With Admiral Byrd’s Second Antarctic Expedition: H.R.(Bob)Young’s Narrative Account of His Experiences Down South & Returning to Civilization Edited with an Introduction and Postscript by Bruce Young (
[email protected]) (Kingston, Ontario, Canada. June, 2008) (
[email protected]) 1 CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………… 3 2. AKNOWLEDGEMENTS…………………………….. 9 3. BOB YOUNG’s NARRATIVE ACCOUNT…………… 11 4. POSTSCRIPT ……………………………………….. 69 APPENDICES l. Bob’s July 3, 1933, letter to Admiral Byrd ……….. 89 2. Bob Recalls The Battle of Jutland…………………. 91 3. Bob’s 1935 Autobiographical Note………………... 96 4. Bob’s Composition “Out of divers suit to the…”…. 99 5. 1985 Appeal for Information re Bob’s Diary…........ 103 6. Mrs Bolling Byrd Clarke’s letter to the Editor…….. 104 7. Editor’s January 8, 2007, letter to Mrs Clarke…….. 105 8. ‘Personal Accounts’: Research at the SPRI………. 107 * I would not argue with readers who feel, at this early stage, that Sections of this paper can be skipped – to be read later, or perhaps never!. If ‘Introductions’ generally don’t spark your interest or prove profitable, and you can’t abide reading ‘Acknowledgements’, go directly to Bob Young’s own words in Section 3. And if my inserted notes in Sections 3 distract or weary you, ignore them. And should you be curious only about Bob’s life post-BAE2, then Section 4 beckons, with notes you also can ignore. Reading my Appendices before anything else is not recommended - but it is not forbidden! (If you do choose to go straight to them, hopefully they won’t put you off returning to the earlier pages).