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WWF Breathless Coastal Seas Engl.Pub Breathless Coastal Seas W W F Briefing Paper: Dead Ocean Zones - a global Problem of the 21. century Contents Introduction 3 Eutrophication - the process leading to dead zones 4 W hy is eutriphication a problem? 4 Harmful algal Blooms and Hypoxia 6 W hat are the sources of nutrients? 7 W here are the global eutrophic and hypoxic areas? 9 The situation is alarming - but a complete picture may be even worse 10 The knowledge must improve 11 W hat W W F asks for 11 Sources 12 Dead Zones of the W orld - by Region 13 Acknowledgements 19 Im pressum Publisher: W W F Deutschland, Frankfurt/ Main Editor: Jochen Lamp (W W F) based on the reports from Mindy Sel- man et al. (W RI), Sybil Seitzinger et al. (State University of New Jer- sey), Sehstedt, Hansen et.a.l: BALANCE interim report 17, DHI, Co- penhagen) June 2008 Design: Anja Bruckbauer (W W F) ≤ 2008 W W Fœ Germany Cover photo: Baltic Sea algae bloom from a satellite image, July, 11. 2005 ≤ NASA/ SMHI 2 W W F Germany Introduction For a number of years, the United Nations km× of the sea at short periods. Environmental Programme (UNEP) has observed the problem of oxygen depletion In the Black Sea, once known as the in marine and coastal areas with growing world‘s larges dead zone, signs of recov- concern. Oxygen depleted zones œ or ery can be observed for some areas out- dead zones, are phenomena that occur in side the stagnant lifeless deepwater areas. some ocean areas as a natural process. However, during the last years the reports On the other hand, the Baltic Sea is an of dead zones that are the result of anthro- example for joint action of states: after a pogenic activities have increased: HELCOM2 decision to eliminate Euthrophi- cation hot spots from point sources in In 1995 Diaz and Rosenberg identified 44 1989, app. 38% of the Nitrate input from dead zones globally. In March 2004 in its point sources was reduced since, for phos- first Global Environment Outlook Year phates the result is even better: the 50% Book, UNEP reported for the first time, that goal was reached by improved wastewater there are some 150 recurring and perma- treatment in communities and industrial nent dead zones in seas worldwide. Only 4 plants. The Baltic Sea Action Plan also years later, a research group under the much focuses on eutrophication and has leadership of the W orld Resource Institute set the goal of further reduction of yearly (W RI) did the first systematic comprehen- input of 135.00 tons of Nitrogen and sive assessment of the phenomenon.1 15.000 tons of Phosphorus by 2021 to The scientists around Mindy Selman, reach a reduction of algae blooms, dead Suzie Greenhalgh, Robert Diaz and Zach- zones and to have clear water in the sea. ary Sugg identified 415 areas worldwide that are experiencing some form of eutro- phication œ 169 of them classified as hy- poxic. These areas may cover only small bays and inlets of limited area size, they can also cover areas up to some ten thou- sands of square kilometres. This paper will give an overview of the problem and of the most concerned areas world wide as well as highlight the most concerned global marine areas. It is mainly based on the W RI findings, but also taking account of information from other sources. Robert Diaz, the author of the complete list, estimates that the area of documented Dead Zones accounts for 150.000 to 200.000 km× but also states, that only 30% of the cases are systematically monitored and documented. Seven of the Top ten largest areas are ac- cording to Diaz located in the Baltic Sea, covering according to the assessments of the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) an area of 42.000 km× of permanent anoxic zones but can easily reach up to 90.000 W W F Germany 3 Eutrophication œ the process leading to dead zones Eutrophication–the overenrichment of waters extent of eutrophication, the sources of nutri- by nutrients–threatens and degrades many ents, and the impact of eutrophication on eco- coastal ecosystems around the world. The two systems. most acute symptoms of eutrophication are hypoxia (or oxygen depletion) and harmful al- W ithin the past 50 years, eutrophication has gal blooms, which among other things can de- emerged as one of the leading causes of water stroy aquatic life in affected areas. Eutrophica- quality impairment. The W RI research identi- tion sometimes occurres as a natural process, fies over 415 areas worldwide that are experi- however in this paper the focus is only on ef- encing symptoms of eutrophication, highlight- fects of eutrophication caused by anthropo- ing the global scale of the problem genic influences. Recent coastal surveys of the United States Of the 415 areas around the world identified as and Europe found that a staggering 78 percent experiencing some form of eutrophication, 169 of the assessed continental U.S. coastal area are hypoxic and only 13 systems are classified and approximately 65 percent of Europe‘s At- as —systems in recovery.“ lantic coast3 exhibit symptoms of eutrophica- tion. One of the most concerned seas is the Mapping and research into the extent of eutro- Baltic Sea. phication and its threats to human health and ecosystem services are improving, but there is In other regions, the lack of reliable data hin- still insufficient information in many regions of ders the assessment of coastal eutrophication. the world to establish the actual extent of eu- Nevertheless, trends in agricultural practices, trophication or identify the sources of nutrients. energy use, and population growth indicate To develop effective policies to mitigate eutro- that coastal eutrophication will be an ever- phication, more information is required on the growing problem. W hy is eutrophication a problem ? The rise in eutrophic and hypoxic events has atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, been primarily attributed to the rapid increase the gas primarily responsible for global warm- in intensive agricultural practices, industrial ing, by approximately 32 percent since the on- activities, and population growth, which to- set of the industrial age. gether have increased nitrogen and phospho- rus flows in the environment. Human activities Before nutrients–nitrogen in particular–are have resulted in the near doubling of nitrogen delivered to coastal ecosystems, they pass and tripling of phosphorus flows to the environ- through a variety of terrestrial and freshwater ment when compared to natural values.4 By ecosystems, causing other environmental comparison, human activities have increased problems and a loss of biodiversity.6 Once nu- trients reach coastal systems, they can trigger a number of re- sponses within the ecosystem. The initial impacts of nutrient in- creases are the excessive growth of phytoplankton, m icroalgae (e.g., epiphytes and microphytes), and microalgae (i.e., seaweed). These, in turn, can lead to other impacts such as: Photo 1: Filam entous algae over- grow the brown algae and sea grass beds that dom inate the habi- tats in a healthy ecosystem ≤ W W F Askö, Sweden A W W F Germany A shift in phytoplankton species composition, Loss of subaquatic vegetation as excessive creating favourable conditions for the develop- phytoplankton, microalgae, and macroalgae ment of nuisance, toxic, or otherwise harmful growth reduce light penetration. algal blooms. Change in species composition and biomass of Low dissolved oxygen and formation of hy- the benthic (bottom-dwelling) aquatic commu- poxic or —dead“ zones (oxygen-depleted wa- nity, eventually leading to reduced species di- ters), which in turn can lead to ecosystem col- versity and the dominance of gelatinous organ- lapse.7 isms such as jellyfish. The scientific community is increasing its Coral reef damage as increased nutrient levels knowledge of how eutrophication affects favour algae growth over coral larvae. Coral coastal ecosystems, yet the long-term implica- growth is inhibited because the algae outcom- tions of increased nutrient fluxes in our coastal petes coral larvae for available surfaces to waters are currently not entirely known or un- grow. derstood. W e do know that eutrophication di- Figure 1: Conceptual m odel of eutrophication. The arrows indicate the interactions between different ecological com partm ents. Nutrient enrichm ent results in changes in the structure and function of m a- rine ecosystem s, as indicated with bold lines. Dashed lines indicate the release of hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and phosphorus, which is positively related to oxygen depletion. ≤ BALANCE Interim report No. 17 W W F Germany 5 many communities relying directly on coastal minishes the ability of coastal ecosystems to ecosystems for their livelihoods.8 provide valuable ecosystem services such as This means that a significant portion of the tourism, recreation, the provision of fish and world‘s population is vulnerable to the effects shellfish for local communities, sport fishing, of eutrophication in their local coastal ecosys- and commercial fisheries. In addition, eutrophi- tems. cation can lead to reductions in local and re- In the light of reduced availability of e.g. Phos- gional biodiversity. phorus it would be a waste of resources to dis- charge this fertilizer into the coastal waters Today nearly half of the world‘s population instead of using it cautiously for human food lives within 60 kilometres of the coast, with supply. 2arm ful Algal Bloom s and Hypoxia Two of the most acute and commonly recog- ences between surface and subsurface waters nized symptoms of eutrophication are harmful lead to stratification, limiting oxygen replenish- algal blooms and hypoxia. ment from surface waters and creating condi- Harmful algal blooms can cause fish kills, hu- tions that can lead to the formation of a hy- man illness through shellfish poisoning, and poxic or —dead“ zone.14 death of marine mammals and shore birds.9 Harmful algal blooms are often referred to as Three of the most well-known hypoxic areas —red tides“ or —brown tides“ because of the ap- are the Gulf of Mexico and the Black Sea and pearance of the water when these blooms oc- the Baltic Sea.
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