Sophomore English/2017-2018 Berger-White

In ’s , Guy Montag changes significantly from beginning to the end of the novel. Here are the questions: How does he change? What are the most important moments in his development? Why is his change significant?

You will write this essay in six substantial paragraphs.

Paragraph #1 You must start with an introduction. Name the author and the novel, and make a direct claim about how Montag changes during the course of the novel. What defines his character at first? At the end? What explains his transformation?

Paragraph #2 Your next paragraph should explain how Bradbury first characterizes Montag. What is his background? His attitude? What key information about Montag’s past do we learn? Support this with specifics, including at least two direct quotes. Your support must come from Part One of the novel.

Paragraph #3 This paragraph should explain how Montag begins to change. What are the key moments that show Montag in the beginning of a transformation? Again, support this with specifics, including at least two direct quotes. Again your support must come from Part One of the novel.

Paragraph #4 As the novel unfolds, what are the next defining experiences for Montag? What do they reveal about his character? Support this with specifics, including at least two direct quotes. Your support must come from Part Two of the novel.

Paragraph #5 Who does Montag become? What are the key experiences that demonstrate his changes? Support this with specifics, including at least two direct quotes. Your support must come from Part Three of the novel. This is in many ways the most important paragraph, so focus your energies here.

Paragraph #6 This should be a conclusion in which you explain why Montag’s change is important. How does his character help us understand the larger themes and ideas of the novel as a whole? Beyond the scope of the novel, what does Montag teach us?

Superior essays will:

(1) Clearly express how Montag changes—and why. (2) Develop who he is at each stage of the novel. (3) Use effectively multiple pieces of textual evidence to support each idea. (4) Cite properly each direct quote. For example: Bradbury explains how Montag is initially a product of society when he writes, “It was ” (1). (5) Analyze the evidence and link it to the paragraph’s central idea. (6) Be well-written and generally free from mechanical errors.

Suggested Length: Three pages (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12) Value: 200 points Due: Friday, December 1st