Proistamenos: Fr. Douglas Papulis ST. NICHOLAS (636) 527-7843 (314) 974-4613cell MONTHLY NEWSLETTER Parish Priest: Fr. Michael Arbanas ST. NICHOLAS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH (314)909-6999 4967 FOREST PARK AVENUE Office (314)361-6924 ST. LOUIS, MO 63108-1495 Fax (314)361-3539 Executive Secretary: Kathy Ellis ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH FAMILY LIFE CENTER Bookkeeper: Diane Winkler 12550 S FORTY DRIVE Email:
[email protected] ST. LOUIS, MO 63141 Website: January 2018 Volume 22- Number 1 The Feast of Epiphany Christ, according to Orthodox teaching, gave the rite of passage to the Church on the day He Himself was baptized. On this day, St. Gregory of Nyssa tells us, Jesus entered the filthy water of the world, and thereafter brought up and purified the world. It is this purification through Je- sus’ Baptism that we commemorate on this day. And it is God’s revelation of Himself as Trinity who makes salvation and eternal life possible, that we also observe. Epiphany’s Gospel les- son, which comes from Matthew 3:12-17, speaks to us about these events, both of which are necessary for salvation The Gospel lesson is a simple one. Shortly before Jesus’ desert experience and the com- mencement of his earthly ministry, Jesus went to the River Jordan to be Baptized by his cousin John. John, on seeing Jesus, knowing that He is without sin, sought to prevent Him from being baptized by saying, “I need to be Baptized by you, and are you coming to me” (Jn. 3:14)? But Jesus retorted by saying, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting to fulfill all righteousness.” Oh what a marvel! Jesus who was fully God and fully man, who had no need to be saved “through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit,” condescended to be Baptized.