MISSION STATEMENT CHURCH AND RECTORY OFFICE 2316 Fairhill Avenue We, the parish family of St. Luke the Evangelist Roman , Glenside, PA 19038 respecting our tradition, affirming our strong family ties, and valuing our diverse community, are called by Baptism to commit ourselves to: 215-572-0128 fax: 215-572-0482 • Give glory to God by liturgy which unites and strengthens the community [email protected] of faith;

• Build a church community that welcomes all, encouraging each home to be Summer Office Hours: a domestic church; 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, MONDAY • Listen to the Gospel of Jesus, live it in our daily lives, and share it with 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM, TUESDAY-THURSDAY one another; and • Serve others as Jesus did, especially the poor and those in need. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM Daily: Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 6:30 AM Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: 8:30 AM

Holy Day: varies; Holiday: varies

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Wednesday: 7:30 - 8:00 PM Saturday: 4:00 - 4:30 PM

SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE QUESTION OF THE WEEK 2330 Fairhill Avenue God said, “Ask something of me and I will give it to you.” Glenside, PA 19038 Solomon answered: “...Give your servant, therefore, an understanding heart 215-884-2080 to judge your people and to distinguish right from wrong”... (God said) “I do as you requested.” 1 Kings 3:5-12 ST. LUKE SCHOOL OFFICE At this time in your life, 2336 Fairhill Avenue what do you request from God? Glenside, PA 19038

In what situation could you use some wisdom 215-884-0843 fax: 215-884-4607 right now?

SUMMERSTOCK TICKETS ON SALE NOW 061 St. Luke - cover - page 1 ST. LUKE THE EVANGELIST CHURCH, GLENSIDE, PENNSYLVANIA SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 24, 2011 MASS INFORMATION FOR WEEK THIS WEEK AT ST. LUKE Sunday, July 24 – Seventeenth Sunday in Sunday, July 24 – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ordinary Time Summerstock tickets sales after Masses 1 Kings 3:5,7-12; Psalm 119:57,72,76-77,127-130; 8:30 am Eucharistic Ministry at Abington Hospital Romans 8:28-30; Matthew 13:44-52 1:00 pm Baptisms Monday, July 25 – James, apostle Monday, July 25 2 Corinthians 4:7-15; Psalm 126:1-6; Matthew 20:20-28 Tuesday, July 26 6:30 am Peg Malak (Marge & Barry Rogan) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the Chapel House Tuesday July 26 – Joachim and Anne, parents of 2:00 pm Summerstock Rehearsal, FFH the Blessed Virgin Mary Exodus 33:7-11;34:5b-9,28; Psalm 103:6-13; Wednesday, July 27 Matthew 13:36-43 6:45 pm Calix Holy Hour and Mtg., Chapel House 8:30 am Barbara, Anna and Therese Lamina Thursday, July 28 Wednesday, July 27 – Weekday 2:00 pm Summerstock Rehearsal, FFH 7:30 pm Baptism Class, Lyons Den Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 99:5-7,9 Matthew 13:44-46 6:30 am Deceased Members of the McDermott Friday, July 29 Family 2:00 pm Summerstock Rehearsal, FFH 7:15 pm Friday Night at the Movies (see page 6) Thursday, July 28 – Weekday Exodus 40:16-21,34-38; Psalm 84:3-6,8-11; Saturday, July 30 Matthew 13:47-53 Summerstock tickets sales after Mass 8:30 am Annie Madden (Marge and Barry Rogan) Sunday, July 31 – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Friday, July 29 – Martha Summerstock tickets sales after Masses 1:00 pm Baptisms Leviticus 23:1,4-11,15-16,27,34b-37; Psalm 81:3-6,10-11; John 11:19-27 MARK YOUR CALENDAR 6:30 am Marie DeMarco August 4 & 5 Summerstock Show Saturday, July 30 – Weekday / Peter August 7 Training for Extraordinary Chrysologus, bishop, doctor of the Ministers of Holy Church Communion Leviticus 25:1,8-17; Psalm 67:2-3,5,7-8; Matthew 14:1-12 August 15 Solemnity of the Assumption of 8:30 am Charles Bishof the Blessed Virgin Mary Sunday, July 31 – Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary August 15 St. John’s Hospice Donation Day Time September 8 Installation of Archbishop Isaiah 55:1-3; Psalm 145:8-9,15-18; Romans 8:35,37-39; Chaput Matthew 14:13-21 September 18 Catechetical Sunday The Pro-Life Rose, September 24 Villanova Day of Service placed before the statue of Mary, October 1 Sacrament Saturday is in loving memory of October 16 – 18 Forty Hours Lou DiLanzo November 27 First Sunday of Advent donated by Agnes. November 27 First use of the The St. Vincent de Paul Carnations, Revised Roman Missal placed before the statue of St. Joseph, April 8, 2012 Easter are in loving memory of Rick DiLanzo April 24, 2012 Confirmation donated by Agnes. 7/24/11—061 St. Luke—page 2 SOCIETY OF July 24, 2011 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL In the Gospel, we find that Dear Parishioners, the demand of daily Chris- Last week I shared a somewhat personal update and reflection with you. tian living is to spend our This week I’d like to share a couple things that involve us as part of the Archdio- life primarily searching for cese of Philadelphia and citizens of the community and State of Pennsylvania. the kingdom of God. By now (unless you were on vacation) you should have heard that a new Know that as you give Archbishop has been appointed for us. Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM Cap your gift to the Society of (pronounced shap-you) is coming from 14 years as Archbishop of Denver, CO. St. Vincent de Paul to While he is a diocesan bishop, he is also a member of a Franciscan Order, the help those living in pov- Capuchins. There are many branches of Franciscans tracing themselves back to erty, you will find the St. Francis of Assisi. Archbishop Chaput’s mother was also a native American. kingdom of God. We all welcome him and look forward to his leadership and the direction in A VOCATION VIEW which he will shepherd us. He will be installed on Thursday, September 8. In the Am I willing to sell every- meantime we pray for him and for the Archdiocese. thing I own and follow the We are very blessed at St. Luke’s to have many programs designed to Lord? What is precious to work with our young people, the children. There is great responsibility in work- me? (Matthew 13:44-52) ing with our children. Whether in our school, PREP, CYO, Scouts, Youth ARE YOU READY Group, Summerstock, Altar Servers—or anything else—we are always to protect FOR A VERY SPECIAL and look out for the welfare of our children. MINISTRY? I am very grateful to all those who give their time and energy to be part We will have training Sun- of any of these programs. In recent weeks additional demands have been placed day, August 7, at 12:30 pm on the adults regarding TRAINING: a 15 minute on-line session regarding updates for Extraordinary Ministers to technology and cell phones (e-mail & texting) and also a 1 hour or 3 hour ses- of Holy Communion. sion on MANDATED REPORTING. THESE ARE IMPORTANT SESSIONS AND ABSO- We have three areas of min- LUTELY REQUIRED FOR ANYONE WHO WORKS WITH CHILDREN (defined as un- istry: der 18). Liturgical—assisting at These sessions develop from Federal and State laws and also the ongoing Masses rapid changes in our society in the United States. As a result of my move in the Hospital—as part of our recent months I will also be fingerprinted this week as required of all teachers Sunday ministry at and those who have contact with our schools. I’ve already had a child abuse and Abington Hospital criminal background check done. These, too, often need to be updated. We are Visiting—bringing Com- also subject to the Federal and State laws which continue to change. munion to parishioners I feel that the Archdiocesan Offices fail to communicate these matters in who are not able to get a proper way. Having just attended the 3 hour MANDATED REPORTING training to Church on Sunday I now see its value and importance. When we work with children you never Please call the rectory for know when you’ll notice or suspect something or they may say something to more information. you. The adults should always know what to do! I hope all our adults will partici- WEB SITE OF THE pate in these training sessions and submit the required documentation to the WEEK Rectory as soon as possible. To view a slideshow of Enjoy this last full week of July—hopefully a little cooler for all of us. Let Archbishop Chaput see us continue to pray for each other. St. Luke, pray for us. art_new_web/ Archbishop_Slideshow.pdf Father Joe Brandt 7/24/11—061 St. Luke—page 3 WELCOME OUR NEWEST NATURAL RCIA: PARISHIONERS! FAMILY PLANNING CLASSES Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Eleanor Frances Dashine, The Family Life Office offers This is a process by which adults daughter of regular NFP classes throughout prepare for and are initiated into Maxwell & the Archdiocese. This is a great the Catholic Church. As part of Anne Marie (Taulane) Dashine, way to learn about the Church’s the process there are meetings was baptized on teaching on human sexuality and with those on the spiritual journey July 17, 2011. responsible parenthood, as well as to learn a safe, effective, and mor- to become Catholics and those Congratulations to all! ally acceptable method of spacing who journey with them as spon- SAINT ANNE NOVENA children. Learning about your fer- sors and RCIA team members. The Annual Novena to St. Anne tility also helps in appreciating it Call Jeanne Kyle at the rectory, continues this week at Saint as a gift from God and in under- 215-572-0128, for more info. Anne Church, 2328 E. Lehigh standing yourself or your spouse Ave. (at Memphis St. and Lehigh better. These classes are especially CHURCH MINISTRY Ave.), Philadelphia, with services helpful for those who are prepar- INSTITUTE at 3:00 in the afternoon and 7:00 ing to marry, or for couples al- Are you interested in learning in the evening. Rev. Michael Mar- ready married who would like to more about your faith? Do you rone will be the homilist. The newly learn NFP or to take a re- want to fill in some learning gaps people of the parish of Saint fresher course. for personal reasons or to enable you to participate in ministry with Anne invite you to participate in Upcoming Archdiocesan spon- the Solemn Closing Ceremonies confidence? sored sympto-thermal NFP of the Saint Anne Novena on classes are on September 21 and Then consider attending the July 26 at 7 pm. It will be an eve- 28 (2-part class), from 6—8 pm at Church Ministry Institute, a three- ning of great solemnity and pow- St. Isaac Jogues Church (Parish year certificate program offered erful intercession. You are invited Center) in Wayne, PA; and Octo- by the Archdiocese of Philadel- to go and bring a friend. The ber 13 and 20 (in Spanish; 2-part phia. There are no papers to write church will be open all day (until class), from 7—9 pm at St. Alice or tests to take. Meet committed 6 pm) on the Feast of Saint Anne Church in Upper Darby, PA. One faculty, and enjoy excellent texts. for the veneration of the relic can also learn about a different For a brochure and application REVISED ROMAN MISSAL NFP method, the Creighton form call 215-587-0551 or visit Catholics in the United States will Model, at free introductory ses- their web site: begin using the revised English sions at St. Pius X Church in Broomall at 7 pm on August 9 translation of the Roman Missal Course Sites: (call 610-789-4547 to register), on the First Sunday of Advent Bishop Shanahan, Downingtown, and at various other locations; see in 2011. Tuesday The Institute for Evangelization, SACRAMENT SATURDAY 11.html Wednesday (In Spanish) A special morning has been set for more information. aside on October 1 for parents Lansdale Catholic High School, of children who will receive First For more info on or to register Lansdale, Wednesday Communion in 2011, First Pen- for any of the Archdiocesan- St. Matthias Parish, Bala Cynwyd, ance or Confirmation in 2012. sponsored classes, call 215-587- Thursday 5639 or e-mail fam- Archbishop Ryan High School, [email protected]. You can now Philadelphia, Thursday register online too at All classes are 7 pm to 9:30 pm. . 7/24/11—061 St. Luke—page 4 July 19, 2011 19 julio del 2011

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo:

May the grace and peace of our Lord ¡Qué la gracia y paz de Nuestro Señor Jesus Christ be with you all! Jesucristo estén con todos ustedes! Esta This morning it was my great privilege mañana ha sido mi gran privilegio anunciar a la to announce to the Archdiocese of Philadel- Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia que el Santo Padre phia that our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI ha nombrado al arzobispo Charles J. Chaput, has named Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., el décimo tercer obispo y noveno O.F.M. Cap., the 13th Bishop and 9th arzobispo de Filadelfia. Archbishop of Philadelphia. Al mismo tiempo yo anuncié que el At the same time I announced that the Santo Padre me ha nombrado Administrador Holy Father has named me the Apostolic Ad- Apostólico de la Arquidiócesis hasta la insta- ministrator of the Archdiocese until Archbishop Chaput’s lación del arzobispo Chaput el 8 de septiembre a las 2:00 installation on September 8th at 2:00 p.m. in the Cathedral p.m. en la Catedral Basílica de San Pedro y San Pablo. En Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. In the interim I will serve el ínterin voy a servir con todas las responsabilidades de with all the responsibilities of Archbishop. After the in- arzobispo. Después de la instalación, yo comenzaré mi stallation, I will begin my time of retirement in the Dio- jubilación en la Diócesis de Knoxville, donde he sido invi- cese of Knoxville, where I have been invited to live. tado a vivir. Archbishop Chaput is a bishop who will truly El arzobispo Chaput es un obispo que realmente love you and faithfully preach the Gospel to you. He will los amará y fielmente les predicará el Evangelio. Él traba- work diligently to address the special needs of the Arch- jará con diligencia para atender las necesidades especiales diocese at this time. Support him with your prayers and de la Arquidiócesis en este momento. Apóyenlo con sus deep faith, so that the mission of the Church to proclaim oraciones y su fe profunda, de modo que la misión de la the kingdom of God may advance steadily. Pray also for Iglesia de proclamar el reino de Dios pueda avanzar con- our auxiliary bishops and priests, who serve with such stantemente. Oren también por nuestros obispos auxil- generosity and fidelity, that they may be fruitful collabora- iares y sacerdotes, que sirven con generosidad y fidelidad, tors with our new Archbishop. para que sean colaboradores fructíferos con nuestro For me, these past eight years as Archbishop of nuevo arzobispo. Philadelphia have been a time of great grace. Your faith Para mí, estos últimos ocho años como arzobispo and generous spirit have sustained me in countless ways de Filadelfia, han sido una época de gran gracia. Su fe y su and will continue to be a source of inspiration to me. I espíritu generoso me han sostenido en innumerables for- have been blessed to have encountered so many of you in mas y seguirán siendo una fuente de inspiración para mí. my pastoral visits to our parishes, schools, hospitals, and Tengo suerte de haberme encontrado con muchos de ust- other institutions. I am especially grateful to those of edes en mis visitas pastorales a las parroquias, escuelas, you—deacons, religious, and lay faithful —who have as- hospitales y otras instituciones. Estoy especialmente sisted me in my ministry in different ways in the Archdi- agradecido a todos ustedes —diáconos, religiosos y fieles ocesan Office Center, on the many Archdiocesan boards laicos— que me han ayudado en mi ministerio de difer- and committees, and in our parishes and institutions. entes maneras en el Centro de Oficina de la Arquidiócesis, As Archbishop, I have endeavored to serve you en los muchos consejos y comités de la Arquidiócesis, y en faithfully by presenting through my words and actions the nuestras parroquias e instituciones. person of Jesus Christ. If I have offended any one in any Como arzobispo, me he esforzado para servirles way, I am deeply sorry. I apologize for any weaknesses on fielmente al presentar a través de mis palabras y acciones my part in representing Christ and His Church worthily la persona de Jesucristo. Si he ofendido a alguien de al- and effectively. guna manera, lo lamento profundamente. Yo pido dis- I assure you of my continued love and prayers culpa por cualquier debilidad de mi parte en la repre- and a special remembrance always at the altar as I cele- sentación de Cristo y su Iglesia digna y eficazmente. brate Mass. Please pray for me that our Lord Jesus Christ Yo les aseguro mi continuo aprecio y oraciones, y may bless my years of retirement and make them fruitful los recordaré siempre de forma especial en el altar cuando in the service of His Church. celebre la misa. Por favor, oren por mí para que nuestro Asking the intercession of our Blessed Mother Señor Jesucristo bendiga mis años de jubilación y los haga Mary, of Saint John Neumann, and of Saint Katharine fructificar en el servicio de su Iglesia. Drexel for you all, I remain Pidiendo la intercesión de nuestra Santísima Sincerely, Madre María, de san Juan Neumann, y de santa Catalina + Justin Card. Rigali Drexel para todos ustedes, permanezco Cardinal Sinceramente, + Justin Card. Rigali Apostolic Administrator 7/24/11—061 St. Luke—page 5 ST. LUKE’S PARISH PRESCHOOL STORYTIME FRIDAY NIGHT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION St. Luke School will host a Pre- AT THE MOVIES PROGRAM (PREP) school Storytime Series for chil- The final movie of the summer NEEDS YOU! dren ages 3-5 this fall. Four indi- series, sponsored by the Peace vidual sessions will be held on the and Justice Committee, is Made Families - we need you! following dates: Saturday 10/8, in Dagenham, which will be Please register ASAP for the 2011 Thursday 10/13, Saturday shown on July 29 at the home of -2012 school year. We are plan- 10/22, and Thursday 10/27. All Andy and Mitch Harbison, corner ning the classes and ordering ma- sessions will be held in the School of Abington and Kenmore Aves., terials now! Library (in the Primary School Glenside. Very few children are registered Building) beginning at 10 am, and The film is a cheeky dramatization for first grade. Yes PREP does will last for approximately 45 min- based on the real-life 1968 labor begin in 1st grade; the children do utes. To keep the event personal strike in a London automobile need to begin their preparation and manageable, the number of manufacturing plant. Hundreds of for Reconciliation and First Com- attendees at each session will be women rebelled against discrimi- munion. limited to 10 children and their nation and demanded the same Catechists - we need you! parents / guardians. pay as men for their work. Emo- Do you enjoy sharing your faith? Contact Beth Stieritz at Develop- tional and inspiring, the film of- Do you enjoy working with chil- [email protected] to sign up – fers chances for a few belly- dren? Combine these pleasures include your name, child’s name laughs. And, as always, there will and teach our parish youth in St. and birth date. (If more than one date be ice cream to sweeten the dis- Luke’s PREP this school year! is chosen, please rank them in order of cussion. Please come! Teacher’s Aides - we need you! preference. You will receive a confirma- We need aides in the class- tion of your registration by e-mail). VILLANOVA DAY OF SERVICE rooms—this job is good for those ALUMINUM CAN Saint Luke parish has again been who don’t wish to prepare for approved as a site selected by Vil- COLLECTION teaching or who don’t feel that lanova University for their sixth Thanks to all who collected cans they are ready to be a catechist. annual Villanova Day of Service on and brought them to our can col- Substitutes - we need you! Saturday, September 24. We need some experienced teach- lection on July 9. Thanks also to ers who are willing to substitute members of the Peace and Justice Last year, a dozen Villanova Vol- from time to time. Committee and John Alekna for unteers, working alongside St. assisting in the collection. All pro- Luke staff and parishioners, spent Please contact the PREP office ceeds are for our sister parish in the day at St. Luke’s, and targeted at [email protected] or 215-884- Haiti. We are planning to have projects including raking play- 2080. another can collection sometime ground mulch, cleaning the after Labor Day. We continue to church floor, and doing various JOIN THE CYO BOARD collect tabs in the jars in Church. gardening tasks around campus. FALL 2011 - SPRING 2012 The CYO board is responsible for SAVING ENERGY This year, we hope to host about overseeing all of the Service, So- PECO has provided hand fans two dozen Villanova Volunteers! cial, Cultural, and Athletic events for use in Church to keep cool If you are interested in being in- for our children. There are many the old fashioned way. They also volved with our Villanova Day of positions available. With your provide valuable energy saving Service project on Saturday, Sep- help, our CYO will continue to be tips that can help reduce electric tember 24, please contact Beth successful. If interested, please bills. Please feel free to employ Stieritz, 215-572-0128 or Devel- contact Pete Wilson at the fans, but leave them behind [email protected]. [email protected]. for further use. 7/24/11—061 St. Luke—page 6 ST. LUKE’S 18TH SUMMERSTOCK CAST PRESENTS

Tickets on sale now: $8.00 in advance $10.00 at the door

Tickets available at Keswick Theatre box office on Wed. 8/3/11 after 4 pm

Keswick Theatre Layout

Thursday, August 4, 2011 Friday, August 5, 2011 The Keswick Theatre • 7:00 PM Doors open at 6:30 pm

All tickets are reserved on a first come, first serve basis. Orders cannot be processed without payment. Handicapped seating is available – please submit your order as early as possible so we can accommodate your needs. Tickets will be sold after Mass July 23/24 and July 30/31.

2 Ways To Obtain Advance Sale Tickets: 1. Mail or hand-deliver the Ticket Order form and payment no later than 8/1/11 : St. Luke Summerstock Ticket Order c/o Terry Dillinger 219 Harrison Avenue Glenside, PA 19038 2. Purchase at St. Luke’s Church after Mass during scheduled sales or drop off your order in the hall on Friday after 4:00 p.m. ***Questions? [email protected]*** ONCE ON THIS ISLAND JR., TICKET ORDER (advance sales)

Family Name: ______Telephone #______

Email: ______

Mailing Address: ______

Filled ticket order—pick up at hall (Fridays after 4) ____ mail ____ hold at box office ____

Seat Preference: First choice ______Second choice ______

Number of Tickets for Thursday, 8/4/11: ______X $8.00 = $______

Number of Tickets for Friday, 8/5/11: ______X $8.00 = $______

Total Order (payment enclosed) ______X $8.00 = $______Please make checks payable to “St. Luke Summerstock”

7/24/11—061 St. Luke—page 7 Prayerful Tai Chi: Join the group The 2nd annual Cathy Garry Me- Open your heart and home to a this summer for Tai Chi movements morial Golf Tournament will be Catholic exchange student from that people around the globe are us- held on Monday, August 1, at Cen- Germany or France for the coming ing to reduce stress, increase balance, ter Square Golf Club. All proceeds 2011/2012 school year. Caring host and improve flexibility. The first raised will help a local family im- families or single parents (with or meeting for the summer was July 16th pacted by cancer. Last year’s tourna- without children) are needed to pro- at 9 am in St. Paul’s Lutheran ment sent a local Glenside woman vide food, a bed and a loving home (Glenside) fellowship hall. The group who was recovering from leukemia for one or two semesters starting in will meet each Saturday through 8/6. to Walt Disney World with her hus- late August. Educational Merit There is no cost for the summer. band and three small children. Foundation (EMF) students are 15 to Plans for a 10-week course in the fall Golfer registrations, donations, and 18 years old, have medical insurance, are in the works. Come with comfy hole sponsorships can be made at spending money for their personal clothes and shoes for the soft move- or you can expenses and expect to share their ments. Contact: Kathleen Breuer at reach Jim Garry at 215-280-5952 for host family’s daily life including 215-887-1388, [email protected] more information.■ household responsibilities. They or Thomas Rusert at speak English, are well-screened and [email protected].■ Catholic Writers Conference eager to experience life with an LIVE. August 3-5, at the Scanticon American host family. Their stay Tapping Into Your Faith Monday Hotel Valley Forge in King of Prus- here is sponsored and supervised by Night, July 25, 6:30 to 9:30 pm. The sia, PA. This year’s conference will EMF, a non-profit, educational ex- Office of Youth and Young Adults focus on selling and marketing one’s change program. Interested host (OYYA) invites all Young Adults, writing. The conference is co- families are encouraged to apply and ages 18 – 39, to participate in Theol- sponsored by the Catholic Writers’ select a student as soon as possible. ogy on Tap Philly at our new loca- Guild and the Catholic Marketing For more information on EMF stu- tion: McGillin’s Olde Ale House, Network. Registration costs $90 for dents, please contact Marie-Claude 1310 Drury Lane, Phila., PA 19107. CWG members, $100 for non- Dijoud now at 1-800-467-8363 or This speaker members and $42 for students. visit■ series features dynamic talks focused Priests and religious are invited free on the Catholic faith. For more info of charge (but must register). To reg- Temple University Homestay pro- visit■ ister, or for more info: gram is looking for suitable families, to host international students at- Worldwide Marriage Encounter. or [email protected]. The tending Temple. The students will be The next couples experience will be CWG is a professional group of writ- arriving and registering mid to late July 29 - 31, 2011. For more info or ers, artists, editors, illustrators, and August. If you are interested please to register call 1-800-456-8330.■ allies whose mission is to build a vi- contact Dennis Serge at Temple, 215 St. Joseph’s Prep annual “Prep at brant Catholic literary culture.■ -204-2365 or [email protected].■ the Shore” will be held Saturday, Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats for ess is extremely helpful for those who July 30, 12-3 pm at The Deauville Healing After Abortion. Rachel’s struggle with forgiving themselves or Inn in Strathmere, NJ. All alums, Vineyard is an extraordinary opportu- others. The weekend will help your parents and friends are invited to nity for any person who struggles soul find a voice, and transform the attend for a day on the bay. For with emotional and spiritual pain of pain of the past into hope. Rachel’s more information: past abortion(s). Vineyard is a “therapy for the soul.” or call 215-978-1004.■ The weekend is a unique and effec- Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries will be Resso Roars at the Shore. Come tive process designed specifically to hosting a Retreat for Healing after join former and present parishioners help you experience the mercy and Abortion on August 5-7 at the Na- of Resurrection of Our Lord Parish compassion of God. There are many tional Shrine of Our Lady of Czesto- at Keenan’s in North Wildwood on exercises to help you grieve your loss chowa, Doylestown. For more info Saturday, July 30, 3 pm. For further and an opportunity to understand call Cindy at 484-947-5130 or visit info call 215-742-1127 or resurrec- and release the deep feelings of anger, All re- [email protected]. Tickets $30 shame, guilt, and grief that frequently quests are confidential.■ in advance, $35 at the door.■ accompanies an abortion. This proc- 7/24/11—061 St. Luke—page 8 A basketball camp for boys ages 8- Teen Leadership Training Day, St. Cecilia Parish in Fox Chase, Pa. 16 at Archbishop Wood HS, Aug. September 25. The Office for is celebrating its 100th anniversary 8 - Aug. 12 (Mon.-Fri., 9 am-3 pm). Youth and Young Adults (OYYA) with an All Class Reunion on Satur- Registration is $125 ($130 after 7/28) invites 7th through 12th grade teens day, November 19, 2011 in the and includes camp shirt, drink for to a brand new teen leadership train- school’s Auditorium and Gym begin- lunch, guest speaker, and insurance. ing seminar. Teens will explore the ning at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $35 and Contact Coach Jack Walsh at 215- leadership qualities of Christ and are available by contacting the Rec- 489-6438, [email protected].■ learn skills to become more effective tory at 215-725-1240 or email in communication, presentation and [email protected].■ As part of its ongoing monthly cen- working together. Please contact tennial celebrations, St. Edmond’s Courage ministers to those with Maria Richardson at 215-965-4625 Parish, 21st St. and Snyder Ave., same-sex attractions and their loved for more information. Details and Phila., will host a Fish Fry, Thurs., ones. A weekly peer support group is registration forms are available on August 11, 5 to 8 pm, in its parking offered to homosexual men and the OYYA website,■ lot and church hall. Eat-in or take- women who wish to live according out food available. Cost is $10.00/ Northeast Catholic HS Class of to the teaching of the Catholic ticket. For more info, call the rectory 1966 45th Reunion, Saturday, Octo- Church. Call 215-587-4505 and leave at 215-334-3755. The 100th Anniver- ber 1, 2011, 7 pm, King’s Caterers, a message. The Coordinator of the sary Mass and Dinner will take place 4010 New Falls Road, Bristol, PA. Courage group will return your call. on Sunday, June 10, 2012.■ For additional information, contact Confidentiality is assured.■ the alumni office: 215-543-1051.■ Marriage Help. Retrouvaille is a Encourage. This Courage affiliate Catholic based program to help mar- Join the fun at Mount Saint Joseph support group is for friends, relatives riages that are stressed or in trouble. Academy’s 19th Annual MSJA Golf and spouses of men and women with Retrouvaille has helped countless Classic, Monday, October 3, 2011, same sex attraction. This support married couples in all stages of disil- at Blue Bell Country Club. Lunch, group works and prays to develop a lusionment or misery in their mar- Cocktails & Dinner included. Golf at Catholic outreach to men and riage. The next program is at St. Jo- your level and convenience! Morning women who struggle with these feel- seph in the Hills Malvern Retreat or afternoon tee times. New to the ings to help them follow the teaching Center, Malvern, PA on Aug 12-14. game? Learn with the pros with the of the Catholic Church. Contact: All calls are confidential. For info: Instructional Golf option! Golf [email protected].■ or call 1 equipment will be provided for those -800-470-2230 or 302-832-8044.■ who need it. Cost is $250 per golfer Malvern Retreat House offers re- in either program. Raffle tickets treats for men, women, married cou- Society of St. Vincent de Paul available. For more info, please visit ples, families, teenagers, people with Clothing Drive, Monday, August for chemical dependency, Father/ 22, 9 am - 2 pm, at Abington Presby- sponsorship details and registration, Daughter, Mother/Son, and many terian Church, 1082 Old York Rd.■ or contact: Theresa Moyer, Director more. For details visit malvernre- of Alumnae, 215-233-3177 x334 or or call 610-644-0400.■ The Sisters of Saint Joseph will host email [email protected].■ a fundraiser, the Women’s Wellness Save some money and support Stella Weekend, in lovely Cape May Point, Visit to Mary’s Church. Join with Maris Church by parking for New Jersey from September 9 - 11. 4,000 other pilgrims from across the Phillies games at the church park- The weekend is designed to be holis- Archdiocese of Philadelphia on Sat- ing lot, 10th and Bigler Sts., for only tic-spiritual, relaxing, rejuvenating, urday, October 15, 2011 for a pil- $10. The church lot is located across educational, and fun. Included are grimage to the Basilica of the Na- from the Holiday Inn and is a short meals, accommodations and the op- tional Shrine of the Immaculate Con- walk to Citizens Bank Ballpark.■ portunity to participate in a variety of ception in Washington, DC. come in workshops. For additional informa- gratitude, in supplication, in repen- We are offering a 1998 Lexus for tion, or to register, go to http:// tance. Through Mary, encounter Je- sale to benefit our local Burmese or call sus Christ. For more info, call the refugee families. Call Deacon Croke 800-482-6510. Space is limited, so Office for Special Projects at 215- for more information.■ early registration is encouraged.■ 587-3519.■ 7/24/11—061 St. Luke—page 9 Remember those who are serving in the Armed Forces Sean Biggio Andy Johnson William Barry Shaun Collins Michael Johnson Powers, Jr. John Crockett Charles Keller Anthony Ross James A. Dwyer Michael DiCicco Thomas Schrader Michael Selgrath A. J. Dolan Edward Keller Brian Starkey, Jr. Eric Duckworth Dustin Lahiff Marygrace Mollie Shaw Colin A. Graham William Leimbach Telman Ronald Green Nicholas Lynch Travis Telman Robert Grimming Sean Maples Calvin Travers Allen Hanslovan Tim Tumelty Alex Jay Josh Parkes James Wardle Craig Achinko Raymond Koval The Carey Sextuplets Kathy LeQuier STAFF Patricia Carter Joanna Lindquist Parochial Administrator ...... Rev. Joseph D. Brandt Nancy Cavan Jim Markham Parochial Vicar (Senior Priest) ...... Rev. John F. McBride Eileen Cawley Catherine McCool Permanent Deacon ...... Deacon Thomas M. Croke Thomas John Clark Mary McFarland Retired ...... Rev. Joseph T. Murphy Dolores Costanza Kathleen McGee Director of Religious Education ...... Deacon Croke David Cullman Norva McGrogan School Principal ...... Sr. William Adele, SSJ Marian Darragh Heather McKernan Director of Parish Services ...... Jeanne Kyle Patricia DeCinque Fr. Joseph Murphy Director of Music Ministries ...... Molly Mahoney Rosemarie DeHaven Kathy DiLanzo Pollock Business Manager ...... Deacon Croke Beatrice DeNinnis Mary Rowland Development ...... Beth Stieritz Brendan Fick Larry Shannon Cynthia Fisher Claire Sharkey Secretary ...... Tina Dean John Fitzpatrick Raymond Simonis Evening Secretary ...... Cathy Berry Joseph Flint Tom Stone Maintenance ...... John Alekna Kathy Foley Alice Sutrynowicz Dave Daniel Deborah Gormley Margaret Sweeney Joseph Granahan Marie Tancredi RESPECT LIFE THOUGHT: Gretchen Gwynette Claire Tumelty The First Human Right Gerald Harnett Eric Wahl

Cardinal Renato Martino, when serving as President Geraldine Hewitt & of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, said Elizabeth Holzer All those who are sick the following in an interview conducted for Priests Patty Hotz and homebound in the for Life in May, 2004: Sr. Joan Huggard parish and patients at Vince Johnston, Sr. Abington Memorial “The Holy Father speaks of the protection of life as Sr. Marjorie Keenan Hospital the fundamental realization and respect for human rights. Without that realization, without that respect SAINT LUKE SCHOOL for the right to life, no other discussion of human rights can continue; it must be based upon the CLASS OF 1961 - REUNION foundation of human dignity and the right to life.” It’s been 50 years! Plans for a reunion on November 25, 2011 at the Knights of Columbus in Glenside are RESPECT LIFE PRAYER: in progress! Please contact:

That world leaders will have the wisdom to see that Jane Wills Doyle, [email protected]; the greatest treasure is human life itself, and may Gerry Meakim, [email protected], or Joe Lehman, [email protected]. work to protect and enhance that gift. 7/24/11—061 St. Luke—page 10