Reading List Mutual Exclusion

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Copyright c 2007 Arun Kejariwal and Alexandru Nicolau. All rights reserved 1 Mutual Exclusion Reading List

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2 Copyright c 2007 Arun Kejariwal and Alexandru Nicolau. All rights reserved Reading List Mutual Exclusion

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Copyright c 2007 Arun Kejariwal and Alexandru Nicolau. All rights reserved 3 Locking Reading List

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4 Copyright c 2007 Arun Kejariwal and Alexandru Nicolau. All rights reserved Reading List Locking

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Copyright c 2007 Arun Kejariwal and Alexandru Nicolau. All rights reserved 5 Synchronization Reading List

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6 Copyright c 2007 Arun Kejariwal and Alexandru Nicolau. All rights reserved Reading List Synchronization

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Copyright c 2007 Arun Kejariwal and Alexandru Nicolau. All rights reserved 7 Synchronization Reading List

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8 Copyright c 2007 Arun Kejariwal and Alexandru Nicolau. All rights reserved Reading List Synchronization

[S52] S. L. Scott. Synchronization and communication in the T3E multiprocessor. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS-VII), pages 26–36, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, 1996.

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Copyright c 2007 Arun Kejariwal and Alexandru Nicolau. All rights reserved 9 Synchronization Reading List

[S66] K. Zee and M. Rinard. Write barrier removal by static analysis. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, pages 191–210, Seattle, WA, 2002.

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10 Copyright c 2007 Arun Kejariwal and Alexandru Nicolau. All rights reserved Reading List Synchronization

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Copyright c 2007 Arun Kejariwal and Alexandru Nicolau. All rights reserved 11 Concurrent Objects Reading List

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Copyright c 2007 Arun Kejariwal and Alexandru Nicolau. All rights reserved 13