2014. Proceedings of the Academy of Science 123(2):122–130


Donald G. Ruch1: Department of Biology, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306 USA Gail Brown: Conner Prairie Interactive Historic Park Program Developer, 13400 Allisonville Road, Fishers, IN 46038 USA Robert Brodman: Biology Department, Saint Joseph’s College, Rensselaer, IN 47978 USA Brittany Davis-Swinford: Naturalist, City of Indianapolis Department of Parks & Recreation, Ornithology Center, Eagle Creek Park, 6519 Delong Road, Indianapolis, IN 46278 USA Don Gorney: Amos W. Butler Audubon Society, Indianapolis, IN 46280, USA Jeffrey D. Holland: Department of Entomology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA Paul McMurray: Indiana Department of Environmental Management, 100 North Senate Avenue, MC65-40-2 Shadeland, Indianapolis, IN 46204 USA Bill Murphy: 7835 Tufton St., Fishers, IN 46038 USA Scott Namestnik: Orbis Environmental Consulting, Senior Botanist, P.O. Box 10235, South Bend, Indiana 46680 USA Kirk Roth: Corradino, LLC, 200 S. Meridian Street, Suite 330, Indianapolis, IN 46225 USA Stephen Russell: The Hoosier Mushroom Co., PO Box 3094, Bloomington, IN 47402 USA Carl Strang: Naturalist, Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, P.O. Box 5000, Wheaton, IL 60189-5000 USA

INTRODUCTION of the vast biological resources at the site. Conner Prairie is an interactive history park Further, the information gained by the event or a ‘‘living museum.’’ Located 6 km north of has and will continue to provide information on Indianapolis in Fishers, Indiana, the 850 acres how to better conserve and interpret the natural that presently comprise Conner Prairie have setting. Lastly, the event has provided a unique a unique place in Indiana history. The property snapshot on how human development impacts has been witness to many of the changes these isolated islands of natural habitat in an ever Indiana’s environment has undergone—from expanding suburban region. This manuscript will provide a brief history of Conner Prairie followed the glaciers that shaped much of the Hoosier by a summary of the biodiversity survey and landscape to the slow influx of humans over the methods. For all of the information obtained at past 12,000 years and the cultural changes they the BioBlitz, see the Indiana Academy of Science have made to the terrain. website at http://www.indianaacademyofscience. The first biodiversity survey (commonly called org/ (hover over Events | click BioBlitz Archives | a BioBlitz) of Conner Prairie was conducted on click Conner Prairie BioBlitz). 8–9 June 2013. The results of the Conner Prairie BioBlitz have provided a greater understanding BRIEF HISTORY OF CONNER PRAIRIE 1 Corresponding Author: Donald G. Ruch, 765-285- Conner Prairie traces its lineage to William 8829 (phone), 765-285-8804 (fax), [email protected]. Conner. Trader, interpreter, scout, community

122 RUCH ET AL.—CONNER PRAIRIE BIOBLITZ 123 leader, and entrepreneur, Conner came to Lilly sought ways to broaden the educational central Indiana during the winter of 1800– possibilities of Conner Prairie, calling it ‘‘one of 1801 and soon fixed himself upon the land, the most important historic monuments in the including 200 acres of treeless ‘‘prairie,’’ now State of Indiana.’’ With this goal in mind, in encompassed in the museum complex. He lived 1964 Lilly transferred Conner Prairie to Earl- there until moving to Noblesville, Indiana in ham College, which continued to operate the 1837. During his 37 year tenure on the prairie, farm and offer historic tours of the buildings he raised two families, built the two-story brick and grounds. Conner Prairie explored various home that is one of Conner Prairie’s focal methods of interpreting the past for visitors. points, and helped shepherd the transition of Regularly scheduled hours were established and Indiana from wilderness to settled state. added to the arranged visits. Special events like The land passed out of Conner family hands quilting bees and shows, craft demonstrations, in 1871. Over the next six decades it was and special holiday programs were added to the repeatedly bought and sold, becoming just guided tours. Annual visitation increased from another property with an ill-remembered her- 2,800 in 1964 to over 28,000 in 1969. itage. Fortunately for history and historical As the ten-fold attendance increase indicat- preservation, the land, house and their accom- ed, there was great interest in the museum and panying heritage were purchased in 1934 by its programs. By 1969 it was agreed that a man of vision who understood their impor- Conner Prairie was approaching a turning tance, Eli Lilly. It was to be the first step in the point. A decision had to be made about the shaping of Conner Prairie. site’s future. Working groups comprised of Mindful of its significance and crumbling Conner Prairie staff and the Conner Prairie condition, industrialist and philanthropist of Advisory Council concurred that expansion history Lilly began a careful restoration of the was needed to place the museum in the Conner house immediately upon assuming forefront of the burgeoning outdoor museum ownership. Consulting experts, hiring contrac- movement. tors and sponsoring research, Lilly restored and As a result, planning for the recreation of furnished the home to a vision of what it may a typical early 19th century Indiana village have been like when William Conner lived began. Research into the period was conducted there. Lilly’s understanding of the house’s and historic buildings from all over Indiana historic context led him to surround it with were moved to Conner Prairie. The village, now outbuildings of the period. Over the next few 1836 Prairietown, opened formally in March years he added a still house, spring house and 1974 with six major buildings. Like the small loom house. A log cabin, barn and a recreated communities it represents, Prairietown has trading post were also added to the site, turning grown over time and now contains over twenty it into a nascent living history museum. main structures, which serve as homes or The land itself was not ignored. Carrying on workplaces for its historic residents. another tradition, Lilly turned to agriculture Conner Prairie’s other 800 acres have also and husbandry. Conner Prairie Farm undergone change. The present, modern Wel- became a showcase for the latest methods of come Center (which replaced the barns and raising crops and prize until it was farmhouses that previously housed museum phased out in the early 1970s. During this facilities) opened in 1988 and was remodeled in period, numerous barns, outbuildings, pas- 1999. To ensure the Conner House would tures, and fields dotted the landscape. Included remain for future generations, a painstaking in Lilly’s changes was the addition of the levy re-restoration and refurnishing of the home surrounding William Conner’s original treeless occurred from 1991 to 1993. Several other tract of floodplain along the . experiences have opened in the past 15 years, Lilly, a great promoter of education, knew including The Indian Camp (opened in the value of Conner Prairie as a tool to inform 2000), the 1859 Balloon Voyage (in 2009), Civil the public about their shared history. He War Journey (in 2011), and new in 2013 was the enthusiastically opened the site to the public. Conner Prairie Nature Walk. History-minded groups, individuals and count- Conner Prairie’s continuing commitment to less schoolchildren were given tours and saw excellence has long been recognized, both by their heritage brought to life. Over the years its peers (the museum has received multiple 124 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE

Table 1.—Summary of taxa observed during the Conner Prairie Biodiversity Survey 8-9 June 2013.

Team Leader Taxa found/notes Aquatic Macroinvertebrates Paul McMurray 34 [4 county records] Beetles Jeffrey Holland 101 [26 families] Birds Don Gorney 92 [6 state listed species] Kirk Roth 29 [8 not previously reported in county] Fish Robert Brodman 3 [common species] Fungi Stephen Russell 77 [earliest known report for 2 species of Cantharellus in Indiana] Herpetofauna Robert Brodman 15 [4 county records] Singing Carl Strang 12 [5 singing insects, 7 others; first report of Anaxipha vernalis in Indiana; range expansion of 1 species] Snail-killing Flies Bill Murphy 7 [1 county record] Spiders Brittany Davis-Swinford 20 [all common species] Vascular Plants Scott Namestnik 458 [150 potential county records; 8 state listed species] national awards from groups like the American were identified, representing five classes of Association for State and Local History and invertebrates, 13 families, and at least 17 genera. the American Association of Museums) and its These taxa are characteristic of lentic and slow- approximately 350,000 visitors each year. moving lotic bodies of water in this area. No To learn more about Conner Prairie, the new or unusual species were recorded. Adult nation’s finest outdoor living history museum, odonates were collected from the shoreline please visit the Conner Prairie Official Site at around the pond by use of a large aerial net http://www.connerprairie.org/, the Fishers, In- and identified using regional texts (Curry 2001; diana website at http://fishers-indiana.funcity- Glotzhober & McShaffrey 2002). A total of finder.com/conner-prairie/ and Wikipedia at 11 species representing three families were http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conner_Prairie. recorded. Most of these species are common inhabitants of lentic waterbodies, although Argia SUMMARY OF RESULTS apicalis and A. moesta aremorecommonly AND METHODS associated with lotic environments (such as the The BioBlitz attracted over 40 scientists, nearby White River). Four odonate species naturalists, students, and others volunteering (Argia moesta, A. tibialis, Ischnura posita,and their time and expertise to make the event an Libellula incesta) are new records for Hamilton overwhelming success. Food and lodging for County, Indiana (Abbot 2007). Representative the participants were provided through the voucher specimens of both aquatic macroinverte- generous support of Conner Prairie and The brates and adult Odonata will be deposited in the Indiana Academy of Science (IAS). Purdue Entomological Research Collection The 11 teams and their leaders reported 848 (PERC) at Purdue University. taxa (Table 1). Beetles.—Many of the beetles were collected Aquatic macroinvertebrates.—Aquatic macro- at lights set up to attract beetles at night into invertebrates and adult Odonata (dragonflies and the open areas between different forested damselflies) were collected at a large pond located habitats. These lights ran from approximately 0.6 km northwest of the Conner Prairie welcome 9 PM until 2 AM and consisted of two sets of center (39.98909 N, -86.032369 W). A D-frame two UV lights, one 400 W mercury vapor light, aquatic dipnet with 500 mm mesh was used to and two 1000 W metal halide lights. Beetles sample aquatic macroinvertebrates from different were also collected by hand and by sweeping aquatic habitats around the margin of the pond and beating vegetation. The complete effort (i.e., emergent vegetation, sand, logs). Collected totaled approximately 40 person-hours. specimens were identified to lowest practical We found 101 species of beetles in 26 families. taxon by use of standard texts (Merritt et al. The level of diversity was slightly lower than 2008; Thorp & Covich 2001). A total of 23 taxa expected for this level of collecting effort, but RUCH ET AL.—CONNER PRAIRIE BIOBLITZ 125 that was to be expected given the highly modified landscape surrounding Conner Prairie. However, we undoubtedly only captured a small pro- portion of the beetle species present. The most interesting occurrence during the survey was the spectacular density of Tricoptera (caddisflies) that were attracted to a metal halide light placed behind the large bandshell. This 1000 W light was reflected from the white surface and likely attracted caddisflies from a very large area, resulting in an extremely dense cover across most of the bandshell cover. Voucher specimens of most species were deposited in the Purdue Entomological Research Collection (PERC) at Purdue University. Some species not represented by vouchers at the PERC were retained in the personal collections of R. Michael Figure 1.—Silver-spotted (Epargyreus clarus). Brattain and Robert Turnbow. Photo taken by Kirk Roth. Birds.—The Bird Team had sufficient ob- servers to cover all areas of the Conner Prairie common in Conner Prairie as a result of the property. The early June date for the Bio- abundance of mustard species, which are diversity Survey was ideal for detecting birds a common host plant. Additionally, farmers because it coincided with the period of peak in the Pioneer Village noted that they were breeding activity. Birds were identified by sight familiar with the ‘‘green worms’’ on their or by song or call note. Consequently, the cabbage, which are very likely the larvae of survey was not limited to territorial or singing this species. males, but this demography constituted the Other species were observed to be majority of records. In an attempt to capture as benefitting from the Pioneer Village plantings. much baseline data as possible in this two-day The flower gardens were frequented by several survey, team members counted individual birds skipper species, including Silver-spotted (Epagyr- and noted any specific breeding activity by eus clarus), Zabulon ( zabulon), and species. Bird diversity was found to be high, Peck’s Skippers (Polites peckius). A second-instar with a total of 92 species observed on or flying Black Swallowtail larva was noted on fennel over the property. Approximately 90 percent of (Foeniculum vulgare) in one of the gardens. the species were presumed to be nesting on Several gardeners indicated that the larvae occur Conner Prairie property, with the remainder there every year that fennel is planted. representing late migrants or birds that likely Butterfly numbers were low in the prairie utilize the site for foraging only. Both forest areas. The few major nectar sources included and prairie habitats were important contribu- patches of thistle (Cirsium sp.) or scattered Red tors to species diversity. Prairie areas produced Clover (Trifolium pratense). Few classic sources most of the expected species, including Sedge of prairie nectar, such as milkweeds (Asclepias Wren and Henslow’s Sparrow, both listed as sp.), mountain-mint (Pycnanthemum sp.), Wild State Endangered. Four additional non-prairie Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa), Purple Cone- species found on the survey are listed as State flower (Echinacea purpurea), and others were Special Concern, i.e., Bald Eagle, Red-shoul- noted to be in bloom. Eastern Tiger Swallowtail dered Hawk, Common Nighthawk, and Hood- (Papilio glaucus) and Great Spangled Fritillary ed Warbler. One prairie species, Bobolink, was (Speyeria cybele) are normally common and observed outside of property boundaries by conspicuous butterflies; they were notably only a few hundred meters. absent from the count, possibly a result of the Butterflies (Fig. 1).—A total of 295 butter- scarcity of favored nectar sources such as those flies of 27 species were detected during the above. Several woodland species were present in BioBlitz. The most abundant species was the small numbers. The lone Northern Pearly-eye Cabbage White (Pieris rapae), with 170 indi- ( anthedon) and Mourning Cloak (Nym- viduals seen. This species may be expected to be phalis antiopa) were found in the south forested 126 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE

Figure 2.—Spiny Softshell (Apalone spinifera); a Hamilton County record. Photo by J. Horton. area. Most Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma) maps of nearby Marion County, which is less and Zabulon Skipper sightings were in the than 6 km south of Conner Prairie. wooded White River floodplain. Summer Fungi.—Early June is nearing the end of Azures (Celastrina neglecta) were reliably found a lull in the fungal world. The spring mush- nectaring at blooming dogwood and scattered rooms are coming to an end, but the summer at forest edges. Most skippers were found by mushrooms have yet to fruit in abundance. chance encounters in grassy areas rather than at That being said, Conner Prairie provided nectar sources. Even though only a few indi- a fantastic species diversity for the time period. viduals of skippers were observed, they repre- Two collectors spent a total of about 6 hours sented nine different species. on the property collecting the listed species. The observations at the Conner Prairie The majority of the species encountered can be BioBlitz include sightings of some species not found commonly throughout much of the state. listed for Hamilton County in Shull’s (1987) or No specific genera were over-represented in Belth’s (2013) comprehensive books on the numbers on the grounds. Of special note butterflies of Indiana. This lack of information were two species of Chanterelles—Cantharellus probably resulted from a scarcity of sampling in ‘‘cibarius’’ and C. minor. All varieties of Hamilton County, as many of these species are Chanterelles lack well defined, blade-like gills, not uncommon in the state but are small or which is one of the key defining features of the otherwise inconspicuous. The species not listed genus. While both of these edible species are in Belth or Shull are Northern Pearly-eye (Lethe fairly common, the dates on which they were anthedon), Common Sootywing (Pholisora ca- observed during the BioBlitz were the earliest tullus), Zabulon Skipper (Poanes zabulon), known by the team leader for Indiana. They Least Skipper (Ancyloxypha numitor), Delaware most commonly begin presenting in mid to late Skipper (Anatrytone logan), Dun Skipper (Eu- July. phyes vestris), Tawny-edged Skipper (Polites Herpetofauna (Fig. 2) and fish.—Amphibians themistocles), and Crossline Skipper (Polites and reptiles were surveyed by a combination of origenes). Belth included each of these species in methods. Terrestrial and wetland habitats were RUCH ET AL.—CONNER PRAIRIE BIOBLITZ 127 sampled by visual searches and sample cover objects. Calling frogs were identified, and wetlands were sampled for larvae by use of dip nets. Turtles and larval amphibians were also sampled by use of turtle traps and minnow traps in wetlands, ponds, and the river. The complete effort totaled approximately 40 per- son-hours and 35 trap-days. The herp team found a total of 150 herps of 15 species, including 37 reptiles representing eight species and 113 amphibians representing seven species. Acris blanchardi is a species of special concern in Indiana; during the last two to three decades, it has declined greatly throughout the northern half of its geographic range. The species was common at every wetland and pond surveyed at Conner Prairie. Plestiodon fasciatus was very common in most open terrestrial habitats. Four species [Plestio- don fasciatus, Apalone spinifera (Fig. 2), Tra- chemys scripta elegans, and Plethodon cinereus] Figure 3.—Green-striped grasshopper (Chorto- represent new Hamilton County records. Min- phaga viridifasciata). Photo by Carl Strang. now traps caught several species of fish, including Rock Bass (Ambloplites rupestris), Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus), and Large- nymphs, found by the botany team, adds mouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides). Conner Prairie to the known southern bound- Voucher specimens of Plestiodon fasciatus ary of that species’ range in Indiana. Roesel’s were deposited at the Indiana State Museum katydid is a European insect that still is (INSM 71.2013.129). Voucher specimens for expanding its range from its introduction site Trachemys scripta elegans (SJCZC R322) and in Que´bec, Canada. The most interesting find Plethodon cinereus (SJCZC A350) were de- was a small cricket commonly heard singing in posited in the Saint Joseph’s College zoological the prairie. This proved to be the spring trig, collection in Rensselaer, Indiana. All other a species identified only by that common name species were documented/vouchered by images and the temporary designation ‘‘Anaxipha n. and retained by Robert Brodman. sp. G’’ in the Singing Insects of North America Singing insects (Fig. 3).—A total of 12 website, hosted by the University of Florida. person-hours were spent searching for singing The species since has been named Anaxipha insects, mainly in the prairie area. Less than vernalis (Walker & Funk 2014). This apparently one hour was spent in forested areas, where the is the first observation of the species in Indiana, season was too early to expect members of this although in time it probably will prove to be group. Methods mainly were walking the widely distributed and common, at least in the mowed lanes, looking and listening, with some southern part of the state. time spent stalking and sweep-netting for the Snail-killing [Sciomyzid] flies.—Twelve indi- spring trig cricket, and a few checks of the viduals of seven species of Sciomyzidae (snail- beetle team’s light stations after dark. killing flies) were found. Considering the The timing of the Conner Prairie BioBlitz scarcity of suitable habitat (standing water: was early enough in the season so that the only marsh, swale, fen, bog, etc.) at the BioBlitz site, adult singing insect species found were those the number of species found was surprisingly that overwinter as nymphs. Three of these high. A cold water seep west of White River species are regarded as common (spring field produced Tetanocera loewi Steyskal, a new cricket, green-striped grasshopper, and sulfur- species of sciomyzid for Hamilton County. winged grasshopper), although only one in- This is the southernmost Indiana record of this dividual of the last species was observed. One northern species; the previous southernmost locally distributed group of Roesel’s katydid record was from Tipton County. The four 128 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE

49 taxa) and the Sedge Family (Cyperaceae, 40 taxa); the Sedge genus (Carex) was the best represented genus, with 34 taxa observed. A total of 150 potentially new species for Hamil- ton County, Indiana were documented. Eight species on the list of Indiana Endangered, Threatened, Rare, and Watch List species were noted: Wood’s Stiff Sedge (Carex woodii Dewey [State Watch List]); Wild Sensitive Plant (Chamaecrista nictitans (L.) Moench [State Watch List]); Pink Turtlehead (Chelone obliqua L. var. speciosa Pennell & Wherry [State Watch List]); Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L. [State Watch List]); White Pine (Pinus strobus L. [State Rare]); Great White Lettuce (Prenanthes crepidinea Michx. [State Watch List]); False Hellebore (Veratrum woodii J.W. Robbins ex Alph. Wood [State Watch List]); and Downy Yellow Violet (Viola pubescens Aiton [State Watch List]); plants listed as Watch List have Figure 4.—Fire Pink (Silene virginica). Photo by enough known occurrences to have been re- Scott Namestnik. moved from the Endangered, Threatened and Rare list and are no longer actively tracked by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Trypetoptera canadensis (Macquart), a flood- – Division of Nature Preserves. The White Pine plain predator of pulmonate terrestrial snails, (state rare) observed on the site was likely were found precisely where that species would planted or an escape from a planting. The Wild be expected to occur — in the vernally flooded Sensitive Plant (state watch list) observed on zone between the artificial levee and the natural the site was likely introduced in the prairie sand dike along White River. The guild of creation seed mix. species found indicated a healthy population in The vascular plant communities at Conner the floodplain and a possible glacial refuge Prairie consisted primarily of old field and along the seep. planted tallgrass prairie. Agricultural field and Spiders.—Spiders were surveyed on Sunday, developed/cultural areas also made up a large June 9, from 9 AM to 2 PM. A total of 19 percentage of the property. Smaller portions of spider species and 1 harvestman species were the property were comprised of upland forest, recorded. Restrooms, barns, prairie, ponds, a pond in the upland forest, riverine woods, and the attic of the China House were herbaceous floodplain, emergent wetland and surveyed. If the BioBlitz had taken place pasture. With the exception of the upland forest a few weeks later, it is estimated that the spider and riverine woods, the plant communities at count would have doubled. Conner Prairie were dominated by common Vascular Plants (Fig. 4).—Meander surveys early successional and disturbance-tolerant following the methods of Goff et al. (1982) plant species. The riverine woods consisted of were conducted. Approximately 109 person- a mix of species common in floodplain com- hours were spent conducting the survey. munities in central Indiana, with few clear Additional time was spent identifying unknown dominant species. The richest and most in- plants in the laboratory. teresting plant community observed on the A total of 458 vascular plant taxa (451 property was the Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum identified to at least the species level), 336 Marshall ssp. saccharum) dominated upland (73%) of which are native to Indiana, were forest located at the south end of the site. observed during the two-day Conner Prairie Floristic Quality Assessment of the upland BioBlitz. The vascular plant families represented forest had a mean Coefficient of Conservatism by the most taxa were the Aster Family (C) value of 3.3 and Floristic Quality Index (Asteraceae, 55 taxa), the Grass Family (, (FQI) of 58.9. Areas with FQI values of 45 or RUCH ET AL.—CONNER PRAIRIE BIOBLITZ 129 greater are thought to possess natural area (Conium maculatum L., rare), Autumn Olive potential, though sites with mean C values less (Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb., rare), Quack than 3.5 are not (Swink & Wilhelm 1994). In Grass (Elymus repens (L.) Gould, locally particular, the bluff above the White River and common/abundant), Yellow Sweet Clover (Me- the adjacent steep slope provided unique lilotus officinalis (L.) Lam., uncommon), Reed habitat where several conservative plant species Canary Grass (rare), Bradford Pear (Pyrus were observed. Shallow ravines and seepages calleryana Decne., locally common/abundant), along streams in the upland forest also were of Multiflora Rose (rare) and Johnson Grass interest. Overall, the mean C value calculated (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., common). Many for the compiled inventory at Conner Prairie of these same invasive species were observed in was 2.8, and the FQI was 60.0. the pasture area, and although this area has no Numerous invasive species were identified. In resemblance to a natural community, invasive the upland forest, invasive species of most species here provide a seed source for in- concern included Tree-of-Heaven (Ailanthus festation into natural communities. altissima (Mill.) Swingle, rare), Garlic Mustard Summary.—To obtain a complete picture of (Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara & Grande, the biodiversity found at Conner Prairie would uncommon), Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus require a long term seasonal survey. Neverthe- orbiculatus Thunb., uncommon), Winged Eu- less, this two-day survey in June revealed the onymus (Euonymus alatus (Thunb.) Siebold, remarkable species richness and the inherent rare), Border Privet (Ligustrum obtusifolium value of this historic site. Highlight species Siebold & Zucc., uncommon), Common Privet reported included the Spiny Softshell turtle, (Ligustrum vulgare L., uncommon), Japanese Sedge Wren, Henslow’s Sparrow, Zabulon Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica Thunb., un- Skipper, Roesel’s Katydid, Elegant Stinkhorn common), Amur Honeysuckle (Lonicera fungus, Pink Turtlehead, and False Hellebore. maackii (Rupr.) Herder, uncommon), Honey- Of the 15 species of reptiles and amphibians suckle (Lonicera L., uncommon), Reed Canary reported, three species of reptiles and one species Grass (Phalaris arundinacea L., locally com- of amphibian were new species records for mon/abundant), Multiflora Rose (Rosa multi- Hamilton County. Of the 458 taxa of plants, flora Thunb., uncommon) and Common Peri- 150 represent potentially new Hamilton County winkle (Vinca minor L., locally common/ records, and eight species are on the Indiana abundant). Invasive species of most concern Endangered, Threatened, Rare, or Watch List. in the riverine woods included Tree-of-Heaven Eight butterfly species had not been recorded (rare), Garlic Mustard (common), Hungarian previously from Hamilton County. Likewise, Brome (Bromus inermis Leyss., common), four records of aquatic macroinvertebrates were Winged Euonymus (uncommon), Dame’s new for Hamilton County. Steve Russell, the Rocket (Hesperis matronalis L., rare), Common mushroom team leader, said that ‘‘Conner Privet (rare), Reed Canary Grass (common), Prairie provided a fantastic species diversity Golden Bamboo (Phyllostachys aurea Carrie`re for the time period.’’ Among the 92 species of ex A. Rivie`re & C. Rivie`re, locally common/ birds observed, two were on the endangered list abundant) and Multiflora Rose (uncommon). and four were species of special concern. As Hungarian Brome (common), Field Thistle expected, the plant team found species diversity (Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., common) and to be relatively low in the restored prairies. Reed Canary Grass (abundant) posed the However, they found incredible species richness greatest ecological threat in the herbaceous in the woodlands, especially in the woods at the floodplain area. Reed Canary Grass (uncom- southern end of the property that slopes down to mon) was of most concern in the emergent the White River. wetland community. Invasive species of con- cern in the old field/planted prairie areas LITERATURE CITED included Hungarian Brome (locally common/ Abbott, J.C. 2007. Odonata Central: an online abundant), Musk Bristle Thistle (Carduus resource for the distribution and identification of nutans L., uncommon), Field Thistle (locally Odonata. Texas Natural Science Center, The common/abundant), Bull Thistle (Cirsium vul- University of Texas at Austin. At: http://www. gare (Savi) Ten., uncommon), Poison Hemlock odonatacentral.org (Accessed 10 July 2013). 130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE

Belth, J.E. 2013. Butterflies of Indiana – A Field Shull, E.M. 1987. The Butterflies of Indiana. Indiana Guide. Indiana University Press, Indianapolis, Academy of Science, Indianapolis, Indiana. 262 pp. Indiana. 323 pp. Swink, F. & G. Wilhelm. 1994. Plants of the Chicago Curry, J.R. 2001. Dragonflies of Indiana. Indiana Region, 4th ed. Indiana Academy of Science, Academy of Science, Indianapolis, Indiana. 303 pp. Indianapolis, Indiana. 921 pp. Glotzhober, R.C. & D. McShaffrey. 2002. The Thorp, J.H., & A.P. Covich (eds.). 2001. Ecology and Dragonflies and Damselflies of . Bulletin of Classification of North American Freshwater nd the Ohio Biological Survey, New Series 14: 1-364. Invertebrates, 2 ed. Academic Press, San Diego, Goff, F.G., G.A. Dawson & J.J. Rochow. 1982. Site California. 1056 pp. examination for threatened and endangered plant Walker, T.J. & D.H. Funk. 2014. Systematics and species. Environmental Management 6: 307-316. acoustics of North American Anaxipha (Gryllidae: Merritt, R.W., K.W. Cummins, & M.B. Berg (eds.). Trigonidiinae). Journal of Orthoptera Research 2008, An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of 23: 1-38. th North America, 4 ed. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Manuscript received 14 March 2015, revised 28 April Company, Dubuque, Iowa. 1158 pp. 2015.