HYPOTHESIS AND THEORY ARTICLE published: 29 November 2011 HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2011.00150 Two systems of non-symbolic numerical cognition Daniel C. Hyde* Laboratory for Developmental Studies, Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA Edited by: Studies of human adults, infants, and non-human animals demonstrate that non-symbolic Daniel Ansari, The University of numerical cognition is supported by at least two distinct cognitive systems: a “paral- Western Ontario, Canada lel individuation system” that encodes the numerical identity of individual items and an Reviewed by: Ian Mark Lyons, University of “approximate number system” that encodes the approximate numerical magnitude, or Chicago, USA numerosity, of a set. The exact nature and role of these systems, however, have been Angela Heine, Freie Universität Berlin, debated for over a 100-years. Some argue that the non-symbolic representation of small Germany numbers (<4) is carried out solely by the parallel individuation system and the non-symbolic *Correspondence: representation of large numbers (>4) is carried out solely by the approximate number sys- Daniel C. Hyde, Laboratory for Developmental Studies, Department tem. Others argue that all numbers are represented by the approximate number system. of Psychology, Harvard University, This debate has been fueled largely by some studies showing dissociations between small 1118 WJH, 33 Kirkland Street, and large number processing and other studies showing similar processing of small and Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. large numbers. Recent work has addressed this debate by showing that the two systems e-mail:
[email protected] are present and distinct from early infancy, persist despite the acquisition of a symbolic number system, activate distinct cortical networks, and engage differentially based atten- tional constraints.