Making the Pyramid Technique Robust to Query Types and Workloads Rui Zhang Beng Chin Ooi Kian-Lee Tan Department of Computer Science National University of Singapore, Singapore 117543 fzhangru1, ooibc,
[email protected] Abstract ranges of elevation, aspect, slope, cover type, etc are typi- cal. KNN queries are common in content-based retrieval The effectiveness of many existing high-dimensional in- systems [10, 12]. dexing structures is limited to specific types of queries and While a large number of indexing techniques have been workloads. For example, while the Pyramid technique and proposed to improve performance, most of these techniques the iMinMax are efficient for window queries, the iDistance are not sufficiently robust for a wide range of queries. For is superior for kNN queries. In this paper, we present a example, the Pyramid technique [7] and iMinMax [15] are new structure, called the P+-tree, that supports both win- efficient for window queries, but perform less satisfactorily dow queries and kNN queries under different workloads ef- for kNN queries. On the other hand, metric-based schemes ficiently. In the P+-tree, a B+-tree is employed to index such as the iDistance [21] are usually superior for kNN the data points as follows. The data space is partitioned queries, but may not be usable for window queries. More- into subspaces based on clustering, and points in each sub- over, these schemes typically perform well for certain work- space are mapped onto a single dimensional space using the loads (data set size, dimensionality, data distribution, etc) Pyramid technique, and stored in the B+-tree.