RECE\VED Tio~ , 0 \992
DECTEC INTERNATIONAL INC. P.D. BOX 2275, 1 962 MILLS ROAD, SIDNEY, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA VBL 3SB PHONE: (604) 655-4463 . ._.... FAX: (604) 655-3906 RECE\VED tiO~ , 0 \992 • COMMISSION ftDEkAL coMMUNICATIONS y OFF:"Ir.E OF THE SECRETAR October 8, 1991 RECEIVED OCT 15 IY9, Ms Donna Searcy Secretary, Federal Communications Commission FCC M/' 1919 M Street ,.,IL BRANCH Washington, DC 20515 Dear Ms. Searcy, This letter is presented in support of a filing submitted to the Commission by the Consumer Satellite Coalition on July 1, 1991. The document filed by the CSC requested a public hearing/inquiry on the monopolistic business practices of General Instrument Corporation and the distribution and sale to consumers by the General Instrument division of Forstmann Little Corporation of a defective descrambling product which is used by consumers and cable operators to unscramble programming delivered over satellite. As a research and development firm which has spent the past three years developing a universal scrambling system designed to run multiple encryption and decryption processes through one single decoder, we submit that General Instrument has deceived the pUblic, the governments of the united States and Canada, television programmers, hollywood producers, satellite and consumer electronic retailers, and the manufacturers of Integrated Receiver Descramblers in the sales and upgrade programs associated with its videocipher II scrambling system, (exhibit A). Through our work as a well-respected research and development company who has been
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