER 1900- 10-0 3 confé rences In th e Art Hall. Seri es of meetings, Oct. 6-7-8. Capt and Mrs. Bunett (née Miss Sadi e Turner) spent some years of army service in India and will ta lk on th e work in that country.

EXAMINER 1900- 1 1-09 confé rences City Items- Bengough in th e Art Hall , leading cartooni st in Ameri ca 699

EXAMINER 1902-03-07 conférences City Items- Dr W. H. Drummond , author, reading at Art Hall

EXAMINER 1902-06-1 3 conférences Lecture in Art Hall this evening by Mrs. Lake. A brilliant lecturer and should be greeted with a good house. EXAMINER 1903-02- 16 conférences City Items- Sunshine Society lecture at Art Hall;

EXAMINER 1903-03-20 conférences Lecture in Art Hall, on (news item)

EXAMINER 1903-11-1 8 conférences Lecture on Consumption (tuberculosis) at Art Hall (news item)

EXAMINER 1904-03-04 conférences Rev. Dr. Whitney, Principal of Bishop's Coll ege will deli ver a series of lectures in the Art Hall in this city on Shakespeare, hi s tim e and hi s art. lst lecture, Tuesday evening, March 8.

EXAMINER 1904-03-09 conférences Uni versity extension lectures at Art Ha ll under the auspices of Sherbrooke High School. Shakespear, hi s age and art. Dr. Whitney.

RECORD 1927-ll-23 conférences Speaker at Rotary Club. A.G. Nakash tell s of life in Turkey. Reference to the Rotary Club taking an active part in securing a permanent library for Sherbrooke p. 4

TRIBUNE 1937-07-31 conférences «Le Progrès de Sherbrooke» conférence de l'abbé Irénée A. Lavall ée sur le Sherbrooke du 19e siècle, mention de Morey , salle de lecture, Public Library and Art Gall ery.

EXAMINER 1894-03-02 conférences; expositions Lectures and Tableaux at Art Hall (advertisement)

GAZETTE 1894-03-02 confé rences; expositions Under the auspices of the Library and Art Union = Art Hall, March 8, 9 & 1O. Lectures and Tableaux "Eastern L i fe as it now is and has been for ages. (Ad)

EXAMINER 1895-12-27 conférences; publicité Max O'Rell at Art Hall Third number L & AU Lecture course (advertisement) 700

PROGRES DE L'EST 1888-10-28 cours de droit Notes loca les -Reprise des cours de droit lundi prochain . Nouveaux professeurs, Wm. White, C.R. ; H.W . Mulvena et H.D. Lawrence.

EXAMINER 1881-08-26 cours d'a11 Ms. Mari a Brooks will reopen her school in the Colonial School Building, sept 5th J 88 1. M orning session fo r younger pupils and afternoon for the older one. Drawing & painting : Mrs. A.S.Hurd

EXAMINER 1883-08 cours d'art Meeting of th e Council for Arts and Manufactures

EXAMINER 1883-10- 12 cours d'art Mrs. Bond has returned to Sherbrooke and proposes opening classes for mustc drawing and painting. Reference, H .C. Wilson, Esq. Sherbrooke

PROGRES DE L'EST 1885-02- 13 cours d'art N .L.-M . S.F. Morey ouvrira le 18 fév. dans la salle d'amusement, rue Belvédère, en face de la fa brique Paton, une écol e du soir gratuite pour les j eunes gens 16 ans et plus. L' école sera dirigée par Dr. Bompas

EXAMINER 1888-02-10 cours d'art Miss Niles who taught in th e Dearborn Insti tution in Chicago has secured the Art Gall ery for her classes.

EXAMINER 1888-02-24 cours d'art Pain tings. We had the pri vil ege of seeing qui te a number of paintings executed from nature by Miss Niles, who is now teaching sorne pupils at the Art Hall. They embraced a vari ety of landscape, flowers and birds and were certainly tb e works of an arti st, true to !i fe in pose and coloring. The opportunity to receive instruction from so competent a lady whould not be !ost sight of by those wbo have a taste for either drawing or painting.

EXAM INER 1889-04-05 cours d'art Sherbrooke School of Art and Design, closing of season classes. (news item)

PIONNIER J 89 1-1 0-30 cours d'at1 Classes gratui tes de dessin réouvertes le mardi 3 novembre. Pour la premi ère fo is cette année, un professeur de langue fra nçaise sera attaché à l'institution. Les services de M . T. Lemaire enseignera le dessin architectural.

EXAMINER 1895- ll-01 cours d'art City Items ? M r. W . Raphael, Montreal arti st to instruct in oil painting, etc. ------


EXAMINER 1895- l 1- 15 cours d'art More pupils wanted for Sherbrooke art Class. (news item)

EXAMINER 1895- 12-06 cours d'art City Items- Drawing Classes under Coun cil of Arts and Manufacturer

EXAMINER 1896-01-03 cours d'art Raphael Art Classes to start on the 9th. (news item)

EXAMINER 1896-03-13 cours d'art Drawing School closing exercice.

EXAMINER 1896-04- 17 cours d'art City Items- close ofDrawin g School-

EXAMINER 1896- 11 -20 cours d'art The drawing School opcned Friday ni ght with a fa ir attendance.

EXAMINER 1897-04-1 6 cours d'art Free Evening drawing Class, Council of Arts and Manufactures (news item)

RECORD 1897-04- 17 cours d'art Free Drawin g Classes Closed. The free Evening drawing classes, under the control of the Council of Arts & Manufactures of the Province of Quebec closed on Friday Evening. Henekcr chair. Instructors : Mr. Wyatt and Mr Berry.

EXAMINER 1897- 11 -05 cours d' art Free evening drawing classes to re-open. (news item)

EXAMINER 1899-10-30 cours d' art Free Drawing Classes, Coun cil of arts and Manufactures (news item)

EXAMINER 1900-02-16 cours d'art City Items- Art School Counci l of Arts & Mfg.

EXAMINER 1900-04-04 cours d'art Year end at Art School, Council of Arts & Mfg (news item) 3 pages

EXAMINER 1900-11-1 9 cours d'art Drawing Classes - Coun ci l of art 7 Manufactures will reopen on Friday, Nov. 23 , in Griffith Hall , twice a wcek, Monday and Friday evenings. 702

EXAMINER 190 1-04-03 cours d'art The drawin g class - closing exercices held last ni ght. Council of Arts & Manufactures. Classes met in the Griffin Block. Young men- Attendance of 85 in Mechanical Dept. ta ught by S.W. Jenckes. 12 in Architectural Class, taught by Father Gignac, J.B. Venett, W. Grégoire.

EXAMINER 1902-04-02 cours d'art City Items - Closi ng of the Art School, Work Done by Pupils on Exhibition, Council of Art & Mfg. (news item)

EXAMINER 1904-03-02 cours d'art Art School under the Coun c il of Arts and Manufacture inspected by Mr. Thomas Gaullin of Mtl. other persons from Mtl, Casavand, St-Hyacinghe and D. McManamy of Sherbrooke.

EXAMINER 1904-03-28 cours d'art Clos in g of the Art School (Council of arts and manufacture) for the season.

EXAMINER 1888-02-10 cours d'art; publicité Drawing and Painting Class in Art Gall ery by Miss· C. E. Ni les (advertisement)

EXAMINER 1895-1 2-13 cours d'art; publicité Art Hall Second number L & AU Winter course. (advertisement)

EXAMINER 188 1-L l-25 divers City Items - Mr. S.F. Morey has purchased a building site on Court Street, opposite Mr. Buck's new residence.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1884-12-02 divers Notes locales - M . S.F. Morey a vendu trois emplacements vacants de La rue High à M . G.G. Bryant pour $ 1100.

EXAMINER 1886-l l-26 di vers City Items - Letters Patent ha ve been granted to the Sherbrooke Library and Art Association.

EXAMINER 1887-07-29 divers Railway Notes - Mr. James Ross resigns (news item)

EXAMINER 1889-02- 15 di vers Other hall s arc open fo r meetin gs. St. Andrew's Church, Town hall (news items) 703

GAZETTE 1894-06-29 di vers Ce journal est très fragmenté. Les ite ms sui vants sont tirés du premier roul eau de fi lm datant d'octobre 1864 au 29 juin 1894.

EXAMINER 1895-1 2-06 di vers City Items - L & A U Enterta inment course;

EXAMINER 1899-0 1- 13 di vers A Ri sin g Youn g Sherbrooke Artist, Miss Alice Hargrave (news item)

EXAMINER 1901-04-1 2 di vers Heneker fi rst in a seri es of articles on Sherbrooke's busy men.

EXAMINER 1901-08-07 div ers Change ofMarket Square to Strathcona because Lord Strathcona gave hi s share of th e property kn own as the Old Merchants ' Bank property.

EXAMINER 1902-03-11 di vers Examiner has new publishers : Stevens and Priee

EXAMINER 1902-05-21 di vers City lmprovement Society - meeting held to establish. (news item)

EXAMINER 1902-06-11 di vers City Items - Sherb rooke City Improvement Associati on fo unded, S. F. Morey, presid ent.

EXAMINER 1903-07-24 di vers Glen Villa in North Hatley (news items) 2 pages

EXAMINER 1904-0 1-11 di vers; confé rences Evangelist meetin gs, held in the Art Hall last week were brought to a close last evening. The meetings were weil attended throughout.

EXAMINER 1904-03-23 di vers Mr. S.F. Morey and E.W. Farwell are in Montreal in specting the branches of the Bank th ere.

RECORD 1904-09-2 1 di vers City News, p. 4 - U ni on Gospel meetings every afternoon and evening, Art Hall. Evangeli st W illing in charge. Ail are welcome 704

RECORD 1904-09-24 di vers Important men in th e Eastern Townships. Loui s Edmond Panneton. K.C. ex-M.L.A. Sherbrooke

RECORD 1927-1 2-27 di vers Chri sti an Science Society (Art Hall ) Sunday service at 11 .a.m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Testimoni al meetings evcry Wednesday cvening at 8.

EXAMINER 1890-06-06 di vers; assemblée annuell e City Items - Annual Meeting ofElmwood cemetary shareholders at Art Hall

EXAMINER 1887-03-25 di vers; bibliothèque The Reading Room Associati on - In anti cipation of removal to th e new Library Black on th e 1s t of May, next, offer th e unexpired porti on of th e lease of th e store now occupi ed by them at about half the usual priee. Enquire C. W. Cate, tres. or S.F. Morey, Manager.

EXAMINER 1902-06-20 di vers; biblioth èque More on Library. Locati on Plans, Estimates. City Council will ask for these fo r City Hall & Library .

EXAMINER 1882-06-30 di vers; carnet mondain Mr. & Mrs. T. S. Morey returned home thi s week from Cali fornia where they have been spending th e winter.

EXAMINER 1884-08-1 5 di vers; carnet mondain Mr. & Mrs. T. S. Morey and Mr. & Mrs. S.F. Morey have gone to th e seaside fo r a few wccks.

EXAMINER 1887-09-02 di vers; carnet mondain Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Morey, Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Tuck, Mr. and Mrs. W. Blue have returned from Peake's Island and th e seaside.

EXAMINER 1889-07-05 di vers; carn et mondain Persona! intelli gence. Jas. Ross Esq. C.E. is in town.

PIONNIER 189 1-04-03 di vers; carn et mondain Mari age juif à la Sa ll e des Arts mercredi derni er. Nouveaux époux, la soeur de Mme Vineberg avec M . H. Kert d'Ontari o. Le rabbin Freelander de Montréal a fa it les cérémoni es d'après le ri te juif. 705

PIONNIER 189 1-1 1-06 divers; carnet mondain Notre jeune artiste canadien, M. Sinaï Richer, de St-Hyacinthe, doit partir bientôt pour passer l'hi ver à Paris. Il se propose de compléter un tableau représentant les débuts d'un colon dans les «Bois Francs» qu'il offrirait aux fêtes du centenaire.

GAZETTE 1896-04-17 divers; carnet mondain S.F. Morey Esq. has been confined to the bouse the past week by severe illness. We hope he will soon be able to return to hi s business. (persona!)

EXAMINER 1896-04-17 divers; carnet mondain City Items- Personals S. F. Morey ill. (2 items)

EXAMINER 1897-09-10 divers; carnet mondain Mr. S. F. Morey and Miss Louise Morey have gone to the seaside (news item)

EXAMINER 1898-02- 11 divers; carnet mondain City Items- Mr. J. Sydney Broderick, advocate, Morey Art Building

EXAMINER 1899-09-20 divers; carn et mondain Personals- Miss Loui se Morey bas returned to Wellesley, Mass, studies

EXAMINER 1900-07-27 divers; carnet mondain Mr. Fred S. Coburn, of Melbourne, Que., the well-known artist , is home from Belgium and wi ll spend sorne time on the North Shore of the lower St. Laurence preparing some illustration for severa! new volumes.

EXAMINER 1900-10-10 divers; carnet mondain S.F. Morey, of the E.T. Bank, is confined to the bouse with an attack oftypho id fever.

EXAMINER 1900-10-15 divers; carnet mondain Reports of fever patients are favorable. Mr. Morey is holding hi s own, hi s temperature about normal.

EXAMINER 1900-1 1-30 divers; carnet mondain S.F.Morey, confined to his home for severa! weeks with an attack of typhoid fever, is able to drive out and we hope to see him at his post at the E.T. Bank.

EXAMINER 1901-01-16 divers; carnet mondain Mr. S.F. Morey, Inspector E.T. Bank, with hi s daugbter, Miss Morey, intend leaving tomorrow for Florida for the benefit ofMr. Morey's health.

EXAMINER 190 1-1 2-29 divers; carnet mondain Miss Morey leaves town today for a visit to friends in Boston. 706

EXAMINER 1903-05-27 di vers; carnet mondain Mr. S. F. Morey, has gone to Winnipeg, on a visit of inspection to the branch of the E. T. Bank in that city, he is accompani ed by Miss Morey.

EXAMINER 1903-07-27 di vers; carn et mondain Miss McNicol lengthy stay at St. Agathe (persona!)

EXAMINER 1904-07-06 divers; carnet mondain Mr. S. F. Morey and Miss Morey have returned from a trip to the Pacifi e Coast, visiting Victoria, Vancouver, Winnipeg and other places on route. (news item)

PROGRES DE L'EST J 905-1 2-05 divers; carnet mondain Un arti ste américain, M. Reaser, qui a peint avec succcès le portrait de M. et Mme C.C. Colby de Stanstead est a peindre celui de M. le juge White. On dit que M . Reaser a aussi d'autres command es.

EXAMINER 1885-03-20 di vers; collections The Sherbrooke Museum. Correspondance between S. F. Morey and the Editor of the Studio about ways of forming a public art collection in Sherbrooke. 2 colonnes 3 pages.

PIONNIER J 89 1-10-02 divers; coll ections L'artiste canadien, Sinaï Richer, prépare un tableau qui aura pour titre «Le premi er défrichement». Ce tableau, s'il est complété à temps, devrait occuper une place d'honneur au mili eu de la fête du centenaire l'an prochain.

EXAMINER 1899-08-09 di vers; collections Mayor H.R. Fraser's portrait has been placed in position in the C ity Council

TRIBUNE 1937-07-3 1 divers; collections Un journaliste fa it parl er le fa uteuil du maire ... par Louis C. O'Neil. La galeri e des maires révèle que 42 magistrats se sont succédé à la présidence du conseil municipal de 1852 à 1937. p. 8 1 et 82 sur cinq colonnes

PROGRES DE L'EST 1884-J0-31 di vers; comités N.L. Formation de l'Association Agricole des Cantons de l'Est - ... Où donc sont nos agriculteurs Canadiens-français . Pourquoi les membres du Cercle Agricole se ti ennent-ils à l' écart, au li eu de fa ire partie de ces sociétés générales?

EXAMINER 1894-03-30 di vers; comités Meeting at Art Hall for the building of a Protestant Hospital. 707

EXAMINER 1897-05-2 1 divers; comités Meeting ofEimwood Cemetary Trustees at Art Hall, May 20.

EXAMINER 1900-0 1- 17 di vers; comités Political Meeting at the Art Hall. Liberal & Conservative candidates.

EXAMINER 1902-06-11 divers; comi tés S.F.Morey, Vice President, Elmwood Cemetary Company.

EXAMINER 1902-11-07 di vers; comités Regular monthly meeting of Sunshine Society took place in Art Building, in the room kindly donated by Miss Wiggett

TRJBUNE 1960-04-23 divers; concerts La mentalité, en musique, a bi en changé depui s 50 ans! Par Me Léonidas Bachand. p. 100

RECORD 1900-01-27 di vers; démographie Sherbrooke in 1826 - Thirty-eight families comprised the population- An interesting account giv en by th e late Joseph Gibbs in 1880. Reprint from the Sherbrooke Gazette

EXAMINER 1901-05-03 divers; démographie According to the latest census, the population of Sherbrooke will be about 12,000. A considerable increase.

EXAMINER 1902-12-15 di vers; démographie Reli gion of Sherbrooke's popul ation from the Dominion census. (news item)

EXAMINER 1899-08-04 di vers; éditoriaux Editori al- Our 22nd Volume.

EXAMINER 1904-05-25 divers; éditoriaux Trying to beautify the City. (editorial, 2 columns, 2 pages)

EXAMINER 1904-07-11 di vers; éditoriaux sale of Examin er to Sherbrooke Da il y Record 3 pages

TRJBUNE 1930- 11 -29 di vers; éditoriaux Sherbrooke, vill e de la «Bonne Entente» p. 67 Genre éditori al

PIONNIER 1891-08-28 di vers; expositions Notre sall e de lecture. La sa ll e de lecture du Pionnier sera réouverte au public à partir de septembre prochain. Les étrangers qui visiteront l'exposition seront cordialement 708 in vités à venir consulter notre collecti on de journaux. Cette invitation s'adresse tout parti culièrement à nos confrères de la presse qui viendront en ville la semain e prochaine.

PIONNIER 1891-09-01 di vers; expositions Exposition agri cole : Lord Stanl ey accueill e l'artiste canadien S. Richer et lui adresse en langue française des paroles de fé li citation et d'encouragement (2 pages)

PIONNIER 189 1-09-11 di vers; expositions Dans la vitrine du libraire A. Richer, un magni fi que tableau dû au pinceau de son cousin S in aï Richer de St-Hyacinthe, suj et l' Abondance

PIONNIER 1892-04-01 di vers; expositions Mme Fullonton, d'Island Pond, Vt. , est une canadi enne qui a déj à fait honneur à sa terre natale dans le monde européen. Le journal pari sien, Moni teur des arts, a dit d'ell e «Un tableau de Madame Fullonton, une étude de la nature .... »

EXAMINER 1900-08-29 divers; expositi ons Mr. F.S. Coburn, th e artist of Melbourne whose illustrati ons of "The Habitant" w ill be remembered, is to have on view in the Art Department of the exhibition next w eek, the origin al drawin gs from whi ch th e book above alluded to was embelli shed . Loaned by Dr. Drummond, au thor of book.

EXAMINER 1902-09-01 di vers; expositions Judging of art exhibits at Sherbrooke Fair, J.R. Hudspeth, Lennoxville

PIONNIER 1887-10-13 divers; immeuble M . De Vere, jeune arti ste peintre, actuell ement employé dans les ateli ers de Bryant & Co., est chargé par le syndicat de l'égli se St-Patrice de la décorati on du mur du fo nd de l'autel de cet élégant oratoire, etc.

EXAMINER 1897-02-1 2 di vers; immeuble Drawing ofOdell building (J. S. Mitchell & Co) (di verses grandeurs) 5 feuillets

EXAMINER 1900-03-2 1 divers; immeuble The F irst Step- City Council report- First indicati ons of intent to build new C ity Hall w ith reading room and library. 2 pages

EXAMINER 1900-04-04 di vers; immeuble City Council Meeting - Proposed purchase of Beckett Black for new City Hall with reading room, library, museum and Art hall. 709

EXAMINER 1901 -04-15 di vers; immeuble Work on Opera House will be proceeded with - Papers signed between City and Mr. Clement.

EXAMINER 1901-06-14 di vers; immeuble Dessin de l'édi fice Rosenbl oom rue Wellington

EXAMINER 1903-02- 16 di vers; immeuble City Items - Clement Theatre sold, (news items)

GAZETTE 1894-02-23 di vers; immeuble; incendie A fi re broke out in the basement of th e free Library Building on Wednesday aftern oon. L ittle damage. (news item)

PROGRES DE L'EST 1884-1 2-19 di vers; inauguration N .L. - séance d'ouverture du nouveau club Pa ton, sall e ru e Belvédere. grâce à la bi enveill ance de M. F. Morey. Chants, récitations, et gli ssoires.

EXAMINER 1889-10-11 di vers; inaugurati on St- Andrew's Church in augurated.

EXAMINER 1900-09-1 7 di vers; inaugurati on Inaugurati on de la nouvell e égli se angli cane St. Peters Cette égli se, tout comme l' égli se méthodi ste Trini ty (1887), l'égli se presbytéri enne St. Andrew's (1889), comporte une salle paroissiale (Church Hall) qui va accueillir plusieurs conférenciers, concerts ou groupes de spectacles au détriment du Art Hall . (note de recherche)

EXAMINER 1893-03 -03 di vers; incendie Pi ctures destroyed by fire in Art Building (news item)

EXAMINER 1886-05-07 di vers; nécrologie Obituary, Thomas Stade Morey, Esq. aged 65 years. 2 pages

EXAMINER 1897-09-03 di vers; nécrologie Announce death ofMrs. S. F. Morey, (news item)

EXAMINER 1902-03-10 divers; nécrol ogie John MCNicol di es one of the oldest citizens. (news item)

EXAMINER 1903-04-27 di vers; nécrologie Obituary- The Late M rs. T. S. Morey 3 pages ------~


PROGRES DE L'EST 1920-04-09 divers; nécrologie Feu J.S. Mitchell. Décédé à lâgc de 68 ans lors d'un séjour à New York. Longue notice nécrologique.

EXAMINER 1903-1 2-04 divers; promotions; crise Library and Art Union - Cri sis in its History - Future depends upon city to make it civi c association. (news item)

EXAMINER 1903-12-1 1 divers; promotions; crise Library and Art Union = Report of the Managers - Summary of work done by Association during last 23 years. (News Item) 2 colonnes 6 pages

EXAMINER 188 1-09-09 di vers; publicité Established in 1850 - W.W. Beckett -wholesale & retail hardware. Artists' materials. Windsor Newton cclcbratcd tube colors, brusbes, pencil, palette knives, etc. Refined 1in seed oi ls specially for artists.

EXAMINER 1888-08-17 divers; publicité Landsberg's Sale in Morey Art Building (advertisement)

EXAMINER 1888-08-17 di vers; publicité Le Weekly Examiner devient le Sherbrooke Examiner le 17 août 1888

EXAMINER 1895-09-06 divers; publicité Library and Art Union of Sherbrooke (advertisement)

GAZETTE 1896-01-03 divers; publicité Library & Art Union -Free Public Library - Free Reading Room - Free Art Gallery - Frce amusement room for youg men - Savings fund for working men - (annonce haut de page 4, 1ère colonne- publiée à toutes les semaines.

EXAMINER 1897-10-15 divers; publicité Library and Art Union of Sherbrooke (advertisement)

EXAMINER 1900-05-02 divers; publicité City Items - Messrs. Cox & Amos, architects, open office in Art building; Wonders of Hypnotism and Mesmerism at Art Hall (adverti sement)

EXAMINER 1901-11-22 divers; publicité Li brary and Art Uni on (advcrtisement) 71 1

PIONNIER 1887-09-08 di vers; réceptions Visite du Gouvern eur général Lansdowne, mardi 13 sept. à 4h. après-midi, réception publique dans la galeri e de lecture du

EXAMINER 1889-02 -08 divers; spectacle Comedy in aid of Sherbrooke Protestant Hospital coming at Art Hall ;

EXAMINER 1889-05-31 divers; spectacles Am1ouncing dramatic recital by Mrs. Scott-Siddons at Art Hall (news item)

PIONNIER 189 1-01-1 6 di vers; spectacles Visitez les tentes des bohémi ennes à la Salle des Arts, mardi, mercredi et jeudi prochain s afi n de pénétrer les mystères de l'avenir.

EXAMINER 190 1-11-1 2 di vers; spectacles On note dans les mois de novembre et décembre beaucoup d'activités - théâtre, spectacles, operas au Clements Theatre and Opera House.

EXAMINER 1889-06-07 di vers; spectacles; publicité Mrs. Scott Siddon's American tour at Morey Art Hall. (advertisement)

EXAMINER 1888 -06-08 di vers; tempête; immeuble Heavy Storm- top part of Art Building torn away (news item)

EXAMINER 1889-06-07 divers; tribune libre Chat on Current Events, letter signed Felix about art, etc, mention of Mr. Fred Coburn, who is not yet twenty years of age.

EXAMINER 1889-06-21 divers; tribune libre Chat on Current Events. letter signed Felix about th e importance of th e SLAA with an art ga ll ery, a Joan library, a free reading room, a museum of natural history and a general society for promoting interest in artistic, literary and scientific matters by means of lectures and otherwise.

EXAMINER 1898-06-10 di vers; tribune libre Letter to the Editor about Canadian Art and a market fo r Canadi an arti sts

RECORD 1902-12-22 divers; tribune libre Views of Correspondents - Municipal Ownership. D. McManamy- C iti zen- A Tax Payer, etc. 712

EXAMINER 1903-01-07 di vers: tribune libre Letter to th e Editor - Municipal Ownership of Gas and Water company 111 an Examiner to letter by Morey in Record, signed by D. McManamy. 2 pages

EXAMINER 1903-01-09 divers; tribune libre Letter to th e Edi tor - The Public Library in an Examiner to letter by S. F. Morey published in the Record, signed by D. McManamy 3 pages

EXAMINER 1904-03 -21 di vers; tribune libre The main meeting of th e men in the Art Hall (l etter to th e editor)

PROGRESL DE 'EST 1903-01-07 di vers; tribune libre; biblioth èque Question de la biblioth èque publique (sui te et fi n) S.F. Morey. L'arti cle concern e surtout le projet d'expropri ation de la Compagni e du Gaz ct de l'Eau

PROGRES DE L'EST 1885-02-1 7 édi tori aux N.L.- Pas un traître mot de français à l'assemblée publique d'hi er soir, il y avait pourtant un nombre assez considérable de Canadi ens-français. Le maire (H.C. Cabana - 1er maire francophone a donné l'exemple en ne parlant que (l'anglais)

EXAMINER 1885-03-20 éditori aux The Registry Office- (edi to ri al) in reaction to letter from the edi tor of The Studio

EXAMINER 1894-02-23 édi toriaux Compte rendu élogieux du récital de M me A lexander.

RECORD 1927- 12- éditori aux Regard the library question seri ously. At the recent meeting of the Library Commi tte, ... th e Carn egie plan received considerati on.

EXAMINER 1888-02-10 éditoriaux; conférences Lecture committee of th e Sherbrooke L ibrary and Art Uni on (edi tori al)

EXAMINER 1892-1 2-1 6 édi to ri aux; subventions Proposed grant to the Art Uni on- (edi to ri al) delay in decision fo r municipal grant

EXAMINER 190 1-08- 14 édi tori aux; subventions Comment on Carnegie offer of $ 150 000 to Montreal (editori al)

EXAMINER 1885-04- 10 édi toriaux; tribune libre An Art Museum (letter to th e edi to1") ref to MAA, description of situati on, signed by Sam F. Morey. Same page as editori al The Proposed Art Museum 5 pages ------·-- -· ---

71 3

EXAMINER 1882-01-20 expositions City Items - There is now on exhibition at J.R. McBain a fin e oil painting by Mr. T.B. Munro. Subjcct "Cape Trinity on th e Saguenay Ri ver by Moonlight" whi ch is attracting much attention.

EXAMINER 1883-12-2 1 expositi ons City items. An oil painting in th e w indow of th e Registry Offi ce will deserve more th at a passin g notice. It is the work of a German artist and exl1ibits a winter sccne on th e Upper Rhine. The perspecti ve is very good and th e whole picture - the coloring and arrangement- is evidently th e work of a skilful artist. We are info rmed that it is about to be di sposed of by raffl e.

EXAMINER 1884-10-03 expositi ons This is decidely th e case wi th 5 paintings, the work of Miss Holland, now on view in the Art Window. Ali di splay great arti stic ski li in respect both of tru th of perspecti ve and drawing. ln "The Falls of Hcspte" the color is al so extremely good, and th e art-work, in waterfall and foliage is fin ely done. So with a "Church and ri ver bank" (a watercolor) where the sunlight trcaming through trccs is quitc truc to nature. The "Branch bearing apples" is exquisite - the apples as bright and tempting as are th e lady's lips in a "Portrait" and th ere th ese are simply irresistable. The portrait (of a beautiful girl) is beautifully done; but the color appears through th e glass in th e window to be a little fresh, and so w ith the Savoyards in a "Mauvaise j ournée" and a "Bonne Journée" But this may be an illusion due to positi on and li ght. We have casuall y seen anoth er work (belonging to Mr. Noah Woodward) painted by our arti st- a portrait of Bret Harte's creati on.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1885-01 - 16 expositiOns N.L. On voit exposé dans une des vitrines de la sall e de lecture .. un tableau magni fi que dû au pinceau de M. Allan Edson, représentant l'automne sous ses couleurs les plus naturelles. Il y a vraiment du talent arti ste à Sherbrooke

PROGRESL DE 'EST 1885-07-3 1 ex positions M . Odell vendra par encan un superbe assortiment de tableau, à l'huile et couleur d' eau comprenant des meilleurs ouvrages de Vincent, Hill, Kaufmar, Fi sher, Decrateau et d'autres arti stes célèbres des É.-U. Offe rts en vente par l'association des arts de Philadelphie pour aider les arti stes dans la poursuite de leur travaux.

EXAMINER 1885-08-2 1 expositi ons City Items - The art window thi s week contains a pain ting " A Scene in Italy" by a young lady, M iss Etta Boydell of Brandon Mani toba who is onl y 14 years of age. The pi cture is an ambitious one but is remarkabl y weil cxccuted ... etc. 714

EXAMINER 1885-09-25 expositions Art Loan Ex hibition, Art Committee of the Library, Art, and Natural History Association (news item)

EXAMINER 1885-10-02 expositi ons Loan Exhibition of Works of Art October 3 to 10 in new County Registry Building, Bank Street. (news item)

EXAMINER 1885-10-02 expositions City Items - "Loan Exhibition of Paintings and Works of Art" in the New County Rcgistry Building, Bank Street

PROGRES DE L'EST 1885-10-06 expositions M . Presby expose dans ses galeries un magnifique portrait du rév. Reid , mm1 stre anglican en cette vill e. L'ouvrage qui est à l'huile est du au pinceau de Mlle Marie Hébert, employée de l'établi ssement et lui fait beaucoup honneur

EXAMINER 1885-10-1 6 expositi ons Art Loan Exhibition (news item) sur 2 colonnes ct 3 pages - Second visit to this fine coll ection . Description of a dozen paintings, etc.

EXAMINER 1885-11-06 ex positions The Art Committee of th e Library, Art and Natural History Association who had charge of the recent Loan Art Exhibition desire to acknowledgc their indebtness to Mssrs R. H. Sampson, Plumbers, of the city, who put in the Exhibition rooms the gas piping for li ghting the two rooms, furnished their own piping without making any charge. The tabors of the Committee were rendered much pleasanter by the interest takcn in the Exhibition by our citi zens and the spirit manifcstcd by contributors in responding to the fa li for loans of pi ctures and objects of art.

EXAMINER 1886-03-05 expositions Three horses hcads, copy of a Landseer painting loaned to be seen in Reading Room

EXAMINER 1886-03-12 expositions Copy of Landsccr by Mrs. C.L. MacDougall

PROGRES DE L'EST 1886-09-2 1 expositions Chronique de l'Exposition - Absence de Canadi ens-Français dans l'organi sation de L'Association agricole des Cantons de l'Est (ETAA)

PIONNIER 1886-09-24 expositi ons On peut admirer en ce moment exposés dans la vitrine de la sa ll e de lecture deux déli cieux dessin s de Corinne Bourgeois (nouvell e) 715

PROGRES DE L'EST 1886-09-24 expositions L'exposition- Succès d'avoir réuni à Sherbrooke l' ex position agricole des Cantons et cell es de la Province. Souligne l'excellence du travail des organisateurs

PROGRES DE L'EST 1886-09-24 expositions L'on peut admirer dans la vitrine de la sa ll e de lecture une bell e peinture d'un oiseau dans les airs due au pinceau de Mme J.A. Archambault ain si que 2 dessins par Mlle Bourgeois, de Havcrhill, Mass.

PIONNIER 1886-10-08 expositions Expositi on de 2 tableaux de M.F.A. Marois, artiste de Mtl qui a connu un réel succès à l'exposition agricole dans la vitrine de la Salle de lecture. Deux portraits qu'i l vendrait au prix de $75. Avis aux amateurs de bonne peinture

PIONNIER 1887-05-05 expositions Un arti ste de mérite s'est établi parmi nous depuis quelque temps. M. A.F. Loemans expose ses productions dans la sall e qu'il a louée dans la bâtisse Griffith dans le Quartier Nord. Nous engageons nos lecteurs, amateurs de bonne peinture, à all er visiter cette collection où il s ne manqueront pas de trouver des oeuvres d'art remarquables. M . A.F. Loemans donnera aussi des !essons de peinture.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1887-05-24 expositions On remarque de jolis portraits à l'huile, dans les vitrines de la sall e de lecture. Il s sont dus au pinceau de M. A. F. Loemans, arti ste fra nçais, nouvellement établi en cette ville.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1887-05-24 expositions M . I.A. Marois exhibe en ce moment dans les vitrines de la Salle de Lecture le portrait de Mme J.P. Royer, fa it au crayon.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1887-06-08 expositions Un ouvrage d'art remarquable dû au pinceau de J.A. Marois dans la vitrine du magasin de MM. Dussault et St. Jean, en cette ville.

EXAMINER 1887-09-09 expositions Grand Loan Exhibition of Paintings (advertisement)

EXAMINER 1887-09-09 expositions We are desired to cali attenti on to the public to the opcning of the Art Gallery in the new Library Buildin g on Monday the 12th in st. to continue open until the 20th inst. The Loan Exhibition of picturcs will compri se paintings by the best artists and will be the finest coll ection of pictures ever shown in Sherbrooke. 7 16

EXAMINER 1887-09-1 6 ex positi ons Loan Art Exhibition open in Library building. (news item)

EXAMINER 1887-09-16 expositi ons Wc arc afraid that a good many of our citi zens did not avail th emselves of the opportuni ty whi ch th ey bad last week fo r seeing a magni ficent coll ecti on of pi ctures. The Loan Exhibition of oil and watercolors at the Art Gall ery was equal to any permanent coll ection in the Dominion. Opportuni ties for sccing good coll ecti ons of pictures are not to be bad every day and th ey should be appreciated.

PIONNIER 1887-10-20 expositions Un magni fi que tabl eau dû à l'habile pinceau d'un de nos artistes les plus di stingués M . Allan Edson est depuis quelque temps exposé dans la vitrine d'un des magasin s encore vacants de la bâti sse Morey ... Bolton Pass ... (nouvell e sur 2 colonnes)

EXAMINER 1887- 11 - 18 expositions Spl endid coll ecti on of ores and minerais at th e Sherbrooke Frce Reading Room, not just to look at. Suggest lectures. (editori al)

EXAMINER 1890-01 - 10 expositi ons Bust of Sir John. A handsome bust of the head & shoulders of Sir John A. M acdonald , chi seled out of white marbl e by Mr. Peter Smi th, of the fi rm of Smith Bros. & Ayer, marble dealers, is on exhibition at th e Library Art Museum. The work does much credit to Mr. Smith. lt can be seen any aftern oon.

EXAMINER 1890-08-08 expositi ons Library and Art Uni on arranges grand Art Exhibition in their gall ery coïncident to Agri cul tural Exhibition

PIONNIER 189 1-09-01 expositi ons Exposition agri cole : Secti on des beaux-arts ... progrès sensible et di gne d'éloges .. . Sin aï Ri chcr, jeune peintre canadien ... est all é en ct en Belgique étudier sous les meilleurs maîtres ... (2 pages)

PIONNIER 1892-03-2 1 expositions Lundi, le 23 courant, il y aura une exposition de tableaux dans la sall e des Arts. U ne artiste célèbre, madame Fullonton, exposera son grand tabl eau du salon de 9 1 avec plusieurs autres de ses oeuvres.

EXAMINER 1893-05- 19 expositions Exhibition ofPaintings (news item) 717

EXAMINER 1895-08-30 expositions $22,500 oil painting Joan of Arc burned a live at ET AA Exhibition (news item)

EXAMINER 1897-09-10 expositions Report on ETAA Fine arts Depa11ment

EXAMINER 1897-12-10 cxposi ti ons Art Exhibition in Y.M.C.A.

EXAMINER 1901-04-0 1 expositions Notes from Coaticook - The Art Loan Exhibition - Ladies Musical (news itrem) 2 pages

EXAMINER 1901-09-09 expositions Report of ETAA annual Exhibition - Fine Art- Paintings and Drawings - 2 pages

EXAMINER 1902-08-25 expositions An Art Exhibit, ET AA exhibition to have art gallery, cxhibit shown by Grand Trunk Railway Company at Pan American exhibition. (news item)

EXAMINER 1902-09-03 expositions In the Main Building, -A Railway Art exhibit.- H.C Wilson & Sons- (news item) 2 pages

EXAMINER 1902-09-05 expositions Ladies' Art Department- Attractive Railroad Literature. (news items)

EXAMINER 1902-09-08 expositions ET AA Exhibition - Fine Arts exhibit report- (news item)

PROGRES DE L'EST 1905-12-12 expositions Exposition de poupées à la salle des Arts demain soir. Les profits iront à l'église St. Patrice. On pourra se procurer des poupées à des prix raisonables. Musique par l'Harmonie.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1905-12-15 expositions L'exposition de poupées à la salle des Arts a été un succès ... Le tout étalé avec beaucoup d'art. M. l'abbé Fisette et plusieurs autres membres du clergé ont visité l'exposition. L'Harmonie a joué de beaux morceaux de musique.

EXAMINER 1885-05-08 expositions; collections The Art Window - (news item) Our readers will find in the Art Window of the Reading Room a picturc weil worthy of their admiration. H. P. Smith 71 8

EXAMINER 1895-09-1 3 expositi ons; éditori aux Editori al comment about Joan of Arc painting by Canadi an Arti st

EXAMINER 1882-02-10 immeuble City Items - Hear that Mr. W.B. Ives, Esq. and oth ers propose erecting a large Music Hall on th e Walker corn er providing certain things are conceeded, one of which is that the Registry offi ce sha ll be located in said building.

EXAMINER 1882-04-14 immeuble S.F. Morey sold a bouse and lot on th e corner of Queen & M oore Street to Mr. Richards fo r $ 1,150.

EXAMINER 1884-01-24 immeubl e The project of building an Opera House is again noted, thi s time Major I. Wood is mentioned as ingeneeriog th e undertaking and w ith hi s well-known push & energy we may hope to see a building of goodl y proportions ari se on th e Walker corner.

EXAMINER 1 884-02-01 immeuble Correction. Wrong about Mayor Wood. A building is to be erected on th e Walker site by him, corner fa ctory and Market Street, but is is expected to be occupied as a Y.M.C.A. Hall with store underneath .

EXAMINER 1886-03-26 immeuble City Items - Mr. S.F. Morey's new dwelling on Queen Street, opposite de Parade Ground is fast assuming shape. It is to be fumi shed with ali the modern conveni ences.

EXAMINER 1886-05-2 1 immeuble City Items- Mr. S.F. Morey purchased th e brick parsonage on Brooks Street from the Trustees of the Meth odi st church ..

PROGRES DE L'EST 1886-09-10 immeubl e Projet d'un immeuble proposé par S.F. Morey, qui demande exemption de taxes à cette fin. Spécul ati on. Cet édifice rapportera de gros loyers à son propriétaire. Pourquoi donner au ri che au détriment du pauvre?

PROGRES DE L'EST 1886-09-10 immeuble M . J. Archambault, notaire à vendu sa résid ence actuell e à madame Vve Campbell. Profit pour J.A. Sa nouvell e résidence sera construite au coin des rues Sanborn et Brooks. ,------


PROGRES DE L'EST 1886-09- 17 immeuble Long arti cle sur la demande d'exemption de S.F. Morey au suj et de la constructi on de l' édi fice Arts Building. Nuance par rapport à l'arti cle précédent. Le journal voit la chose sous un jour beaucoup plus favorable.

PIONNIER 1886-09-24 immeuble Les ouvri er de Messieurs Gordon et Loomi s ont commencé les travaux préparatoires à la constru ction des fo ndations de la bâtisse Morey (nouvell e)

PROGRES DE L'EST 1886-10-1 9 immeuble Notes Locales - A vis dans la Gazette Officiell e d'une demande de le lettres patentes pour SLAA. Capi ta l sera de $20 000, di visé en deux-cents parts. Contruc tion d'un édi fice - sall e de lecture gratuite, biblioth èque, fi ns li ttéraires et scienti fi ques.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1886-10-1 9 immeuble Pose demain de la pierre angulaire de l'égli se méthodi ste en face du Palais de justice

PIONNIER 1886- 11-04 immeuble Les pl ans de la bâtisse où sera install ée la nouvell e sall e de lecture sont exposés dans la vitrine de la sall e actu ell e. (nouvelle)

PIONNIER 1886-11-11 immeubl e On a commencé samedi dernier la pose de la brique à la nouvelle bâtisse de la sall e de lecture. On note une li ste d'ouvrages en fra nçais, surtout des rapports officiels donnés par le député M. R. N. Hall ,

EXAMINER 1886-11 -26 immeuble The New Library Building - A detailed description of th e elegant structure. (news item ) 3 pages -List of stockholders - Archi tects - List of contractors - complete description

EXAMINER 1887-03-25 immeuble Owing to the settling of the wa ll s of the New Library Building in to place, it was fo und necessary to put in a few iron bars to prevent bulging, not, however, for any fear ofweakness in the wa ll s.

EXAMINER 1887-05- 13 immeubl e City Council - Attorn ey opinion about tax exemption fo r Sherb rooke Library and Art Association and purchase of strip of land under bridge pi er. 2 pages

EXAMINER 1887-05 -1 3 immeuble It is reported that the fi ne large store at the north side of the New Library Buildin g will be taken by M r. Thomas, of Coaticook, a pushing active man of busin ess. 720

PIONNIER 1887-06-02 immeubl e La sall e de lecture gratui te est actu ell ement in stall ée dans ses nouveaux locaux qui sont réellement superbes et qui méritent bi en qu'on leur consacre un article spécial. Nous y reviendrons dans un prochain numéro.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1887-06-03 immeubl e La sall e de lecture a été ouverte régulièrement dans le nouve l édi fice Morey. On parl e du musée de sciences naturell es. Les travaux des autres appartements de l'édi fice avancent rapidement

EXAMINER 1887-06-03 immeuble E. B. Worthington, Notary Public, bas removed hi s offi ce to th e new Art and Library Building, Magog Bridge.

PROGRESL DE 'EST 1887-07-1 9 immeubl e Le bureau du consul at améri cain est auj ourd'hui situé dans le nouvel édifice Morey, près du pont Magog

EXAMINER 1887-08-05 immeuble Mr. S.F. M orey has sold th e parsonage on Brooks st. to Mr. H. Prefonta in e for $2,525.

EXAMINER 1887-09-09 immeuble New Meth odi st Church, Sherbrooke. Gravure. Description du te mple et du Church Hall.

PIONNIER 1887-09-1 5 immeuble M. Farwell , agent des terres pour ce district, vient d'insta ll er son bureau dans la Bâti sse des arts.

PIONNIER 1887-09-15 immeuble M. D. Morkill, agent de la Compagni e d'assurance Atl as de Londres et de la Nati onale d'Irlande a son bureau au no 6 de l'édifice de la sall e de lecture.

PIONNIER 1888-08-09 immeubl e À la Bâti sse des Arts, au vice-consul at améri cain, le drapeau améri cain fl otte en bern e comme marque de respect pour la mémoire du général Sheridan.

EXAMINER 1888-10- 12 immeubl e Grosse ann once de J. Landsberg, magasin qui loge dans le Morey Art Building 72 1

EXAMINER 1888-11-1 6 immeuble When everybody cri es "hard times" Landsberg's store is crowded from earl y morning until Iate evening servin g customers. Many marvel why is this thusly. The reason is easily accoun ted fo r, as he carrics th e best assorted stock in Sherbrooke and his priees are ri ght considering the quali ty.

EXAMINER 1889-02- immeuble Bureaux du Canadian Pacifie Rail way - 6 Commercial Street.

EXAMINER 1890-01-24 immeuble Wc arc sarry to hcar that Mr. J. Landsberg is in business di ffi culty and that hi s store is closed for th e present. We hope it will be a temporary supression.

EXAMINER 1890-03-2 1 immeuble Mr. S. Twose has purchased th e Morey House on Queen st. at th e head of Moore Street. priee $3 ,300.

PIONNIER 1892-03-21 immeuble M . H. Samuel va cesser, au premi er mai prochain, d'occuper le magasin Landsberg, dans la bâtisse des Arts, pour concentrer ses affaires à son magasin de la rue Wellington.

EXAMINER 1897-02-1 9 immeuble City Items - Art Hall being fi tted with electric li ghts.

EXAMINER 1897-06- 11 immeuble New Opera House. City council approved of an Opera House. Will pay $5000. fo r a strip of land in front of Odell's block. To seat 1,000 to 1,200 peopl e.

EXAMINER 1900-06-01 immeuble Council Meeting. Work to begin on Opera House at once. Expected to be ready by September.

EXAMINER 1900-07-11 immeuble City Items - The proposcd Opera House. Mr. Clements, who proposes to erect an Opera House in Sherbrooke, on condi tion th at the city render assistance in the fo rm of a site, was in the city on Monday. Met one or two councill ors ... etc.

TRIBUNE 1920-02-17 immeuble Le Conseil achèterait un local - Ce serait la sa lle des Arts présentement en vente pour la somme approximati ve de $50,000. 722

TRIBUNE 1920-02-20 immeuble La questi on d'un local à l'étude. Le comité de l'hôtel de vill e serait en pourparl ers avec la "Library and Art Uni on" en vue de fa ire l'achat de la bâti sse des Arts qui apparti ent à cette soci été

TRIBUNE 1920-02-25 immeuble On offrira $60,000 pour cet édi fice. Mme Anna Whiting Ansell offrant en vente l'édi fice dans lequel se trouvent actue ll ement les bureaux de la cité. Une option sur la bâti sse des Arts.

TRIBUNE 1920-03-02 immeuble Une séance sa ns grands résultats. L'Hôtel de ville, p. 1

TRIBUNE 1920-03-05 immeuble La Question de l'Hotel de ville. Éditori al. Contre l'achat du Arts Building.

TRIBUNE 1920-03-10 immeuble Le Conseil vote contre l'achat de la Salle des Arts. p. 3

TRIBUNE 1927-11-26 immeuble L'édifice des Arts. Gravure. L'édifice des arts où seront déménagés le printemps prochain les ateli ers et les bureaux de La "Tribune"

TRIBUNE 1928-04-10 immeuble On peut voir ci-dessus la plus récente photographie des nouveaux bureaux et ateli ers de La Tribune, 3 ru e Marquette.

TRIBUNE 1937-07-3 1 immeuble Esquisse de l'hôtel de ville de la rue Wellington-Nord

TRIBUNE 1937-07-31 immeuble Local actuel de la Tribune et du poste CHLT. Photo du Morey Building reproduite de 1890 dans le Dominion Illustrated avec bas de vignette retraçant l'hi stoire de l'immeubl e.

TRIBUNE 1945-11-30 immeuble Bâti sse des Arts. Supplément la Tribune. Description de l'édi fice, des coll ections et hi stoire de la biblioth èque. Loui s C. O'Neil galée non corrigée

TRIBUNE 1960-04-23 immeuble Quand Sherbrooke aura-t-ell e "son" musée des beaux-arts. A li ce Gagné. 723

EXAMINER 1900-11-23 immeuble; dégat City Items - Thi s morning about three square feet of the plaster on th e roof of the A rt Hall feil to th e fl oor. One or two of th e pictures were damaged.

PIONNIER 1887-09- 15 immeuble; réceptions Le lever. À 4 heures de l'après-midi, S. Ex. le Gouvern eur-Général et madame la marquise de Lansdowne in auguraient le salon de la Galeri e, Bibli othèque et musée d'art. .. (nouvell e)

EXAMINER 1887-09-1 6 immeuble; réceptions Reception to Lord and Lady Lansdowne - At 5 o'cl ock p.m. a reception was held in th e Morey Art Gall ery whi ch was weil attended.

EXAMINER 1887- 11 -04 levée de fo nds We are glad to see that ali denominati ons are joining in heartily in th e work of a bazaar for th e Loan Library & Free Reading room and Art Gall ery. The abj ect is a splendid one and it is only ri ght that public energy should be exerciced to th e utmost in the matter. Every person who gives assistance is doing something towards placing a great, free university within the reach of everybody.

EXAMINER 1887-ll-1 8 levée de fonds Another ad fo r the Grand Bazaar

PIONNIER 1888-05-03 levée de fo nds Bazaar annuel de la Société d'Harmonie, lundi et mardi prochains dans la sall e Morey, près du pont Magog. L'Harmoni e méri te d' être encouragée par tous les habitants de Sherbrooke. Ell e rehausse nos fêtes et fa it botmeur à notre cité.

EXAMINER 1894-04-06 levée de fo nds Cafe Chantant, held Friday evening by th e ladi es 111 aid of the New Protestant Hospital. Much success, proceeds of evening $138.00

RECORD 1904-11-1 8 Monument national City News, p. 4. The syndicate who purchased through Dr. J.F. Ri oux the property known as the Young Ladi es Academy, on Marquette St. met last ni ght in one of the hall s of th at hui !d ing fo r the pw-pose of organi zing.

RECORD 1904-11-24 Monument nati onal The fu nds fo r the purchase and addition to the Ladi es' Academy, whi ch will in fu ture be known as th e Monument Nati onal, were raised by subscriptions. Les personnes qui contribuent au fo nds sont nommées dans l'article: J.A. Archambault- L. E. Patmeton. 724

PROGRES DE L 'EST 1905- 11 -2 1 Monument nati ona l Le Monument Nati ona l. Long article sur le nouvel édi fice, description, intéri eur, membres du syndicat. G ravure de l'édifice.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1906-0 1-1 9 M onument nati onal Les directeurs du syndicat du Mo nument Nati onal ont reçu plusieurs envois gratuits de li vres et cartes pour la biblioth èque de l'institution ... il s continueront à recevoir revues etjo unaux, livres, bibelots d'a rt, tableaux, portra its, etc.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1906-01-23 M onument nati ona l Les jeunes ont fondé un nouveau cercle d'amusements sous le nom de Cercle Jacques-Carti er - Les membres ont loué une sall e au Monument Nati onal.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1906-02-02 M onument nationa l Inauguration dimanche prochain du M onument N ati ona l. Bénédi ction donnée par M gr LaRocque. On dom1 e le programme de la semaine : kermesse, parti e de euchre, lanterne magique, etc.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1906-02-06 Monument nati onal L'in augurati on du monument Nati onal. Long compte rendu, très détaill é, texte du di scours, notables présents, etc.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1906-02-06 M onument nati onal Parti e de euchre lundi soir au M onument Nati ona l. Il y avait beaucoup de monde. Prix di stribués. Reportage dithyrambique sur la soirée. PROGRES DE L 'EST 1906-02-09 M onument nati onal Dons fa its au monument N ati ona l. Longue li ste des dons et des donateurs. L ivres, obj ets d'art décoratifs . peintures, dons en argent, photographies encadrées, etc.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1906-02-1 3 Monument nati ona l Au Monument Nati onal. Brillante kermesse qui a rapporté $ 1,250. Concert. Président du syndicat, Dr. Ri oux (fi ls du j uge G.É Rioux)

EXAMINER 1902-1 2-03 municipali sation Amendments to the City Charter. The E lectric li ght questi on di scussed over again

EXAMINER 1902-1 2-08 municipa li sati on LettTe contre la munic ipa li sati on.

EXAMINER 1902-1 2- 15 municipali sation Lettre de M cManamy en réponse aux opposants à la municipali sati on 725

EXAMINER 1902- 12- 17 municipali sati on Municipal ownership - Lettre contre la municipali sation signée Citi zen

PROGRES DE L'EST 1885-03 -13 musée Ouverture d'un Musée. Long article sur la salle de lecture et le projet d'un musée de sciences naturelles, on in vite la populati on française de la ville à s'impliquer dans le projet.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1886-09-21 musée Notes locales - Le projet de M .S.F. Morey est en voie de se réali ser. Achat du terrain - l'édi fice aura 60 pi eds de front et 100 de profondeur. Description : sall es pour la bibliothèque - lecture- musée -etc.

TRIBUNE 1930-11-29 musée Hi stoire du Musée du séminaire Sa in t-Charl es Borromée avec photo du séminaire. Une demi-page sur 5 colonnes

RECORD 193 5-06-20 nécrologie Patri ot, Churchman and I-Iumani tari an. William Amherst Hale

PIONNIER 1886-11-04 promoti ons la salle d'amusement ... fo ndée par F. S. Morey (nouvell e)

PIONNIER 1887-09-08 promoti ons Programme de la visite du gouvern eur général ... 13 septembre 4 b. (nouvelle)

EXAMINER 1892-1 2-02 promoti ons; tribune libre An open letter to ail Res id ents of th e City of Sherbrooke signed by S. F. Morey and W. S. Dresser. - sur 2 colonn es et 3 pages.

EXAMINER 1887-06-03 publicité Artists' Materi als on sale at Waltons DrugStore. (adverti sement)

PIONNIER 189 1-08-25 publicité Le cirque John Robinson, le seul grand cirque qui visitera le Canada cet été. Grand ball et par plus de 100 danseuses. Spectacle biblique de Solomon.

EXAMINER 1899-09-08 publicité Library and Art Uni on of Sherbrooke (advertisement) repeatcd 10-1 6; 11 -03; 11 -08; 11-10; 11-15; 11-1 7

EXAMINER 1899- 12-08 publicité Ad fo r th e Sherbrooke Library and Art Uni on. 726

EXAMINER 1899-1 2-29 publicité L'annonce du Library and Art Uni on parait to utes les semain es

EXAMINER 1902-0 1-03 publicité Publicité pour la Sherbrooke Library & Art Uni on

TRIBUNE 1923- 11-03 publicité Annonce sur 2 colonnes d'un concert de l'Orchestre symphonique de Sherbrooke à la Sall e des Arts, Sherbrooke, dirigé par Irwin Sawdon.

PROGRES DE L'EST 1887-09-1 6 réceptions Réception du gouvern eur tenue à la Salle de Lecture. (Marqui s et marquise de Lansdowne).

EXAMINER 188 7-1 2-30 réceptions The first of the seri es of dancin g parti es of th e Sherbrooke Assemblies was held in the Art Hall last evening with a pretty large attend ance.

EXAMINER 1888-02-10 réceptions Bali givcn by M r. and M rs. Jas. Ross, in the Art Rooms.(news ite m)

EXAMINER 1896-1 2-1 8 réceptions First of season assemblies at Art Hall, 100 dancers present (news item)

EXAMINER 1896-1 2-1 8 réceptions The first of the season's assembli es was held Tuesday evening at th e Art Hall when about 100 dancers were present, and a very agreeabl e affair it proved. Excell ent music was furni shed by Messrs Hubbard , Cline, LcBaron and Jackson. The refreshments were very ni cely arranged and served.

RECORD 1899-11-1 7 réceptions Massawippi Canoe Club Dance at Art Hall

EXAMINER 1899-1 2-06 réceptions M .A.A.C. cuchrc party and concert in rooms oftbe "Mets" (news item)

EXAMINER 1900-02-05 réceptions Bachelors' Bali in th e Art Hall on Friday, attended by about 50 coupl e. Hubbard & orchestra, Mrs. A. G. Lomas, Mrs. Fletcher and Mrs. W.J. Hunt received the guests. Thcre were qui te a number of guests from out of town present.

EXAMINER 1900-02-1 2 réceptions City Items - $26 1 for Hospi tal at Euchre Party 727

EXAMINER 1900-11-23 récepti ons City Items -Dance in the Art Hall auspi ces of Metropolitan Athl eti c Association

EXAMINER 190 1-03-29 réceptions Euchre and Social by Mctropolitan Club in their rooms in the Art Building

EXAMINER 1901-11-28 réceptions Dance in the Art Hall last evening, under the auspi ces of the M.A.A. club was well attended and a very enj oyablc affair. Hubbard's orchestra fu rni shed th e music.

EXAMINER 1902-03- 11 réceptions Y.M.C.A. Banquet at Art Ha ll. Alderman H.B. Arn es, M tl. on good municipal government.

EXAMINER 1903-02-1 3 réceptions City items- Fm·csters Givc An "AT Home", large attendance, meeting fo llowed by a dance. (news item)

EXAMINER 1903- 11 -06 réceptions The X's held one of their seri es of dances in th e Art Hall on Thursday evening.

EXAMINER 1904-01-04 réceptions City Items : Banquet in the Art Hall fo r R.H. Pope, M.P. fo ll owed by a mass meeting on th e 13th at Clement's theatre.

RECORD 1904-12-03 réceptions City News, p.4. Dance at Art Hall last evening. Young men returning the hospitali ty of their girl fr iends extended the same way a month or so ago. About 50 guests, Music Prof. Bourgcault's orchestra.

EXAMINER 1882-02-10 spectacles City Items - Mascarade at the Rink Tuesday ni ght last w ith th e Victoria Band fu rni shing the music

EXAMINER 1884-04-25 spectacles City Items - The Ragan "Illuminated Tours" are drawin g large audiences this week in M tl. Remember the lecture by him in the Congregati onal Church toni ght in a id of that most excell ent institu tion, The Reading Room.

PROGRÈS D E L'EST1 885-02-17 spectacles N.L. Vi site d'une compagni e française de comédi ens. MM. Lord Frères à l'Hôtel de vill e. tragédi e, presti giditation, musique et comédi e. Invite les Canadi ens-français à assister en fo ul e 728

PROGRES DE L'EST 1885-07-21 spectacles Le Cirque Doris. Le plus grand cirque de la terre sera à Sherbrooke le 30 juillet. Vélocipédistc de France, l' écuyer le plus accompli Showles, patineurs sur roulettes de St. Pctersbourg, troupes de Turc, bouffons, éléphants. Procession dans les rues à 1Oh le matin ..

EXAMINER 1885-12-ll spectacles Compte Rendu - David Garrik - Leland T. Powers. The Hall was unfortunate1y not sufficiently weil heated to be comfortable

PIONNIER 1888-06-28 spectacles Une séance dramatique d'un attrait tout spécial sera donnée vendredi soir à 6h . à la Salle des arts par les élèves de l'académie anglaise pour les jeunes gens. Ces élèves vont jouer «en français» ital. une des plus belles comédies de Molière, l'Avare. Cc fa it prouve que la langue française est apprise dans les institutions de notre vi ll e ct nous espérons voir la démonstration de demain couronnée du plus beau succès.

EXAMINER 1889-12-13 spectacles Dramatic Readings from the Art Hall.

EXAMINER 1894-02-23 spectacles Coming - The most important & attractive entertainment of the year in the Art Hall, March 8th, 9th and J Oth. Longue description du spectacle dans la page éditoriale.

EXAMINER 1894-03-02 spectacles City [tems. A welcome return. The Cosgrove Family & Company wi ll retum and appear at the Art Hall Tuesday evening, March 6 when they will give an entire new pro gram.

EXAMINER 1894-04-20 spectacles En parcourant l'Examiner, on constate que le Art Hall souffre d'une grande compétition en cc qui concerne la tenue de spectacles d'envergure. Le Rink Opera, le Methodist Church Hall et leSt. Andrew's Church Hall recoivent beaucoup de troupes de spectacles de l'extérieur.

EXAMINER 1896-03-13 spectacles Full bouse at art Hall for the French Opera Co.

EXAMINER 1898-04-15 spectacles City Items- The Play "King Cami va l" at Art Hall 729

EXAMINER 1900-06-20 spectacles Change of Ha ll s. The Amateur Theatri cals, whi ch was to have been given in the Church Hall , Montreal St. Owing to unavoidabl e circumstances will be given in the Art Ha ll in stead. The proceeds are to be devoted to the new church building fund and it is hoped th at there will be a large attendance tonight.

EXAMINER 1900-06-22 spectacles The Art Hall was fi ll ed on Wednesday evening with an appreciative audience to witness the Amateur Thcatri cals which were very successful in every particular.

EXAMINER 1900-11-1 9 spectacles The Old Favourites. Art Hall , Nov. 27. Popular fa rces. Proceeds in aid of St. Peters Church.

EXAMINER 1900-11 -26 spectacles The Archi e & Flint Musical & Edi scope Co. will open an engagement at the Art Ha ll , Nov. 28. "Moving pi ctures" showin g th e great destructi on th at Happened at Galveston, Texas.

EXAMrNER 19 01 -04-22 spectacles M ovin g pi ctures shown at th e Rink Opera House. Funeral Procession of Queen Vi ctori a.

EXAMINER 1902-05- 14 spectacles Clevcr humori st coming at Art Hall . Ell sewortb Plumstead, under the auspices of th e F01·es tcrs, May 23 .

RECORD 1904-09-22 spectacles P.1 Mr Clement again in charge. Resumes the management of hi s theater 111 Sherbrooke. Arrangin g for a seri es of first class attraction

EXAMINER 1893 -0 l -06 subventi ons City Coun c il report- agreement with Art Union

EXAMINER 1898-1 l-09 subventi ons At th e City Ha ll - Library and Art Uni on Petiti on fo r increase in Grant 2 pages

EXAMINER 1900-03-07 subventions City Council debatc about grants to Art Uni on 3 pages

EXAMINER 1901 - 12-30 subventions Council consid ers letter from Art Union re Carnegie Grant applicati on (news item) 730

EXAMINER 1903-12-30 subventions City financial report shows grant of $500 to L. & A. Un ion (news item)

EXAMINER 1902-06-09 subventions; immeuble; bibliothèeque City Council Meeting- Proposai or Carnegie grant for library building 2 pages

EXAMINER 1902-06-18 subventions; immeuble; bibliothèque City Council Meeting - Accept Carnegie's offer of $15,000 - City Cou neil wi ll erect library building- cost will be about $19,000. 3 pages

EXAMINER 1902-12-22 subventions; immeuble; bibliothèque Citizens meeting at Murray Hall- No to Carnegie Grant- (news item)

EXAMINER 1902-12-31 subventions; tribune libre Letter to the Editor - Reply to Mr. S. F. Morey (letter published in the Record). signed by D. McManamy. 3 pages ANNEXE IX

Les sources pour l'inventaire de la collection de la SLA U.

Tableau VI?

Repérage des oeuvres de la collection permanente de la Sherbrooke Library & A rt Union Les listes de référence pour la préparation des fichiers d' une base de données.

1892 Arcadia = Lettre de Samuel F. Morey, 4 août 1892, publiée dans Arcadia, vol. 1, no 8 (15 August 1892). Cette lettre mentionne huit (8) oeuvres de la collection.

1899 SHS = Liste manuscrite préparée par Samuel F. Morey (Archi ves de la Société d' hi stoire de Sherbrooke Fonds P293/5) qui répertorie 63 œuvres réparties en cinq groupes, huiles, aquarelles, gravures, prêts.

1899 SWE = Liste publiée dans le Weekly Examiner du 27 janvier accompagnant un long article sur la SLAU, le travail accompli et sa collection d'art. Cette li ste présente les mêmes 63 œuvres que la précédente, mais fa it mention en outre de 12 répliques en plâtre de sculptures et bas-reliefs gréco-romains et italiens.

1907 ACRCE-SLAA = Procès-verbaux de la SLA U: 11 janvier : S.F. Morey offre une reproduction du tableau Light of the World de William Holman Hunt, lettre d'acceptation envoyée à Morey. 27 novembre, remerciements adressés à la firme H. Morgan & Co. pour le don d'un tableau de F. S. Cobum.

1917 Courier = Extrait d'un article de Th e Canadian Courrier, vol. XXI2 , no. 1, (2 1 April 19 17), pp. 15-16), 11 oeuvres y sont répertoriées.

1929 ACRCE-SLAA = S25, «Galerie d'art 1929-1969, li stes, correspondance, etc.». Après la vente du Art Building, la SLA U loge ses œuvres à divers endroits et dresse des li stes en conséquence avec évaluation pour fin d'assurance. La li ste qui concerne la YWCA MacKinnon Memorial, identifie 22 œuvres. 1939 ACRCE-SLAA = S25, «Galeri e d'art 1929-1969, li stes, corres pondance, etc.». Une entente survient entre la SLAU et le Sherbrooke Temple Ltd. qui répertorie une douzaine d'œuvres mais comme cette liste donne peu de renseignements , seulement quatre ( 4) œuvres ont pu être clairement id entifiées.

1960 ACRCE-SLAA = S25, «Galerie d'art 1929-1 969, li stes, correspondance, etc. ».Vers 1960, la SLAU demande au Dr Evan Turner, directeur du Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal d'évaluer 13 œuvres dont 11 sont assez clairement identifiées pour s' insérer dans le répertoire File Maker Pro.

1965 ACRCE-SLAA = S25, « Galeri e d'art 1929-1 969, listes, correspondance, etc. ».Une li ste manuscrite, di ffi cilement déchi ffrable, préparée par Margaret Bishop, décrit 13 œuvres.

1969 ACRCE-SLAA = S25, « Galerie d'art 1929-1 969, li stes, correspondance, etc. ». Divers mémoires et feuillets fo nt état de la vente et de la consignati on de 16 œuvres à Mme Warda Drummond, courtière en œuvres d'art de Montréa l. Library Art Union Sherbrooke Que. Catalogue des tableaux, aquarelles, dessins, gravures et reproductions dans la collection d' art de la SLAU T a bi eaux a' l'h utî e = TH A.quare Il es = AP D essms, gravures, repro d uct10ns DGR Re. pltqur es en platrer RP Code No Titre Artiste 1892 1899 1907 1917 1929 1939 1960 1965 1969 TH 001 Holy Family Old Master (copie) x x x x x x Andrea del Sarto TH 002 SummerDay A.T. Bricher x x x x x x x Isle of Shoals TH 003 The M.A. Bell x x x x x x convalescent TH 004 Crawford F.M. Bell-Smith x x x x x x x Notch WM TH 005 Woodland D. W. Tryon x x x x x x x Scene TH 006 Landscape H.W. Ranger x x x TH 007 Potato Field Henry Sandham x x x x x TH 008 Oxen going to C. Troyon (copie) x x x work TH 009 Twilight J.W. Morrice x x TH 010 Ca tt le T.C.V. Ede x x x x TH 011 Jealousy Geo. Barse x x TH 012 Study of Anonyme x Man's Head TH 013 Mount Orford J.A. Fraser x x x TH 014 Massawipi Mme Fullerton x Code No Titre Artiste 1892 1899 1907 1917 1929 1939 1960 1965 1969 TH 015 Landscape Minnie Gill x x x x TH 016 Sunset at the M.A. Bell x x x Beach TH Bolton Pass Allan Edson x TH Village larre Wm. Brymner x x x x in lreland TH Fi shing Port John Hammond x x x x x at Low Tide TH Old rail ferree Percy W oodcock x x TH Id ling George A. Reid x x x x x TH Roses Mary Hiester Reid x TH ? R.N. Hudspeth x TH Girl washing F.S. Cobum x x x x x chair TH Grandmother F.A. Dawson x x Peeling apples TH Fiddler and Aimé Pez x x x x Children TH Ca tt le ? x x x TH 151 Califomian H.C. Ford x x x x x Canon AP 050 A Frosty Claude Hayes, R.A. x x x Morning AP 051 Seine, Paris Mme Fullerton x x Code No Titre Artiste 1892 1899 1917 1929 1939 1960 1965 1969 AP 052 Autumn Road G. Chavignaud x x x AP 053 Ri ver & trees G. Chavignaud x x x AP 054 Fish W .. S. Hunter x AP 055 Moonrise Melbourne x x Hardwick AP Rapids A. Montminy x x x Woods DGR 100 The fountain Photolithographi e, x x d'après Schreyer DGR 101 Marine Chromolithographie, x d'après Ross Turner DGR 102 Roses Chromolithographie x d'une aquarelle DGR 103 Portrait Dessin, F.S. Coburn x DGR 104 Marine Photolithographie, x d'après M . Couraut DGR 105 The Comfield Eau forte, d'après x Constable DGR 106 Portrait Mezzotint gravure x DGR 107 Auto Portrait J.F. Millet x photolithographie DGR 108 Auto Portrait Rembrandt x photolithographie DGR 109 Landscape Chromo! i thographie x DGR 110 Madonna Photolithographie, x x d'après Murillo Code No Titre Artiste 1892 1899 1907 1917 1929 1939 1960 1965 1969 DGR 111 Christ' s D 'après G. Doré x Descent Into (épreuve d'artiste) DGR 11 2 The Chri stian D'après G. Doré x Martyrs (épreuve d'artiste) DGR 11 3 Old Ball Dessin avec rehauts x block George Bompas DGR 114 Three views Gravures de 1845 x of Sherbrooke ( Wm. Bartlett ?) DGR 115 Portrait photolithographie x DGR 11 6 Photographs Scènes de x Sherbrooke DGR 117 Photographs Edifices et x monuments célèbres DGR 11 8 Christ devant D 'après Nunkacoy x Pilate DGR Ligbt of the Photolithographie x World d'après W.H. Hunt RP 1 The Wrestler Art grec x RP 2 Hermes Bust Art grec x RP 3 Venus de Art grec x M ilo RP 4 Diana of Art Grec x Versailles RP 5 Singing Boys Italien, d'après x Lucca Della Robbia

-.J w 00 Code No Titre Artiste 1892 1899 1907 1917 1929 1939 1960 1965 1969 RP 6 St. John Italien, d 'après x Donatello RP 7 Madonna and Bas-reli ef, Italien, x Child d'après Donatello RP 8 Madonna and Bas-relief, Italien, x Child d'après Lucca Della Robbia RP 9 Madonna and Bas-reli ef, Italien, x Child d 'après Della Robbia RP 10 Madonna Haut-relief, d'après x Andrea Della Robbia, RP 11 La belle D 'après modèle x italienne vivant RP 12 Diana Art grec x


Courtes biographies des artistes cités dans la thèse

A-0 1 Coll ecti on permanente de la SLA U A-02 Peintres de la collecti on de S. F. Morey A-03 Peintres de la coll ection Gibbs prêtés par I'AAM A-04 Pein tres de la collection de la Galerie nationale du Canada, expositions 1916 ct 1918

Sources di verses.


Liste des artistes - Biographies

A-01 Collection permanente de la SLA U

George Randolph Barse (186 1-1 938) Né à Détroit. Il se rend à Pari s en 1879 où durant six ans il étudi e à l'École des Beaux-Atts, À l'Académi e Julien et AUX ateli ers de Jules Lefebvre, Boul anger et A. Cabanel. À compter de 1904, il vit à New York où il mourut. On lui a décerné de no mbreux prix, 1'Acadé mi e à Paris en 1882, le New En gland à Boston en 1885, le National Academy of Des ign en 1895, le Shaw Fund de la Society of Ameri can Artists en 1898 et la médaille de la Buffa lo Exposition en 190 1. Il a été membre du Century Club de New York, la National Academy of Design, la Society of Ameri can Arti sts, l' Academy of Arts and Letters et le Salmagundi Club.

Mary Alexandra Bell Eastlake (1864-1 951 ) Née à Douglas, Ont. Elle étu die à Montréal sous puis à New York à l' Art Students League sous Wm. Chase; En 1885, elle étudie à Pari s à l'Académi e Colarossi. Exécute des commandites à New York en 1886. Visite la France et l'Angleten e en 1890 puis Pari s en 189 1. Ell e enseigne à la Victori a School of Art de Montréal en 1892. E lle s' installe à Almonte, Ont. en 1893. Elle mari e le pein tre anglais Charles H. Eastlake, vit en Angletene et voyage beaucoup en Europe et en As ie. Ell e revient à Almonte en 1939 et y vit jusqu'à sa mort. Membre de l'A.R.C.A. en 1893 .

Frederick Marlett Bell-Smith (1846-1933) Né à Londres, il étudie à la South Kensington Art Schoo1; émi gre au Canada en 1866; photographe, peintre, illustrateur à Montréal, Toronto, Hamilton, London; étudie à l'Académi e Colarossi à Paris en 1896, professeur de beaux-arts à l' Alma Coll ege; St. Thomas; membre de l'O.S.A1 . en 872 et de l' A.R.C.A. en 1880. Mort à Montréal.

George J. Bompas (18 12- 1889) Né à Bristol, Angletene, il étudi e la médecin e à Cambridge et Edinbourg; il émigre au Canada en 1860 et s'établit à Bury, dans les Cantons de l'Est; Il enseigne la botanique et l'art au Stanstead Coll ege et à Bis hop's College au li eu de pratiquer la médecine. Il produit un grand nombre de paysages, dessin au crayon et huile. Ministre baptiste il a composé plusieurs hymnes. Il s'install e à Lennox vi Il e1 en 884 où il mourut en 1889. Artiste de talent, on lui doit de nombreux dessin s de la région dont plusieurs furent reproduits dans le Canadian lllustrated News. Une œuvre de Bompas, représentant les chutes de la ri vière Magog à Sherbrooke, faisa it partie de la co llection de la SLA U. 744

Alfred Thompson Bricher (1837-1908) Né à Portsmouth, NH, fi ls d'un Anglais émi gré aux États-Unis en 1820. Il étudie à la Lowell lnstitute de Boston s'établit en 1859 comme artiste peintre à Newburypo11, Mass. En 1869, il s'installe à New York à la faveur d ' un e entente avec la fim1e de chromoli thographie Louis Prang & Co qui assure une large diffusion à son œ uvre. Mort à New Dorp, Staten Island, N .Y.

William Brymner (1855-1925) Né à Greenock, Écosse, il vient au Canada en 1857; étudie l'architecture à Ottawa, puis à Paris à l'Académie Julian et avec Carolus-Duran après 1878; dirige des classes de 1'A rt Association of Montreal de 1886 à 1921. Admiré par ses étudiants, il aura une grande influence sur le développement de la peinture canadierme. Membre de I'O.S.A. en 1886, de l'A .R.C.A. en 1883, de la R.C.A. en 1886, présid ent de la R. C.A. de 1909 à 191 8. Mort à Wallasey, Cheshire.

George Chavignaud (1865-1 944) Né à Finisterre, près de Brest. Enfance en Bretagne où il cannait Corot. Il étudie au coll ège Charlemagne de Paris. Va à New Yo1 rk en 882 puis à Toronto en 1884 où il est directeur arti stique d'une maison d'édition. Il a un ateli er à Sherbrooke en 1894. Il étudie durant sept ans à Paris sous Jacob Smets, puis à Bruxe ll es sous Isid ore Verheyden. Il revient au Canada en 1904 et peint à l'Ile d'Orléans. E n 1912, il devient principal du Victoria College of Art , Halifax. S'établi t à Kleinberg, ont. en 1919 puis à Meadowvale en 1927. Mort à Meadowvale.

Frederick Simpson Coburn ( 187 1-1960) Né à Upper Melbourne, Québec, il étudie à Montréal, New York, Berlin, Londres et Anvers. Membre de I' A.R.C.A. en 1020, de la R. C.A.1 en 927.

F. A. Dawson, s.d. Décrit comme peintre amateur, Dawson expose à la AAM en 1886, no 116, Th e Falls of Montmorency, En 1902, il présente trois tableaux à l'exposition de l' Académie royale des arts du Canada, nos 41 ,42,43,. Son adresse est alors le 38 ru e Court, Sherbrooke, Que.

Frederic Charles Vi pond Ede ( 1865-1907) Né au Montana, États-Unis. Adolescence à Toronto où il étudie à l'Ontario School of Art sous George Reid et Atkinson; il étudie à Montréa l sous Cull en et à Pari s sous Fleury et Bouguereau. Après 189 1 il vit à Montigny-sur-Loire en France. Membre de l'O.S.A. 1886-1897.

Aaron Allan E d son (1846-1888) Né à Stanbridgc, Québec, il étudie à Montréal avec Robert Duncanson puis durant deux ans à Paris avec Léon Pelouse de 1864 à 1866. Il revient à Montréal et est 745 membre fo ndateur de la Société des artistes canadi ens en 1867. Il est membre de la R.C.A. en 1880. Il ira passer trois ans à Pari s à compter de 1883 et revient au Canada en 1886. M ort à Glen Sutton, Québec.

Henry Chapman Ford ( 1828-1 894) Né à Livoni a, New York, i 1 étudi e à Pari s et Florence de 1857 à 1860. Enrolé dans la Guerre civil e, il produit des esquisses pour la presse illustrée. Licencié après un an pour raison de santé, il sc rend à Chi cago où il sera le premier paysagiste professionnel. De santé fragil e, il recherche un climat plus cl ément et s'installe à Santa Barbara, Ca li fo rni e où il demeure jusqu 'à sa mort. Il publie en 1883 Etchings of the Franciscan Missions of California.

John Arthur Fraser ( 1838- 1898) Né à Londres, il étudie à l' école de la Royal Academy; émi gre dans les Cantons de l'Est, au Québec, en J 856; travaille aux studios de photographie Notman à Montréal et à Toronto de 1860 à 1863, et par la sui te aux États-Uni s; peint dans les Rocheuses en 1886; membre de la Société des artistes canadi ens de M ontréal en 1867; de I'O.S.A. en 1872,de la R.C.A. en 1880. Mort à New York.

Full erton, now Mrs. Watts of Montreal [dans la li ste] J. Fullarton (Acti ve au milieu du 19e siècle). Peintre de portraits au pastel et dessin atri ce de portraits au crayon. Trava il dans un style naîf agréable. Réputée vernir des Cantons de l'Est, et Mrs. Etta Watts (Acti ve de 1895 à 1900). Peintre à M ontréa l. Expose des paysages à l' huile et des tableaux de genre.

G ill , Miss M ., of Lennoxvill e. [dans la li ste - G il dans une autre] Mary Jane Catherine « Minnie » Gill (Acti ve de 1897 à 1905) Peintre de paysages à l'huile à Lennoxville, Québec.

John Hammond ( 1843-1 939) Né à Montréal, il vit à Londres et en Nouvell e-Zélande de 1866 à 1869; travaille aux studios de photographie Notman de M ontréal; se joint à M illet et Whistler en Europe; pein t les Rocheuses canadi ennes; dirige l'Owens Art Institue, à Saint John, N .-B., puis l' école de Beaux-Arts de l'uni versité Mount Alli son de 1907 à 19 19; membre de l'O.S.A. en 1873, de l' A. R.C.A. en 1890, de la R.C.A. en 1893. Mort à Sackville, N.-B.

Melbourne Havelock Hardwick ( 1857-1 916) Le peintre est né à Digby, Nouvell e-Écosse et décédé à Waverly, Mass. Il a étudié sous Tricott, Layter et Bl oomers. Il a été membre du Boston Art Club, de la Boston Society of Watercolor Painters, de la Connecticut Academy of Fin e Arts et du Salmagundi Club ( 1907) de New-York. 746

Claude Hayes, Rl .ROI. (1852-1 922). Éminent et réputé paysagiste ct portraiti ste de Dublin. S'évade pour vivre en mer. Plus tard , il étudiera à Hcatherl cys & RAA School puis à Anvers sous Verl at. Il participe à un grand nombre d'expositions.

Robert Norman Hudspeth ( 1862-1 943) Né à Seneca, Ont. Il étudi e durant deux ans à l'Académi e Julian à Pari s. À Mimico, O nt. en 1906, il pein t des portraits et autres sujets à l'huile et à l'aquarelle. Ayant étudié la théologie en vue de devenir ministre ang li can, il n'a ja mais été ordonné mais a surtout été enseignant à l' Uni versité Bishop 's puis à Concord , Mass. M ort à Concord .

William S. Hunter (1823-1 894) Né à St-Jean, Québec. Peintre et illustrateur. Il épouse Nancy Parsons, de Stanstead, Québec. À Stanstcad en 185 7 il est inscri t comme arti ste et concepteur mais plus tard en tant que manu facturi er de chaussures. Il peint surtout des paysages mais aussi des portraits à l'huile. Il produit des scènes de la région d'Ottawa lithographiées par Buffard en 1855 pui s cell es des Cantons de l'Est li thographiées par Buffard en 1860.

Alphonse Montminy (187 1- 1955) Peintre amateur de Sherb rooke qui a épousé la fi ll e de J. A. Archambault, un membre fo ndateur de la S.L.A .A.

James Wilson Morrice (1865-1 924) Né à Montréal, il étudie la pein ture à l'Académie Julian à Pari s vers 1889 et sous Henri Harpigni es; subi t l'influence de Whi stl er et de Pu vis de Chavannes, demeure surtout à Pari sv, mais isite le Canada, les Indes occidentales, l'Afrique du Nord et Veni se; pein t avec Mati sse. Membre du Club d'art canadi en de 1907 à 19 15, de la R.C. A. en 19 13.

Augustus J. P ell (Actif 1859-1885) Pein tre, graveur et doreur. Connu surtout comme sculpteur sur bois à Montréal mais dirige aussi une galeri e d 'art. Expose des sculptures sur bois ct des paysages à l' huile et à l'aquarell e.

Aimé Pez ( 1808-1849) Né a Toumai en 1808, mort à Anvers en 1849. (école belge). Elèvc de M. Van Brée ct F. De Braekclccr. Auteur de portrait s. de suj ets hi storiques. de li gures ct surt ou t de :--cènes de genre. On voit de lui au Musée de Montréal La dance des enfants.

Henry Ward Ranger (1858-1 9 16) Né dans l'état de New-York. Autodidacte en ta nt qu'artiste même s' il a passé plusieurs ann ées en Ho ll ande. Pein t au Canada à compter de 1882 surtout dans la vill e de Québec ct à l'Il e-aux-oies. Durant le printemps et l'a utomne au cours de cin q où six 747 ans, il peint à Berthier-en-haut. Reçoit plusieurs médailles amcncaincs pour ses tableaux. Membre de la N.A. en 1906. Membre de la A.W.C.S. Mort à New-York.

George Agnew Reid, R.C.A. ( 1860-1 947) Né à Wingham, Ont., il étudi e à la Central Ontario School of Art sous Robert Harris ct John A. Fraser de 1879 à 1882, à la Pennsylvani a Academy à Philadelphie sous Thomas Eakins de 1882 à 1885, aux académi es Julian et Colarossi à Paris en 1888- 1889; peint surtout à Toronto; enseigne à l'Ontario Coll ege of Art de 1890 à 1928. Membre de I'OS.A. en 1885, de l'A.R.C.A. en 1885, de la R. C.A. en 1890, président de la R.C.A. en 1906-1 907. Mort à Toronto.

Mary Hi ester Reid, A.R.C.A. ( 1854-1 921) Née à Reading (Pcnnsvylvani e). Ell e étudie avec Thomas Eakins à la Pennsylvania Academy of Art au début des années 1880. E lle y fait la connaissance de son futur mari , le Canadien George Agnew Reid. Le couple s'i nstalle à Toronto en 1885 ct deviennent des in contournabl es de la communauté artistique locale. Mary Hiester Reid a été l'une des premières fe mmes à être acceptée comme membre de l'Ontario Society of Artists et la Royal Canadian Academy of Arts. Meurt à Toronto (Ontario).

J. Henry Sandham (1842-191 0) Né à Montréal, il travaille aux studios de photographie Notman à Montréal avec Jacobi, Fraser et d'autres; à Sain t John, N.-B., vers la fin des années 1870; étudie en Angleterre en 1880; ses illustrations sont en vogue à Boston en 1888; membre de I'O.S.A. en 1873, de la R.C.A. en 1880. Mort oublié en Angleterre.

Dwight William Tryon, ( 1849-1925) Né à Hartford, il étudie sous Jacquesson de la Chevreuse à Paris de 1876 à 1881. Selon la sa ison, il vit, soit à New York ou à South Dartmouth, Mass. Il enseigne la peinture et le dessin durant près de 40 ans à Smith Coll ege et sera l' initiateur du Smith Coll ege Museum of Art. Il a remporté le prestigieux Webb Prize de la Society of American Arti sts en 1889.

Percy FrankJyn Woodcock, (1855-1936) Né à Athens, Ont., il étudi e à l'école des Beaux-Arts à Paris de 1878 à 1884 et avec Constant de 1884 à 1887; habite à Brockville, Ont., de 1887 à 19 11 , puis à Montréal. Membre de I' A.R.C.A. en 1883, de la R.C.A. en 1886. Mort à Montréal. 748

A-02 Peintres de la collection de S. F. Morey

Benjamin Champney (1817-1907) Ce peintre américain , associé à la Hudson Ri ver School est né au New Hampshire. Il s' intéressa surtout aux paysages des «White Mountains», région où il in stalla son studio en 1853 . Fondateur du Boston Art Club en 1855, il exposa réguli èrement au Boston Athenaeum.

Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot (1796-1875) Un peintre paysagiste français, né le 16 juillet 1796 à Pari s ct mort à Pari s, le 22 février 1875. Corot est parfois appelé« le père de l' impressionnisme». Il est enterré au Père Lachaise.

Gustave Courtois ( 1853-1923) Peintre académique français, élève de Jean-Léon Gérômc ( 1824-1904). Courtois enseigna à l' Académi e Coll arossi où il fonna plusieurs artistes américains et canad iens, entre autres, Maurice Prendergast (1859-1924) ct F.M . Bell-Smith (1846- 1923).

Thomas Couture (1815-1879) Né à Senlis le 21 décembre 18 15 et décédé à Villiers-le-Bclle 30 mars 1879 était un peintre de style académique, auj ourd'hui connu pour sa célèbre composition Les Romains de la décadence (Musée d'Orsay) et pour avoir été le professeur d'Édouard Manet.

Charles Harry (Henry) Eaton (1850-190 1) Pein tre américain né en Ohio, membre associé de la National Academy of Design en 1893. Un de ses tableaux« The Willows »est présenté à l'Expositi on Uni verselle de Pari s en 1889, puis au World's Fair de Chicago en 1893 .

George Inness (1825-1894) George Inness était un paysagiste américain qui s'est formé par des essais et des voyages en Europe. Il a commencé à travailler à New York mais s'install e dans u11 faubourg de Boston en 1859. L'école de Barbizon et le mouvement romantique l'ont influencé et il fut éventuell ement associé à la Hudson Ri ver School. Plus tard il s'éloigne de cette tendance ct aborde des suj ets intimistes de façon plus libérée. L'oeuvre d'Inness refl ète également sa profonde spiritualité et revet un aspect symboli ste. Certains le considèrent comme le plus important paysagiste du 19e siècle.

Hugh Bolton Jones ( 1848-1 927) Peintre américain, né à Baltimore, très apprécié pour ses paysages influencés par la Hudson Ri ver Schoo l. En 1876, il voyage en Europe où il peint à Pont Aven, en Bretagne. De retour aux États-Uni s en 1880, il est élu membre associé de la National 749

Academy of Design. Il se di stingue aux expositi ons universell es de Pari s1 en 899 et 1900, et au St. Loui s World 's Fair en 1904.

Adolphe Monticelli (1824-1 886) Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli est un pein tre français né en 1824 et décédé en 1886. Il fut influencé à la foi s par Eugène Delacroix, les œuvres du Louvre et l'atmosphère provençale- plus que par les voyages en Ori ent qu'il ne fit pas. Les peintres marseill ais tels que Brest ou Chataud lui communiquent dans leurs œuvres leurs impressions de voyage, et lui inspirent peut-être ses scènes de harem et ses entrées de mosquées. Sa touche audacieuse, empâtée est proche de cell e de Narcisse Diaz ou de Feli x Ziem dont il a sui vi les cours.

Valentino Molina ( 1880-1 954) De descendance espagnole et itali enne, Molina naqui t à Savannah en Georgie. Personnage mystéri eux et controversé qui se présentait comme Comte Valentino Molina, il devint le protégé de Mme Gustavus Lucke, veuve d'un important marchand de Sherbrooke et partenaire de J. S. Mitchell. Molina aurait fa it plusieurs voyages en Europe en compagni e de Mme Lucke, dont un séj our à Pari s vers 1905- 1906, où il aurait étudié avec Jean-Paul Laurens à 1'Aca démi e Julian. Puis, il se fi xe à Lenn oxvill e et se li e d'ami tié avec certain s mécènes de la région comme, entre autres, Samuel Foote Morey, dont il fe ra un portrait en 1916 (Coll ection V ille de Sherbrooke). On lui doit aussi un portrait de Cha1111 el G. Hepburn (Coll ecti on Uni versité Bishop's) et celui d' une dame in connue (coll ecti on privée). De 1914 à 19 16 il expose à l'Art Associati on of Montrea l où il présente un portrait de sa bi enfa itri ce, M me Gustavus Lucke, et des paysages.

William Edward Norton (1 843 -1 916) Ce peintre améri cain, né à Boston, a étudi é au Lowell Institute de cette ville en compagni e de George Inness. Il peint surtout des marines, inspiré par ses sorti es en mer sur des bateaux appartenant à sa fa mille. Après des études d'art à Pari s en 1870, il s'install e à Londres où ses scènes de la Tami se sont très appréciées des coll ectionneurs. Au moin s deux ta bl eaux de Norton fu rent présentés à l'Expositi on universelle de Chi cago en 1893 .

Léon Germain Pelouse ( 1838-1 89 1) Il naît le 1er octobre 1838 à Pierrelaye (Val d'Oise), vill age dans lequel il passe une grande partie de son enfance. Pelouse meurt, à l'âge de cinquante trois ans, ru e Poncelet à Pari s3 le 1 juillet 189 1. Léon Germain Pelouse reste un des meill eurs paysagistes de la derni ère générati on d'a rti stes du XIXème siècle. Les œuvres qu'il laisse, lui va lent assurément de compter parmi les maîtres paysagistes les plus ta lentueux. Au-delà de son art, il reste le fo ndateur et le chef d'école des peintres de 750

Cern ay. Le grand nombre de ses élèves dont Dameron, Joubert, Ki tty Ki elland, Lemari é des Landell es, Rambaud, Ri golot, en constitue l'un des témoignages les plus marquants.

Augustin Théodule Ribot (1 823-1 89 1) Il est né à Saint-Nicolas-d 'Attez, Eure, le 8 août 1823 - mo1t le Il septembre 1891 à Colombes, Hauts de Seine. Ses tableaux peu nombreux sont auj ourd ' hui très recherchés.

Henry Pember Smith ( 1854- 1907) Peintre américain , né au Connecti cut. Probabl ement autodidacte, il est surtout connu pour ses paysages et ses marines. À partir de 1877, Smith s' install e à New York où il expose régulièrement à la Nati onal Academy of Design, bi en qu ' il n'en sera jamais membre.

Willem Tho1en ( 1860-1 93 1) Né à Amsterd am (Pays-Bas), le 13 févri er 1860 Meurt à La Haye (Pays-Bas), le 05 décembre 193 1

Constant Troyon ( 18 10 -1865) (28 août 1810 à Sèvres - 2 1 févri er 1865 à Paris) Peintre français, il peint essentiell ement des paysages et des animaux, qui firent sa célébrité. Parmi ses œuvres les plus célèbres, citons: le Marché aux bestiaux, le Braconnier, Avant l'orage ...

Dwight W. Tryon (1 849-1 925) (voir A-01)

A-03 Peintres de la collection Gibbs prêtés par 1.' AAM

Bossuet, François-Antoine, 1800-1894 Bossuet, François-Antoine, 1800- 1899, Ypres 1798- Saint-Josse-ten-Noode 1889. Pein tre traditionali ste et romantique de paysages mais surtout de vues urbaines. Architecte. Élève aux Académi es d'Anvers (G. Herreyns) et de Bruxell es. Professeur à l'Académie de Bruxelles (1 832-74). Entreprend de nombreux voyages, en Espagne, en Itali e, au Maroc, en Allemagne et aux Pays-Bas, voyages qui sont parfo is des mi ssions diplomatiques. A du succès grâce à ses vues urbain es romantiques, réa li sées avec précision et une parfaite maîtrise de la perspecti ve. Ces quali tés le rendent très important au plan iconographique. Auteur du Traité de Perspecti ve. Oeuvres aux Musées d'Anvers, Bruges, Bruxell es, Gand , Ypres, Li ège, Ostende, Berlin, Leipzig, Stu ttgart, Montréal et Philadelphie.

Joseph Nikolaus Butler (peintre allemand, 1822-1885)

Heuvel, Theodore-Bernard, 1817 - 1906 ------


~oormans,Franz, 1831-1873 Artiste hollandais réputé du 19e siècle, ongmaire de Rotterdam, il s'est surtout di stingué par des portraits et des tableaux de genre. Il avait étudié à l'Académi e des beaux-arts d'Anvers et a enseigné à l'Académi e des beaux-arts d'Amsterdam. Il a participé à de nombreuses expositions dont le Salon des artistes français de Paris où il obtint une médaille pour l'Exposition universelle. On peut trouver de ses oeuvres aux Musées des beaux -arts de Montréal ct Rouen.

Nyhof, Elie (E.F.), s.d.

Percy, Sidney Richard Williams, 1825-1886

Salentin, Hubert, 1822-1906 Natif de Zulpich, Allemagne, il a étudi é et travaillé à Dusseldorf. Il a produit des tableaux de genre et décoré des intérieurs d'églises. On trouve de ses oeuvres dans plusieurs musées européens dont On the way to Church dans le musée de Hambourg. Il est décédé à Dusseldorf.

Savry, Hendrick, 1823-1907

De Vylder, C. s.d.

Weiser, B. s.d.

A-04 Peintres de la collection de la Galerie nationale. Expositions 1916/1918

James Barnsley (1861-1 929) Peintre et graveur né au Haut-Canada, Barnsley fit ses premi ères études en art à Saint-Louis, aux États-Unis, de 1879 à 1882. On le retrouve ensuite à Paris, où il fréquente les ateliers de peintres français et voyage à travers la France, l'Irlande et l'Écosse, réali sant de nombreux croquis. De retour au pays, il enseigne à la Art Association of Montreal de 1889 à 189 1. Il cesse de peindre en 1892 et meurt à Montréal, après une longue maladie en 1929.

Frederick ~. Bell-Smith, R.C.A. (1846-1923) (voir A-0 1)

Harry Britton, A.R.C.A. (1878-1958) Né à Cambridge, Angleterre, il est au Canada dès 188 1. Britton fait ses premi ères études en art à Toronto puis, de façon intermittente, il vit et étudie en Angleterre. Il voyage également en France, aux Pays-Bas et en Italie. De 1914 à 1921 , il donne des 752

cours d 'art privés à Toronto. Il s'in stall e en Nouvell e-Écosse de 1925 à 1934, pour revenir ensuite à Toronto où il meurt en 1958.

J. Archibald Browne, A.R.C.A. (1862-1948) J.A. Browne est né à Liverpool, Angleterre. Il étudia à la célèbre Glasgow School of Art de 1882 à 1884. Après un stage comme commis dans une banque d ' Écosse, il immigre au Canada en 1888, où il travaill e un certain temps dans le même domaine à Toronto. Poursuivant en parallèle sa carrière de peintre, il devint membre associé de 1' Académie royale des arts du Canada en 1898.

Franklin Brownell, R.C.A. ( 1866-1946) Peintre et dessinateur, Peleg Franklin Brownell est né au Massachu setts. Premières études en art à Boston v. J 879, puis à Paris où il travaill e avec Robert-Fleury et Bouguereau à l'Académie Julian, de 1880 à 1883. Il s'install e à Ottawa dès 1886, comme directeur de l 'Ottawa Art School. Membre fondateur du Canadian Art Club, 1907, Browne ll est surtout connu pour ses scènes de genre et ses paysages réali sés dans la région de la Gatineau, cell e de Gaspé, au Québec, et d ' A lgoma en Ontario. On lui doit aussi plusieurs scènes lumineuses réali sées lors de voyages dans les Anti ll es en 19 11 -19 12. En 1960, la coll ection pennanente de la Galerie nationale comptait vingt huiles et pastels de ce peintre très populaire dans la première moitié du 20e siècle, mais dont l'oeuvre est aujourd' hui moins di ffusée.

William Brymner, R.C.A. (1855-1925) (voir A-0 1)

Frederick S. ChaUener, R.C.A. (J 869-1 959) Peintre, murali ste, illustrateur, Challener est né en Angleterre mais, dès sa tendre enfa nce, sa famille s'installe au Canada. C'est à l 'Ontario School of Art qu ' il fa it ses premi ères études en art. Par la suite, il travaill e l' illustration à la Toronto Lithographing Co. Dès 1896, il enseigne à la Central Ontario School of Art and Design, puis de 1927 à 1952, à l'Ontario Co/lege of Art. Peintre de genre et de paysage, on lui doit aussi plusieurs peintures murales représentant des figures all égoriques, dont cell es réalisées en 190 1 pour le Rus el! Th eatre à Ottawa, démoli en 1928 et, en 1907, pour le Royal Alexandra Theatre à Toronto.

William Henry Clapp, A.R.C.A., (1879-1954) Né à Montréal, ce pein tre passa une partie de son enfance en Californie. De retour au pays en 1900, il s'inscrit à l'école de la Art Association of Montreal, où il travaillera trois ans sous la direction de William Brymner, R. C.A. Il part ensuite pour la France où il étudie avec Jean-Paul Laurens, Tony Robert-Fleury à l'Académie Julian, fréquentant aussi 1'Aca démi e de la Grande Chaumière et 1'Aca démi e Colarossi, de 1904 à 1908. Durant cette période, il voyage et peint en Espagne et en Belgique avant de rentrer à Montréal. Il séjournera à Cuba de 1915 à 1917. Après quoi, il s ' in stalle définitivement à Oakland, Cali fornie, où il fo nde sa propre école d'art et dirige la 753

Oakland Art Ga!Le1y jusqu'en 1949. L'un des plus «impressionnistes» parmi les arti stes de sa génération , Clapp meurt à Oakland en 1954.

Maurice Galbraith Cullen, R.C.A. (1866-1934) Né à Saint-Jean, Terre-Neuve, il vient à Montréal en 1870; étudie la sculpture avec Philippe Hébert ct la peinture à l'école des Beaux-Arts à Paris de 1889 à 1892 ; fait d'autres voyages en Europe ; peint surtout à Montréal après 1895 ; passe ses étés à Beaupré jusqu 'en 1920, puis au lac Tremblant. Membre de l'A.R.C.A. en 1899, de la R.C.A. en 1907, du Club d'art canadien de 1908 à 1915. Mort à Chambly, Québec.

William M. Cutts, A.R.C.A. (1857-1943) Né en Inde, ce peintre immigre au Canada en 1870. Il s'établit d' abord à Stratford, puis à Toronto, et enfin à Port Perry, Ontario, où il réside jusqu'à la fin de sa vie. De 1909 à 191 2, il effectue un séjour à St. Ives, sur la côte de Cornouailles, Angleterre, li eu très fréquenté par les artistes de l'époque et l'équivalent anglais de ce qu'était Pont-Aven en Bretagne pour les peintres français.

Léon Dabo (1868-1960) Ce peintre de paysages et de décorations murales est né de parents français, à Grosse Pointe, Michigan, Il obtient un e première formation en art à New-York, auprès du peintre John LaFarge. Sous les conseil s de ce derni er, il part pour Pari1 s en 885 où il s'inscrit à l'École des Arts Décoratifs et travaille la décoration murale sous Puvis de Chavannes. On le retrouve ensuite à 1'Éco le des Beaux-Arts et l' Académie Julian. En 1887, il travaill e à Rome et à Florence, puis à Londres, de 1888 à 1889, où il fréquente l'ateli er de James A. Whistler. De retour à New-York en 1890, il devient 1'ass istant de La Farge et apprend la technique du vitrail. Il exécute des décorations murales et des cartons pour vitraux dans plusieurs égli ses catholiques de 1' État de New York. Dabo sera très impliqué dans l'organi sation du célèbre Armory Show, New-York, 191 3, où il présente quatre tableaux. Nommé Chevali er de la Légion d' honneur en 1934, il s' in stall e à Pari s à partir de 193 7 jusqu 'au début de la deuxième guerre mondiale puis y retournera pour peindre et exposer de 1948 à 1951 . Il meurt à New York en 1960.

Charles Dagnac-Rivière ( 1864-1945) Peintre de genre français né à Paris. É lève de Boulanger et Constant à l'École des Beaux-Arts de Pari s. Membre de plusieurs sociétés d'arti stes dont, entre autres, La Société des Peintres Orientalistes français, Dagnac-Rivière travailla beaucoup en Afrique du Nord, produisant des oeuvres dont l' exotisme des suj ets ont assuré sa popularité aux Salons des artistes français et lui ont valu la faveur des collectionneurs. 754

Charles de Belle ( 1873-1 939) Peintre, dessin ateur, illustrateur, né à Budapest, d ' un père français et d 'une mère hongroise, Charl es de Belle fa it ses premi ères études d 'art à Anvers, puis à Paris et à Londres. Il travaille d 'abord comme illustrateur au Times de Dublin, Irlande. O n le retrouve ensui te à Londres où il expose, entre autres, à la Royal Academy, avant d ' immigrer au Canada en 19 12. Il s' in stalle avec sa fa mille à Montréal où ses huiles ct pastels se gagnent la faveur des collectionneurs tels Lady Drummond ct Sir W illiam Van Hom e.

Berthe Des Clayes ( 1877 -1 968) N ée à Aberdeen, Écosse, soeur des arti stes Gertrude ct Alice Des Clayes. Comme Gertrude, Berthe étudie d 'abord en Angleterre à la Herkomer School de Bushey, Puis, les soeurs séjournent à Pari s, travaillant avec Robert-Fleury et J. Lefebvre à l'Académi e Julian. Ell es s'install ent à M ontréal en 1912 où Berthe y réside jusqu 'en 1925 pour retourner vivre quelques ann ées en Angleterre. Revenue au Canada en 193 1, ell e vit à Montréal et s'adonne à la pein ture de paysage, parcourant les villages pi ttoresques du Québec pour ses suj ets. Un voyage à Lunenberg, Nouvell e-Écosse, vers 1922, sera l'occasion de plusieurs channantes scènes de port. Alors que sa soeur Gertrude s' adonne surtout au portrait, Berthe est surtout connue comme peintre de paysage.

Paul-Michel Dupuy (1 869-1 949) Né à Pau (Basses-Pyrénées), France. Élève de Léon Bonnat à l'École des Beaux-Arts de Pari s. Expose une première fo is au Salon en 1896, médaillé troisième classe au Salon de 1901. Membre du Ju ry de la Société des Artistes français et Chevali er de la Légion d ' honneur. Charmante scène d'enfants au jardin, suj et cher aux impressionnistes, Pigeons, jardin du Luxembourg, fu t achetée du marchand d 'art montréalais, Wm. Scott & Sons, en 19 10.

W yatt Eaton ( 1849-1 896) Il est né à Phillipsburg, dans les Cantons de l'Est. Peintre, portraitiste et dessinateur, Eaton, après une premi ère fo rmati on artistique à la Nati onal Academy of Design, N ew-York, va étudier à l'École des Beaux-Arts de Pari s, sous Gérôme. Il passe ses étés à Barbi zon ct sc li e d'ami tié avec le pein tre Jean-François Millet, dont on sent l'influence dans ses premi ers paysages. Dans la dernière partie de sa vie, Eaton fi t surtout partie du milieu arti stique améri cain où il réali sa de nombreux portraits des plus importants poètes du pays pour la revue Century. Parfo is considéré comme peintre de l'école améri caine, il a cependant maintenu de nombreux contacts au Canada où, en 1892 et 1893, il réali sa plusieurs portraits, dont ceux de Sir Corn elius Van Horn e, Donald A. Smith (Lord Strathcona) et de R. B. Angus. 755

Allan A. Edson, R.C.A. (1846-1 888) (voir A-01)

François Flameng (1856-1 923) Né à Pari s, fi ls du célèbre graveur Léopold Flameng. Il eut pour maîtres Cabanel et Jean-Paul Laurens. Il expose au Salon à partir de 1875 et se mérite le Grand Prix du Salon en 1879. Commandeur de la Légion d' honneur en 1896, i 1 est nommé professeur à 1'Éco le des Beaux-Arts de Paris en 1905. Outre plusieurs scènes de genre et d' hi stoire, on lui doit de nombreux portraits de personnages officiels. La chronique de l'époque le décrit ainsi : M . François Flameng appartient à la catégorie des artistes les plus aimés du grand public.

Joseph Charles Franchère, A.R.C.A. (1866-192 1) Peintre, illustrateur et muraliste, Joseph Charles Franchère est né à Montréal où il fit des études en art au Consei l des Arts et Manufactures, v. 1887-88. Puis de 1888 à 1892, il séjourne en France où il s'inscrit à 1'Éco le des Beaux-Arts et fréquente les Académies Julian et Colarossi. De retour au pays, il enseignera durant une vingtaine d'année au Conseil des Arts et Manufactures. Il réalise quatre tableaux pour la chapell e Sacré-Coeur de l'égli se Notre-Dame de Montréal, qui seront détruits dans l' incendie de 1978.

Robert Ford Gagen, R.C.A. (1847-1926) Né en Angleterre, il immigre au Canada en 1861. Après quelques années de formation artistique en Ontario, il entre au service de la firme de photographes Notman & Fraser de Toronto, où il peint des miniatures et colore les photographies à l'aquarelle. Il sc serait rendu plusieurs fois dans les Cantons-de-l ' Est entre 1895 et 1898 et en rapporta des vues du lac Memphrémagog et de Georgevi Il e.

Charles P. Gruppe (1860-1940) Né à Pieton, Ontario. En grande partie autodidacte, ce peintre a passé beaucoup de temps aux États-Unis où il a fa it partie de plusieurs associations d'artistes. Il a aussi fréquenté les peintres de l' École de La Haye en Hollande où il s'est li é d'amitié avec Israels et les frères Maris. Il mourût à Rockport au Massachusetts.

Alexis Harlamoff ( 1842-1 922) Né en Russie, élève de 1'Acadé mie des Beaux-Arts de Saint-Petersbourg. Il étudie plus tard à Paris avec Léon Bonnat et se mérita le Prix de Rome en 1870. Il s'install e définitivement à Paris où il récolte plusieurs médailles au Salon et est fa it Chevalier de la Légion d ' honneur. Portraitiste réputé, il réali sa un portrait du Tsar Alexandre II ct d'autres membres de l'aristocratie russe. On lui doit aussi des scènes de genre et des têtes d' enfants et de jeunes fi lles. Plusieurs de ses tableaux furent achetés par la reine Victoria qui admirait beaucoup son oeuvre. 756

Robert Harris, R.C.A. (1849-1916) Né au pays de Ga ll es, Harris immigre avec sa fami lle à l'Îl e-du-Prince-Edouard en 1856. Ses premières études en art se font à Boston en 1873-74, puis à la Slade School de Londres 1877, enfin avec Léon Bonnat à Paris 1877-1 881. Il s' install e à Montréal en 1883 ct devient l'un des portraitistes de la bourgeoisie canadienne les plus en demande. En 1883-84, il exécute un e importante commande pour le gouvernement du Canada, cell e du grand tableau, Les pères de la Confédération, oeuvre qw sera détruite lors de l'incendie du Parlement canadien en 1916.

Charles Huot (1855-1930) Peintre, murali ste et illustrateur, Charles Huot est né à Québec. Il étudi e avec Cabanel à l'École des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1874-78, puis à l'Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles. De 1894 à 1900, il enseigne au Conseil des Arts et Manufactures de la vi ll e de Québec. De 19 10 à 1930, il réalise plusieurs peintures murales, dont cell es qui ornent l'édifice de l'Assemblée Nationale à Québec.

Alexander Young Jackson, A.R.C.A. ( 1881-1974) Né à Montréal. Premières études en art au Consei l des arts et Manufactures, puis à la Art Association of Montreal. En 1906 il étudi e à la Art Jnstitute of Chicago puis, il part pour Paris et s'i nscrit à l'A cadémie Julian en 1907. Il voyage en Italie, en Belgique et en Hollande. De retour au pays en 1913, il fait la rencontre de Lauren Harris qui l'invite à se joindre à un petit groupe d'artistes qui veulent former un e école nationali ste de peinture de paysage. Jackson deviendra l'un des membres les plus importants et le porte-parole du célèbre Groupe des Sept. Jackson a peint à travers le Canada, depuis le Parc Algonquin, les régions de l'Algoma et de la Baie Georgienne, jusqu'aux Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Toutefois, il est, avec Alihur Lismer, l'un des rares membres du Groupe à peindre au Québec, depuis les ri ves sud et nord du Saint­ Laurent qu'il parcourt chaque année, surtout durant la saison hi vernale.

James Kerr-Lawson (1864-1 939) Né en Écosse, il immigre avec sa fami lle au Canada dès sa tendre enfance et reçoit un e première formation artistique en 1880 à la Ontario School of Art. Par la su ite, il poursuit ses études en art en Angleterre, puis à Rome où il s'inscrit à l 'Academia San Luca, et enfin à l'Académie Julian à Paris. Il retourne fréquemment au Canada où il pein t et expose, notamment à 1' Art Association of Montreal et avec l'Académie royale des arts du Canada, dont il sera membre associé de 1885 à 1893 . Il se fixe définitivement en Angleterre à partir de 19 10 où il se consacre à la peinture et à la gravure.

Fernand Le Gout-Gérard (1856-1924) Cc peintre et graveur fra nçais, né à Saint-Lô, Manche, était surtout autodidacte. On lui doit un grand nombre de scènes de la vie populaire en Bretagne, en particulier les marchés et les activités de pêche. Il ava it exposé au Salon des Artistes fra nçais de 757

1889 à 1894 ct était officier de la Légion d 'honneur. Bien connu dans les milieux artistiques étrangers, il avait aussi voyagé et peint en Italie et en Afrique du Nord.

J.E.H. MacDonald, A.R.C.A. ( 1873- 1932) Né en Angleterre de parents canadi ens, il s'install e avec sa fami ll e en 1887 à Hamilton, Ontari o, où il étudie, v. 1890, à la Hamilton Art School, puis à la Central Ontario School of Art avec George Reid . Par la suite, il travaill e comme graphiste à la firme Grip Ltd de Toronto jusqu'en 1911, après quoi il se consacre uniquement à la peinture. Membre fondateur et considéré comme le poète du Groupe des Sept, MacDonald enseignera au Ontario Co /Lege of Art, dont il sera le directeur de 1929 à 1932.

Manly E. MacDonald (1889- 1971) Peintre paysagiste, né en Ontario. Après une première formation à l'Ontario Co llege of Art sous George A. R eid, on le retrouve aux États-Unis où il étudie à la Albright Art School de Buffalo, puis, de 19 12-1913 , il fréquente l'école du Museum afFine Arts de Boston. Par la suite, il voyage et étudie en Europe, grâce à une bourse de la R. C.A.

Alexandre Marcette (1853-1920?) On sait peu de choses sur cet artiste, si ce n 'est qu' il est né à Spa en Belgique et qu' il fût 1'é lève de son père Henri, peintre également. Il aurait voyagé et étudié en Italie dans sa j eunesse. La chronique contemporaine le décrit comme un maître de l'aquarell e, dont la technique se prêtait parfaitement à rendre l'atmosphère brumeuse de la Mer du Nord. Son atelier de Nieuport-Bains fut complètement détruit lors de la première guerre mondiale. On trouve ses oeuvres dans les principaux musées belges, notamment à Bruxell es et à Liège.

Thomas Mower Martin, R.C.A. (1838-1 934) Né à Londres, il travaill e d 'abord le paysage avec des maîtres aquarelli stes ang la is, mais se quali fie surtout de peintre autodidacte. Peu de temps après son arrivée au Canada en 1862, il s'installe da ns la région de Toronto et devient membre de l'Ontario Society of Artists en 1872, puis sera un des membres fondateurs de 1' Académie royale des arts du Canada en 1880. Essentiellement peintre de paysages, Martin parcourt le pays, depuis la Colombie-britannique, les Montagnes Rocheuses jusqu' aux provinces ma ritimes, sans oubli er les environs du lac Memphrémagog, dans les Cantons de l'Est. Il acquiert ainsi une grande connaissance des différents aspects du pays, ce qui lui permettra de réali ser 77 paysages qui seront reproduits en couleur dans l'ou vrage de Wilfred Campbell, Canada, publié à Londres en 1907.

Thomas W. Mitchell (1879-1 958) N é dans la région des Montagnes bleues, près de la Baie Georgienne, ce peintre graveur a fa it son premier apprentissage arti stique en v isitant les musées d 'art 758 européens de 1906-07. E nsuite, il étudie à la Ontario School of Art, puis à la célèbre Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, États-Uni s. Membre de la Ontario Society of Artists, il travaill e à Montréal, de 1906-07, et à Philadelphie, de 19 12-13.

Valentino Molina (1 880-1 954) (voir A-02)

H. Ivan Neilson, A.R.C.A. ( 1865- 193 1) Né à Q uébec, il se destin e d 'abord à une carri ère d ' ingéni eur marin et voyage dans le N ord canadien et sur l'océan Pacifique. Il se tourne ensuite vers la peinture et part étudier à la Glasgow School of Art, ensuite à l'Académi e Delécluze de Pari s et à Bruxell es. Il revient au pays en 1910 et s'installe à Cap-Rouge en 1920. Il se j oint ensui te au corps professoral de l'École des beaux-arts de Québec dont il devient le principal en 1929.

Herbert S. Palmer, A.R.C.A. ( 188 1- 1971 ) Paysagiste et peintre animali er, Palmer est né à Toronto où il étudia à la Central Ontario School of Art avec, entre autres, F.S. Chall ener. Il eut une longue association avec l'Académie royale des arts du Canada, A.R .C.A. en 19 15, R. C.A. en 1934, ct en sera le secrétaire de 1948 à 195 1. Il s'impliquera également comme membre et secrétaire de 1'Ontario Society of A rtists.

Hal Ross P errigard ( 189 1-1 960) Né à Sherbrooke, Québec, le 3 janvier 1891. Il étudie avec William Brymner et M auri ce Cullen Il expose des œ uvres à l'Art Associati on de M ontréal dès 19 13 et à l'Académie royale canadi enne dès 1924. À compter de 1923, il passe ses étés à Rockport, Massachusetts où il a un studio. Il a été membre de 1'A rt C lub de Montréal, de la Rockport Art Associa ti on, de la North Shore Art Association of Gloucester et de la G uilde des arti stes du Canada. Il décède à M ontréal le 23 avril 1960.

Fanny Grace Plimsoll (Act. 1891-1 9 16) Arti ste peintre et miniaturiste. Née à Londres, Ang leterre. Elle a étu dié à Pari s à 1' Académi e Jul ian sous Lefebvre, Robert-Fleury ct Roger. À M ontréal en 1891. E ll e peint à l' huile et à l'aquarell e des paysages et des tabl eaux de genre.

Bertram Priestman R.O.I. ( 1868-195 1) Pein tre ang lais, né à Bradfo rd dans le Yorkshire. A près des premi ères études en arts dans sa vill e natale, il s' in scrit à la Stade School de Londres. Puis, il peint et voyage en Europe et au Proche-Ori ent. M embre de la Royal Academy,Angleterre et du New English A ri Club. Été est une ta bl eau lumineux issu de la tradi tion «plein-air» de la grande école de paysage ang laise qui a produit, au début du 19e siècle, des arti stes aussi célèbres que John Constabl e et William M . Turner. 759

George A. Reid, R.C.A. ( 1860- 1947) (voir A-01)

Mary Hiester Reid, A.R.C.A., (1854-1921) (voir A-01)

Albert H. Robinson, A.R.C.A. ( 188 1-1956) N é à Hamilton où il reçoit une première formation en art à la Hamilton Art School, Robinson ira à Pari s en 1903-1 904 où il étudie à 1'École des Beaux-Arts et à l' Académie Julian. D e retour au pays, en 1905, il enseigne l'art à Hamilton durant quelques a n11 ées, avant de se fixer à Montréal en 1908. Il rencontre A.Y. Jackson en 1910 et voyage avec lui en Bretagne 1' a1111ée suivante. Il accompagne Jackson dans ses sorties à Cacouna, Baie Saint-Paul, la Malbaie et Saint-Tite-des-Caps. C ' est en peignant les li eux du Québec fréquentés par Jackson que Robinson trouve un style qui deviendra désormais caractéri stique de sa peinture.

Les lie J. Skelton ( 1848- 1923) Leslie James Skelton est né à Montréal où il a reçu une première formation en art, avant d ' aller étudier à Paris avec Joseph !will. En 1892, des raisons de santé le forcent à aller vivre à Colorado Springs, aux États-Uni s. Il peint et expose dans cette vill e, à l'Académie royale de Londres et à Montréal. Il mourut à Colorado Springs. Son tableau, Un nuage orageux, sera acquis par la Galerie nationale en 19 13.

Aurèle de Foy Suzor-Coté, R.C.A. (1869-1937). Né à Arthabaska, Québec, il aide Maxime Rousseau à la décoration de l'église d 'Arthabaska; étudie à l' école des Beaux-Arts, à l'Académie Julian et à l'Académie Colarossi à Pari s de 1890 à 1893 ; retourne à Paris pour différents séjours ; est à Montréal après 1908, passe ses étés à Arthabaska. Membre de 1'A .R .C.A. en 1911 , de la R.C.A. en 1914. Mort à Daytona Beach.

Herman ten Kate (1822-1891) Peintre de geme, né à La Haye, élève de Kruseman. Après un voyage à Paris, il se fixa à Armsterdam en 1849. Reprenant des thèmes de la vie quotidienne dans des scènes d 'intéri eur qu' avaient explo ité avec talent les grands artistes hollandais du 1 r siècle, tels Vermeer et Frans Hals, les tableaux anecdotiques d'Herman ten Kate n' inventent ri en de nouveau mais sont révélateurs du goût de son époque. On a dit de lui « Il prit une pl ace distinguée parmi les peintres de gcmc hollandais modernes. »

Sidney Strickland Tully, A.R.C.A. ( 1860-1911 ) Née à Toronto, fille de l'architecte Kivas Tully. Étudi e d'abord à la Central Ontario School of Art, puis à Londres à la Stade School avec Alphonse Legros, de 1884-86, enfin à Paris durant deux ans, avec Benj amin Constant et aux Académies Julian et Colarossi. De retour à Toronto en 1888, ell e devient membre associé de 1' Académie Royale des arts du Canada (ARCA) et se joint à l'Ontario Society of Artists en 1889. Ell e séjourne fréquemment en Europe où ell e étudie et voyage. E ll e s' adonne ensuite 760

à la pein ture de paysage plein -air à New York sous la directi on de William M . Chase. Sa mort à Toronto en 19 11 sera sui vie d ' une exposition commémorati ve de son oeuvre.

Frederick A. Verner, R.C.A. ( 1836-1 928) Peintre ct aquarelli ste, né en Ontari o. En 1856, Verner part pour 1' Angleterre où, après avoir servi dans la Légion britannique en Itali e avec Garibaldi, il s' inscrit aux écoles d'art Leigh et South Kensin gton de Londres. De retour au Canada en 1862, il s' in stall e dans l'Ouest du pays où il peint les bi sons dans les pl aines et les amérindiens à la chasse ou naviguant sur les cours d 'eau. Il voyage jusque dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest. En 1880, il retourne vivre en Angleterre, effectuant régulièrement des visites au Canada. Il meurt à Londres en 1928.

Mary Evelyn Wrinch ( 1877- 1969) Native de la région d' Essex, Angleterre, Mary E. Wrinch s' insta ll e à Toronto en 1885, où ell e s 'adonnera d'abord à la peinture sur porcelain e, puis fera ses premi ères études à la Central School of Art sous Laura L. M untz et George A. Reid . Ell e poursui t plus tard des études comme peintre de miniatures à Londres et à New York. Ell e épousera son anci en professeur, George A. Reid en 1922, après la mort de sa première femme, l'arti ste Mary H i ester Reid, décédée en 1921. ANNEXE Xl

Plans de la ville de Sherbrooke H. W. Hopkins, City Atlas of Sherbrooke, 1881.


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