The University of Sydney School of Ideas to Implementation


Albert Einstein won his for his insight in to the photoelectric effect. His understanding of this phenomenon was one of the milestones in the development of theory and introduced the world to the concept of wave-particle duality.


A Current flows in circuit when shines

Waves? Particles? Waves and particles? Light definitely does behave like a wave: it diffracts, refracts and interferes, which are all wave properties. Light also seems to behave like a particle, like a lump: it can knock off surfaces and transfer to other objects in packets of E = hf, just like a particle would.

Observing the Photoelectric Effect In this experiment you can observe the photoelectric effect as certain of light knock electrons out of a surface. When the is charged, shine dim, ‘white’ light source (the desk lamp on ‘low’) onto the metal plate. Switch the lamp to its brightest setting. Do you observe any change in the charge on the electroscope?

Predict Observe Explain

The University of Sydney School of Physics Ideas to Implementation

Now shine the UV lamp on the metal plate. What do you observe?

Predict Observe Explain

Measuring the photoelectric ‘stopping voltage’ In this experiment you again observe the photoelectric effect, but this time you’re going to measure the amount of energy the ejected electrons receive from the . energy E = hf. This means that electrons knocked out from the surface of a material will all have roughly the same amount of kinetic (moving) energy when they leave:

Filter colour Yellow Green Blue Violet Filter 5.19 x 1014 5.49 x 1014 6.88 x 1014 7.41 x 1014 8.20 x 1014 (Hz) Stopping voltage (V)

You now have the necessary information to determine the of the ’s , and to find a value for Planck’s constant.

How do you do this? • The electrons had energy K = hf – W when they left the surface. • Electrons passing through the voltage V applied to the phototube will lose an amount of energy equal to qv • At the stopping voltage, the electrons just don’t make it to the anode, they have lost all their initial energy — so for this voltage, qV = K. • This means qV = hf – W, which we rewrite as V = (h/q) f – (W/q)

The University of Sydney School of Physics Ideas to Implementation

This is a linear equation, similar to y = mx + c. So you can make a graph of V vs. f. It should be a straight line, with a slope equal to h/q and a y-intercept equal to W/q.

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