Salmon‐Challis National Forest Wildfire Fact Sheet Media Contact: Amy Baumer (Public Affairs Officer); 208‐756‐7853 Email:
[email protected] Web: Twitter: @salmonchallisnf Facebook: @salmonchallisnf BOUNDARY FIRE UPDATE AUGUST 31, 2021 The Central Idaho Dispatch Zone is at HIGH Fire Danger On InciWeb @ Date of Detection: August 10, 2021 Current Size: 4,731 acres Completion: 70% Location: 2 miles west of Boundary Creek Boat Launch; Middle Fork Ranger District; Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Cause: Lightning/Natural Fuels: subalpine fir, spruce, Douglas fir, and lodgepole pine. Resources on Fire: 35 Type II Type I Engines Crew Helicopter 1 1 2 Fire activity was moderated yesterday in comparison to Sunday. On the southern portion of the fire, fire is backing down the Boundary Creek drainage. Fire is now established in the Morehead Creek drainage burning to the north. The fire in Morehead Creek has burned into the 2018 Prospect Fire and fire spread is minimal. The point protection strategy firefighters are using continues to be a success as impacts to the values at risk in the fire’s vicinity remains minimal. Today, firefighters will continue to evaluate the fire’s progression and monitor growth towards Morgan and Sulphur Ranches. Crews will work to secure the fire’s edge on the saddle near Boundary Creek Boat launch to minimize impacts to the infrastructure in that area. Firefighters will continue with a point protection strategy to protect values at risk. Values at risk are defined as property, structures, physical improvements, natural and cultural resources, community infrastructure, and economic, environmental, and social values such as the Middle Fork River corridor.