ANNUAL REPORT 2019 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 WE BUILD LEADING DIGITAL BUSINESSES WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


02 Chief Executive’s Review 04 Sustainability Report 34 Board of Directors’ Report 39 Corporate Governance Report 45 Group Financial Statements & Notes 68 Parent Company Financial Statements & Notes 76 Audit Report 9 enitions an Alternative erorane easures 0 Annual eneral eetin 2020

or an inept esription o Kinnevik inluin our stratey tea an investee opanies please reer to

e Annual Report or Kinnevik AB publ 092 onsists o a Boar o iretors Report nanial stateents an oter inoration on paes 0 e Sustainability Report on paes as been subet to a liite assurane revie e annual aounts an onsoliate aounts on paes 0 ave been auite

1 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


Dear Shareholders, 2019 as araterie by stron perorane in our lare liste opanies an i ativity in our portolio inluin ne an olloon investents in eitin rot opanies e aelerate our pivot toars rot by istributin illio to our sareolers an opletin a sellon o a perent stake in alano to nane our ontinue investent oentu urin te year e ave also inrease our eorts to utureproo our opa- nies by supportin te interation o sustainability in teir ore business oels e enter 2020 it a stron ounation to eeute on our stratey

ull Year Results During 2019, Pivoting our Portfolio Towards Growth Kinnevik’s Net Asset Value amounted we released n eeber te istribution o our illio sa- to SK bn or SK2 per sare reolin to our sareolers as onlue is SEK 9.1bn from at te en o 2019 an inrease o siniant istribution o value to our investors 1 perent over te year inluin our more mature reinores our eiation to alloate a larer sare iviens pai e A evelop- assets through o our portolio to isruptive an tenoloyena- Fent as riven partiularly by stron sare prie divestments and ble rot an venture businesses rou te perorane in alano an ele2 dividends, cor- istribution te ontribution o tese businesses responding to in Kinneviks portolio inrease aterially Our Large Listed Companies over 12 percent urin 2019 e release soe SK 91bn ro alano is our larest olin an a ornerstone o of the portfolio our ore ature assets trou ivestents an our rot portolio ile te opanys rot we entered the iviens orresponin to over 12 perent o te as been truly ipressive sine our rst investent year with. portolio e entere te year it About a tir o alost 10 years ao e believe alano ill on- te apital as reinveste into our eistin porto- tinue to benet ro its lare arket opportunity lio an an aitional SK 1bn as investe into In September we decreased our stake from 31 to to ne businesses illae an ate it 26 percent to maintain our own pace of invest- tese transations e ave iprove te akeup ent into private rot opanies alano ts o our portolio an ae it ore balane bot suarely it our stratey an e ully support in ters o aturity prole an setor eposure te opanys abition to ontinue investin in rot to beoe te startin point or asion Doubling Down in Healthcare olloin its 201 erer it o e ele2 e ealtare inustry is strulin to eliver a- is te leain eobile operator in Seen essible eetive an aorable are to all e are an te Baltis proviin onnetivity an ii- optiisti tat onsueriation ne tenoloy tal servies in our Seis oe arket it its an innovation in payent oels an yiel better stron as onversion isipline isposals o ore aessible an loer ost are urin te nonore operations an ous on aintainin year e ouble on in our ealtare porto- an eient apital struture ele2s sareoler lio it ollo on investents in Babylon ear reuneration is uellin te rot in soe o our an ivono an a ne investent in illae less ature opanies ile proviin stability a leain S base provier o priary are At to our portolio as a ole te en o 2019 te value o our ealtare port- olio aounte to SK bn orresponin to 9 percent of our portfolio compared to 2 percent in

2 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

201 an 0 perent in 201 e are onvine apital enerate by our investent ativities to tat tese opanies are only at te beinnin o sareolers trou etra iviens n tis on- teir rot ourneys tet te ivien in kin o illio orrespone to SEK 60 per Kinnevik share when the distribution Taking On the Nordic Food Market as oplete in te beinnin o eeber Anoter eitin investent tee in 2019 as our newly established leadership position in the Nordic Future-Proofng Our Portfolio online roeries arket avin been istorially As onsuer beaviours are sitin aross te oinate by lare inubents it stron arket orl Kinnevik believes tere is a real opportunity positions te setor is on te vere o siniant or businesses puttin sustainable evelopent at transoration e starte it an investent in te ore o teir business oel n ay 2019 e te larest online roer in oray Kolonial in adopted a Diversity & Inclusion Framework to drive 201 an in te beinnin o 2019 e investe ane itin Kinnevik an our portolio not only SK 09bn into ate te Seis arket leaer ro an euality stanpoint but ost iportantly urin te year e ave aterially strente- ro a business an perorane perspetive ne ates leaersip tea inluin irin Read more about the Framework and our four a ne e tea is eiate to iprovin overarin tarets on pae 119 te opanys ustoer oerin rive eieny Soetin e are very prou to note as an ains an steer te opany toars a stron 31% oner is alanos ne sustainability stratey laun- lonter rot traetory e in 2019 t is an abitious stratey settin out te opanys bol vision o bein a sustainable Financial Position and fashion platform with a net-positive impact on pe- Shareholder Renumeration ople an te planet alano also set ne iversity e ene 2019 it a stron nanial position tarets or its top leaersip levels epasiin an net ebt o SK 09bn or 1 perent o port- Our NAV increased te nee or te opany to reet its ustoer olio value enablin us to arry out our apital by 31% during 2019 base any o te opanies in our portolio ave realloation plan or te oin years As o- ae siniant proress in utureproon teir uniate in 2019 rater tan payin an orinary businesses by interatin soun overnane stru- ivien to our sareolers oin orar e tures ensurin soial responsibility aross ierent ill enerate sareoler returns priarily trou aspets an takin easures to reue teir en- capital appreciation and will seek to return excess vironental ipat Rea ore about Kinneviks and our portfolio companies’ efforts in the 2019 Sustainability Report

Concluding Remarks it a portolio onsistin o a ier sare o We ended 2019 rot opanies eer but larer ne invest- ents siniant apital eploye into te ealt with a strong are setor an a bol step into te ori oo fnancial position spae e ave eeute on te priorities tat e and net debt of ilite at te beinnin o te year ookin SEK 0.9bn or 1.3 orar e ill aintain our pae o investent READ MORE percent of port- and deploy our capital systematically into the folio value, ena- leain businesses o toorro e epet to bling us to carry invest slitly less apital in 2020 tan in 2019 out our capital but enou to ontinue our transoration ank re-allocation plan you our sareolers or your ontinue support for the coming on tis eitin ourney years. Georgi Ganev Chief Executive Offcer Doubling Down in Healthcare: ur ealtare portolio ene te year at SK bn

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The consumers are in charge. At Kinnevik e vie sustainability as a business opportunity n reent years tere as been a siniant sit in onsuer beaviour toars buyin prouts an servies tat are proue in a sustai- nable anner e inrease onsuer ous on sustainability reates oppor- tunities or tose opanies tat an eet tese inrease epetations t is our responsibility as an active owner to put sustainable business development at te top o te aena at our investee opanies an ake sure tey seie te opportunities arisin ro tis e truly believe tat to be a lonter su- essul opany you nee to be part o te solution not te proble

The Decade of Delivery Companies in Sustainability Performance 2019 201 arke an inetion point lobally as o- the top quartile urin te year e ave put a lot o eort into vernents aross te orl aree on a opre- evelopin sustainability roaaps or te ten for gender ensive raeork or sustainable evelopent opanies e investe in urin 201 As or all naely Aena 200 an te s Sustainable diversity are 21% early stae opanies te allene is to balane evelopent oals te lobal oals ey more likely to rot it sustainability initiatives A key ous are a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity outperform on area has been the implementation of Kinnevik’s or people an te planet no an in te uture proftability. Diversity & Inclusion Framework and many of our it ten years let until 200 2020 starts o at opanies ave soe lear proress bot on i- as been alle te eae o elivery McKinsey, versity an in reatin a ore inlusive orkplae One central aspect of the Global Goals is that 2018 In response to the climate crisis many companies tey reonie tat lonter sustainable eve- are also takin eisive ation to reue teir li- lopent ust o aninan it strateies tat ate ipat nvironental aspets ill be a key buil eonoi rot All levels o soiety are ous area or Kinnevik in 2020 an onars epete to ontribute to te oals overnents In the fourth quarter of 2019 our portfolio com- ivil soiety an businesses As an oraniation e pany uikr an online lassies plator operatin ave ene i role e ant to play in 200 in nia isovere tat ertain ealers a plae an beyon e ave use te lobal oals as titious or isrepresente transations on its plat- a basis or our sustainability stratey an in our or Kinnevik is orkin losely it uikrs boar Sustainability Report e outline our olisti ap- an anaeent to aress te eets o tis proach to value creation and how we contribute an to iprove te opanys internal ontrols to te lobal oals ile reatin value or our Rea ore about te easures taken on pae 22 stakeolers All Value is Created by People Focusing on Diversity & Inclusion to Kinnevik’s purpose is to make people’s lives better Drive Better Business Outcomes by proviin ore an better oie eople are Diversity and inclusion is a business imperative for at te entre o at e o an tey are also our Kinnevik A iverse oranisation is able to ain- reatest asset in reatin value or our stakeolers tain relevance for customers and at the same time I would like to take this opportunity to thank inrease proutivity innovation an protability Kinneviks senior anaeent tea an all e- urin te year e laune a iversity & nlu- ployees or all te inreibly ar ork urin te sion raeork or ener euality to rive te year rou te oitte teas at Kinnevik an iportant ane e ant to see at Kinnevik in in our investee opanies a onvine e ill our portolio an in te broaer inustry Rea ontinue to buil lonter sustainable businesses more about our efforts to support Global Goal tat leverae isruptive tenoloy to eet te nuber ener euality on pae 119 eans o onsuers toay an in te uture

Dame Amelia Fawcett Chairman of the Board of Kinnevik

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Kinnevik is an industry focused investment company it an entrepreneurial spirit ur purpose is to ake peoples lives better by proviin ore an better oie n partner- sip it talente ouners an anaeent teas e buil allener businesses tat use isruptive tenoloy to aress aterial everyay onsuer nees As ative o- ners e believe in eliverin bot sareoler an soial value by builin lonter sus- tainable businesses tat ontribute positively to soiety e invest in urope it a ous on te oris te S an seletively in oter arkets Kinnevik as oune in 19 by te Stenbek Klinspor an von orn ailies Kinneviks sares are liste on asa Stokols list or lare ap opanies uner te tiker oes K A an K B

Five Year Annualized IRR per Sector Portfolio Composition

E-Commerce & Marketplaces oere & arketplaes 4% Financial Services 8% 50% ealtare 42% 8% Total 6% TMT 34%

Total Shareholder Return (TSR)

40% 9% 16% 12% 9% Healthcare 6% Financial Services

ne ear ive ears en ears irty ears NAV Development (SEKbn)1

92.0 everae to 89.0 1.3% Portfolio Value 84.3 73.3 70.5

Investment Activity (SEKm) 4 566

n Investments

n Divestments

(1 620) n Net Investments

(6 186) Q4’18 Q1’19 Q2’19 Q3’19 Q4’19

1 urin 2019 Kinnevik istribute its entire sareolin in illio to its sareolers orresponin to SK 1bn

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OUR VALUE CREATION PROCESS. Kinnevik applies a holistic vie on value reation e are lon ter business builer tat provie anson operational support to our opanies as ell as a ilevel stratei perspetive o reate value or our o- panies as ell as oter key stakeoler roups e ra on vari- ous types of resources

Resources We Draw On Financial uns available trou investent anaeent ativities iviens ro investee opanies an ebt nanin

Intellectual ranisational apital su as systes poliies proesses an tools

Human ur eployees an onsultants opetenies apabilities eperiene loyalty an otivations

Social Relationsips an interations it our stakeolers an netorks as ell as our bran an reputation

Natural nvironental resoures e ra on to enable or eaple business travel an oe loations


The value we create for our stakeholders 8.1: Sustainable eonoi rot 5.5 nsure oens ull partiipation trou our ative onersip is learly 13.2: nterate liate ane easu- in leaersip an eisionakin onnete to te lobal oals Rea res into poliies an plannin 8.8: rotet labour rits an ore about our stakeoler ialoue 16.5: Substantially reduce proote sae orkin environents on pae 11 an about te ost rele- corruption and bribery vant Global Goals for Kinnevik and our portolio on pae 11 urterore 16.6: evelop eetive some of our companies contribute to accountable and transparent the Global Goals by virtue of their core institutions business oels rea ore on pae 2

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Value We Create for Our Stakeholders

Shareholders and the Financial Community onter eonoi an sus- tainability performance Systematic Building Sourcing and Long-term Employees Assessment Sustainable Stron orporate ulture of New Businesses iprove skills an knolee Investments Vision eual opportunities open Mission sation iversity an orklie Values balance

Strategy Portfolio Companies and Entrepreneurs Economic and sustainability perorane nanial an ope- Dynamic rational support netork an Capital knolee sarin rou Re-allocation our portfolio companies we provide consumers with more and better choice

Society and Authorities elloverne opanies tat ontribute positively to soiety Our vision an ission ientiy our purpose as an oraniation Good corporate citizenship and ur stratey enes o e aiie opportunities an alloate improved policy landscape resoures an our values uie us in o to ipleent our stratey Rea ore about tis an our business oel on pae 9

Investee Companies and Entrepreneurs Society and Authorities

5.5: Ensure women’s full participation 13.2: nterate liate ane 16.6: evelop eetive in leaersip an eisionakin easures into poliies an plannin accountable and transparent 8.1: Sustainable eonoi rot 16.5: Substantially reduce institutions 8.2: iversiy innovate an corruption and bribery 17.16: nane te lobal uprae or eonoi proutivity 16.6: evelop eetive partnership for sustainable development 8.8: rotet labour rits an accountable and transparent proote sae orkin environents institutions 12.5: Substantially reduce 17.16: nane te lobal aste eneration partnership for sustainable development 12:6: nourae opanies to adopt sustainable practices and sustainability reportin

7 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

OUR BUSINESS MODEL aon oter aspets uan rits sre- e onut biannual investent re- enin an a orruption risk assessent views with all our companies in which Sustainability is an interate part o our In instances where potential investments our investment team discusses the com- business oel ro te sourin an do not adhere to relevant standards or panies’ development across a number assessment of new business opportuni- are not considered to be likely to under- o paraeters inluin sustainability ties to te onoin evelopent o our take te reuire iproveents Kin- aspets n aition Kinneviks Sustainabi- companies and the re-allocation of capital nevik rerains ro proeein it te lity Function conducts yearly assessments into ne opportunities investent o all portolio opanies inluin i- e believe tat opanies tat ope- en a portolio opany is seekin pleentation o te roaap an sets rate in a responsible and ethical manner aitional unin tey are evaluate tarets an priorities or te oin year will be able to offer better products and aain in stae to o te an a key Read more about the assessment process services that meet the demands of their condition for follow-on investments is that on pae 21 ustoers as ell as reruit te best the company has shown clear sustainabi- eployees tereby outperorin teir lity proress inluin & in aorane Dynamic Capital Re-Allocation opetitors in te lon run it teir roaap Kinneviks Boar o Kinnevik systematically re-allocates capi- Directors oversees and conducts an an- tal from companies where we believe our Systematic Sourcing and Assessment nual evaluation o te proess tenure as owner is over into new venture of New Investments urin 2019 Kinnevik investe in to an rot opanies it a istribu- Kinnevik as a ellene proess to ne opanies ate an illae tion o opanies alon te rot an source and assess potential new invest- bot o i ere subet to sustainabi- aturity urve e benet ro a uni- ents involvin te anaeent ea lity ue iliene o aress ientie ue syste o opanies spannin ro Investment Team and the Sustainability issues a roaap as aree it bot venture an rot businesses tat are untion Kinneviks Boar o iretors is opanies an proress is bein ae not accessible on the public markets to also involved in the investment process ore ature liste opanies proviin epenin on te sie o te investent Building Long-Term Sustainable stability to te portolio an i te investent oes beyon our Businesses stratey eeution plan nvestin in te best opanies is ritial n pipeline isussion eetins te but how we contribute to the develop- tea takes a broaer vie o our taret ment of our companies after investment sectors and maps the opportunities in is key to reatin value e evelop a Our Sourcing and Assessment Process ea setor A sall seletion o opa- plan or ea opany epenin on nies is brout to stae one o te eu- ea business arateristis an nees tive Investment Committee (the “EIC”) and e an provie anson operational evaluated based on Kinnevik’s investment support as ell as ilevel stratei ui- Pipeline criteria Kinneviks investent tea only ane Rea ore about o e support Discussion brins opanies tat t our investent our opanies on paes 222 e also Meetings etos to pipeline isussion eetins provie aess to te ur roup lator an to te a lobal netork o opanies avisors e ost proisin opportunities an eperts rea ore on pae 21 ove on to stae to o te A key evaluation aspect is the quality of the Stage #1 tea an te passion rive an values Initial Investment o te ouners urin tis stae e also Proposal onut torou ue iliene on te Due Diligence opanies aross key untions inluin • Commercial Executive aon oters nanial leal oer- • Financial Investment ial an sustainability • enoloy Committee n te sustainability ue iliene • Cyber Security Stage #2 companies are evaluated based on their • eal Detailed Investment performance and structures in relation • Sustainability Proposal to eonoi soial an environental aspets an te key risks an opportu- nities are ientie e use te Kinnevik Stanars rea ore on pae 21 as a Investment basis or te ue iliene t inlues

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• Backing challenger businesses that use technology to address material, everyday consumer needs • A bold and long-term business builder, partnering with talented entrepreneurs • Focusing on Fashion & Food e-Commerce, Online Marketplaces, Financial Services, Healthcare and TMT, large sectors in the process of signifcant technological disruption • Investing in Europe, with a focus on the Nordics, the US, and selectively in other markets • Leveraging our experience and expertise to build leading, long-term sustainable businesses

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Kinnevik’s sustainability strategy and framework is based on the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which balances three dimensions of sustainability onoy Soiety an nvironent

EXTERNAL FRAMEWORKS 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable evelopent as been ene by te nite ations Kinnevik is a sinatory o te lobal opat i is te as ”Development that meets the needs of the present without orls larest orporate sustainability initiative A part o tis compromising the ability of future generations to meet their initiatives ultiyear stratey is to rive business aareness an own needs.” ation in support o aievin te lobal oals by 200 is Sustainability is te ounation or toays leain lobal Sustainability Report serves as Kinnevik’s annual Communication raeork or international ooperation te 200 Aena on roress to te lobal opat ontainin our ipleen- for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development tation o its priniples on uan rits labour environent an oals Aopte by all nite ations eber States in 201 antiorruption Kinnevik also reonises te speial iportane te 200 Aena is a broa an universal poliy aena it 1 o international stanars on responsible business onut su lobal oals split into 19 assoiate tarets to be aieve by as te uielines or ultinational nterprises an te 200 e lobal oals are interate inivisible an balane uiin riniples on Business an uan Rits te tree iensions o sustainable evelopent eonoy The Sustainability Report 2019 is prepared in accordance with soiety an environent te lobal Reportin nitiatives R Stanars ore option inluin te R Setor islosures or inanial Servies e R ine is available on pae 291

The UN Sustainable Development Goals

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KINNEVIK’S ORGANISATION Company an Portfolio: Our Active Ownership e aterial topics are applied on both a Kinnevik and a Portfolio level with The Board of Directors is responsible for Kinnevik’s overall spei tarets an Ks or ea level stratey inluin o e interate sustainability aspets as part o our value reation o assist te Boar in onitorin Kinnevik’s purpose is to make people’s lives better by pro- te ipleentation o our sustainability aena Kinnevik as viding more and better choice. We work towards that vision establise a Risk opliane & Sustainability oittee ap- by leveraging our experience and expertise to build digital, pointe by te Boar o iretors o rive te interation on a long-term sustainable businesses that address material, aytoay basis on a Kinnevik level an in relation to our investee everyday consumer needs. opanies Kinnevik as a eiate Sustainability untion

SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY Stakeholder Dialogue aintainin a lose ialoue it our prinipal stakeoler Kinneviks sustainability stratey is a raeork set up to ous roups is entral in enin an onrin our aterial aspets our resoures on te ost relevant eonoi soial an envi- e key stakeoler roups are ientie trou boar an ronental issues rive perorane an to enae internal anaeent isussions as tose tat are ost aete by an eternal stakeolers e raeork onsists o Kinneviks our operations as ell as ave a i eree o inuene over aterial topis as ell as tarets an key perorane iniators Kinneviks ability to ipleent our strateies or aieve our ob- Ks or ea aterial topi Kinnevik aresses sustainable etives e ous areas or ea stakeoler roup ave been business evelopent on to levels Kinnevik: A Responsible raise in onoin ialoues trouout te year

Key Stakeholder Groups Focus Areas Methods of Engagement Response/Outcome

Shareholders and the Stron an lonter eonoi nvestor eetins an roa Continuous communication Financial Community and sustainability performance sos apital arkets ay across available communication inluin soli overnane interi reports an ebasts annels rearin Kinneviks structures and sound social and intervies in te eia orporate stratey nanial evelopent environental praties ebsite press releases annual an sustainability proress eneral eetins an annual an sustainability reports

Employees orporate ulture perorane on all eetins loal sta Struture onboarin or ne anaeent eual opportu- eetins tea onerenes eployees biannual revies nities iversity an inlusion bi-annual reviews of performance an obetive settin annual orklie balane attrative an personal obetives opensation revie trainin compensation structures and of key policies and implementa- stron eonoi an sustainabi- tion of the Diversity & Inclusion lity perorane raeork

Portfolio Companies and Stron an lonter eonoi noin ouniation Continuous operational and Entrepreneurs an sustainability perorane trou investent tea nanial support support in nanial an operational support annual assessent relatin to ipleentin soun sustainabi- netork an knolee sarin te Kinnevik Stanars ative lity practices and access to the representation on Boards and in ur roup netork oittees

Society and Authorities polin o soial responsibility ialoues it loal Atively enae in open oo orporate itiensip an overnents autorities an key ialoues to ontribute to an overall transpareny poliy akers orporate ebsite iprove te poliy lansape and annual and sustainability Participate in public consultations report in areas of importance to Kinnevik an our opanies

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Material Topics for Kinnevik and Our Portfolio Across the three dimensions of sustainable development



Sound Governance Social Responsibility and Good Reduced Climate Impact Structures and Economic Growth Corporate Citizenship • Corporate Governance • Human Rights • Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Risk Management • Business Ethics • Use of resources • Compliance • Health & Safety • Economic Growth • Diversity & Inclusion • Well-being & Personal Development • Community Outreach

12 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Material Topics Targets and KPIs Scope and Boundaries of Reporting

Kinneviks aterial topis are ientie n te net to paes is an overvie This report covers the sustainability trou interative stakeoler ialo- o Kinneviks tarets an Ks or ea performance of Kinnevik for the period ues Boar an anaeent isus- of our material topics on a Kinnevik and 1 anuary to 1 eeber 2019 ur stra- sions peer benarkin an inustry ortolio level e Ks soul be seen tey involves bein a lea sareoler in best praties as uantiable representations o our sus- our companies with a sizeable minority en eterinin our aterial to- tainability performance and as a tool to sareolin i provies us inuene pis e onsier topis tat are te ost easure proress ey o not oever over outoes is eans tat ile e iportant to us an our stakeolers as over te ull etent o Kinneviks eorts an eerise inuene over our investee ell as te siniane o Kinneviks eo- A number of our investee companies opanies ainly trou boar repre- noi soial an environental ipats are in te early staes o teir sustainabi- sentation e o not iretly ontrol our The material topics comprise the key risks lity evelopent i is reete in te investee opanies and opportunities that we believe are outoe o te Ks on a portolio level e issues ientie as relevant or iportant to ous on on a Kinnevik an e annot epet all opanies to ully investee companies relate to those ortolio level eet our epetations it rears to oranisations at roup parent level an e aterial topis ave not ane sustainability at te point o investent does not consider issues which may be siniantly ro last year but te areas an e ene a lear roaap or our relevant for their local operations or sub- of social responsibility and diversity and opanies it key priorities ea year siiaries inlusion in partiular as ell as liate n aition Kinnevik invests priarily in The focus of this report is on sustai- ipat ave risen in iportane rot an venture opanies an te nability performance and initiatives in oposition o our portolio anes Kinneviks on operations Aitional Kinnevik’s material topics: over tie i as an ipat on te Ks case study material on the investee com- A full account of the KPIs on a portfolio panies is provie on a suary basis ECONOMY level inluin oparative nubers or as well as in the form of case studies on Sound Governance Structures 2019 an 201 is available on pae 2 spei initiatives ore inoration on and Economic Growth investee companies’ performance can be oun on teir respetive ebsites SOCIETY Kinnevik’s economic performance is Social Responsibility and Good iretly inuene by te eonoi per- Corporate Citizenship orane o our investee opanies an therefore economic performance is only ENVIRONMENT overe in tis report on a Kinnevik level Reduced Climate Impact Kinnevik as ientie liate ipat and Greenhouse Gas emissions in parti- ular as our ost aterial environental topis n te uture e ay inlue oter environental aspets su as aste a- naeent an ater onsuption

13 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


Dimensions of ECONOMY SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT Sustainable Development

Most Relevant 8.1: Sustainable eonoi rot 5.5: Ensure women’s full participation 13.2: nterate liate ane ea- Global Goals in leaersip an eisionakin sures into poliies an plannin 16.5: Substantially reduce corruption and bribery 8.8: rotet labour rits an proote sae orkin environents 16.6: evelop eetive aountable and transparent institutions 17.16: nane te lobal partner- ship for sustainable development

Material Sound Governance Structures and Social Responsibility and Good Reduced Climate Impact Topics Economic Growth Corporate Citizenship

Targets • aintain soun orporate over- • Attrat reruit an retain talente • easure eissions nane strutures inluin risk employees • Reduce climate impact anaeent an opliane in • Be an attractive employer with Kinnevik’s own operations • set eissions trou an iversity & inlusion ellbein internationally reonie oset- • Deliver an annual total sharehol- and personal development in tin proet der return of 12-15% over the focus business cycle • Contribute to and improve the • arry lo leverae not eeein policy landscape and society as a 10% of portfolio value ole trou open ialoues • ounity outrea enae- ent trou Rea or ane

Status • early revie o all poliies an • early eployee perorane • onut a yearly reenouse as handbooks revies an biannual obetive emission estimate by scope and • eiate Risk opliane & settin activity Sustainability Committee (Board) • Personalized career development • settin our arbon eissions an Risk oittee anae- an trainin opportunities in full ment) • Best-in-class parental leave • early opliane trainin benets inluin oe o onut an • Launched the Diversity & anti-corruption Inclusion Framework • noin oitent to Rea or ane

KPIs • Net Asset Value development • Number of employees split by • Carbon dioxide equivalents • onoi value enerate an oe an untion (”CO2e”) emissions in total and distributed • Number of nationalities per employee • everae in relation to ortolio • Ae istribution o eployees • 2e eissions in Sope 1 2 Value and Board and 3 • Annualised Total Shareholder • New hires and employee turn- • CO2e emissions per activity and Return per 0 10 an 1 year over by type of Greenhouse Gas • Share of women across teams and Board • Parental and sick leave • Number of social entrepreneurs supporte an ilren elpe trou Rea or ane

ote Rea ore about te Ks on a Kinnevik level on pae 120

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Dimensions of ECONOMY SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT Sustainable Development

Most Relevant 8.1: Sustainable eonoi rot 5.5: Ensure women’s full participation 12.5: Substantially reduce waste Global Goals 8.2: iversiy innovate an uprae in leaersip an eisionakin eneration for economic productivity 8.8: rotet labour rits an pro- 12:6: nourae opanies to aopt 16.5: Substantially reduce corruption ote sae orkin environents sustainable practices and sustainabi- and bribery 16.5: Substantially reduce corruption lity reportin 16.6: evelop eetive aountable and bribery 13.2: nterate liate ane ea- and transparent institutions 16.6: evelop eetive aountable sures into poliies an plannin and transparent institutions 17.16: nane te lobal partner- ship for sustainable development

Material Sound Governance Structures Social Responsibility and Good Reduced Climate Impact Topics and Economic Growth Corporate Citizenship

Targets • Build companies with sound cor- • Ensure our companies build • Ensure our companies measure porate overnane risk anae- responsible business relations- CO2e emissions ment and compliance structures ips it suppliers inluin u- • Ensure our companies have im- • nsure lonter sustainable an rits business etis an plemented concrete measures to eonoi rot aross our health & safety considerations reduce their climate impact portfolio companies • Ensure our companies are • Ensure our companies offset attractive employers with human eissions trou an interna- rits ealt & saety iversity & tionally reonie osettin inlusion ellbein an perso- proet nal development in focus • Ensure our companies have committed community outreach proras

Status Rea about te sustainability perorane o our portolio opanies on pae 212

KPIs PV #COs PV #COs PV #COs The Portfolio level KPIs are as ipleente a oe 92% 69% as ipleente 83% 46% naes in environen- 78% 23% derived from of Conduct across its a Supplier Code of tal reportin oranisation Conduct based on inter- our annual national standards as ipleente 79% 31% assessment of as ipleente a 94% 54% measures to reduce the portfolio istlebloin syste onuts perioi 94% 77% the Company’s CO2e companies employee surveys emissions based on as onute a risk 87% 46% the Kinnevik assessment as inorporate anti 93% 73% Standards, discrimination principles as a ene risk liits 42% 23% in the Company’s policies read more on statement to monitor risk page 21. levels as at least 0 o te 4% 12% underrepresented onuts reular 96% 81% ener in te opliane trainin anaeent tea

as inorporate anti 89% 62% as at least 0 o te 37% 8% corruption principles in underrepresented the Company’s policies ener in te boar

as ipleente a 82% 31% community outreach or pilantropi prora

ote A ull aount o te ortolio level Ks is available on pae 2 o ortolio alue s o uber o opanies

15 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


As a responsible and active owner, Kinnevik aims to SOUND GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES AND ECONOMIC GROWTH be a role model for our investee companies across eonoi soial an environental aspets For Kinnevik as a company, it is important to have sound governance, risk manage- ment and compliance structures in place, including clear structures, policies and processes across functions. Being a f- nancially strong company is imperative to our role as active owners, supporting our portfolio companies towards achie- ving long-term sustainable and proftable growth.

Governance e basis or orporate overnane in Kinnevik is Seis leislation asa Stokols Rule Book or ssuers an reulations an reoenations issue by relevant selreulatory boies Kin- nevik also follows the Swedish Corporate overnane oe Se Svensk ko r bolasstyrnin Kinnevik’s Board is responsible for Kinneviks overall stratey inluin sus- 12% tainability an is ell inore about Kinneviks poliies an proeures e 30 Years Boar is supporte by te Risk opli- 40% ance & Sustainability Committee (a subset 1 Year of the Board) and the Risk Committee onsistin o Kinneviks anaeent tea an investent iretors e Risk opliane & Sustainability Committee assists the Board in moni- torin te overnane strutures o Kinneviks investee opanies Kinneviks risk anaeent proess an opli- ane it las reulations an oes o onut ore inoration about Kinneviks overnane boies an teir 16% work is available in the Corporate Gover- 10 Years nane Report 2019 9% Kinnevik’s key policies are our Code 5 Years o onut istlebloer oliy or- porate Responsibility oliy Supplier oe o onut an obbyin oliy The policies have been communicated to all employees and members of the Board and are available on our website All employees and representatives of Kinnevik are expected to fully comply it te oe o onut Kinnevik as TOTAL SHAREHOLDER RETURN is calculated on the basis of an onboarin proess or ne eploy- sareolers reinvestin all as iviens iviens in kin an ees that introduces them to the Code anatory sare reeption proees into te Kinnevik sare o onut i inlues provisions

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on antibribery an business etis an Compliance urin 2019 Kinnevik iveste a oter key poliies an proeures Kinnevik’s compliance framework is perent stake in alano representin As outline in te istlebloer o- mainly focused on compliance with the 1 perent o our total sareolin in liy Kinnevik epets all eployees as las an reulations tat overn liste te opany eneratin ross proees well as relevant third parties who deal with opanies in Seen su as asa o SK 9bn Kinnevik also istribute te opany to oe orar an voie Stokols Rule Book or ssuers te u- its entire sareolin in illio to all serious concerns about any aspect ropean nion arket Abuse Reulation our sareolers a value transer o o Kinneviks ork inluin te areas o 9201 te Seis opanies SK1bn in total o uan rits labour environent At an oter las an reulations rela- Kinnevik does not consolidate opera- antiorruption an antiisriination tin to Kinneviks operations an invest- tin subsiiaries an as a neative ope- Kinnevik istlebloin servie is a- ent ativities e Risk opliane & ratin result an is tereore not subet nae by te eternal party istleB Sustainability Committee and the Audit to orporation ta urin 2019 Kinnevik i not reeive Committee receive periodic updates on any reports to te istlebloin servie opliane status A opliane revie Amended Shareholder in relation to te las an reulations Remuneration Policy A part of the compensation for Kinnevik’s tat overn Seis liste opanies is or a nuber o years Kinnevik aie to investment team is linked to the portfolio performed annually to ensure full com- pay an annual ivien roin in line companies’ sustainability performance. pliance and identify potential areas for with dividends received from our investee iproveent opanies ainly illio an ele2 Risk Management Kinnevik conducts mandatory annual an te as o enerate ro our Kinnevik’s Board is responsible for internal opliane trainin inluin oe o investent ativities n lit o te istri- control in accordance with the Swedish onut an nsier rain Rules or bution o illio an te entailin step opanies At Se Aktiebolaslaen all eployees as ell as perioi eep ane in our portolios oposition e and the Swedish Corporate Governance ives on spei atters su as antior- amended our shareholder remuneration oe Kinneviks risk raeork is out- ruption an supply ain anaeent poliy oin orar e ill ease to line in te Risk anaeent oliy pay an ordinary cash dividend and in- Kinneviks anaeent as establise Economic Performance stea use iviens reeive priarily a Risk Committee that meets thrice a year urin 2019 Kinneviks et Asset alue ro ele2 to un an arete our o- to revie key risks evelopents sine inrease by 1 perent auste or nership in the companies we believe are te previous eetin te eieny o iviens pai to SK bn 0 otal tomorrow’s winners in our private portfo- any itiatin ations an our overall risk investments for the year amounted to SEK lio urter e ill seek to return eess appetite e ork o te Risk oit- bn 2 otal ivestents aounte capital to shareholders from successful tee is presente at ea eetin o te to SK 2bn 1 Kinnevik ene 2019 eits in te or o etra iviens Risk opliane & Sustainability o- in a net ebt position o SK 09bn 29 mittee and to the Audit Committee on a orresponin to a leverae o 1 0 perioi basis perent o portolio value

Economic value generated and distributed by Kinnevik during 2019, SEKm

Economic value generated Economic value distributed

Divestments of 6 186 (18 819) Dividend distributed nanial assets

Dividends 2 907 (4 566) Investments in received nanial assets ter operatin 50 (391) peratin epenses income inluin eployee aes (49) Interest paid

17 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND GOOD Well-Being and Personal Out of the 86 percent of employees that CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP Development in Focus responded to Kinnevik’s 2019 employee Kinnevik offers its employees continuous survey, 95 percent said they would re- Kinnevik’s greatest asset is and has always opportunities for personal and professio- fer someone else to work at Kinnevik. been our people. As such, attracting nal rot in orer to evelop teir skill and retaining top talent is a key priority. set an to take inreasin responsibility Kinnevik enouraes parental leave Kinnevik regards diversity and inclusion for value creation at Kinnevik and our or bot en an oen n 2019 te as core levers for value creation, and we investee opanies e sall sie o our averae parental leave taken as 9 0 make full use of the opportunities that oranisation enables us to personalise weeks for men and 46 (52) weeks for wo- arise from employing a team with different areer evelopent an trainin oppor- en is reers to parental leave tat backgrounds and perspectives. We also tunities or ea eployee ese inlue starte urin 2019 an inlues te ull have a frm belief in contributing to the euational proras su as leaersip nuber o eeks reueste e leave wider community, which we have done for ourses an topi spei trainin ses- ay tereore be oplete urin te many years through the Kinnevik-founded sions as ell as anson operational olloin year non-proft organisation Reach for Change. eperiene trou seonent at a portolio opany In 2019 Kinnevik implemented a new A Small and Diverse Team noin assessents o eployees parental leave policy, stipulating that ile te nature o our ork anes re- perorane an suess in eetin teir every permanent employee is eligible uently our ore values o not Kinneviks obetives are entral in orer to ensure for nine months paid parental leave team members share an entrepreneurial tat Kinnevik oers te rit personal with 100 percent of their fxed salary. spirit as ell as a belie in builin lon development tools at an individual and The policy refects our ambition to be ter sustainable businesses roup level All eployees partiipate at the forefront regarding equal opp- Kinneviks oranisation oprise 0 in yearly performance reviews and have ortunities and to promote well- being people on averae urin 2019 ull iniviual obetives tat are reviee and a healthy work-family balance. tie euivalents inluin olly tie a year one subsiiaries it 2 people ba- Kinnevik is oitte to prootin a Kinnevik’s Diversity & se in te Stokol oe an 1 pe- oo sae an ealty ork environent Inclusion Framework ople in te onon oe e investent or all eployees aross pysial ora- n ay 2019 Kinnevik laune a & anaeent oranisation onsiste o nisational an soial aspets ere te raeork to rive te iportant ane 12 proessionals ereo eit base in risks o oupational inuries an ork we want to see in our portfolio and the onon an our in Stokol oreover relate illealt are prevente e oal broaer inustry Besies our unaen- urin 2019 Kinnevik eploye 2 pe- is to strenten te eployees otiva- tal belie in eual rits or all eployees ople aross inane eal Stratey Sus- tion eetiveness ealt an ellbein Kinnevik believes diversity and inclusion tainability orporate ouniations As state in Kinneviks ork nvi- brins lear business benets as it leas R an Ainistration All eployees ronent anbook i an eployee is to iprove nanial perorane i- but our ere on peranent ontrats involve in an inient aient or any er eree o innovation better eision All employees but one were on full-time other situation of ill-health they imme- akin an reation o value over te ontrats iately nee to inor teir anaer lonter Kinnevik stronly avoates iversity urin 2019 Kinnevik i not report any In order to deliver on our vision of an inlusion is is reete in te inients to te Seis ork nviron- proviin ore an better oie e oposition o our oranisation ere ent Autority Se Arbetsilverket nee to truly unerstan our ustoers a total of nine different nationalities are e lo level o sik leave belo 1 1 i is y it is vital tat our oranisation represente e proportion o oen perent o total orkin tie ilits an portolio opany teas reet teir eploye aross Kinneviks oranisa- Kinnevik’s efforts to improve our employ- ustoer base ile iversity ay be tion averae 9 perent in 2019 ees ealt trou ealtare insurane measured by many different characteris- The proportion of women in Kinnevik’s tness subsiies an oter initiatives tis ener iversity is iely onsiere investent oranisation as 2 1 per- In order to assess how employees feel to be one o te ost siniant e- ent an on te Boar o iretors 0 about orkin or Kinnevik e onut reore e ave initially osen to ous perent ur taret or 2022 is to yearly eployee satisation surveys e our onrete ations on ener iversity aieve a 00 ener split aross all results of the employee survey 2019 did Kinnevik’s Board of Directors and Kinnevik teas not iniate any siniant issues it anaeent ave aree on our overar- rears to uan rits eual oppor- in tarets siniyin Kinneviks a- tunities or ork environent bitions an settin te ounation or Kinneviks & raeork

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• 40/60 Composition – by end of 2022 • Leadership all Kinnevik anaers assessment and education process for Kinnevik shall have a 40/60 composi- are to be measured on diversity and eployees i inlue a survey ini- tion (at least 40 percent of the underre- inlusion an te results ill be linke vidual interviews and customized educa- presente ener in te anaeent to their remuneration tion sessions team as well as in the Investment and roress rearin te & raeork Corporate teams Kinnevik has formed an internal D&I Task- will be reported annually in connection ore to rive our aena orar by pro- it Kinneviks Annual eneral eetin • 10% Female Capital – from 2019 and viin input on te & raeork an onars at least 10 perent o te an- oter initiatives set oals an ation plans Read more about Kinnevik’s nual investent buet sall be reser- as ell as to trak proress o ensure tat community outreach efforts through ved for investments in female-founded ultiple perspetives are represente Reach for Change on page 27. or le opanies te 10 perent is te askore oprises a roup o si not investe in ull te resiual ill eployees aross ierent eners lo- roll over and increase next year’s ear- ations untions an seniority o urter arke buet ensure everyone’s voice is heard and to avoi roup tinkin te oposition o • No Follow-Ons – Kinnevik will only con- the taskforce will rotate after a term of 12 sier akin olloon investents in onts e askore provies perioi companies that it believes have made proress upates to Kinneviks Boar o proress in relation to iversity an iretors an anaeent inclusion o set te aena or te askore an raise aareness rearin & aross te oranisation Kinnevik initiate an

Age distribution of employees in 2019 (FTE) New employee hires and turnover during 2019 (FTE) n Female n ale New Hires 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+ Total Rate 10 Stockholm 8 oen - - 0 - 0.6 1.5% 6 en ------5 4 London 3 2 2 oen 0 - - - 0.4 1.0% en ------20–29 30–39 40–49 50+ Total 1.0 2.5%

Turnover 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+ Total Rate Age distribution of the Board of Directors in 2019 (FTE) Stockholm oen ------n Female en - - - 09 0.9 2.3% n ale London oen 0 - - - 0.8 2.0% en 0 - - - 0.5 1.3% 2 2 Total 2.2 5.6% 1 1 0 0

40–49 50–59 60+ ote e ire an turnover rate is state in euivalents an alulate in relation to te averae nuber o eployees in 2019

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REDUCED CLIMATE IMPACT Result for 2019 oranisational eissions reportin urin 2019 Kinnevik enerate 9 All use o opany one ars urin All businesses have an impact on the en- tonnes o 2e in total orrespon- 2019 has been included in the assess- vironment. An area which has become in to 1 1 tonnes per ull tie ent altou tey are priarily use increasingly important for Kinnevik is euivalent eployee ur larest liate by employees outside of work and for measuring, reducing and offsetting our impact was in Scope 3 where business personal purposes etrol is subet to carbon footprint. travel (which consists almost entirely of rine benets ta istrit eatin in air travel) accounts for 95 (95) percent of te Stokol oe is alreay subet Greenhouse Gas Emissions Estimate Kinneviks total eissions in 2019 to a arbon osettin prora iretly Kinnevik onuts a yearly reenouse n 2020 e are aiin to raise our a- trou te supplier as eissions estiate i bition level rearin our liate ipat uanties te total iret an iniret or eaple e are lookin to epan Compensating Our Carbon Emissions reenouse as eissions proue by Kinneviks Sope eissions by inluin In order to take responsibility for our car- our operations e estiate provies te eissions o our total portolio e bon ootprint e opensate by oset- us with a tool to monitor and reduce our net step is to set overall portolio tartes tin our eissions in ull or 2019 eis- liate ipat e assessent to reue liate ipat sions e ave ontinue our partnersip uanties all seven Kyoto reenouse with a community-based reforestation ases ere appliable an is easure Read more about the confict between initiative in the municipality of San Juan in units o arbon ioie euivalene or economic growth and reducing carbon e iay in iaraua e initiative is 2e e results o te report are su- emissions at Kinnevik on page 26. esine an verie to te lan ivo arie belo an te ull reenouse Stanar te olest stanar or erti- as Report is available on our ebsite Methodology and Assumptions ation o liate protetion proets The report includes Kinnevik AB and Kin- The assessment has been carried out in te el o lan usae e proets nevik apital t in aorane it te rotool ust pursue a olisti approa tin orporate Aountin an Reportin eorestation an poverty ile oussin Stanar is protool is onsiere on reorestation current best practice for corporate and

Kinnevik’s 2019 Emissions Kinnevik’s 2019 Emissions Kinnevik’s 2019 Emissions Summary by Greenhouse Gas Summary by Activity Summary by Scope

Global Warming Potential Tonnes Greenhouse Gas (IPCC 2007) CO2e Activity Tonnes CO2e Scope Tonnes CO2e

Carbon dioxide (CO2) 1 582 n Business travel 625 95% n 1 Direct emissions 18 3%

etane 4 2 0 n Premises 12 2% n 2 niret issions nery 10 1%

Nitrous oxide (N2 29 29 n Company-owned/leased vehicles 21 3% n niret issions ter 1 9 ter ases 1 29 n aterials purase 1 0 TOTAL 659 100%

TOTAL 659 TOTAL 659 100%

Scope 3 Business travel Business travel and other 95% 96%

20 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


Kinnevik has signifcant infuence over its investee companies trou apital alloation boar representation an te operational support e provie rivin an abitious sustainability aena in our opanies is entral in Kinneviks role as ative oners

THE KINNEVIK STANDARDS SOCIETY lity untion ientiy key risks an set • Supply chain compliance priorities or te oin year olloin Kinneviks eneral epetations in relation • uan rits approval by the company’s board or au- to our investee companies’ sustainability • ealt & Saety it oittee te aree sustainability performance is outlined in our Corporate • Diversity & Inclusion aena is ipleente an olloe up Responsibility oliy As e invest aross • Employee development and well- by anaeent ierent setors an eorapies an bein Private investee companies at an in opanies at ierent staes o e- • ounity outrea proras earlier stae o evelopent enerally velopent te aturity o our investee benet ro ative support on a anae- companies’ sustainable business deve- ENVIRONMENT ent level to ipleent te Stanars lopent praties vary • issions reportin Their performance is assessed yearly Kinnevik has developed a structured • Reuin liate ipat by Kinnevik’s Sustainability Function to- raeork to ene best praties or eter it te opanys anaeent our opanies to easure perorane The Scoring Process Base on te priorities or te oin an to set priorities an roaaps alle Kinnevik performs a yearly assessment of year a roaap is ene an aopte te Kinnevik Stanars te Stanars all our aterial investee opanies pu- by the company’s board where Kinnevik They were developed based on stakehol- bli an private base on te Stanars is represente er ialoues peer benarkin an aterial opanies are ene as tose Kinneviks Risk opliane an Sus- inustry best pratie state separately in our A reportin tainability Committee review the compa- Kinneviks investent tea supporte or it a air value eeein SK 100 nies’ assessments once a year and track by te Sustainability untion is respon- per 31 December the previous calendar proress reularly urin te year sible or ipleentin te Stanars in year olloin te opletion o te our investee opanies At its ore te assessent Kinnevik sores te investee Our Group Platform Sustainability Function is a business de- opanies on teir ullent o ea The Kinnevik Group forms a network of velopment function with the purpose of stanar e evelopent o te sores companies and people that we believe supportin our opanies to put te can be tracked over time for the total an learn ro ea oter n orer to neessary strutures proesses an ul- portolio an or iniviual opanies reate opportunities or knolee sa- ture in place to be successful over the e assessents are perore trou rin an netorkin Kinnevik oranises a lon ter interviews with the investee companies nuber o events an onerenes The Standards mirror our material to- and our board representatives and by the urin 2019 in onnetion it Bril- pics and comprise 64 standards across Sustainability Function’s periodic visits to liant ins e oranise te Kinnevik the three dimensions of sustainable de- te opanies Suit a ay o inspirational speakers velopent eonoy soiety an envi- The assessment for 2019 included 26 and interactive discussions for the com- ronent 2 opanies publi an 20 1 panies s e also oste events or private orresponin to ira 100 99 subet atter eperts in te portolio in Example of Content in the Standards percent of Kinnevik’s portfolio value per Stokol or eal an nternal Auit 1 eeber 2019 proessionals an in e ork or Risk ECONOMY an opliane eperts ese events • Code of Conduct Assessment Process ere esine to be a oru to sare • Board membership and committees Our public investee companies perform best pratie isuss trens an to in- • istlebloin syste a yearly self-assessment to evaluate their spire n aition e oranise a pro- • Risk raeork an oranisation ullent o te Stanars e sel ra o orksops or R anaers a • Business ethics and anti-corruption assessment is compared to Kinnevik’s series o sessions or our oun alents • Data privacy and protection assessent an any aterial aps are Network and social events for the Kin- aresse e opanys anaeent nevik roup Aluni e events ave tea toeter it Kinneviks represen- been well-received and in 2020 we aim tative on the board and the Sustainabi- to epan our platorbuilin eorts

21 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE IN OUR PORTFOLIO Examples of Our Companies Developing Their Governance, COMPANIES 2019 Risk and Compliance Structures

A ornerstone o our sustainability ork is te ative ialoue it our opanies Kinnevik provies ilevel stratei as ell as anson assistane or eaple e ave provie soe Ater te erer it o e in 201 one o te key ous of our companies with concrete input and recommendations on areas for the business was to deliver on the business plan of the te ontent an esin o teir oe o onut an internal obine entity in a sustainable anner Kinnevik as te larest sareoler o ele2 supporte tis aena trou an ative ia- ontrol environent e ave invite our portolio opanies loue it te anaeent tea A portion o te variable o- to to ur roup plator events ousin on sustainability pensation o te senior anaeent tea ebers itin ele2 perorane see pae 21 e ave also assiste in builin or 2019 inlue teir perorane on sustainability initiatives best pratie raeorks to ientiy itiate an anae risks an to buil stron overnane strutures e aie soe opanies in ientiyin soun istlebloin systes an in Livongo evelopin stron inoration seurity strutures olloin te Sine Kinneviks rst investent in ivono in 201 trou rollout o our & raeork e ave assiste our opanies our boar representation an te Sustainability untion e ave orke losely it te anaeent tea to evelop in ipleentin iversity an inlusion aspets in key poliies ivono into a lonter sustainable business Aon oter and provided support and examples of how to create a more initiatives in 2019 Kinnevik atively assiste te Boar o i- inlusive ork ulture rectors to recruit an independent Chairman to the Audit Com- ittee to iprove inepenene an overnane strutures ECONOMY itin te business A key focus area in 2019 was to develop sustainability road- aps in opanies e investe in urin 201 ost o te opanies ere in early staes o teir ourney an i not Monese ave struture orkstreas aroun sustainability initiatives Kinnevik investe at a very early stae in onese in 201 At te tie o investent onese et basi levels o opliane ost ne opanies it reulate businesses reate sub reuire by te reulators Kinnevik toeter it te ana- committees of the board to oversee the development of initiatives eent tea reruite subet atter eperts to rive spei aross ierent aspets Kinnevik also assiste te opanies sustainability initiatives e orke losely it te Boar to to set up internal overnane strutures su as risk roups set up a Risk and Audit Committee to oversee development of an overnane oittees responsible or rivin pror- tese initiatives Kinnevik also orke losely it te anae- ress ne o te ain allenes or our early stae opanies ment team to set up an internal cross-functional risk committee is balanin rot it sustainable business evelopent to oversee onteroun evelopent n te ourt uarter o 2019 our portolio opany uikr an online lassies plator operatin in nia i Kinnevik investe in in 201 isovere tat ertain ealers an venors itin teir anae rentals an ars seents a plae SOCIETY titious or isrepresente transations on its plator is A key ous area urin 2019 as been iversity an inlusion n eans tat te value o revenue enerate in tese ateories line it Kinneviks i epetations outline in our & ra- ay be overstate an tere is a risk tat soe reeivables ay eork any o our opanies ave ae stron proress by not be entirely reoverable As a response te opany as ipleentin key poliies an settin up trainin or eployees reue its ootprint in te onerne seents is anain aon oter initiatives As a result any ave beoe ore its overall ost base an is pursuin riinal ation aainst attrative eployers it eual opportunities an ellbein tose responsible An inepenent revie o te internal ontrol in ous & is a lonter oitent an any opanies proess as also been initiate Kinnevik is orkin losely it have plenty of room for improvement and this will continue to uikrs boar an anaeent to strenten te opanys be an iportant initiative in te oin years internal ontrols an iprove its overall overnane risk a- naeent an opliane strutures ile e are very isap- pointe it at as been unovere e believe tat te easures tat are bein taken are oreul an proportionate

22 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Examples of Our Companies Taking the Lead on Diversity & ENVIRONMENT Inclusion As te liate risis esalates Kinnevik an our portolio o- panies are responin it our ative support our opanies are inreasinly takin ation to reue teir environental Zalando ipat n aition to te eaples belo any o our o- e opany believes tat te iversity o people liestyles panies are runnin initiatives it a eneral tren bein tat opinions and attitudes are crucial drivers of innovation and companies that are more mature have the more mature climate suess n tober 2019 alano announe ne iversity initiatives urin 2020 Kinnevik ill ontinue to enae it tarets or its top leaersip levels e opany ais or a our portolio opanies to support enourae an inuene balanced representation of women and men on its top six ma- te on teir ourney toars environental responsibility naeent levels by te en o 202 eanin at least 0 per- ousin on tose opanies it te reatest arbon ootprints ent o te unerrepresente ener e ne tarets are part o a eneral revision o te opanys & stratey in i Examples of Our Companies Taking Responsibility for alano ais to iversiy its orkore aross several etris Environmental Issues inluin ener nationality an euational bakroun

“During the past 11 years, we have been very focused on establis- Zalando hing and growing our business, and we didn’t put enough effort Aiin to be netpositive or people an planet alano laun- e its oR sustainability stratey in tober 2019 an into countering structural imbalances that have evolved. We ack- alreay as net ero eissions or its on operations trou nowledge that today we lack diversity in our senior management, osettin alanos eiate sustainability tea is leain and we are committed to changing this. We strongly believe that te ork to set SieneBase arets urin 2020 in line it only a diverse and inclusive culture will ensure that we have the te aris Areeent best talent on board and can truly serve our customer base” says Rubin Rittero o alano Tele2 arbon neutral aross its on operations ele2 is enain eter- Betterment nal advisers to measure its upstream and downstream emissions in 2020 it te ai o settin SieneBase arets As a lare Betterent sits at te intersetion o to inustries nane an user o enery ele2 ontinues to ork to soure lean poer tenoloy bot it lare istorial ener aps an unerre- or its operations in ea arket presente populations Betterent is orkin ar to ane tis by builin a opany o passionate iniviuals o reet teir ustoers an brin ne an ierent perspetives o aieve Kolonial a better ener balane te opany as an internal & o- Food waste has halved each year for the past 3 years at Kolonial ittee to elebrate te any bakrouns an eperienes o its and it is zero waste in bakery because all products are baked to eployees n 201 te oen o Betterent roup laune orer n eeber 2019 Kolonial site ro plasti bas or eliveries to reylable arboar boes ost o Kolonials SAR Support ire Aspire Relate poer a netork o elivery eet runs on biouels an te opany plans to inrease iverse iniviuals aie at osterin eeper onnetions aon te nuber o eletri veiles in 2020 oen in te nte ounity

Global Fashion Group believes tat avin a truly ynai an iverse orkore enables it to evelop te eep loal knolee an epertise reuire to suee itin its arkets Sine its ounation in 201 as inrease te perentae o oen in its anaeent tea ro ero to 0 perent in eeber 2019 e sae tren is seen on te boar i is eae by a eale airan an ere te perentae o oen as inrease ro none in 201 to 0 perent in eeber 2019 eonstratin s oitent to ener iversity

23 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


Many of our portfolio companies contribute to the Global Goals by virtue of their core business models. e 200 Aena an sustainable business evelopent is an eitin business opportunity as it represents unet ean aross te lobe


GOAL 1.4: Equal rights to ownership, GOAL 3.7: Universal access to sexual GOAL 12.3: Halve global per capita food basic services, technology and economic and reproductive care, family planning waste resources and education By 2030, halve per capita global food By 2030, ensure that all men and women, By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual waste at the retail and consumer levels in particular the poor and the vulnerable, and reproductive health-care services, and reduce food losses along production have equal rights to economic resources, including for family planning, information and supply chains, including post-harvest as well as access to basic services, owner- and education, and the integration of re- losses. ship and control over land and other forms productive health into national strategies of property, inheritance, natural resources, and programmes. • Karma: arketplae plator tat on- appropriate new technology and fnancial nects consumers with local restaurants services, including micro-fnance. • Livongo: renany an arly aren- an roery stores tat ave surplus tin prora an evienebase oo By lettin ustoers buy unsol • Bayport: Financial solutions for formally beavioural ealt prora oerin oo at a isount trou te app and informally employed individuals in personalie iital support Kara is reuin oo aste eerin arkets

• BIMA: Aorable an uniuely esi- GOAL 3.8: Achieve universal health ned life and health insurance products coverage via obile pones in eerin arkets Achieve universal health coverage, in- cluding fnancial risk protection, access • Monese: Fully mobile current account to quality essential health-care services servie it a tenially avane K and access to safe, effective, quality and solution that enables people across Eu- affordable essential medicines and vac- rope to open a current account within cines for all. minutes • Livongo: onsuer iital ealt company that empowers people with chronic conditions to live better and healthier lives

• Babylon: iital ealtare servie company that combines mobile tech an artiial intelliene it eial epertise Babylons ission is to ake healthcare more accessible and affor- dable for people everywhere

• VillageMD: Provider of primary care and a pioneer in the delivery of value- base are e opany transors the healthcare experience for consu- ers by enablin priary are py- siians to operate ier uality risk bearin linial oels

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Sustainable development is about doing good while doing no harm e ontributions o businesses aross te lobe is ritial in reain te lobal oals by 200 ile tis report ouses on Kinneviks positive ontributions to te lobal oals e are also inul o our atual or potential neative ontributions an our etos to itiate

e belo soul not be seen as a opreensive overvie but a representation o Kinneviks key areas o atual or potential neative ontribution Kinnevik ouses its investents priarily in urope an te S an our eposure to eerin arkets as erease siniantly in reent years As su risks relatin to politial anes or instability uan rits an business etis aross te portolio ave enerally beoe less proinent

Actual or Potential Negative Contribution Method of Mitigation


Kinnevik’s economic performance rou our investent anaeent ativities an a ynai may be negatively affected by: alloation o apital Kinnevik seeks to aintain a balane • ortolio onentration in ters o te sie o spei o- portolio aross staes an tenures setors sare o publi panies an setors an sare o private opanies in vs private an eorapies relation to public companies in the portfolio ver te business yle Kinnevik relies on our investent • iuiity risks inluin nanin an availability o unin anaeent ativities as ell as iviens reeive ro investee opanies to over our unin nees n aition in line it Kinneviks nanial taret e an arry ebt up to 10 o portolio value ur nanial tarets are available in ull on our ebsite urin 2019 e aene our sare- oler reuneration poliy see pae 1 anaeent o nanial risks is onute on te basis o our nane poliy see ote 1 o te Annual Report 2019


Kinnevik’s efforts to drive a diversity and inclusion agenda Kinnevik is atively orkin to epan te eistin pipeline may be negatively affected by: o potential investents e see pae as anate • nability to n ealeoune or ealele opanies te investent tea to n an present eale oune an to rea te taret o 10 perent apital alloation le businesses e are also orkin to broaen our eposure to eale oune an le businesses trou onerenes • Inability to source female talent to investee companies’ sponsorsips an a ie variety o netorks boars an anaeent teas The Nomination Committees in our public companies have an extensive pipeline of potential board candidates and works it reruitent rs ensurin te rit t or te opanies Kinnevik’s investment team is mandated to source potential boar an anaeent aniates or te unliste o- panies Rea ore about iversity initiatives in our investee opanies on paes 222

25 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Actual or Potential Negative Contribution Method of Mitigation


For some of Kinnevik’s companies, particularly in fashion ur portolio opanies ave struture onboarin pro- e-commerce and food, certain employee group’s work en- ras or ne eployees an perioi anatory ealt an vironment is characterized by more monotonous tasks and saety trainin ours orke are atively onitore an te a lower level of infuence. ereore soe eployee roups companies have inbuilt controls to ensure that employees are are at ier risk o psyosoial ealt issues or eaple not overorke ile an loer level anaers are oere in areouse operations n aition to te oral an etial leaersip evelopent proras ost o our opanies aspets tis also poses a reputational risk or Kinnevik have active whistle-blower hotlines where employees can aress issues tat are bein overlooke by teir ieiate anaers Kinnevik ontinuously orks it portolio o- panies to keep ealt an saety on te aena o te Boar an anaeent teas

Some of Kinnevik’s companies, particularly in fashion e- All Kinneviks opanies are in te proess o rollin out or commerce, due to the global nature of their operations have alreay ave in plae supplier oes o onut n aition an elevated risk of human rights violations in their supply all opanies are perorin a riskbase auit o opliane chain. n aition to te oral an etial aspets tis also it te oe o onut or i risk suppliers ere port- poses a reputational risk or Kinnevik olio opanies ave siniant inuene over praties itin te supply ain or eaple it private label suppliers te suppliers are audited periodically to ensure that they comply it te opanys oe o onut orretive Ation lans As are put in plae or aterial aps tat are ientie urin su auits i are olloeup perioially by te supply ain opliane tea oerial areeents are terminated if suppliers are unable to demonstrate satisfactory proress


Kinnevik has a negative impact on the climate through business e opensate or our eissions inluin business travel travel, priarily air travel i aounte or 9 perent o trou a reorestation initiative rea ore on pae 20 eissions in 2019 Kinneviks investent ous on urope an te S eans e ill likely invest ore in tose reions in te oin years e believe bein pysially present is iportant in ative onersip an tat te benets o atively rivin our sustainable business evelopent aena on site outeis te neative ipat o business travel Rea ore about our ork to elp our portolio opanies itiate sustainability risks on paes 222

Some of Kinnevik’s companies in the e-Commerce & Market- or 2020 e are lookin into ays o easurin our portolios places sector, particularly within fashion and food, as well as areate liate ipat e net step is to set overall the TMT sector have relatively higher environmental impacts. portolio tarets to reue liate ipat Rea ore about This may be because of the nature of their operations and/ liate initiatives in our investee opanies on pae 2 or ue to teir relative sie in our portolio or te asion opanies te aor soures o ipat are te anuaturin proesses transport an pakain or te oo opanies the production of food as well as transport and food waste are te ain auses o neative environental ipat or eletriity onsuption is a aor soure o eissions o reenouse ases

26 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


The 2019 and 2018 Actual KPIs include the companies in Kinnevik’s portfolio per 1 eeber 2019 an 201 respetively eluin illio estin an elly e 2019 oparable Ks elues ate an illae as Kinnevik investe in te opanies urin 2019 an elly as it as not rate as a separate entity urin 201

% of Portfolio Value % of Number of Companie

2019 2019 2018 2018 2019 2019 2018 2018 Actual Comp Actual Comp Actual Comp Actual Comp


as ipleente a oe o onut aross its oranisation 92% 94% 95% 94% 69% 70% 60% 61%

as ipleente a istlebloin syste 94% 95% 95% 94% 54% 57% 48% 48% as onute a risk assessent inluin ratin risks base on likelihood and impact 87% 89% 62% 48% 46% 48% 32% 30%

as a ene risk liits stateent to onitor risk levels 42% 43% 64% 49% 23% 26% 24% 22%

onuts reular opliane trainin 96% 97% 89% 85% 81% 78% 56% 57% as inorporate antiorruption priniples in te opanys policies 89% 91% 96% 96% 62% 61% 56% 57%

SOCIETY as ipleente a Supplier oe o onut base on interna- tional standards 83% 85% 92% 90% 46% 43% 40% 39%

Conducts periodic employee surveys 94% 96% 92% 88% 77% 78% 64% 61% as inorporate antiisriination priniples in te opanys policies 93% 96% 96% 96% 73% 74% 56% 57% as at least 0 o te unerrepresente ener in te ana- eent tea 4% 4% 34% 7% 12% 13% 16% 13%

as at least 0 o te unerrepresente ener in te boar 37% 38% 29% 41% 8% 9% 8% 9% as ipleente a ounity outrea or pilantropi prora 82% 84% 88% 84% 31% 26% 28% 26%


naes in environental reportin 78% 79% 60% 44% 23% 22% 20% 17% as ipleente easures to reue te opanys arbon emissions 79% 81% 84% 79% 31% 30% 24% 22%

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Kinnevik’s Sustainability Report refers to the calendar year 2019 and is pre- pared in accordance with the GRI Standards ore option inluin te R Setor islosures or inanial Servies A esription o o e ientie te aterial opis is available on paes 121

The Sustainability Report 2019 has been listed companies is performed annually oo sae an ealty ork environent subet to a liite assurane revie see to ensure full compliance and identify or all eployees aross pysial ora- stateent on pae 2 Kinnevik intens potential areas or iproveent nisational an soial aspets ere te to ontinue our sustainability reportin Kinnevik conducts mandatory annual risks o oupational inuries an ork in accordance with the GRI Standards on opliane trainin inluin oe o relate illealt is prevente n orer to an annual basis onut an nsier rain Rules or assess o eployees eel about orkin all eployees as ell as perioi eep or Kinnevik e onut yearly eployee MANAGEMENT APPROACH ives on spei atters su as antior- satisation surveys DISCLOSURES ruption an supply ain anaeent n ay 2019 Kinnevik laune a & Kinnevik reonies tat te key to raeork to rive te iportant ane Kinnevik continuously evaluates our lonter suessul business evelop- we want to see in our portfolio and the efforts within each material aspect to ent is ensurin e operate in a sustaina- broaer inustry Besies our unaen- identify potential improvements and take ble anner ually e believe tat oo tal belie in eual rits or all eployees appropriate ations sustainability performance is a prerequi- Kinnevik believes diversity and inclusion site or oo eonoi perorane brins lear business benets as it leas Economy to iprove nanial perorane i- (GRI Material Topics: Sound Governance Society er eree o innovation better eision Structures and Economic Growth) (GRI Material Topics: Social Responsi- akin an reation o value over te We believe it is important for any com- bility and Good Corporate Citizenship) lonter pany to have sound governance, risk ma- Our greatest asset is and has always ur oe o onut istlebloer nagement and compliance structures in been our people, within Kinnevik and oliy alent anaeent oliy an place, including clear structures, policies in our companies. As such, attracting ployee anbook set out bot our and processes across functions. Being a and retaining top talent is a key priority. commitments and expectations towards fnancially strong company is imperative Kinnevik regards diversity and inclusion our eployees in te ay e o business to our role as active owners, supporting as core levers for value creation, and we our portfolio companies towards achie- make full use of the opportunities that Environment ving long-term sustainable and proftable arise from employing a team with diffe- (GRI Material Topics: Reduced Climate growth. rent backgrounds and perspectives. We Impact) All employees and representatives of also have a frm belief in contributing to All businesses have an impact on the en- Kinnevik are expected to fully comply the wider community through community vironment. An area which has become it te oe o onut Kinnevik as outreach or philantropic programs. increasingly important for Kinnevik is an onboarin proess or ne eploy- Kinnevik offers its employees conti- measuring, reducing and offsetting our ees that introduces them to the Code nuous opportunities for personal and carbon footprint. o onut i inlues provisions proessional rot in orer to evelop Kinnevik onuts a yearly reenou- on antibribery an business etis an teir skill set an to take inreasin re- se as eission estiate i uanties oter key poliies an proeures sponsibility for value creation at Kinnevik te total reenouse ases proue Kinnevik’s risk framework is outlined an our investee opanies noin directly and indirectly by our own ope- in te Risk anaeent oliy Kinneviks assessments of employees’ performance rations is is Kinneviks ourt yearly anaeent as establise a Risk o- an suess in eetin teir obetives estimate and it provides us with a tool to mittee that meets three times a year to are central in order to ensure that Kinnevik onitor raise aareness an reue our revie key risks evelopents sine te oers te rit personal evelopent liate ane ipats ore inora- previous eetin te eieny o any tools at an iniviual an roup level tion about our emissions is available on itiatin ations an our overall risk All employees participate in yearly per- Kinnevik’s website where you can also appetite formance reviews and have individual download our Greenhouse Gas Protocol A compliance review in relation to the obetives tat are reviee tie a year Report or 2019 an previous years las an reulations tat overn Seis Kinnevik is oitte to prootin a

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GRI 102-1 ae o te oranisation 201 34

GRI 102-2 Ativities brans prouts an servies 201 34

GRI 102-3 Location of headquarters (2016) 34

GRI 102-4 Location of operations (2016) 9 12

GRI 102-5 nersip an leal or 201 34-36

GRI 102-6 arkets serve 201 34

GRI 102-7 Sale o te oranisation 201 119

GRI 102-8 Information on employees and other workers (2016) Four employees are on temporary contracts and one employee is on a part-time 18-19 ontrat

GRI 102-9 Supply chain (2016) Kinneviks purases inlue servies an prouts to oe operations in Stokol - and London and consultancy services in relation to the acquisition and sales processes as ell as evelopent proeures Suppliers operate priarily in te ori ountries an te K

GRI 102-10 Siniant anes to te oraniation an its supply ain 201 o siniant anes tis year -

GRI 102-11 Precautionary Principle or approach (2016) See Kinneviks orporate Responsibility oliy on kinneviko -

GRI 102-12 External initiatives (2016) lobal opat R Stanars ore option an ur pats -

GRI 102-13 ebersips o assoiations 201 Stokol aber o oere Stokol Sool o onois Brilliant - ins i eale ouners ine uses estival nnovate inane and Reach for ane

GRI 102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker (2016) 2-4

GRI 102-16 alues priniples stanars an nors o beavior 201 9 11 21 29

GRI 102-18 Governance structure (2016) 39-40

GRI 102-40 ist o stakeoler roups 201 11

GRI 102-41 olletive barainin areeents 201 o ero eployees are overe by su areeents oever reeo o - assebly an assoiation is learly state in our oe o onut

GRI 102-42 entiyin an seletin stakeolers 201 11

GRI 102-43 Approa to stakeoler enaeent 201 Stakeolers ave not been speially onsulte in preparation o te Sustain- 11 ability Report 2019

GRI 102-44 Key topics and concerns raised (2016) 11

GRI 102-45 ntities inlue in te onsoliate nanial stateents 201 71

GRI 102-46 enin report ontent an topi bounaries 201 111 29

GRI 102-47 List of material topics (2016) 12-13

GRI 102-48 Restatements of information (2016) o restateents ave been ae -

GRI 102-49 anes in reportin 201 o siniant anes ave been ae -

GRI 102-50 Reportin perio 201 1 29

GRI 102-51 Date of most recent report (2016) The Sustainability Report 2018 covers the sustainability performance of Kinnevik for the - perio 1 anuary to 1 eeber 201

ote ubliation year is iniate in parentesis

30 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


GRI 102-52 Reportin yle 201 1 29

GRI 102-53 ontat point or uestions rearin te report 201 orun iten iretor o orporate ouniations 2 000 -

GRI 102-54 lais o reportin in aorane it te R Stanars 201 29

GRI 102-55 GRI content index (2016) 30-31

GRI 102-56 External assurance (2016) e Sustainability Report 2019 as been subet to a liite assurane revie 32


GRI 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary (2016) All topics concern Kinnevik’s own operations as well as our portfolio and contri- 121 29 butions an ations in relation to su

GRI 103-2 e anaeent approa an its oponents 201 iven te nature o Kinneviks aterial topis e ave not ipleente any 11 2122 spei rievane eaniss or su o te etent relevant oponents are applicable to Kinnevik’s material topics these have been included under the respetive setions esribin ea topi

GRI 103-3 valuation o te anaeent approa 201 29

GRI 201-1 iret eonoi value enerate an istribute 201 17

GRI 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption (2016) All Kinneviks larer investee opanies are overe by te Kinnevik Stanars 21

GRI 205-2 Communication and education about anti-corruption policies and procedures The Code of Conduct covers anti-corruption and is communicated to all employ- 17 (2016) ees an Boar ebers Kinnevik onuts anatory annual oe o onut trainin or all eployees iven Kinneviks verly liite proprietary operations e only enae it very e but ellknon suppliers an tereore o not currently communicate our anti-corruption policies and procedures to such suppliers ro 2020 onars relevant suppliers ill be overe by our oe o onut ere is no ata aessible on o any eployees in te portolio opanies tat ave reeive antiorruption trainin


GRI 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary (2016) All topics concern Kinnevik’s own operations as well as our portfolio and contri- 121 29 butions an ations in relation to su

GRI 103-2 e anaeent approa an its oponents 201 iven te nature o Kinneviks aterial topis e ave not ipleente any 119 212 spei rievane eaniss or su o te etent relevant oponents are applicable to Kinnevik’s material topics these have been included under the respetive setions esribin ea topi

GRI 103-3 valuation o te anaeent approa 201 29

GRI 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover (2016) 18-19

GRI 404-3 erentae o eployees reeivin reular perorane an areer evelopent 100 o eployees 18 reviews (2016)

GRI 405-1 iversity o overnane boies an eployees 201 119 1

GRI 412-3 Siniant investent areeents an ontrats tat inlue uan rits All Kinneviks ne investents in private opanies are subet to a sustain- 8 lauses or tat unerent uan rits sreenin 201 ability ue iliene proess base on te Kinnevik Stanars i inlues opliane it relevant uan rits las

GRI 419-1 onopliane it las an reulations in te soial an eonoi area 201 o nes or nononeraty santions ere reeive urin 2019 -

GRI-FS10 erentae an nuber o opanies el in te institutions portolio it All Kinneviks larer investee opanies are overe by te Kinnevik Stanars 21-23 i te reportin oraniation as interate on environental or soial issues


GRI 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary (2016) All topics concern Kinnevik’s own operations as well as our portfolio and contri- 121 29 butions an ations in relation to su

GRI 103-2 e anaeent approa an its oponents 201 iven te nature o Kinneviks aterial topis e ave not ipleente any 2021 2 29 spei rievane eaniss or su o te etent relevant oponents are applicable to Kinnevik’s material topics these have been included under the respetive setions esribin ea topi

GRI 103-3 valuation o te anaeent approa 201 29

GRI 305-1 iret Sope 1 eissions 201 opanyone or lonter lease veiles 20

GRI 305-2 nery iniret Sope 2 eissions 201 oer onsuption an istrit eatin 20

GRI 305-3 ter iniret Sope eissions 201 Business trips by plane train an tai oe aterialpaper onsuption an 20 aste ro properties

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is is te translation o te auitors report in Seis uality ontrol inluin ouente poliies an proeures rearin opliane it etial reuireents proessional TO KINNEVIK AB (PUBL), CORPORATE IDENTITY NUMBER stanars an appliable leal an reulatory reuireents e 556047-9742 are independent of Kinnevik AB in accordance with professional etis or aountants in Seen an ave oterise ullle our Introduction etial responsibilities in aorane it tese reuireents e ave been enae by te Boar o iretors o Kinnevik The procedures performed consequently do not enable us AB (publ) (“Kinnevik AB”) to undertake a limited assurance en- to obtain assurane tat e oul beoe aare o all sini- aeent o te Kinnevik AB Sustainability Report or te year ant atters tat it be ientie in a reasonable assurane 2019 e opany as ene te sope o te Sustainability enaeent Report on pae 291 in tis ouent Aorinly te onlusion o te proeures perore o not epress a reasonable assurane onlusion Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the Executive ur proeures are base on te riteria ene by te Management for the Sustainability Report Boar o iretors an te eutive anaeent as esribe e Boar o iretors an te eutive anaeent are above e onsier tese riteria suitable or te preparation o responsible for the preparation of the Sustainability Report in te Sustainability Report aorane it te appliable riteria as eplaine on pae e believe tat te eviene e ave obtaine is suient 29 in te Annual Report an are te parts o te Sustainability an appropriate to provie a basis or our onlusion belo Reportin uielines publise by R lobal Reportin nitia- tive i are appliable to te Sustainability Report as ell as Conclusion te aountin an alulation priniples tat te opany as Base on te liite assurane proeures e ave perore evelope is responsibility also inlues te internal ontrol notin as oe to our attention tat auses us to believe tat relevant to the preparation of a Sustainability Report that is free te Sustainability Report is not prepare in all aterial respets ro aterial isstateents eter ue to rau or error in aorane it te riteria ene by te Boar o iretors an eutive anaeent Responsibilities of the Auditor Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the Sustainabi- Stokol 2 ar 2020 lity Report based on the limited assurance procedures we have perore ur enaeent is liite to istorial inora- Deloitte AB tion presented and does therefore not cover future-oriented inoration e onute our liite assurane enaeent in a- orane it SA 000 Assurane naeents ter tan Auits or Revies o istorial inanial noration A liite assurane enaeent onsists o akin inuiries priarily Jan Berntsson of persons responsible for the preparation of the Sustainability Authorized Public Accountant Report an applyin analytial an oter liite assurane proeures e proeures perore in a liite assurane enaeent vary in nature ro an are less in etent tan or a reasonable assurane enaeent onute in aorane it nternational Stanars on Auitin an oter enerally aepte auitin stanars in Seen e r applies S 1 nternational Stanar on uality Lennart Nordqvist ontrol an aorinly aintains a opreensive syste o Expert Member of FAR

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Kinnevik is an industry focused investment company with an We invest in Europe, with a focus on the Nordics, the US, and entrepreneurial spirit. Our purpose is to make people’s lives selectively in other markets. Kinnevik was founded in 1936 by better by providing more and better choice. In partnership with the Stenbeck, Klingspor and von Horn families. Kinnevik’s shares talented founders and management teams we build challenger are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm’s list for large cap companies businesses that use disruptive technology to address material, under the ticker codes KINV A and KINV B. everyday consumer needs. As active owners, we believe in de- Kinnevik’s registered address is Skeppsbron 18, Box 2094, livering both shareholder and social value by building long- SE-103 13 Stockholm. The company’s corporate registration term sustainable businesses that contribute positively to society. number is 556047-9742.

Five-year summary (SEKm) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Equity 73 295 70 503 90 633 72 434 83 464 Equity/assets ratio, % 94% 95% 97% 97% 98% Net cash/(Net debt) incl. net loans to investee companies1) -456 -2 769 -1 062 -1 309 7 568 Debt/equity ratio, multiple 0.07 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 Net asset value 73 295 70 503 90 633 72 434 83 517 Net asset value per share, SEK 265 256 329 263 301 Net asset value change 31% -22% 25% -13% -1% Kinnevik market capitalization 63 232 58 728 76 042 60 223 72 680 Market price class B share at 31 December, SEK 229 213 276 219 262 Cash dividend per share, SEK - 8.25 8.25 8.00 7.75 Dividend in kind per share, SEK 60.09 15.36 - - - Share redemption program per share, SEK - - - - 18.00 Total shareholder return % 40% -16% 31% -6% 5% Fair value, E-commerce & Marketplaces 37 318 25 442 42 674 40 829 40 452 Share of portfolio value 50% 35% 47% 55% 53% Fair value, TMT (formerly Communication and Entertainment) 25 440 42 505 45 440 30 045 33 430 Share of portfolio value 34% 58% 50% 41% 44% Fair value, Financial Services 4 762 4 136 3 078 2 440 1 779 Share of portfolio value 6% 6% 3% 3% 2% Fair value Healthcare 6 710 1 342 480 154 0 Share of portfolio value 9% 2% 1% 0% 0% Portfolio value 74 230 73 430 91 695 73 801 75 959 ane in air value o nanial assets inl iviens reeive 21 879 -13 297 20 655 -3 236 1 447 rotloss or te year 21 572 -13 656 20 359 -3 459 1 207 Earnings per share 78.02 -49.58 73.90 -12.55 4.35 as o ro operations eluin ivien reeive -271 -316 -267 -237 -209 as o ro investents in nanial assets -4 586 -2 710 -4 843 -3 330 -1 590 as o ro sale o sares an oter seurities 6 162 1 589 5 304 480 8 259 Dividends received 2 907 1 887 2 260 1 733 2 984 Cash dividend paid -2 271 -2 270 -2 201 -7 084 -2 011 as o or te year 3 401 -1 312 1 475 -8 557 7 490

or enitions o nanial key ratios reer to pae 9

1) Including debt unpaid investments.

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e nanial stateents ere approve by te Boar o ire- amounted to SEK 9,980m as at 31 December 2019 whereof tors on 26 March 2020 and the Board of Directors and the CEO SEK 6,000m related to unutilised revolving credit facilities and ereby present te annual report an onsoliate nanial SEK 3,850m related to bonds. stateents or te 2019 nanial year e balane seets an The Group’s available liquidity, including short term invest- the income statements for the Group and the Parent Company ments and available unutilized credit facilities, totalled SEK will be presented for adoption at the Annual General Meeting 9,056m as at 31 December 2019 (SEK 6,116m as at 31 Decem- on 11 May 2020. ber 2018). The consolidated accounts comprise only subsidiaries that only For more information about the interest-bearing borrowing, own shares in investee companies or provide services mainly to see Note 10 for the Group. the Parent Company. Other subsidiaries are valued at fair value Borrowing primarily occurs in SEK. During 2019, the Group through the income statement. i not ave any siniant as os in orein urreny eept e ures in tis report pertain to te ullyear 2019 e for dividends received and investment activities. ures in parenteses pertain oparative ures or 201 unless otherwise stated. RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES Kinnevik has a model for risk management, which aims to identify, KEY EVENTS DURING 2019 ontrol an reue risks e ientie risks an o tey are The investment activity was high during 2019 and Kinnevik managed are reported to the Kinnevik Board of Directors on a invested approximately SEK 4.6bn whereof SEK 1.6bn into two quarterly basis. new growth companies and SEK 3.0bn in follow-on investments Kinneviks nanin an anaeent o nanial risks is in the high-performing businesses in our unlisted and early entralise itin Kinneviks nane untion an is onute growth portfolio, in line with our capital allocation framework. on te basis o a nane poliy establise by te Boar o Total divestments during the year amounted to SEK 6.2bn iretors Kinnevik is epose to nanial risks ainly in te whereof the largest divestment was a sell-down of a 5% stake form of changes in the value of the stock portfolio, changes in in Zalando, generating gross proceeds of SEK 5.9bn. In addi- urreny an interest rates an nanin risks tion, Kinnevik distributed the entire SEK 16.5bn shareholding in Operational risks are managed within each company with an to its shareholders, corresponding to SEK 60 per share. operating business. Kinnevik has limited exposed to political risks. CONSOLIDATED EARNINGS For a more detailed description of Kinnevik’s risks and un- e ane in air value o nanial assets inluin iviens certainties, as well as risk management, refer to Note 17 for reeive aounte to a prot o SK 219 loss o 129 the Group. or te year o i a prot o SK 192 loss o 120 as relate to liste olins an a prot o SK 212 loss PARENT COMPANY of 990) was related to unlisted holdings. See note 3 for the e ain nanial ites 2019 or te arent opany ere Group for further details. The increase in administration costs is the following: mainly explained by higher investment and divestment activities. • Administration costs: SEK 344m (316) prove nanial net is ainly ue to eane ierenes • External dividends received: SEK 0m (705) CASH FLOW AND INVESTMENTS • Result from associated companies: SEK 0m (6,684) e roups as o ro operatin ativities aounte to • Result from subsidiaries: SEK 23,752m (loss of 10) SEK 2,636m (1,571) during the year, of which dividends received • rot ater nanial ites SK 2 02 amounted to SEK 2,907m (1,887). During the year, paid invest- ments amounted to SEK 4,586m in other shares and securities. During the year, the Parent Company paid shareholders’ contri- Divestments of other shares and securities contributed to the butions to subsiiaries totallin SK 2 21 to nane as o by SK 12 an as ivien pai aounte to reallocation of portfolio companies between subsidiaries as well SEK 2,271m, see Note 6 for the Group for more details. as external investments. Dividends received from subsidiaries amounted to SEK 45,026m (2,279) and write-down of shares in LIQUIDITY AND FINANCING subsidiaries amounted to SEK 21,274m (2,302) due to decreased Kinnevik’s total interest bearing assets amounted to SEK 4,380m capital through dividends paid. as at 31 December 2019. The total amount of interest bearing liabilities was SEK 4,836m. Kinnevik was in a net debt position of SHARE CAPITAL SEK 456m as at 31 December 2019, including loans to investee As of 31 December 2019, the number of shares in Kinnevik companies (net debt SEK 2,769m as at 31 December 2018). AB amounted to 276,902,244, of which 33,755,432 are class A Net debt excluding loans to portfolio companies amounted to shares carrying ten votes each, 241,911,206 are class B shares SEK 930m. carrying one vote each (of which 297,770 held in treasury) and Kinnevik’s total credit facilities (including issued bonds) 120 are relassiable suborinate inentive sares

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held by the participants in Kinnevik’s long-term incentive plan execute strategic plans, deliver excellent operating results and launched in 2018 and 2019. to align their incentives with the interests of Kinnevik’s share- The total number of votes for outstanding shares amounted at holders. These guidelines enable Kinnevik to offer the Senior 31 December 2019 to 580,403,362, excluding 297,770 class Executives a competitive total remuneration. In addition, these B treasury shares. During the year 111,777 class B shares were guidelines, together with Kinnevik’s long-term incentive plans, delivered to participants in the share-based plan from 2016 promote Kinnevik’s business strategy, long-term interests and and 126,922 class B shares were sold to cover the tax for the sustainability by establishing that variable compensation shall participants. In addition, and similar to LTIP 2018, a new issue be base on Kinneviks overarin nanial taret to eliver o relassiable suborinate inentive sares ivie into targeted shareholder return, and other corporate performance four classes, to the participants in Kinnevik’s long-term share targets, including in particular the value of the growth portfolio incentive plan resolved on by the 2019 AGM were registered by and achieving Kinnevik’s diversity targets. Furthermore, in order te Seis opanies Reistration e S Bolasverket to ensure that the performance on which compensation is ba- during September 2019. sed proves to be sustainable over time, Kinnevik shall have the The Board has authorization to repurchase up to a maximum authority, subject to the restrictions that may apply under law of 10% of all shares in the Company over 12 months, ending at or contract, to in whole or in part reclaim remuneration, other the 2020 AGM. There are no convertibles or warrants in issue. tan e as salary pension an oter ustoary benets As per 31 December 2019, there were two shareholders ow- paid on incorrect grounds or information that was manifestly ning shares representing more than 10% of the total number of misstated, or in the event of material breaches of Kinnevik’s the votes in the company; Verdere S.à.r.l. with 19.3% and Alces Code of Conduct (“claw-back”). Maximus LLC with 11.6%. To the knowledge of the Board, there are no shareholder agreements or share associations in Kinnevik. Types of remuneration, etc. The remuneration shall be on market terms and may consist GUIDELINES FOR REMUNERATION o te olloin oponents e as salary variable as FOR SENIOR EXECUTIVES reuneration pension benets an oter ustoary benets The Board proposes the following guidelines for remuneration Additionally, the General Meeting may resolve on, among other to Kinneviks ie eutive er an te oter ebers o things, long term share incentive plans. the executive management team (together the “Senior Execu- e e as salary is reviee ea year an is base on tives”). The guidelines are forward-looking, i.e. they will apply the Senior Executive’s competence, area of responsibility and to remuneration agreed, and amendments to remuneration market benchmarks. already agreed, after adoption of the guidelines by the 2020 The variable cash remuneration can amount to a maximum Annual General Meeting. These guidelines will not apply to any o 100 perent o te Senior eutives e annual as sa- remuneration decided or approved by the General Meeting, lary. Further variable cash remuneration may be awarded in such as ordinary Board remuneration and share-related or share extraordinary circumstances, provided that such extraordinary price-related remuneration (the “long-term incentive plans”). arrangements are only made on an individual basis, either for the purpose of recruiting or retaining Senior Executives, or as remu- The guidelines’ promotion of Kinnevik’s business strategy, long- neration for exceptional performance beyond the individual’s term interests and sustainability ordinary tasks. Such an additional remuneration may not exceed In short, Kinnevik’s business strategy is to be the leading growth an amount corresponding to 100 percent of the Senior Executive’s investor by: oterise eistin e annual as salary • backing challenger businesses that use technology to add- Long-term incentive plans are resolved upon by the Gene- ress material everyday consumer needs; ral Meeting – irrespective of these guidelines. The long-term incentive plans shall be structured to ensure a long-term com- • being a bold and long-term business builder, partnering mitment to the development of Kinnevik and with the intention with talented entrepreneurs; tat te Senior eutives sall ave a siniant lonter • focusing on Fashion & Food e-Commerce, Online Market- shareholding in Kinnevik. The outcome shall be linked to cer- places, Financial Services, Healthcare and TMT, and large tain pre-determined performance criteria, based on Kinnevik’s setors in te proess o siniant tenoloial isruption share price and value growth. For more information regarding • investing in Europe, with a focus on the Nordics, the US, the long-term incentive plans that are ongoing, or that have and selectively in other markets; and ended during the current year, please see Kinnevik’s website at • leveraging our experience and expertise to build leading, under the heading ”Remuneration” (which long-term sustainable businesses. can be found under the section ”Governance”). or te Senior eutives pension benets sall be preiu For more information regarding Kinnevik’s business strategy, ene ariable as reuneration sall not ualiy or pension please see Kinnevik’s website at under the benets e pension preius or preiu ene pension heading ”Strategy” (which can be found under the section ”About us”). shall amount to not more than 30 percent of the Senior Executive’s A prerequisite for the successful implementation of Kinnevik’s e annual as salary business strategy and safeguarding of its long-term interests, ter ustoary benets ay inlue or eaple lie insu- including its sustainability, is that Kinnevik is able to attract, rance, medical insurance (Sw. sjukvårdsförsäkring) and company motivate and retain the best talent in Sweden and globally. ar Su benets ay aount to not ore tan 10 perent o To achieve this, it is necessary that Kinnevik offers competitive te Senior eutives e annual as salary remuneration to create incentives for the Senior Executives to

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Termination of employment The decision-making process to determine, review and imple- Upon termination of employment by Kinnevik, the notice period ment the guidelines may not exceed 12 months. Fixed cash salary during the notice The Board has established a People & Remuneration Committee. period and severance pay may not together exceed an amount The People & Remuneration Committee’s tasks include preparing orresponin to te e as salary or 1 onts or te ie the Board’s resolutions in remuneration-related matters, and eutive er an 12 onts or oter Senior eutives preparing the Board’s proposal for remuneration guidelines for When termination is made by the Senior Executive, the notice Senior Executives. The People & Remuneration Committee’s tasks period may not exceed 12 months for the Chief Executive Of- also include assisting in other issues involving the composition, er an si onts or oter Senior eutives itout any size and balance of the Senior Executive team, talent manage- right to severance pay. ment, any termination, settlement, or compromise package or similar. The People & Remuneration Committee also monitors Criteria for awarding variable cash remuneration, etc. and evaluates the programs for variable remuneration (inclu- The variable cash remuneration shall be linked to predetermined ding share-related or share price-related remuneration) for the an easurable nanial an nonnanial riteria easure Senior Executives, the application of these guidelines as well as over a perio o one year e riteria inlue ulllent o the current remuneration structures and compensation levels iniviual an orporate obetives i are linke to spei within Kinnevik. performance and potential processes and transactions. The Remuneration under employment subject to rules other than variable cash remuneration shall be based on (i) the outcome Swedish rules may be duly adjusted to comply with mandatory of corporate performance targets linked to e.g. that Kinnevik rules or established local practice, taking into account, to the delivers targeted shareholder returns, grows the growth port- extent possible, the overall purpose of these guidelines. folio and reaches and exceeds its investee diversity targets, and The members of the People & Remuneration Committee are (ii) the Senior Executives individual targets. In order to increase independent of the company and the executive management. alignment with the interests of Kinnevik’s shareholders, payment Senior Executives do not participate in the Board’s processing of part of the variable cash remuneration is conditional upon a of and resolutions regarding remuneration-related matters in so portion of it being invested in Kinnevik shares, until the Senior far as they are affected by such matters. Executive has a shareholding in Kinnevik corresponding to his The Board shall prepare a proposal for new guidelines at or er e annual as salary net ater taes least every fourth year and submit it to the General Meeting. The The extent to which the criteria for awarding variable cash guidelines shall be in force until new guidelines are adopted by reuneration as been satise sall be evaluateeteri- the General Meeting. ned when the measurement period has ended. The People & Remuneration Committee is responsible for the evaluation. As Derogation from the guidelines rears nanial riteria te evaluation sall be base on te The Board may temporarily resolve to derogate from the gui- latest nanial inoration ae publi by Kinnevik e eople elines in ole or in part i in a spei ase tere is speial & Remuneration Committee will use the discretion afforded cause for the derogation and a derogation is necessary to serve te by sareolers to ensure tat rears properly reet te Kinnevik’s long-term interests, including its sustainability, or to business performance of Kinnevik, and will take into account any ensure Kinneviks nanial viability relevant environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters For further information regarding the guidelines and remu- when determining outcomes. neration for the Senior Executives paid out during 2019, please refer to Kinnevik’s 2019 Annual Report, Note 16 for the Group. Salary and employment conditions for employees In preparation of the Board’s proposal for these remuneration FINANCIAL TARGETS guidelines, salary and employment conditions for Kinnevik’s em- ployees have been taken into account by including information on Attractive returns the employees’ total income, the components of the remunera- Kinnevik’s objective is to generate a long term total return to our tion and increase and growth rate over time, as the basis for the shareholders in excess of our cost of capital. We aim to deliver an People & Remuneration Committee’s and the Board’s decision annual total shareholder return of 12-15% over the business cycle. when evaluating whether the guidelines and the limitations set out herein are reasonable. The development of the gap between Low leverage the remuneration to Senior Executives and remuneration to Given the nature of Kinnevik’s investments, our goal is to carry other employees will be disclosed in the remuneration report. low leverage, not exceeding 10% of portfolio value.

Remuneration to Board members Amended shareholder remuneration policy Board members in the parent company, elected at General Kinnevik has resolved to amend its shareholder remuneration Meetings, may in certain cases receive compensation for services policy. Kinnevik’s prior objective was to pay an annual dividend performed within their respective areas of expertise, outside of growing in line with dividends received from its investee com- their Board duties in the parent company. Compensation for panies an te as o enerate ro its investent ativi- such services shall be paid on market terms and be approved ties. Going forward, Kinnevik will generate shareholder returns by the Board. primarily through capital appreciation, and will seek to return excess capital generated by its investments to shareholders through extra dividends.

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Outcome in 2019 To mitigate these effects and to safeguard long-term shareholder value creation, Kinnevik is in a continuous dialogue with foun- Area Target Outcome 2019 ders, management, co-investors and other key stakeholders of its investee companies to provide support and guidance, and Return Annual TSR of 12-15% +40% (1 year) to regularly reassess each investee company’s potential need over the business cycle 1) +9% (5 years) for additional capital. +16% (10 years) Kinnevik as a stron nanial position a soli apital alloa- Leverage Low leverage 1% tion framework and budgeting process, and capable partners, board directors and management teams in its investee compa- 1) TSR is calculated on the assumption that shareholders have reinvested all nies. While Kinnevik’s net asset value is negatively affected by cash dividends and dividends in kind into the Kinnevik share. the repercussions of the spread of the coronavirus, Kinnevik is well-equipped to navigate in a tougher market environment SUSTAINABILITY REPORT itout oproisin its nanial tarets over te lonter A sustainability report that describes Kinnevik’s work with sus- As per the release of this Annual Report, Kinnevik’s assessment is tainable value creation is provided on pages 4–33 and also on tat te sprea o te oronavirus an its raiations on apital the company’s website at markets have had a material negative impact on the value of its unliste nanial assets in a anitue enerally on par it at ORGANISATION has been observed in the trading of publicly listed companies During 2019, Investment Director Lars-Åke Norling left Kinnevik comparable to those of Kinnevik’s unlisted investee companies. and the CFO Joakim Andersson left at 31 December 2019. Erika Söderberg-Johnson has been appointed new CFO and will as- FUTURE DEVELOPMENT sume her position at the latest on 6 April 2020. Anna Stenberg The Group’s future development depends mainly on the perfor- ill oin Kinnevik in 2020 as ie eople an lator er mance of our investee companies together with future invest- a new role in the Kinnevik management team. ents n aition trens in te nanial arkets an ave a siniant ipat on te roups reporte earnins an position EVENTS AFTER THE REPORTING PERIOD or te nanial year 2019 te Boar o iretors o ele2 Kinnevik has, in February 2020, taken part of a summons app- has recommended a total dividend of SEK 9 per share which lication submitted by AB Custos concerning the sale of Metro corresponds to an aggregate expected dividend to Kinnevik Nordic Sweden AB (subsequently renamed Metro Media House amounting to SEK 1.7bn. AB, in bankruptcy). The summons concerns a claim of SEK 125m In line with Kinnevik’s amended shareholder remuneration plus interest, a total of SEK 155m at the date of the summons policy, Kinnevik’s Board of Directors has not proposed a dividend application. Kinnevik is of the view that the claim is unfounded or te sal year 2019 and has made no provision in the accounts. During 2020, the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has PROPOSED TREATMENT OF UNAPPROPRIATED EARNINGS had material effects on the capital markets and economic envi- The following amounts in SEK are at the disposal of the Parent ronment that Kinnevik and its investee companies operate in. Company’s Annual General Meeting: e ost iportant eets on Kinneviks nanial position an ability to operate as an investment company generating long- Retained earnings 47 629 527 700 term shareholder returns through growth capital investments Share premium 1 615 929 594 are assessed to be the following: Total 49 245 457 294 • Firstly, Kinnevik may have to commit more capital than plan- ne to nane its eistin investee opanies as soe o The Board and the CEO propose that the unappropriated ear- Kinnevik’s investee companies are adversely impacted by nings and share premium at the disposal of the Annual General the spread of the coronavirus, having direct implications Meeting be disposed of as follows: on Kinnevik’s portfolio composition and potentially its net indebtedness. Share premium carried forward 1 615 929 594

• Seonly te valuations o Kinneviks unliste nanial as- Retained earnings carried forward 47 629 527 700 sets have in some cases been adversely affected due to the Total 49 245 457 294 correction that has been observed in public equity markets (including in the share price development of Kinnevik and its publicly listed investee companies).

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Corporate Governance in the Kinnevik Group is based on Swe- of the month the Annual General Meeting was held, consisting of dish legislation and generally accepted sound practice on the at least three members appointed by the largest shareholders of securities market. Kinnevik applies the Swedish Corporate Go- the company who have wished to appoint a member. It was further vernance Code (the “Code”)1). resolved that a representative of the largest shareholder of the During 2019, Kinnevik, in line with previous years, deviated company would act as the Nomination Committee’s convenor. from the Code rules stipulating that a member of the Board of In accordance with the resolution of the 2019 Annual General Directors may not chair the Nomination Committee. This devia- Meeting, , representing Verdere S.à r.l. and tion from the Code is explained in more detail in the Nomination CMS Sapere Aude Trust, convened a Nomination Committee Committee section below. consisting of members appointed by the largest shareholders in Kinnevik in terms of voting interest. The Nomination Com- ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING mittee is comprised of Cristina Stenbeck appointed by Verdere The Swedish Companies Act (2005:551) (the “Swedish Com- S.à r.l. and CMS Sapere Aude Trust, Hugo Stenbeck appointed by panies Act”) and the Articles of Association determine how the Alces Maximus LLC (previously AMS Sapere Aude Trust), James notice to the Annual General Meeting and extraordinary general Anderson appointed by Baillie Gifford, Ramsay Brufer appointed meetings shall occur, and who has the right to participate in and by Alecta, and Marie Klingspor. The Nomination Committee’s vote at such meetings. There are no restrictions on the number task is to prepare and submit proposals for the Board of Direc- of votes each shareholder may cast at the general meeting. tors and auditors, in the event auditors shall be elected, and Class A shares entitle to ten votes, whereas other shares entitle fees to the Board of Directors and auditors, a proposal for the to one vote. Distance participation and voting at the general Chairman of the Annual General Meeting as well as any changes meeting is not possible. to the procedure for the Nomination Committee ahead of the Information on major shareholders in the Company is provi- 2020 Annual General Meeting. Cristina Stenbeck was appointed ded on page 36 and on our webpage, and Chairman of the Nomination Committee. authorizations approved by the Annual General Meeting for the Cristina Stenbeck was up until the 2019 Annual General Mee- Board to resolve on repurchase of own shares is provided in Note ting a member of the Board of Directors of Kinnevik and the 10 for the Parent Company, Shareholders’ Equity. Chairman of the Nomination Committee. This deviates from what the Code prescribes. The other members of the Nomination NOMINATION COMMITTEE Committee declared their decision as being in the Company’s At the 2019 Annual General Meeting, it was resolved that a No- and its shareholders’ best interest and a natural consequence mination Committee would be formed in consultation with the of Cristina Stenbeck leading the Nomination Committee’s work largest shareholders of the company as of the last business day in recent years, as well as her connection to the Company’s


General Meeting Auditor Nomination Committee Elects the Board and auditor Appointed by the General Meeting Submits proposals for the Board and auditors

Board of Directors Appoints CEO Audit Committee

Risk, Compliance & Sustainability CEO Committee

Management People & RenumerationGRC Comitee Committee

1) The Code is available on

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largest shareholders. AUDITORS In its work, the Nomination Committee applies rule 4.1 of According to the Articles of Association, the Company shall have the Swedish Corporate Governance Code as its diversity policy. not more than three auditors, with not more than three deputies, Accordingly, the Committee gives particular consideration to or a reistere auit r At te 201 Annual eneral eetin the importance of a diverse set of Board members, including te reistere auit r eloitte AB as reelete opany their gender, age and nationality, as well as their experiences, auditor for a period of four years until the 2021 Annual General professional backgrounds and business disciplines. The Com- Meeting, with authorized public accountant Jan Berntsson as ittee believes te oposition o te Boar is torpurpose auditor-in-charge. Jan Berntsson, born 1964, is also the auditor- in respect of the various dimensions of diversity, enjoying a com- in-charge in inter alia Boliden AB and AB . The auditor’s pounding mix of skill-sets and experiences matching Kinnevik’s independence is ensured by legislation and professional ethics key priorities. The Committee is committed to continue its ef- an te auit rs internal uielines as ell as by aerin forts to compose the most competent Board, able to promote to the Audit Committee’s guidelines governing the type of as- the debate around Kinnevik’s key objectives. 50% of the Board sinents tat te auit r ay onut in aition to te members elected by the 2019 Annual General Meeting are audit. Information regarding audit fees is provided in the An- women. Further information may be found in the Nomination nual Report’s Note 12 for the Group and Note 5 for the Parent Committee’s motivated statement regarding its proposals to Company, Auditors’ Fees. the 2019 Annual General Meeting.


Risk, Compliance & Audit People & Remuneration Board Director Position Sustainability Committee Committee Committee

Dame Amelia Fawcett Chairman - Member Chairman

Henrik Poulsen Deputy Chairman Member - -

Susanna Campbell (from May 2019) Member Member (from May 2019) Chairman (from May 2019) -

Wilhelm Klingspor Member Member (from May 2019) - Member (until May 2019)

Brian McBride (from May 2019) Member - - Member (from May 2019)

Erik Mitteregger (until May 2019) Member Member (until May 2019) Member (until May 2019) -

Cristina Stenbeck (until May 2019) Member - - Member (until May 2019)

Charlotte Strömberg Member Chairman Member Member

Mario Queiroz (until May 2019) Member - - -


Risk, Compliance & Audit People & Remuneration Board Director Board Sustainability Committee Committee Committee

Dame Amelia Fawcett 10/10 - 5/5 4/4

Henrik Poulsen 10/10 11/12 - -

Susanna Campbell (from May 2019) 8/8 7/7 3/3 -

Wilhelm Klingspor 10/10 7/7 - 1/1

Brian McBride (from May 2019) 8/8 - - 3/3

Erik Mitteregger (until May 2019) 2/2 4/5 2/2 -

Cristina Stenbeck (until May 2019) 2/2 - - 1/1

Charlotte Strömberg 10/10 12/12 5/5 4/4

Mario Queiroz (until May 2019) 1/2 - - -

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND SENIOR EXECUTIVES and General Counsel Mattias Andersson. On 17 June 2019, Kin- Board members are elected at the Annual General Meeting for a nevik announced that Joakim Andersson would leave his role as period ending at the close of the next Annual General Meeting. ei inanial er o Kinnevik it eet ro 1 eeber The Articles of Association contains no restrictions pertaining to 2019. Further, on 1 October 2019, Kinnevik announced that Erika the eligibility of Board members. According to the Articles of Serber onson a been appointe ei inanial er Association, the number of Board members can be no less than she will take up her position at the latest on 6 April 2019. For three and no more than twelve members elected by shareholders. information about Senior Executives, please see www.kinnevik. At the 2019 Annual General Meeting, following a proposal com and Note 16 for the Group, Personnel. by the Nomination Committee, Dame Amelia Fawcett, Henrik Poulsen, Wilhelm Klingspor, and Charlotte Strömberg were BOARD WORK re-elected members of the Board and Susanna Campbell and Kinnevik’s Board of Directors is responsible for the overall strategy Brian McBride were elected as new members of the Board. The of the Group and for organizing its administration in accordance Annual General Meeting further elected Dame Amelia Fawcett with the Swedish Companies Act. The Board’s work and dele- as Chairman of the Board. At its constituent meeting, the Board ation proeures instrutions or te ie eutive er appointed Henrik Poulsen as Deputy Chairman of the Board. and reporting instructions are updated and approved at least The independence of Board members in relation to the Com- annually following the Annual General Meeting. pany and its management, and to the major shareholders of Siniant issues aresse by Kinneviks Boar urin 2019 te opany is speie on paes 1 one o te Boar include the distribution of Kinnevik’s shares in Millicom to its members are employed within the Group. Per end of 2019, shareholders, the new shareholder remuneration policy, the Senior eutives in Kinnevik inlue ie eutive er sell-down of a 5 percent stake in Zalando, the overall strategy eori anev ei inanial er oaki Anersson iretor an nanial perorane o Kinnevik an its private invest- of Corporate Communications Torun Litzén, Senior Investment ment strategy. As the basis for discussions concerning the listed Director Chris Bischoff, Investment Director Andreas Bernström portfolio companies, Kinnevik’s management presented inde-


Dame Amelia Fawcett Henrik Poulsen Chairman Deputy Chairman Born: 1956 Born: 1967 Nationality: US and UK citizen. Nationality: Danish citizen. Independence: Independent of the Company and management Independence: Independent of the Company and management and independent of major shareholders. and independent of major shareholders. Direct or related person ownership: 15,000 class B shares. Direct or related person ownership: 15,000 class B shares. Committee work: Chairman of the Risk, Compliance & Sustai- Committee work: Member of the Audit Committee. nability Committee, member of the People & Remuneration Committee. Henrik Poulsen was elected a Director and appointed Deputy Chairman of the Board of Kinnevik in 2017. He is a Director Dame Amelia has been a Director of the Board of Kinnevik since o SS AS an te ie eutive er o rste rior to 2011, she was appointed Deputy Chairman in 2013 and Chairman oinin rste in 2012 enrik as te ie eutive er of the Board in 2018. She is also the Independent Lead Director of Danish telecommunications company TDC between 2008 of State Street Corporation in Boston, USA. Dame Amelia is Chair and 2012, and also spent two years at KKR & Co after seven of the Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, a years at LEGO. Henrik graduated with BSc and MSc degrees in Govenor of the Wellcome Trust, and a Trustee of Project Hope International Business and Finance & Accounting from Aarhus UK. She held managerial positions within Morgan Stanley during School of Business. 19200 an as ie airan an ie peratin er of its European operations during 2002-2006. She was a Board Director of the Guardian Media Group during 2007-2013, and Chairman during 2009-2013. In 2010 she was awarded a DBE (Dame Commander of the British Empire) by HM Queen Eliza- bet or servies to te nanial servies inustry Se as a Law Degree from University of Virginia, USA, and a BA in History from the Wellesley College in Massachusetts, USA.

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pendent analyses of each company’s strategy, operations and to the Secretary for advice and assistance in their Board work. future opportunities within the markets in which they are active. During 2019, Kinnevik’s Board of Directors held ten meetings urterore ie eutive ers o ertain liste portolio (including the constituent meeting), of which three were extra companies held customary investor presentations and discus- meetings held via telephone. sions with the Kinnevik Board. Compliance with laws and regulations, responsibility and EVALUATION OF THE WORK OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS arket onene in Kinnevik are soe o te key issues i The Board complies with an annual performance review process the Board actively focuses on. Kinnevik’s Code of Conduct and to assess how well the Board, its committees and processes are Corporate Responsibility Policy adopted by the Board describes functioning and how they might be improved. Every three years Kinnevik’s policy on issues pertaining to social responsibility, a more extensive Board evaluation is undertaken either by an environmental considerations and ethics. independent Board member or an external consultant. As in previous years, a People & Remuneration Committee, an The evaluation of the Board’s work during 2019 was conducted Audit Committee and a Risk, Compliance & Sustainability Com- internally by the Chairman of the Board by way of a questionnaire, mittee have been established within the Board. These commit- covering areas such as the Board’s performance against its key tees are preparatory bodies of the Board and do not reduce the duties, the Board’s composition and processes, as well as the Board’s overall responsibility for the governance of the Company performance of individual Board members. The results of the and decisions taken. The General Counsel and Company Secre- evaluation were presented to the Nomination Committee by tary, Mattias Andersson, is responsible for ensuring that rules of the Chairman of the Board, and were also reported in full to the procedure are complied with, and all Board members can turn Nomination Committee in writing.


Susanna Campbell Wilhelm Klingspor Brian McBride Board director Board director Board director Born: 1973 Born: 1962 Born: 1955 Nationality: Swedish citizen. Nationality: Swedish citizen. Nationality: UK citizen. Independence: Independent of the Com- Independence: Independent of the Com- Independence: Independent of major pany and management and independent pany and management and independent shareholders. of major shareholders. of major shareholders. Direct or related person ownership: - Direct or related person ownership: Direct or related person ownership: Committee work: Member of the Risk, 1,700 class B shares. 1,148,242 class A shares and 679,532 Compliance & Sustainability Committee. Committee work: Member of the Audit class B shares. Committee, Chairman of the People & Committee work: Member of the Audit Brian McBride was elected a Director of Remuneration Committee. Committee. the Board of Kinnevik in 2019. He is the former Chairman of ASOS, the global Susanna Campbell was elected a Director Wilhelm Klingspor has been a Director online fashion and beauty retailer. He is of the Board of Kinnevik in 2019. She of the Board of Kinnevik since 2004 and currently non-executive Chair at Trainline, currently serves as Chairman of Röhnisch was Director of Industriförvaltnings AB a leading independent rail and coach Sportswear, Ljung & Sjöberg, and Babys- Kinnevik 1999-2004. He also served as travel platform and a non-executive di- hop Group. She is also a Board member Director of the Board of BillerudKorsnäs rector of Wiggle, a private-equity owned of Indutrade, Northvolt and Nalka Invest, 2012- 2014 (Director of Korsnäs 2003- online cycling and apparel business. With as well as Senior Advisor of Norrsken VC. 2012). Wilhelm is CEO of Hellekis Säteri. effect from 1 May 2020, he has also been Between 2012-2016, she was the Chief He graduated as a Forest Engineer from appointed non-executive director of Stan- eutive er o Seis investent the Swedish University of Agricultural dard Life Aberdeen. Brian also sits on the r Ratos avin oine te opany Sciences in Skinnskatteberg. UK government’s Government Digital in 2003 from McKinsey & Co. Susanna Service Advisory Board, supporting the holds an MSc from Stockholm School of delivery of digital quality public servi- Economics. ces, is a senior adviser at Lazard, and a member of the Advisory Board of Scot- tish Equity Partners. Prior to assuming Chairmanship of ASOS, Brian was the Managing Director of Amazon UK, and prior to that the Managing Director of T-Mobile UK.

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primarily focuses on the quality and accuracy of the Group’s PEOPLE & REMUNERATION COMMITTEE nanial aountin an te aopanyin reportin as ell as The People & Remuneration Committee’s assignments are te internal nanial ontrols itin te roup urterore te stipulated in Chapter 9.1 of the Code, and comprise issues Auit oittee evaluates te auitors ork ualiations an concerning salaries, pension terms and conditions, incentive independence. The Audit Committee monitors the development programs and other conditions of employment for the senior of relevant accounting policies and requirements, discusses executives. The guidelines applied in 2019 are presented in oter siniant issues onnete it te opanys nanial Note 16 for the Group, Personnel. The People & Remuneration reporting and reports its observations to the Board. The Audit Committee shall strive to meet not less than twice a year, and Committee shall meet not less than four times annually. Minutes more frequently as required. Minutes are kept at the People & are kept at the Audit Committee’s meetings and are reported to Remuneration Committee’s meetings and are reported to the the Board at its next meeting. Board at its next meeting. RISK, COMPLIANCE & SUSTAINABILITY COMMITTEE AUDIT COMMITTEE The Risk, Compliance & Sustainability Committee is appoin- The Audit Committee’s assignments are stipulated in Chapter 8, ted by the Board of Directors to assist the Board in monitoring Section 49b of the Swedish Companies Act. These tasks include the governance structures of Kinnevik’s investee companies, onitorin te opanys nanial reportin an te eieny o Kinnevik’s risk management process and compliance with laws, the Company’s internal controls, as well as maintaining frequent regulations and codes of conduct and sustainiability. The Risk, contacts with the external auditors. The Audit Committee’s work Compliance & Sustainability Committee shall meet not less than


Charlotte Strömberg Georgi Ganev Board director CEO Born: 1959 Born: 1976 Nationality: Swedish citizen. Nationality: Swedish citizen. Independence: Independent of the Company and management Direct or related person ownership: 85,000 class B shares and and independent of major shareholders. 200,000 call options on class B shares, issued by Verdere S.à r.l. Direct or related person ownership: 4,000 class B shares. Committee work: - Committee work: Chairman of the Audit Committee, member of the People & Remuneration Committee, member of the Risk, Georgi Ganev has been CEO of Kinnevik since 2018. He is Board Compliance & Sustainability Committee. member of Tele2, Global Fashion Group, Babylon Health and Reach for Change. Georgi was CEO of Dustin 2012-2017. Prior Charlotte Strömberg was elected a Director of the Board of to Dustin, Georgi was CMO at Telenor Sweden AB between Kinnevik in 2018. She currently serves as Chairman of Castellum 2010-2012, CEO of Bredbandsbolaget AB 2007-2010 and Sales an as a Boar iretor o las lson an Sona arlotte is a & Marketing Director and Product Manager at Tele2 2002-2007. member of the Swedish Securities Council, and a co-founder of Georgi holds a MSc in Engineering in Information Technology DHS Venture Partners, a venture capital fund backed by Stockholm from Uppsala University. School of Economics alumni. During 2006-2011, she served as ie eutive er o te ori operations o ones Lang LaSalle. Prior to joining Jones Lang LaSalle, Charlotte was Head of Equity Capital Markets, and later Head of Investment Banking, at Carnegie Investment Bank. She holds an MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics.

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four times annually. Minutes are kept at the Risk, Compliance & of the company’s operations. Instead Kinnevik, on instructions Sustainability Committee’s meetings and are reported to the from the Audit Committee, engages internal auditors to follow Board at its next meeting. up and evaluate work relating to inter alia risk management and internal control. The internal auditors report the results of their THE BOARD’S DESCRIPTION OF INTERNAL examination in the form of written reports to the Audit Com- CONTROL PERTAINING TO THE FINANCIAL mittee. During 2019, Kinnevik procured a third party review of REPORTING FOR THE 2019 FINANCIAL YEAR Kinnevik’s valuations of unlisted holdings as at 31 March 2019, The Board is responsible for internal control in accordance with without remarks. the Swedish Companies Act and the Code. This description has been prepared in accordance with the Code’s Rule 7.3 and 7.4, INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION and Chapter 6, Section 6 and Chapter 7, Section 31 of the Annual Kinnevik’s Policy and Procedure Manual and other guidelines Accounts Act (1995:1554), and is thus restricted to the internal o iportane to nanial reportin are upate at least one ontrol pertainin to te nanial reportin annually. Both formal and informal information channels to the Company’s management and Board of Directors are available CONTROL ENVIRONMENT for internal communication. For external communication, guide- The purpose of the Board of Directors’ rules of procedure and lines have been compiled in an Information Policy ensuring the instrutions or te ie eutive er an Boar oit- Company complies with the meticulous demands for timely and tees is to ensure a distinct division of roles and responsibility that accurate information to market participants and other various prootes te eient anaeent o operational an nanial constituencies, such as shareholders, Board members, employees risks. The Board has also adopted a number of fundamental and customers. uielines o siniane to ativities involvin internal ontrols which are described in Kinnevik’s Policy and Procedure Manual FOLLOW-UP an inlue instrutions overnin te nanial reportin o The Board of Directors continuously evaluates the information results, authorization procedures, purchasing policies, investment provided by management, the Audit Committee and the Risk, poliies aountin priniples nanial risk anaeent an Compliance & Sustainaibility Committee. The work to monitor the internal audits. The Company’s management reports regularly to eieny o anaeents eorts in tis area is o partiular i- the Board in accordance with established procedures. In addition, portance to the follow-up of internal controls. This work includes the Audit Committee and the Risk, Compliance & Sustainaibi- ensuring that action is taken concerning those shortcomings and lity Committee report on its respective work. The Company’s proposed measures that result from external and internal audits. management is responsible for the system of internal controls required for managing risks associated with ongoing operations. This includes guidelines for the employees to ensure that they understand the importance of their particular roles in efforts to aintain eient internal ontrol e opanys operational an nanial risks are reporte ea uarter to te Boar in- luin an analysis o teir onseuenes an nanial ipat in the event of them materializing, and how and who exercises ongoing control over each risk and how these can be mitigated in part or in full.

RISK ASSESSMENT AND CONTROL ACTIVITIES Kinnevik has implemented a model for assessing the risk of er- rors in aountin an te nanial reportin base on Ss raeork or internal ontrol e ost siniant ites an proesses in i te risk o siniant errors an typially arise enopass nanial assets an instruents in te inoe state- ment and balance sheet, and the investment process. Kinnevik has established documented work routines and continuously evaluates how well the controls function in relation to these items and processes.

INTERNAL AUDITS & THIRD PARTY REVIEWS The Board of Directors evaluate the need for a separate internal audit function on a yearly basis. Kinnevik does not currently have a separate internal audit function, taking into account the size

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Consolidated Income Statement

For the period 1 January-31 December (SEK m) Note 2019 2018

ane in air value o nanial assets 3 18 972 -15 184

iviens reeive 3 2 907 1 887

Ainistration osts 16 -391 -339

ter operatin inoe 50 32

ter operatin epenses -4 -5

Operating proft/loss 21 534 -13 609

nterest inoe an oter nanial inoe 4 97 18

nterest epenses an oter nanial epenses 4 -58 -64

Proft/loss after fnancial net 21 573 -13 655

a 7 -1 -1

Net proft/loss for the year 21 572 -13 656

et protloss per sare beore ilution SK 5 78.11 -49.58

et protloss per sare ater ilution SK 5 78.02 -49.58

Total comprehensive income for the year 21 572 -13 656

utstanin sares at te en o te year 276 604 474 275 717 450

Averae nuber o sares beore ilution 276 160 962 275 416 805

Averae nuber o sares ater ilution 276 483 775 275 818 034

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Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow

For the period 1 January-31 December (SEK m) Note 2019 2018

iviens reeive 3 2 907 1 887

as o ro operation -222 -260

Cash fow from operation before interest net and income taxes 2 685 1 627

nterests reeive 0 0

nterests pai -49 -48

Cash fow from operations 2 636 1 579

nvestents in sares an oter seurities 6 -4 586 -2 710

Sale o sares an oter seurities 6 6 162 1 589

Cash fow from investing activities 1 576 -1 121

Aortiation -500 0

Borroin 1 960 500

Reeption prora an ivien pai to euity olers o te arent opany -2 271 -2 270

Cash fow from fnancing activities -811 -1 770

as o or te year 3 401 -1 312

Sort ter investents an as openin balane 486 1 798

Sort ter investents an as losin balane 3 887 486

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Consolidated Balance Sheet

31 December (SEK m) Note 2019 2018


Fixed assets

inanial assets el at air value trou prot or loss 2 74 230 73 430

anible e assets 51 54

Rit o use asset 11 -

ter e assets 27 24

Total fxed assets 74 319 73 508

Current assets

ter urrent assets 70 54

Sortter investents 8 3 664 149

as an as euivalents 8 223 337

Total current assets 3 957 540

TOTAL ASSETS 78 276 74 048


Shareholders’ equity 9

Sare apital 28 28

ter ontribute apital 8 840 8 840

Retaine earnins inluin net protloss or te year 64 427 61 635

Total shareholders’ equity 73 295 70 503

Long-term liabilities

nterestbearin loans 10 1 391 2 842

rovisions or pensions 23 29

ter liabilities 11 22 10

Total long-term liabilities 1 436 2 881

Short-term liabilities

nterestbearin loans 10 3 410 500

ter liabilities 11 135 164

Total short-term liabilities 3 545 664


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Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

Retaine ter earnins inlu- otal Share ontribute in net result sareolers apital apital or te year euity

penin balane 1 anuary 201 27 8 840 81 766 90 633

oss or te year -13 656 -13 656

Total comprehensive income for the year - -13 656 -13 656

Transactions with shareholders

e issue 1 - 1

et o eployee sare savin prorae 22 22

as ivien 1) -2 270 -2 270

Dividend in kind 2) -4 227 -4 227

Closing balance 31 December 2018 28 8 840 61 635 70 503

rot or te year 21 572 21 572

Total comprehensive income for the year 21 572 21 572

Transactions with shareholders

et o eployee sare savin prorae 39 39

as ivien 3) -2 271 -2 271

Dividend in kind 4) -16 548 -16 548

Closing balance 31 December 2019 28 8 840 64 427 73 295

1) e A 201 resolve in avor o payin an orinary as ivien o SK 2 per sare 2) An el in uly 201 resolve to istribute all o Kinneviks sares in to te sareolers o Kinnevik e istribution orrespone to SK 1 per sare 3) e A 2019 resolve in avor o payin an orinary as ivien o SK 2 per sare 4) An el in oveber 2019 resolve to istribute all o Kinneviks sares in illio to te sareolers o Kinnevik e istribution orrespone to SK 009 per sare

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Note 1 Summary of signifcant accounting policies Kinnevik ontinually onitors an evaluates its investents in portolio opanies on te basis o air value Kinnevik urrently ouses on investents in a nuber o ierent STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE setors e opany oes not ave an epliit investent tie orion e onsoliate aounts ave been prepare in aorane it nter- it rears to te ivestent o any partiular investent instea national inanial Reportin Stanars RS Sine te arent opany te investent stratey is assesse on an onoin basis an te ous is a opany tat is ative in te only approve RS are applie anes over tie e onsoliate aounts ave also been prepare in aorane it Seis la it appliation o te Seis inanial Reportin Boars HOLDINGS IN SUBSIDIARIES reoenation RR 1 Suppleentary aountin reulations or roups A subsiiary is a opany i te parent opany iretly or ini- e arent opanys annual aounts ave been prepare in aor- retly ontrols or eerises a ontrollin inuene over An investor as ane it Seis la an it appliation o te Seis inanial a ontrollin inuene over te investee opany en it is epose to Reportin Boars reoenation RR 2 Reportin or leal entities or as te rit to iviens or oter returns resultin ro its interest is eans tat te RS valuation an islosure rules are applie it in te investee opany an as te ability to inuene tose returns te eviations reporte in te arent opanys aountin priniples trou its ontrollin inuene over te investee opany o provie a better representation o Kinneviks nanial position an An nvestent ntity sall not onsoliate its olins in subsiiaries or perorane Kinnevik applies nvestent ntity aountin aorin apply RS Business obinations en tey rea ontrollin inuene to RS 10 is eans tat te operatin subsiiaries are value at air eept or subsiiaries perorin servies onnete to te nvestent value trou prot an loss instea o bein onsoliate ro ntitys investent ativity nstea subsiiaries are value at air value trou prot an loss in aorane it RS 9 inanial instruents CHANGE OF ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES FOR THE KINNEVIK GROUP HOLDINGS IN ASSOCIATED COMPANIES ro 1 anuary 2019 te roup applies RS 1 eases e stanar An assoiate opany is an entity over i te parent opany provies a sinle lease aountin oel or lessees i iply tat as siniant inuene trou te ability to partiipate in eisions ainly all leases sall be inlue in te stateent o nanial position onernin te business nanial an operational strateies but not a e ritouse asset te lease asset an te liability are easure to ontrollin inuene or oint ontrollin inuene over tese strateies te present value o te uture lease payents payable e ritouse A olin o 200 o te votin poer iretly or trou subsiia- asset also inlues any initial iret osts inurre in obtainin te lease ries iniates siniant inuene Kinnevik is an nvestent ntity n ontrat n te inoe stateent epreiations o te ritouse asset aorane it AS 2 nvestents in Assoiates an oint entures an interest epenses are reonise assoiate opanies are value at air value trou prot an loss in Kinneviks leases onsist ainly o a rental ontrat or te opanys aorane it RS 9 inanial nstruents oe in K e roup as osen to apply oie retrospetive et- o or te transition to RS 1 Aorin to tis eto Kinnevik i SEGMENT REPORTING not restate oparative inoration e initial aoption o RS 1 is An operatin seent is a oponent o an entity tat enaes in instea reonise as an austent to te openin balane o retaine business ativities ro i it ay earn revenues an inur epenses earnins as o anuary 1 2019 is austent aounte to SK 0 ose operatin results are reviee reularly by te entitys ie e roup aopts te eeptions or sortter lease ontrats 12 operatin eision aker an or i stanalone nanial inora- onts or less an lease ontrats ere unerlyin asset aounts to tion is available e ie operatin eision aker is te untion tat lo value ose ill be reonise in te operatin result in te sae assesses te perorane o te operatin seent an akes eisions ay as urrent operatin lease ontrats about resoure alloation Kinnevik onsiers its ie operatin ei- e nonanellable lease ontrats or te roup at 1 anuary 2019 sion aker to be te n te reular internal reportin to te aounte to SK 1 ereo SK 0 are sortter lease ontrats or results are reporte or te investent opany as a ole e lease ontrats ere te unerlyin asset is o loer value e isount oes not reularly revie te results on a loer level to ake eisions rate aounts to 1 perent er 1 anuary 2019 te lease liability as about alloation o resoures an assess te perorane o ierent SK 1 e transition to RS 1 a an eet on aterial e assets parts o te investent opany e investent opany is tereore an interestbearin loans o SK 1 per 1 anuary 2019 onsiere one sinle operatin seent

CLASSIFICATION AS INVESTMENT ENTITY BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION Kinnevik believes tat te opany eets te riteria to ualiy as an e onsoliate nanial stateents oprise te nanial stateents nvestent ntity an te olloin key onsierations ere observe o te roup as o 1 eeber ea year e nanial stateents in onuntion it te assessent o subsiiaries are prepare or te sae reportin year as te arent Kinnevik raises apital ro its sareolers in orer to invest in opa- opany usin onsistent aountin poliies nies Kinnevik ten support te evelopent o its investee opanies e onsoliate nanial stateents ave been prepare on a in orer to enerate returns in te or o bot ivien yiel an istorial ost basis eept or investents in erivative nanial instru- value appreiation on te investent nvestents are ae bot in ents an nanial assets value at air value trou prot or loss e liste an unliste opanies onsoliate stateents are presente in Seis kronor SK an all

49 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

values are roune to te nearest illion eept en oterise iniate reeivables ter urrent assets an as an as euivalents n e onsoliate nanial stateents inlue te arent opany te liability sie it inlues nterestbearin loans rae payables an an subsiiaries tat serve in a supportin untion to te arent o- partly ter payables pany ile subsiiaries an assoiate opanies tat are investents A nanial asset or nanial liability is reonie in te balane seet investee opanies are not onsoliate but are state at air value en te opany beoes a party to te instruents ontratual onsoliate subsiiaries are onsoliate ro te ate on i ters Aounts reeivable are reonie en te invoie is sent A ontrol is transerre to te roup an ease to be onsoliate ro liability is reonie en te ounterparty as perore an tere is te ate on i ontrol is transerre out o te roup ere ontrol a ontratual obliation to pay even i te invoie as not yet been sent o a subsiiary eases its results are only inlue or te part o te A nanial asset is ereonie ro te balane seet en te reportin year urin i te roup a ontrol over te subsiiary rits in te ontrat are realie epire or te opany loses ontrol e onsoliate aounts are prepare usin te purase eto over te e sae applies or a portion o a nanial asset A nanial e ierene beteen te auisition value o sares in a subsiiary liability is ereonie ro te balane seet en te obliation in eluin te transation osts i are reonise iretly trou te ontrat is et or in soe oter anner is etinuise e sae te inoe stateent an te air value o ientiable assets an liabi- applies or a portion o a nanial liability lities o tat subsiiary at te tie o auisition is reporte as ooill Auisition an ivestent o nanial assets are reporte on te nteropany transations balane seet ites an unrealie ains transation ate i is te ate on i te opany oits to on transations beteen opanies are eliinate nrealie losses auire or ivest te assets are also eliinate unless te transation evienes te nee to rite on te transerre asset Classifcation and measurement inanial instruents are alloate to ierent ateories A nanial FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION instruent is lassie upon initial reonition base on te purpose e untional an presentation urreny o te arent opany an or i it as auire e lassiation eterines o te nanial its Seis subsiiaries is Seis kronor SK ransations in orein instruent is easure ater initial reonition urrenies are initially reore in te untional urreny eane rate inanial instruents alloate to inanial assets aounte to air at te ate o te transation onetary assets an liabilities enoinate value trou prot an loss are initially reonie at air value eluin in orein urrenies are translate at te untional urreny rate o e- transation osts ter nanial instruents are initially reonie at ane at te balane seet ate Realie an unrealie eane ains ost i orrespons to te instruents air value inluin transa- losses on reeivables an liabilities o an operatin nature are reporte tion osts easureent ater initial reonition is esribe uner ea in operatin inoe ile eane rate ierenes on nanial assets ateory belo an liabilities in orein urrenies are reporte aon nanial ites As at te reportin ate te assets an liabilities o subsiiaries tat Financial Assets valued at fair value through proft and loss ave not te sae untional urreny as te roup SK are translate at inanial assets el at air value trou prot or loss are ontinuously te rate o eane at te balane seet ate eir inoe stateents easure at air value an value anes are reporte in te noe are translate at te averae eane rates or te year e eane Stateent ierenes arisin on te translation are taken in oter opreensive Kinneviks nanial assets in tis ateory inluin sortter invest- inoe an as a separate oponent o euity n isposal o a orein ents an loan reeivables are anae an easure on te basis o air entity te eerre uulative aount reonie in euity relatin to values in aorane it te risk anaeent an investent strateies tat partiular orein operation is reonie in te inoe stateent trou ter opreensive inoe Financial assets at amortized cost onter onetary balanes beteen te arent opany an oan reeivables an oter reeivables inluin as an as eui- subsiiaries ay be eee to represent an etension or a ontra- valents are nonerivative nanial assets it ene or enable tion o te arent opanys net investent in te subsiiary orein payents an ene aturities tat are not liste on an ative arket urreny ierenes arisin on su balanes are tereore are as oan reeivables an oter reeivables are value at aortie ost ter opreensive inoe as a translation ierene rae reeivables enerally ave 0 ays ters

TANGIBLE ASSETS Derivatives anible assets are reonie at ost less eution o auula- Kinnevik ay oasionally invest in erivatives it te purpose to ee te epreiation an any ipairent epreiation is alulate on a ertain as os ne eaple is interest rate saps to ee te interest straitline seule base on te auisition value o te asset an its rate risk relatin to te bon nanins ro 201 Kinnevik oes not estiate useul lie e assets resiual values useul lives an etos apply ee aountin an any anes in te value o te erivatives are reviee an auste i appropriate at ea nanial yearen are reporte iretly in te inoe stateent

FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Financial debt at amortized cost inanial assets in Kinneviks Stateent o inanial osition inlues inanial liabilities not el or train are easure at arue a- inanial assets aounte to air value trou prot or loss rae uisition value i is eterine base on te eetive interest rate

50 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

alulate en te liability as assue is eans tat surplus an Level 3: air value establise usin valuation teniues it siniant eit values as ell as iret osts in onuntion it assuin o loans input ro ata tat is not observable in te arket are istribute over te ter o te liability onter liabilities ave an epete ter o eeein one year ile urrent liabilities ave PENSION a ter o less tan one year rae payables ave sort epete ter e roup as ene benet plans or soe orer eployees itin an are value at noinal value te arent opany only e yearly epenses or tese ene benet plans as ell as te preiubase pension benets are reporte in Fair value measurment rot or oss RS 1 enes air value as te prie tat oul be reeive to sell an asset or pai to transer a liability in an orerly transation beteen SHARE-BASED REMUNERATION arket partiipants at te easureent ate Kinnevik as one saresavin proras ro 201 or i te air e air value o nanial instruents trae on an ative arket is value alulate on te ate o allotent o te allotte sarebase base on te arket pries liste on te losin ate e liste arket instruents is epense over te vestin perio an is reonie prie use or te roups nanial assets is te nal bi prie or o- iretly in euity nstruent issue itin te roups saresavins panies it to lasses o sares te arket prie or te ost liui prora onsists o sare rits Kinnevik lassies te sarerelate sare lass is use reuneration proras as transations tat ill be reulate it euity en establisin te air value o oter nanial instruents etos instruent e air value o te sare rits onsists o te arket prie tat in every iniviual ase are assue to provie te best estiation on ea alloation oasion e ost is base on te roups assessent o air value ave been use or assets an liabilities aturin itin o te nuber o sares tat ill be allotte A ne assessent o te one year a noinal value auste or interest payents an preius antiipate nuber o alloate sares is perore at yearen air is assue to provie a oo approiation to air value value is restate on every balaneseet ate to reet alulations o Kinneviks unliste olins are value usin RS 1 an te nter- soial seurity osts epense ontinuously over te vestin perio in national rivate uity an enture apital aluation uielines ere te various opanies an proras a olletive assessent is ae to establis te valuation etos an n 201 Kinnevik aopte a lonter as base inentive prora points o reerene tat are ost suitable to eterine te air value ere synteti option ere issue to eployees e options ere sub- o ea iniviual asset ile a valuation in a reent transation is not sribe to at air value it a subsiy pai by Kinnevik o 0 e ost applie as a valuation eto as su it typially provies an iportant or te subsiy eept or soial osts is aounte or over tree years point o reerene an basis or te valuation o te asset in uestion ile te soial ost is aounte or iretly en it is pai All osts espeially as it pertains to Kinneviks youner investee opanies ere are inlue in sarebase reuneration uner personnel osts e traitional valuation teniues are less appliable or ne sare issues options are ontinuously evaluate to air value an any value inrease onsieration is taken to eter te nely issue sares ave preerential is inlue in sarebase reuneration uner personnel osts an as rits su as liuiation preerenes to te opanys assets senior ebt in te balane seet to earlier issue sares aluation etos inlue orar or trailin ro 201 te lon ter inentive proras are base on a struture revenue or prot ultiples or isountin uture epete as os ere te partiipants sins or an reeives inentive sares i ill en perorin a valuation base on ultiples onsieration is iven be relassie to Kinnevik lass B sares in relation to te ullent o to ierenes in sie istori rot protability an ost o apital te ters an onitions ater an years respetively Kinnevik as e valuation proess or Kinneviks unliste olins is le by a subsiie te subsription prie i inluin soial osts ill be valuation tea inepenently ro te respetive olins investent aounte or in aorane it RS2 urin te vestin tie perio anaer Auray an reliability o nanial inoration use in te o opensate or te ta eets arisin ue to te subsiy o te sub- valuations is ensure trou ontinuous ontats it te anaeent sription prie Kinnevik as pai a as subsiy iretly to te relevant o ea olin an reular revies o teir aounts noration an ta autorities is ost inluin soial osts as epense in ull en opinions on appliable valuation etos are obtaine perioially it as pai Relassiation o te nentive Sares into Kinnevik lass B ro investent anaers an ellrenone investent banks an sares oes not result in any soial seurity osts or Kinnevik auit rs e valuations are isusse it te an ater i a proposal is isusse it te Auit oittee an te eternal OTHER PROVISIONS auitors Ater teir srutiny an potential austents te valuations are rovisions are reporte en te roup as a leal or ontratual obli- approve by te Auit oittee an inlue in Kinneviks aounts ation to ulll te obliation en it is likely tat a payent or soe noration is provie in ote 2 or te roup per lass o nanial oter or o opensation is reuire to settle te unertakin an a instruents tat are easure at air value trou prot or loss istri- reliable estiate o te aount an be ae bute in te tree levels state belo Level 1: air value establise base on liste pries in an ative arket REVENUE RECOGNITION or te sae instruent Renerin o servies Revenue ro te sale o servies is reonie Level 2: air value establise base on valuation teniues it ob- at te tie te servie is renere to te ustoer ater eutions or servable arket ata eiter iretly as a prie or iniretly erive isounts ro a prie an not inlue in evel 1 nterest Revenue is reonie as te interest arues to te net

51 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

arryin aount o te nanial assets iviens reeive iviens SIGNIFICANT JUDGMENTS AND ASSUMPTIONS reeive are reonie en te sareolers rit to reeive te e preparation o te annual nanial stateents an onsoliate payent is assesse as ertain nanial stateents inlues a nuber o estiates an assuptions e appliation o tese estiates an assuptions aets te reportin INCOME TAX an islosures Aountin poliies tat reuire ore siniant u- e total ta on te years inoe onsists o urrent an eerre ta eents by te Boar an te anaeent in te appliation o RS aes are state in te inoe stateent eept en te unerlyin an assuptions an estiations in atters tat are inerently unertain transation is are to oter opreensive inoe or iretly aainst are suarie belo euity in i ase te relate ta eet is also state in euity urrent Estimates and ta epense is te ta tat is to be pai or reeive or te year in ues- Matter See Note tion plus orretion o ta epense or earlier perios eerre ta is assumptions alulate on te basis o te teporary ierenes beteen te book aluation o unliste Appropriate valuation ote 2 values o assets an liabilities an teir value or ta purposes e aounts olins eto peer roup uture are alulate on te basis o o tese ierenes an be epete to revenue an prot arins be evene out an usin te ta rates an rules in eet or announe nvironental ases uture eisions ro oun- ote 1 as o te losin ate e eerre ta asset oponent o eutible ty ainistrative boar teporary ierenes an ta loss arry orars is only reore in so ar as it is likely tat tese ill result in a loer ta payent in te uture eerre ta losses uent o possibility ote DIVIDENDS PAID to use eerre ta losses aainst uture prots as iviens to sareolers are reore in te aountin perio te ivien is approve INFORMATION ABOUT SUBSIDIARY IN UK LEASES Kinnevik ABs ully one subsiiary in K Kinnevik apital t e ritouse asset te lease asset an te liability are easure to te ill take avantae o te auit eeption set out itin setion present value o uture lease payents payable e ritouse asset also 9A o te opanies At 200 or te perio ene 1 e- inlues any initial iret osts inurre in obtainin te lease ontrat n eber 2019 n aorane it setion 9 o te opanies te inoe stateent epreiations o te ritouse asset an interest At 200 Kinnevik AB ill uarantee te ebts an liabilities o epenses are reonie e roup ill reonie te ritouse asset Kinnevik apital t As at 1 eeber 2019 te total su o separate ro oter assets in te nanial stateents n subseuent tese ebts an liabilities aounte to B 2 perios te ritouse asset is reonie at ost less epreiations an any ipairent losses an auste or any reeasureent o te lease liability Sortter leases lease ter o 12 onts or less an leases o lovalue ill not be reporte in te stateent o nanial position ese epenses ill be epense in te sae ay as operatin leases as epense earlier e ne stanar introues siniant anes to te lessee aountin opare it urrent stanars

CASH FLOW STATEMENT e aso stateents or te roup an or te arent opany are prepare usin te iniret eto or purposes o te arent opany an te onsoliate aso stateents te roup inlue as an investents it oriinal uration o aiu tree onts aon as an bank e book value o tese ites orrespons to air value

52 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Note 2 Financial assets and liabilities

Financial assets and liabilities by valuation category

Fair value Total Amortized Financial debt, Fair 2019 through proft book cost amortized cost value or loss value

inanial assets aounte at air value trou prot an loss 74 230 - - 74 230 74 230

ter urrent assets - 70 - 70 70

Sort ter investents 3 664 - - 3 664 3 664

as an as euivalents - 223 - 223 223

Total fnancial assets 77 894 293 - 78 187 78 187

nterestbearin loans - - 4 801 4 801 4 801

rae payables - - 9 9 9

ter payables - - 149 149 149

Total fnancial liabilities - - 4 959 4 959 4 959

Fair value Total Amortized Financial debt, Fair 2018 through proft book cost amortized cost value or loss value

inanial assets aounte at air value trou prot an loss 73 430 - - 73 430 73 430

ter urrent assets - 54 - 54 54

Sort ter investents 149 - - 149 149

as an as euivalents - 337 - 337 337

Total fnancial assets 73 579 391 - 73 970 73 970

nterestbearin loans - - 3 342 3 342 3 342

rae payables - - 8 8 8

ter payables - - 161 161 161

Total fnancial liabilities - - 3 511 3 511 3 511

53 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Financial assets measured at fair value through proft or loss by level

e table belo iniates o air value is easure or Kinneviks nanial assets an liabilities e nanial instruents are ateorie on tree levels epenin on o te air value is easure Level 1: air value establise base on liste pries in an ative arket or te sae instruent Level 2: air value establise base on valuation teniues it observable arket ata eiter iretly as a prie or iniretly erive ro a prie an not inlue in evel 1 Level 3: air value establise usin valuation teniues it siniant input ro ata tat is not observable in te arket

2019 2018 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total lobal asion roup 1 945 - - 1 945 - - - -

Home24 162 - - 162 352 - - 352

Livongo 2 968 - - 2 968 - - - -

illio - - - - 21 169 - - 21 169

liro roup 296 - - 296 391 - - 391

Tele2 25 440 - - 25 440 21 172 - - 21 172

estin - - - - 482 - - 482

Zalando 30 814 - - 30 814 17 924 - - 17 924 Total Listed Assets 61 625 - - 61 625 61 491 - - 61 491

Babylon - - 2 808 2 808 - - 500 500

Bayport - - 1 110 1 110 - - 1 172 1 172

Betterent - - 1 315 1 315 - - 1 153 1 153

Bread - - 315 315 - - 298 298

Bubee - - 224 224 - - 80 80

Cedar - - 197 197 - - 142 142

eposit Solutions - - 285 285 - - 274 274

lobal asion roup ------3 284 3 284

Omio - - 468 468 - - 443 443

Kolonial - - 686 686 - - 309 309

Livongo ------700 700

Bima - - 936 936 - - 873 873

Pleo - - 343 343 - - 67 67

ate - - 889 889 - - - -

onese - - 383 383 - - 202 202

Quikr - - 941 941 - - 1 643 1 643

Saltsie - - 325 325 - - 199 199

ravelperk - - 506 506 - - 223 223

illae - - 737 737 - - - -

ter - - 137 137 - - 377 377

Total Unlisted Assets - - 12 605 12 605 - - 11 939 11 939

Sort ter investents 3 664 - - 3 664 149 - - 149 Total Financial Assets measured at Fair Value through Proft or Loss 65 289 - 12 605 77 894 61 640 - 11 939 73 579

54 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Change in fnancial assets in level 3

2019 2018

penin balane 1 anuary 11 939 11 682

nvestents 4 566 2 731

isposals it proees - 161 - 419

Relassiations -6 351 -1 050

Change in fair value 2 612 -1 005

Closing balance, 31 December 12 605 11 939

Valuation methods as per 31 december 2019, level 3

Company Valuation Method

ƒ railin an orarlookin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o inventoryolin eoere retailers iply- in a ultiple o 22 te opanys last telve onts revenues as per 0 Septeber 2019 an orresponin to Kolonial te valuation in a seonary transation urin te seon uarter o 2019 ƒ uity value o K 20bn

ƒ Applyin a ultiple o 1 te opanys last telve onts revenues as per 0 Septeber 2019 ate ƒ e ultiple is reerene ro a peer roup o inventoryolin eoere retailers ƒ uity value o SK 2bn ƒ rotauste trailin an orarlookin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o loistis opanies orre- Bubee sponin to te valuation in a unin roun urin te rst uarter o 2019 ƒ uity value o SK 9 ƒ orarlookin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o eerin arket online lassies opanies it partiu- lar ous on opanies ative in nia an aaent arkets ƒ Reetin te ipat o titious or isrepresente transations as ell as a reue ootprint an aene rev- Quikr enue reonition priniples ƒ e ane in valuation eto ro a isounte as o analysis ensures only nearter proete nanial perorane is reete in our assesse air value ƒ railin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o eerin arket online lassies opanies Saltsie ƒ e ane in valuation eto ro a isounte as o analysis is reetive o an iprove nanial prole ore siilar to tat o te peer roup ƒ orarlookin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o online travel bookin plators orresponin to te valu- Omio ation in a unin roun urin te tir uarter o 201 ƒ orarlookin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o online travel bookin plators orresponin to te valu- TravelPerk ation in a unin roun urin te tir uarter o 2019 ƒ orarlookin earnins ultiples o a peer roup itin nanial servies in bot evelope an eerin Bayport arkets ƒ isounte as o analysis base on a year business plan usin a isount rate base on a bottoup analysis Betterent o te opanys ost o apital ƒ isounte as o analysis as ell as orarlookin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o insurane tenoloy Bima opanies e isounte as o analysis is base on a 10year business plan usin a isount rate base on a bottoup analysis o te opanys ost o apital ƒ orarlookin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o sotare sotareasaservie payents an lenin o- Bread panies orresponin to te valuation in a unin roun urin te tir uarter o 201 ƒ orarlookin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o sotareasaservie sotare liensin an nanial te- eposit Solutions noloy opanies ƒ ully ilute euity value o R 20 ƒ orarlookin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o nanial brokers an subsription businesses orrespon- onese in to te valuation in a unin roun urin te tir uarter o 201 ƒ orarlookin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o sotareasaservie opanies orresponin to te valu- Pleo ation in a unin roun urin te seon uarter o 2019 ƒ orarlookin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o isruptive ealtare an ealtare opanies orre- Babylon sponin to te valuation in a unin roun urin te tir uarter o 2019 ƒ railin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o ierent types o are proviers an outsoure servies opanies illae base in te nite States o Aeria ƒ orarlookin revenue ultiples o a peer roup o ealtare sotare an analytis opanies orresponin Cedar to te valuation in a unin roun urin te seon uarter o 201

55 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Duration or te uration o interest bearin loans reer to ote 10 oter nanial liabilities te aor part ill all ue itin one to si onts

Derivatives and hedging instruments n 1 eeber 2019 Kinnevik a tree erivative outstanin tree interest rate saps it te purpose to reate a as o ee or te part o te bons issue in ar 201 an ay 201 ere Kinnevik is payin oatin interest rates e noinal aounts o te saps on 1 eeber 2019 ere SK 20 20 Also reer to ote 10 or te roup or SK 1000 an SK 00 te e rates are 19 an 11 an bot epire in ar 2022 or SK 90 te e rate is 0 an it epires in ay 2020 e erivatives a a neative arket value o SK 2 neative at yearen e erivatives are arke to arket base on isounte as os it observable arket ata e erivatives are overe by SA areeent

Maturity structure aturity struture or unisounte ontrate noninterestbearininterestbearin reeivables an liabilities alon it uture interest payents aruin tereit is son in te table belo e interestbearin liabilities aturin in 2020 ill be renan- e urin te year by ne loans or by utilisation o eistin unutilie reit ailities

2020 2021 2022 2023 Later Total

oninterestbearin reeivables 70 - - - - 70

nterestbearin reeivables 21 17 4 - - 42

oninterestbearin liabilities -159 - - - - -159

nterestbearin liabilities -3 465 -42 -1 410 -2 -15 -4 935

Total as per 31 December 2019 -3 533 -25 -1 406 -2 -15 -4 981

2019 2020 2021 2022 Later Total

oninterestbearin reeivables 54 - - - - 54

nterestbearin reeivables 19 16 14 3 - 52

oninterestbearin liabilities -169 - - - - -169

nterestbearin liabilities -555 -1 494 -36 -1 409 -20 -3 514

Total as per 31 December 2018 -651 -1 478 -22 -1 406 -20 -3 577

56 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Note 3 Financial assets measured at fair value through proft or loss

Change in fnancial assets measured at fair value through proft or loss

Listed Unlisted Total assets assets Closing balance, 31 December 2017 80 035 11 682 91 717

nvestents 0 2 731 2 731

Relassiation 1 050 -1 050 -

istribution to sareolers -4 227 - -4 227

Change in fair value -14 179 -1 005 -15 184

isposals -1 191 -419 -1 610

ranslation ierene 3 - 3

Closing balance, 31 December 2018 61 491 11 939 73 430

nvestents - 4 566 4 566

Relassiation 6 351 - 6 351 -

istribution to sareolers -16 548 - -16 548

Change in fair value 16 360 2 612 18 972

isposals -6 029 -161 -6 190

Closing balance, 31 December 2019 61 625 12 605 74 230

Investments in fnancial assets measured at Disposals of fnancial assets measured at fair value through proft or loss fair value through proft or loss

2019 2018 2019 2018 Babylon 374 122 Com Hem - -1 187

BIMA 121 - estin -128 -

Bread - 307 Zalando -5 876 -

Bubee 46 80 ter -25 -4

Cedar 47 141 Total Listed Assets -6 029 -1 191

eposit Solutions - 263

lobal asion roup 632 - Linio - -273

Omio - 443 ter -161 -146

Kara - 62 Total Unlisted Assets -161 -419

Kolonial 341 328 Total -6 190 -1 610 Livongo 825 456

ate 889 -

onese 156 197

Pleo 85 68

Quikr 149 -

ravelperk 122 227

illae 726 -

vrit 53 37

Total Unlisted Assets 4 566 2 731

Total 4 566 2 731

57 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Dividends received and change in fair value of fnancial assets measured at fair value through proft or loss

Dividends Change in fair 2019 Dividends Change in fair 2018 received value Total received value Total Com Hem - - - 203 600 803

lobal asion roup - -1 816 -1 816 - - -

Home24 - -191 -191 - 53 53

Livongo - 379 379 - - -

illio 956 -4 596 -3 640 890 227 1 117

MTG - - - 169 -419 -250

liro roup - -95 -95 - -375 -375

SDS - - - - -3 -3

Tele2 1 951 4 268 6 219 610 2 181 2 791

estin - -355 -355 - -269 -269

Zalando - 18 766 18 766 - -16 173 -16 173

Total Listed Assets 2 907 16 360 19 267 1 872 -14 179 -12 307

Babylon - 1 934 1 934 - 3 3

Bayport - -62 -62 - 90 90

Betterent - 162 162 - 89 89

Bima - -58 -58 - 67 67

Bread - 17 17 - -9 -9

Bubee - 98 98 - - -

Cedar - 8 8 - 1 1

eposit Solutions - 11 11 - 11 11

lobal asion roup - -155 -155 - -1 955 -1 955

Home24 - - - - 81 81

Kolonial - 35 35 - -19 -19

Livongo - 1 065 1 065 - 139 139

ate ------

onese - 25 25 - 5 5

Omio - 25 25 - - -

Pleo - 191 191 - -1 -1

Quikr - -851 -851 - 285 285

ravelperk - 161 161 - -4 -4

illae - 11 11 - - -

estin - - - - 271 271

vrit - -5 -5 15 -59 -44 Total Unlisted Assets - 2 612 2 612 15 -1 005 - 990

Total 2 907 18 972 21 879 1 887 -15 184 -13 297

58 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Book value of Fixed fnancial assets held at fair value through proft or loss

Trade Name Company Name Registered Offce Number of Capital/votes (%) Book value Shares 2019 2019 2018 2019 2018 lobal asion roup lobal asion roup SA uebour 79 093 454 00 - 1 945 -

Home24 Home24 SE erany 3 111 953 1111 120120 162 352

Livongo ivono ealt n USA 12 653 927 11 - 2 968 -

illio illio nternational ellular SA uebour - - - 21 169

liro roup liro roup AB Seen 42 613 642 22 22 296 391

Tele2 Tele2 AB Seen 187 613 119 220 220 25 440 21 172

estin estin roup A erany - - 11 - 482

Zalando Zalando SE erany 65 297 800 22 11 30 814 17 924

Total Listed Assets 61 625 61 491

Babylon Babylon olins t nite Kino - 11 2020 2 808 500

Bayport Bayport anaeent t auritius - 2222 2222 1 110 1 172

Betterent Betterent olins n USA - 11 11 1 315 1 153

Bread on n USA - 11 11 315 298

Bima Milvik AB Seen - 936 873

Bubee Bubee AB Seen - 22 2020 224 80

Cedar ear ares n USA - 1010 197 142

eposit Solutions eposit Solutions b erany - 285 274

lobal asion roup lobal asion roup SA uebour - - - 3 284

Kolonial Kolonialno AS oray - 22 11 686 309

Livongo ivono ealt n USA - - 1010 - 700

ate ate i Sverie AB Seen - - 889 -

onese onese t nite Kino - 11 11 383 202

Omio ouro orp USA - 468 443

Pleo leo olin ApS Denmark - 11 11 343 67

Quikr uikr auritius olin rivate t auritius - 11 11 941 1 643

Saltsie Saltsie enoloies AB Seen - 11 11 325 199

ravelperk ravelperk n USA - 11 11 506 223

illae illae n USA - 1010 - 737 -

tter - - - - - 137 377

Total Unlisted Assets 12 605 11 939

Total 74 230 73 430

59 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Note 4 Financial income and expenses 2019 2018 nvestents in sares an oter seurities 2019 2018 see note -4 566 -2 731 nterest inoe nanial assets aounte at air value 25 7 urrent year investent pai ater year en - 21

ane ierenes 69 11 rior year investents pai in urrent year -20 - ter nanial inoe 3 0 Cash fow from investments in shares and other securities - 4 586 -2 710 Total fnancial income 97 18 Sale of shares and other securities nterest epenses loans ro reit institutions -37 -30 Zalando 5 876 - ane ierenes - -15 estin 128 - ter nanial epenses -21 -19 Com Hem - 1 188 Total fnancial expenses -58 -64 Linio - 273 Net fnancial income/expenses 39 -46 ter 158 128 Note 5 Earnings per share Cash fow from sale of shares and other securities 6 162 1 589 arnins per sare are alulate by iviin prot or te year attributable to olers o sares in te parent opany by a eite averae nuber Note 7 Taxes o sares outstanin arnins per sare ater ilution is alulate by iviin protloss or te year attributable to olers o sares in te 2019 2018 parent opany by te averae o te nuber o sares outstanin urin te year auste or te ilution eet o potential sares ro Current tax expense outstanin sare savin plans a epense or te perio -1 -1

Total -1 -1

2019 2018 Reconciliation of effective tax rate et prot or te year 21 572 -13 656

Averae nuber o sares outstanin 276 160 962 275 416 805 2019 % 2018 % arnins per sare beore ilution 78.11 -49.58 rotloss beore ta 21 572 -13 656 Averae nuber o sares outstanin 276 160 962 275 416 805 noe ta at statutory rate o et ro outstanin sare savin arent opany -4 616 -21.4% 3 004 -22.0% prora see ote 1 or inoration 322 813 401 229 ane in air value o nanial uber o sares outstanin ater assets 4 060 18.8% -3 340 24.5% ilution 276 483 775 275 818 034 ontaable iviens reeive 622 2.9% 415 -3.0% arnins per sare ater ilution SK 78.02 -49.58 ane in not reonie ta loss arry orars -67 -0.3% -80 0.6%

Effective tax/tax rate -1 0.0% -1 0.0% Note 6 Supplementary cash fow information o ta as been reonise aainst oter opreensive inoe or 2019 2018 sareolers euity eerre ta is not state or assoiate opa- nies subsiiaries an oter sareolins as any ivien pai by INTEREST BEARING LOANS tese opanies ill not ive rise to a ta liability an ivestents penin balane 1 anuary 3 342 2 833 ay be ae itout ivin rise to apital ains taation Aortiation o loans -500 - Tax loss carryforwards e sortter borroin 960 500 e roups ta loss arryorars in Seen it eternal uration e lonter apital arkets nanin 1 000 - aounte to SK 1bn 1 at 1 eeber 2019 o eerre ta arrie orar is aounte or arket valuation SA -2 5

Arual borroin osts 1 4

Closing balance 31 December 4 801 3 342

60 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Note 8 Short term investments and cash Credit Unu- facility Utilised tilised 2019 2018 as per amount amount 31 Dec 31 Dec 31 Dec Sort ter investents 3 664 149 Financing source 2019 2019 2019 Currency as an bank 223 337 Long-term loans Total 3 887 486 Syniate bank ailities 6 000 - 6 000 SK

n aition to as an as euivalents reporte above te roup a Total long-term loans 6 000 - 6 000 unran reit ailities o SK 10 0 see ote 10 Sortter loans

verrat ailities 130 - 130 SK Note 9 Shareholders’ equity Total short-term loans 130 - 130

SHARE CAPITAL Total Group Financing 6 130 - 6 130 Sare apital reers to te arent opanys sare apital reer to ote 10 or te arent opany e lonter nanin is ainly to syniate bank ailities o in total SK 000 e rst one o SK 000 provie by B Bank ASA OTHER CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL Seen Bran orea Bank AB publ Skaninaviska nskila Banken ter ontribute apital onsist o te arent opanys sare preiu AB publ Svenska anelsbanken AB publ an Sebank AB publ reserve i arose trou te onversion o onvertible loans in 199 atures in uly 2021 e seon one o SK000 is provie by te an 199 apital inete in onuntion it te erer beteen nvik sae banks as ell as rit Ariole orporate & nvestent Bank & o AB an nustrirvaltnins AB Kinnevik in 200 apital inete in rane an anske Bank enark an atures in eeber 2022 it onuntion it a ne sare issue en auirin te assets in eso possible lentenin up to to years e ailities are seure by liste AB 2009 as ell as by te arent opanys leal reserve sares but oes not involve any nanial ovenants t is ultiurreny ailities it a part bein available as a bakup aainst te renanin RETAINED EARNINGS INCLUDING NET risk o any outstanin oerial papers i by 1eeber 2019 PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE YEAR aounte to SK 90 Kinnevik as also issue one bon o SK10 Retaine earnins tat are reporte in te roup inlue te urrent an it aturity in ay 2020 an one bon o SK100 it aturity in preein years protloss ar 2022 e bon it aturity in ay 2020 ave ual tranes SK 00 at an annual oupon o 1 an SK 90 at oatin interest CAPITAL orresponin to onts Stibor 0 e bon it aturity in Kinneviks anae apital onsists o sareolers euity ere are ar 2022 as a oatin interest orresponin to onts Stibor no oter eternal apital reuireents oter tan at is speie in 110 e bons are unseure an as no nanial ovenants e te Seis opanies At or ivien poliy an leverae tarets interest rate risk uner te tranes it oatin interest are ully ee please reer to te Boar o iretors report it interest rate saps e outstanin loans arry an interest rate o Stibor or siilar base rate Note 10 Interest-bearing loans it an averae arin o 0 0 All bank loans ave variable interest rates up to onts ile 2019 2018 nanin ro te apital arkets vary beteen 1 to 12 onts or loans uner te oerial paper prora an to years or te Interest-bearing long-term loans outstanin bon apital arkets nanin 1 400 2 850 As per 1 eeber 2019 te averae reainin uration as 1 29 years or all reit ailities inluin te bons arketvaluation SA 3 5

Arue borroin osts -12 -13

1 391 2 842 Note 11 Other liabilities

Interest-bearing short-term loans 2019 2018 apital arkets nanin 2 450 - ter lonter liabilities 22 10

oerial paper 960 500 Total other long-term liabilities 22 10

3 410 500 Arue interest epenses 24 23

Total interest-bearing loans 4 801 3 342 Arue personnel epenses 77 77

ebt unpai investents - 21

ter ebt 34 43 Total other short-term liabilities 135 164

or trae reitors an oter liabilities to relate parties reer to ote 1

61 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Note 12 Auditors’ fees Note 15 Related-party transactions

Kinneviks relate party transations priarily onsists o sort ter brie 2019 2018 loans to investee opanies i are inlue in nanial assets a- To Deloitte ounte at air value trou prot an loss nterest inoe ro su loans are reonise as eternal interest inoe trou prot an loss Auit assinents 1 1 ter inoe relates to te rent out o oe preises in ala Stan ter servies 0 0 in Stokol as ell as reinvoiin o osts Kinnevik buys telepony Total 1 1 avertisin an onsultany servies ro relate parties e olloin is a suary o Kinneviks revenue epense reeivables an liabilities to an ro relate parties eeein SK 1 Note 13 Pledged assets Parent Group At 1 eeber 2019 an 201 Kinnevik i not ave any liste sares Company in assoiate opanies plee in relation to te roups nanin At 2019 2018 2019 2018 utiliation o te syniate reit ailities plee liste sares arket Revenue value sall at any iven tie aount to 200 o te outstanin loans te value o te plee reains belo te tresol or a ene pe- Tele2 2 3 - - rio o tie an Kinnevik espite ritten reuest by te banks as not reeie te brea te banks ill be entitle to enore te plee Operating expenses Su rit to enoreent also applies to unreeie breaes o oter ters an onitions in te reit aility areeent Seurealue -5 -5 -5 -5 ere ere no outstanin loans in relation to tis nanin at 1 Tele2 -1 0 -1 0 eeber 2019

Interest income

Note 14 Contingent liabilities Babylon 6 5 - -

Kolonial 7 - - - ounty ainistrative boars ave subitte lais to Kinnevik rearin environental stuies at a nuber o sites ere aersta AB trou nae anes an a erer Kinnevik AB onute operations until Financial receivables from associated companies 19 Kinneviks position is tat te opanys responsibility to peror any eontaination easures ust be liite priarily out o onsi- Babylon - 118 - - eration to te lon perio o tie tat as passe sine any potential Kolonial 166 - - - ontaination aaes ourre an te reulations tat ere in ore at te tie an te at tat a uarter entury as passe sine operations onese 161 - - - ere sut on or turne over to ne oners Kinnevik as tereore Quikr 144 not ae any provisions or potential uture lais or eontaination ter 3 - - - easures SK as provie in 200 or potential environental stuies tat Kinnevik it be reuire to pay or o i SK 12 as use in 2010 to 2019 All transations it relate parties ave taken plae at ars lent Kinnevik as in ebruary 2020 taken part o a suons appliation basis ie on arket onitions n onnetion it auisitions ro an subitte by AB ustos onernin te sale o etro ori Seen ivestents to aor sareolers o te opany or iretors or oers AB subseuently renae etro eia ouse AB in bankrupty e o te roup valuation reports are obtaine ro inepenent eperts in suons onerns a lai o SK 12 plus interest a total o SK aorane it te Seis Seurities ounils stateent 20120 n 1 at te ate o te suons appliation Kinnevik is o te vie all areeents relatin to oos an servies pries are opare it tat te lai is unoune an as ae no provision in te aounts uptoate pries ro inepenent suppliers in te arket to ensure tat all areeents are entere into on arket onitions e Annual eneral eetin on ay 2019 resolve in line it te Boars proposal to transer o te real property re sn 12 to an entity one by ristina Stenbek ilel Klinspor an arie Klinspor or SK ilel Klinspor an ristina Stenbek i not partiipate in te Boars anlin o te transer on arket onitions or transations it te Boar o iretors an Senior eutives reer to ote 1 or te roup

62 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Note 16 Personnel possibility to partiipate in lonter sare or asbase inentive plans pension an oter ustoary benets Kinnevik reularly arries AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES out a reuneration benarkin eerise to ensure tat it is aare o 2019 2018 te relevant benarks or key positions men women men women e e salary is reviee ea year an is base on te Senior Seen 13 14 12 12 eutives opetene area o responsibility an arket ben- K 8 5 9 4 arks

Total number of employees 21 19 21 16 e S sall be base on perorane in relation to establise tarets e tarets sall be iniviual an easurable as ell as AVERAGE DISTRIBUTION OF WOMEN AND MEN ON THE BOARD linke to spei perorane proesses an transations e S AND IN THE MANAGEMENT GROUP an aount to a aiu o 100 perent o te e salary ayent o part o te S is onitional upon a portion o it bein investe 2019 2018 men women men women in Kinnevik sares until te Senior eutive as a sareolin in Kinnevik orresponin to is or er annual e salary net ater Boar ebers 3 3 4 3 taes CEO 1 - 1 - e sall reuire an on investent an ensure a lonter ter senior eeutives 5 1 3 1 oitent to te evelopent o Kinnevik e sall be linke 9 4 8 4 to ertain preeterine perorane riteria base on Kinneviks sare prie an te value rot o Kinnevik an Kinneviks private SALARIES, OTHER REMUNERATION AND SOCIAL portolio SECURITY EXPENSES ter benets ay inlue a opany ar ousin benets or (SEK 000s) 2019 2018 epatriate Senior eutives or a liite perio o tie as ell Board, Board, as oter ustoary benets ter benets sall not onstitute a CEO, CEO, siniant part o te total reuneration e Senior eutives ay senior senior also be oere ealt are insurane executi- Other executi- Other e Senior eutives are oere ene ontribution pension solu- ves employees ves employees tions it preius aountin to a aiu o 0 perent o te otal salaries an oter e salary ese preius sall be pai to insurane opanies reuneration 59 110 63 445 63 939 58 450 oever Senior eutives tat are nonSeis resients ay i Soial seurity epenses 18 396 11 522 18 960 13 309 approve by te Boar instea be oere asbase pension solutions orresponin to te preius tat oterise oul ave ension ontributionse- been pai to insurane opanies penses 6 494 3 510 5 559 5 752 n te event notie o terination o eployent is serve by Kin- stiate osts or sare nevik te ie eutive er is entitle to salary or a perio o a base reuneration inlu aiu o 1 onts an te oter Senior eutives are entitle in soial seurities ost 1) 39 615 65 429 33 484 37 161 to salary or a perio o a aiu o 12 onts Total 123 615 143 907 121 943 114 672 Boar ebers elete at eneral eetins ay in ertain ases 1) Sare base reuneration inlues subsiies reeive at laun o prora- reeive opensation or servies perore itin teir respetive es See urter uner nentive plans an sare base reuneration areas o epertise outsie o teir Boar uties opensation or tese servies sall be pai on arket ters an be approve by te Boar PRINCIPLES n speial irustanes te Boar ay eviate ro te above e olloin priniples an uielines ere approve by te A in uielines n su a ase te Boar is obliate to ive aount or te ay 2019 an are provie or te ie eutive er an te oter appearane o an te reason or te eviation at te olloin Annual persons in te eeutive anaeent o Kinnevik te Senior eutives eneral eetin as ell as ebers o te Boar to te etent tey are reunerate e Boars proposal to te Annual eneral eetin 2020 rearin outsie teir Boar uties aoption o ne uielines on reuneration or senior eeutives an e obetive o Kinneviks reuneration uielines is to oer ope- be oun in te Boar o iretors report titive opensation to attrat otivate an retain key eployees e ai is to reate inentives or te Senior eutives to eeute stratei plans an eliver eellent operatin results an to alin teir inentives it te interests o te sareolers urterore it is intene tat all Senior eutives sall ave a siniant lonter sareolin in Kinnevik e reuneration or te Senior eutives sall onsist o an annual e salary sortter variable reuneration pai in as S te

63 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Remuneration for the CEO and other senior nuber o sares an rits to i tey oul oterise be entitle executives e value o te sare rits or ea plan as been base on te averae sare prie o te B sares iest an loest bi prie urin (SEK 000’s) 2019 2018 ve train ays beore te ate o istribution o te rits or te sare Other Other rits tat ave arketrelate perorane onitions aorin to senior senior RS 2 te value as been set at an estiate air value e ultiplier executi- executi- inlues te perorane riteria an te probability or ierent out- CEO ves1) CEO ves1) 1) oe in tese sare rits e averae value o te rits at rant as been estiate base on a onte arlo siulation usin te volatility ie salaries 8 000 21 883 8 000 15 021 at rant ate ariable salaries 6 400 13 890 7 200 16 504 Completed plan 2016-2019 Sin on bonus - - 8 000 - e plan approve in 201 it ene easureent perio at 1 ar Benets 171 887 68 786 2019 resulte in allotent o 29 sares out o a aiu o still ension ontributions 2 400 4 094 2 400 3 159 partiipatin 29 rits e nuber o total allote sares inluin ivien opensation o totalin 2 sares artiipants prot i stiate osts or sarebase as restrite to a aiu o SK 2 per rit as on averae SK reuneration elu in soial 22 per sare orresponin to te averae sare prie en te sares seurities ost 2) 13 511 16 756 6 940 17 534 ere reeive e plans total ost inluin soial seurity epenses Total 30 481 57 510 32 608 53 005 as SK 1 an as epense ontinuously urin 2012019 All partiipants ere oere to eiter reeive all te allotte sares ross 1) ter senior eeutives onsiste urin 2019 o persons or to reeive part o te allotent in sares an te alulate ta ost 2) Sare base reuneration inlues subsiies reeive at laun o prora- in as by a payent to te Seis or K a Autority es See urter uner nentive plans an sare base reuneration Number Original Allot- Received n aition to reuneration pai by Kinnevik as speie in te table Plan of partici- allotment ment of Received in cash to above eori anev as reeive Boar ees ro assoiate opanies 2016-2019 pants of rights shares shares pay tax aountin to SK 0 1 an oter senior eeutives ave reeive eutive SK 11 12 anaeent 4 80 000 72 200 32 707 9 520 or an oter senior eeutives pension preiu payents ter o a aiu o 0 o e salary ere pai ension preius are eployees 21 183 984 166 484 79 070 21 141 ainly pai to insurane opanies Total 25 263 984 238 684 111 777 30 661 INCENTIVE PLANS AND SHARE BASED REMUNERATION Outstanding plans itin te Kinnevik roup tere are lonter inentive plans te At 1 eeber 2019 21 investent sares el by partiipatin lans taretin all eployees eployees reaine or te lan tat as establise in 201 it vestin ate on 1 ar 2020 ese investent sares entitle te partiipants to Shared based plans a aiu allotent o 2210 sare rits e lan enopasses te ere are one runnin lonter sarebase inentive plan ro 201 olloin nuber o partiipants an aiu nuber o sare rits tat reuire partiipants to on sares in Kinnevik or ea sare el itin te raeork o te lans te opany Number of Outstan- as istribute retention an peroranebase sare rits i Plan 2017-2020 participants dingf rights subet to CEO 1 50 000 i ullent o ertain retention an peroranebase onitions eutive anaeent 3 56 000 urin te iniviual year perios inlue in te lans te ea- sureent erios ter eployees 18 119 510 ii te partiipant reainin in te eployent o Kinnevik at te en Total 22 225 510 o te easureent erios an e partiipants aiu aar value is liite to SK 11 per rit iii te partiipant retainin te investents sares ill entitle te parti- inluin ivien opensation as easure base on tree ties ipant to reeive one lass B sare in te opany te averae losin prie o te Kinnevik B sare urin ebruary 201 e nuber o sares te eployee ill reeive epens on te ull- e aiu ilution is 009 in ters o sares outstanin 00 in ent o ene retention an peroranebase onitions urin ters o votes an 00 in ters o osts or te prora as ene in te easureent erios base on te RS 2 in relation to Kinneviks arket apitaliation e total ost beore ta or sare rits outstanin in 201 inentive otal return on te Kinnevik lass B sare an proras is epense ontinuously urin a treeyear perio an is Averae annual evelopent o te net asset value inluin ivi- alulate base on reainin partiipants an antiipate areate ens outoe aountin to approiately SK 9 inluin soial seurity n orer to alin partiipants interests it tose o sareolers te osts o i SK 2 1 as epense urin 2019 otal liability opany ill opensate or oreite iviens by inreasin te or soial seurity osts pertainin to tis inentive prora aounte to SK 12 on 1 eeber 2019

64 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

VCPP 2017-2022 Re- e A 201 approve a ne lonter asbase inentive plan Num- Remaining maining or Kinnevik eployees tat ave a iret ipat on an are orkin ber of incentive incentive alost elusively it te value reation in Kinneviks private portolio Remaining participants partici- shares, shares, IFRS2 201 e partiipants in 201 ere not entitle to par- Plan 2018-2021/2023 pants 3 yrs 5 yrs (kSEK) 1) tiipate in 201 CEO 1 41 000 28 000 828 201 aounts to issue nontranserrable synteti options te ptions subsribe by to eeutive anaers an our oter eutive senior eployees itin te nvestent tea Settleent o te ptions anaeent 4 44 000 90 200 2 902 ill be ae in as an ill not inrease te nuber o sares in Kinnevik ter 27 157 377 179 058 3 158 e ptions ere subsribe to at air arket value it a subsiy Total 32 242 377 297 258 6 888 reeive ro Kinnevik o 0 perent e subsiy ill be aounte or over tree years an is inlue in sarebase reuneration e ost 1) e part epense in 2019 eluin soial osts or 2019 aounts to SK 1 1 a ption entitles te oler at te en o te ptions veyear ter to reeive a as aount ro Kinnevik o SK 1 ultiplie by a e aiu prot per nentive Sare is liite to SK 9 or nentive value reation ultiple ere te entry tresol sall be a value rot Sares it years aturity an SK 9 or nentive Sares it years o te private portolio o perent RR an a value reation ultiple o aturity inluin any opensation or iviens base on to ties 0 SK 0 an it a ap at a value rot o 2 perent RR e tree ties te averae prie or Kinnevik lass B sares in ar 201 aiu outoe is SK2 per ption e aiu ilution ue to 201 is no ore tan 02 perent in Any payent to te ption olers ill be ae in April 2022 As- ters o sares outstanin ie total nuber o issue sares reue suin a alue rot o 2 perent is aieve urin te ter o by Kinneviks olin o treasury sares 011 perent in ters o votes 201 te aiu osts attributable to 201 are SK 109 as- an 010 perent in ters o osts or 201 as ene in RS 2 in suin no personnel turnover an inluin subsiies as ell as soial relation to Kinneviks arket apitalisation seurity osts At 1 eeber 2019 te entrylevel o RR as not aieve an base on a onte arlo siulation no ost or ane in The Plan 2019 air value as been aounte or e subsiy or te subsription prie inluin soial osts aounte to SK e opensation ost or ta eets inluin soial osts NEW PROGRAM FROM 2018 aounte to SK an as epense en it as pai in 2019 e ro 201 te ters or an ave been obine in one total ost or 2019 is epete to be SK 9 o i SK prora taretin all eployees in Kinnevik e ne prora is base as epense in 2019 on a struture ere te partiipants sins or an reeives inentive sares i ill be relassie to Kinnevik lass B sares in relation to te ullent o te ters an onitions ater an years respetively Allot- e retention an perorane onitions are te sae as or earlier Num- Allotment ment of Subsidy plans years an years ber of of incentive incentive recei- Kinnevik as subsiie te partiipants or te subsription prie Plan 2019- partici- shares, shares, IFRS2 ved 1) 2) e valuation is base on a onte arlo siulation usin te volatility 2022/2024 pants 3 yrs 5 yrs (kSEK) (kSEK) at rant ate aon oter assuptions is ill be aounte or in CEO 1 51 000 36 000 1 402 7 747 aorane it RS2 urin te vestin tie perio o years o eutive opensate te partiipants or te ta eets arisin ue to te subsiy anaeent 4 55 300 125 150 2 133 10 656 o te subsription prie Kinnevik as pai a as subsiy iretly to te relevant ta autorities is ost inluin soial osts as epense ter eployees 27 167 675 260 845 5 237 24 346 en it as pai Relassiation o te nentive Sares into Kinnevik lass B sares oes not result in any soial seurity osts or Kinnevik Total 32 273 975 421 995 8 772 42 749 or etails o ea prora see belo

1) e part epense in 2019 eluin soial osts The Plan 2018 2) luin soial osts e total ost or 201 is epete to be SK 2 o i SK as epense in 201 an SK 9 as epense in 2019 urin e aiu prot per nentive Sare is liite to SK 2 or nentive 2019 inentive sares ro 201 ave been reeee ue Sares it years aturity an SK 2 or nentive Sares it years to ease eployents aturity inluin any opensation or iviens base on to ties tree ties te averae prie or Kinnevik lass B sares in ar 2019 e aiu ilution ue to 2019 is no ore tan 0 perent in ters o sares outstanin ie total nuber o issue sares reue by Kinneviks olin o treasury sares 01 perent in ters o votes an 01 perent in ters o osts or 2019 as ene in RS 2 in relation to Kinneviks arket apitalisation e total ost or all inentive plans aounte to SK 10 1 in 2019.

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2019 2018 Board fees, Other Board fees, Parent Company assignment Total fee Parent Company

ae Aelia aett airan 2 650 2 650 2 675

enrik oulsen 1 920 1 920 1 920

Susanna apbell 870 870 -

ilel Klinspor 720 720 675

Brian Brie 700 667 1) 1 367 -

arlotte Strber 1 020 1 020 -

rik ittereer - - 820

ario ueiro - - 600

ristina Stenbek - - 675

7 880 667 8 547 8 360

1) urin te perio ay to eeber 2019 Brian Brie reeive an aount o B or ork perore itin investee opanies in aition to ustoary Boar ork

NOTE 17 FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT ay be illustrate by statin tat a 10 ane in te pries o all liste sareolins at 1 eeber 2019 oul ave aete te roups e roups anaeent o nanial risks is entralie itin Kinneviks earnins an sareolers euity by SK 2bn 1bn nane untion an is onute on te basis o a nane poliy esta- e value o Kinneviks unliste investee opanies ay inrease blise by te Boar o iretors e poliy is reviee ontinuously by or erease ue to a nuber o ierent ators o i anes o te nane untion an upate en appropriate in isussion it te trens in te stok arkets is one n te proess o valuin its unliste Auit oittee ater approval by te Kinnevik Boar e roup as a olins Kinnevik onsiers a nuber o ators su as relative valuations oel or risk anaeent it te ai to ientiy ontrol an reue o oparable publily trae opanies te operational an nanial risks e output o te oel is reporte to Kinneviks Risk opliane perorane o te respetive investee opany an te valuations & Sustainability oittee an Boar on a reular basis resultin ro transations in te respetive investee opanys sares Any anes in tese ators ave an ipat on te total value Kinnevik is exposed to fnancial risks mainly in respect of: LIQUIDITY AND FINANCING RISK • Sare pries anes in te value o te portolio Kinneviks liuiity an nanin risk is liite beause liste sares • iuiity an nanin tat te ost o nanin ill inrease or aount or a lare part o te opanys assets Kinnevik relies in part tat opportunities ill be liite en loans are neee an tat on iviens reeive ro investee opanies in partiular ele2 in payent obliations tereby annot be et orer to nane its operations an investent ativities itout ivi- • ane rates oprisin transation an translation eposure ens ro its investee opanies Kinnevik oul be opelle to rely • nterest rates avin an ipat on te nanin ost on asset anaeent anor ebt nanin to seure te unin o its operations an aintain its tarete nanial position SHARE PRICE RISK n 1 eeber 2019 te opany a as an as euivalents Kinnevik is investe in bot liste an unliste investee opanies ere aountin to SK an oitte but not utilie or reser- te sare prie an total arket value an utuate base on a nuber ve in any oter ay reit ailities aountin to SK 10 0 o ierent ators inanin risk is te risk tat Kinnevik ay not be able to obtain n 1 eeber 2019 o Kinneviks total assets eluin nanin or tat nanin an only be obtaine at a onsierable ost as pertaine to liste investee opanies an 1 1 to unliste Kinneviks nanin risk is liite sine its operations are nane ro investee opanies ierent soures its ebt nanin is soure ro a nuber o i- As Kinnevik intens to at as a lonter sareoler it as no stratey erent reit institutions it iversie aturities as ell as by strivin or anain sortter utuations in te sare pries o its liste inves- or renanin o all ailities at least si onts prior to aturity n tee opanies e sare prie risk assoiate it Kinneviks portolio 1 eeber 2019 te total aount o oitte nanin as SK

66 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

9020 0 it an averae reainin aility uration o 1 29 • Seonly te valuations o Kinneviks unliste nanial assets ave years or urter etails please reer to ote 10 or te roup in soe ases been aversely aete ue to te orretion tat as been observe in publi euity arkets inluin in te sare prie FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE RISK evelopent o Kinnevik an its publily liste investee opanies ransation eposure arises ro as os enoinate in orein urrenies Kinneviks ebt unin an as position onsist ainly o o itiate tese eets an to saeuar lonter sareoler value SK luin iviens reeive an investents an isposals ae reation Kinnevik is in a ontinuous ialoue it ouners anaeent Kinnevik oes not ave any aterial as os in orein urrenies oinvestors an oter key stakeolers o its investee opanies to ranslation eposure arises ro te translation o balane seet ites provie support an uiane an to reularly reassess ea investee enoinate in orein urrenies Kinneviks balane seet is ainly opanys potential nee or aitional apital epose to orein eane risk by onin sares enoinate in eiter Kinnevik as a stron nanial position a soli apital alloation R or S n 1 eeber 2019 1 o Kinneviks total assets raeork an buetin proess an apable partners boar ire- eluin as eual to a value o SKbn 22bn pertaine to tors an anaeent teas in its investee opanies ile Kinneviks sareolins enoinate in R net asset value is neatively aete by te reperussions o te sprea Kinnevik is also epose to iniret translation eposure as a aority o te oronavirus Kinnevik is elleuippe to naviate in a touer o te investents are ative internationally By bein ative internatio- arket environent itout oproisin its nanial tarets over nally orein urrenies ave an iniret eet on te sare pries o te lonter As per te release o tis Annual Report Kinneviks as- tese investents sessent is tat te sprea o te oronavirus an its raiations on apital arkets ave a a aterial neative ipat on te value o its INTEREST RATE RISK unliste nanial assets in a anitue enerally on par it at as nterest rate risk is te risk tat te value o interest bearin reeivables been observe in te train o publily liste opanies oparable an liabilities ill vary ue to anes in arket interest rates n 1 to tose o Kinneviks unliste investee opanies eeber 2019 none o Kinneviks interest bearin liabilities SK bn ere epose to interest rate anes SK2bn out o Kinneviks SK 9bn in outstanin bons ere oriinally epose to interest rate risk it oatin rates onts Stibor is risk as ee by enterin into interest rate saps epirin on te sae ates as te repayent o te bons n 1 eeber 2019 tese saps a a neative arket value o SK 29 neative n onnetion it renanin or i Kinnevik oul inrease its reei- vables or liabilities te interest rate risk ay ane aterially


Kinnevik as in ebruary 2020 taken part o a suons appliation subitte by AB ustos onernin te sale o etro ori Seen AB subseuently renae etro eia ouse AB in bankrupty e suons onerns a lai o SK 12 plus interest a total o SK 1 at te ate o te suons appliation Kinnevik is o te vie tat te lai is unoune an as ae no provision in te aounts urin 2020 te sprea o te oronavirus 19 as a aterial eets on te apital arkets an eonoi environent tat Kinnevik an its investee opanies operate in e ost iportant eets on Kinneviks nanial position an ability to operate as an investent opany eneratin lonter sareoler returns trou rot apital investents are assesse to be te olloin

• irstly Kinnevik ay ave to oit ore apital tan planne to nane its eistin investee opanies as soe o Kinneviks investee opanies are aversely ipate by te sprea o te oronavirus avin iret ipliations on Kinneviks portolio oposition an potentially its net inebteness

67 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


Parent Company Income Statement for the period Note 2019 2018 1 January–31 December (SEKm)

Note 2019 2018 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders equity 10,15 Administration costs 5,16 -344 -316 Restricted equity Other operating income 3 5 Sare apital Operating loss -341 -311 29022 sares o SK 010 28 28 Dividends received 2 45 026 2 984 reiu reserve 6 868 6 868 rot ro nanial assets assoiate Unrestricted equity companies and other 4 - 6 684 Sare preiu 1 616 1 616 oss ro nanial assets subsiiaries 4 -21 274 -2 290 Retained earnings 24 144 35 626 nterest inoe an oter nanial inoe 3 9 6 nterest epenses an oter nanial et result 23 486 7 017 expenses 3 -56 -49 Total shareholders’ equity 56 142 51 155 Proft/loss after fnancial items 23 364 7 024

Appropriations Liabilities 13

roup ontributions pai 0 -20 Provisions

roup ontributions reeive 122 13 rovisions or pensions 16 22

Proft/loss before tax 23 486 7 017 Other provisions 4 4

Taxes 6 - - Total provisions 20 26

1) Net proft/loss for the year 23 486 7 017 Long-term liabilities

1) et prot orrespons it total opreensive inoe ternal interestbearin loans 11 1 391 2 842

Total long-term liabilities 1 391 2 842 Parent Company Balance Sheet as at 31 December (SEKm) Short-term liabilities Note 2019 2018 ternal interestbearin loans 11 3 410 500 Tangible fxed assets Trade creditors 4 7 uipent 7 3 4 iabilities to roup opanies 23 335 8 718 Shares and participations in ter liabilities 5 5 roup opanies 9 50 138 62 912 Shares and participations in Arue epenses 12 89 72 associated companies 8 - - Total short-term liabilities 26 843 9 302

Reeivables ro roup opanies 30 232 - TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY ter lonter reeivables 20 20 AND LIABILITIES 84 396 63 325

Total fxed assets 80 393 62 936

Current assets

Reeivables ro roup opanies 122 19

ter reeivables 18 14

Arue inoe an prepayents 8 5

Short term investments 3 664 149

as an as euivalents 191 202

Total current assets 4 003 389

TOTAL ASSETS 84 396 63 325

68 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

Parent Company Statement of Cash Flow for the period 1 January-31 December (SEK m)

2019 2018

ternal iviens reeive - 705

as o ro operatin osts -298 -260

Cash fow from operations before interest net and income taxes -298 445

Interest, received 0 0

Interest, paid -49 -48

Income taxes, paid - -

Cash fow from operations -347 397

ivestents o nanial assets 17 16

Cash fow from investing activities 17 16

Borroin 1 960 500

Amortization -500 -

Dividend paid -2 271 -2 270

Reeive ro subsiiaries 45 067 2 296

ai to subsiiaries - 40 422 -2 377

Cash fow from fnancing activities 3 834 -1 851

Cash fow for the year 3 504 -1 438

Cash and short term investments, opening balance 351 1 789

Cash and short term investments, closing balance 3 855 351

Movements in Shareholders’ equity of the Parent Company (SEK m)

Share Premium Unrestricted capital reserve equity Total Opening balance, 1 January 2018 27 6 868 41 930 48 825

e sare issue 1 - - 1

Cash dividend1 - - -2 270 -2 270

Dividend in kind2 -2 440 -2 440

et o eployee sare savin prorae - - 22 22

et result - - 7 017 7 017

Closing balance, 31 December 2018 28 6 868 44 259 51 155

Cash dividend - - -2 271 -2 271

Dividend in kind -16 268 -16 268

et o eployee sare savin prorae - - 40 40

et result - - 23 486 23 486

Closing balance, 31 December 2019 28 6 868 49 246 56 142

1 e Annual eneral eetin el on 21 ay 201 resolve in avor o payin a as ivien o SK 2 per sare a total o 220 2 At te traorinary eneral eetin in uly 201 it as resolve to istribute all Kinneviks sares in e Annual eneral eetin el on ay 2019 resolve in avor o payin a as ivien o SK 2 per sare a total o SK 221 At te traorinary eneral eetin in oveber 2019 it as resolve to istribute all Kinneviks sares in illio nt

69 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


NOTE 1 PARENT COMPANY’S ACCOUNTING NOTE 5 AUDITORS’ FEES PRINCIPLES 2019 2018 e arent opanys annual aounts ave been prepare in aor- To Deloitte ane it Seis la an te Seis inanial Reportin Boars reoenation RR 2 Reportin or leal entities Auit assinents 1 1 e arent opanys aountin priniples epart ro te priniples Other services 0 0 overnin onsoliate aountin in respet o te valuation o nanial instruents an pension liabilities e arent opany applies RR 2 Total 1 1 in respet o te option not to observe RS 9 inanial instruents are tus not value at air value as in te roup but at teir auisition ost NOTE 6 TAXES an ater riteon i any ension liabilities are reporte in aorane it Seis priniples 2019 2018 or inoration onernin relate party transations reer to ote 1 or te roup a epenses or te perio 0 0


Subsiiaries 45 026 2 279 2019 % 2018 %

oern ies roup AB - 124 rotloss beore ta 23 486 7 017

ele2 AB - 565 noe ta at statutory rate o arent opany -5 026 21 -1 544 220 Altlorenseurero SA - 16 arnins ro partiipations in as- 45 026 2 984 sociated companies - 00 969 1 ontaable NOTE 3 FINANCIAL INCOME AND EXPENSES dividends received 9 636 10 656 9 riteon o sares 2019 2018 in associated companies -4 553 19 -2 00

Interest income 0 2 ter nontaable epenses -2 00 1 00

anerate ierenes 9 4 are nonapitalie loss arryorar -55 02 -80 11 Financial income 9 6 Effective tax/tax rate 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Result ro sortter investent -6 -

nterest epenses to reit institutions -35 -35

ter nanial epenses -14 -14 NOTE 7 TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS

Financial expenses -56 -49 2019 2018 Net fnancial income/expenses -47 -43 Equipment

NOTE 4 EARNINGS FROM FINANCIAL ASSETS penin auisition values 7 6 Sales or te year -1 -1 2019 2018 nvestents or te year 1 2

Sale o sares in assoiate opanies 0 6 661 Closing acquisition values 7 7 Sale o oter sares - 35

riteon o sares in assiiate opanies - -12 penin auulate epreiation -3 -3

Total loss from associated companies and other 0 6 684 isposalssrappin or te year 0 1

riteon o sares in subsiiaries -21 274 -2 302 epreiation or te year -1 -1

Sale o sares in subsiiaries 0 12 Closing accumulated depreciation -4 -3

Total loss from subsidiaries -21 274 -2 290 Closing book value 3 4

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2019 2018 Registered Number Capital/ Capital/ Associated companies Reg no offce of shares voting (%) Book value voting (%) Book value

Altlorenseurero SA uebour 625 33 0 33 0

Modern Cartoons Ltd USA 2 544 000 23 0 23 0

Sare Servies SA uebour 200 30 0 30 0

Total book value 0 0

Change in book value, shares and participations in associated companies

2019 2018

penin auisition value1 anuary 0 10 580

Auisition - 1 306

riteon - -12

Dividend in kind - -2 440

Sales - -9 434

Closing book value, 31 December 0 0


Shares and participations in direct-owned subsidiaries

Registered Number Capital/ Reg no offce of shares voting (%) 2019 2018

nvik&o AB 556051-6238 Stokol 295 384 100100 0 0

Royalvik AB 556035-3749 Stokol 1 635 100100 381 584

nvik SA uebour 551 252 100100 1 023 875

Kinnevik apital t Great Britain 1 000 100100 1 1

rvaltnins AB ris & o 556035-7179 Stokol 1 020 000 100100 166 166 Kinnevik onsuer inane olin AB 556833-3917 Stokol 50 000 100100 1 342 1 342

Kinnevik ast AB 556930-5666 Stokol 50 000 100100 0 0

Kinnevik nternet u SAR uebour 12 500 100100 5 058 802

Kinnevik S olins AB 559109-4239 Stokol 500 100100 0 0

Kinnevik eia olin AB 556880-1590 Stokol 50 000 100100 25 54

Kinnevik e entures AB 556736-2412 Stokol 100 100100 5 533 5 533

Kinnevik nline AB 556815-4958 Stokol 50 000 100100 17 459 16 984

Kinnevik Seen olin AB 559109-4221 Stokol 500 100100 6 350 20 944

illellvik AB 556604-8285 Stokol 1 000 100100 12 800 15 627

riens o S AB 559165-9734 Stokol 500 100100 0 0

Book value 50 138 62 912

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2019 2018

penin auisition value 1 anuary 73 727 53 507

Sareolers ontribution 8 626 23 451

Repai sareolers ontribution -126 -

Sale - -231

Closing acquisition value, 31 December 85 227 76 727

penin riteon 1 anuary -13 815 -11 723

riteon -21 274 -2 301

Reverse riteon subsiaries - 209

Closing write-down, 31 December -35 089 -13 815

Closing book value, 31 December 50 138 62 912


Kinnevik nternet 1 AB 556884-6470 Stokol 100100

Kinnevik auritius t uner liuiation auritius 100100

Kinnevik nline olin AB 556862-0404 Stokol 100100

Saltsie enoloies AB 556852-1669 otenbur 11

kan pvt t Sri Lanka 11

Bikroy t Banlaes 11

Tonaton Ltd Ghana 11

Saltsie enoloies nia vt t India 11

aki enoloies tv t India 11

etro nternational AB 556275-8853 Stokol 100100

etro o Brasil onsultoria Ainistrativa e itorial e artiipaes ta Brail 100100


ane in sareolers euity ro te preein years balane seet are e total nuber o sares aounte at 1 eeber 2019 to presente in oveents in Sareolers euity o te arent opany 29022 ere o 2 lass A sares it ten votes ea 2191120 lass B sares o it 290 lass B sares in on ustoy SHARE CAPITAL an 120 relassiable suborinane inentive sares el by Kinnevik ABs sare apital as o 1 eeber 2019 as istribute partiipants in Kinneviks lonter sare inentive plans 201 an 2019 aon 29022 sares it a par value o SK 010 per sare e total nuber o votes or outstanin sares aounte at 1 e- DISTRIBUTION BY CLASS OF SHARES WAS AS FOLLOWS eber 2019 to 002 eluin 290 lass B treasury sares urin te year 111 lass B sares ere elivere to partiipants in Par value te sarebase plan ro 201 an 12922 lass B sares ere sol to Number Number (SEK over te ta or te partiipants n aition an siilar to 201 a of shares of votes 000s) ne issue o relassiable suborinate inentive sares ivie into lass A sares outstanin 33 755 432 337 554 320 3 376 our lasses to te partiipants in Kinneviks lonter sare inentive lass B sares outstanin 241 613 436 241 613 436 24 161 plan resolve on by te 2019 A ere reistere by te Seis o- panies Reistration e S Bolasverket urin Septeber 2019 lass sares outstanin 2018 539 636 539 636 54 e Boar as autoriation to repurase up to a aiu o 10 o all sares in te opany over 12 onts enin at te 2020 A lass sares outstanin ere are no onvertibles or arrants in issue 2019 695 970 695 970 70 Rearin sare base lonter inentive plans reer to ote lass B sares in on ustoy 297 770 297 770 30 1 or te roup Registered number of shares 276 902 244 580 701 132 27 690

72 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


ounty ainistrative boars ave subitte lais to Kinnevik rearin 2019 2018 environental stuies at a nuber o sites ere aersta AB trou Interest-bearing long-term loans nae anes an a erer Kinnevik AB onute operations until 19 Kinneviks position is tat te opanys responsibility to peror apital arkets nanin 1 400 2 850 any eontaination easures ust be very liite i any priarily out arketvaluation SA 3 5 o onsieration to te lon perio o tie tat as passe sine any Arue borroin osts -12 -13 potential ontaination aaes ourre an te reulations tat ere in ore at te tie an te at tat a uarter entury as passe 1 391 2 842 sine operations ere sut on or turne over to ne oners Kinnevik as tereore not ae any provisions or potential uture lais or Interest-bearing short-term loans eontaination easures SK as provie in 200 or potential apital arkets nanin 2 450 - environental stuies tat Kinnevik it be reuire to pay or o i SK 1 as use in 2010 to 2019Kinnevik as in ebruary 2020 taken oerial paper 960 500 part o a suons appliation subitte by AB ustos onernin te 3 410 500 sale o etro ori Seen AB subseuently renae etro eia ouse AB in bankrupty e suons onerns a lai o SK 12 Total interest-bearing loans 4 801 3 342 plus interest a total o SK 1 at te ate o te suons applia- or urter inoration about te arent opanys interest bearin tion Kinnevik is o te vie tat te lai is unoune an as ae loans reer to ote 10 or te roup no provision in te aounts

NOTE 12 ACCRUED EXPENSES NOTE 14 INTRA-GROUP TRANSACTIONS ntraroup revenue or te arent opany aounte to SK 1 1 2019 2018 e arent opany an te Seis subsiiaries ave teir liui- ity arrane trou entral bank aounts in ierent urrenies n Arue personnel epenses 46 44 aition te arent opany as a nuber o loans ro subsiiaries Arue interest epenses 24 23 arket rate o interest are are or all tose balanes Other 13 5 NOTE 15 PROPOSED APPROPRIATION OF PROFITS Total 89 72 e Boar an te propose tat te unappropriate earnins an sare preiu at te isposal o te Annual eneral eetin be ispose o as ollos


Sare preiu arrie orar 1 615 929 594

Retaine earnins arrie orar 47 629 527 700

Total, SEK 49 245 457 294 NOTE 16 PERSONNEL

2019 2018 Average number of employees men women men women Stokol 10 12 8 10

2019 2018 Board, CEO and Other Board, CEO and Other Salaries, other remuneration and social security expenses senior executives employees senior executives employees Salaries an oter reuneration 49 684 25 353 50 285 20 262

Soial seurity epenses 17 068 5 681 17 025 7 539

ension epensesontributions 6 005 1 169 5 052 3 104

rovision or sarebase reuneration inluin soial seurites epense 1 35 740 45 179 31 325 17 783

108 498 77 382 103 688 48 689

1 Sare base reuneration inlues subsiies reeive at laun o proraes See ote 1 or te roup

Salaries an oter reuneration to te Boar an oter senior eeutives are urter presente in ote 1 or te roup

73 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


Fair value through Financial debt, Total book 2019 proft or loss Amortized cost amortized cost value

Reeivables ro roup opanies - 30 354 30 344

nterestbearin reeivables 20 - 20

ter reeivables - 18 18 Short term investment 3 664 - 3 664

as at bank - 191 191

Total fnancial assets 3 684 30 563 34 247

nterestbearin liabilities 4 801 4 801 iabilities to roup opanies 23 335 23 335

Trade creditors 4 4

ter liabilities 94 94

Total fnancial liabilities 28 234 28 234

Fair value through Financial debt, Total book 2018 proft or loss Amortized cost amortized cost value

Reeivables ro roup opanies - 19 19

nterestbearin reeivables 20 - 20

ter reeivables - 14 14

Short term investment 149 - 149

as at bank - 202 202

Total fnancial assets 149 220 404

nterestbearin liabilities 3 342 3 342

iabilities to roup opanies 8 718 8 718

Trade creditors 7 7

ter liabilities 77 77

Total fnancial liabilities 12 144 12 144

Fair value. or nanial assets i are value at arue auisition value an are are it oatin rate or ave sortter aturity te book value orrespon to air value

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e unersine ertiy tat te onsoliate aounts an te annual report ave been prepare in aorane it nternational inanial Reportin Stanars RS as aopte or use in te uropean nion an enerally aepte aountin priniples respetively an ive a true an air vie o te nanial positions an results o te roup an te arent opany an tat te Boar o iretors Report ives a air revie o te evelopent o te operations nanial positions an results o te roup an te arent opany an esribes substantial risks an unertainties tat te roup opanies ae

Stokol 2 ar 2020

Dame Amelia Fawcett Henrik Poulsen Susanna Campbell airan o te Boar eputy airan o te Boar eber o te Boar

Wilhelm Klingspor Brian McBride Charlotte Strömberg eber o te Boar eber o te Boar eber o te Boar

Georgi Ganev ie eutive er

ur Auit Report as issue on 2 ar 2020 eloitte AB

Jan Berntsson Autorie ubli Aountant

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TO THE GENERAL MEETING OF THE it tese reuireents is inlues tat base on our best SHAREHOLDERS OF KINNEVIK AB (PUBL) knolee an belie no proibite servies reerre to in te CORPORATE IDENTITY NUMBER 556047-9742 Auitors Reulation 201 Artile 1 as been provie to te auite opany or ere appliable its parent opany or its ontrolle opanies in te is inlues tat base REPORT ON THE ANNUAL ACCOUNTS AND on te best o our knolee an belie no proibite servies CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS reerre to in te Auit Reulation 201 Artile 1 ave been provie to te auite opany or ere appliable its parent opany or its ontrolle opanies itin te Opinions e believe tat te auit eviene e ave obtaine is su- e ave auite te annual aounts an onsoliate aounts ient an appropriate to provie a basis or our opinions o Kinnevik AB publ or te nanial year 1 anuary 2019 1 eeber 2019 eept or te orporate overnane report on Key Audit Matters paes 9 e annual aounts an onsoliate aounts Key auit atters o te auit are tose atters tat in our o te opany are inlue on paes in tis ouent proessional uent ere o ost siniant in our auit o n our opinion te annual aounts ave been prepare in te annual aounts an onsoliate aounts o te urrent aorane it te Annual Aounts At an present airly in perio ese atters ere aresse in te ontet o our au- all aterial respets te nanial position o parent opany it o an in orin our opinion tereon te annual aounts as o 1 eeber 2019 an its nanial perorane an as an onsoliate aounts as a ole but e o not provie a o or te year ten ene in aorane it te Annual A- separate opinion on tese atters ounts At e onsoliate aounts ave been prepare in aorane it te Annual Aounts At an present airly in Valuation of unlisted investments all aterial respets te nanial position o te roup as o 1 e total arryin value o unliste investents aounte to eeber 2019 an teir nanial perorane an as o SK 120 illion as o eeber 1 2019 e opanys or te year ten ene in aorane it nternational inanial valuation poliy is base on RS 1 an te nternational rivate Reportin Stanars RS as aopte by te an te An- uity an enture apital aluation uielines e proess nual Aounts At ur opinion oes not inlue te orporate or valuation o unliste investents is base on a i eree overnane report on paes 9 e statutory ainistration o ueent an input ro ata tat is not observable in te report is onsistent it te oter parts o te annual aounts arket i iplies tat an inappropriate assessent o input an onsoliate aounts ro ata an ave a siniant ipat in te assessent o ait e tereore reoen tat te eneral eetin o sa- value ur auit proeures inlue but ere not liite to reolers aopts te inoe stateent an balane seet or valuation o te proess an internal ontrols relate to te te parent opany an te roup valuation o unliste investents ur opinions in tis report on te te annual aounts an on- onrin tat te valuation oels tat te opany applies soliate aounts are onsistent it te ontent o te aitio- are onsistent it RS 1 nal report tat as been subitte to te parent opanys auit oittee in aorane it te Auit Reulation 201 valuatin assessents ae by te opany it respet Artile 11 to te seletion o oparable opanies austents to te valuation ultiples an paraeters use in oter valuation Basis for Opinions etos su as isounte as o oels an e onute our auit in aorane it nternational Stan- Assessin tat te inoration islose in te annual reports ars on Auitin SA an enerally aepte auitin stan- is in opliane it RS 1 ars in Seen ur responsibilities uner tose stanars are urter esribe in te Auitors Responsibilities setion e Reer to pae 1 note 2 an note or islosure o valuation are inepenent o te parent opany an te roup in a- o unliste investents orane it proessional etis or aountants in Seen an ave oterise ullle our etial responsibilities in aorane

76 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

OTHER INFORMATION THAN THE ANNUAL Reasonable assurane is a i level o assurane but is not a ACCOUNTS AND CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNTS uarantee tat an auit onute in aorane it SAs an enerally aepte auitin stanars in Seen ill alays is ouent also ontains oter inoration tan te annual etet a aterial isstateent en it eists isstateents an aounts an onsoliate aounts an is oun on paes 1 arise ro rau or error an are onsiere aterial i inivi- o 90 e Boar o iretors an te anain iretor ually or in te areate tey oul reasonably be epete are responsible or tis oter inoration to inuene te eonoi eisions o users taken on te basis ur opinion on te annual aounts an onsoliate a- o tese annual aounts an onsoliate aounts ounts oes not over tis oter inoration an e o not A urter esription o our responsibilities or te auit o epress any or o assurane onlusion rearin tis oter te annual aounts an onsoliate aounts is loate at inoration te Seis nspetorate o Auitors ebsite revisors- n onnetion it our auit o te annual aounts an on- inspektionenserevisornsansvar is esription ors part o soliate aounts our responsibility is to rea te inoration te auitors report ientie above an onsier eter te inoration is a- terially inonsistent it te annual aounts an onsoliate REPORT ON OTHER LEGAL AND REGULATORY aounts n tis proeure e also take into aount our kno- REQUIREMENTS lee oterise obtaine in te auit an assess eter te inoration oterise appears to be aterially isstate Opinions e base on te ork perore onernin tis inora- n aition to our auit o te annual aounts an onsoliate tion onlue tat tere is a aterial isstateent o tis oter aounts e ave also auite te ainistration o te Boar inoration e are reuire to report tat at e ave notin o iretors an te anain iretor o Kinnevik AB publ to report in tis rear or te nanial year 1 anuary 2019 1 eeber 2019 an te propose appropriations o te opanys prot or loss Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the Managing e reoen to te eneral eetin o sareolers tat Director te prot to be appropriate in aorane it te proposal in e Boar o iretors an te anain iretor are responsible te statutory ainistration report an tat te ebers o te or te preparation o te annual aounts an onsoliate Boar o iretors an te anain iretor be isare aounts an tat tey ive a air presentation in aorane ro liability or te nanial year it te Annual Aounts At an onernin te onsoliate aounts in aorane it RS as aopte by te e Basis for Opinions Boar o iretors an te anain iretor are also respon- e onute te auit in aorane it enerally aepte sible or su internal ontrol as tey eterine is neessary to auitin stanars in Seen ur responsibilities uner tose enable te preparation o annual aounts an onsoliate stanars are urter esribe in te Auitors Responsibilities aounts tat are ree ro aterial isstateent eter ue setion e are inepenent o te parent opany an te to rau or error roup in aorane it proessional etis or aountants in n preparin te annual aounts an onsoliate aounts Seen an ave oterise ullle our etial responsibilities e Boar o iretors an te anain iretor are responsible in aorane it tese reuireents or te assessent o te opanys an te roups ability to e believe tat te auit eviene e ave obtaine is su- ontinue as a oin onern ey islose as appliable atters ient an appropriate to provie a basis or our opinions relate to oin onern an usin te oin onern basis o aountin e oin onern basis o aountin is oever Responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the Managing not applie i te Boar o iretors an te anain iretor Director intens to liuiate te opany to ease operations or as no e Boar o iretors is responsible or te proposal or app- realisti alternative but to o so ropriations o te opanys prot or loss At te proposal o a e Auit oittee sall itout preuie to te Boar ivien tis inlues an assessent o eter te ivien o iretors responsibilities an tasks in eneral aon oter is ustiable onsierin te reuireents i te opanys tins oversee te opanys nanial reportin proess an te roups type o operations sie an risks plae on te sie o te parent opanys an te roups euity onsolia- Auditor’s responsibility tion reuireents liuiity an position in eneral ur obetives are to obtain reasonable assurane about eter e Boar o iretors is responsible or te opanys or- te annual aounts an onsoliate aounts as a ole are aniation an te ainistration o te opanys aairs is ree ro aterial isstateent eter ue to rau or er- inlues aon oter tins ontinuous assessent o te ror an to issue an auitors report tat inlues our opinions opanys an te roups nanial situation an ensurin tat

77 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019

te opanys oraniation is esine so tat te aountin The auditor’s examination of the corporate governance anaeent o assets an te opanys nanial aairs ot- statement erise are ontrolle in a reassurin anner e anain e Boar o iretors is responsible or tat te orporate iretor sall anae te onoin ainistration aorin to overnane stateent on paes 9 as been prepare in te Boar o iretors uielines an instrutions an aon aorane it te Annual Aounts At oter atters take easures tat are neessary to ulll te ur eaination o te orporate overnane stateent is opanys aountin in aorane it la an anle te onute in aorane it ARs auitin stanar Rev 1 anaeent o assets in a reassurin anner e auitors eaination o te orporate overnane stateent is eans tat our eaination o te orporate overnane Auditor’s responsibility stateent is ierent an substantially less in sope tan an ur obetive onernin te auit o te ainistration an auit onute in aorane it nternational Stanars on tereby our opinion about isare ro liability is to obtain Auitin an enerally aepte auitin stanars in Seen auit eviene to assess it a reasonable eree o assurane e believe tat te eaination as provie us it suient eter any eber o te Boar o iretors or te anain basis or our opinions iretor in any aterial respet A orporate overnane stateent as been prepare is- as unertaken any ation or been uilty o any oission i losures in aorane it apter setion te seon an ive rise to liability to te opany or pararap points 2 o te Annual Aounts At an apter setion 1 te seon pararap te sae la are onsistent in any oter ay as ate in ontravention o te opanies it te oter parts o te annual aounts an onsoliate At te Annual Aounts At or te Artiles o Assoiation aounts an are in aorane it te Annual Aounts At ur obetive onernin te auit o te propose appropria- eloitte AB as appointe auitor o Kinnevik AB publ tions o te opanys prot or loss an tereby our opinion by te annual eneral eetin o te sareolers on ay about tis is to assess it reasonable eree o assurane 201 an as been te opanys auitors sine ay 1 201 eter te proposal is in aorane it te opanies At Reasonable assurane is a i level o assurane but is not a uarantee tat an auit onute in aorane it enerally Stokol 202002 aepte auitin stanars in Seen ill alays etet ations eloitte AB or oissions tat an ive rise to liability to te opany or tat te propose appropriations o te opanys prot or loss are not in aorane it te opanies At an Berntsson A urter esription o our responsibilities or te auit o te annual aounts an onsoliate aounts is loate at Autorie ubli Aountant te Seis nspetorate o Auitors ebsite revisors- inspektionenserevisornsansvar is esription ors part o te auitors report Sinatures on Seis oriinal

78 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


Kinnevik applies te sa uielines on Alternative erorane easures A An A is a nanial easure o istorial or uture nanial perorane nanial position or as os oter tan a nanial easure ene or speie in te appliable nanial reportin raeork or Kinneviks onsoliate aounts tis typially eans RS As are islose en tey opleent perorane easures ene by RS e basis or islose As are tat tey are use by anaeent to evaluate te nanial perorane an in so believe to ive analysts an oter stakeolers valuable inora- tion enitions o all As use are oun belo Reoniliations o a seletion o As an be oun on Kinneviks orporate ebsite kinneviko

DEBT/EQUITY RATIO NET ASSET VALUE CHANGE nterestbearin liabilities inluin interestbearin provisions ane in net asset value itout austent or ivien pai ivie by sare olers euity or oter transations it sareolers

EQUITY RATIO NET CASH/(NET DEBT) Sareolers euity as a perentae o total assets nterestbearin reeivables eluin net outstanin reei- vables relatin to portolio opanies sortter investents INTERNAL RATE OF RETURN, IRR an as an as euivalents less interestbearin liabilities e annual rate o return alulate in uarterly intervals on a inluin interestbearin provisions an unpai investents SK basis tat reners a ero net present value o i air values at divestments te beinnin an en o te respetive easureent perio ii investents an ivestents an iii as iviens an NET INVESTMENTS dividends in kind e net o all investents an ivestents in liste an unliste nanial assets INVESTMENTS All investents in liste an unliste nanial assets inluin PORTFOLIO VALUE loans to portolio opanies otal book value o e nanial assets el at air value t- rou prot or loss LEVERAGE et ebt inluin net loans to investee opanies as a per- TOTAL SHAREHOLDER RETURN, TSR entae o portolio value Annualie total return o te Kinnevik B sare on te basis o sareolers reinvestin all as iviens iviens in kin NET ASSET VALUE, NAV an anatory sare reeption proees into te Kinnevik B et value o all assets on te balane seet eual to te sa- sare beore ta on ea respetive eivien ate e value reolers euity o Kinnevik B sares el at te en o te easureent perio is ivie by te prie o te Kinnevik B sare at te beinnin o te perio an te resultin total return is ten realulate as an annual rate

79 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 Kinnevik AB ∙ Annual & Sustainability Report ∙ 2019


DATE AND VENUE A NOTIFICATION SHOULD INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING e Annual eneral eetin ill be el on onay 11 ay 2020 at 1000 a at te otel At Si Brunkeberstor Stok- • Name ol e oors ill open at 900 a an reistration ill be • ersonal ientiation nuberorporate reistration nuber onute until 1000 a en te oors ill be lose • Aress an telepone nuber • Representatives i appliable WHO IS ENTITLED TO PARTICIPATE? Sareolers o inten to partiipate at te Annual eneral partiipation is base on ritten poer o attorney tis soul eetin sall be subitte in onuntion it notiation o partiipation in te Annual eneral eetin an brout in oriinal to te An- • be entere in te sare reister aintaine by urolear nual eneral eetin A teplate proy or is available on te Seen on uesay ay 2020 an opanys ebsite at kinneviko otiation ust be • ive notie o teir attenane no later tan uesay subitte to te opany no later tan uesay ay 2020 ay 2020 NOMINATION COMMITTEE Sareolers annot vote or partiipate on istane n aorane it te resolution o te 2019 Annual eneral eetin ristina Stenbek representin erere S rl an HOW TO BE ENTERED IN THE REGISTER OF SHAREHOLDERS S Sapere Aue rust as onvene a oination oittee Sares an be reistere in te sare reister aintaine by oprisin representatives o Kinneviks larest sareolers in urolear Seen in te nae o te oner or te noinee ters o votin interest Sareolers ose sares are reistere in te naes o noi- e oination oittee oprises ristina Stenbek nees ust teporarily rereister te sares in teir on nae representin erere S rl an S Sapere Aue rust uo to be entitle to partiipate in te Annual eneral eetin Stenbek representin Ales aius previously AS Sareolers reuirin su rereistration ust inor te Sapere Aue rust aes Anerson representin Baillie i- noinee o tis in suient tie prior to ay 2020 or Rasay Bruer representin Aleta an arie Klinspor noration about te ork o te oination oittee an HOW TO NOTIFY INTENTION TO PARTICIPATE be oun on Kinneviks ebsite at kinneviko Sareolers an notiy te opany o teir intention to parti- ipate ro uesay April 2020 an sall notiy te opany FINANCIAL INFORMATION by usin one o te olloin alternatives 1 April nteri Report anuaryar 2020 • trou te opanys ebsite kinneviko • by ritin to te opany at Kinnevik AB A 2020 o 1 uly nteri Report anuaryune 2020 urolear Seen AB Bo 191 S101 2 Seen or • by telepone 0 02 91 eekays ro 900 a 1 tober nteri Report anuarySepteber 2020 to 00 p

80 WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 WE BUILD LEADING DIGITAL BUSINESSES WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487 For an in-depth description of Kinnevik including our strategy, team and investee companies, please refer to WorldReginfo - 3f1384be-daaa-447b-8f56-31dc691f1487