Le Art Building De Sherbrooke 1887-1927

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Le Art Building De Sherbrooke 1887-1927 UNIVERSITÉ DU QUÉBEC À MONTRÉAL UN ESPACE ET UN LIEU DE CULTURE LE ART BUILDING DE SHERBROOKE 1887-1927 TOME II THÈSE PRÉSENTÉE COMME EXIGENCE PARTIELLE DU DOCTORAT EN HISTOIRE DE L'ART PAR MONIQUE NADEAU-SAUMIER AOÛT 2007 UNIVERSITÉ DU QUÉBEC À MONTRÉAL Service des bibliothèques Avertissement La diffusion de cette thèse se fait dans le respect des droits de son auteur, qui a signé le formulaire Autorisation de reproduire et de diffuser un travail de recherche de cycles supérieurs (SDU-522 - Rév.01-2006). Cette autorisation stipule que << conformément à l'article 11 du Règlement no 8 des études de cycles supérieurs, [l 'auteur] concède à l'Université du Québec à Montréal une licence non exclusive d'utilisation et de publication de la totalité ou d'une partie importante de [son] travail de recherche pour des fins pédagogiques et non commerciales. Plus précisément, [l 'auteur] autorise l'Université du Québec à Montréal à reproduire, diffuser, prêter, distribuer ou vendre des copies de [son] travail de recherche à des fins non commerciales sur quelque support que ce soit, y compris l'Internet. Cette licence et cette autorisation n'entraînent pas une renonciation de [la] part [de l'auteur] à [ses] droits moraux ni à [ses] droits de propriété intellectuelle. Sauf entente contraire, [l 'auteur] conserve la liberté de diffuser et de commercialiser ou non ce travail dont [il] possède un exemplaire.» Table des mati ères Tome II ANNEX E I L'hi stoire de la SLA U ( 1890), les di x premi ères années 465 ANNEX E Il Lettre de Samuel F. Morey à The Studio en 1885 et réponse du rédacteur. 00. 00. 00 • • 00 ••••• 00 • •• 00 00 00 00 •• •• • • • 00 . .. 473 ANNEX E III Transcription des procès-verbaux de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Association pour la péri ode du 30 novembre 1886 au 22 novembre 1927 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 479 ANNEX E IV Certi ficat d 'actions de la SLAA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 0000 543 A NNEX E V Transcription du « Record Book » de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Union pour la péri ode du 1er févri er 1906 au mois de juin 19 11 547 ANNEX E VI Correspondance entre la National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa et la Librmy & Art Union, Sherbrooke, du 23 septembre 19 14 au 2 décembre 192 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 . 615 ANNEX E VII Articles de journaux en li en avec la « Loan Exhibition » de 19 16 de la National Gallery o.f Canada, Ottawa à la Librmy & Art Un ion de Sherbrooke 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 . 657 ANNEXE VIII Source : les j ournaux ... .. ... ..... .... .. ..... .. .. .. .. .......... .. 667 ANNEX E IX Les sources pour l' in ventaire de la coll ection de la SLAU 00 0 73 1 ANNEXE X Courtes bi ographies des artistes cités dans la thèse ..... ... 741 ANNEX E XI Plans de la ville de Sherbrooke- ACRCE, H. W. Hopkins, City Atlas of Sherbrooke, 188 1 00 .... 00. 00 0000 761 ANNEXE 1 L'histoire de la SLAU (1890) Les dix premières années Source : Sherbrooke. Archives de la Sherbrooke Library and Art Association, Fonds P032. Service d'archi ves du Centre de recherche des Cantons de l'Est, Université Bishop's, Lennoxville, Québec. 467 HIS TORY OF THE In the fo llowing pages will be fo und the history of a successful attempt to establish a Free Reading Room, a Public Library and Art Institute in the manufacturing Town of LIBRARY AND Sherbrooke, without endowment or ART UNION special legislation whereby fu nds could be raised, and with no conditions more favourable than preva il in ali towns of similar size. The a bj ect in giving this hi story is two fo ld, l st, to OF SHERBROOKE. preserve it in permanent form fo r those who may hereafter fi nd it of interest; 2nd, to afford suggestions of practical valu e to other workers in the same 1890 fie ld . 468 History of the Library and circumstanccs that he gladl y accepted th e terms offered him, viz., that he Art Union would take care of the room day and of Sherbrooke evening, in return for which he was permitted to have a stand therein fo r Doubtlcss many a one can recall to sa le of fruit, confecti onery, etc. , and mind a rcading-room opened in hi s was loaned the capital necessary. A locali ty, to th e support of whi ch he curtain, and a li ght partition of boards, gladl y contributed, whi ch received the separated hi s stand fro m the remainder most favorable noti ces from the local of the room. In the latter were press and clergy and th e good w ishes arranged tabl es containing dai ly and of ali in the community, but whi ch, weekly papers, illustrated periodicals from sorne unexplained cause, saon and magazin es, a stereoscope, ceased to attract th e class of persans kaleidoscope, and games of ali fo r whom they were intended, and descriptions, such as checkers, cbess, after vain attempts to resuscitate them dominoes, etc., (but no cards.) fi nall y di ed from sheer lack of interest. Two notices were conspi cuous: If there are those who, white 'T he use of tobacco in thi s area recogni zing the great value of these positively prohibited," and "Pi ease institu ti ons in the towns and villages of remove your hat on entebring," /4 ath our land, have yet become skeptical as of thcsc rul cs being strictly enforced. to th eir success in sucb locali ties, thi s Two or three daily papers were account may give new courage as weil procured from th e publisbers direct, to as useful suggesti ons. secure the latest news, the local papers At the date this institution was and those fro m surrounding towns projected the town of Sherbrooke bad were contributed grati s by the a population of 9,000 representi ng publishers and the remammg French and Engli sh nati onali ties in periodi cals were obtained fro m about equal proporti ons. Previous to fri ends, who gladly promised th em on 1880 severa( attempts bad been made condition th at th e curator should call to establi sh reading-rooms, but, owin g fo r them on stated days. to un desirabl e location, lack of energy The columns of the local and devotion on the part of the papers wcre freely used to herald the promoters, and other causes, without opening of this room, and the fi rst success. In th e Fall of th at year the even1ng more than fu lfi ll ed th e experiment was renewed and a large expectations of the promoters, a large room was rented on th e ground fl oor number being present. The readers adj oining the post-office, and in th e naturall y gravitated to the reading­ center of the town - in fact, one of the tabl es, and the boys as naturall y to the best business stands in the pl ace. A games, while one or two ta bles, man was engaged who from ill health surrounded with most invitin g looking bad become so much reduced in his arm -chairs, and ho lding cbecker­ boards, proved too strong an attracti on 469 fo r some of th e older men, who had suffi cient to defray all expenses of the come in "just to sec what was going room and to pay a salat)' to the curator on," and who soon resolved obviati ng the necessity of continuing th emselves in to a checker club of the /5 th e sale counter. An association of most approved type. The conventional the annual subscribers was established, standing desk usuall y seen in reading with the usual fo nn of organi zation, rooms, as weil as the locked the Town Council was petiti oned to newspaper fi les were not to be fo und, make an annual grant, and th ere has it bein g wisely assumed that th e tired since been inserted in the charter of the laborer who bad been on hi s feet ali town, rati fied by the Legislature, a day did not want to spend hi s evenings clause providing fo r the same. standing up at a reading-desk, and that About a year after the room he would feel much more comfortabl e was opened, it was deemed practicabl e and "at home" if seated and reading a to form a library in connecti on w ith it single paper, fo lded at hi s own and $ 100 was invested in a careful convemence. selecti on of books whi ch were The next issue of the local immediately advertised to loan at papers aru1ounced the attendance on twenty -five cents per month or $2 per the fi rst evening as some two hundred, annum. Donati ons soon came in and th is was remarkably well sustained representing in value $ 100 more. The throughout the w inter, th e room in the appoin tment of Government "Postage­ evening often being uncomfo rtably Stamp Vendor," was obta ined which crowded. The newspapers published yielded a commission of three per in the town were kept weil supplied cent, the sale of these stamps by the with locals upon the subj ect; any curator in the room being not only a special picturcs coming with the conveni encc to those frequenting it but illustrated papers were exhibi ted in the adding quite a revenue fo r th e fro nt window, and in various ways purchase of books.
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