Upper Floors in York City Centre: York City An Opportunity Centre Final Report June 2013 Upper Floors in York City Centre: An Opportunity Final Report Supported by financial assistance from City of York Council Joseph Rowntree Foundation North of England Civic Trust Blackfriars Monk Street Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4XN Tel: (0191) 232 9279 Fax: (0191) 230 1474 Email:
[email protected] DIRECTOR CHAIRMAN PRESIDENT PATRON Graham Bell BA(Hons) Peter Candler DL Rt Hon Sir HRH The Duke of www.nect.org.uk BArch(Hons) RIBA FRSA Alan Beith MP Gloucester KG GCVO REGISTERED ADDRESS REGISTERED CHARITY 513055 AS RIGHT COMPANY LIMITED BY GUARANTEE 1654806 © NECT June 2013 Contents Executive Summary ––– Upper Floors in York City Centre: AAAnAn OOOpportunityOpportunity 111 Diagram ––– Upper Floor OpportunOpportunityity Sites in York City Centre 666 Strategic Context 7 The Extent of the Problem 22 Understanding the Causes 26 Development Options and Test Solutions 33 Benefits and Way Forward 38 Appendix: forum event attendees 40 Upper Floors Study iiiiii York City Centre June 2013 Upper Floors in York City CentreCentre:: An OOpportunitypportunity Executive Summary 1.1 This short report summarises an initiative by the North of England Civic Trust (NECT), an independent charity, into the extent, causes and proposed responses to vacancy above shops in the city centre of York. 1.2 NECT was founded in 1965 and has been active in civil society for nearly fifty years. A projects-based organisation rather than a lobbyist, it combines consultancy, training and its own capital projects, so that its advice is based on first-hand experience of historic property based regeneration.