Abstract. We provide examples of multiplicative functions f supported on the k- free integers such that at primes f(p) = ±1 and such that the partial sums of f up to x are o(x1/k). Further, if we assume the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, then we can improve the exponent 1/k: There are examples such that the partial sums up to 1/(k+ 1 )+ x are o(x 2 ), for all  > 0.

1. Introduction.

We say that an n is k-free if n is not divisible by any prime power pk, where k ≥ 2 is an integer; We say that f : N → C is multiplicative if f(nm) = f(n)f(m) for all integers n ≥ 1 and m ≥ 1 such that gcd(n, m) = 1, and we say that f is completely multiplicative if f(nm) = f(n)f(m) for all integers n ≥ 1 and m ≥ 1. Here the Vinogradov notation f(x)  g(x) means that for some constant C > 0, |f(x)| ≤ C|g(x)|, for all sufficiently large x > 0. P In this paper we are interested in the partial sums n≤x f(n) where f : N → {−1, 0, 1} is a multiplicative function such that at primes f(p) = ±1 and supported on the k-free integers, i.e., functions f such that f(n) = 0 if n is not k-free.

When we consider the case of the squarefree integers (the case k = 2), if f is multiplicative, supported on the squarefree integers and f(p) = −1 for all primes p, then f = µ, the M¨obiusfunction. A well known fact is that the Riemann hypothesis (RH) is equivalent to the square-root cancellation of the partial sums of the M¨obius P 1/2+ function µ, more precisely, n≤x µ(n)  x , for all  > 0. Up to this date, the true arXiv:2101.00279v1 [math.NT] 1 Jan 2021 magnitude of the partial sums of the M¨obiusfunction still unknown, even conditionally on RH; The unconditional upper bound obtained by the classical zero free region for P √ the is n≤x µ(n)  x exp(−c log x), and the best conditional upper bound is due to Soundararajan [14] which states that under RH, P µ(n)  √ √ n≤x x exp( log x(log log x)14).

These results for the M¨obiusfunction naturally raises the question of how small the partial sums of a multiplicative function supported on the squarefree integers can be. This led Wintner [18] to investigate a random model for the M¨obiusfunction which consists in randomizing the values f(p) = ±1 at primes p, and thus ending up with a 1 random multiplicative function. Wintner proved that a random multiplicative function P 1/2+ has partial sums n≤x f(n)  x , for all  > 0, almost surely, and also that these partial sums are not  x1/2−, almost surely. Wintner’s seminal paper led to many investigations on the partial sums of a random multiplicative function. Here we refer for the interested reader: [4], [5], [7], [8], [9] and [11]. The best upper bound up to date √ P 2+ is due to Lau, Tenenbaum and Wu [11]: n≤x f(n)  x(log log x) , for all  > 0, almost surely; The best Ω bound is due to Harper [8]: The partial sums P f(n) are √ n≤x not  x/(log log x)5/2+, for all  > 0, almost surely.

By these results for a random multiplicative function we can naturally ask if there are examples of multiplicative functions f supported on the squarefree integers such that at primes f(p) = ±1, and such that its partial sums P f(n) have cancellation √ n≤x beyond the x-cancellation. In [3], the first author exhibited examples of such functions √ such that P f(n)  x exp(−c(log x)1/4), and further, by assuming RH we can go n≤x √ P 2/5+ much more beyond x-cancellation: There are examples such that n≤x f(n)  x , for all  > 0. Here we ask the same question over the k-free integers:

Question. For which values of exponents α > 0 there exists a multiplicative func- tion f that is supported on the k-free integers, at primes f(p) = ±1 and such that P α n≤x f(n)  x ? Here we give a reason to assume f(p) = ±1 over primes p. With this we exclude trivial solutions to our problem, because if f is supported on the squarefree integers (and hence supported on the k-free integers), and if we allow f(p) = 0 over primes, P  by choosing f(p) such that p≤x |f(p)|  x , for all  > 0, then the partial sums P α n≤x f(n)  x , for all α > 0. By assuming that f(p) = ±1 for all primes p, we guarantee that the set of the integers n ≥ 1 such that f(n) = ±1 has a positive lower density, since it contains the set of the squarefree integers which has density 6/π2. Moreover, with this condition, the event in which f has small partial sums means a non-trivial cancellation among the values f(n), as a consequence of the choice of the values f(pm), for primes p and powers m ≥ 1.

Our first result states:

Theorem 1.1. There exists a multiplicative function f : N → {−1, 0, 1} supported on the k-free integers such that at primes p, f(p) = ±1, and such that

X x1/k f(n)  , exp(c(log x)1/4) n≤x for some constant c > 0. 2 Thus, we can go beyond x1/k-cancellation when we consider k-free integers, and the exponent 1/k is critical in our results – If we assume the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH 1), then we can go beyond the exponent 1/k:

Theorem 1.2. Assume the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. Then there exists a mul- tiplicative function f : N → {−1, 0, 1} supported on the k-free integers such that at primes p, f(p) = ±1, and such that

X 1/(k+ 1 )+ f(n)  x 2 , n≤x for any  > 0.

Our examples in Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 are constructed in light of the extreme examples in the Erd¨osdiscrepancy theory for multiplicative functions.

The original formulation of the Erd¨osdiscrepancy problem (EDP) is whether there exists an f : N → {−1, 1} such that its partial sums over any homegenous arithmetic progression are uniformly bounded by some constant C > 0. As shown by Tao in [15], no such function exists, and moreover, we might say that the essence of the EDP is whether a completely multiplicative function f : N → {z ∈ C : |z| = 1} has bounded or unbounded partial sums, see [15].

A consequence of the solution of the EDP is that a completely multiplicative func- tion f : N → {−1, 1} has unbounded partial sums. It is important to mention that if we allow completely multiplicative functions vanish over a finite subset of primes, then we might get bounded partial sums, for instance, any real and non-principal χ. These Dirichlet characters are what we call the extreme examples in the Erd¨osdiscrepancy theory for multiplicative functions.

Following Granville and Soundararajan [6], define the “distance” up to x between two multiplicative functions |f|, |g| ≤ 1 as !1/2 X 1 − Re(f(p)g(p)) (f, g; x) := , D p p≤x where in the sum above p denotes a generic prime. Moreover, let D(f, g) := D(f, g; ∞), and we say that f pretends to be g, or that f is g-pretentious if D(f, g) < ∞. In the resolution of the EDP (see Remark 3.1 of [15] and Proposition 2.1 of [2]), it has been shown that a multiplicative function f : N → [−1, 1] with bounded partial 1We recall that ζ stands for the classical Riemann zeta function and for a Dirichlet character χ, P∞ χ(n) L(s, χ) stands for the classical L-function L(s, χ) = n=1 ns . The Riemann Hypothesis for ζ states that all zeros ζ(s0) = 0 with real part Re(s0) > 0 have real part equals 1/2. The Generalized Riemann Hypothesis is the same statement for L(s, χ). 3 sums must be χ-pretentious, for some real Dirichlet character χ : N → {−1, 0, 1}, 2 1 P√ |f(n)| provided that the logarithmic average log x x≤n≤x n  1. Thus, if we seek for multiplicative functions supported on the k-free integers with small partial sums, then we must look firstly to those that are χ-pretentious for some real and non-principal Dirichlet character χ. In our particular case, to construct examples for theorems 1.1 and 1.2 we assume much more than χ-pretentiousness. Indeed, we deduce the Theorem 1.1 from the following result:

2 Theorem 1.3. Let µk(n) ∈ {0, 1} be the indicator that n is k-free. Let g : N → {−1, 1} be a completely multiplicative function that it is χ-pretentious for some real and non- principal Dirichlet character χ, and further assume that X x1/k (1) |1 − g(p)χ(p)|  √ . exp(c log x) p≤x

2 Let f = µkg be a multiplicative function supported on the k-free integers. Then there exists a constant λ > 0 such that X x1/k (2) f(n)  . exp(λ(log x)1/4) n≤x

The condition (1) above essentialy says that the completely multiplicative function √ g is obtained by modifying a Dirichlet character χ in a quantity  x1/k exp(−c log x) of primes p below x, and then the example for Theorem 1.1 is obtained by setting 2 f = µkg. In contrast, to get an example as in Theorem 1.2, we do not have such flexibility and we assume that our completely multiplicative function g coincides with a 2 Dirichlet character in all, but a finite subset of primes p, and then we set f = µkg just as in Theorem 1.1. Thus, these are our examples of multiplicative functions supported on the k-free integers with the smallest partial sums (under GRH), and are what we call real and non-principal Dirichlet characters restricted to the k-free integers. An interesting open question is whether these are the only examples, in the sense that a multiplicative function f needs or not to be χ-pretentious, in the situation that f is supported on the k-free integers, at primes f(p) = ±1 and such that the partial sums P 1/k− n≤x f(n)  x , for some  > 0. We observe that if f is within our class of examples of Theorem 1.2, then the P∞ −s 2 of f, F (s) := n=1 f(n)n , is essentially the Dirichlet series of µkχ which is L(s, χ)/ζ(ks) if k is even, and it is L(s, χ)/L(ks, χ) if k is odd. Thus, under GRH, the Dirichlet series of f has analytic continuation to the half plane Re(s) > 1/2k. This suggests that the partial sums up to x of f could have cancellation  x1/2k+, which would be much better than the result of Theorem 1.2. However, it is important to note that the existence of analytic continuation is not enough to ensure this cancellation. 4 Finally, if f is in the class of examples of Theorem 1.2, then f can not have partial sums up to x that are  x1/2k−, for any  > 0. This is because ζ(s) and L(s, χ) have an infinite number of zeros with Re(s) = 1/2. Thus, the Dirichlet series of f will have an infinite number of poles at Re(s) = 1/2k, unless that, in the case that k is even, every zero of ζ(ks) corresponds to a zero of L(s, χ) in the line Re(s) = 1/2k, or in the case that k is odd, every zero of L(ks, χ) corresponds to a zero of L(s, χ) in the line Re(s) = 1/2k. But this cannot happen due to zero density estimates, see the Grand Density Theorem (Theorem 10.4, page 260 of [10]).

2. Preliminaries

In this section we state classical results that we will need in the course of the proofs of the main results.

2.1. Partial sums of µ and of µχ. As stated in the introduction, for some constant c > 0, the partial sums of the M¨obiusfunction are (unconditionally) X x (3) µ(n)  √ . exp(c log x) n≤x

This can be obtained by adapting the proof of the Theorem as in [12], chapter 6. Indeed, this follows by combining an effective Perron’s formula (Corollary 5.3 of [12]) with the classical zero free region for the Riemann zeta function, namely c those points s = σ + it such that σ ≥ 1 − log(|t|+4) , for some constant c > 0, and the estimate 1/ζ(s)  log(|t| + 4), valid for s in the classical zero free region with |t| ≥ 1.

If χ is a real and non-principal Dirichlet character, then we also have that for some constant c > 0, the function µχ has (unconditionally) partial sums X x (4) µ(n)χ(n)  √ . exp(c log x) n≤x

The proof of this result follows the same line of reasoning of the proof of (3) with some extra care. This extra care is related to excepetional zeros of L functions. Indeed, the Dirichlet series of µχ is 1/L(s, χ), where L(s, χ) is the Dirichlet L function associated to χ. The L function L(s, χ) has a zero free region of the same type of Riemann zeta function with at most one possible exception, a real zero β < 1 inside this region, see [12] Theorem 11.3. Further, by Theorem 11.4 of [12], whether there exists an exceptional zero or not, we have that for s = σ + it in this zero free region with sufficiently large |t|, 1/L(s, χ)  log(|t| + 4), and thus the proof of (4) is completed with an effective Perron’s formula. 5 Now if we assume the Riemann Hypothesis (RH), then for any  > 0 the partial sums X (5) µ(n)  x1/2+. n≤x

A proof of this can be found at [17] Theorem 14.25 (C). In a few words, under

RH we can deduce that for s = σ + it with σ ≥ σ0 > 1/2 and |t| sufficently large, 2(1−σ)+ log ζ(s) σ0, (log(|t| + 4)) , for any  > 0, where σ0, means that the implicit constant depends only in σ0 and , see Theorem 14.2 of [17]. Hence, under RH, 1/ζ(s)  is analytic in Re(s) > 1/2 and 1/ζ(s) σ0, |t| , for any  > 0. Then, the proof of (5) is completed with an effective Perron’s formula.

Finally, under GRH, for a real and non-principal Dirichlet character χ, for any  > 0 we have that X (6) µ(n)χ(n)  x1/2+, n≤x and the proof follows the lines of the proof of (5).

2.2. The Dirichlet Hyperbola Method. This method allow us to evaluate the par- tial sums of the between two arithmetic functions h and g. We P recall that the Dirichlet convolution is defined as h ∗ g(n) = d|n h(d)g(n/d), where P the notation d|n means that d divides n. Denote Mf (x) := n≤x f(n). The Dirichlet hyperbola method states: If UV = x with U, V ≥ 1, then X X x X x (7) (h ∗ g)(n) = h(n)M + g(n)M − M (V )M (U). g n h n g h n≤x n≤U n≤V

3. Proof of the main results

3.1. Proof of Theorem 1.3. We begin with the following Lemma:

Lemma 3.1. Let h : N → [0, ∞) be a multiplicative function such that: (i) h(p) ≤ 2 and h(pr) ≤ h(p), for all primes p and all powers r ≥ 2; 1/k P x√ (ii) For some constant c > 0, p≤x h(p)  exp(c log x) . Then there exists a δ > 0 such that X x1/k h(n)  √ . exp(δ log x) n≤x

Proof. By partial summation, or by Kroenecker’s Lemma (see [13] page 390), we can obtain the stated conclusion if the following series converges for some δ > 0: ∞ √ X h(n) exp(δ log n) . n1/k n=1 6 Notation: By prkn we mean that r is the largest power of p that divides n. Since √ √ qP r P r log n = prkn log p ≤ prkn log p , we have that √ X h(n) exp(δ log n) X h˜(n) ≤ , n1/k n1/k n≤x n≤x √ where h˜ is the multiplicative function such that h˜(pr) = exp(δ log pr)h(pr), for all P h˜(n) primes p and all powers r ≥ 1. We will show that the series n≤x n1/k converges. For that, by the formula (see Theorem 2, page 106 of [16]), we only need to P P∞ h˜(pr) show that p∈P r=1 pr/k converges, where P stands for the set of primes. √ exp(δ log p) Let 0 < δ < c/2 be small such that p1/k < 1 for all primes p ∈ P. By the hypothesis (i)

∞ ∞ √ ∞ √ √ X h˜(pr) X h(pr) exp(δ log pr) X exp(δ r + 2 log p) r/k = r/k ≤ h(p) r+2 p p k r=2 r=2 r=0 p ∞ √ √ ∞ √ X exp(δ(r + 2) log p) exp(2δ log p) X exp(rδ log p) ≤ h(p) r+2 = h(p) 2/k r/k k p p r=0 p r=0 √ √ exp(2δ log p) 1 exp(2δ log p) = h(p) √  h(p) √ p2/k exp(δ log p) p1/k(p1/k − exp(δ log p)) 1 − p1/k √ h(p) exp(2δ log p)  . δ p1/k

P Define T (x) = 0 if 0 ≤ x < 1 and T (x) = p≤x h(p) if x ≥ 1. By expressing a sum by a Riemann-Stieltjes integral and then using the integration by parts formula: √ √ X h(p) exp(2δ log p) Z x exp(2δ log t) = dT (t) p1/k t1/k p≤x 1 √ √ exp(2δ log x) Z x exp(2δ log t)  T (x) + T (t) dt 1/k 1+ 1 x 1 t k 1 Z x 1  √ + √ dt exp((c − 2δ) log x) 1 t exp((c − 2δ) log t)  1, where in the penultimate inequality we used the hypothesis (ii).

Thus, ∞ √ X X h˜(pr) X h(p) exp(2δ log p)   1. pr/k δ p1/k p≤x r=1 p≤x

 7 Lemma 3.2. Let g : N → {−1, 1} be a completely multiplicative function. Assume that for some real and non-principal Dirichlet character χ, g satisfies (1): X x1/k |1 − g(p)χ(p)|  √ . exp(c log x) p≤x Then, for some δ > 0, X x1/k g(n)  √ . exp(δ log x) n≤x

Proof. Let h = g ∗ χ−1, where χ−1 is the inverse of χ with respect to the Dirichlet convolution. Since χ is completely multiplicative, we have that χ−1 = µχ (Theorem 2.17 of [1]). Thus, χ−1 is multiplicative and has support on the squarefree integers. Therefore, for each prime p and any power r:  r  r −1 r X −1 p r r−1 −1 |h(p )| = |g ∗ χ (p )| = g(d)χ = |g(p ) + g(p )χ (p)| d d|pr = |g(pr)||1 + g(p)−1χ−1(p)| = |1 − g(p)χ(p)|.

Hence, |h| satisfies the hypothesis of Lemma 3.1. Since g = h ∗ χ, we have that P P P n≤x g(n) = n≤x h(n) m≤x/n χ(m), and as χ has bounded partial sums, we have P P that n≤x g(n)  n≤x |h(n)|. 

Before we state our next Lemma, we will introduce some notation. Given an arith- metic function f, we denote its partial sums up to x by X Mf (x) := f(n). n≤x

Lemma 3.3. Let g : N → {−1, 1} be multiplicative and let χ be a real and non-principal Dirichlet character. Assume that for some δ > 0 X x1/k |1 − g(p)χ(p)|  √ , exp(δ log x) p≤x where k ≥ 2. Then, there exists a constant c > 0 such that x M (x)  √ . µg exp(c log x)

Proof. Recall that χ = (µχ)−1, where the exponent −1 means that we are taking the inverse with respect to the Dirichlet convolution. Define h := µg∗(µχ)−1. Let 1/L(s, χ), Z(s) e H(s) be the Dirichlet series associated to µχ, µg and h, respectively. Recall the Euler product formula for L(s, χ): ∞ X χ(n) Y  χ(p) χ(p)2  L(s, χ) = = 1 + + + ··· . ns ps p2s n=1 p∈P 8 For µg we have ∞ X µ(n)g(n) Y  g(p) Z(s) = = 1 − . ns ps n=1 p∈P

By the rules of Dirichlet convolution, we can write H(s) = Z(s)L(s, χ), and hence

Y  χ(p) χ(p)2  g(p) H(s) = Z(s)L(s, χ) = 1 + + + ··· 1 − ps p2s ps p∈P Y  χ(p) − g(p) χ(p)n−1(χ(p) − g(p))  = 1 + + ··· + + ··· . ps pns p∈P

Since h is multiplicative, we have that h(pn) = χ(p)n−1(χ(p) − g(p)). Thus |h(p)| ≤ 2 and for all powers r, |h(pr)| ≤ |h(p)|. Moreover, since |χ(p) − g(p)| ≤ |1 − χ(p)g(p)|, we have by hypothesis that

1 X X X x k |h(p)| = |χ(p) − g(p)| ≤ |1 − χ(p)g(p)|  √ . exp δ log x p≤x p≤x p≤x

Thus, by Lemma 3.1, there exists a new δ > 0 such that

1 x k |M (x)| ≤ M (x)  √  x1/k. h |h| exp δ log x

P∞ |h(n)| In particular, by partial summation, the series n=1 n converges. Now we will use the Dirichlet Hyperbola method for µg = h ∗ µχ, see subsection 2.2. For all U ≥ 1 and V ≥ 1 such that UV = x, we have that

X x X x M (x) = h(n)M + µ(n)χ(n)M − M (U)M (V ) := A + B − C. µg µχ n h n µχ h n≤V n≤U

√x By (4), we have that for some constant a > 0, Mµχ(x)  exp(a log x) . Now choose V = √ k−1  exp( log x), where 0 <  < a. Further, let c > 0 be a parameter c < min  k , a . Estimate for A.

X x X x |A| ≤ |h(n)M |  |h(n)| µχ n n exp aplog x  n≤V n≤V n x X |h(n)| x   exp aplog x  n exp aplog x  V n≤V V x x   √    1  p √   2 exp a log x −  log x √  exp a log x 1 − log x x  √ . exp c log x 9 Estimate for B.    1/k X x X x 1/k X 1 1 1− 1 |B| ≤ µ(n)χ(n)Mh   x  x k U k n n n1/k n≤U n≤U n≤U x x √  k−1 √   . exp  k log x exp(c log x) Estimate for C.

1/k 1 UV x V k C = Mµχ(U)Mh(V )  √  exp(a log U) V exp(aplog x − log V ) x  1− 1  p √  V k exp a log x −  log x x   p √ k−1 √  exp a log x −  log x +  k log x x  √   1/2  √  k−1 exp log x a 1 − log x +  k x  √ . exp(c log x)

By combining these estimates for A, B, and C we conclude the proof. 

Proof of Theorem 1.3. Let h := f ∗ g−1, where g−1 is the inverse of g with respect to the Dirichlet convolution. Let F , G and H be the Dirichlet series associated to f, g and h respectively. Since g is completely multiplicative, by the Euler product formula we have that −1 Y  g(p) G(s) = 1 − . ps p∈P 2 For f = µkg, we have that Y  f(p) f(p2)  Y  g(p) g(p)2 g(p)k−1  F (s) = 1 + + + ... = 1 + + + ··· + . ps p2s ps p2s p(k−1)s p∈P p∈P Since h = f ∗ g−1, we can write H(s) = F (s)/G(s), and hence

F (s) Y  g(p) g(p)2 g(p)k−1  g(p) H(s) = = 1 + + ··· + 1 − G(s) ps p2s p(k−1)s ps p∈P Y  g(p)k  = 1 − . pks p∈P Since h is multiplicative, we obtain that h(pk) = −g(p)k and h(pr) = 0, for all r ≥ 1 k 1 1/k and r 6= k. Thus, h(n) = 0 unless n = m for some integer m ≥ 1. Let N(n ) be the indicator that n1/k is an integer. Now observe that if k is odd, then h(pk) = −g(p)k = 1 1/k 1/k 1/k −g(p), since g(p) = ±1, and hence h(n) = N(n )µ(n )g(n ). 10 Thus, in the case that k is odd, by Lemma 3.3, for some constant c > 0 we have that

1 X X 1 1 1 X x k Mh(x) = h(n) = 1 (n k )µ(n k )g(n k ) = µ(n)g(n)  . N p 1/k n≤x n≤x 1 exp(c log x ) n≤x k

k 1 1/k 1/k If k is even, then h(p ) = −1, and hence h(n) = N(n )µ(n ). By (3), we have √x for some (new) constant c > 0, Mµ(x)  exp(c log x) . Therefore,

1/k X 1 1 X x Mh(x) = 1 (n k )µ(n k ) = µ(n)  . N p 1/k n≤x 1 exp(c log x ) n≤x k

Thus, for any integer k ≥ 1, for some constant c > 0,

x1/k Mh(x)  . exp(cplog x1/k)

On the other hand, by Lemma 3.2, for some δ > 0, we have that

x1/k M (x)  √ . g exp(δ log x)

Now we use the Dirichlet hyperbola method (subsection 2.2): For all U ≥ 1 and V ≥ 1 such that UV = x, we have that

X x X x (8) M (x) = h(n)M + g(n)M − M (V )M (U) := A + B − C. f g n h n g h n≤U n≤V √ We choose V = exp(( log x)), where 0 <  < √c and U = x . Besides that, λ > 0 is a k V √ (k−1) parameter λ < min(δ , √c − ). k k Estimate for A.

X 1 X k 1 k |A| ≤ | N(n )Mg(x/n)| = |Mg(x/n )| n≤U 1 n≤U k 1 1 X x k 1 x k X 1   n     n 1 p x p x 1 n≤U k exp δ log nk exp δ log U n≤U k

1 1 1 x k log U x k (log x − log V ) x k exp(log log x)  √  √ 1  √ 1 exp(δ log V ) exp(δ (log x) 4 ) exp(δ (log x) 4 ) 1 x k  1 , exp(λ(log x) 4 ) √ since λ < δ . 11 Estimate for B.

1 X X X x k 1 |B| = |g(n)M (x/n)| ≤ |M (x/n)|  h h  q  n x 1 n≤V n≤V n≤V k exp c log( n )

1 1 X 1 1 x k X 1 k  x 1      1 n k n k n≤V exp √c plog x exp √c plog x n≤V k n k V   1 k−1 √ k 1 k−1 x exp  k log x x k V k      q  c √ c 1 exp √ log x − log V exp √ log x − (log x) 2 k k

1 x k   q  c 1 k−1 √ exp √ log x − (log x) 2 −  log x k k

1 1 x k x k  1        2  1 1 c  (k−1) 2 exp (log x) 2 √ 1 − − exp λ(log x) k (log x)1/2 k

1 x k  , 1  exp λ(log x) 4

(k−1) since 0 < λ < √c − . k k Estimate for C.

1 1 1 V k U k x k C = Mg(V )Mh(U)  √  √ exp(δ log V ) exp(cplog U 1/k) exp(δ log V ) 1 1 x k x k  p √  √ 1 exp(δ log exp( log x)) exp(δ (log x) 4 ) 1 x k  1 . exp(λ(log x) 4 )

Combining these estimates for A, B and C we complete the proof. 

3.2. Proof of Theorem 1.2.

Proof. Let χ be any real and non-principal Dirichlet character mod q and g : N → {−1, 1} be the completely multiplicative function such that:

g(n) = χ(n), if gcd(n, q) = 1, g(p) = 1, for each prime p|q. 12 Then, by Lemma 2.4 of [3] :

|Mg(x)| maxy≥1 |Mχ(y)| Y 1 lim sup ω(k) ≤ . x→∞ (log x) ω(k)! log p p|k

α In particular, Mg(x)  x , for each α > 0. Let h = f ∗ g−1, where g−1 is the Dirichlet inverse of g. As in the proof of theorems 1 1 1 1 k k k 1.1 and 1.3 above, if k is odd, we have that h(n) = N(n )µ(n )g(n ); If k is even, 1 1 1 k k then h(n) = N(n )µ(n ). In any case, by assuming GRH, we have (5) and (6), and hence, for any k ≥ 2, 1 + Mh(x)  x 2k , for all  > 0. Now we use the Dirichlet Hyperbola method following the same notation of (8), 2k 1 and setting U = x 2k+1 and V = x 2k+1 . It is noteworthy that these choices for U and V are optimal in our method.

Estimate for A.     α X x X x X x α 1 (1−kα) |A| ≤ h(n)Mg = Mg   x U k n nk nkα n≤U 1 1 n≤U k n≤U k

α 2 (1−kα) 2 +α 1− 2k 2 + α  x x 2k+1  x 2k+1 ( 2k+1 )  x 2k+1 2k+1 .

Estimate for B.   X x 1 + X 1 1 + 1− 1 − |B| ≤ g(n)Mh  x 2k  x 2k V 2k 1 + n 2k n≤V n≤V n

1 + 1 1− 1 − 2 + 1− 1 2 + 2k  x 2k x 2k+1 ( 2k )  x 2k+1 ( 2k+1 )  x 2k+1 2k+1 .

Estimate for C.

α 1 + α 1 + 2k 1 + α + 2k C = Mg(V )Mh(U)  V U 2k  x 2k+1 x 2k+1 2k+1  x 2k+1 2k+1 2k+1 .

Since we have freedom to choose α and  arbitrarily small, the proof is complete. 


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Departamento de Matem´atica,Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. Email address: [email protected] caiomafi[email protected] [email protected]