Saiful Azam (Translated) on Sunday, 14/06/2020, the Heroic Fighter and the Bearer of the Two Honors, Saiful Azam, Passed Away in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Central Media Office Issue No: 1441 AH / 026 Tuesday, 25th Shawwal 1441 AH 16/06/2020 CE Press Release Condolences for the Passing of the Mujahid Pilot & “The Bearer of Two Honors” Saiful Azam (Translated) On Sunday, 14/06/2020, the heroic fighter and the bearer of the two honors, Saiful Azam, passed away in Dhaka, Bangladesh. May Allah have mercy on him, and unite him with his brothers who preceded him in fighting for Allah’s sake, such as Khalid Bin al-Waleed, Salahuddin al-Ayoubi, Muhammad Bin al-Qasim, and all the Muslim fighters who were truthful with their weapons to Allah (swt) in their pledged to Him (swt). Saiful, may Allah grant him forgiveness, had gained the two great honors; fighting the Jews and fighting the Hindus. Saiful Azam was a knight of the knights who fought the Hindu state in 1965, he did it marvelously. It severely damaged the Indian forces on 12 offensive missions. Azam also shot down an Indian Air Force plane and received a military honor medal for it. In 1967, Azam fought the Jewish entity alongside his brothers who had fought the Jews, and he was known as the only pilot who fought the Jews in three Air Forces; Jordan, Iraq and Pakistan. He held the record for downing aircrafts belonging to the Jewish entity, more than any other Mujahid, may Allah have mercy on him and may Allah reward him abundantly on behalf of the Islamic Ummah. On this occasion, we would like to remind you, the great peers of Saiful in the Jordanian, Bangladeshi and Pakistani army that Palestine, which he fought for its liberation, is still under the spiteful occupation, and is still waiting for you to liberate it.
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