NebraskaNebraska 44--HH HorseHorse ShowShow DressDress CodeCode WesternWestern AttireAttire DressDress CodeCode

ƒƒ PurposePurpose ƒƒ HatHat ƒƒ ProtectiveProtective helmetshelmets areare permissiblepermissible inin ALLALL classes!classes! LegalLegal headhead gear:gear: AllAll ClassesClasses (Western(Western && English)English) /HeadHats/Head geargear

ƒƒ OptionalOptional onlyonly inin ƒƒ FeatherFeather speedspeed eventsevents ƒƒ CannotCannot protrudeprotrude ƒ If lose any time in beyondbeyond outerouter arena = 2 second edgeedge ofof brimbrim penalty ƒƒ CannotCannot protrudeprotrude aboveabove toptop ofof crowncrown ƒƒ NoNo medalsmedals oror emblemsemblems WesternWestern HatHat -- LegalLegal WesternWestern HatsHats -- LegalLegal WesternWestern HatsHats -- LegalLegal /blouseShirt/blouse

ƒƒALLALL WHITEWHITE ƒƒIncludesIncludes ,buttons, ,embroidery, fringefringe Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse

ƒƒ Shear,Shear, seesee--throughthrough blousesblouses areare inappropriateinappropriate andand notnot permittedpermitted ƒƒ DecisionsDecisions willwill bebe atat thethe discretiondiscretion ofof showshow managementmanagement Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse

ƒƒ ConvertibleConvertible collarcollar ƒƒ FoldedFolded atat seamseam lineline ƒƒ NotNot allowedallowed ƒƒ TuxedoTuxedo oror otherother standstand-- upup collarcollar LegalLegal ConvertibleConvertible CollarCollar Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse

ƒƒ NoNo emblems,emblems, patches,patches, medalsmedals ƒƒ LongLong sleevedsleeved recommendedrecommended ƒƒ ShortShort sleevedsleeved permittedpermitted

Not legal Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse

ƒƒ Rain,Rain, coldcold weatherweather maymay alteralter dressdress codecode atat judge’sjudge’s discretiondiscretion Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse -- LegalLegal Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse –– NotNot legallegal

The emblems on the , and pocket are what makes these not legal Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse -- LegalLegal Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse -- LegalLegal Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse -- LegalLegal Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse -- LegalLegal Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse –– NotNot LegalLegal

The outline on the snaps are what makes this not legal Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse –– NotNot LegalLegal

The silver studs make this not legal Shirt/blouseShirt/blouse –– NotNot LegalLegal

The top has silver throughout and is not “all-white” JeansJeans

ƒƒ DARKDARK denimdenim blueblue jeansjeans JeansJeans

ƒƒ NoNo ƒƒ FringeFringe ƒƒ ContrastingContrasting threadthread

Embroidery on yoke of make them not legal JeansJeans –– NotNot LegalLegal

These jeans are too light colored JeansJeans –– NotNot LegalLegal

Buttons down the sides make these jeans not - legal BeltsBelts -- RecommendedRecommended

These belts are legal GlovesGloves

ƒƒ OptionalOptional BootsBoots

ƒƒ HardHard--soledsoled shoesshoes oror cowboycowboy bootsboots areare consideredconsidered safesafe andand appropriate.appropriate.

ƒƒ BootsBoots withwith wafflewaffle typetype treadtread greatergreater thanthan oror equalequal toto 1/8”1/8” willwill notnot bebe allowed.allowed. BootsBoots -- LegalLegal BootsBoots -- LegalLegal BootsBoots –– NotNot LegalLegal

Boots with waffle Type tread greater Than or equal to 1/8” will not be allowed In riding classes. BootsBoots –– NotNot LegalLegal ArmArm BandBand

ƒƒ RequiredRequired ƒƒ LeftLeft armarm aboveabove elbowelbow ChapsChaps

ƒƒ OptionalOptional onlyonly inin ƒƒ ReiningReining ƒƒ TrailTrail ƒƒ WesternWestern RidingRiding NeckNeck ties,ties, neckneck bowsbows -- permissiblepermissible