Published by the Anglicanorum Coetibus Society concerning the POCSP ORDINARIATE NEWS 12th Sunday after Trinity August 30th, 2020 [Edition 1, Volume 9] SUNDAY HYMNS TAKE UP YOUR CROSS Lift High the Cross (1887) This week features signs of growth from many different parts George W Kitchin (1827-1912) of the Ordinariate: a note from the community in Guam, a OLW Cathedral, Houston description of how St. Thomas More’s (Toronto) music ministry has adapted to restrictions, a status update on St. All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name (1780) Edward Perronet (1721-1792) Luke’s, and this week’s big news, the generous gift that will St. Mary the Virgin, Arlington allow St. John Vianney’s to begin work on a permanent building on the land they bought back in 2017. In addition, Take Up Your Cross (1833) there is Part II of the series of short articles on the St. Benet Charles W. Everest (1814-1877) Biscop chapter of Oblates. Special thanks to Br. John-Bede, St. Mary the Virgin, Arlington Joseph DiCaria, David Lewis, Adrian Cruz, and Peter Smith God is Love (1740) for contributing. Charles Wesley (1707-1788) St. Mary the Virgin, Arlington Would you consider writing a Parish Profile? Would your Parish priest consider allowing us to transcribe an excerpt of All people that on earth do dwell (1650) his homily? Is there a ministry, good work, or event you’d like William Kethe (????-1594) others to know about? Email St. Barnabas, Omaha
[email protected] to tell us more. Thank Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face (1855) you to all the contributors this week.