Self-Publishing: Easy as ABC Meredith Bond
[email protected] Kobo Like Barnes & Noble, Kobo’s form is easy to fill out. Once again you’ll need an ePub file, and like Amazon, a cover image where the longest side is 2500 pixels. Be sure you don’t miss putting in the categories – it’s a small thing hidden off to the side: Kobo, like Amazon, allows for pre-orders. It’s on the last page before you press the “Publish eBook” button it will ask you what date you want your book published. Self-Publishing: Easy as ABC Meredith Bond
[email protected] Smashwords To upload your book to Smashwords, choose “Publish” in their menu. You’ll need two book descriptions: a short version (400 characters) and a regular long version (4000 characters). Again, go through and fill in the form. Smashwords does allow you to set your book for pre-order, although their own store doesn’t allow for that—it will just appear there on your publication date. Again, like Amazon, you can choose two categories under which to file your book. After you submit your Microsoft Word .doc file, they will convert it into all the formats you specify: the default is every format, which is where I leave it. They will send you an email telling you whether or not your book has made it through their meatgrinder or not. After your book has made it through the meatgrinder, it will be submitted for their extended distribution or premium status.