The Digestibility of Tepary Beans1
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THE DIGESTIBILITY OF TEPARY BEANS1 By HARRY J. DEUEL Formerly with the Office of Home Economics, United States Department of Agriculture The tepary bean, Phaseolus acutifo- case of the tepary bean little informa- lius, is a native North American crop tion has been available with respect plant and has long been grown in So- to food value beyond the analyses nora, Mexico, and in Arizona, by the showing the chemical composition the Indian agriculturists. Bailey (ï, p. fact that this bean is an important food Jj.62-463)2 states that the Papago and crop where growTn, that it is whole- Pima Indians cultivated tepary beans some, well flavored, may be prepared from prehistoric times and "in all prob- in much the same ways as other dry ability they formed one of the principal beans, and that it is held to be a nutri- food crops of that ancient and unknown tious and sustaining food by those who agricultural race." The plant forms have long used it. As in the case of a low, trailing bush, with many slender, most dry beans soaking is a necessary diffuse branches which lie clos3 to the preliminary to cooking, or at least it soil. Tepary beans are distinctly a shortens the cooking period. It is dry-land crop grown for the beans and interesting to note that when soaked rarely if ever for forage. The con- the skin of tepary beans wrinkles more tinuous growth with formation of seed quickly than does that of navy beans. pods, which is characteristic unless In preparing tepary beans for the frost or disease interferes, is a disadvan- table Jaffa {17) recommends soaking tage if the beans are grown in the them for 15 to 30 minutes and then moister regions of the United States. In draining and boiling in fresh water for the dry regions it appears that tepary about three hours. beans will make a larger crop on less Of beans, peas, and other dry rain than any other known species of legumes it may be said that they bean. There is therefore a large range provide protein and carbohydrates of territory in California, Arizona, and (chiefly starch) in about equal amounts New Mexico where their culture could and in many cases some fat. That be widely extended if a regular market the range is rather wide is evident demand existed for them. when one recalls that the soybean, The largest extension of tepary-bean like the peanut, is rich in fat, but culture probably took place in 1917, when well ripened it contains no car- when California alone produced over bohydrate in the form of starch. In 150,000 bushels. The market price these respects the tepary bean obviously was not satisfactory, and later crops resembles the navy bean rather than have been considerably smaller. the peanut or the soybean. With Although somewhat smaller than respect to the digestibility of the more navy beans the tepary resembles them common legumes, considerable infor- very closely and may be readily mis- mation is available, chiefly as a result taken for them. Forty-seven color of investigations carried on by the types have been isolated by the Arizona United States Department of Agri- Agricultural Experiment Station, but culture and its collaborators. only the white tepary beans have en- A series of 70 experiments on the tered bean-trade channels of the United digestibility of navy beans, red kidney States. Considerable attention has been beans, and several varieties of cowpeas given to tepary beans and their culture was made at the University of Ten- and use as food at the Arizona Agricul- nessee ißl). Generally speaking, the tural Experiment Station (4) and the experiments show that the legumes California Agricultural Experiment were as well digested and assimilated Station {5, 17). as are the coarser cereal products, and Much is known about beans and that in some instances the digestibility other common legumes as food, as a was as great as that of the finer grades result of experiments carried on by of flour. The investigations as a many investigators. However, in the whole, it is stated, demonstrate the 1 Received for publication June 21, 1924—issued January, 1925. 2 Reference is made by number (italic) to "Literature cited," pp. 205-208. Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. XXIX, No .4 Washington, D. C. Aug. 15, 1924 Key No. T-l (205) 206 Journal of Agricultural Research Vol. XXIX, No. 4 important place which legumes may larly studied. The literature of this fill in the diet as economical and phase of the subject is summarized in palatable sources of protein, though the bulletins cited. later studies have shown that most legume proteins can not be considered EXPERIMENTAL METHODS complete. However, a diet .containing meat, milk, eggs, and similar foods The experimental methods used would supply this deficiency. with tepary beans were those followed Digestion experiments have been in digestion experiments conducted by made in connection with the food work the United States Department of Ag- of the United States Department of riculture and described in earlier publi- Agriculture with soybeans and with cations (ß, S, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, peanuts {15) cooked until soft in a 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, household pressure cooker. The le- 25, 26, 27, 28, 29). gumes formed the principal part of a The subjects were men apparently simple mixed diet. The experiments in good health and well instructed in show that steam-cooked peanuts were the experimental routine. The neces- well assimilated, the coefficient of di- sary analyses of food and feces were gestibility of the protein being 79.9 made by standard methods. The per cent. Large quantities of these tepary beans used in the experiments legumes were consumed throughout were obtained through the courtesy of the experiments, no physiological dis- one of the correspondents of the de- turbances being noted. The report partment. The beans were prepared also points out that as regards nutri- by soaking over night and then cooking tive and biological value, there is for an hour under 15 pounds pressure. evidence to justify the belief that The beans were eaten with a basal diet soybeans and peanuts are especially of bread, butter, fruit, and sugar. valuable as food in comparison with The results of the five experiments are other legumes which had been simi- summarized in Table I. TABLE I.—Summary of digestion experiments with tepary beans in a simple mixed diet Digestibility of entire ration Estimated Estimated digesti- digesti- bility of bility of Experiment No. tepary tepary Protein Fat Carbo- Ash bean bean carbo- hydrate protein hydrate Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent 901 _ 86.3 93.8 98.1 81.4 84.8 97.9 902____ 78.7 92.3 98.2 75.6 74.4 100.0 903 80.4 94.2 98.1 77.3 74.6 98.4 904 73.4 91.9 96.7 65.9 67.1 96.4 905 __ 82.8 93.7 97.9 72.9 78.7 97.4 Average ___ 80.3 93.2 97.8 74.6 75.9 98.0 The subjects ate, on an average, 70 almost complete utilization and is gm. of protein, 69 gm. of fat, and 394 somewhat higher than the value of 96 gm. of carbohydrate, with an energy per cent found by Wait for navy-bean value of 2,475 calories, per man per day. carbohydrates. The subjects reported The beans supplied on an average 40 gm. that they remained in their usual of protein and 99 gm. of carbohydrate normal health throughout the ex- per man per day. The protein of the perimental period. beans was 76 per cent utilized, which agrees closely with the value of 78 per SUMMARY cent for navy and red kidney beans found by Wait {SI), and 77.9 per cent A study of the digestibility of tepary found by Mendel and Fine (50) for navy- beans for purposes of comparison with bean protein. The carbohydrates of similar legumes shows that tepary the tepary beans were on an average 98 beans are well utilized by the body per cent digested, which represents and are a valuable food. Aug. 15, 1924 Tim Digestibility of Tepary Bean-9 207 LITERATURE CITED (14) HOLMES, A. D., and DEUEL, H. J., Jr. (1) BAILEY, L. H. 1920. UTILIZATION OF KID, RABBIT, 1914. THE STANDARD CYCLOPEDIA OF HORSE, AND SEAL MEATS AS HORTICULTURE. V. 1, illllS. FOOD. Jour. Indus, and New York. Engin. Chem. 12: 975-976. (2) DEUEL, H. J., and HOLMES, A. D. (15) 1922. DIGESTIBILITY OF COD-LIVER, 1920. DIGESTIBILITY OF STEAM- JAVA-ALMOND, TEA-SEED, AND COOKED SOY BEANS AND WATERMELON-SEED OILS, PEANUTS. Jour. Amer. Med. DEER FAT, AND SOME BLENDED Assoc. 74: 798-801. HYDROGENATED FATS. IL S. (16) and DEUEL, H. J., JR. Dpt. Agr. Bui. 1033, 15 p. 1921. DIGESTIBILITY OF SOME HYDRO- (3) GENATED OILS. Amer. Jour. 1923. DIGESTIBILITY OF BAKED GOODS Physiol. 54: 479-488. MADE FROM PATENT FLOUR. (17) JAFFA, M. E. Jour. Home Econ. 15: 699- 1917. COOKING THE TEPARY BEAN. 701. Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Circ. (4) FREEMAN, G. F. (unnumbered), 4 p. 1912. SOUTHWESTERN BEANS AND (18) LANGWORTHY, C. F., and HOLMES, TEPARIES. Ariz. Agr. Exp. A. D. Sta, Bui. 68, p. 573-619, 1915. DIGESTIBILITY OF SOME ANIMAL illus. FATS. U. S. Dept. Agr. BuL (5) HENDRY, G. W., et al. 310, 25 p. 1918. BEAN CULTURE IN CALIFORNIA. (19) Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bui. 1916.