Teramo () 4 - 10 July 2013

The most international handball tournament in the world

www.interamniaworldcup. com


TERAMO ne and the mountains. At the former, the climate is typically Surrounded by the scenery made up of the peaks and walls Mediterranean, with minimum temperatures usually above of the mountain range Gran Sasso and of the Monti della 0°C; at the latter, Summers are fresh whereas Winters expe- Laga, Teramo is the center of a local community spread rience temperatures which often fall below 0°C. In the central along the valley of the River, between the area and particularly in Teramo, which is situated in a valley River and the Vibrata Valley, and goes towards the marvel- surrounded by hills, the climate is mostly mild, even if on lous coast. It is less than 30 km. from the seaside, with 50 some Winter days it gets really cold and sometimes snows. km. of wonderful stretches of fine golden sand and unpollu- ted water, and from the mountains, with the most beautiful Teramo can be reached: and striking peaks of the central Apennine Chain covered in By Air: from (Fiumicino Airport 170 Km), from snow. Teramo is rich in history and nature and enjoys a lively ( Airport 55 Km); from Ancona (Falconara Airport cultural life. 125 km) Thanks to important evidence of its Roman and Medieval By Train: from the railway station of ages, to the presence of its National Parks and to the great By Car: by the Adriatic motorway A14 and the Motorway A24 importance of its gastronomic tradition, Teramo is a touristic Rome-L’Aquila-Teramo attraction of a certain significance. It is a city continuously evolving which is trying to change its aspect and its econo- mic situation in many ways: Teramo’s economy, which used to be mostly based on agriculture, is now mainly based on industrial and scientific plants such as the presence of the “Laboratory of Nuclear Physics” on the territory – the biggest in the World -, the Astronomy Observatory at Collurania and the Experimental Veterinary Health Institute. Great support has been given to the city by the University which, thanks to its degree courses, academic degrees and the many po- stgraduate schools and advanced diploma courses, has at- tracted about 11,000 students.

(Ref.: official site of the City of Teramo – www..tera- mo.it)

THE PROVINCE OF TERAMO The territory of the province of Teramo, with a surface of 1,948 km2, except for the short coast strip, is mostly hilly. On the west side, the territory rises up to the peaks of the Gran Sasso mountain range and on the north to the . Therefore, the landscape is various and of great inte- rest: from the deep-blue of the sea and the warm reflection of the golden sand, to the different shades of green, brown and gold of the cultivated hills, and the deep-green of the woods and the grey mountains (or bright white snow tops in Winter). In the “Green Region of ”, the territory of Teramo stands out for the presence of widespread woods. Teramo’s coast is the longest in the region of Abruzzo – with a width which in some places is more than 100 m. and a ho- mogeneous length of about 50 km. It is the most welcoming, with a seafront lined with trees and flowers, clean stretches of fine golden sand, shallow water, and above all, clean. The climate is obviously very different between the coastli-


For 40 years the Interamnia World Cup, recognised by the It has always given the greatest priority to the quality of its International Handball Federation as “the most important participants (rather than the quantity), and has since 1983 handball youth tournament in the World”, has gathered featured the most important personalities, such as: young athletes (from 9 to 21 years of age) coming from all over the World in Teramo from the 4th to the 10th July in Trainers, managers and players of Under 21 national teams the name of the highest ideals of sport and cultural exchan- from 53 countries representing 5 continents, for a total of ges. 248 teams, 136 male teams and 112 female ones (amongst which the world champion male teams in the category from During the years, the event has given its contribution to ope- the Soviet Union and Egypt and the female teams from the ning the boundaries of the city, encouraging relationships Soviet Union, Romania, Denmark and Russia); and the knowledge of a continuously evolving world: thanks to handball, young people have realized the importance of Trainers, managers and players of the youth teams of the living a healthy life; many volunteers have given their contri- most prestigious European clubs (amongst which 14 win- bution to the success of the tournament, and the systemic ners of European Cups at senior team levels, representing and synergetic effort of the local councils, school institutions, 9 countries and 132 which took part in European Cups at authorities, sports organizations, companies and other im- senior team levels, representing 31 countries); portant bodies of the city, have given a concrete testimony of the value of collaboration within the networks of territorial Leading personalities of international handball (managers excellence. and trainers/former athletes of international fame), journa- lists (of papers and leading television stations) as well as The Cup has developed many secondary events with great photographic reporters; social and cultural value: from the international crafts exhibi- tion-market “Hand Made” to “Streetanimation”, the perfor- It has also provided an important contribution to: mances of street artists coming from all over the World, to the international cultural happening “Teramo, a City Open to The growth in the referee sector as it has, up to date, invited the World” and “Because… the poets”, without forgetting the 2,772 referees from 72 countries representing 4 continents; Great Opening Parade “Teramo, Italy here” which turns the streets and squares of the city into a sparkling parade of The technical development of countries less evolved in a lights, music and colours. sporting sense, which thanks to the Interamnia Cup, have been able to come to the forefront in an intercontinental con- IN 40 YEARS… text (such as Afghanistan, Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Ban- gladesh, Cameroon, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Gabon, During its previous 40 years, the Interamnia World Cup has Djibouti, Greenland, Guinea, Hong Kong, Honduras, India, attracted the international attention as much as to be com- Ireland, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Malta, Mon- memorated with a special mention in the year 2002 by the golia, Mozambique, Nigeria, New Caledonia, Palestine, Pa- International Handball Federation as “the World’s biggest nama, Peru’, Dominican Republic, Reunion, Uruguay); junior handball tournament”. This special acknowledgement follows the one made by It has provided the impetus for many other tournaments U.N.I.C.E.F. that, in 1989, declared Teramo to be “A City world wide and has increased the spreading of handball on Open to the World”, giving further prestige to the important the international sphere, further enhancing the image and “kermes”. the reputation of the sport itself. Once more, we would like to thank the I.H.F. and feel the duty to further highlight the most characteristic aspects of the event from a technical-sports point of view, as well as in Organizing Aspects social, tourist and cultural-recreational terms, which make this tournament truly unique, and without doubt “the biggest The sports association organising the event has succeeded and greatest in the World”. in creating a wide network of precious collaborators made up of managers of sports federations, clubs and bodies of various kind who have the duty of officially representing the Technical sporting aspects Interamnia World Cup in 170 countries, all the countries of the World where handball is played. The Interamnia event deserves the following comments: The above mentioned initiative shows the extraordinary “po- wer” of the tournament, and besides creating more solid ba- Year by year, it has succeeded in gathering in one city, Te- ses for its future, has the intention of offering the already ramo, (with an average of 42 countries during the last 23 great international handball family the possibility of creating years) as many as 8,202 teams coming from 111 countries, new contacts and exchanges which are, without fail, useful making up more than 47% of all the countries in the World for the extra growth of this sports discipline all around the and more than 64% of all the countries in which handball is world. played.

Interamnia World Cup Official Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/InteramniaWorldCup

Social aspects Cultural-recreational aspects

The Interamnia World Cup has another merit which is also Finally, the event also features a wealth of non-sporting se- one of its strong points, and that is, that it has always exten- condary initiatives, which are highly spectacular and original: ded the invitation to participate to all, without making any The Grand Opening Parade which takes place in the old distinction of race, tradition or political current, and that it has town centre by night, and which forms the most emblematic always made the greatest effort to overcome political bar- and spectacular feature of the event riers, also providing an opportunity for teams from countries The traditional “Miss” and Mr” beauty contest in military conflict to come together and play. Ethnic and rock music festivals In fact, during the times of the most critical political tension, Disco evenings teams from Lebanon and Israel, Iran and Iraq, England Folk games and traditions and Argentina, Bosnia and Serbia, China and Taiwan, have International craft and entertainment shows in the street found themselves together in Teramo, thereby providing a hi- Technical conferences and meetings ghly significant message of peace and love among peoples, Convivial meetings with the participation of managers put into practice through sport. Exhibitions Tourist excursions Team for Peace Beach handball tournaments (held on the wonderful bea- ches of the Adriatic Coast) However, the most important pride of the tournament is to The cultural international happening events promoted during have created, during the 32nd Cup, an original initiative which the past three years allowed 24 players coming from 5 continents to belong to an ideal and unique team of the world for 7 days: the “United Countries represented in the previous Interamnia World Cup World Team”, better called the “Team for Peace”. editions The original team was made up of athletes coming from countries who are enemies at the moment, in war or in a mo- Africa: Algeria, Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, ment of post-war reconstruction, but still with strong diplo- Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Libya, Moroc- matic tensions, coming from China and Taiwan, from South co, Mozambique, Nigeria, Reunion, Senegal, Tunisia. Korea and North Korea, from India and Pakistan, from Iraq and Kuwait, from Iran and Israel, from Palestine and Leba- America: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, non, from the United States of America and from Vietnam Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Afghanistan, from Morocco and Algeria; from Bosnia, Panama, Peru, United States of America, Uruguay, Vene- Croazia, Kosovo and Serbia; from Turkey and Cyprus, with zuela. the participation of Italy as the host country and a represen- tative of the 5th Continent, with an Australian player giving a Asia: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, full sense of universality to the event. India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mongolia, The event had never been experienced before in the world Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Syria, of sport and it highlighted the overcoming of any logic of South Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, Yemen conflicts, of all material and immaterial barriers which divide peoples and culture. Europe: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Bel- gium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Finland, Tourist aspects France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Green- land, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,Iugoslavia Kosovo, The participants of the tournament have also been greatly Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Macedonia, attracted by the wonderful natural features of Teramo and its Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, The Netherlands, Norway, Po- local area, with its wonderful sea and mountain landscapes, land, Portugal, the Principality of Monaco, Romania, Russia, and cultural traditions. There are also a host of different ex- Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Soviet Union, Spain, Sweden, cursion possibilities offered to them, which have given them Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. the opportunity to visit some of the most beautiful cities in Italy such as Rome, Naples, Florence and Venice, and enjoy Oceania: Australia, New Caledonia. their wonderful artistic, historic and architectural heritage.


Here are the figures of the participation in the previous 40 A) Under 21 (1992 and younger) editions of the tournament: B) National teams Under 18 (1995 and younger) C) Under 18 (1995 and younger) 8,196 teams (257 national teams and 7,939 clubs) from 111 D) Under 16 (1997 and younger) countries, coming from 3214, cities representing the 5 Con- E) Under 14 (1999 and younger) tinents F) Under 12 (2001 and younger) 169,855 people from 111 countries and in detail: *G) Under 30 (1983 and younger) 150,055 players 8,390 trainers FEMALE CATEGORIES 8,505 managers-tutors 2,805 referees from 72 countries H) Under 21 (1992 and younger) 21,589 matches were played I) National teams Under 18 (1995 and younger) 2,387,735 meals were served L) Under 18 (1995 and younger) 5,356 volunteers gave their precious contribution M) Under 16 (1997 and younger) 110,200 people had touristic excursions at the seaside (Giu- N) Under 14 (1999 and younger) lianova) and at the mountains (the National Park Gran Sas- O) Under 12 (2001 and younger) so – Monti della Laga *P) Under 30 (1983 and younger) 370 groups offering shows and performances, for a total of 1,695 artists, enriched the recreational-cultural aspects of *CATEGORY: “UNDER 30” MALE AND FEMALE the sport kermesse The experiment, suggested by several clubs who are par- ticularly fond of our tournament and that aims at giving the 41th INTERAMNIA WORLD CUP athletes over the age of 21 who have previously participated The most international handball tournament in the world in the tournament, the possibility of taking part in it again, 4-10 July 2013 has already given positive results.

PLAYING CONDITIONS PROGRAM The game rules of the Italian Handball Federation and of the International Handball Federation will be observed. The Sports-Cultural Club “Interamnia World Cup” plans The tournament matches begin on the 4th July at 8.30 a.m. and organises the “41th Interamnia World Cup” – Memorial and finish on the 10th July at 8.00 p.m. “Giorgio Binchi” - International Handball Tournament, with The procedure of the games foresees eliminating matches, the technical collaboration of the Italian Handball Federa- semi-final matches and final matches. tion and under the aegis of the National Olympic Commit- Each team will play a minimum of six matches and a maxi- tee, the International Handball Federation and the European mum of nine. Handball Federation. ELIMINATING MATCHES The matches will be played in Teramo and in some munici- TAKING PLACE OF THE TOURNAMENT palities of its province on the Adriatic Coast during the morn- ing of the 4th July and during the mornings and afternoons The tournament will be taking place from the 4th to the 10th of the 5th and 7th July. Some matches will be played in the July 2013 in Teramo, in the municipalities of its province afternoons of the 5th and 7th July .

The teams choosing to lodge in Teramo will play, in general, PARTICIPANTS in Teramo; those lodging in a seaside town of the province will play, in general, in those towns. Participation is reserved to youth teams – both male and Should it not be possible to respect the above mentioned ar- female – belonging to clubs who are members of national fe- rangement because of lack of teams lodging at the seaside derations and to teams representing their provinces, regions and thus impossible to play the matches at the seaside, the and countries, directly associated with national federations organizing committee will immediately inform the teams and who are members of the International Handball Federation plan the matches in Teramo. for the current season. Youth school teams can also take part as long as their natio- SEMIFINAL MATCHES nal association is member of the International School Sport The matches will be played in Teramo during the morning Federation. and the afternoon of the 9th July.

FINAL MATCHES The matches will be played in Teramo during the morning and the afternoon of the 10th July.

PLAYING TIME Categories A – H and Under 30 2 x 30 minutes Categories B and I 2 x 20 minutes All other categories 2 x 15 minutes

VARIOUS INFORMATION Participation in “Here Teramo, Italy” - Great Opening Parade of the “40th Interamnia World Cup” and in the Prize “The 1) Each player must imperatively have an identification most typical costume” document (passport or identity card) Have special discounts c/o the shops having a special agre- which must be presented before each match of the ement with us tournament. Entrance to museums and archaeological sites in the pro- 2) The clubs taking part in the tournament with more than vince (on 9th July) one team can employ their athletes Take part in the “Welcoming Reception” (4th July) and in the only in the category they belong to and not in others. “Gala Party” (5th July) - (only for team managers) In particular to the club participants Participate in all the secondary cultural and recreational with more teams in the same category is allowed only events in the preliminary round to use their athletes only in one team. 3) The teams enrolled will receive the detailed program of the event subsequently. LEISURE TIME 4) The Interamnia World Cup reserves the right to com- municate any changes in the procedure INTERAMNIA VILLAGE of the matches and to refuse enrolments, within the The Interamnia World Cup will do its utmost to encourage 20th May 2013, in case a minimum of relationships among athletes, trainers and managers taking six teams per category is not reached. Equally, the part. latest arriving enrolments will be refused This will be the duty of the Interamnia Village, a meeting- in case they exceed our logistic availabilities. point for the exchange of information on one another’s Country, to meet people you are interested in, to contact clubs with whom you would like to collaborate and a team FRIENDLY MATCHES AND TOURNAMENTS you would like to train. The Interamnia Village is also an ideal place to meet new During their stay in Teramo and in its province, all the teams friends, to exchange gadgets and get useful news on what will have the possibility of playing friendly matches. may be interesting during the event; it is an ideal means to Furthermore, the organizing committee is at the disposal of shorten the distances and unite the world. any foreign teams who would like to anticipate or lengthen their stay in Europe so as to play handball tournaments be- INTERAMNIA DISCO fore or after the “41th Interamnia World Cup”. Inside the Interamnia Village, a special open-air disco will be present for the enjoyment of the young participants in a spirit of solidarity. REFEREES INTERAMNIA INTERNET CAFE’ The matches of the tournament will be refereed by Italian All the participants have the possibility of connecting to the referees appointed by the Refereeing section of the Italian internet, free of charge, thanks to the internet points with the Handball Federation and by foreign referees sent here on name “Interamnia Internet Café”. purpose for this tournament. SHOPPING All the participants in the Interamnia World Cup can take PRIZES advantage of special discounts in particular shops having a special agreement with us: this is a unique occasion to - The trophy “Interamnia Cup” will be awarded to the teams discover our fashion and the typical products of the region classified first in each category. of Abruzzo.

- A Cup will be given to the teams classified second, third EXCURSIONS and fourth. During the period of the tournament, and in particular af- ter the eliminating matches and in the afternoon of 8th July, - Furthermore, other prizes will be given to teams, touristic excursions will be organized to the sea and to the athletes and managers who will have particularly mountains. Furthermore, other excursions arranged by the distinguished themselves. travel agency Viaggi Baltour are planned in the cities of Rome, Venice, Florence and Naples. The clubs who are interested can ask for further details c/o INTERAMNIA PASS our Organizing Secretariat and c/o the travel agency Viaggi Baltour (http://www.baltour.it/) All participants duly enrolled will be given a special member- ship card called “Interamnia Pass”. This will give the right to: SECONDARY INITIATIVES

Be a member of the Interamnia World Cup Association The participants, during their stay in Teramo, will have the Have free transport within the town taking advantage of the opportunity of living extra-sport moments, as planned in a public transport of the Organisation program very rich of events and secondary initiatives. Entrance to the Interamnia Village and to the Internet Cafe

WELCOMING RECEPTION Beauty is also fun, colour, style and pride for one’s own way Just a few hours after the Great Opening Parade, the Gala of being. Party is a real welcoming party dedicated to all the team ma- “It’s a Beautiful World” is a real fashion show in which athletes nagers and referees taking part in the tournament. are invited to wear the clothes they love most, those which The reception is also a great occasion to meet new collea- better describe themselves and that represent their culture, gues, create new relationships and open a week full of sport personality and way of considering .. fashion! and friendship. STONES AND PEOPLES 2013 (8th July) TERAMO, ITALY HERE Within an interesting project called “The Mountain as the Great Opening Parade of the 41th Interamnia World Cup Center of the World”, the Organizing Committee will present “TERAMO, ITALY HERE” is the slogan that sums up the in- a particular initiative, already experienced with success du- tention to make a context, such as that of the Great Opening ring the last four years: “Stones and Peoples 2013”. Parade “Interamnia Cup”, even richer, more colourful and Therefore, we have the pleasure of inviting the clubs parti- suggestive, yet festive and cosmopolitan, and to further im- cipating to bring a small stone to Teramo from their country. prove it in its spectacular contents. The Great Opening Para- This will be placed on the highest peak of the mountain range de will take place by night, on the evening of Wednesday 4th Gran Sasso d’Italia, among the other stones which symbolize July, in the historical centre of Teramo. In fact, the organizers’ the World, as a symbolic union among the peoples of the intention is to give life to a unique and original initiative in a World. phantasmagorical atmosphere in which the athletes taking part in the handball tournament, wearing the traditional co- THE LONG CULTURAL NIGHT (9th July) th stume of their country, various Italian and foreign musical, In the evening of the 9 July, all the museums and cultural historic, folklore and theatre groups, and street artists taking sites of archaeological interest of the Province of Teramo will part in the international show “Streetanimation”, mix together be open all night long for the Interamnia guests. in a magic cocktail. The original characteristic of this event is actually this combination in which the young players are the FLAGS OF THE WORLD protagonists of a great and unforgettable celebration. The Interamnia World Cup colors will be further enriched The event gathers together the city of Teramo and the many with those of many cities around the world participating in the guests coming from every part of the World in an ideal hug, tournament. creating evidence of peace and friendship among peoples. Therefore, all the participating teams are strongly encoura- For the success of the important event we require the full ged to carry the flag or banner of their city, to be used on the commitment of the clubs participating. These clubs are in- occasion of the traditional opening parade. vited to provide themselves with the traditional costumes of The flags will be put on display in the main playing field. their country or their city or with their representative uniform or original clothing that, in some way, characterizes their presence. Participation with costumes that have a specific historical reference and even the use of typical instruments of any kind are highly welcome.

PRIZE FOR “THE MOST TYPICAL COSTUME” In order to give prominence to the great opening parade and to further stimulate the creativity and commitment of the par- ticipants, the real protagonists of the event, the prize “The Most Typical Costume” is established. An international jury will award the group distinguishing itself for creativity and in- dustriousness and that will be able to characterize its origins in an incisive and original way. A free stay at the “41st Interamnia World Cup” (20 people) will be offered to the winning team of the competition.

IT’S A BEAUTIFUL WORLD Miss & Mister Interamnia World Cup A new way of conceiving beauty (8th July) Who are the most beautiful of the Interamnia Cup? They are surely the boy and girl who are capable of wearing his/her own cultural identity naturally and with fantasy, consi- dering beauty not just an aesthetic gift but giving it a greater significance.


Wednesday 3rd July In conjunction with the “41th Interamnia World Cup”, the in- Arrival of teams, greeting and accommodation. ternational events listed below will take place as well. The cooperation of the clubs in reporting to our secretariat Thursday 4th July potential artists and exhibitors who would be interested in •8.30 a.m. -1.00 p.m. Eliminatory matches participating is particularly welcome. •7.00 p.m. Welcoming reception (for managers, referees and institutional representatives) • 9.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. Teramo, Italy Here – Great Ope- ning Parade

Friday 5th July • 8.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. Eliminatory matches • 3.00 p.m. - 7.00 p.m. Eliminatory matches • 9.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. Eliminatory matches-participation to entertainment events to be defined STREETANIMATION 19th International Exhibition of street performances Saturday 6th July 4th-10th July 2013 • 8.30 a.m. Eliminatory matches • 2.00 p.m- 12.00 a.m Participation to entertainment Streetanimation is an international exhibition of enter- events to be defined tainment in the street, open to artists from all over the world, performing musical and theatrical activities of various kinds Sunday 7th July (humorists, dancers, jugglers, acrobats, fantasists, storytel- • 8.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. Eliminatory matches lers, puppeteers, mimes, clowns, actors, etc..). • 3.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. Eliminatory matches Participants perform freely in the streets, lanes and squares • 9.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. Eliminatory matches-participation of the city of Teramo (without use of stages, amplifiers and/ to entertainment events to be defined or any other special equipment). The festival has a clear social meaning: it is, in fact, an en- counter among cultures, an “almost unique” opportunity for Monday 8th July establishing reciprocal relationships and for creating a bro- • 8.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. Eliminatory matches therhood atmosphere. • In the afternoon People and Stones 2013 1,230 artists from 34 nations, representing 5 continents Touristic excursion have taken part in the 17 previous editions. • 9.00 p.m. – 12.00 a.m. It’s a beautiful world – Miss & Mister Interamnia World Cup

Tuesday 9th July • 8.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. Semi-final matches • 3.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. Semi-final matches • 9.00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. Final matches • 9.00 p.m - 12.00 a.m Disco Evening HAND MADE 18h International Crafts Exhibition Market Wednesday 10th July 3rd-10th July 2013 • 8.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. Final matches • 3.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. Final matches Both Italian and foreign exhibitors, public bodies, associa- • 9.00 p.m. – 11.00 p.m. Prizing and Grand Final tions and organizations with highly qualified productions, carrying out an activity of crafts promotion, from a large number of nations representing the 5 continents, can parti- cipate in the event. The following product areas are welcome: clothing, furnitu- re, furnishings, gifts, paper and printing, watchmakers and jewelry, cosmetics, food and wine products (excluding admi- nistration), ethnic handicrafts. 1,106 exhibitors-craftsmen from 70 countries, representing the 5 continents, have taken part in the previous 17 editions.


Our intention is to enrich the Interamnia World Cup with the presence of cultural groups from the countries taking part in the tournament. Therefore, we would be very grateful if you could give us in- formation about a cultural group of your country, which might have an interest in accepting our invitation to take part in the international- cultural happening “Yes, We Teramo”, which will be held from 4th to 10th July 2013 and, at the same time, might be willing to make an exchange with a similar cultural group of Teramo. We propose the following conditions to the group, which may consist of a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 16 people:

• Hospitality (free board and lodging) in boarding school from 3rd July to the morning of 11th July 2013 • Free transport within the Italian territory from Rome ai- rport (or from Pescara or Ancona) to Teramo and back • Medical assistance • Participation in cultural activities as scheduled in the program

For guidance, we hereby indicate the cultural areas: • Dance (modern or traditional) • Folklore • Music (various kinds of easy listening and classical music) • Street Theatre • Cabaret • Gastronomy

INTERAMNIA WORLD CUP ORGANIZING COMMIITTEE Via V. Irelli, 55 64100 Teramo (Italy) Tél. : (+39) 0861 243375 Fax : (+39) 0861 247648 Skype:interamniacup e-mail: [email protected] www.interamniaworldcup.com (under re-construction)

FACEBOOK Interamnia World Cup Official Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/InteramniaWorldCup