This'll Be the Day.P65
Rock the Halls with Bows of Holly 1 Part One: Stairway to Whatever 1. Rock the Halls with Bows of Holly “The levee ain’t dry, And the music didn’t die, ‘Cause Buddy Holly lives Every time we play rock and roll.” —Cricket bandmate Sonny Curtis, 1980 This is a book mostly about Buddy Holly. And his Crickets. The world knows Buddy as the martyred hero of “American Pie,” Don McLean’s #1 rockin’ 1971 saga of dry levees, roaring Chevys, and a golden-age America when rock was young. Long before leaded Zeppelin dreams soared aloft to the stars on ‘Stairways to Heaven,’ rock and roll first honored lean Texan Buddy Holly with his fiery Fender Stratocaster and magic voice. Holly and his rockin’ Crickets brought 1957-59 America and the English-speaking world its first torrid affair with a genuine rock and roll band. After Elvis This’ll Be The Day 2 Presley’s vocals, Chuck Berry’s lead guitar and teen lyrics, and dozens of dynamic drummers perfo- rated 50s quietude with new molten music, Buddy’s electric guitar and bass-powered rock band the Crickets gave us our first taste of rock band glory. Buddy also jump-started the Beatles and Bob Dylan. And yes, of course, the Fab Four owe the Crickets for their style, their gung-ho gusto, and their name. By now, the Beatles’ reputation as premier rock band has never been higher. This’ll Be the Day is about the world’s first and the world’s greatest rock and roll band.
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