The main results of basic and applied research carried at the Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of in 2011

The most important research projects of the Institute include search work of archeologists who carried two international Ukrainian-Polish archaeological expeditions, one of which explored the oldest pre-historic settlements near villages Ihrovytsia and Proniatyn in the Podillia region near Ternopil that are dated back to between 100,000 and 25,000 years ago. In cooperation with the archeologists of the University of Rzeszow and the Polish Academy of Learning more than 70 mounds were discovered that belong to the largest in Central Europe conglomeration of pre-historic burial mounds in the Upper Dnister region, which by now includes more than 2,000 mounds.

Mediaevalists discovered new significant testimonies from still unused by Ukrainian scholars written sources about prince Lev Danylovych and his Central European interests, and unknown prince from the Riurik dynasty who ruled in Kyiv in 1305-1317. For the first time the group of oldest West Ukrainian icons from the middle and second half of the 13 th century was identified.

The first cycle of the unique multi-volume “Dictionary of , 16 th – first half of 17 th centuries” (issues 1-15) was published. It records unusually rich lexicon of Ukrainian language and shows its place in the system of Slavic languages in historical perspective, therefore it has great significance for historical and cultural studies.

Historians studied the influence of constitutional-parliamentary practices and political system of the Habsburg monarchy on Ukrainian national movement and political modernization of the West Ukrainian society, explored establishment and development of the state service in Austro-Hungarian empire, status of Ukrainian lands on the eve of the First World War and the importance of Ukrainian question during the war as an international factor.

Important problems of the inter-war period and the history of the Second World War, such as the views of national parties of on the international relations in Europe, proposed by them ways of resolving Ukrainian question within the system of international relations of the 1920s-1930s, foreign orientations of Ukrainian politicians, situation of Ukrainian cultural and educational institutions in in 1939-1944, were explored.

The thesis that the oppositional movement in Ukraine in the second half of the 20 th century constituted a peaceful stage of the national-liberation struggle, key factor of the integration of Ukrainian society in the universal civilizational process, liberation of the nation from political and economic oppression of imperial states, and building of national statehood was confirmed.

On the basis of the newest archival materials the particular features of the socio-political development of West Ukrainian region at the end of existence of the Communist regime, in particular of national-cultural and church-religious life in the context of struggle of national-democratic forces for rebirth of the Ukrainian state, were characterized and summarized.

The complex study of the problem of Christian ethics in Ukrainian literature was carried out. It points out religiosity as the defining feature of the Ukrainian literature and explores the peculiarities of the artistic elaborations on Christian ethics in the heritage of Ukrainian writers of various periods.

In 2011, 39 academic works were published, among them 14 monographs, 16 collections of articles, 3 collections of documents, 3 reference books and 3 brochures, of 800 drukovani arkushi in total volume. Two monographs, one of which is in English and one is in Ukrainian and Polish, were published abroad.

Several international conferences were organized: honorary session “Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Its Predecessor (on the 60 th anniversary of the Institute)”, Academic readings in the memory of academician Iaroslav Isaievych, 8 th International academic conference “Archaeology of the West of Ukraine”, Academic conference on the occasion of the 425 anniversary of the Stavropegial Uspenian brotherhood “Lviv Stavropegial Uspenian brotherhood: history and culture”, International academic conference “Markian Shashkevych and Ukrainian national revival (on 200 th anniversary of the writer)” and other. Institute became a co- organizer of the international project “New cultural history of Eastern and Central Europe. Critical questions and reappraisals”.

In 2011 research fellows of the Institute defended four Candidate of Sciences dissertations, including two in specialty “History of Ukraine” and two in specialty “Ukrainian language”. 13 dissertations, including 4 of doctor of sciences and 9 of candidate of sciences, were defended in 2011at the meetings of the Specialized academic council D 35.222.01 for the defences of doctoral dissertations.

Leading research fellow I.V.Paslavskyi, senior research fellow M.I.Chikalo, academic secretary of the Institute V.M.Petehyrych were awarded the Medals on the 20 th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine; the head of the Department of modern history of Ukraine F.I.Stebliy was awarded the Decoration of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “For professional achievements”.

Executive Director of the Institute, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor M.R.Lytvyn