Permanențe Și Priorități În Cercetarea Aeronautică Românească
PERMANENȚE ȘI PRIORITĂȚI ÎN CERCETAREA AERONAUTICĂ ROMÂNEASCĂ Constantin OLIVOTTO 1 ABSTRACT: The paper presents a history of Romanian aeronautics. Going beyond the pioneering period of the famous designers of Romanian aircraft (Traian Vuia, Aurel Vlaicu and Henri Coandă), we subsequently enter into other areas - hydroplanes, helicopters. Not long after the end of the First World War, in Brasov, the production of the most well-known and performing aircraft at that time - IAR-80, an intense participant in the clashes during the Second World War, began. After the War, the production was halt and then resumed in 1968, but previously (1949-1968), the university research in this domain was significant. The new model, IAR-93 has received permanent support, being set up several new production units, but some decisions of forced assimilation of some benchmarks were not good. After 1990, the realization of this plane ceased, being physically destroyed a series of almost new devices. In the second part of the paper, the problem of pilot training and the development of training aircraft is addressed. The article ends with an overview of the aerodynamic tunnels made and used in the Romanian aeronautical research activity. KEYWORDS: aeronautics, Traian Vuia, Aurel Vlaicu, Henri Coandă, George (Gogu) Constantinescu, seaplane, Ion Paulat, Radu Stoika, helicopter, Paul Cornu, Grigore Brişcu, George de Bothezat, IAR-Brașov, IAR-316, IAR-330, IAR-80, Elie Carafoli, hovercraft, INCREST, IAR-93, IAR-99, aerodynamic tunnel CUPRINS 1. Introducere 2. Creatorii primari. Inventatorii de mare originalitate 3. Hidroavioanele în România 4. Realizări în domeniul elicopterelor 5. Miracolul vânătorului IAR-80 și inginerii care au conceput avioane de luptă 6.
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