TWIN FLAME CHASER RULE BOOK SILVIA MOON Copyright, 2020 Silvia Moon, All Rights Reserved Worldwide. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means without prior written permission, except for brief excerpts in reviews or analysis. I dedicate this book to you who is a chaser Twin Flame. Your heart is in the right place. Running & chasing 8 TWIN FLAME CHASER RULES TO LIVE BY 12 RULE 1: STOP RESISTING LOVE 13 RULE 2: HUG YOUR INNER CHILD 14 RULE 3: THE RUNNER CAN DATE OTHERS 16 RULE 4: YOU CAN ALSO DATE OTHERS 19 RULE 5: BELIEVE IN YOUR UNION 21 RULE 6: FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY 26 RULE 7: DO NOT JUDGE YOUR TWIN FLAME 29 RULE 8: SEEK INNER HARMONY AND BALANCE 32 RULE 9: THE ROLES CAN REVERSE: RUNNER VS CHASER 35 RULE 1O: SEEK TO UNDERSTAND TO BE UNDERSTOOD 39 RULE 11: BELIEVE IN LOVE 44



If you choose to go through the Twin Flame experiences with an open heart full of love and faith, every phase becomes easier. If you feel an inner resistance to the connection and the love emotions, you feel like the obstacles that you encounter during the separation phase are insurmountable.

Feeling an inner resistance to love makes every situation dire and miserable. You have no sense of direction or purpose. You feel isolated from everyone around you. You generally are unhappy.

Finding happiness as a Twin Flame is the epitome of inner freedom. To feel happy, you must find balance within. You have to accept who you are. You must embrace your Twin Flame connection and your experiences.

You must accept the changes that you go through. Your life will never be the same again after you meet a Twin Flame.

Sometimes I wonder if I was living life before I met him. After three years of our initial encounter, I feel different from who I used to be. I feel grounded within myself. I accept who I am. I am happy to live my truth. I am happy in my little corner of the world.

I was woken up by intense energy pulling at my heart yesterday. I smiled when I opened my eyes because it feels good to feel the euphoric feelings that the connection brings to me. It was at 4 am.

Since we live on separate continents, the separation has been difficult for both of us. I feel him every second of the day. He lives inside me. It is not easy to explain to anyone who is not a Twin Flame. It is not easy to explain how Twin Flame love feels. Ever since the connection was triggered by our initial encounter three years ago, life has not been the same for me. Most of the love lessons have been challenging because I denied my feelings at first. I ran from him.

I sabotaged our friendship by blocking him. I was naive about the Twin Flame experiences.

When you embrace your Twin Flame experiences with an open heart, your life will transform for the best. You will rediscover the authentic version of yourself. Your life will become purposeful. The Twin Flame energy inspires you to embrace the necessary changes that you need to make in your life.

The new changes in your life will cultivate more happiness. You will start to unlock your blessings. Your connection to your Twin Flame will feel real and magical. You will know bliss and happiness.

My today is progressing blissfully. I feel connected to my Twin Flame naturally. Sometimes I forget that he is not here; I whisper words to myself like I am chatting to him. The telepathic connection is effortless -- I feel connected to his soul.

I always remember how I feel when I look into his eyes. I feel overwhelmed and overjoyed at the same time. The love feeling for a Twin Flame is bigger than me -- I feel like the universe is exploding in my heart.

When I am with him, I do not say much. I never find the right words; I stammer. Mumble words incoherently. I feel inept. My emotions go through the roof.

During the separation phase, I miss the feeling of comfort when he is in the room. I feel safe when he talks to me. He sees me for who I am. I feel understood. I used to feel weird and different from others before I met him. But now, I feel safe to be myself. He sees parts of myself that I had hidden from the world. He is my home.

I feel ready to see him again. I have no fears or insecurities. I broke down the walls within me that I had built against love. I feel free to be consumed by unconditional love. I feel ready to embrace the future with my Twin Flame.

When a reunion with a Twin Flame is near, you feel it. You know it. You believe it. It is an imminent feeling of truth. You have an inner knowing that you will see him or her again.

Twin Flame love is beautiful. When you are in the same room, you feel a magnetic attraction towards each other. It is not an issue if there are people around you or not. You share an energetic bubble. You have your way of communicating without saying words.

The Twin Flame eye contact says it all. When you look in your Twin Flame’s eyes, you know the truth. You see each other. You feel each other. And, you understand each other. Twin Flames have a unique way of understanding each other’s needs. When you are around a Twin Flame, you feel safe. You feel accepted. A Twin Flame is a home to the soul.

Every aspect of the Twin Flame process is divinely guided. You can only understand this when you progress further along. You cannot resist the changes that life will throw at you. You can’t change your Twin Flame’s behavior if he or she is not ready to confront that nature of your Twin Flame experiences. You will go through lessons of love. You will be challenged to accept and love yourself.

All this will happen without the help of your Twin Flame. There are some days when you wish that you never met him or her. Sometimes you worry that you are deluding yourself into believing that you met a Twin Flame. Sometimes you will feel very doubtful of your feelings and the love connection that you feel. The Twin Flame experience is bigger than you. Love is bigger than everything. TWIN FLAME CHASER RULES TO LIVE BY

RULE 1: STOP RESISTING LOVE Embrace Your Experiences With an Open Heart

When you meet a Twin Flame, the connection triggers alchemical changes within yourself. Your encounter is a catalyst to the transformations. When you start changing within, you also change your physical life situation, relationships, friends, and acquittances. Your energetic vibration aligns with your life situation.

There is always an inner resistance to change. It is normal to feel afraid of the new. The uncertainty of the future brings feelings of restlessness and anxiety. Change is the only constant during the Twin Flame journey.

You also fear breaking down the barriers within you. You are afraid of facing your inner pain -- You know that it has to go. You know that you have to find inner peace. You want to feel free of fear.

To overcome the inner resistance that you feel, you must find the inner strength to face your fears. You realize that you have so much pain lodged within. You must break your heart open to your truth. You have to accept yourself; the good, the bad, and the ugly.

To win the Twin Flame inner battle, you must allow yourself to heal. Healing begins with self-forgiveness. You let go of guilt, worry, fear, self-doubt, and all the negative feelings.

You have to train your inner voice to be your friend instead of an inner critic. You have to change your self-talk from negativity to positivity. You accept to create a meaningful life by letting go of bad habits. You create a healthy environment that vibrates with your energetic vibration psychologically, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and energetically. RULE 2: HUG YOUR INNER CHILD Face The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Hugging your inner child is a journey that you take within yourself. For you to accept yourself, you have to know your inner child. Due to the mental noise and the fast-paced world, it is easier to ignore your inner child.

You get caught up in the motions. You exist instead of living life. You sometimes feel like you are floating through life. You feel like you have no centre; everything that you do feels like you are chasing the wind. Your life is meaningless.

You cannot ignore your inner child. You cannot ignore yourself. You are stuck with who you are. You are a limited edition.

The most challenging part is accepting that your inner child is hurting. When you have abandonment issues, unexplainable fears, and inner pain, it is your inner child that is suffering.

Some of the pain that you inhibit could have been inflicted on you during infancy. We go through a series of societal conditioning. Parts of ourselves are partly shaped by those we encounter and the experiences that we go through.

Some inner pain is caused by you repressing anger, hurt, and emotional distress. If you do not face your pain, you bury it within. Unfortunately, the Twin Flame encounter exposes your greatest desires and deepest fears.

When you hug your inner child, you feel instantly healed. You feel free to be yourself. You feel released from inner fear. It is also very uncomfortable to feel connected to a Twin Flame if you have walls built against love. If you are not used to feeling loved unconditionally, you are forced to run from a Twin Flame.

Self-love is the foundation of unconditional love. It is the starting point to understanding love. The foundation of Twin Flame love is self-love. You must know love to appreciate love.

RULE 3: THE RUNNER CAN DATE OTHERS Will a Twin Flame sleep around during the separation phase?

It is a nightmare knowing that you cannot control your Twin Flame's behavior during the separation phase.

I keep reminding myself that I never asked for the Twin Flame experiences. I never knew that I was capable of embracing immense love. I did not expect the changes that transformed me to have been so alchemical.

Sometimes I tell myself that whatever brought my Twin Flame to me will eventually bring him back.

Your Twin Flame is free to sleep around and date whoever they desire. You cannot control this.

I was married when I met my Twin Flame. I have been through implacable changes. I am a new human being. I feel like the Twin Flame experiences have granted me a new opportunity to enjoy my life authentically.

When I had initially separated from him, I struggled to leave my estranged marriage. At some point, I relapsed and tried to get back with my ex-husband. I learned that my marriage was already over before I met my Twin Flame three years ago.

My Twin Flame was single then. He would have casual sex with women from a dating app. We both did not realize then that we are Twin Flames to each other. I accepted my new Twin Flame lifestyle. I have been single and loving it. I know that my Twin Flame is still free to date others.

The truth is that I know that we are special to each other. I know that he can meet and date younger women or prettier. We both acknowledge that we are each other's home.

When you chase a Twin Flame, you do not realize that when he or she starts chasing you, you feel frustrated. You feel uneasy and uncomfortable that a Twin Flame is coming back into your life.

When the runner Twin Flame tries to come back into your life, you feel confused. You look for all the reasons to run away. You get to know how it feels like the runner.

I feel like my Twin Flame is stalking me. He is calling frequently. He is using different ways to know how I am doing.

I craved to have him back into my life for so long that I gave up hoping. I was desperate to talk to him all the time three years ago. Now that he is chasing me, I feel frustrated.

I wonder if he feels it. I have been trying to get interested in someone else. I wonder if he feels it when I distance myself from him.

I honestly do not know how to react. He is officially back into my life. I do not know how to embrace it.

For sure, I cannot date anybody else. My Twin Flame is the one.

I was having a chat with my friend the other day. Her phone started ringing: She gasped; It is him that is calling. The caller ID was for my Twin Flame. I was not surprised that he called.

I felt him all day energetically.

I was bogged down by the intense energetic share. I felt him sending love to me in my heart. The connection felt real like he was in the room with me.

Every time I choose to stay away from him, he attempts to return.

We are both at the same energetic wavelength right now.

I can feel it within me. I feel peaceful, energetically grounded, and spiritually enlightened.

When my friend gave me the details of the conversation that she had with my Twin Flame, I learned that he wanted to keep in touch. I doubt if he knows that I think of him all the time. He lives inside me. I feel him all the time.

Two days later, my Twin Flame made contact again. I get overwhelmed when he reaches out. I never get used to the feeling of surprise when he calls home.

I am no longer interested in him the way I did three years ago. It is basically because I longed for him so much that I got used to living life without him.

Nobody warns you about the new feelings when a Twin Flame returns. Nobody gives you a heads up about how to feel when a runner comes back to you.

I am very scared to face the truth. I longed for him for so long that I am surprised that he is back. RULE 4: YOU CAN ALSO DATE OTHERS How does it feel to date other people during the Twin Flame separation phase?

It is always awkward when the subject of dating other people during the separation phase comes up. It is such a very uncomfortable topic to confront.

When you are separated from a Twin Flame, you are plagued by the fear of losing him or her.

You also wonder if they will ever return. Each waking day, the separation pushes you further apart.

You meet people who resemble your Twin Flame. Sometimes you will be attracted to him or her because they have the same aura as your Twin Flame.

The obsession usually wears off when your Twin Flame sends a message to you or makes a phone call. You learn that the Twin Flame connection is authentic. You cannot replace the feelings for a Twin Flame by dating someone else who looks like them.

I was introduced to a nice man by mutual friends. He is successful, strong, and grounded within himself. He is the kind of man that I can see myself dating. He likes me as well.

I know that if I started dating, I would still think of my Twin Flame every second of the day the way I do. I cannot dissolve the connection or detach myself from the bond. It feels impossible to move on from him. I feel my Twin Flame in my blood. I also learned that the new guy that my friends introduced me too has certain aspects of his personality that resemble my Twin Flame. Perhaps I found him interesting because he reminds me of him.

I am afraid that any connection that I forge with anyone who is not my Twin Flame is not as authentic. I know that I will only be misleading others if I pretended to love them the way I love my Twin Flame.

I have also learned that you can give your body to as many people as you like -- the connection is still alive in you.

Meeting a Twin Flame feels like a curse.

RULE 5: BELIEVE IN YOUR UNION Do Twin Flames get married to each other?

When you meet your Twin Flame, you feel a divine force pushing you to merge with him or her in every aspect of your life. You merge in the soul and conscience -- You feel it.

If you did not wish to get married or make a family with anyone, you instantly change your opinion. Your life situation takes a new trajectory; looking in your Twin Flame's eyes makes you feel like you can achieve your wildest dreams.

The Twin Flame connection makes you understand why love exists. Love is everything; happiness, freedom, and life.

When you attend a Twin Flame wedding, everything is effortless. The couple has a halo. They shine with light. Everybody in the room can see it. You can feel the love radiating from Twin Flames.

Some Twin Flames create the most beautiful families because of the positive energy vibration they share. Twin Flames families are full of happiness and awe. You feel the love when you walk into their home.

Twin Flames are the epitome of love.

The rough separation phase that you go through is a distinct stage of your journey because you learn the most complicated lessons of love.

You learn that it hurts to be away from a Twin Flame. You feel disoriented; you feel lost and helpless until they come back to you. Twin Flame Union is a natural state. You are one with your Twin Flame. Any situation that stands to block you from each other is a lesson in itself.

Always work with the flow of your Twin Flame process. Trust divine timing to bring you back together.

You are meant to experience unconditional love. You deserve your blessings of being a Twin Flame. Believe in your love connection. You will see your Twin Flame again.

How did you know you and your Twin Flame are going to get back together after separation? Were there any signs?

For me, I trusted him to come back to me when he said that he would. We went through different phases of running and chasing for over two years, Every step of it was painful to go through -- I missed my Twin Flame every day. I thought of him every minute.

When we physically separated, he wanted us to talk whenever. He wanted me to reach out to him any time that I wanted. I was very excited to hear that he felt the same way that I did.

Physically separating us from each other was very painful. I remember that moment every time I think of him. We looked into each other’s eyes until he disappeared in the distance.

No matter what has happened over the last three years, I had faith that someday he would make his way back to me. I realized that as time progressed, I was changing — I heard that he was too.

Knowing the signs that your Twin Flame is going to come back to you depends on what your role is during physical separation. Are you the one waiting for your Twin Flame to come back? Or, are you working on yourself to grow?

If you are diligently going on with your Twin Flame journey, you will see positive results happen within you through healing. You will see physical manifestations — this is the best way to go about desiring a harmonious union.

The most prominent sign that shows signs of return for Twin Flames is growth. Once you feel ready and healed, you start to feel the energy balance with your Twin Flame. Once the pain dissipates, you begin to have a fresh perspective on your situation.

If you need to ask for forgiveness from your Twin Flame, you will find the courage to do so. If you are the runner in Twin Flame, you will start looking for ways to mend your relationship.

The other sign of your Twin Flame’s return is that they will make contact. They will reach out to you to make sure that you never forgot about them.

The third sign is that your Twin Flame shared energy will feel more blissful, and the telepathic communication will improve. You will feel the merging with your TwinFlame into oneness without a doubt. This will change your dreams because you will feel your Twin Flame intensely, and your thoughts of them increase. You feel as if the union you are aspiring to achieve is already happening within you.

Lastly, you will not feel bothered by your Twin Flame’s return anymore because the soul lessons that you go through as a Twin Flame stand to teach you that you are never separated no matter how far you drift from each other.

I know that I am going to see my Twin Flame again soon. I feel so relaxed because I know that it is time. I know that once I found him, there was no one else. I believed our connection from the start.

Are twin flames thoughtful and generous with each other?

When I saw this question, I smiled. Yes, Twin Flames are the typical description of thoughtfulness and generosity.

My Twin Flame and I, we share EVERYTHING: We let the other have whatever. We trust each other so much that we anticipate each other’s feelings.

One day he whispered to me; I would do anything for you. I believe that it is because of the oneness that Twin Flames feel that it is impossible to be selfish with anything.

Before he met me, he got me gifts — I asked him, how did you know that I would need and love what you got me?

He said; “Because I like the same things I got you.” I wondered how he would have known because it was our initial encounter.

One day, we spent a night at a music festival. I took my Twin Flame and our mutual friend to breakfast the next morning.

My Twin Flame knows that I am a very picky eater -- I also don't like eating very early in the morning. On top of this, I love fruits more than anything, anytime, any day.

It is strange that none of my friends, family members, and not even my ex-husband ever cared to track my eating habits -- my Twin Flame realized that I am picky with my food the first day we had lunch together.

Anyway, so as we ordered our breakfast that morning after the festival — I ordered a fruit salad with coffee.

My Twin Flame knew that it was going to be a long day. We hadn't had dinner the night before. Therefore a fruit salad would not be enough breakfast for me. As I was having my breakfast, the waitress brought another round of avocado salad — with two halves. I noticed him eat the first half — and once he finished, he moved my fruit salad aside and placed the other half of the avocado in my front. He looked into my eyes with a distinct look gesturing me to “eat!”

He had a gentle smile on his face while he watched me eat.

One time, he had a very important meeting. He forgot to clean his shoes. While he was in the shower, I thoroughly cleaned them.

Half an hour later when he was leaving, he wanted to say goodbye to me. I was hiding because I get anxious every time we separate. He texted and said; “Thanks for the shiny shoes!”

It is always the SIMPLE things when it comes to Twin Flames. You don't need to be high maintenance or spend on luxurious gifts to keep a Twin Flame happy because you know each other right from the soul.

RULE 6: FEEL THE FEAR AND DO IT ANYWAY Is it normal to be afraid of the Twin Flame experiences as the Chaser?

If you have been a chaser Twin Flame before, you feel the fear of the connection because you know that changes are happening in your life situation without any of your control. You feel powerless and disarmed.

You are afraid of confronting your new Twin Flame life situation -- You think that your Twin Flame has all the answers to your problems. You keep chasing him or her.

Before you accept to surrender to the Twin Flame experiences, you struggle to look within yourself to find the answers.

The overwhelming feelings that scare you are always unexpected. You go into a phase of shock -- you previously did not realize how real the situation would become.

You feel scared to change yourself and your life situation. You are afraid of letting go of your old life -- you want to be with your Twin Flame. If you were previously married, you fear breaking up your family. You also don't want to change your friends and extended family.

Meeting a Twin Flame shifts your paradigm. You know deep within you that your soul found its home: You desire to be with him or her.

To be with a Twin Flame harmoniously in a Union requires faith. You trust that all the changes you need to make will eventually guide your Twin Flame -- Your Home.

The Twin Flame chaser, you to grow an emotional muscle. You have to ground yourself in your energy.

You have to believe that your connection is real because you feel it. You have to trust divine timing.

How does the Twin Flame connection trigger your deepest fears?

The Twin Flame connection triggered my deepest desires and greatest fears in the following ways:

I did not realize that I had accumulated so much pain within me. I knew that I was afraid of acknowledging myself — The good, the bad, and the ugly. I carried so much pain within me. I felt it everywhere I went. I knew that I had to face myself. I did not know how to begin.

Before I met my Twin Flame, I used to feel helpless, insecure, and uneasy. I could not understand why it was very challenging for me to feel happy. I did not know the true meaning of happiness.

I used to admire anybody that sounded and seemed confident within themselves. I used to envy those who seemed like knew the meaning of life. I had so many questions about myself, life, and the people around me.

When I met my Twin Flame, I was already going through an existential crisis. I was looking for myself; I did not know where to look. I craved to feel in touch with my inner child. I felt lost.

Most of my friends assumed that I had figured my life out. They envied me for my achievements; I seemed like I was in control of my life. If only they knew how lost I was.

When my Twin Flame walked into my life, I knew that my life was going to change. I knew that the authenticity of the connection needed me to find my authenticity. I finally started to find the answers to my problems.

Having him in my life inspired me to look within myself. I was challenged to embrace my insecurities. I got the courage to face my fears. I allowed myself to feel the fear and make the changes anyway.

For me to fully embrace the Twin Flame love connection, I had to make room within myself. I had to clean the pain out of me.

The Twin Flame encounter encouraged me to have the courage to find the necessary solutions to heal my core wounding. I had to dig deeper within myself to hug my inner child. I was suffering from within.

The Twin Flame experience gave me the chance to break down any walls that I had built against love. I had to unlearn any bad habits that did not serve me any good.

The more I cleared any inner obstacles that I inhibited within, the more room grew within me. I felt free to embrace unconditional love. The more I felt free from my insecurities, the happier I became. I grew an emotional muscle to deal with any changes that I had to make. I felt empowered to keep accumulating more happiness in my life.

I went through a Spiritual Awakening process that transformed my life inside out. I felt energetically cleansed and rejuvenated. The Twin Flame journey gave me a new chance at reliving my life.

RULE 7: DO NOT JUDGE YOUR TWIN FLAME What do Twin Flame runners struggle with the most during separation?

The chaser Twin Flame struggles with surrendering while the runner Twin Flame struggles with accepting love. The runner Twin Flame has barriers within themselves that build against love. They feel an inner resistance to receiving unconditional love.

Due to previous heartbreaks, disappointments from previous relationships, the runner is always scared to risk having heartbroken. He or she knows that a Twin Flame disarms you. It is best to stay away from feeling vulnerable.

It takes physical separation from a Twin for the runner to understand that the love connection is authentic and genuine.

Before the runner returns, he or she goes through different lessons of love. You have to learn to love yourself. Accept every part of you.

The runner has to first feel love within themselves. If he or she has abandonment issues, they have to confront their pain. When a Twin Flame is running, they are running towards themselves.

What is the perspective of the Twin Flame runner? How does the runner Twin Flame think that he or she is clever?

When he or she is running from a Twin Flame, they think that they are being clever. A Twin Flame runner finds different exotic ways to disguise the love emotions. From my experiences, you cannot hide love or run from it. Even though a Twin Flame runs from you, he or she is tormented by the connection. You feel drawn to each other all the time.

You cannot stop thinking of a Twin Flame. You feel each other’s energy. Sometimes you have the same thoughts. You feel like you live inside each other. Even though are asleep, you feel your Twin Flame love connection. Sometimes you can see your Twin Flame’s eyes when you close yours.

I was initially the runner and then became the chaser. The situation first became dire before I settled into the Twin Flame energy. I had to find inner harmony and balance. I went through a series of love lessons to understand why I was chasing or running from my Twin Flame.

I thought that it was clever of me to stop talking to him. I was very confused about why my tactics of escaping him did not work. Blocking my Twin Flame escalated the emotional chaos that I felt. I was tormented by the love feelings.

When I tried to block my thoughts from racing towards him, I was attacked by the intense energetic share. I could feel his love when I was asleep. I could see him in my dreams. The telepathic communication between us intensified. I could hear thoughts of him as if our souls were whispering to each other.

I learned that whether you chase your Twin Flame or not, there is no separation between you. You feel each other as much as you are in the same room. You live inside each other.

When you meet a Twin Flame, you know within yourself that you are created to be with each other. The accelerated love lessons that you go through exist to remind you of your authenticity. You shed the negative energy that you inhibit that pushes you to run from him or her. You also heal yourself; you unlearn bad habits. In the end, the runner Twin Flame learns that you cannot be clever because the Twin Flame process is divinely guided. There is a higher power at play. You also learn that you have always been a Twin Flame before you find each other.

The runner learns to put up an inner resistance to the Twin Flame connection before he or she accepts to surrender. You get to a point where you feel exhausted from running from love. Love is everything that we are.

As a runner Twin Flame, you finally surrender — you let the connection consume you. Accepting your Twin Flame experience is a very uncomfortable process at first. You have to let the journey take its course. You take a journey within yourself to into the darkest parts of your soul.

You embark on a journey to self-rediscovery. You learn to love and appreciate yourself. You let unconditional love consume you until it overflows into your life situation and everything that you do.

RULE 8: SEEK INNER HARMONY AND BALANCE How does it feel to be in energetic harmony with a Twin Flame?

You have to feel exactly how you feel when you vibrate at the same energetic frequency. You get to test the frequency of your energetic vibration during the bubble love phase you meet each other for the first time.

When you meet your Twin Flame for the first time, you are naive about the Twin Flame experience. You do not realize the magnitude of changes to come into your life. You do not realize that your initial encounter triggers you into a series of energetic cleansing.

I am in energetic harmony with my Twin Flame. I feel balanced within. I feel energetic oneness. I do not doubt that my Twin Flame feels the same. I feel him reciprocate the love feelings.

It has been challenging to sleep because we are in different timezones. I have realized that I have the same sleeping schedule as him. I wonder if he has trouble sleeping when I am awake as well.

When you feel the authenticity of the connection within, all your doubts about your experiences fade away. You feeling an imminent knowing that everything is at bay.

The phase when you feel grounded within yourself, nothing can upset the energetic balance between you and your Twin Flame. This is the phase of energetic Union. The most revered stage of the Twin Flame experiences is when you reach the point of inner Union. It is the Ultimate Twin Flame feeling.

All the transformations that you go through during the physical separation phase teach you to find inner harmony and balance. You have to grow an emotional muscle to stay grounded within — You must fully aware of your energetic flow.

I woke up with a heavy heart. I kept wondering why I felt sad yet no situation in my life is causing me to feel that way. When I analyzed my feelings, I learned that I was feeling my Twin Flame’s sadness. I felt a heavy pull of sad emotions around my heart which almost made me cry.

I feel his energy within me. I no longer live life for one person. I feel like we live inside each other. I am very sure that he feels me as well.

When you are in energetic harmony with a Twin Flame, you feel rested within. You have no fear — You feel free to live your life the way you desire.

You feel free of worry. You do not care about your Twin Flame’s behavior. You let them have their space.

You already feel the energetic oneness; You know that there is no separation no matter what you try to do to distance yourself from him or her.

Energetic harmony is not only a sign of inner Union, it is also a sign that a reunion with a Twin Flame is near. You feel your hearts magnetically attract you to each other. You feel your hearts radiating pure unconditional love.

You also feel your Twin Flame healed and ready to see you. How can you get your Twin Flame to stop sending sexual energy?

Take it all in, embrace it and let the Twin Flame love consume you! It is uncomfortable feeling your Twin Flame’s sexual energy at first -- It gets euphoric and orgasmic once you accept to let it flow through you.

I don't know about other female Twin Flames but for me, feeling my Twin Flame’s sexual energy during “cramps season” makes the pain bearable. Ever since I merged my energy with my Twin Flame, I don't take as many pain killers as I used to. Sometimes I don't take any because I don't feel the pain or stress anymore.

Also, it is comforting feeling your Twin Flame love you in so many different ways using their energy. No matter how much some people don't agree with the Twin Flame connection, feeling your Twin Flame’s energy is so real!

This is also why I don't feel the need to date anybody else. I have never experienced such soul intimacy with anyone before. The connection to my Twin Flame is cosmic.

Also, Twin Flames, feeling your Twin’s energy is confirmation that they miss you, think of you, and long for you. RULE 9: THE ROLES CAN REVERSE: RUNNER VS CHASER What happens when the chaser Twin Flame becomes the runner?

There comes a moment when the tables turn: The runner Twin Flame becomes the chaser and vice versa. It is not a guarantee that when the runner Twin Flame returns, the chaser will run.

Sometimes the chaser gives up the obsessive behavior to feel inner peace. When he or she returns, the running and chasing cycle can continue if both Twin Flames still have core wounding to heal. The chaser will run because the return of the divine partner triggers the pain that he or she inhabits.

If the Twin Flame chaser feels healed within, it helps the runner to heal as well. The Twin Flame chaser energy is in Union within themselves, it grounds the runner. He or she starts to focus on balancing themselves within.

The Twin Flame connection is an ebb and flow.

You both balance each other out energetically.

You also operate as a single energetic unit.

Two scenarios are bound to happen if a Twin Flame chaser becomes the runner:

Scenario one; the chaser blocks the runner. Due to the frustration from chasing a Twin Flame. When you chase a Twin Flame, you feel exhausted from the obsessive behavior. You get to a point when all you desire is to find inner peace. Chasing in itself is a lesson: You learn to happily live your life without the stress of needing your Twin Flame.

When the Twin Flame chaser finally finds surrender and then healing, you realize that the Twin Flame experience is more enjoyable when you feel free of the fear of losing your divine partner. You also learn that having inner freedom boosts your energetic vibration which also boosts your shared energetic frequency.

When the chaser Twin Flame learns to live life on their own, he or she starts to enjoy their solo lifestyle. A chaser can also try to temporarily date other people.

Dating other people during the separation phase is not always successful because you are always reminded of your Twin Flame.

You feel the connection growing within you every day. I refrained from dating others; my soul is already occupied. I feel eternally bonded to my Twin Flame.

A Twin Flame runner’s return upsets the balance that the chaser feels within. If a runner abruptly shows up, you feel frustrated because you feel unprepared to have him or her back in your life. You are pushed into another phase of emotional, psychological, and energetic purging.

In scenario two when the runner Twin Flame returns, if you are ready to have him or her back in your life, you reconcile with each other. You find forgiveness — you move on from the separation phase so that you can figure out the details of a reunion. This is the best-case scenario for every Twin Flame.

You have to submit to your soul lessons. You must embrace your Twin Flame experiences with an open heart. You have to have faith that you will have a reunion with a Twin Flame if that is what you desire. You must want the reunion. For you to be in a harmonious relationship with your Twin Flame, you have to figure out the different ways to stop the running and chasing cycle.

How does the runner in the Twin Flame realize the connection if not aware of it?

The runner Twin Flame is always aware of the connection. They feel it deeply. During the initial encounter, both Twin Flames acknowledge that what they are experiencing is something unique. You both realize how important you are to each other. You both acknowledge how deep the bond is.

It is the aftermath of the encounter that pushes you and your Twin Flame to wake up to the reality of the connection; it is not something ordinary.

Unconditional love overpowers you. It is bigger than you and your Twin Flame.

Even if both Twin Flames have no idea what Twin Flames are, it does not matter who is labeled as the chaser or the runner — whoever is ready to learn more about the encounter is braver than the other. You are regarded as the awakened Twin Flame if you confront and embrace your experiences.

If a Twin Flame like me who did not grow up in a setting of love — I ran from my Twin Flame because I felt vulnerable, overwhelmed, and scared of feeling such intense unconditional love.

Twin Flame encounter got me by surprise without any warning; I let him into my heart unconditionally. He broke down all my walls of fear, pain, and insecurity.

I needed a time-out from my Twin Flame so that I could assess my condition. I told him first that I love him because I trust that we both feel the same way about each other. Some people mistake having awareness about the Twin Flame experience with having acknowledgment of the Twin Flame connection.

Twin Flames acknowledge their Sacred bond once they understand how important they are to each other even though they have no idea what the Twin Flame phenomenon is.

RULE 1O: SEEK TO UNDERSTAND TO BE UNDERSTOOD The Runner Twin Flame suffers as much as the chaser does.

How does a runner stop running in the Twin Flame journey?

The first instincts that came to me when I was overpowered by my feelings for my Twin Flame were to run and hide. I felt very exposed because the unconditional love for him left me helpless and vulnerable.

I was not used to feeling such intense love, and no one had ever loved me the way my Twin Flame loves me. The Twin Flame love disarms and leaves you feeling defenceless to your divine partner.

I thought that the issue was with my Twin Flame; I took it out on him by being cruel and cold when I blocked him from my life. Blocking him did not change how I feel for him.

The more resistance I put up to feeling the Twin Flame connection, the more pain and frustration I felt towards myself. Nothing seemed to ease how I felt for my Twin Flame because the longing became more intensified the more I tried to resist. I thought of my Twin Flame every second of the day; I could feel his essence. I was pulled into channeling his energy due to the energetic merge. Ever since I met my Twin Flame, he is the first thing on my mind when I wake up. He is also the last thing on my mind before I fall asleep. When the runner is running from the connection, they go through their soul lessons to grow. There is no break from being a Twin Flame because the encounter initiates the catalytic change. Nothing can stop it whether you are separated or not.

It is much more painful for the runner Twin Flame who is avoiding the connection because resistance to accepting the connection makes learning the soul lessons painful. Resistance to change intensifies the pain the runner feels which brings up more chaos in their lives. Hence more healing is triggered.

The soul-awakening, ascension, and energetic merging happen to the runner once the encounter is initiated no matter their physical actions of running.

I realized that no matter how far I kept running, I will always be haunted by the connection to my Twin Flame. My life changed forever. I realized that the only way to move forward was to confront my Twin Flame situation.

It has been a series of apologies and showing gratitude to my Twin Flame that I found a breakthrough recently.

I always told my Twin Flame how I feel for him. He also knows that no matter how chaotic the situation became, I never stopped loving him.

It was easier for me to return to him because I know that he ACCEPTS me the way I am.

I am not running again after the reunion because I feel completely healed. Physical separation from a Twin Flame is painful whether you are running from the connection or obsessively chasing them. What does the Twin Flame runner think when the chaser finally gives up? Does it occur to the runner that the chase may be over for good?

The first thing that comes to your mind is fear that the chaser found someone new who makes them feel the way you do. Then you panic wondering if your behaviors of running were necessary or not. If you had blocked your Twin Flame, you immediately unblock them so that you can communicate.

If the Twin Flame chaser chooses to block you back, you get angry, guilt, anxious and overwhelmed that you messed up a good thing.

I went into a phase of depression when I realized that running from my Twin Flame was a bad idea. I wondered if I had pushed him into the arms of other lovers. I kept thinking of the worst-case scenarios of every situation possible if my Twin Flame was dating other people.

I wrote emails and text messages to him but in vain. I was also tired of leaving voice messages when I called. It had started seeming as if it was an obsessive behavior.

No matter how much I stressed him out with my chasing tactics, I didn't doubt his love for me. I could feel him pull me into the connection from my heart-space. Every time I felt his energy, I was compelled to chase him further. I was new to the Twin Flame experiences then. I did not realize that my behaviors were part of the running and chasing phase.

There are times when I stopped chasing him. He would pop back in my life by liking one of my social media posts. Sometimes he could call my house-mate for hours asking about my life situation.

Every time he would attempt to return, I was triggered into another phase of purging my energy. Even though my Twin Flame would rarely talk to me, I never doubted that he loves me. I always had the affirmation that everything would be alright. I always know that my Twin Flame understands me in a special way that nobody else does.

Does the Twin Flame runner fear that the chaser will not accept them back since the runner has caused havoc for the chaser? Could that be the reason why the runner is hesitant to return?

Love overpowers fear: The longing to be with a Twin Flame partner and the constant thoughts compels the runner to overcome that fear of returning.

Once the runner finds healing and acceptance, he or she awakens. They grow an inner strength to confront the Twin Flame situation. The runner also realizes that he or she might lose the love of their life. You do everything possible to return home to your Twin Flame. You realize that you messed up.

Life without a Twin Flame is lonely and unbearable. You feel like you are stuck in a dark tunnel and only your Twin Flame can help you through it.

Some Twin Flame chasers get frustrated with the situation before they surrender. You say things to the runner out of anger. The situation escalates and becomes dire. Usually, your relationship becomes estranged. You stay out of touch and avoid each other as much as possible.

The separation phase puts your love connection to a test. You are challenged to find forgiveness for yourself and the Twin Flame. You have unconditional love for each other no matter how challenging the situation gets.

No matter how far I ran from my Twin Flame, he never denied our connection. Love heals all wounds.

Does the runner realize the night of the soul is caused by the Twin Flame process?

Especially if the runner Twin Flame does not know anything about Twin Flames. It takes a series of painful emotional lessons for the runner to understand that what is going on with them is something new and extraordinary.

I for one was initiated into the knowledge of the Twin Flame phenomenon not because I was researching the idea but, I was confused about alien experiences that I was going through after I met my Twin Flame.

Furthermore, blocking him out of my life threw me into a Soul Awakening Process; My life accelerated into a new wave of change that seemed endless, painful, and heart-opening.

It is until I discovered about Twin Flames. I realized that my encounter was no coincidence.

I understood that ascension and all that was entitled in the Dark Night Of The Soul were all about being in a Twin Flame process.

The Dark Night Of the Soul is the most transformational experience I have ever been through. It revealed my inner strength and tested all my Spiritual limits.

Whether you think that you are a runner or a chaser, you are transformed into a new being after you go through the Dark Night. You gain a new perspective on life. You become Enlightened.

RULE 11: BELIEVE IN LOVE How do you know that a Twin Flame loves you during the separation phase?

I was having a chat with my friend the other day. Her phone started ringing. She gasped; It is him that is calling. The caller ID was for my Twin Flame. I was not surprised that he called her. I Surrendered and stopped chasing him.

Before he called, I felt his energy all day. I was bogged down by the intense energetic share. I felt him sending love to me in my heart. The connection felt real as if he was in the room with me.

Every time I choose to stay away from him, he attempts to return. We are both at the same energetic wavelength right now. I can feel it within me. I feel peaceful, energetically grounded, and spiritually enlightened.

When my friend gave me the details of the conversation that she had with my Twin Flame, I learned that he wanted to keep in touch. He was looking for clever ways to check on me.

Two days later, my Twin Flame made contact again. I get overwhelmed when he reaches out. I never get used to the feeling of surprise when he calls home.

I am no longer desperately interested in him the way I did three years ago. It is because I longed for him so much that I got used to living life without him.

Nobody warns you about the new feelings you have when a Twin Flame returns. Nobody gives you a heads up about how to feel when a runner comes back to you. RULE 12: EMBRACE THE UNCOMFORTABLE CHANGE Does the twin flame journey make you question everything you thought was love, including your marriage?

I don't know about other Twin Flames; My Twin Flame found me in the moment of my life when I was still holding onto a marriage that was dissolving. My Twin Flame had nothing to do with the issues that I was struggling to handle in my life situation three years ago.

The first week we met, I tried to put on a facade of a perfect marriage. As time progressed, he could see that I was trying to pretend to be happy.

Since we never confronted what we feel for each other, we never had closure — maybe it was for the best because we were continuously merging into each other. We could not stay away from each other and all our friends had started noticing.

When I dissolved my marriage, I never talked to my Twin Flame about it. I could write to him letters explaining the spiritual awakening but nothing about my marriage. My Twin Flame had nothing to do with my life situation — he walked into it and it was not his fault.

Lifeworks in amazing ways because I never showed my ex- husband that I was going through a Twin Flame encounter. I never discussed the topic of Twin Flames to anyone apart from two of my closest friend s and they never understood what I was going through.

I kept it a secret — When I dissolved my marriage, life was tough. I was so scared of the change to come. I was afraid of being alone after having my ex-husband in my life after being together for over 5 years. I was afraid of what people would think of me in society as a “divorced” woman.

Sometimes I could wish that I never found my Twin Flame because he sparked change in my life with chaos — I was going through a spiritual awakening.

Since none of my friends understood my situation, I was alone most of the time and I went through all the physical symptoms of Spiritual awakening.

Some of my friends assumed that I was depressed or sick but I was experiencing the Twin Flame journey.

I have learned about every aspect of this journey through personal experiences. I had to go through every phase to fully understand what was going on with me.

So, being a Twin Flame has not been a way of easily dissolving my marriage but rather the opposite. It has been challenging to experience the Twin Flame journey as I navigate the physical aspects of my life. I have learned about every aspect of this journey through personal experiences. I had to go through every phase to fully understand what was going on with me.

So, being a Twin Flame has not been a way of easily dissolving my marriage but rather the opposite. It has been challenging to experience the Twin Flame journey as I navigate the physical aspects of my life.

The Twin Flame journey has empowered me to love myself, to create a meaningful life, and to also understand unconditional love not just for my Twin Flame but for the human collective.

The other lesson that I have learned about physical union with a Twin Flame is; I was working so hard at the beginning of the Twin Flame encounter to meet my Twin Flame again but as I progressed further on my journey, it all became about me. The whole Twin Flame process became about redefining myself to find the authentic version of myself.

Once I found healing, I realized that I had the power to choose to pursue a life with my Twin Flame or not. It was up to me to choose to desire to be with him or choose a new life altogether.

The Twin Flame experiences empower you to exercise your Free will.

What happens if the person you have met and think your twin flame is married?

Well, the situation gets very complicated and frustrating once you meet your Twin Flame when either of you is married.

Since Twin Flames are bound together in unconditional love, it is very difficult to stay away from each other no matter the obstacles that are getting in the way.

When my Twin Flame met me, I was also married to his friend.

I could see how antagonizing it was for him to watch me be with someone else. It felt as if my husband had my hand and my Twin Flame has my heart.

When you meet your Twin Flame when you are married, you don't feel like you are cheating on your marriage; it feels as if you have found someone more than a bed friend. It feels as if you have met a mother, teacher, father, sibling, guide, mentor, spiritual teacher, etc.

When you meet your Twin Flame whether you are married to others or not, your souls recognize each other before your hearts and minds do. You keep wondering to yourself; “How do I know this person?” The familiarity is too uncanny.

I watched my Twin Flame struggle to stay away from me — No wonder once we separated physically, he went quiet because he says that it is best for everybody if I don't talk to him about my feelings.

I don't know about other Twin Flames but for me, my Twin Flame found me in the moment of my life when I was still holding onto a marriage that was sinking. My Twin Flame had nothing to do with the issues that I was struggling to handle.

When I found him, I had no idea what Twin Flames are, and I did not think that he was my “rebound” — I was still holding onto my marriage.

The first week we met, I tried to put on a facade of perfect marriage but as time progressed, he could see that I was trying to make everything in my life seem perfect.

Meeting my Twin Flame shed light on every aspect of my life that he showed to me that I deserved better than I was accepted in my life by showing to me how I should be treated and loved. He also showed me what unconditional love was — we were never sexually intimate but we had a SOUL INTIMACY.

Since we never confronted what we feel for each other, we never had closure — maybe it was for the best because we were continuously merging into each other. We could not stay away from each other and all our friends had started noticing. When I dissolved my marriage, I never talked to my Twin Flame about it. I could write to him letters explaining the spiritual awakening but nothing about my marriage. My Twin Flame had nothing to do with my life situation — he walked into it and it was not his fault.

Lifeworks in amazing ways because I never showed my ex- husband that I was going through a Twin Flame encounter. I never discussed the topic of Twin Flames to anyone apart from two of my closest friend s and they never understood what I was going through.

I kept it a secret — When I dissolved my marriage, life was tough. I was so scared of the change to come. I was afraid of being alone after having my ex-husband in my life after being together for over 5 years. I was afraid of what people would think of me in society as a “divorced” woman.

Sometimes I could wish that I never found my Twin Flame because he sparked change in my life with chaos — I was going through a spiritual awakening.

Since none of my friends understood my situation, I was alone most of the time and I went through all the physical symptoms of Spiritual awakening.

Some of my friends assumed that I was depressed or sick but I was experiencing the Twin Flame journey.

I have learned about every aspect of this journey through personal experiences. I had to go through every phase to fully understand what was going on with me.

So, being a Twin Flame has not been a way of easily dissolving my marriage but rather the opposite. It has been challenging to experience the Twin Flame journey as I navigate the physical aspects of my life.

The Twin Flame journey has empowered me to love myself, to create a meaningful life, and to also understand unconditional love not just for my Twin Flame but for the human collective.

The other lesson that I have learned about physical union with a Twin Flame is; I was working so hard at the beginning of the Twin Flame encounter to meet my Twin Flame again but as I progressed further on my journey, it all became about me. The whole Twin Flame process became about redefining myself to find the authentic version of myself.

Once I found healing, I realized that I had the power to choose to pursue a life with my Twin Flame or not. It was up to me to choose to desire to be with him or choose a new life altogether.

The Twin Flame experiences empower you to exercise your Free will.

I reached out to him recently to let him know that I have been celibate since I found him two years ago. He sent a positive response and I hope to have closure with him.

I have been married before, I am in no rush to settle down with him — I want to take it slow as we get to know each other because I know that any relationship needs time. We have to learn to live together.

Having gone through the challenges of the Twin Flame journey, I believe that the most challenging phase will be figuring out how to settle with my Twin Flame because we both have to move continents, get used to each others’ families and cultures. And, we also have to deal with the intensity of the emotional highs and lows of our shared energetic vibration.

Do everything for you!

RULE 13: SURRENDER VS DISCONNECTION I feel so detached from my twin flame, I feel like a part of me missing. Simply cannot connect to people at all. Why is that?

Even after over two years of being on this Twin Flame journey, I keep telling myself every day to remember not to resist how I feel for my Twin Flame. Sometimes I get occupied with my busy schedules and I try not to get distracted by his energy but my thoughts race to him.

Every time I try and resist the Twin Flame connection; sometimes I block his energy or thoughts of him and sometimes I become doubtful — I feel disconnected from myself and the world. The denial of the Twin Flame connection in any way pushes me to feel empty and numb sometimes.

You must accept the Twin Flame experience for what it is and you have to allow yourself to feel all the chaotic emotions.

You will also feel disconnected from within if your Twin Flame partner is denying the connection too. If they try to block you out energetically, you feel frustrated, sad, and hollow. This is how the Twin Flames balance each other out.

Just know that the more you ground yourself in your energy and keep nurturing your soul, the more it will help with grounding your Twin Flame shared energy.

I am a living testimony the shared energy of oneness with a Twin Flame is sweeter than honey when you learn to balance yourself in harmony. You feel constant bliss and you grow happiness within you naturally without the influence of physical circumstances.

For you to feel completely connected to your Twin Flame, and the human collective, you must unite yourself. You must learn to feel whole and safe — this is who your authentic self is.

You manifest in the physical reality depending on your energetic vibration.

Your job as a Twin Flame is to first unite the broken pieces within you. You must feel complete ignorer to embrace the shared energy of oneness with your Twin Flame.

How does one feel during the "surrender" stage of the Twin Flame Journey?

Surrender is scary at first. It is overwhelming to embrace. You keep wondering if it will work once you pursue it. You also start to wonder if you surrender, it will push your Twin Flame further away.

You also fear that once you surrender, the connection will fade away. Your Twin Flame will feel it. You wonder if it is worth it to go through letting go.

Before surrender kicks in, you struggle to stay grounded in your energy so that you don't chase your Twin Flame. You struggle to not be compelled to find out what is happening with them.

But, Surrender is initiated from the Soul. You feel yourself feeling free from within. Once you have a taste of inner freedom, you become brave to let go.

Surrender is bravery coupled with faith in the authenticity of your connection. You have no guarantee that you will reunite with your Twin Flame. You can’t force Surrender.

Hiding from your Twin Flame is not Surrender but running — you can surrender to your connection and let everything take the course but still have a good relationship with your Twin Flame if you are lucky.

Usually, it is the chasing behavior that creates friction between Twin Flames but if you have a harmonious relationship with your Twin Flame during physical separation, take it as a Blessing.

You can Surrender and still love your Twin Flame, think of them every minute and talk to them if you can. Surrender has nothing to do with how much you love your Twin Flame because you are connected at the soul level, and there is nothing that you can do about it.

Surrender is a battle from within self — it benefits you to have peace of mind and inner harmony. It benefits you to feel healed, and it brings you happiness once you find your authentic self. Self- love brings you joy, and living a life of authenticity is your happiness.

Surrender will not compel your Twin Flame to come back for a reunion. For sure once you find inner balance within yourself, it will affect the shared energy dynamic with your Twin Flame — and it will improve your connection. It is only a step further to reuniting.

All in all, Surrender opens your heart to heal more. You become braver to face yourself and anything that is not working in your life.

You divert your energy from chasing your Twin Flame to minding your wellbeing and everyone important in your life as you work towards improving the physical relationship with your Twin Flame. It is not easy to balance the Twin Flame experience with your personal life situation. Surrender empowers you to let everything happen in your life as it is supposed to be.

You being to trust everything, and instead of controlling the flow of events, you let go and flow with the course.

This is the most liberating phase ever because you grow your wings, and you learn to free yourself from the need to control anything.

How do you know when it’s time to let your twin flame runner go?

It happens naturally — you get exhausted from chasing. You get to a point where all your tactics of chasing don't work anymore. You get frustrated, and you surrender all your efforts to the universe to lead the way. You let off the need to control the relationship. You free yourself of the constant need to control your Twin Flame and the relationship.

Once you accept the fact that your Twin Flame will return or not, you realize you had no control over your relationship in the first place.

Separation anxiety pushes most chasers to fear that the Twin Flame runner will never return -- it is an illusion. You feel your Twin Flame in your heart and with you all the time. You are never separated because you always feel the oneness. It is as if you share a mind and heart whether you are in physical separation or not.

Let yourself feel however you feel. If you still feel stressed out about being a chaser Twin Flame, it is okay to feel that way because your reaction to your connection pushes the runner to grow as they keep running. The more the runner runs from his divine partner, the more lonely they feel — and it reminds them of their divine partner.

I went through a lot of emotional pain and frustration during the night of the soul. I purged all the dark energy that was blocking the harmonious energetic merge with my Twin Flame. Once I found healing, I felt energetically lighter from within, free, and blissful. The more I accepted everything to flow by divine guiding the easier my Twin Flame experience became.

The surrender phase helped me to heal the scars from the painful energetic purge. It also allowed me to let off the stress of controlling our relationship and the connection. I stopped worrying about any expectations and outcomes of my Twin Flame experience.

Twin Flame union is the process of remembrance of yourself as a Twin Flame. Meeting your Twin Flame does not make you a Twin Flame. It triggers you into realizations that you have always been a Twin Flame even way before you met.

After meeting your Twin Flame, you start to remember why you have always felt that you were different from everyone else starting from your childhood. Apart from that, you always experience visions and de java of having had a past life.

From my experience, going through the Twin Flame experience has been a process of rediscovering my Authentic self who is the true Twin Flame that I have become since I encountered my Twin Flame.

I have been purging all the past pain that was lodged within me because it did not belong there. I had to purge all the dirty emotions, and I went through a soul-cleansing process so that I could harmonically embrace the shared energy with my Twin Flame which is COMPLETE ONENESS. Accepting to embrace the energetic merge to create the shared of ONENESS with my Twin Flame is what I call the Twin Flame Union.

Whatever you do, trust that everything will all right. The way your Twin Flame found you, is the way they will drift back to you.

How long did it take for your twin flame to come back after surrendering?

It took over a year, but our physical separation has lasted over two years and I will be seeing him soon, hopefully for my birthday. Fingers crossed!

Once I got the affirmation of his return, I went into a phase of reverse “soul shock” — it is an opposite feeling to what I felt when we physically separated.

For the “reverse shock," I was overwhelmed and nervous briefly and then I went into a phase of numbness where all my feelings “escaped” me.

For two years, I craved to be with him. I longed to look in his eyes, and I cried myself to sleep when I desperately missed him but now that he is attempting to return, I was confused by the numbness.

My soul was in shock because I did not his return to be as “smooth” as it manifested. It was effortless and no stress to it. Everything feels divinely guided.

I must tell you that Surrender alone does not bring your Twin Flame back. I learned that the following also affect the speed and nature of your Twin Flame reunion:


No matter how much you cravat be with your Twin Flame, you must accept every aspect of your Twin Flame experiences and once you submit to learning and growing, you evolve into your authentic self through inner healing. Once you heal, you will appreciate the gifts of being in a Twin Flame connection and or relationship.

There are no shortcuts to Twin Flame healing whether you aspire to be in a harmonious Twin Flame relationship or not. You must accept to heal your energy, and you must accept the shared energetic merge to transform you.

The more you delay your healing, the more painful and irritant your situation will be, and the more your reunion will be dragged.

If you have chances of a temporary reunion with your Twin Flame, you end up triggering each other in cycles of running and chasing until you completely heal your energy.

Your Energetic healing also affects your Twin Flame’s energetic harmony.


There are so many reasons why Twin Flames have estranged communication with each other but where there is love, there is always a way of keeping the fire burning.

No matter how chaotic your Twin Flame situation is, Twin Flames always find a way to send a message to each other as a sign of “I am still here” signal.

I always advise fellow Twin Flames to keep a channel of communication physically to your Twin Flame no matter how challenging the situation is because life is short. Make the most out of your experience in every action that you make and use the truth to communicate with your Twin Flame.

No matter how strange you sound to others who don't understand your Twin Flame situation, your Twin Flame partner is the only person who understands your chaos and the intensity of your connection. You will only feel understood by your Twin Flame.

There are times when I wrote to my Twin Flame long letters expelling my experiences and how I feel. Even though he rarely responded, I felt understood and it accelerated my healing process. I trusted that as long as he knew how I felt, someday he would return.

If you are rude, cold, and distant with your Twin Flame, how do you expect them to feel free to return if they don't feel wanted by you?

Your Twin Flame is your divine partner and eternal best friend.


Are you frustrated with your Twin Flame because they triggered you into emotional pain and energy cleansing? Are you infuriated that they initiated a catalytic alchemical change in your life that you have no control over? Are you angry that your Twin Flame sparked so much pain and chaos in your life?

It is okay and natural to feel this way, and these emotions come to the surface so that they are cleaned out of your system.

But you must also realize that if it wasn't for your Twin Flame and the encounter, you would never have had the opportunity to experience the invigorating change. You would never have evolved into your authentic self, and you would never have purged the emotional pain that you have in your past. Every opportunity that you get, tell your Twin Flame how much you appreciate them. Be thankful for having them in your life, and remind them of how special they are to you!


Do you realize that once you embrace Forgiveness, you stop feeling guilty for every choice or action that you make?

The Twin Flame process brings all the guilt to the surface. If it is not my Twin Flame’s guilt that I WAS channeling, it was my guilt that ate me up.

I learned that forgiveness on the Twin Flame journey starts with my Forgiveness. The more I learned to forgive myself, the more I embraced forgiving others.

The more I forgave others, the more healing it brought in my life which increased my happiness and inner harmony.


How can a reunion happen if you don't have faith in your connection or your journey?

If you don't trust your Twin Flame to love you as much as you love them, how do you expect the relationship to be authentic?

If you forget how sacred your Twin Flame connection is, how do you expect to appreciate the spiritual gifts of being a Twin Flame?

No matter how much information you absorb about Twin Flames, you must understand that the connection works within you. No one else can affirm to you what you already know and feel. You must know how special your Twin Flame connection is by believing what you already feel.


We all live and function in the physical practical world — so does your Twin Flame. No matter how much you share a sacred bond that cannot be severed, you must align your Twin Flame connection with the physical reality to achieve a reunion with your Twin Flame.

If you choose to have sexual intimacy with others during a physical separation from your Twin Flame, how do you expect your Twin Flame to feel about this?

If you don't fight for your love no matter the challenging circumstances, how do you expect to have results and success?

If you don't show commitment to your Twin Flame journey, how do you expect your Twin Flame to stick around? If you choose to hide your feelings behind a new relationship, how do you expect your Twin Flame to know that you still love them?


Divine timing is always at play in the lives of Twin Flames and it is important to surrender — let everything be as it is meant to be.

Trust that your Twin Flame is the love of your life. If you are meant to be together, they will gravitate back to you.

I recently felt a feeling of calmness and acceptance wash over me, regarding my twin flame and our separation. Does that mean the reunion is close?

Well, congratulations on feeling this way! It is indeed peaceful to find surrender.

It does not necessarily mean that reunion is close but it is the beginning of your journey into another phase of healing and realizations. There are so many more lessons to learn after you achieve surrender and these lessons are important for the harmonic union that you desire with your Twin Flame.

I feel completely healed, I feel bliss and peace within me and I have been like this for over 6 months after surrendering.

Once I healed myself, the first question that came to my mind was; “Now, what NEXT?”

Recently, my Twin Flame reached out to me in a positive manner that affirms that he is also ready to come back to me.

After healing, I realized that there are so many things in my life that I had to put in order so that I could feel ready to be with my Twin Flame.

The 6 months between Surrender, and now have been another phase of learning more soul lessons but the only difference is that I feel empowered from within to face any obstacle that may come my way.

The calmness that you feel is a sign of growth and self- empowerment because you don't feel controlled and overpowered by your Twin Flame experience.

You will get to a phase where you feel your Twin Flame’s energy that it overwhelms you. If you have some parts of yourself that need more healing, this phase of accumulating harmony will heal any pain that will be left within you.

Also, it is a phase to learn more about yourself and what you want to achieve after you reunite. This is the phase where you learn to strengthen your boundaries. You will learn to set your future goals; it is up to you to choose to aspire to a harmonious relationship with your Twin Flame or not. You will understand the power of Free will because you don't feel obsessed with your Twin Flame anymore, and your perspective towards your relationship changes.

If a reunion with your Twin Flame is what you desire, this is the phase where you start planning for the future. Reality starts to kick in because you know that once you see your Twin Flame again, everything will change forever.

If you still feel overwhelmed about reuniting with your normal Twin Flame — you will be thrown into another emotionally chaotic moment where you heal whatever residue of pain is still lodged within you.

Watch out for the bliss that grows after you heal yourself; I used to feel bored because I missed being busy when I purged the pain. Once it is all gone, you miss the chaos — I used to ask myself; “What can I do with this bliss that I feel?”

Once you start to ask yourself important questions like:

“Where do I go from here?”

“What else can I do with my life?”

“Why aren't I in union already?”

These questions will lead to a quest to find a meaningful life mission — You don't need your Twin Flame to aspire to a life mission. In my opinion, once you keep your heart open to ideas, opportunities, and your passion, you will learn what your life mission is. Before this happens, be patient with yourself.

There are different ways you can initiate a reunion with your Twin Flame after you understand what your experience is all about.

You will reach a phase where you don't care about a reunion with your Twin Flame anymore, and you will focus on yourself, your life, and healing. Even when your Twin Flame makes attempts to come back, you will no longer be phased by it because you already feel that a reunion is imminent. RULE 14: PREPARE YOURSELF FOR A REUNION

What is a REUNION?

This is the alignment of the physical aspects of the Twin Flame experience; Aspirations to a physical relationship with my Twin Flame.

From my experiences, a Reunion with a Twin Flame is a process — it is a process where both Twin Flames must learn to align their newfound authentic selves with each other.

After a period of energetic unification, Twin Flames evolve into new beings vibrating from a place of light and unconditional love. Both Twin Flames must be vibrating at the same energetic wavelength harmoniously. If one of the Twin Flames still needs more energetic healing, it hurts both partners, creates a temporary energetic imbalance that affects the nature of their physical relationship.

Therefore, the phases of running and chasing between Twin Flames can last as long as the Twin Flames find an energetic balance and harmony. This is when they can live with each other physically but they keep triggering healing any core wounding that exists.

This also explains why some Twin Flames achieve reunions faster than others — the more time you give to heal your core wounding, the faster you heal, and the more you resist facing your fears and pain, you get stuck in the endless loop of running and chasing with your Twin Flame.

In conclusion, a Twin Flame Union starts from inner unification to embrace the shared energy of Oneness with your Twin Flame while a Twin Flame Reunion is the alignment of your newfound authentic Twin Flame self with the physical relationship with your Twin Flame.

What does it feel like to reunite with your twin flame after years of separation? Does it feel like there is still work to do or is it like the end of a feel-good movie?

How long did it take for your twin flame to come back after surrendering?

I can only explain to you how I feel right now; It feels neither like a feel-good movie nor does it feel as if there is more work to be done. I feel happy, relaxed, calm, and without expectations.

I know for sure that I will be seeing him soon for my birthday, and his attempts to return are affirmations that it is the end of our separation.

At first, when I heard that he was attempting to return, I was overwhelmed and anxious — I wondered to myself if I was ready to see him again but it has been over four weeks and I have come to accept that my life is going to change after we reunite.

My life situation is ready and available to him; I am free, single, and happy the way I am.

I used to wonder how our reunion would feel like. I used to picture so many scenarios, and now that it is here, I don't have any expectations.

Indeed, the Twin Flame connection is divinely guided, and once you reach the phase when the reunion is almost happening, you believe that everything has been orchestrated by the universe.

I never had any doubts that my Twin Flame would return but I was anxious that life's lifetime could be short for us to have enough time to enjoy it together.

Once he looked in my eyes and said that he would be back to me, I believed him and I held onto that promise ever since.

Since I sabotaged our connection, all that he was waiting for was for me to tell him that I was ready. He needed to hear that I am still here waiting for him.

It has been three years since we separated and it took me over a year to accept the situation and surrender. The surrender took as long as it needed to bring me to this moment of reunion.

I feel overwhelmed a little bit because I know that having a life with my Twin Flame will require more changes; I have to move to his continent even though he wants to move to mine. It is a better decision for us to stay on his; relocation to mine will be too complicated but we can take it slow — a step a day at a time.

I never thought of having kids but the thought of joining a life together with his is a sure thing that we are going to create a family even though he also said that he didn't want kids. I am not worried about motherhood but I know that we have a bigger mission than kids.

My Twin Flame and I, care so much about helping others that we discussed creating an orphanage in the future.

I didn't grow up with a family of my own and I want to finally rest my soul — I finally feel like I am going home to my family when I think of seeing my Twin Flame again. Unlike my Twin Flame, he grew up in a big family with five other siblings. Being the middle child, he complained a lot about always “ignored”. We both had abandonment issues therefore we talked about family a lot.

For me, I don't know if it is our life purpose but I would love to learn more about music. My Twin Flame is a wonderful guitar player, and I want us to create some music together just for fun.

He is also an amazing artist, and I paint — we can create some synergy together.

He is not limiting the time of stay once he returns because that last time he said that he was staying for 10 days and kept extending his stay for over almost a month.

I just want to go anywhere with him. It is the first thing I will say to him. I want to start my life over — We can go anywhere and do everything that we want.

Thinking of all the details of the Future is a bit overwhelming but I cannot stop it.

The Future is here already.

Will it prevent twin flame union if I allow myself to remember our love and contact? I’ve let go but I still imagine the feeling of her next to me, or the feeling of her hand on mine so I can sleep.

It is normal to feel this way. You always long to feel your Twin Flame next to you, and you always desire to touch them.

My Twin Flame is the last face I see before I fall asleep, I think of him all the time and he is the first feeling, face, and thought that I have when I wake up. This has happened every day since I found him over two years ago.

Thoughts of my Twin Flame make bad days better, and I never feel lonely because all I do is feel him and think of being close with him. My heart smiles every time I think of his eyes and smile. I will be reuniting with him soon, and I still think of him every minute of the day.

Every time I tried to block the thoughts and feelings of my Twin Flame, I feel disconnected from within. I feel isolated from the world when I try to resist how I feel.

Feeling connected to a Twin Flame fills up my soul, and the love that I feel for him keeps growing and getting better.

I believe that the more you desire your Twin Flame, the then they feel the attraction. It is like two magnets that keep pulling each other closer.

I always feel my heart radiating love towards him, and it feels heavenly when he responds to my heart pulling — sometimes the radiation can last to almost an hour. I get lost in intense bliss, and euphoric feelings of bliss.

Twin Flame love is a blessing. It heals every part of your Soul and the more you learn to harness that magic, the better your life feels.

You are always connected to your Twin whether in close vicinity or physical separation.

Embrace the unconditional love that you feel — let it bring to you immense happiness and joy.

Is it inevitable that I will be with my twin flame if I heal myself completely? I’ve met him already but was the runner because of fears within myself. Now he is with somebody else. So if I heal fully, will we be together again?

I have met my Twin Flame too, and we are now in physical separation. It is funny how you put it because I was also the runner because of fears within myself. Since we blocked each other on social media, I have no idea whether he managed to date anyone or not. I heard rumors that he did but I am happy I never got to follow up on it.

Is it inevitable that you will be your Twin Flame after you heal completely? The answer is not sure because it depends on your relationship dynamic.

For sure, you will end up reuniting if the relationship that your Twin Flame has with someone else is temporary. It could be a phase for him to learn more love lessons as he explores that different phase of his Twin Flame experience.

It also depends on the actions of running behaviors when you hurt your Twin Flame:

Did you become distant and cold?

Did you block all means of communication to you?

Do you judge your Twin Flame?

Did you blame them for your response to your Twin Flame connection?

What made your Twin Flame choose the other person over you?

For me, once I realized that my running behavior had hurt my Twin Flame, I asked for forgiveness and it didn't matter if he was in a relationship or not. I knew that he knows me better than anyone and he would forgive me.

I also kept updating him about the healing process that he knew about my life situation. Communication is key when it comes to expressing your feelings.

I also didn't post any posts on my social media that suggested that I was moving on from him. I made sure that he was pushed to feel jealous or abandoned.

Lastly, when I felt ready and healed to be with him, I reached out to let him know that I am still here.

Healing is one thing but also echoing your feelings is another. Remember that we live in a physical 3D world — If you desire something, work hard to get it.


The Twin Flame experience has inspired me to develop incredible inner strength; I feel the impetus to achieve my wildest dreams.

To reach the epitome of happiness and peace, I have learned to align my spiritual gifts with my physical needs.

I feel a harmonious balance within — I feel a healthy transcendence process that ignites my spirits.

Embracing the Twin Flame unconditional love has taught me the different unique ways to embrace transcendental experiences like beauty, connection, exploration, flow, purpose, and gratitude.

I used to have unmet spiritual needs or desires; the Twin Flame journey has taught me the different ways of adapting to change so that I can feel whole and enlightened. I had to dig deeper within myself so that you could face my suffering. I had to integrate the broken parts that I thought were unlovable before.

The Twin Flame journey is indeed a battle within self; I had to stare within to penetrate my being to experience the full richness of my existence.

The Twin Flame experience has taught me how to face myself. I have transformed to reach the full heights of my humanity and potential; I am creative, authentic, accepting, independent, and brave.

After I went through the invigorating Twin Flame experiences and then looked back on my old life, I began to understand the reasons why I felt deeply unsatisfied.

I felt isolated from the world as I knew it no matter what hierarchy of life that I was at previously.

I also realized that no matter what social status I was at and the success that I achieved; money, power, greatness, and some level of happiness still left me deeply unsatisfied.

I had a yearning for a deeper connection within myself and the world around me.

Once I went through the different phases of the Twin Flame spiritual awakening process, I realized that I previously inhibited negative patterns and behaviors that hindered my growth.

Once I encountered my Twin Flame, we triggered each other into a spiritual awakening process.

I learned lessons of unconditional self-love. I was empowered to face myself so that I could rediscover the authentic version.

When I went through the spiritual awakening phase and found enlightenment, I started to rediscover the authentic humanistic qualities that define me like creativity, freedom, forgiveness, awareness, acceptance, independence, and bravery.

Once I found my authentic version as a Twin Flame, I gained more respect and acknowledgment of the uniqueness and sacredness of my humanity.

Self-authenticity has allowed me the freedom to pursue and embrace conditions that satisfy my basic needs like the freedom to be myself, the freedom to exercise honesty, and the freedom to grow my talents and passions.