Parkland massacre sparks Supreme Court to decide Tony Thurmond clearly national movement ‘free rider’ case the best choice Students lead the way Right-wing attack on unions For Superintendent of Public Instruction

Feb b Mar 2018

Californiathe voice of the union b federation ofTeacher teachers, aft, afl-cio

teacher leader pride Taking activism to new levels


Joshua Pechthalt, CFT President

We must protect children, not the merchants of death

nother week, another mass Second Amendment. To me, whole life to live could take Ashooting, more condolenc- that debate has always seemed 17 lives and effectively destroy es from elected officials…and to miss the point. The men who his own? This has played out nothing gets done. As of this wrote the Constitution were fal- over and over again. There is writing, we have had 19 shoot- lible. The original Constitution a despair in this country so ings of some sort on campus didn’t do a number of things deep that human beings act The American people, this year, and we are likely to and we fixed them. out in ways that are unimagi- who in the majority have another before this article This can be fixed as well, but nable and it happens with such gets published. it won’t take a constitutional regularity that it’s beyond epi- support stricter gun The numbers are mind- change to make that happen. demic proportions. When you control, are going numbing: According to the New The American people, who in combine this with job loss in York Times, more than 430 peo- the majority support stricter communities plagued by the to have to rise up ple have been shot in 273 school gun control, are going to have opioid crisis you get a sense of and demand that attacks since the Sandy Hook to rise up and demand that how profound a situation has Elementary shooting in 2012. their elected representatives developed. their elected The daily shootings of brown act. We can be inspired by the On a recent trip to a small representatives act. and black youth that take place young people who survived the town in Ohio where my across the country may not get massacre at Marjory Stoneman daughter is going to college, the same attention the horrific Douglas High School, whose my wife and I had dinner at a mass killings receive, but they activism has prompted national well-known chain restaurant. take and destroy lives just the action and a corporate boycott It struck us that in the two same. We can establish laws of the NRA. adjacent large outdoor malls, that regulate seat belts, speed NRA adherents try to pawn every store had been shuttered. limits, and the use of alcohol, this off as a mental health is- A once-thriving community yet we cannot manage to effec- sue, not a gun issue. Obviously, had been decimated. The opi- tively regulate guns. it can be both. When the CFT oid epidemic that is rampant We are not the only coun- tried a few years ago to pro- in Ohio is a reflection of the try where this kind of tragedy mote legislation that would despair in the same way that happens. What is different in have funded mental health killings in schools, concerts, America is the deadly grip the professionals and nurses in and movie theaters are acts of National Rifle Association has every school, it was stopped in despair. on the political process. Its a state legislative committee. The trifecta of despair, ability to mobilize its mem- Politicians can talk about the availability of guns, and lack bers squelches all efforts at need for mental health aware- of mental health services will gun control. The NRA has ness, but unless the funding is mean more senseless violence. effectively linked gun control there to train and hire more We need political leaders will- with a perceived challenge to professionals, all the rhetoric is ing to take on these issues and the Second Amendment of the simply meaningless. not be afraid of the wrath of Constitution. Something else is going on powerful political forces. I’m not going to get into that also very disturbing. How what the founders meant by the is it that a young man with his

2 California teacher february–march 2018 CaliforniaTeacher

Feb bMar 2018 Volume 71, Number 3

OUR MISSION: The California Federation of Teachers is an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. The CFT represents faculty and classified workers in public and private schools and colleges, from We must protect children, not the early childhood through higher education. The CFT is committed to raising the standards of merchants of death the profession and to securing the conditions essential to provide the best service to California’s students. 6 PRESIDENT Joshua Pechthalt SECRETARY TREASURER Jeffery M. Freitas SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT L. Lacy Barnes California Teacher (ISSN 0410-3556) is 4 published four times a year in Sept/Oct, Nov/ Dec, Feb/Mar and April/May by the California Federation of Teachers, 2550 N. Hollywood 23 Way, Suite 400, Burbank, CA 91505, and mailed to all CFT members and agency fee payers. Annual subscription price: $3 (included in membership dues). For others: $10 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Burbank and additional mailing offices. Postmaster Send address corrections to California Teacher, 2550 N. Hollywood Way, Suite 400, Burbank, CA 91505. EDITORIAL OFFICE 5 CFT Bay Area Office, 2001 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, CA 94704 Telephone 510-523-5238 Publications Director and Editor Jane Hundertmark Email [email protected] Contributors this issue David Bacon, Bryan Ha, Elaine Johnson, Jim Mahler, Laura Manriquez, Mia McIver, Bill Morgan, Joshua Pechthalt, John Perez, Mindy Pines, Ron Rapp, CONTENTS Luukia Smith, Rico Tamayo, Joanna Valentine, CONTENTS Steve Weingarten, Emily Wilson 2 UpFront Graphic Design Kajun Design 4 All-Union News SUBMISSIONS Direct letters and other editorial submissions to the editor. Letters 4 Workers await SCOTUS decision must include your name and email address; 20 they will be edited for clarity and length. 5 Educators in vanguard of gun reform movement UNION & GREEN California Teacher is 6 Our endorsed candidate for state superintendent produced by union workers and printed at a 9 Largest-ever California wildfire destroys member homes union shop using soy-based inks on Forest Stewardship Council-certified paper that 11 CFT introduces new bills in state Legislature ON THE COVER contains 10 percent post-consumer recycled 13 How educators paved the way 100 years ago content. Proud member of the International Proud participants in the Teacher Labor Communications Association. 14 Divisions Leader program of the ABC Federation 14 PreK–12 Teacher Leaders support the profession of Teachers are equipped to take on CFT @CFTunion the State Capitol. Pictured, left to right, 16 Classified Classroom veteran becoming a teacher front row: Pinky Uppal, Tanya Golden, 18 Community College Support College for All Vanessa Valenzuela, Jill Yasutake, Myong Cho. Middle row: Kelley For- 20 University Problems when students evaluate teachers sythe, Connie Nam, Rhonda McNutt, ® 977-M Arielle Whitacre, Yasmine Walrath. IBT 853 22 Retired Retiree experience helps actives Back row: Dawn Heeren, Bianca Strong, 23 Local Wire Rachel Jimenez.

24 Rank & Files Photo by steve yeater

february–march 2018 California teacher 3 All-Union News Workers await SCOTUS decision in Janus v. AFSCME Supremes hear union fair share case brought by the right wing W in M c N amee /G ett y I mages

n February 26, the Supreme Court y heard oral arguments in the Janus Peralta Federation v. AFSCME case. The National of Teachers members RightO to Work Foundation — which unions hard M atthew Jennifer Shanoski and Vince Bordelon say, call the “right to work for less” committee “I’m stickin’ with the — paid for attorneys to represent dissident union.” Illinois public worker Mark Janus and two of his colleagues. They are challenging the 42-year-old court decision that confirmed the right of public sector unions to collect “agency fees” from the non-members they represent to cover the costs of collective bargaining and contract enforcement. At its heart, this is a story of the rich and powerful playing politics through the Supreme Court and using their influence to cripple unions. A ruling for Janus could make every one of the nation’s state and lo- cal government non-union members a “free rider” who could use union services but not have to pay for them. At a February 7 press conference, AFT President Randi Weingarten singled out the Koch brothers, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and the Bradley Foundation as par- ticular culprits. “This case is about power,” she declared. “This is a de-funding strategy” of the right wing, “just like they’re defund- ing the public schools and the government.” Two years ago, the court tied 4-4 on a conservative justices to four more liberal Amendment free speech rights. virtually identical case, and Justice Neil justices. However, no one is currently required to Gorsuch, recently appointed by President Working people who choose not to join join a union or to pay any fees that go to Trump, has been extremely anti-worker their workplace union, but are still covered politics or political candidates and this rul- in his rulings in lower courts. The bal- by a collective bargaining agreement, pay ing will not change that. Union political ac- ance of the court stands at five anti-union “fair share” fees to cover the basic costs tion funds rely on members’ voluntary con- that the union incurs representing them. tributions to elect pro-worker candidates. If the court finds in favor of the plaintiffs Unions have a long track record of rais- Join the team! in Janus, unions representing public sector ing wages, and increasing benefits and stan- » Members of the union have a voice workers will be prohibited from collect- dards for everyone, not just their members. and vote in all the activities of the ing these fees and unions will be forced to That’s why Americans, especially young union, most importantly, in the approval of operate with far fewer resources. This will people, continue to have an increasingly the collective bargaining agreement. lead to reduced power — at the bargaining favorable view of unions. » If you are paying only the agency table and in the political process. The Janus case is about taking away the fee, or if you are uncertain about your Right-wing backers of Janus incor- freedom of working people to join together status, contact your AFT local to join the rectly contend that everything unions do in strong unions to speak up for themselves union, or download a membership form at is “political,” and thus forcing workers to and their families, and ultimately privatiz- pay agency fees violates the workers’ First ing public education. — By CFT Staff

4 California teacher february–march 2018 W in M c N amee /G ett y I mages

Teen students catapulted into the national spotlight Educators in the vanguard of gun control movement

omething has changed in the calculus of gun violence in — from focusing on mental health interventions (and ignoring America. The courage shown by the survivors of the horrific gun restrictions) to misguided suggestions that we arm teachers SParkland school murders has inspired rational people across and staff and militarize our schools. the country to say “Enough!” America’s students — led by the courageous young people of The moment of revulsion that always follows these atrocities is Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School — are now leading the morphing into a movement that may tip the scales, finally, against the charge to prevent further tragedy. Organizers of the National gun makers, the National Rifle Association and the do-nothing politi- School Walkout say hundreds of thousands of high schoolers will cians. Educators and students are in the vanguard of this movement. demand stronger gun laws by leaving school March 14. On February 21, a week after Parkland, the AFT Executive The AFT is convening an activist committee to listen to mem- Council passed a resolution recommiting to commonsense mea- bers and students and to recommend ways that affiliates can seize sures that would help stop gun violence in schools. These include this moment. Delegates to the CFT Convention this month will de- banning both assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition bate the union’s response and, on March 24, participate in an event magazines, mandating background checks, rescinding the gun in- organized by the March For Our Lives movement. — By CFT Staff dustry’s immunity, and opposing wrong-headed ideas like arming educators. The AFT has also prioritized its efforts to expand mental health care, including fully staffing every school with qualified mental JOIN THE MOVEMENT health counselors to identity and intervene before students reach March For Our Lives: National organizers a crisis point. The national union is also working to find ways to estimate that 500,000 people will march in combat the stranglehold the NRA and gun manufacturers have Washington, D.C. on Saturday, March 24. on gun policy, including exploring further divestment of educator Simultaneous marches around the world are likely; pension funds and others, from the gun industry. find an action near you at Since the 2012 Sandy Hook mass murder at Newtown, Conn- Day of Action Against Gun Violence in Schools: The AFT ecticut, there have been 239 school shootings, with 438 people shot and the NEA have endorsed this April 20 action, marking the 20th and 138 killed. Yet, the NRA has used money, threats and influence anniversary of the massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado. to fight every commonsense reform of gun laws as an assault on Find an action near you at the Second Amendment, while also shielding gun manufacturers from all legal liability related to the sale or use of their products. » Join the conversation with hashtags: #Enough, #NeverAgain, President Trump and Republicans have ignored this crisis, of- #MarchForOurLives, #GunControlNow fering, at best, rhetorical gestures and, at worst, blatant hypocrisy

february–march 2018 California teacher 5 “The most important difference that separates me from the other candidates is my 12 years of education experience. I have run afterschool programs and taught life skills and career train- ing. I have served as an elected local school board member.”

Q&A Get to know Tony Thurmond

meet the cft-endorsed candidate for state superintendent of public instruction

n a race important to all educators, the CFT has endorsed and now in the California Assembly. It’s time to make our public Assemblymember Tony Thurmond for state Superintendent of education system among the greatest in the nation, and I won’t IPublic Instruction. CFT President Josh Pechthalt said Thurmond, stop until we get there. a former social worker, has demonstrated “time and again he is a champion of public education. His policy positions solidly align What would be your top three priorities as SPI? him with the needs of students, parents and educators.” 1) Opposing and Betsy DeVos’s anti-public California Teacher asked Thurmond about his positions on edu- education policies and creating an education rainy day fund to cation issues ranging from early childhood to higher education. protect against any future Trump cuts; 2) Attracting and retaining qualified teachers by providing them Why are you running for Superintendent of Public Instruction? with affordable housing, recruitment bonuses, scholarships, and I am passionate about improving public schools because it was higher wages; my public school education that prepared me for a 20-year career 3) Preparing California students for the jobs being created by as a social worker and inspired me to serve on the West Contra our fast-growing 21st century economy. Costa Unified School District Board, the Richmond City Council,

6 California teacher february–march 2018 Steve Yeater money is being spent. isbeing money In the Assembly, Ico-authored legislation same guidelines asother for public entities disclosing how public What isyourpositiononcharter schools? and that’s why I’ve inthe made itmyAssembly. priority showed education thatearly hason ourkids, metheimpact services childhood early education.quality My work ineducation andsocial services. critical andcare,learning receive guaranteeingthatfamiliesinneed these counties to state useall for fundsallocated early programs. Ialsoauthored AB 435, which allows system to education early andafter-school justiceour criminal from$450 million that would shift on private prisons duced AB 43, atax education? early childhood crease fundingfor proposal toin- Do youhavea cation asSPI. ment edu- inearly investprioritizing - continue and Iwill Assemblymember education asan funding for early able. I’ve increased isunacceptThis - preschool suffer lastyeartheassociated consequences. andwill However, asmany as170,000California children didnotattend inmakingsurecritical ourchildren reach potential. their full Do yousupportexpandingearlychildhoodeducation?

I believe that charter schools required shouldbe to follow the As SPI, work tirelessly to Iwill make sure children all receive high- year,This Iintro- researchThe clearly shows thatthefirst fiveof life are years Who isthebillionaires’ choice? is todemonizeteachersandinvest intechnology.” She rhetoric about ‘it’s allforthekids,’ whentheirrealgoal the powerelite, thebillionaireswhocynicallyemploy fake . voters rejectedfouryearsagoinfavor offormerteacher opposition comesfromMarshall Tuck —thecandidate Superintendent ofPublicInstruction, but Thurmond’s main Five peoplearevying In 2014, DianeRavitchcalled Tuck “the candidateof

Steve Yeater

for the position of State for thepositionofState who are his constituents who arehisconstituents Tony meets Thurmond with CFT members with CFTmembers Assemblymember Assemblymember during Lobby Day during LobbyDay last year. flood thestatewithads. and heisbacked byanti-unionbillionaires whowilllikely agenda thatsaysschoolsshouldbe runlike businesses, classroom. Hesupportstheso-called “education reform” economic inequalityandpoverty, andtheirimpactonthe Green DotCharterSchools, largelyignoresissuesof as acivicresponsibility.” added, “They havezero commitmenttopubliceducation Tuck, aformer Wall Streetbanker andpresidentof

students and the charter will need — they are —they need muchstudents better andthechartersuited will havethey to thatthe hostthecharter andprovide theservices charter schools.increases accountability of that bansfor-profit schools andI charter that voted for legislation schools? Do youopposevouchers forsendingchildren toprivate publicly accountable. lens aspublic schools, follow thesameguidelines, held andbe I believe thatcharter schools must measured be through thesame preferenceeliminate discriminatory in charter school admissions. tive into California thelives youth. of Iunderstand thehardships teachers? What isyourpositiononusing studenttestscores toevaluate credentialing standards for charter school teachers. Ivoted to Charter schoolsCharter by authorized shouldbe districts, local because Yes. My career worker asasocial hasprovided- meaunique perspec

february–march 2018 California tea

tuck all h mars the upholding of the upholding of school boards and on public charter theBrown of Act the enforcement schools, including ency for charter and transpar accountability thatincreasebills severalsupported Assembly, I’ve accountable? transparent and should bemore charter schools Do youbelieve orcounty state. for thisthanthe Yes. In the - cher 7 Steve Yeater 8 ing wages, fairwork rules, andfamily leave for workers. all My As SPI, whatwouldyoudotosupportclassifiedemployees? students to learn. our manyremove of of theability that impede thebarriers health, mental health, to programs service andsocial professionals backintoourschools? Do yousupportbringingnurses andmentalhealth teachersole basisfor judging performance. continuous improvement systems, but the shouldnotbe Student state test andlocal scores of avaluable can be part hensive approaches to teacher evaluating performance. they That’s why more Isupport compre - must go beyond teaching to thetest to give thesekidsthe lenges canfollow them into theclassroom. youth face athome andinlife, andhow thosechal- Education. One of my highest priorities will be to be modernize our will Education. my priorities highest Oneof Education andchair the Assembly Committee Select on STEM on the Assembly Committee Select on Career andTechnical How haveyousupportedcareer andtechnicaleducation? rata payandbenefits? Do yousupportgivingpart-timecommunitycollegefaculty pro make college more affordable. I’m interested incontinuing to to work on thisandother strategies repay according after graduation to to their job pay. andability Thurmond. Elaine Merriweatherwith Former CFT Vice President As chair of the AsAssembly chair of LaborCommittee, I’ve for liv fought - In the Assembly, I’m working to expand school-based Teachers can’t control often thesefactors andvery In 2015, Ico-authored to abill expand CTE. Icurrently serve Yes. California tea to leadtheresistance againsttrumpanddevos cher february–march 2018 bill bill AB 670hasextended classified employee all whowishtoattend? to attend to atnocost andthen begin forward system, college allowing students status to part-time playgroundstatus to part-time workers. Should communitycollegebefree to As superintendent, keep so I’ll fighting Yes. In 2015, Iworked to create apay-it- no othercandidate isbetterequipped that classified employees safe can feel decision-making processes. doing their jobs andproviding for sified sified voice is present inall relevant their families. ensure theclas Iwill - and defund our public education system. Trumpagainst andDeVos, isto undermine solepurpose whose more teachers. teacher bywide providing shortage incentives andretain to attract or preschool andafterschool programs, andto reduce ourstate- tate restorative justice programs. I’m to provide fighting f money tomillion reduce truancy, expand community schools,- and facili charter schools andbanfor-profit schools,charter to provide $38 ing for education. early laws Ipassed to increase accountability for care have to go to theopportunity college, andto increase fund- have school local board asanelected member. served andcareerafterschool life skills training. andtaught I programs candidates ismy education experience. 12years of Ihave run candidates? How doyoucompare yourqualificationstothoseoftheother collaborativehighly working relationships. a great education, ensure thatwe andIwill atthestate model level havegive need to ers they andclassified staff the ourkids support our public education system thatteach isincumbenton ensuring - to havewiththeCFT? As theSPI, whatkindofworkingrelationship wouldyouseek have increasing supported fundingfor adult education. theirpersonal own development.also supporting Over theyears, I ents to intheir children’s engaged be experience learning while resources to succeed inoureconomy. Adult par education helps What doyouseeastherole ofadulteducation? No other candidate isbetter to equipped theresistance lead In the Assembly, for to money Ifought ensure youth infoster difference mostimportant The thatseparates mefrom the other theCFT, work closely with I will Iknow because thatimproving We to need ensure student, every age, regardless of hasthe congratulates Thurmond from the Democrats from theDemocrats Treasurer JeffFreitas on his endorsement on hisendorsement State Convention State Convention CFT Secretary CFT Secretary in February.

for the jobs of the for thejobs of prepare ourstudents education system to include tech.

izing curricula to izing curricula future by creating

- and modern internship pro- in schools, grams with with grams tech mentors nies, placing tech compa- -

Al Seib/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images Al Seib/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images Colleagues, students and theunionlendsupporttomembers inneed Largest-ever Californiawildfire tearslivesapart “I grabbedmedicineandapacket ofimportant A husband wassosure we’d back be thatwe didn’t take any extra papersand that wasit. important andapacketmedicine My of school disabilities. for students with “By 11we were out. Igrabbed said Carrasco, a paraeducator School, atDwire anelementary garage,” inthedark the blackwashidingandcarrier catwho counties, Barbara Santa destroying about 1,000structures. in California history, 273,400acres which burned in Ventura and topeople evacuate. telling bullhorns, minuteswith later, street firefighters went upthe

extra clothes. We didn’ttake anything.” sure we’d bebackthatwedidn’ttake any papers andthatwas it. Myhusbandwas so power“The wasout, sowe to had andfind inthedark evacuate theThomas fire, of It thelargest wasthebeginning recorded fire — Laura Carrasco, Paraeducator, DwireSchool 10:30 pm, looked they outside, saw flames, anda few the60-mile-an-hourwinds.smoke of because Around in Oxnard on Monday, December 4, didn’t they the smell andher Carrasco husband Laura werelthough athome update members incrisis grabbed thealbum grabbed On impulse, Carrasco havewho away. passed all her parents andbrother, Russia andRomania, and parents camefrom who - her grand pictures of ready, their gifts She had out andshe alsohad aphoto album with grandchildren were aboutto come over to celebrate theholidays. clothes. We didn’t take anything.” Well, just one more thing. Carrasco’s husband’s children and the union’s immediate support. husband greatlyappreciated Laura Carrasco andher february–march 2018 California tea cher 9

Courtesy Laura Carrasco to a rental in Santa Barbara, about an hour commute from his work. When January’s heavy rains caused mudslides that closed the freeway, Palmer was no longer able to get to work. y D ann G u z man C ourtes “For the two weeks 101 was shut, I could have taken a train that drops me off miles away, or taken a boat and I would have spent more than I would have made for working, and it would take four-and-a-half hours one way to get to work,” he said. “The union arranged that those who couldn’t get to work would be compensated.” Danny Guzman and his Palmer appreciated his union’s help — as well as his co-workers’ girlfriend left their apart- kindness — at such a stressful time. Along with his full-time job ment with only overnight bags and their cat. teaching workplace readiness, he has been meeting with a myriad of people to deal with the aftermath of the fire, including archi- tects, contractors, lawyers, insurance agents, and surveyors. Palmer and Carrasco are rebuilding their homes. But Guzman and his girlfriend, now staying with his girlfriend’s father in — the only record she now has of her family. Everything else was Fillmore, are looking for another place to live. That could take a destroyed. while. Santa Paul High School Athletic Director Danny Guzman evacu- “The housing market in California is ridiculous,” Guzman said. ated his Ventura apartment Monday night, also convinced he’d be “There’s very little out there and when you add the fires, there are back soon. 1,000 more people looking.” He was taking a class to get an administrative credential when Channel Islands High School English teacher Mudje Piddock a friend texted to let him know what was going on. When he got lost her home in Santa Paula and, in a particularly harsh blow, home, the winds were blowing, and he tried to pad the windows to doesn’t have fire insurance. Piddock, a member of the Oxnard keep the ash out. He and his girlfriend decided to evacuate because Federation, says her students’ thoughtfulness gave her hope. the air quality was so bad. They grabbed their cat and packed over- “I was really shaken and my students had written beautiful let- night bags in the dark, expecting to go to work the next day, then ters and cards,” she said. “I decided to just give my all to the stu- drove to his father’s in Ventura. dents — that was my way of feeling better.” The kindness of students, colleagues and the union, which got in “I was really shaken and my students had touch quickly with a check to help out, touched Piddock after the experience of fleeing her home. written beautiful letters and cards. It was a “It was around 11, and our four-year-old twins were sleeping,” catharsis for me. I decided to just work so she said “It was like an apocalyptic movie — dark everywhere and there was all this traffic.” hard and give my all to the students — that After all the upheaval, Piddock is grateful to be staying at her was my way of feeling better.” in-law’s beach house. “You don’t ever expect something big like that to happen,” she — Mudje Piddock, English Teacher, Channel Islands High School said. “Thank goodness everybody’s Guzman, a member of the Santa Paula Federation of Teachers, safe. That’s a blessing.” found out the next day his apartment building had burned down. —By Emily Wilson, CFT Reporter Since he had nothing but a change of clothes, he was grateful when his union president reached out to him with a gift card. “I was kind of in shock,” Guzman said. “It helped me get some ne- cessities. I was like, ‘Oh, yeah, I need a comb, I need a toothbrush.’” Carrasco also appreciated how quickly the union got in touch. Along with the card from the CFT, her local, the Ventura County Federation of Paraeducators, gave her a check. The apartment she and her husband are now in is across the street from Target, and she says she’s spent a lot of time there with her gift card. The gift cards meant a lot to Richard Palmer, an adult educa- Mudje Piddock and her family are grateful tion teacher with the Oxnard Federation of Teachers and School to have survived the Employees. After losing their home in Ventura, he and his wife moved apocalyptic event. y M udje P iddock C ourtes

10 California teacher february–march 2018


Results of technology audit released CFT introduces bills, lobbies for state budget improvements

he second year of the two-year legislative session started on The CFT introduced its new suite of sponsored bills by the January 3 and the governor released his 2018-19 state budget February 16 deadline, and the legislative department is analyzing Tproposal a week later. The CFT is providing feedback on the hundreds of newly introduced bills to make recommendations on budget, especially about the more controversial proposals, hoping those that may impact members. Below is a summary of the CFT- to effect change in the May revision. sponsored legislation and of the governor’s budget proposal. S teve Yeater

Members share concerns with Speaker of the House Anthony Rendon, at left.

CFT-SPONSORED LEGISLATION Parental leave for school and community college employees would then create an International Workers’ Day holiday to be held on May 1 of AB 2012 (Medina, D-Riverside) would require, regardless of whatever dif- each year. The bill would encourage public schools to include into their curricu- ferential pay system is used by school or community college districts, that a lum the history and significance of the labor movement in the United States. person employed in an academic institution would receive no less than 50 percent of his or her regular salary for the remaining portion of the 12-week Establish tax deduction for cost of teacher induction program period of parental leave. SB 1214 (Portantino, D-La Cañada Flintridge) would, for each taxable year AB 2393, signed into law in 2016, provided up to 12 weeks of paid paren- beginning on January 1, 2019, and before January 1, 2024, allow as a deduc- tal leave for all school and college employees. However, the bill overlooked tion from gross income an amount equal to the amount paid or incurred, up part-time faculty members who work in differential pay districts. AB 2012 to $2,500, for up to three tax years, for new teachers who are required to pay aims to address this discrepancy. for their teacher induction program to obtain their clear credential.

Solutions for educator housing, recruitment and retention CFT BUDGET REQUEST AB 2788 (Thurmond, D-Richmond) would express the intent of the Legis- Launch pilot project to teach labor in the schools lature to enact legislation that would help close the achievement gap by The CFT is asking for one-time Proposition 98 funds to finance a pilot project providing school districts an educator housing tool that addresses California’s that would duplicate the labor curriculum pioneered in Los Angeles. The bud- current crisis of low recruitment and retention of educators. AB 2788 is essen- get allocation — $900,000 a year for three years — would cover materials tially the same bill as AB 45, which CFT co-sponsored in 2017. The author is and personnel to provide professional development in various school districts currently bringing together stakeholders to identify a viable funding source. across the state, so that more teachers may elect to teach about the inter- sectionality of labor and social studies, history, and economics, along with a Create International Workers’ Day holiday mock collective bargaining session. AB 3042 (Santiago, D-Los Angeles) would combine the current Lincoln and — By Ron Rapp, CFT Legislative Director Washington Birthday holidays into one holiday — Presidents’ Day. The bill

february–march 2018 California teacher 11

The governor’s state budget proposal: The good and the bad

With revenues up in California, the good news is that the governor’s proposal for 2018-19 provides $78.3 billion in funding for K-12 schools and S teve Yeater community colleges — an increase of $4.6 billion from the current year. The bad news? The CFT has concerns about some of the governor’s budget proposals. For most educators, a 2.51 percent cost-of-living increase is proposed for preK-12 schools, county offices of education, community colleges, and adult education. For preschools, the governor maintains a three- year agreement to add 2,959 preschool slots, and increase provider rates by 2.8 percent. For preK-12 schools, the governor allocated $3 bil- lion to close the Local Control Funding Formula gap two Petaluma members meet years early, and proposes $1.8 billion in discretionary with north state Assembly- funds. He allocated $100 million to recruit and retain member Jim Wood. special education teachers. However, the governor has chosen to deposit an additional $3.5 billion into the Rainy Day Fund, more than the $1.5 billion required by the Constitution. However, the CFT has serious concerns about governor’s proposal to The CFT would rather see those dollars allocated to increase the LCFF create a fully online college, and introduce a performance-based funding base grant and further address inadequate funding overall. According to formula. (See full story page 18) The governor also raised concern by allo- Education Week, California currently ranks 43rd in per pupil funding. cating $212 million in the Career Technical Incentive Grant Program to the For the community colleges, the governor allocated $60 million for Strong Workforce Program. growth. He dedicated $46 million in ongoing funds to provide fee waivers for For the University of California, the governor proposed a 3 per- first-time students as called for in last year’s successful AB 19. cent increase in base funds. — By Ron Rapp, CFT Legislative Director

Findings from community college technology audit

Does this sound familiar dents with disabilities, and to ensure that websites meet guidelines for on your community college campus? accessibility. Colleges are required to have technology master plans, • Training on the accessibility of and IT planning is part of accreditation. instructional materials is offered, but Auditor’s key recommendations instructors are not required to attend. • Establish and monitor response timelines to meet requests for • There is inadequate monitoring of alternate media services from students with disabilities, and periodi- instructional materials and websites to cally review performance in completing the requests. ensure accessibility. • Set procedures to monitor and periodically review the accessibil- • Institutional knowledge rather than long-range planning guide ity of instructional materials to ensure students with disabilities have implementation for IT replacement and upgrades. equal access to them. These are some of the findings in a state audit requested by the • Develop procedures for upgrading and replacing IT equipment CFT and released on December 5. The audit concluded that the com- consistently, and ensure that technology master plans are current and munity colleges reviewed were not adequately monitoring technology contain detailed steps for achieving their goals. services for accessibility, and that they should formalize procedures for Although the Chancellor’s Office has developed guidelines for upgrading and replacing instructional technology equipment. prompt delivery of alternate instructional materials, there are no The union sought the audit after delegates to the CFT Convention guidelines for monitoring these provisions. As a result, the audit recom- passed a resolution calling for a study of technology implementation. mends that the chancellor issue guidance on response time and moni- With one-time state budget monies, the state auditor reviewed three toring, as well as establish written protocols for upgrades. representative college districts: Foothill-De Anza, Los Rios, and Cerritos. — By Bryan Ha, CFT Legislative Representative Federal and state laws require community colleges to make all class materials available, upon request, in a format that is accessible to stu- » Find the full Audit Report at

12 California teacher february–march 2018 ou’ve seen them in tourist places and novelty shops, or maybe at the local teacher store — “Rules for Teachers.” y of C ongress /G ett I mages

Y L ibrar Funny, good for a knowing laugh at the 19th century. Teachers were expected to do some things and not to do other things. They were admonished, threatened, re- warded if they read the Bible, and could be dismissed for, among other things, getting a shave at a barbershop. The rules were toughest on women, who, on one list, had to wear two pet- ticoats, could not marry, could not Faced with rules having little or nothing dye their hair, and couldn’t even ride to do with the profes- in a car or carriage with any man sion of teaching, women who was not their father or brother. rebelled and organized And, at a time when fully 75 percent a union. of teachers were women, they were often paid a fraction of what their male colleagues received.

Early teacher organizing wins right to marry, dye hair How educators paved the way more than 100 years ago

These lists of “rules” sound funny today union of its day, the Knights of Labor. And schools. The group encouraged dialogue but they were serious then, reflecting the in 1890, she brought and won a case that and cooperation between teachers and place of teachers, and especially woman prohibited districts from firing teachers, labor unions, but was never formally af- teachers, in the society of the day. Teachers except for “professional misconduct” or “in- filiated because of resistance from the AFL responded by forming teacher clubs competence.” Right. You could now dye your and from some rank-and-file teachers. and associations, where they exchanged hair and still keep your job. Thanks, Kate. By then, teachers in San Antonio and ideas and news and formed friendships. Chicago had formed similar unions and had However, these groups were often limited KNOW OUR HISTORY been able to affiliate them with their local to whites only and split into women’s labor councils. It was only a matter of time and men’s sections. Some, like the pre- A second pioneer in the formation of before fledgling locals around California cursor of today’s National Education teachers’ unions was a medical doctor joined together and did the same thing. Association, included administrators in named Margaret Mahoney. She was leader — By Bill Morgan, a member of the CFT Labor their membership. of an organization called SFTF, the San in the Schools Committee who taught elementary So, given the severe restrictions on them, Francisco Teachers’ Federation, which was students in San Francisco for 34 years it is not surprising that it was women who founded in 1906 with 40 members, mostly first challenged the county school boards women. Mahoney, also a school principal, . and paved the way for the first teachers’ and her small organization drew on the » Editor’s note: This spring kicks union, the American Federation of Teachers example of San Francisco’s then powerful off a year of celebration: The CFT turns in 1916, and our own CFT in 1919. labor movement. 100 on May 31, 2019. Our anniversary Consider the case of Kate Kennedy, who They challenged the notion that a mar- coincides with the California Teacher in 1874 brought the case that established ried teacher’s request for a leave could be becoming an online-only magazine, ending the legal precedent of equal pay for women treated, if the district wished, as a resig- 71 years of regular print publication. Your who were doing the same work (in her case, nation. SFTF also protested the random final print issue (April-May) will contain a that of school principal) as men. She was transfers of teachers from one school commemorative history of the CFT recapping an active member of the leading national to another as a “reign of terror” in the key parts of the Federation’s first 100 years.

february–marchapril–May 20172018 California teacher 13 PreK–12

Teacher Leader program empowers educator voice Motivated participants confidently take new skills to Sacramento

onnie Nam used to grumble about their careers and to have an understand- consistent union dues, until as a participant in ing of how the union is important.” improve- Cthe local’s Teacher Leaders program, Participants choose a professional ment in her the veteran fifth and sixth grade teacher research topic, then share their findings instruction learned about her union’s legislative advo- with the group, and learn about local and student cacy role. Now, amidst the war on public issues. Golden, the union’s executive vice performance. education, she says, “It’s worth it. Nothing president, called the program “a great Nam comes for free.” has also Starting last fall, 15 members of the taken on a ABC Federation of Teachers began more ac- S teve Yeater attending meetings two evenings a tive role in the union. “My eyes month, according to Tanya Golden, are opened to the broader issues who conducts the local’s Teacher that affect everything we do,” she Leaders program. The AFT program says. She keeps up with relevant is designed to identify and train issues, corresponds with elected highly motivated educators who will officials, and urges her colleagues take leadership roles in their schools, to do the same. At CFT Lobby Day unions and communities, and gener- on January 30, Nam learned more ate support for about the legislative process and public schools and felt empowered to talk forcefully unions. with state legislators about educa- At first, most Sharpening their political skills in Sacramento are Jill Yasutake, left, tion issues. teacher par- Rachel Jimenez, above, Connie Nam and Myong Cho, upper right. Golden is proud of ABC’s greater ticipants, who are participation in this year’s Lobby already leaders way to grow a core of member advocates. Day and credits the Teacher Leader pro- in their schools, We can then ask them to speak about edu- gram. “We’ve always had a few members expect only profes- cation issues, serve on committees, and participate.” But this year 13 teacher lead- sional develop- advocate for union interests and actions.” ers, clad in CFT “Organize, Resist” t-shirts ment, says local President Ray Gaer. “But In today’s political climate, Nam sees the made the early morning trek from south- we are also training them in the big picture importance of writing as a foundation for east Los Angeles County to Sacramento. of unions being advocates in schools. We critical thinking. She is researching writing Rachel Jimenez learned the importance lay the foundation for teachers to grow in development and instruction and reports of communicating with legislators. “Just by

Teachers trump president using #ArmMeWith

Better ways to support students and teachers this hashtag, teachers share rico tamayo council president might include fully funding special education, what they would prefer to Responding to the school shooting in getting teachers the classroom supplies they be “armed with” instead of Parkland, Florida, President Trump proposed that need, and allotting more money to lower class guns. Recurring themes are federal funds go to train classroom teachers to size ratios, improving the working conditions of more support, more time use a gun. I, along with countless other educa- teachers. in the classroom, more counselors and strong tors across the country, are stunned by the Understanding that teachers know what is mental health systems that support students. notion that weapons would have a sanctioned best for their students, a high school teacher To see what teachers are sharing, and to add place in the American classroom, making has started a movement on Instagram and your own suggestions, join the #ArmMeWith “teachers as armed guards” the new normal. Twitter using the hashtag #ArmMeWith. Using movement online.

14 California teacher february–march 2018 As part of the local’s expanded participation in CFT Lobby Day, Tanya Golden, center, and Rhonda McNutt engage S teve Yeater with a legislative staffer in the Capitol.

v. AFSCME, the case before the Supreme other educators at varying levels of experi- taking two minutes out of your day,” she Court that may overturn the ability of ence and talk about what’s going on.” says, “emailing or phoning can make a dif- public employee unions to collect fair share Forsythe said she didn’t get involved ference of whether an important bill passes fees from non-members. before because she lacked that confidence. or not. One person isn’t going to make a Jimenez is researching charter schools. “I didn’t feel like I could hold a conversa- difference, but all of our single voices can With anti-public education forces push- tion about union business or federal issues become this one huge voice.” ing vouchers and privatization, she says, as well as I would have liked to,” she said. Jimenez is a middle school special educa- “Corporate billionaires are trying to weak- “I wanted to become more knowledgeable, and to become more active instead of sit- “Just by taking two minutes out of your day, emailing or phon- ting on the sidelines.” Things are different now, Forsythe says. ing can make a difference of whether an important bill passes She feels equipped to have discussions with or not. One person isn’t going to make a difference, but all of members and administrators. “I can knock on someone’s door and have a more authen- our single voices can become this one huge voice.” tic, engaging conversation with them as a — Rachel Jimenez, Middle School Special Education Teacher, ABC Federation of Teachers direct result of the Teacher Leader program.” Golden looks forward to growing the tion teacher, and says, through the program en public education and our unions. We Teacher Leader program in coming years. she has learned how her district and union must fight for better classroom environ- “When teachers across the district who operate, and how the union supports staff. ments and working conditions.” didn’t know one another before meet and With a better understanding of budgets Second grade teacher Kelley Forsythe talk about their schools and experiences, and how collective bargaining works, she says the program has given her the added they learn from one another and build rela- is committed to advocating for the union confidence to serve as union site rep. “It’s tionships — and our union gets stronger.” at her school. Jimenez worries about Janus incredibly valuable to sit in a room with — By Mindy Pines, CFT Reporter

february–march 2018 California teacher 15 Classified

Laura Manriquez, who won a grant to help cover the cost of getting a teaching credential, working with kindergarteners N ik B laskovich at Aliso Elementary. On Becoming an Educator Classroom veteran looks forward to being a teacher

By Laura L. Manriquez receiving assistance with tuition, textbook member at a local trade college. costs, and student fees. I was pleased to be But eventually, my career took a back recently became aware of an oppor- chosen for participation in the program, seat to my role as mother, and I wanted a tunity to obtain financial assistance in and I am moving forward with my plan to job that would allow me to be available to Iearning a teaching credential through earn a California Multiple Subject teaching my two young children before and after the California Classified School Employee credential. This is a huge step forward in their days at grade school. So I became an Teacher Credentialing Program, which is realizing my dream. instructional assistant in 2000, working intended to attract classified staff who are My journey to becoming an educator part-time at Aliso Elementary School in the interested in becoming teachers. began when my family’s financial situation Carpinteria Unified School District, a job I California is facing a shortage of quali- required me to return to work after my have held continuously since then. There I fied teachers, and I see this as an opportu- youngest child entered kindergarten. Prior learned about child development, multiple nity to do my part in helping to close that to that, my associate’s degree in fine art had intelligences, inquiry-based learning, class- gap by educating the young students in led me to be a staff artist at a newspaper, room management, and much more. my community as a credentialed teacher. and later a graphic designer, art director, After two years in the school system, I So, with renewed hope, I submitted my commercial illustrator, owner of a design saw that students were exposed to very little application in the anticipation of possibly and marketing firm, and even a faculty enrichment in the arts and sciences and I

16 California teacher february–march 2018 realized that my skillset could help fill that magna cum laude. gap. I became an instructor for various Fifteen more units after-school programs in public schools, of early childhood private schools, and special enrichment education earned me Nik Blaskovich programs sponsored by the city or the arts a Child Development council, and designed and wrote curricu- Permit as a master lum for the courses. teacher and site Often I worked at two or three schools supervisor. daily, commuting within a 50-mile radius. At During that time, I night, after helping my kids with homework often thought about and preparing dinner, I would stay up late earning a teaching preparing for the next day’s work; first as an credential, believing that my skills as an edu- instructional assistant each morning and then cator after 17 years in the classroom could as an enrichment instructor each afternoon. be put to best use as a credentialed teacher, Teachers and parents encouraged me only to realize it was out of reach consider- been an indispensible employee advocate to offer more, and in 2002, I created Kids ing the student loans I already carried. in my district during the years I have been Love Art!, an enrichment program held Then, I learned from the Santa employed as an educator. The union of- during spring, summer and winter breaks Barbara County Classified Credentialing ficers have worked tirelessly for me per- in Carpinteria. This made for a year-round Consortium that, through the Classified sonally on more than one occasion, and I schedule of dizzying proportions. As the School Employee Teacher Credentialing continue to appreciate their courage and dedicated support. I trust my union, and “The union officers have worked tirelessly for me personally knowing that it advocated for this program on more than one occasion, and I continue to appreciate their encouraged me to apply. So, I’m sending a wish for the best of courage and dedicated support. I trust my union, and knowing luck to all classified employees who want to that it advocated for this program encouraged me to apply.” earn a teaching credential, and I encourage you to follow your dream by applying for — Laura Manriquez, Instructional Assistant, Aliso Elementary School, Carpinteria the California Classified School Employee program’s popularity grew, I added science Program, funding was available for eligible Teacher Credentialing Program if it’s avail- and engineering to the curriculum. applicants to receive up to $3,300 per year able in your district or county. In following Kids Love Art! operated until 2014 and for up to five years. this dream, teachers can help so many oth- reached many local students, something I also learned that the CFT, a parent ers realize the dream of a high-quality edu- that continues to be a source of personal to my local union, was instrumental in cation and therefore, a higher quality life. pride for me. As it wound down, I reentered obtaining funding in the state Legislature Laura Manriquez is an instructional assistant college, attending CSU Channel Islands to for this important program. My local, at Aliso Elementary School in Carpinteria and a earn a bachelor’s in fine art. Three years and the Carpinteria Association of the United member of the Carpinteria Association of the United $30,000 of student debt later, I graduated School Employees, AFT Local 2216, has School Employees, AFT Local 2216.

Our stories capture enduring truths

Luukia Smith council president Sacramento legislators how we are passion- important role we play in the ate about our work, and how we are often a educational system. The CFT successfully lobbied for the state- student’s first contact in the school day. The public must be wide program that provides classified employ- The bus driver, the office secretary, the student reminded that schools and ees with financial assistance to become creden- services advisor, instructional aide or custodian, colleges are staffed with tialed teachers. This program helps classified we all play a necessary part in educating our more than teachers and administrators. We staff in preK-12 schools who want to make the students. If there is a need, we try to meet it. need to share who we are and what we do. By transition to teaching. It represents a significant Classified employees are the behind-the-scenes sharing our stories about the impact we have investment in the value of classified employees. fixers. We help students in different ways than on our students and in our communities, we At CFT Lobby Day, we shared with faculty, and many people do not realize the can do just that.

february–march 2018 California teacher 17 Community College

CFT opposes two of the governor’s budget proposals These recycled ideas have proven ineffective in other states

In spite of critics, in- up with this,” he said. “We’ve been doing it on other things that would help students, New fully cluding the CFT, who in all our other community classes. So why Mahler says. online say online classes harm create an online college when all 114 other “In the budget proposal that the com- community the students who need colleges are already offering online classes?” munity college system put forward, stake- college the most help, Gov. While about 11 percent of courses taken holder groups unanimously agreed we Jerry Brown has pro- at community colleges are now online, need more money for full-time faculty and posed a fully online community college in duplicating what is already being done isn’t adjunct faculty hours,” Mahler said. “The his $132 billion state budget for 2018-19. the only problem with Brown’s proposal. It governor funded zero. Rather than spend- Leaders and educators at the CFT charge was put together without the usual stake- ing $120 million on this, why not spend it the proposal is expensive, unnecessary, holders, and how an online college would on something that’s a guaranteed success?” and counterproductive. Without face-to- be accredited is unclear. face help from a teacher, students who The people who would be targeted for Another controver- Performance- sial Brown pro- “…stakeholder groups unanimously agreed we need more based funding posal would change the funding money for full-time faculty and adjunct faculty hours. mechanism for community colleges. Each The governor funded zero. Rather than spending $120 million district would get a base grant, reflecting enrollment, and a supplemental grant based on this, why not spend it on something that’s a guaranteed on the number of low-income students. success?” — Jim Mahler, President, Community College Council The problem, Mahler says, is with anoth- er component, called the Student Success struggle don’t do well in these online classes. an online community college are the ones Incentive Grant, which proposes additional Plentiful anecdotal evidence, bolstered by traditional institutions already are striving funding for the degrees and certificates studies from the Brookings Institute and the to reach. districts give out. Districts may grant more Public Policy Institute of California, clearly “It’s a single parent working adult who degrees and certificates to get more funding. show this. But Brown and other proponents doesn’t have any time to take classes and is “It would create diploma mills,” Mahler of this idea say online classes would reach least likely to be successful online,” Mahler said. “It’s not a smart model — it doesn’t those who cannot get to regular classes. said. “They’re not going to come up with incentivize the right things. Instead you’re Jim Mahler, president of the Community any new brilliant way to reach people we teaching to the degree.” No classified or College Council has a response to that. don’t already reach.” faculty members were asked to participate “It’s not like the rest of us are still living The $120 million proposed for this in developing this proposal either. in caves, and they’re the first ones to come online school could be much better spent — By Emily Wilson, CFT Reporter

Budget proposals: A fast train to nowhere

community college equivalent of the governor’s every state where they have Jim Mahler council president bullet train boondoggle. been touted as the “great We begin the legislative session focused There is a place for online learning in our new thing.” We don’t need on defeating two of the governor’s wronghead- system and our members are engaged in de- to provide an incentive for ed proposals: A fully online community college veloping innovative course work that meets the colleges to turn themselves and performance-based funding. needs of students. But this must be done as a into diploma mills. The definition of insanity is There is no need to create a 115th, fully supplement to traditional face-to-face learning. trying the same thing over and over again, but online college in our system. It duplicates That’s what students want and it’s what the expecting a different result. what our existing colleges can already deliver: research shows is effective. We need to stay sane and work hard to Students from anywhere in California can Similarly, performance-based funding models defeat these ill-conceived proposals. currently take classes at any college. It’s the have been attempted and resulted in failure in

18 California teacher april–february–marchMay 2017 2018 San Francisco’s voter-approved Free City measure is a model for the statewide College for All initiative.

Courtesy Local 2121 Sign ON the dotted line! Help put “College for All” on the November ballot

n a huge success, AFT Local 2121, the faculty union at City College College for All. “It’s very similar to the City College program, which is of San Francisco, created “Free City” — offering free classes to funded by a transfer tax.” ISan Francisco residents starting last fall semester. Funds for the Killikelly says College for All could make a huge difference to program, about $44 million a year, come from a transfer tax on students who would no longer have to go into debt to get a higher properties selling for $5 million or more. Enrollment has gone education. up by thousands of students since the program started, “It’s a realistic, progressive vision of policies that will help bringing the school millions more in state funding. people a lot,” Killikelly said. “Locals around the state have Now the CFT wants to do the same thing for contributed to our campaign, and we’re trying to make it community colleges statewide, along with not just a San Francisco thing, but we’re trying to make it the California State and the University of happen other places as well.” California systems. Members are gathering Monica Malamud, a Spanish teacher at Cañada College signatures to put College For All on the November in Redwood City and chair of the CFT Higher Education Issues

C hris H an z o ballot. Money for tuition — about $3 billion — Committee, also sees College for All as an attainable, worthy goal. would be raised by creating an estate tax in California, “I have always believed college should be free, not just levied on the top 0.2 percent of households. affordable,” Malumud said. “The only way to guarantee it’s accessible Tim Killikelly “The reason why they chose an estate tax is that for all is to make it free.” California does not have one and quite a few states do,” »Learn what you can do to help qualify the initiative at said Tim Killikelly, Local 2121’s president who has been working with

Why is this measure exciting and progressive?

Expands Students Cal Grant A Expands Formerly are considered Low income tuition for more than Cal Grant B incarcerated 386,000 working class + residents under + + students are + living expenses by students are students who don’t go to California Dream prioritized 80 percent included university right Act (AB 130) out of high school

Creating an estate tax in California, levied on the top 0.2 percent of households, would raise $3 billion for tuition.

february–march 2018 California teacher 19 University

UC Santa Barbara Lecturer Ellen Whittet, says students “don’t have the criteria to make a real evaluation of the instruction.” N ik B laskovich Student assessments unreliable for evaluating instructors Biased opinions may effect reappointment for contingent faculty

valuation can be a harrowing experi- System, which, according to its website, “al- This sounds like a democratic exercise, ence for any educator. But for non- lows students to provide feedback, which is allowing students input into the quality Etenured faculty in the UC system, used to improve courses and instruction.” of the instruction and those giving it. The the emotional drain is compounded by the While faculty themselves can view the assess- reality is much more complex. critical role that evaluations play in wheth- ments (although not the names of the stu- According to the American Association er a lecturer continues to work at all. “We’re reviewed every two years until “The bigger problem is that the students don’t really under- we get our appointment,” explains Ellen Whittet, now in her sixth year teaching at stand that what to them are gripes can have such a profound UC Santa Barbara. “We have to put togeth- impact on the job of the teacher.” — Ellen Whittet, Lecturer, UC Santa Barbara er a portfolio made up of three elements — our teaching, service to the university com- dents making them) they are also reviewed of University Professors, “student evalua- munity, and professional development. The by department chairs “to assess both their tions and their use by institutions exacerbate evaluations of students are really important faculty, and the value of courses offered in the problems of a two-tier system, compro- to the teaching component.” their department,” and by university commit- mising the quality of education.” UC-AFT Those evaluations are collected and evalu- tees “as part of faculty reviews, to determine President Mia McIver, who developed a ated by the Instructor and Course Evaluation promotion and tenure.” presentation to assist lecturers in coping

20 California teacher february–march 2018 with the system, adds that “because adminis- student evaluations began a century ago, as about the evaluations, including empha- trators rely on student evaluations to decide private communications between student sizing how serious they are, who reads whom to reappoint, non-tenure-track fac- and instructor. In the 1960s, as students de- them, and the use made of them. “Students ulty have an incentive not to offer rigorous manded more of a voice in their education, deserve transparency about how their and challenging courses. This ultimately evaluations began to be publicly circulated. university works, including info about the compromises educational quality.” Administrators soon exploited the student relationship between student evaluations of Many argue that students’ gender and initiatives to effectively outsource teacher teachers and reappointment for contingent race biases can play a part in faculty,” she says. “Talk with their evaluations. “Teachers Students engage in spirited students about how the tell me their evaluations say discussion in Ellen Whittet’s learning process is intended ‘how nice she is,’ or that ‘she UC Santa Barbara class. to challenge them to grow, has great style,’” Whittet says. not entertain or please.” “One recalled an evaluation Whittet cautions, though, that said ‘gotten too sassy that too much discussion recently.’ The positive com- from the teacher can seem ments still would only be self-interested. She thinks made about a woman, while the system is curable, but the negative ones imply that would need a huge overhaul. ‘she doesn’t know her place.’ “Because it affects lecturers Evaluations are more likely so greatly,” she argues, “the to call a white professor proposals for change should ‘brilliant’ while questioning include their voices.” the qualifications of a teacher The current UC-AFT con- N ik B laskovich of color.” tract for lecturers provides Whittet says the inclusion of these bi- assessment, displacing it from peers onto some protection, including access to the re- ases isn’t really the fault of the students. students alone. ports and evaluations by those evaluated, the “They’re not experts. The bigger problem Subsequent studies cast doubt on the addition of assessments by successful former is that the students don’t really understand objectivity and value of the evaluations. In students and other faculty members, and that what to them are gripes can have such one, “a charismatic actor giving a nonsense “that the quantitative measure in the student Student assessments unreliable for evaluating instructors a profound impact on the job of the teach- lecture was rated highly by a well-educated evaluation is not the sole criterion for evalu- Biased opinions may effect reappointment for contingent faculty er. They’re really about how the student audience,” while another showed that stu- ating teaching excellence.” perceives the class, because they don’t have dents “tend to assign high ratings to teach- McIver predicts that the next UC-AFT the criteria to make a real evaluation of ers from whom they learn the least.” contract negotiations will seek to reduce the instruction.” McIver and the union have suggested the weight given to student evaluations. McIver notes in her presentation that ways instructors can talk with students — By David Bacon, CFT Reporter

Problem of contingency needs feminist framing

mia mciver president tenure-track faculty are women, while one half to take women seriously as of lecturers are women. We’re proud of the scholars and researchers. Like so many other labor and education equal gender representation within our union’s In working to elevate the issues, contingency needs a feminist framing. ranks, but to UC managers and administrators, status of lecturers at the The battle against contingency at the university a more feminized workforce justifies shabbier UC, our union is working to level is fundamentally about the role of women treatment: lower pay, fewer full-time appoint- give women faculty the rec- scholars and teachers in the academy. Women ments, more faculty excluded from benefits, less ognition and compensation they deserve. The earn 46 percent of doctoral degrees. Those who parental leave, and far less job security. gender wage gap in academia is yet another of continue on to faculty careers are dispropor- These patterns are the legacy of the historical the ravages of contingency. tionately appointed into contingent positions. devaluation of teaching as women’s work. They At the University of California, one third of also indicate higher education’s general failure

february–march 2018 California teacher 21


Retiree experience and advice helps actives Financial workshops assist in retirement planning

o you know the differences between “defined benefit,” “defined contribu- Dtion,” and “cash balance” retirement plans? Not ringing any bells? Can you tell a SEP-IRA from a 403(b) plan? Still nothing? You aren’t alone. So, for nine years, the

AFT Local 2121 Retiree Chapter has orga- C hris H an z o nized a daylong workshop on financial lit- eracy and how City College of San Francisco faculty can best prepare for retirement. Workshops were originally aimed at part-timers, but the audience has expanded to all faculty and staff. About 120 employ- ees attended the 2018 sessions aimed at everyone from new-hires to some ready to Former economics instructor Doug Orr retire within a year. leads a retirement planning session. “We’re trying to get people to start pay- ing attention in their 30s,” said retiree Doug Local 2121 retirees worked about six Orr, who leads the “Retirement Planning months to prepare the workshop. Orr said 101” panel and chairs CFT’s Retirement the chapter would be pleased to advise other appalled by conditions that part-timers Policy Committee. AFT local unions how to start a retirement faced, and started these workshops to help The two dozen sessions at this year’s planning program. About a dozen locals them set up their retirements as well as workshop ranged from Social Security and offer similar workshops, he estimated. possible, given the pay inequities.” Medicare for those with other coverage, The January 8 work- Orr said Liehe corrected CalSTRS sev- and planning for long-term medical care, shop was dedicated to eral times on how to calculate pensions for to setting up wills and family trusts. Non- the late union activist part-timers. “Cliff got hundreds of thou- financial topics included preparing emo- Cliff Liehe, who recently sands of dollars in additional benefits for tionally for a post-work schedule. died of cancer. AFT locals part-timers.” Orr said the curriculum changes every across California have — By Steve Weingarten, CFT Reporter year. This year his panel touched on some reproduced Liehe’s primer Trump administration threats to Medicare on how part-timers can Cliff Liehe »You can find the excellent booklet and healthcare. During George Bush’s get the most from the CalSTRS system. Retirement Primer for Part-Time Faculty second term they explored his attempt to “Cliff was a part-timer and had practiced written by Cliff Liehe on the CFT website privatize Social Security. law,” retiree Ann Killebrew said. “He was at

Speak out against gun violence on April 20

john perez council president to a major report on healthcare in the largest careers passed without economies in the world prepared by the U.N.’s the worry of a shooter on The AFT has called for a national day to pro- Organization for Economic Cooperation and campus. Students, communi- test the killing of our children. We have turned Development. It is an epidemic that must be ties and working educators out to support our mothers, sisters, wives and stopped. School should be the safest place for need to hear our supportive girlfriends, now is the time to turn out to sup- a child, not a shooting gallery for a person with voices now more than ever. On Friday, April port our children and grandchildren. an automatic weapon. 20, please join the Day of Action Against Gun Gun violence is the second leading cause of Many of us watched generations of children Violence in Schools in your region. death among American teenagers, according pass through our classrooms, and our entire >Learn more at

22 California teacher february–march 2018 Local Action Around the State Local Wire

LOCAL 6439 Culinary Institute faculty organize, win landmark contract

here’s a lot cooking at the All four ranks of instructors Napa Valley’s Culinary will receive a minimum increase Institute of America and y E lverum of $5,000 by June 1, 2020, as a T T err it’s not just Pancetta-Wrapped result of the successful contract Mount Lassen Trout and Meyer negotiations. Lemon Pudding Cake. The Culinary Institute has The faculty employed there three campuses in the United teach chefs how to make gour- States — Hyde Park, New York; met dishes — from hors San Antonio, Texas; and St. d’oeuvres to desserts — and Helena, California — with a how to plate them. They also fourth in Singapore. The fac- train waiters, managers, and ulty who teach at Hyde Park sommeliers. are represented by the AFT. But the 28 faculty members Using the Hyde Park con- at the Greystone Campus in St. tract as a blueprint, CFT Helena wanted a union and negotiators, with an eye more respect on the job. They toward inclusion, secured reached out to CFT early last new workplace rights spe- year, and, after several months cifically for part-time fac- of organizing and planning to Faculty sign up to be members, above, and Local ulty. “We could not have reach supermajority support, President Ken Woytisek, right, was among those done this without the support the instructors cast their votes. casting ballots to ratify the local’s first contract. and guidance of the CFT,” says They won union recognition by we achieved success through contract will provide both full- Woytisek. an overwhelming majority on our resolve to become a union.” and part-time faculty 12.25 Faculty members also now March 3, 2017. Now a year later, the percent pay increases over the have a labor-management “We felt all the anxieties Greystone Federation of next four years, retroactive to committee to discuss ongoing associated with an election,” Teachers, AFT Local 6439, has June. Faculty who work at the concerns, including one they said chef and now local negotiated a landmark four- onsite restaurant and café will share with many California President Ken Woytisek, “but year agreement. This first also receive restaurant stipends. educators — class size.

UC-AFT Lecturers and librar- system, where poor kids receive a ians in the University Council- high-quality education without AFT have been organizing up a charters or vouchers. storm on UC campuses across the

y L ocal 1990 C ourtes state. At UCLA, seven different campus unions worked together in a massive blitz to bring more UC

workers into their unions. Courtesy Local 2279 LOCAL 1078 The Berkeley Federation of Teachers hosted a community event to support public education on March 1. The union screened the film Backpack NEW UNION The campus workers are now in the process of Full of Cash, a cautionary tale security guards who work in the forming their new AFT local and about how privatization and The Los Rios College Federation of Teachers, Compton Unified School look forward to bargaining a first funding cuts have devastated pub- made custom t-shirts for the second interna- District just chose AFT as their contract seeking workplace lic schools. It also showcases a tional Women’s March on January 20. bargaining agent. The classified protections. well-resourced public school

february–march 2018 California teacher 23

Rank & Files CFT @CFTunion

Janice Lobo Sapigao, a A Union of Professionals new full-time English faculty member for the Cultivamos Excelencia program at San José City College, and member of the San José/Evergreen Federation of Teachers, Local 5167, recently published her second collection of poetry. The book, like a solid to a shadow, is which aims to expand and improve a strategic implementation plan the goal of broadening the pool of about family computer science education in to the Superintendent of Public teachers to teach computer science lineages, grieving grades K–12. The 23-member panel Instruction, the State Board of to ensure that all pupils have ac- fatherless- will submit recommendations for Education, and the Legislature with cess to quality courses. ness, and the limitations of language after Sapigao finds Malcolm Terence, a retired resource teacher and member of the her father’s love “letters” to her Greater Santa Cruz Federation of Teachers, AFT Local 2030, and mother: cassette tapes recorded reporter for California Teacher, has published a new book, in Illokano, a language of which Beginner’s Luck, Dispatches from the Klamath Mountains. she has imperfect knowledge. The

D on M onkerud In the late 1960s, Terence left his job as a reporter for the Los book moves through her process of translating the tapes. Through Angeles Times to look for adventure in the back-to-the-land move- family trees, photos, and mapping, ment and strayed into Black Bear Ranch, a commune in a remote Sapigao articulates her knowledge corner of the Klamaths near the California-Oregon border. of the man who is her deceased The local mining and timber communities had a checkered opinion of their new father. The book was published by hippie neighbors, as did the Native tribes, but it was the kind of place where people Timeless, Infinite Light and can be helped each other out, even if they didn’t always agree. found online at Over the years, when wildfires threatened, Terence and other commune members joined fire crews run by the U.S. Forest Service. In between, the Black Bear expats built homesteads, planted gardens, delivered Solomon Russell, assistant babies, and raised their children. They gradually overcame the locals’ skepticism and joined them in political professor of computer science at battles against the use of herbicides in the forest and the Forest Service’s campaign to close mining claims. El Camino College, and member of Terence offers insight into environmental activism and the long history of conflict between resource the El Camino College Federation exploitation and Native American rights. With wit, humor, and humility, his anecdotal essays chronicle a of Teachers, AFT Local 1388, was time and place where disparate people came together to form an unlikely community. The book is available appointed to the Computer Science through Oregon State University Press at Strategic Information Plan Panel

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