The winds of change are blowing throughout votvo. The new Volvo is becaming more evident. tsoectottv in terms of the product range.

The first of a new range is the Va/va (70 coupe - a four-

seater sports coupe with driving appeal ond looks second to none. With its sights set firmly on a smafl but discerning

customer group, the exclusive new sports coupe wilf power

Va/va onwards into Q new and exciting marker segment.

With just two and a halF yecrs of dedicoted and enthusiostic

etton behind it, the Va/va (70 coupe is the fruit of Q joint venture between Brttotn's renowned automorive specialist

TWR and Va/va. TWR has applied its unique specialist-car

competence ta the engineering of tbe new car. while Va/va's

requirement specifications have determined just what the

new car should be /ike.

Sensuol ond sporty

The resu/t is a car whose sens ua/ lines do fittIe to hide its

dynamic abilities. Not on/y does it look provacatively promi- sing, it is an inviting driving machine which hos the power ro

back its looks. Yeewith safety and qua/ity right up there at the

top af the list af priarities, because the care vafues of the (70

are all pure Va/va.

The car's muscular, swaoping lines make it seem a/most alive-

poised ready re paunce. The exterior unites votvo's design heritage with the fatest interpretatians of its traditional ele-

ments, 50 the grille, the V-shaped bulge ocross the bonnet and

the feature Jine atonç the side all look famifiar, yet different.

/nnavation, tradition, yauth and classic appeal- all in one.

The Valvo (70 was designed with little nottee re engineering limitatians. The result is exactly what vetvos designers have

long dreamed abaut but scarcely dared ta hope faro A feast for eye and ear alike

The Scandinavian design heritage is apparent inside sbe car:

light nues, elegant but simp Ie lines, a substantial impressian

af qualiry and strength, and a generous portion of sneer un-

adulterated pleasure. There is a wide selection of interiar trim cotours and more-

rlals. The (70 brings the luxury of bespake tai/aring ra modern

matoring ~ a car far the individualist.

This is equally naticeab/e in the C70's concert-tian sound .sys-

tem. An extreme/y advanced audio system was integrated into

the car at the very eernest design stage, together with na tess

than 10 standard-fit loudspeakers ~ all so as ro ensure top audio quality. The speakers are a/ready fitted zo the con in production, enabling the use of very large diameter units

while securing top installment qua/ity.

The amplifier, radio and CO unit are af/ amang the very

best availab/e anywhere in the war/d.

Turbocharged power Under fts sve/te skin, the Va/va C70 coupe borrows much of rhe technology of its potent stabiemate the Volvo 850 R:a

transverse ttve-cvtinder rurbocharged engine driving the frant

wheels through a manuaf tive-soeeo gearbax ar tour-speed

muiti-mede automatic . The TRACS etectronic

anti-som sysrem and wide 225 tyres ensure that rhe engine's

massive power reaf/y is de/ivered ra the ground.

The fof/owing engines are ovoitabte:

• 2.3-litre turbo producing 240 hp and 330 Nm

• 2.5-Jitre lighc*pressure turbo producing 193 hp and 270 Nm

Since the Vo/vo C70 is atso aimed ar markers with very strong

2 titre segment5, it con also be equipped with a choice

between a: • 2-litre tu rba producing 225 hp and 310 Nm • r-ture lighr-pressure turbo producing 1BO hp and 220 Nm Chassis development expertise straight from Formula 1

TWR's immense expertise in advanced chassis deve/apment

has resulted in exceptianaf ride and roadha/ding. The Va/va

C70 can be specified with a ctvoice af th ree chassis settings, all af them on the sparty side.

Whatever yaur enetee af chassis set-up, the C70 coupe is shad

with immensely capable tyres aptimised far the job: 2255 with

16"ar 17"wheels. 18"wheels are a/sa ovottobte as on ootion.

With much af the technology borrowed from the Va/va 850,

the (70 offers impressive safety levels, both passive and active.

Structural beams and members, the SIPS system, S/P5 airbags

and seat belt system with pre-tensioners proteet the occu-

pants in afl types of accident.

Sales start in spring 7997

The Vo/vo C70 coupe wifl start sefling in spring 1997./t is

primarily intended for the North American marker but it wifl

also be sold in Germany, Italy, Great Britain and Japan.

The coupe wifJ atso be foflowed by a C70 cabriolet in 1997.

The Va/va C70 wiJl be produced in the Autonava plant in

Uddevalla. Autonova is 0150 a joint-venture operatien bet- ween Volva and TWR.


The votvo C70 coupe is a car which aopeots direct/y to your

emotions rather than to yaur mind, bowls you head over heets

rather than seeks your aoprovat. The Vo/vo C70 coupe is the

product af freedam - the freedom given to designers and engineers.

The Va/vo C70 coupe enhances and reinforces vetvos image as a manufacturer of specialised niche cars. The (70

coupe powers Va/vo imo a new dimension. A dimensian in which feelings carry the day.

The pace af renewal at Volva Cars is very rapid indeed.

An aggressive drive to widen the appeal of the model range

covers both the upper medium c1ass (the 540/V40) as weil as

a segment which hos nat previousty been a Va/va domain: the market for exclusive, elegant coupes.

With the new Va/vo (70 coupe, Vo/va is making 0 powertut

entry into this most exciting af market segments.

The Vo/vo (70 hos been deve/oped tor a small group of custa-

mers who demand individuoJity, elegance, mctorinq p/easure

and perfarmance in a marque of renawned excellence and

quality. The Va/va 850 T-5R and the 850 R unlacked the door

ta this exciting war/d, while the sporring yet elegant (70

makes a dazz/ing entry anto centre stage.

Efficient develapment - by a sm all team

The Vo/vo C70 was deve/oped by a sma/l project group led by

Häkan Abrahamsson, who was given a free rein in designing a car for a new type of custamer. With such a wide-open design

brief, the project stimufated unpara/leled excitement and

invalvement fram day one, with everyane giving of their best from the very outset. Unlike the conventiana/ praject approach, me designers were virtuafly given a free hand. The engineering has been

adapted ra the design, rattier than the ooposne. I The entire project, from me start of the preliminary studies - tnat is to say the initial definitiall of rhe type of car ra be

created - ta the start of production, hos a time plan of JUS! 30 months. Proaf enough of me efficiency and speed with which a smafl, dedicated project team can opera te. The work hos

been carried out together with British specialist TWR accos-

ding to Vo/vo's specificotions arvd under Vo/vo's control.

Flair for four Exhaustive surveys and extensive product clinics have confirm-

ed rhe prejeet's interpretarion ofwhar a sporty and elegant

four-searer coupe should look like. The type of customer for which me C70 is designed has na tu rally 0150 p/oyed a signifi- cant role in pegging the car's overall profile. Practical, sound

good sense hos hod ra play second fiddle te flair ond elegance,

but without campromising rhe cor's key proper ties in ony way.

Cors in the C70 categary are se/dom or never ttve anly car in

tne hausehold, which usuolly hos occess ra ather cars wh en

procticality becomes a more pressing need. What is more, a

large propartion of rhe customers in th is morket segment are

wamen. 50 it is hardly surprising mat Va/va broke rhe tradi-

tional mauld yet again ond appainted a woman, Karin Falk,

as product manager in rhe project executive graup.

In ather words, the is not a car which hos been

designed re sult a whim, nor has ony/hing been iett re chance

- every linie detail follows a carefully warked-out plan.

USA: the biggest market The votvo C70 coupe is scheduled re go on sote in the spring of 1997. The US marker will account far about half of all sales.

Germany, Italy, Great Britain and Japan wil! also be very

important markets.

The Volvo C70 coupe will not ride alone. Ir will be accompani-

ed by its open-topped sib/ing, the C70 cabriolet, which wilf be

unveiled in 1997. And which has been developed from the

coupe concept.

The Valvo C70 coupe is a rrue up-marker car. which will fur- cher enhance Volva's brand name and give it a new ring.

An exclusive and elegant car which switches an the emotians,

it nevertheless fallows votvo's renawned tradition af offering

the customer good va/ue for money. The Vo/vo C70 is -

emoeion in motion. THE DESIGNER'S DREAM

With (he Va/va (70 coupe, vorvc's design (hief was given {ree hands ra ereere the car of his dreams. The

design brief for the C70 WQS simpte and ro the point: Don't

design Q car which customers need - design a car which they really desire.

Peter Horbury didn't need to be totd twice. The Vofvo C70 is just the car which he and his colleagues in (he design depart- ment yearned tor. A designer's dream (ome true, a synthesis of tacttie feeling and bubbling creativity rather than concession ra technical parameters and sensible everyday needs.

The pers on in the best oostnon ro comment on the car's pro- file ond image is its designer. We hand the word over to Peter Horbury sa he con explain his thoughts on the subject and (he results of his work. What are the most prominent aspects ofthe car's design?

PH: The car's sheer essence conveys a sense of something very

much a/ive. The pronounced feature fine which runs a/ong the

entire /ength of the body, in combination with the angle of

the rear pil/ar as it swoops towards me car's rear quarter, con-

veys an expression of tensed muscles and extreme forward

motion; me car has the stance of a wifd anima', poised ready

to pounce or like a race-horse a splir-second before rhe star-

ting gate is pulled away. A lot of this power is enhanced by

tne muscular hind quarters of the car.

And as regards the interior?

PH: The inside reiteers our renowned Scandinavian design

heritage. Simplicity allied to high qua/ity. A combination of

clean lines and design flair. Top qua/ity in all the matertets

used. Everything ;5 pleasant ra tne touch. The feather is of

superb quality and the intertor is trimmed in light colours,

although a darker trim alternative is natura/ly also avai/ab/e.

In what way has Vo/vo's design tradition been sharpened?

PH: Primari/y wirh the pronounced "V" across the bonnet,

which we re-introduced with the S40lV40 and which traces its

roots re the PV444 and Amazon. The feature fine does the

same job as votvo's traditional convex window/ine.

Hos the design generated any technicaJ benefits?

PH: Since this is a votvo. the sveite shape natura/ly clothes

one of the safest structures on four whee/s. None of the cor's

interna/ technica! parameters, however, prevented us from

doing exact/y what we wanted w;th the exterior. Quite the Is this an example af votvo's new design direction?

PH: Abso/ute/y. We con regard the Va/va s40lV40 as the first step in a process which marks out Vo/vo's design direction for tne future.

Every new Va/va wttt further consolidate and confirm ttve fact that our cars now fal/ow an exciting new design path.

Sin ce me C70 is a coupe, it is anly natural tor ie to stand out fram the rest, but every new model bearing the Valvo badge will reiteer aur new image.

Despite tbe trestmess of the C70's shape and image, it none theless echoes elements of Valva's design heritage - just as every new Valva w;1I continue ra do. The iamily ties must

always be perfectly cteor, or else tne car wil! just be a taal without a soul or identity.

Has rhe Va/va C70 retained much of rhe design fJavour fram rhe

original sketches, or has it been mellowed into a more conserva- tive design?

PH: Quite rhe apposite! We began rather carefully and be-

came increasingly daring as we went along. Far insta nee, we changed the oriqinal dimensians and took nme nottee of engineering ar reehnicallimitatians. This freedom prabably

expfains why everyane invafved - in whatever capaciry-

worked with such enormaus enthusiasm and dedication. The resuJt speaks tor itseJf.

Did this design brief differ mueh fram your other assignments?

PH: Very mueh sa, particularly with regard ra the degree of artistie treedom we were given. We had few hard points ra take into consideration and na restrictions in terms of abso- lute functionality.

The expectations of rhose involved in me project were sa high thar nobady feIt it necessary - or warth-while - to hold back. Thor is why th ere is na element of compramise

anywhere on rhe Valvo C70. ft is a car whieh brearhes design

flair because the people working on it were given full design freedom. tt's a rea/labour of love! Whya Vafvo coupe?

PH: Because / wanted one myse/f, [ust as Va/va needs a car of this sart ra broaden its operational base, reach out re new customer categories and en ha nee its image as a manufactu-

ter of niche cars. The Va/va C70 is exact/y what we on the

design team wanted it to be.

Why have you taken such a radicalstep ond made an all-new car?

PH: We were given a virtua/ly free hand as regards the car's visua/ impact, and thar is something I rhink is of paramount

importance wirh a car sucti as the C70. If we had toyed with me idea of a Vo/vo 850 coupe, thaughts wau/d automatically have turned ro previous Va/vo coupes such as the 262 and 780, cars which were /argely regarded as two-ooor verstons of four-door sedans. Whar we wanted was to sharpen Va/vo's identity, ereere a

totolly fresh image with a sparty Va/va un/ike anything bearing the Va/va badge befare it. yet at the same time enhance the marque's identity. I think we've done a really gaod job there. We've enjoyed excellent coaperation with TWR, who offered in-

valuable input which we, crystalfised inta three-dimensional form in the studio, together with their design chief Ion Cal/um.

Whot were the basic design parameters when you startea off?

PH: Generous accommodation tor four adults in a car which hos all the visua/ appeal of a rwo-secrer coupe; sporty and elegant, with a few bold characteristics. A b/end of ground-

breaking design and traditionalIines. The bonnet is a good example of the family identity./t perfect/y matches the shape of the car and the new design language while at the same time carrying the votvo profile with pride. ft emphasises the rnaroue's strong identity. Even though me Vo/vo C70 differs from other Volvos in every other respect, the design is still familiar, whether conscious/y or

sobcoosctoustv. And mot is exactly what we wanted.

contrary, ttie body of me (70 has exceptiona/ torslorval rigidi-

ty ond th us a/sa a noise level, rlde and driving comfort in a

class of lts own.

Haw does it measure up ta ather cars in the same segment?

PH: Fot one thing, ir has astrong fami/y ïdentnv wirh me rest

of the Vo/va range even if lts profile and image are entire/y

new. Many coupes try hard tv hide their origins, but we are

proud to show that our's is aVo/va.

I rhink rhe (70 is up there wirh the very best coupes on the

market. It certain/y doesn't look anything like a mi/dly rebodi-

ed tour-door . The (70 is na swo.aoor 850. The word

"coupé" may mean "cut off" in French but thls is na chopped

sedan. The (70 is a died-in-the-woo/ four-seater sports coupe.

No compromis es.

In just a few words, how would you expfain ar describe the

Vofvo (70 coupe?

PH: It is not the Va/vo you is the Vo/vo you want. Not

everbody has the chance re design their next compony cat but

wh en they do, this is what you get! DYNAMICS IN A NEW DIMENSION

A sports coupe whose appearance is not matched by its driving cnaracteristics and performance is not a rea/sports coupe.

A car which you want ro drive the minute you set eyes on ft

shoufd a/sa live up to your expectations once you slip behind the wheel.

The Va/va C70 coupe has been carefully developed ra do

just thar.lts purposefuf esterlor is weil and truly matched by

its inner properties - on exceptional combination of comfort,

driving ctvarocseristics and performance. The Va/va 850 T-SR and 850 R put Va/va weil and truly on the map over potent driving machines. Together with British automotive specialist TWR, who aevetooeo. among ether

things, the chassis of the 850 R, leading-edge competence in

chassis techno/ogy has been used to fine-tune the C70's dyna-

mic proper ties. As aresuit, the Vo/vo C70 coupe is one step

ahead of the 850 R - all out of a determination to create the

altimate driving machine. Docile yer advanced, predictabie yer potent, safe yet exciting.

The right engine far every custamer

Since na rwo customers have exactly the same expectations

as regards engine performance, rhe C70 - just like ather

Volvos - is available with a choice of engines 50 as to widen

its appeal. All the engines are optimised to blend perfect{y

with the car's dynamic properties and offer maximum driving

pleasure combined with good economy and clean exhaust

emissions. All the C70 engines are fitted wirh turbachargers,

but of different types and offering different characteristics:

• Five-cylinder 2.3 Iitre engine with turbocharger. Maximum

power is 240 hp and maximum torque of 330 Nm is available

between 2700 and 5100 rpm .

• Five-cylinder 2.5 titre engine with light-pressure turbo-

charger. Maximum power is 193 hp and maximum torque

of 270 Nm is available between 1800 and 5000 rpm.

A five-cylinder turbocharged engine offers af! the benefits of a

larger engine with more cylinders since ie runs very smoothly, is responsive and f/exible, and offers a very high torque over a

wide range. votvos five-cy/inder turbacharged engines are

familiar, well-respected units, renowned for their power and

their positive characteristics. For markets with astrong 2 /itre

segment, such as traly and Great Britain, the Vo/vo (70 coupe

is a/sa availab/e with a choice between a:

• Five-cy/inder 2litre engine with turbocharger. Maximum

power is 225 hp and maximum torque of 310 Nm is available

bet ween 2700 and 5100 rpm, or a:

• Five-cy/inder 21itre engine with light-pressure turbocharger.

Maximum power is 180 hp and maximum torque of 220 Nm is

avai/able between 2100 and 5400 rpm.

Power de live red to the raad, without any loss

High power outputs and masslve torque impase considerable

demands on the transmission and chassis. All the components

in me C70 coupe are honed ra handle this power. All the engines drive the front wheels through a choice of

five-speed man ua/ gearbox or four-speed automatic transmis-

sion featuring three modes: Sport, Economy and Winter. In order to nomess all the eng in e's power on ns way ro tne

driven wheels and not tose anything through wheelspin,

manual C70s are fitted with the TRACS eleccronic anti-spin

system. Rood grip is a/sa further enhanced by the wide 225-ryres.

Fine-wned by Formula 1 engineers Part of the secret behind me C70's sure-footedness lies in the development work on me chassis undertaken by TWR, under

the guidance of Volva. TWR, which has vast knowhowand long

experience gained from both Formula I, standard car racing and

the building of very special cars, hos just what it takes ro give

a car of the (70's calibre that unte bit extra.

The Va/va C70 coupe is also ave;

three chassis settings ra match

tne range of engines and suit

persona/ preferences:

• Sparts chassis, with the 240 hp engine or

• Low sports chassis, as an ootton. with the 240 hp engine

• Dynamic chassis, with the 193 hp engine

All three variants have a decldedly sparty character without

campromising on handling and rlde comfort. The sec-er

behind a well-tuned chassis is ro fine-tune the blend of road-

holding, handling and ride comfort cnaractensncs in sucti a

way thot both are regarded as ttrst-ctoss.

Most chassis wark is concenrrated on geametrles, the

springs and shock absorbers. the latter wirh well-madulated

damping civaracteristics ro offer eoch partleu/ar chassis type

the appropriote properties.

The tyres fitted ra the (70 0/50 reiteet lts sparty nature.

All the wheels are shod with 225-tyres, the light-pressure

turbo variants featuring 76" wheels whereas the turbo models

roll on 78" wheels. A specially-developed 18-inch 885 wheel is avoiIabie as an

optlan far those who want something one sue larger.

Dynamics in every dimension All toto, tnis combinarion of components ond characteristics

creaces a perfectly ba/onced driving machine wirh excellent -

even impressive - performance.

Just ane fook at tne (70 ond yau'lI feel compelled to slip

behind the wheel. However, lts personality can only be

sa mp led once yau get golng.

For anyone who vatues sporty comfort in an exciting package,

the choice Is obvious.

The Vo/vo C70 coupe is dynamics in every dimension, WHEN INDIVIDUALITY IS IMPORTANT

In an increasing/y streamlined world, there is a greater than

ever need to stand out from the crowd, to be seen, to emphasise one's presence. The Vo!vo C70 coupe is a car for individuals.

A car with a strong personality, a car with on arresting oppear-

ance which makes a cfeor statement obout its owner. A vost range of optionaf equipment, accessaries, colours ond interior

trim alternatives anly serves ta enhance that personality.

The Volva C70 coupe is and wiJf remain on exclusive car.

Larger volumes are catered for by other attractive cars in the Volva range. Anyone who ctiooses aVoIvo C70 coupe has

every reason to expect something out of the ordinary, sa the

car's specification can be individually matched to suit each and every custamer. Tailor-made instead of aff-the-peg stan-

dord. That sense of exclusivity and the thrill of pleasure every time that exciting interior wraps itself around yau.

The C70 is characterised by top quality in both the integri- cy of its design and the solidity of each and every detail-

ho wever individuaf the specification of the individual car. The C70 is a car Coenjay, every time.

Saffron and blackcurrant

The (70 wiJf be available in a choice of na less than 17 exter- nal coscuts. most of them metallic and pearl. Two of these

have been selected as special introduction cofours: Saffran (saffron), a golden yel/ow pear/ cotour which gives the cor a vibrant, /ively image, and Cassis, on elegant dark pear! colour reminiscent of luscious, sun-ripened b/ackcurrants. The exre- rior is fully colour-caordinated irrespective of which colour is

chosen: the bumpers, door mirrors and other parts are all painted in the body corour to create a harmonious wnote.

The design and cotour setvetnes of the intertor reiteet Volvo's Scandinavian design heritage: clean elegance and functional farm. Most of the colours are therefore light and discreet, a/though dark intertors are a/sa available. The interior trim

ean be varied in a large number of combinations of material

and c%ur. With three basic mernes and four upholsteries

featuring tabric on!y, teattier only or a combinarion of the

two, more than 40 different interior combinations are offered.

Genuine Gran Turismo

The C70 coupe is a full tour-seener with individually shaped

and anatomically designed secrs. The front seers have pro-

nouneed lateral support to keep the body in place wh en seated

The rear-seat passen gers have plenty of spa ce and light

allied to opening rear quarter-light windows re enhance tne

feeling of airiness. Entry to rhe rear seat is convenient and com-

fortable owing ra the wide door and generous seat movement.

The rear sides feature practica! compartments for small

items, concealed by press-button lids.

All rhis makes rhe C70 a genuine Gran Turismo, not a /owered

and ehopped toer-door sedan kitted out in a new suit of clothes.

A feast for the ears toa

The Va/va C70 coupe is not only a Ieost for the eyes - rhe dis-

cerning eor hos als 0 been catered for with whar is probably

rhe most advanced ond sophisticated foctory-fitted audio

unit on the market.

The needs of the audio system were taken into account at

the very earltest concept stage in order to have the system

fully integrated inca the car and the design and instal!ation

of the sysrem confirm this.

Since a sound system is best fitted ra a car whi!e it is being

built, the C70 is equipped os srandard with na less than 10

loudspeakers of different types and sizes for each speettic

need, positioned to reproduce the best possible audio qua/iry.

The loudspeakers are made by Oynaudia of Denmark, one of

the wor/d's leading specialists in this field.

The sound from the combined radio and 3-CO player teacnes

the loudspeakers via a 4 x 60W amplifier, or even a 4 x 700W

amplifier. The radio is the 5C900 model, and tt features a CO

unit with p/ace for three compact discs.

Twin aertols, whereby the strongest signal reacties one or

the other, are concealed in the bumpers.

The occessones list otso features a CO-changer with place for

six discs which is elegantly hidden away in the luggage com- ponment.

Generous standard equipment, plenty of optians

The Valva C70 coupe is generously equipped as standara.

However, same items of equipment are only found on [he

options list, such as:

RTl, on electronic raad and trottic information system

Electronical/y control/ed elimate con trol, ECC

Power adjustment for the front secrs

Anti-dazzle interior rear-view mirror with automatic act ion

Pollen filter

Nivomat automatic self-Ievel/ing con trol

What all the (70 variants share, na matter how they are equ-

ipped, is a penchant for reflecting rhe car's personality and

mat of the driver.lndividuality, in product and execution:

the Volvo (70 coupe.


The Va/va C70 coupe hos on exciting new shape ra go with its appeal as on inviting road machine. Volvo tradition dictares

tnat all Va/va cars should be safe. Despite its wene looks and

prow/ing stance, the (70 coupe is na exception. The (70's

lines clothe one of the wor/d's safest wheeled structures in

terms of possive impact safety and dynamic driving safety.

The Va/va 850 hos established a new safety standard for passen-

ger corso Concepts such as side-impact proteetion and side air-

bags were virtua/ly unknown before Va/va put them on the road. Many of the a/most 50 international awards won by the

Va/va 850 over the years re/are specifically la (he subject of


The Va/va (70 follows in the same mould. Ir offers predictabie

responses wharever rhe raad condinons. helping me driver ra

avaid ra getting a potentially dangeraus situatian in the first

place. And if an accident should neverthefess rake pface, the

best safety technalagy avoiIabie is at the driver's dispasal.

The structure of the Valvo CJO is based on that of the Valva

850, sa it shares the same structural safety salutians.

The elegant two-aoor body with its high waist-line offers

exceptional torsionol rigidity. This al/aws the finely-tuned

chassis to dedicate itself to respanding re the raad and the

driver's input.

Devefaped re provide the best passible accupont safety

As with any other Va/va car, the C70 coupe was developed ra

provide rhe highesr level af orotecrton ra all irs occupants in

all accident types:

• The structural netwark of 5turdy beams which interacts to absorb and dissipate franta/,

offset and reor-ervd collision farces is the some as that found in the votvo 850.

• The sturdy A-pil/ars and the shape of the roof offer excellent rail-over protecrion.

• The wide doars and the B-pillar are part of ttve renowned SIPS system, just as on vetvos

ather car mode Is, and the front seats are equipped with SIPS bags, of course.

• All four seats are equipped with triree-point inert ia-ree/ seat beIts and head restraints.

• A force limiter which contro/s the rolling speed of the belt.

• A driver's airbag and pyrotechnic tensioners in the front seats are standard, with a

frant passenger airbag avai/able eirher as an aption ar fitted as standard, depending

on marker specificatians.

Alrhough safety is hardly the first thing one is inclined ra think

abaut in connectian with a car like the Va/vo (70 coupe, it

was nevertheless develaped according re the very same

stringent safety standards as all other cars bearing tne Vo/vo

badge. Anything tess wou/d be unthinkable.

The knowledge that the proteetion offered by the (70 is

among tne best available on four whee/s allows the focus of

attention re shift wh ere it belongs: the sneer pleasure, the

visual delight and emotional appeal of the Volvo (70 coupe.

Wherher standing still ar moving - which is what it does best. HIGH-TECH AND TRADITIONAL CRAFTSMANSHIP IN HARMONY

Working cfosely and efficiently together, Va/va and TWR have

developed the Va/va e70 coupe, from preliminary study to

finished car in [ust 30 months, combining bath state-of-the-

art hi-tech and mony years of experience in tbe work.

The result is on exciting product with on artractive exterior

and on inviting interior.

One of the very first concrete results of voîvo's aggressive determination to widen Us customer appeal was announced

in early 1995, when Va/va and British engineering specialist

TWR joined farces under the Autonova bonner to produce

specialist cars for niche markers.

At the time, TWR had a/ready signed a three-year agree- ment to manage votvo's touring car racing team in the BTCC


The Autanavo joint-venture operation was statea for Valva's

Uddevalla plant, which was refurbished and expanded re

include everything from body shop ra painting and finol


Camplementing each ather

TWR's background and renowned skilIs were täeat for deve-

lopment of the Vo/va (70 coupe. Together with votvo, whieh

hos specified, c1ose/y monitored and controlled the entire

operation, wark hos progressed at a very fast pace. TWR's

strength lies in irs engineering skilIs and advanced technolo-

gical tactttües. whereas Vo/vo's speciality lies in defining the

requirement specification, applying and utilising the quality

assurance systems, tying the whole project together and put-

ting the resuft tnto production. Close cooperation, dedicated effarr and unfettered creativity in a smal! project graup have praduced what is probably the mast exciting car ever re bear the Volvo badge. The resu/t is a genuine Volva, the C70 coupe. Built in Uddeval/a, it unites spe- arhead technology with traditional craftsmanship- al/owing it fulril personal requirements; al/awing everybady from desig- ners ro fitters are prepared ro lavish thar extra effart ta create exactly the bespake car which the cusramer wants.

The investment in the Uddeval!a plant wil! al/ow tor 20,000 cars a year productian pace, with a potentia/ ra increase the capacity if needed.

This is haw it is built; on exclusive car which is aimed at a smal! discerning marker niche: cesremers who expect every- thing af their cat. as weil as mot litt/e bit extra. And tnev gel it, with ttve new Valva C10 coupe. Engines

Type designation B5254T B5234T3 B5204T2 B5204T3

Power hp(kW)rpm 193(142)5100 240(177)5500 180(132)5700 225(166)5700

Torque Nm/rpm 270/1,8'-5' 330/2,7'-5,1' 220/2,1'-5,4' 310/2,7'-5,1'

No of cyls. 5 5 5 5

Bore, mm 83 81 81 81

Stroke, mm 90 90 77 77

Displacement, cc 2435 2319 1984 1984

Compression ratio 9,0:1 8.5:1 8.4:1 8.4:1

No of valves 20 20 20 20

Fuel syst. M4.4 M4.3 M4.4 M4.4



Single plate dry cfutch. Full-synchromesh five-speed gearbox; reverse afso

syncromesh.lntegrated tirval drive.


Four-speed fully-automatie eletronically-controfled planetary gearbox with

hydraulie torque converter incfuding loek-up function.

Gear ratios, gearbox

Manual M56H Automatic AW 50-42LE

1 .sr 3.07:1 3.61:1

2:nd 1.17:1 2.06:1

3:rd 1.19: 1 1:37:1

4:th 0.87:1 0.98:1

5:th 0.70:1

Reverse 2.99:1 3.95:1 Gear rottos. final drive

85254T 85234T3 85204T2 85204T3

Manual 4,00: 1 4,00:1 4,00:1 4,00:1

Automatic 2,54: 1 2,54:1 2,76:1 2,54:1

Cooling system

Type Sealed overpressure

Volume 7.0 titres

Electrical system

Voltage 12 V

Bartery capacity 520AI100mill

Alternator, max current intensity 1400 W (100A)

Starter motor power > 1.4 kW


Front wheel suspension

Spring struts with lower wishbones and integrated shock absorbers

Toe-in front 2.5 mm

Camber front _0.50

Caster front 3.6"


Rack-and-pinion power Rear wbeet suspension

Delta-link system with fongitudinal supporting arms, double links

Toe-in rear 0.106 mins.

Camber re ar -1.0"

Braking system

Duo/-circuit anti-Iocking (ABS) power broke system

Discs on af! wheels, ventilated on front wheels.


Max length 472 cm

Max width 182cm

Max height 141 cm

Wheefbose 266 cm

Track front 152 cm

Track rear 152cm

Turning circte 12.2m

Kerb weight (EU-version) 1480 kgs

Max trailer weight 1600 kgs (US 1500 kgs)

Fuel tank valum 731itres

Drag coefficient <0.30

Frantal area 2.75

Luggage capacity

Volume, SAE 370litres

Volume, VOA 405 titres

Max load he;ght 60 cm