Murray Planning Associates Ground Floor Office, Challenger House Rumbolds Hill,

West , GU29 9BY

T. 07815 476205 E. [email protected]

01 March 2021

Planning and Building Control District Council East Pallant House 1 East Pallant Chichester PO19 1TY


Murray Planning Associates has been instructed by our client Mr & Mrs Gregory to submit a discharge of conditions application relating to the above site. Specifically, the application relates to the clearance of conditions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 detailed on the decision notice reference SDNP/19/05363/HOUS (and Listed Building Consent decision notice SDNP/19/05364/LIS).

The following information is submitted as part of the application:

 Application forms;  A schedule of the proposed brick and slate details (to clear condition 3)  A sample panel has been produced and is currently stored on site (to clear condition 4). A photo of the sample board is provided as part of this application  Drawings of the window and door joinery (to clear condition 5)  Details and photo of existing balustrade (to clear condition 6)  Details of proposed rainwater goods (to clear condition 7)

The correct fee of £34 is also provided.


Murray Planning submitted a planning application in December 2019 for a single storey rear extension. The application was approved by the National Park Authority in January 2021.

The decision notice relating to the application contained 8 conditions. 5 of those conditions require further details be submitted. This application seeks to clear all five of those conditions requiring further detail, those being:

 Condition 3- details of external material finishes to the extension  Condition 4- prepare a sample panel of stonework/brickwork  Condition 5- details and drawings of all joinery  Condition 6- details of the proposed balustrade (in fact the balustrade already exists and is shown on the existing elevations)  Condition 7- details of proposed rainwater goods, including method of fixing to the wall


This application seeks to discharge five conditions attached to planning application reference SDNP/19/05363/HOUS. The conditions relate to details of windows, doors, rainwater goods, and the proposed external building materials. The balustrade that the National Park presume (under condition 6) to be part of the approved development is already in situ and does not form part of the development proposal.

I trust the details submitted are sufficient to allow conditions 3-7 to be cleared, and I look forward to receiving confirmation of this in due course.

Yours Faithfully

MICHAEL BINGHAM On Behalf of Murray Planning Associates