TITLE OF POWERPOINT PRESENTATION Subtitle2018-2021 if needed This report was prepared by the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC), 111 Liberty St., Columbus, OH 43215, 614-228-2663, with funding from the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, Ohio Department of Transportation, and Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Licking and Union counties. The contents of this report reflect the views of MORPC, which is solely responsible for the information presented herein. In accordance with requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation, MORPCTITLE does not OF discriminate POWERPOINT on the basis of age, PRESENTATION race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, familial status, ancestry, military status, religion or disabilitySubtitle in programs, if needed services or in employment. Information on non- discrimination and related MORPC policies and procedures is available at www. morpc.org under About MORPC/Policies. For more information about this plan please contact Claire Jennings, Transit Planner at 614-233-4150 or
[email protected]. DELAWARE AND FRANKLIN COUNTIES COORDINATED PLAN 2018-2021 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary 4 I. Geographic Area 6 II. Population Demographics 13 III. Assessment of Available Services 19 Inventory of Existing Transportation Services 19 Assessment of Community Support for Transit 34 Safety 38 Transit Asset Management Plan 39 Vehicles 40 Summary of Existing Resources 48 IV. Assessment of Transportation Needs and Gaps 56 Local Demographic and Socio-Economic Data 56 General Public and Stakeholder Meetings and 65 Focus Groups 65 Surveys 68 Challenges to Coordinated Transportation 73 Summary of Unmet Mobility Needs 74 V. Goals and Strategies 75 Developing Strategies to Address Gaps and Needs 75 VI.