Introduction Hegel and Capitalism Andrew Buchwalter Hegel and the Contemporary Discourse on Capitalism Capitalism, whose historical triumph was for many confirmed with the col- lapse of the Soviet Union, has in recent years become a topic of significant public consideration. The 2008 financial crisis, declining growth rates, eco- nomic stagnation, prolonged unemployment, mounting income inequality, decreasing social mobility, growing personal and public indebtedness, an ongoing housing crisis, the commercialization of more spheres of life, the increasing monetarization of social relations, environmental degradation stemming from industrial production, and a globalization process fueled by multinational corporations operating relatively free from public account- ability, have all contributed to growing concerns about the nature, stability, and even legitimacy of Western market economies. In addition, economic globalization has triggered in advanced industrial societies a predilection for austerity measures that, coupled with persistent neoliberal challenges to welfare state policies, have called into question common assumptions about the shape and trajectory of capitalism in postwar societies. Accompanying these developments has been the proliferation of aca- demic studies devoted to capitalist economies. In recent years such writ- ers as Luc Boltanski and Ève Chiapello, James Galbraith, David Harvey, Thomas Piketty, Debra Satz, Wolfgang Streeck, and Joseph Stiglitz, to name just a few, have authored works that in differing ways address the state of 1 © 2015 State University of New York Press, Albany 2 Andrew Buchwalter contemporary market economies. In addition, historians in growing num- bers have made capitalism a central category of disciplinary inquiry. And there has been a renewed interest in theorists historically associated with the analysis of market economies, including writers so diverse as Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Hayek.
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