Chestatee Reclaiming Status As Elite Course Standout Griffiths’ Design Among Many Assets
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GEORGIAPGA.COM GOLFFOREGEORGIA.COM «« APRIL 2011 Chestatee reclaiming status as elite course Standout Griffiths’ design among many assets By Mike Blum number of daily fee courses in the metro area has been reduced due to the hen Chestatee Golf Club closing of some facilities and the con- opened for play in 1999, version to private status of others. Chestatee among state's best and most scenic designs the course quickly Affiniti Golf Partners assumed acquired the reputation management of Chestatee late in Was one of best and most popular daily fee 2010, and has begun the process of facilities in metro Atlanta. returning the club to the status it held Falls, Crystal Lake, the Georgia Club, Chestatee had a lot going for it, begin- during its early years. Georgia National, Georgia Vets, Old With an exception or two, length ning with a standout and scenic Denis “We’re coming back,” says Patrick Union, RiverPines and St. Marlo. is not a serious concern, in part due to Griffiths layout that was in quality con- Beidle, the club’s PGA head professional Chestatee is among his best efforts, the number of elevated tees. There are dition from day one. The setting at the and General Manager. “We’ve got a new offering an entertaining but serious only three par 4s with substantial foothills of the north Georgia moun- superintendent from Echelon (formerly challenge, particular to those of us yardage, and a few of the seemingly tains in proximity to Lake Lanier was the Georgia Tech Club), and we’re get- whose misses off the tee tend to drift to healthy par 5s may not be quite as another asset, as was the addition of per- ting the course back to where it was.” the right. strong as the yardage on the scorecard sonable head professional Jeff Paton, Griffiths, an Atlanta-based golf course The preponderance of trouble at indicates. who joined the staff a few years after the architect, has designed some of the Chestatee lurks along the right side, Chestatee’s overall length (it’s listed at club opened but has since returned to state’s finest daily fee courses, with his with Griffiths providing a sufficient 6,875 from the tips with gaps of 400 the Golf Club of Georgia. long list of creations including amount of room away from the trouble yards between each of the next two sets In recent years, however, Chestatee Brasstown Valley, all three courses at to avoid it, assuming you can leave your slipped into a lower profile, even as the Chateau Elan, Chicopee Woods, Crystal fade in the bag. [ See Chestatee, page 6 ] Do Not Miss the May Issue: Register for this Junior Golf in Georgia month’s contest Tours Summer Camps Organizations Articles online at * * *! 5V0UP[PH[PVU-LL3PTP[LK*S\I(ZZVJPH[L4LTILYZOPWZ(]HPSHISL 3XUH*ROI3XUH3OHDVXUH3XUH3UHVWLJH 7KH6RXWK¶V)LQHVW3ULYDWH&OXE&RPPXQLW\ +ROH3ULYDWH&KDPSLRQVKLS&RXUVH3DU&RXUVH $FUH'ULYLQJ5DQJH 7RXU4XDOLW\&RQGLWLRQV([HFXWLYH&KHI 7XUQ*ULOO*ROI2XWLQJV:HOFRPHG 6T)W&OXEKRXVH:RUOG&ODVV6SD :HOOQHVV&HQWHU3URIHVVLRQDOO\6WDIIHG*ROI6KRS est. 2002 *29(5125672:1(&/8% ZZZ*RYHUQRUV7RZQH&OXEFRP *RYHUQRUV7RZQH'ULYH$FZRUWK*HRUJLD JROI#JRYHUQRUVWRZQHFOXEFRP $/LPLWHG1XPEHURI&OXE$VVRFLDWH0HPEHUVKLSVDUH$YDLODEOH3OHDVHFDOOIRULQIRUPDWLRQWRGD\ 2 GOLFFOREGEORGIA.COM APRIL 2011 Go on-roading. » MEET OUR FIRST STREET LEGAL VEHICLE Balancing safety, convenience and eco-inspired living, the new E-Z-GO® 2Five™ makes running errands, meeting for coffee or cruising the neighborhood more enjoyable. 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APRIL 2011 GOLFFOREGEORGIA.COM 3 Instruction Fore You 3021 Kalah Place, Marietta, GA 30067 770-933-04GA • 770-953-6638 (Fax) • [email protected] PUBLISHER Golf Media, Inc. • John Barrett EDITOR Mike Blum JUNIOR GOLF COORDINATOR Sand Shots – Easiest Shot in Golf Ashley Hanna SOCIAL MEDIA/ CREATIVE SERVICES By Steve Godley A normal swing will be made striking your There are other things that we encounter Chelsea Hanson PGA Assistant / Teaching Professional mark and taking the ball out on a pillow when we find ourselves in the sand. Buried CONTRIBUTORS The Golf Club @ Sanctuary Cove of sand. lies for example. The only thing that needs Steve Godley Head Professional, Bird Golf Academy Other than the set-up, there are other changing when we are faced with this situa- Steve Dinberg Al Kooistra mistakes that amateur players make. First tion is how we set up to the shot. Start by Lake-Finlay Image Group This article is titled this way and foremost that I see is the setting up in the same manner as for a Georgia Golf Course Owners Association because I have made this state- same mistake that is made normal bunker shot, only playing the spot MARKETING & ADVERTISING ment in clinics only to hear with a chip or pitch shot. that you are going to strike the sand slightly John Barrett, Sales Rick Holt, Corporate Sales sarcastic responses like “sure”, Deceleration! That is taking the towards your right foot. Keep in mind ART DIRECTOR and “yeah, right!” But in reality, club too far back and slowing that the ball will come out with no spin Lori Montgomery no truer words were spoken. through the hitting area. Bunker and therefore will roll farther. Remember, And why is it the easiest shot in shots are nothing but a pitch as in a normal bunker shot to finish the GEORGIA SECTION, golf? It's the only shot where you shot in the sand. swing motion. PGA OF AMERICA OFFICERS are not trying to strike the ball! The technique for a bunker The one other shot from a bunker that we President Patrick Richardson, PGA • [email protected] The ball simply floats out on a shot and a pitch shot is a short must address is from a fairway bunker. To Vice President pillow of sand. backswing into a full follow through. One properly play this particular shot, choose a Brian Stubbs, PGA • In defense of amateur players, a lot of of the reasons for the deceleration is club that will allow you to advance the ball [email protected] their bunker problems and mistakes stem because it is a short shot. Our mind tells us the greatest distance without hitting the top Secretary Mark Mongell, PGA from being taught improperly. Not saying that it does not take a lot of force to move lip of the bunker. [email protected] that my method is the only one, but I have the ball a short distance, so when a long Proper execution of this shot requires that Honorary President seen it work time and time again. We are all backswing is made we slow the club to try the ball be played back in the stance, off the Jim Arendt, PGA • [email protected] taught that for a basic bunker shot, we and ease the force. right foot. The reason for this is because we CHAPTER PRESIDENTS open the clubface, open our stance, place The club only needs to be taken back want to strike the ball before the sand. No Central Chapter President the ball in the middle of the stance and waist high. This way, there is acceleration body motion can be used for this shot, it is Jarred Reneau, PGA • [email protected] attempt to strike the sand 2 – 3 inches through the shot and our prime objective an arm swing only. East Chapter President behind the ball. of getting the ball out of the bunker is In this article, the basic bunker shots were Steve Godley, PGA • [email protected] North Chapter President The last part of that statement is the accomplished. Just as in all short game addressed to hopefully help you extricate Ted Fort, PGA • [email protected] thing that doesn't make sense to me. Why shots, the club head should never pass the yourself from this hazard in the fewest would I set up to the ball as if it were a hands. The hands must be leading all of the amount of strokes. However, there are dif- AT- LARGE DIRECTORS fairway shot and then try to hit somewhere way through the shot. ferent situations that we are faced with that Daryl Batey, PGA else? If I were to ask you to set up this way Another mistake that is commonly made require a little imagination. [email protected] Roger Cherico, PGA and hit 4 feet behind the ball, that is exactly by a good deal of players is not finishing So with practice the common bunker [email protected] what you would do, hit 4 feet behind the the entire swing. Because it is for the most shots will improve and you will find that John Crumbley, PGA ball. Very difficult. part a relatively short shot, players tend to your imagination seems to improve also. [email protected] My method is a little different. Yes, we stop the motion once they impact the Take the time to practice and improve!! Jeff Dunovant, PGA [email protected] want to have an open clubface and stance sand. This refers back to the prime objec- If you feel that you are having a problem John Godwin, PGA to add loft, but try instead of setting up to tive of getting the ball out of the bunker! with these shots or other areas of your game [email protected] the ball as you would a fairway shot, try set- Everyone seems to be afraid of hitting the contact your PGA Professional for help.