THE EDUCATOR ISSUE 50 JANUARY 2021 The Educator Journal of the Worshipful Company of Educators The Educators’ Company KEPT CALM AND ZOOMED ON IN 2020 W.C.Educators - 8 Little Trinity Lane, London EC4V 2AN Tel: 020 7489 7779 Email:
[email protected] 1 In this Edition From the Master 2 The Hubris of Merit, a review Michael Sandel’s The Tyranny The Sermon: Annual Service, Annual Service, St James Garlickhythe, 25 September 2020 of Merit 18 The Sermon 3 COVID and the business of teaching St James Garlickhythe, 25 September 2020 Membership Gazette On-Line University Work 25 New Court Assistants 4 Changing Focus 25 Declarants: 9 October 2020 5 The Challenge of the Virtual Rehearsal 26 The weight you carry as educators is phenomenal. Although my Declarants: 14 October 2020 7 Special Interest Group: further education, skills, lifelong learning family were illiterate, they would say to us as children, “Make sure Declarants 25 November 2020 9 (SIGFESL) considering the impact of COVID 19 on the education you get an education because once you have it, no one can take it Members’ News and Obituary 10 sector, 19 October 2020. 26 away from you.” Your ability to influence others is enormous and we Distinguished Service Award to Liveryman Enid Weaver 11 Education Committee can either do so for good or for evil. Today I heard ‘The Man Booker Trust Pages Digital Skills Education in Prisons: 4 November 2020 29 Prize’ winner of 2019, Bernadine Evaristo [author of: Girl, Woman, Your Donations—Your Awards: Trust Awards 2020, Founder of the Prison Opticians Trust honoured 30 COVID and Plan B 11 Social Committee Events Other] who is of dual heritage—her father being Nigerian—speak Trust Awards 2021 12 Master’s Desert Island Discs, 2 July 2020 31 of crossing the road as a little girl when she saw her father in the New Bursary Scheme with City & Guilds 12 Geography of Power at Downing Street, 7 July 2020 32 distance.