International Criminal Tribunal for Tribunal penal international pour le Rwanda

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17January 1997 fpr


Vinnette and I cannot find words of wisdom and honour except the following:

"There is a kind of greatness which does not depend upon Fortune; it is a certain manner that distinguishes us, and Which seems to destine us for great things; it is the value We insensibly set upon ourselves; it is by this quality, that We gain the deference of other men, and it is this which Commonly raises us more above them, than birth, rank, Or even merit itself.

May God guide your footsteps and give you the knowledge, and the courage to make all the right, very important, decisions that you have to make for the next 5 years.

With respect

Vinnette Forbes andjt

S-e e SUNDAY NATION g LIFESTYLE 2 PEOPLE The Sunday Nation, January 12,1997 Annan: The man who's New UN boss looks set to succeed where others failed

By NGUGT wa MBUGUA and Agencies recent issue of'Africa Who's Who has four VIPs named Annan. All but three are Ghanaians. Kofi Atta AAnnan is not among them! Yet this is the one name that has been on the lips of the international community for the past two months. The man who will lead the world's family of nations to the next millen- nium. As the new Secretary-Genera! of the 51-year- old United Nations Organisation. Mr Annan will. for the next five years, play the role of the world's foremost diplomat — the ultimate bureaucral. On Wednesday, January I. the Ghanaian took over from Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali. the 74-year- old Egyptian lawyer the Americans were in a hum,1 to show the gale. Mr Annan is the first UN career official to ascend to that position. Described as a soft-spoken slraighl-talker. the 38-year-old started his tenure with a wisecrack at the expense of Pans, who had insisted on masterly of French as a condition to be met by the next U N Secretary-General. Asked during the race for the seat how well bespoke French, he replied "I now speak English with a French accent." Mr Annan has served (he UN in various senior capacities for the past three decades. He is the sec- ond UN Secretary-General from Africa, but Ihe first from Black Africa. Mr Annan: His very first task as the UN boss was to seek to empower Mrs Annan: Suddenly finds she has to learn to live with bodyguards Married to a northern European but very much his. officials. all the time. an African at heart, Mr Annan was home in for the Christmas break a week after his ap- pointment. The Swedish-bom Mrs Nane Annan found Gha- 'It is not reform \ na warm and welcoming. During the holiday, she said, "about 30 of [Annan's former] classmates came to the house and they were like children, like when, for lack of happy little boys." Mr Annan has come a long way from Ihe day when, as a 21-year-old economics student in the funds, we have to United States, he asked to be locked up in a jail "just to see the conditions"'. But that is hardly evidence that he intends to be turn our backs on a prisoner of the Americans who openly cam- paigned for his appointment as the seventh UN Secreta'ry-General. It so happens that Washing- massacres and ton's apparent reason for blocking a second five- year term for Boutros-Ghali was that he did not move quickly enough to reform the UN. Bui Mr suffering and Annan's idea of reform is tangentially different from what Washington seeks. "It is not reform," he says, "when, for lack of funds we have to turn our backs on massacres and collapse of civil suffering and collapse of civil society." the lips of the international community for the past two months. The man who will lead the world's family of nations to (he next millen- nium. As tlie new Secretary-General of the 5)-year- old United Nations Organisation. Mr Annan will, for the next five years, play ihe role of the world's foremost diplomat •— the uliimate bureaucrat. On Wednesday, January I, the Ghanaian took over from Dr Boutros Boulros-Ghali. the 74-year- old Egyptian lawyer the Americans were in a hurry (o show the gate. Mr Annan is the first (j'N career official to ascend to that position. Described as a soft-spoken straight-talker, the 58-year-old started his (enure ivitli a wisecrack at ihe expense of Paris, who had insisted on masierly of French as

Dr Boutros-Ghali: Hopes ro write honk on the Camp David Peace- Treaty. The felling of a seasoned diplomat

It's not for nothing that outgoing UN Secre- tary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali's imme- diate plan for the future is to write a book on the 1979 Camp David Peace Treaty be- The United Nations headquarters in New York, from where Mr Annan will run the global body: "People trust him because he is honest. tween Israel and . An expert in international law, Dr Bou- tros-Ghali was the key negotiator in his ing the Balkan war. country's rapprochement with Israel. Indeed, during his long career with the UN, Mr He led Cairo's team at the US-brokered Annan has been lapped for sensitive special as- peace talks. signments. After Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait, In 1977, two years before the Treaty, he ac- he was sent to repatriate 900 UN staff, negotiate companied President Anwar Sadat on his for the release of Western hostages and help re- historic trip to Jerusalem that culminated in solve the plight of more than 500,000 stranded the Camp David Accords of 1978. Asian hostages in Kuwait and Iraq. Subsequently, His big break had come on November 17, 1977 when his country's Foreign Minister re- he led the United Nations' team negotiating wuh signed to protest Sadat's decision to visit Je- Iraq on the possible sale of oil for purchases of hu- rusalem. He was appointed acting Foreign manitarian aid. Minister and Minister of State for Foreign Besides his official duties, Mr Annan has been Affairs. involved in education and development and the He earned Israelis' dislike for his hawkish welfare and protection of international slnff. He is negotiating on the peace treaty. currently on the Boards of Trustees of Macalester In May 1991, Dr Boutros-Ghali was pro- College, his alma mater, and the Institute for the moted to Deputy Prime Minister by Hosni Mubarak, slain Anwar Sadat's successor. Future in Menlo Park, California. That same year, he succeeded the pro-Ameri- From 1981 to 1983. he was Chairman of the can Javier Perez dt-C'uellar when his second Board of Trustees of The United Naiions Interna- five-year term expired on December '.II 1991. tional School in Geneva. Thus the Egyptian law scholar became the Mr Annan's first marriage to a Nigerian ended first African to lead the world body since its in divorce. founding in 1945. In 1984, he married the former Nane Lagergren. His election marked a victory for the Or- ganisation of African Unity, which had pro- a Swedish lawyer and judge who later became a posed a slate of six candidates including full-time painter. lioulros-r.huli, and steadfastly argued it was Mrs Annan is a niece of Raoul Wallenberg, ilie time the I'nitcd Nations chose a Secretary- Swedish diplomat who saved lens of thousands of cncnil from the African continent. Jews in from the Nazis at the end of Before Dr Boulros-C-hali, Tanzania's Sa- World War II. lini Ahmed Salim vied for the same job in The Annans have ihree children — a daughter, 1982 only for the United Slates lo apply its Aina, 26. and a son K.OJO, 23, from his first mar- veto power — just as it did against the Egyp- riage, and a daughter. Nina. 25. from her own pre- tian last year. Dr Boutros-Ghali, a Coptic Christian from vious marriage. Muslim state, is married to Madam Leia Mrs Annan suddenly finds she has to leam to Maria, an Egyptian of Jewish origin. live wilh bodyguards all the time. A very pnvaie He obtained a law degree from Cairo IJni- person, she has reluctantly given up her anonymity ersity in 19-16, and pursued graduate studies to live in the UN townhouse that will be her home in political science and international law in for the next five years. Prance. In an interview soon after her husband's ap- The solemn-looking bespectacled Ghali ob- Mr Annan is congratulated by Mr Perez de Cuellar, a former UN boss, soon after his election pointment, she wondered if the guards will come tained a doctorate from Paris University in last month. n hikinp inn-; to Norway, where her brother 1919 and from then until 1977, he was a pro- It's not for nothing- that outgoing- UN Secre- tary-General Boutros Bi'utros-Ghali'sifnme diale plan for the future is to write a book on the March 1979 Camp David Peace Treaty be- The United Nations headquarteis in New York, from whete Mi Annan will tun the global body: "People trust him because he is honest. tween Israel and Egypt. An expert in international law. Dr Bou- tros-GUali was the key negotiator in his ing ihe Balkan war. country's rapprochement with Israel. Indeed, during liis long career with the UN, Mr He led Cairo's team at the US-brokered Annan has been tapped for sensitive special as- peace talks. signmenis. After Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait, In 1977, two years before* the Treaty, he ac- he was sent to repatriate 900 UN staff, negotiate companied President Anwar Sadat on his for tlie release of Western hostages and help re- historic trip to Jerusalem that culminated in solve the plight of more than 500.000 stranded the Camp David Accords iif 197B. His big break had come on November 17, Asian hostages in Kuwait and Iraq. Subsequently, 1977 when his country's Foreign Minister re- he led the United Nations' team negotiating with signed to protest Sadat's decision to visit Je- Iraq on the possible sale of oil for purchases of hu- rusalem. He was appointed acting Foreign manitarian a id. Minister and Minister of State for Foreign Besides his officinl duties. Mr Annan has been Affairs. involved in education and development and ihe He earned Israelis' dislike for his hawkish welfare and protection of international staff. He is negotiating on tlie police treaty. currently on ihe Boards of Trusiees of Macalesler In May 1991, Dr Boutros-Ghali was pro- moted to Deputy Prime Minister by Hosni College, his alma mater, and tlie Institute for the Mubarak, slain Anwar Sadat's successor. Future in Menlo Park. California. That same year, he succeeded the pro-Ameri- From 1QS1 lo 1983, lie was Chairman of the can Javier l*erez dc Cuellar when his second Board of Trustees of the United Nations Interna- five-year term expired on December 31 1991. tional School in Geneva. Thus the Egyptian lnw scholar became the Mr Annan's first marriage to a Nigerian ended firs'. African to lead the world body since its in divorce. founding iu 1915, In 19S4, he married llie former Nane Lagergren, His election marked a victory for the Or- a Swedish lawyer and judge who later became a ganisation of African Unity, which had pro- posed a slate of six candidates including full-time painter. Boutros-Gh.ili, and steadfastly argued it was Mrs Annan is a niece of Raoul Wallenberg, the time the United Nations chose a Sccrctary- Swedish diplomat who saved tens of thousands of Gencral from the African continent. Jews in Hungary from the Nazis at the end of Before Or Boutros-Gliali, Tanzania's Sa- World War II. lim Ahmed Salim. vied for the same job in The Annans have three children — a daughter. 1982 only for the United States to apply its Ama, 26. and a son Kojo, 23, from his first mar- veto power — just as it did against the Egyp- riage, and a daughter, Nina, 25, from her own pre- tian last year. Dr Boutros-Ghali, a Coptic Christian from vious marriage. a Muslim state, is married to Madam Leia Mrs Annan suddenly finds she has to learn to Maria, an Egyptian of Jewish origin. live with bodyguards all the time. A very private He obtained a law degree from Cairo Uni- person, she has reluctantly given up her anonymity versity in 1946, and pursued graduate studies to live in the UN townhouse that will be her home in political science and international law in for the next five years. . In an interview soon after her husband's ap- The solemn-looking bespectacled Ghali ob- Mr Annan is congratulated by Mr Perez de Cuellar, a former UN boss, soon after his election pointment, she wondered if the guards will come tained a doctorate from Paris University in last month. 1949 and from then until 1977, he was a pro- along on hiking Irips to Norway, where her brother fessor of international law at Cairo Univer- lives. Long walks in New York, in Sweden, in sity. was the only African in the group; the rest were Sri studied for his Master's degree in management at Norway, in Ghana are a speciality of the couple. Like his Ghanaian successor, Dr Boutros- Lankan, Greek, British and American. the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The 52-year-old met Mr Annan in 1981 when Ghali speaks both English and French but is "We stayed with families, that were very com- In 1974 he returned home as managing director they both worked for the UNHCR in Geneva. They more fluent in the latter. fortable. We stayed with sfjarecroppers. We evetij of the Ghana Tourist Development Company, were married in 1984 at the UN Chapel in New The Rwandesc genocide of 1994 and the attempted to stay in jail at; Dodge City just to see, serving concurrently on its Board and on the Gha- York by a woman minister, xvho also painted. bloody UN Somali debacle of 1993 are jus! With a long line of lawyers on both sides of her two catastrophes that Dr Boutros-Ghali will the conditions," Mr Annan,,told interviewers last na Tourist'Control Board. But by 1976, he was certainly never forget. week. .,/ i .;' back at the Uft Headquarters in New York and Ge- family — some of whom were also artists — Mrs \Vhcn — against US advice — he visited Turned down by a warden who said (hat in his' neva, where he worked for (he High Commission- Annan says she studied law to "show we (women) Mogadishu for two hours in October 1993, 32 years on the job nobody had ever asked to be> er for Refugees rising lo Assistant Secretary-Gen- were able to have a profession." She worked as an supporters of the then powerful warlord jpcked up, they slept at the Salvation Army eral in the Peacekeeping Department in 1992. associate judge and legislative counsel in Farab Aidced staged angry protests and instead. He has served the UN in places as diverse as Ad- Stockholm. . erected barricades of burning tyres that "We did get into situations in some of the dis Ababa, Cairo, Geneva and New York. His ca- Her jurist father, Gunnar Lagregren, helped set- briefly blocked the main road to the UN Southern states where they did not want to serve us reer includes stints as the Special Representative tle boundary disputes between India and Pakistan, Headquarters in the war-torn Somali capital. of the Secretary-General to the former Yugoslavia served on German restitution courts and arbitrated The UN boss never left the heavily-forti- because of the mixed group," Mr Annan added. fied Mogadishu Airport, where he visited a "In Las Vegas, the Sri Lankan was told he and Special Envoy to NATO throughout (he transi- claims between the United States and Iran. Her Romanian field hospital. couldn't use the pool." tion period which followed the signing of the Day- daughter Nina, 25, is also a lawyer. A more remarkably positive event of his After Macalester. Mr Annan studied at the Insti- ton Peace Agreement. Mrs Annan's parents took to Kofi immediately tenure was the United Nations System Wide tute des Hautes Etudes Internationales in Geneva, During his ex-Yugoslavia posting, a Bosnian and her mother, she joked, has become the "First Initiative on Africa he launched last March. from where he joined the UN World Health Organ- diplomat, Mr Muhamed Sacirbey, was full of Mother-in-Law of Sweden." The rescue plan was aimed at raising- $25 isation. From 1965 to 1971, he worked for the praise for the Ghanaian. "People trust him be- Asked if there was a European-African culture billion "to ensure accountable governance, Ethiopia-based Economic Commission for Africa cause he is honest. He doesn't try to hide behind a gap in their marriage, she said their biggest prob- the provision of education, food and water, in Addis Ababa. false argument. He defends his position on merit," lem was arriving at dinner parties on time — she security and healthcare for Africa's 700 mil- lion people in ihe next decade," according to At the end of his tenure at the ECA, Mr Annan said Mr Sacirbey, a critic of the UN-led forces dur- early, he late. Dr Boutros-Ghali. - By NGVGt wa MBUGUA