Funeral for a Friend Published on April 20Th, 2021 Listen Here on Themcelroy.Family
MBMBaM 420: Funeral For a Friend Published on April 20th, 2021 Listen here on [somber instrumentals play] Justin: [singing] Isn’t it rich? Are we a pair? Me here at last, on the ground, and you in midair. Where are the clowns? Isn’t it bliss? Don’t you approve? One who keeps staring around, and one who can’t move. Where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns. Just when I stopped... opening doors. Finally knowing the one that I wanted was yours. Making my entrance again, with my usual flair. Sure of my lines, no one is there. Don’t... Travis: [spoken] Okay. Griffin: [laughs] [instrumentals continue] Justin: [singing] love a farce? It’s my fault, I fear... Travis: Hey, Griffin, can I tell you something? Griffin: Yeah, sure. Justin: [singing] I thought that you’d want what I want. I’m sorry, my dear. Travis: [simultaneously] Here’s what’s weird. I was gonna do a musical number too. Griffin: Okay. Travis: Yeah. Griffin: I’m glad it was this, though. It makes—there’s a— Justin: [singing] Where are the clowns? Griffin: There’s a logic to it. Travis: Yeah, but it’s also, like, really long. Justin: [singing] Send in the clowns. Griffin: And honestly, in the circles we move in, Travis, it’s not out of the question that we would meet Stephen Sondheim one day. Travis: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Justin: [singing] Don’t bother. They are here. Griffin: I would be, like, pissed off if [crosstalk]. Travis: Do you think this song has been used at a funeral before? [instrumentals continue] Travis: It feels like a weird thing to say at a funeral, like, “The clowns are already here.” Justin: [mumbling].
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