
Activity Professional Week 2022 – Navigating the Future

Astrology has an interesting history going back to Mesopotamian times, and its relevance in popular culture makes it a fascinating topic for anyone who’s interested in the ways we attempt to find out more about our destiny. While has not been scientifically proven to accurately predict people’s personalities or futures beyond a measurement of chance, it does follow a logic with similar foundations of astronomy. Astrology and astronomy were both born out of the observation and interpretation of the positions of celestial bodies such as the moon and planets. The similarities in what is being observed or used to come to conclusions (celestial body placements) between astrology and astronomy often causes confusion between these two topics, causing many people to question if astrology, with similar foundations and history as astronomy, is based on science as well. Astrology uses the placement of the sun, moon, and planets at the time of someone’s birth to explain someone’s personality. This is where zodiac signs come from. While the zodiac signs do correlate to real placements of the sun, moon, and planets at certain times throughout the year, the connections to people’s behavior, desires, and personality have no scientific validity. There are lots of ways to use the Zodiac signs to have a fun activity together. Zodiac Signs Facts

The Elements of the Zodiac Signs

Each of the zodiac signs is ruled by an element: , fre, , or air. Each of the elements is characterized by diferent strengths and tendencies. But how each star sign is afected by its element is unique to that sign.

The Qualities of the Zodiac

Every sign of the zodiac is attached to a quality: cardinal, mutable, or fxed. The qualities play uniquely essential roles in the world, and it’s good to have a balance of them on any team. The Rulers of the Zodiac

Each of the zodiac signs is also associated with a planet, called its ruler. This planet exerts a stronger infuence over a given sign than any other planet. It afects how your zodiac sign interacts with others, approaches life, and forms relationships.


ARIES The Ram | Dates: Mar 21 – Apr 19 Element: Birthstone: Diamond Traits: Eager, dynamic, quick, and competitive

TAURUS The Bull | Dates: Apr 20 – May 20 Element: Earth Birthstone: Emerald Traits: Strong, dependable, sensual, and creative

GEMINI The Twins| Dates: May 21 – June 20 Element: Air Birthstone: Pearl Traits: Versatile, expressive, curious, and kind

CANCER The Crab | Dates: June 21 – July 22 Element: Water Birthstone: Ruby Traits: Intuitive, sentimental, compassionate, and protective LEO The Lion | Dates: July 23- Aug 22 Element: Fire Birthstone: Peridot Traits: Dramatic, outgoing, fery, and self-assured

VIRGO The Virgin | Dates: Aug 23 – Sep 22 Element: Earth Birthstone: Sapphire Traits: Practical, loyal, gentle, and analytical

LIBRA The Scales | Dates: Sep 23 – Oct 22 Element: Air Birthstone: Opal Traits: Social, fair-minded, diplomatic, and gracious

SCORPIO The Scorpion | Dates: Oct 23 – Nov 21 Element: Water Birthstone: Topaz Traits: Passionate, stubborn, resourceful, and brave

SAGITTARIUS The Archer | Dates: Nov 22 – Dec 21 Element: Fire Birthstone: Turquoise Traits: Extroverted, optimistic, funny, and generous

CAPRICORN The | Dates: Dec 22 – Jan 19 Element: Earth Birthstone: Garnet Traits: Serious, independent, disciplined, and tenacious AQUARIUS The Water Bearer | Dates: Jan 20 – Feb 18 Element: Air Birthstone: Amethyst Traits: Deep, imaginative, original, and uncompromising

PISCES The Fish | Dates: Feb 19 – Mar 20 Element: Water Birthstone: Aquamarine Traits: Afectionate, empathetic, wise, and artistic


The , or shengxiao, is a repeating cycle of 12 years, with each year being represented by an animal and its reputed attributes. In order, the 12 animals are: , , , , , , , Goat, , , Dog, and .

Chinese zodiac animals have lucky meanings. Chinese people associate each animal with certain characteristics. It’s believed that people born in a given year have the personality of that year’s animal.

Rat Year: 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960 Personality Traits: Quick-witted, resourceful, versatile, kind Western Analog: Sagittarius

Ox Year: 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961 Personality Traits: Diligent, dependable, strong, determined Western Analog: Capricorn Tiger Year: 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962 Personality Traits: Brave, confdent, competitive Western Analog: Aquarius

Rabbit Year: 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963 Personality Traits: Quiet, elegant, kind, responsible Western Analog: Pisces

Dragon Year: 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964 Personality Traits: Confdent, intelligent, enthusiastic Western Analog: Aries

Snake Year: 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965 Personality Traits: Enigmatic, intelligent, wise Western Analog: Taurus

Horse Year: 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966 Personality Traits: Animated, active, energetic Western Analog: Gemini

Goat Year: 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967 Personality Traits: Calm, gentle, sympathetic Western Analog: Cancer

Monkey Year: 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968 Personality Traits: Sharp, smart, curious Western Analog: Leo Rooster Year: 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969 Personality Traits: Observant, hardworking, courageous Western Analog: Virgo

Dog Year: 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970 Personality Traits: Lovely, honest, prudent Western Analog: Libra

Pig Year: 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971 Personality Traits: Compassionate, generous, diligent Western Analog: Scorpio



● The Trailblazers of the Zodiac ● Ruled by the quick and active Fire element, these three zodiac signs are all about initiation, enthusiasm, courage, and moving forward. They shine a bright light on life and command attention wherever they go. Always ready to instigate others and start something new, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are the true trailblazers of the zodiac.


● The Pragmatists of the Zodiac ● Under the infuence of the solid and practical Earth element, these three zodiac signs thrive on strength, determination, and practicality, and are at one with the physical world. They are focused and disciplined, eager to get the job done. Creating a true sense of foundation and security in the world, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the most pragmatic signs of the zodiac.


● The Intellects of the Zodiac ● Ruled by the clear and direct Air element, these three zodiac signs embrace truth, conversation, and ideas. They are communicators, mediators, and fghters of truth and justice. With sharp minds and a real sense of social awareness, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are the intellects of the zodiac.


● The Intuitives of the Zodiac ● With Water as their guiding force, these three zodiac signs have soft hearts, open minds, and old souls. They are lovers and nurturers, and live their lives with a deep understanding of what’s happening around them – the seen and the unseen. Sensitive, soulful, and connected, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are the intuitives of the zodiac. Activity Ideas:

Create Discussion Cards

Discussion suggestions: - When is your birthday? - What is your zodiac sign? - What are your positive/ negative traits, according to the zodiac sign? - Is that your personality? - Do you have something in common with your partner? NAP 2021

Navigating the Future within our beliefs…

This is definitely a personal topic for each of us but more so for the practice or the need of your community base. Read through the material to find what fits your resident’s interest.

A great statement to start out with would be Navigating the Future with Religion or Spiritual? You can ask the residents what they believe and how they see their belief in the future?

What's the difference between religion and spirituality? ... Religion is a specific set of organized beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group. Spirituality is more of an individual practice and has to do with having a sense of peace and purpose.


“The Undiscover’d Country”: Navigating toward the Future, by Christopher E. Crowe – This video is a wonderful life story that will provide you with empathy in the decision you made towards navigating your future.

The Future of Spirituality, Posted by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat on May 11, 2015

Look up Harvard Divinity School Center for the Study of world religion. The Future of Spiritually, Ken Wilber’s Integral t Life

Check out VEVO for videos such as:

Four Seasons – Vivaldi

Let there be peace on earth

Somewhere over the Rainbow by Israel “IZ”

What a Wonderful life, Louis Armstrong

Andrea Bocelli, Céline Dion - The Prayer

You Raise Me Up | BYU Vocal Point (Josh Groban A Cappella Cover)

Carpenters - Top of the World & We've Only Just Begun

Tim McGraw - Humble & kind

Future Navigating: Questions:

Spiritual spaces are, by definition, are area which the individual makes are deemed spiritual in one way or another. We do not NEED people to tell us where our spiritual spaces are, though churches, mosques etc. are recognized as being such by the fact that people gather in numbers there to pray or worship in some way. .Jul 23, 2009. What is space in spirituality?

David Bryce Yaden is a scientific researcher who studies the psychology and neuroscience of spiritual experiences; he prepared this essay for Huffingtonpost.com. Here are the four developments he sees on the horizon:

1. "The spirituality of the future will be more scientifically knowledgeable and more humble about our answers to life's biggest questions."

2."The spirituality of the future will be selective in its use of technology by using what enhances spiritual practice and by mindfully avoiding overuse."

3. "The spirituality of the future will make spiritual experiences more accessible and place more emphasis on serving others." 4."The spirituality of the future will be more socially inclusive and will foster more respect for the differences between us."


What does it mean to go on a spiritual journey? Go on a Journey with the residents? Past, present, and future.

Definition of the term “spiritual journey” In general, a spiritual journey describes the process of a person embarking on a quest to deepen their knowledge, understanding and wisdom about themselves, the world and/or God. Feb 3, 2020

Wooded Clothes pins on a wire where they write their spiritual future on each one in it so it’s a circle timeless.

Write a beautiful song or poem individually or together after listening to a spiritual song of your choice.

Meditation- Spending outside, Acts of Compassion, yoga/Tai Chi

Ministry Ice breakers, ask questions to that pair with your own population.


Touched by an Angel is an American fantasy drama television series that premiered on CBS on September 21, 1994, and ran for 211 episodes over nine seasons. Throughout the series, Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.


Aging as a Spiritual Practice: A Contemplative Guide to Growing Older and Wiser Everything changes. For Zen Buddhist priest and meditation teacher Lewis Richmond, this fundamental Buddhist tenet is the basis for a new inner road map that emerges in the later years, charting an understanding that can bring new possibilities and a wealth of appreciation and gratitude for the life journey itself, by Lewis Richmond (Author)

Destination: Life: Navigating Your Future with Jesus, by Mikal Keefer