Copeia, 2007(4), pp. 838–843

Responses of Three Darter Species (Genus ) to Chemical Alarm Cues from Conspecifics and Congeners


Several species of darters of the genus Etheostoma possess a chemical alarm substance, but it is not known how widespread this substance is within the genus. We performed behavioral bioassays on Fantail Darters (E. flabellare), Rainbow Darters (E. caeruleum), and Redfin Darters (E. whipplei). Redfin Darters reacted with a fright response upon exposure to skin extracts from conspecifics and Rainbow Darters. Rainbow Darters, which are known to respond to conspecific extracts, responded to skin extracts from Redfin Darters. Neither Rainbow Darters nor Redfin Darters showed a significant response to Fantail Darter extract, and Fantail Darters did not respond to skin extracts from either congeners or conspecifics. Percid alarm substance is hypothesized to originate from epidermal sacciform cells. Histological examination of epidermal tissue demonstrated that sacciform cells were present in all three species. Our results demonstrate that chemical alarm signals are not ubiquitous for the genus Etheostoma, and that the presence of sacciform cells does not always predict the presence of the alarm response.

ETECTION of predators early in a predatory a homology, as is apparently the case in the D encounter increases the probability of prey ostariophysans, or whether the alarm chemicals survival (Lima and Dill, 1990). Although any have evolved independently multiple times with- sensory modality can be used for predator in a lineage. The answer to this question requires detection, chemical cues are particularly useful data on numerous species, including reactions to because they travel easily around barriers, are alarm chemicals from both conspecifics and available in the dark, and are useful for detection closely related heterospecifics. Our study focuses of silent or visually cryptic predators (Dodson et on species in the most diverse genera of percids, al., 1994). One way that prey individuals are the genus Etheostoma. warned about danger is through chemicals The family includes approximately (‘‘alarm’’ cues) released from the skin of prey 183 species of darters, with over 136 species in that have been wounded in a predatory attack the genus Etheostoma (Page, 1983; Nelson et al., (Chivers and Smith, 1998). 2004). When the skin of a darter is damaged, The most intensively studied alarm chemical chemicals are released from the skin and system is that of ostariophysan fishes (about 70% conspecific (and sometimes heterospecific) re- of freshwater fish species, including minnows, ceivers typically respond with a decrease or suckers, and catfishes), a system known since the cessation of movement (Radabaugh, 1989; Com- 1940s (von Frisch, 1941). Within ostariophysans, mens and Mathis, 1999). For darters, the alarm cross-species reactions to alarm chemicals are chemical is hypothesized to be produced in large almost ubiquitous, and the alarm cue is consid- vacuolated cells in the epidermis (Smith, 1982). ered to be homologous for the group (Smith, The sacciform cells are ductless so that chemical 1992). In the past decade, chemical alarm cues release occurs only following mechanical damage have been documented for numerous other to the skin, such as occurs when the fish is species of fishes, including darters (Percidae: attacked by a predator. To date, responses to Smith, 1979; Commens and Mathis, 1999; Haney conspecific alarm chemicals are documented in et al., 2001; Vokoun and Noltie, 2002), sculpins five species of Etheostoma (Table 1), all of which (Cottidae: Hugie et al., 1991), gobies (Gobiidae: yielded positive results (Smith, 1979, 1982; Com- Smith, 1989), salmonids (Salmonidae: Brown mens and Mathis, 1999; Haney et al., 2001). and Smith, 1997), live-bearers (Poeciliidae: If the alarm chemical is homologous within the Brown and Godin, 1999), and sticklebacks genus Etheostoma, cross-reactions should occur (Gasterosteidae: Mathis and Smith, 1993). whereby fishes exhibit fright responses when Although much progress has been made, exposed to alarm chemicals from congeners. much remains to be learned about alarm Cross-species responses are documented between chemicals within these latter taxa. One question three different Etheostoma species (Commens and of particular interest is whether the alarm Mathis, 1999; Haney et al., 2001; Gibson and chemicals within each of these taxa represents Mathis, 2006). To further examine responses to

# 2007 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists COMMENS-CARSON AND MATHIS—ETHEOSTOMA ALARM SUBSTANCE 839


Receiver Sender Response Reference

E. caeruleum E. caeruleum Yes Commens and Mathis, 1999 E. blennioides No Gibson and Mathis, 2006 E. flabellare No This study E. juliae Yes Commens and Mathis, 1999; Gibson and Mathis, 2006 E. whipplei Yes This study E. zonale Yes Gibson and Mathis, 2006 E. exile E. exile Yes Smith, 1979, 1981; McPherson et al., 2004 E. flabellare E. flabellare No This study E. caeruleum No This study E. whipplei No This study E. nigrum E. nigrum Yes Smith, 1979; Haney et al., 2001; Vokoun and Noltie, 2002 E. spectabile No Haney et al., 2001 P. caprodes No Haney et al., 2001 P. maculata No Haney et al., 2001 P. phoxocephala Yes Haney et al., 2001 E. spectabile E. spectabile Yes Haney et al., 2001 E. nigrum Yes Haney et al., 2001 P. caprodes Yes Haney et al., 2001 P. maculata No Haney et al., 2001 P. phoxocephala Yes Haney et al., 2001 E. swaini E. swaini Yes Smith, 1982 Ammocrypta beani Yes Smith, 1982 Percina nigrofasciata Yes Smith, 1982 E. whipplei E. whipplei Yes This study E. caeruleum Yes This study E. flabellare No This study

alarm chemicals within the genus Etheostoma,we MATERIALS AND METHODS tested responses of Etheostoma whipplei (Redfin Darters), E. caeruleum (Rainbow Darters), and E. We collected Redfin Darters from the Oua- flabellare (Fantail Darters) to conspecific and chita River drainage (34u459430N, 93u049140W) in congeneric skin extracts. Saline County, Arkansas. We collected Fantail We tested the following predictions about Darters from the White River drainage behavioral responses to alarm chemicals found (36u519410N, 93u139330W) in Christian County, in skin extracts: For all three species a fright Missouri, and we collected Rainbow Darters from response (5decreased activity) will occur follow- the White River drainage (37u119400N, ing exposure to skin extracts from damaged 93u079290W) in Greene County, Missouri. Al- conspecifics, indicating the presence of alarm though the Rainbow and Fantail Darters used in chemicals in the skin; fright responses will not this experiment were collected from different occur in response to the water or goby treat- streams, they are syntopic over large parts of their ments, indicating that the alarm chemicals are respective ranges (Pflieger, 1997). We collected not general responses to disturbance or chemi- Redfin Darters from an area where they do not cals found in the skin of distantly related fishes co-occur with either Rainbow Darters or Fantail (i.e., some degree of specificity); and fright Darters (Robison and Buchanan, 1984). As responses will occur in response to skin extracts a control stimulus, we used skin extracts from from congeners, indicating a possible homology Brachygobius sabanus (Bumblebee Gobies: Family across the genus. In addition, we examined Gobiidae). We selected this control species histological sections of the skin of each species because it is not closely related to darters, it for the presence of sacciform cells, the hypoth- does not co-occur with darters, and in previous esized site of alarm chemical production. studies it served as an effective control in tests 840 COPEIA, 2007, NO. 4 with Rainbow Darters (Commens and Mathis, observations through a one-way mirror to mini- 1999; Gibson and Mathis, 2006). mize disturbance. We estimated activity as the We maintained darters in groups of 10–25 in number of moves made by the test fish, with 38 L aquaria at ambient temperatures (17–22 C). a move scored when the fish either left the tank We obtained tropical Bumblebee Gobies (Brachy- bottom or changed direction. To establish gobius sabanus) commercially, for use as our baseline activity, we recorded the number of control stimulus, and kept them in groups of 5– moves for 8 min prior to stimulus injection. We 20 in 38 L aquaria at 25–26 C. We fed all fishes then injected 20 mL of a randomly selected frozen brine shrimp (Artemia sp.) occasionally stimulus solution (conspecific, heterospecific, or supplemented with blackworms (Lumbriculus blank) into the test tank through the stimulus variegates). introduction tube. After 1 min (to allow for We prepared skin extracts using the methods dispersion and detection of the stimulus), we of Smith (1982). We sacrificed donor fish with recorded activity for an additional 8 min. We a blow to the head and made 25 shallow vertical calculated a response index for each fish as the cuts with a razor blade on each side of the body. difference between post-stimulus and pre-stimu- We then immediately placed the donor fish in lus activity. Negative indices indicate decreased 50 mL of dechlorinated water that was stirred on activity and positive indices indicate increased an automatic stir plate for five minutes. We activity with respect to baseline activity. We removed and measured the body of the donor compared indices for the treatments using a fish, and placed the solution on ice until nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test by ranks, observations were made. We used each for two followed by Nemenyi’s test contrasting each consecutive observations within 30 min of prep- stimulus against the water treatment control aration. According to a ‘‘personal observation’’ (Zar, 1984). from R. J. F. Smith cited in Chivers et al. (1995a), We prepared histological sections of the skin the darter alarm cues begin to lose efficiency for each darter species. We removed skin tissue after 1 hour. We prepared a blank control from the anterior dorsal area of the body and (dechlorinated tap water) by rinsing a clean fixed it in formalin, embedded it in paraffin, and razor blade with dechlorinated water into an cut it into 4 mm sections. We stained the sections additional 20 mL of dechlorinated water, which with eosin and Harris hematoxylin stains and was stirred for five minutes on an automatic stir examined them for sacciform cells under a light plate and then placed on ice. microscope. We exposed test individuals of each darter species to stimuli in the following five treat- RESULTS ments: blank control (dechlorinated water), skin extracts from conspecifics, both con- Responses of Redfin Darters differed signifi- geners, and gobies. However, we did not expose cantly among treatments (H 5 13.22, df 5 4, P # Rainbow Darters to conspecific extract because 0.010, Fig. 1). Relative to the control, activity previous work documented a decreased activity decreased significantly in the presence of both response to conspecific skin extract (Commens conspecific skin extract (Q952.995, P , 0.01) and Mathis, 1999). We tested 14 individuals and Rainbow Darter skin extract (Q952.457, P in each treatment, using each individual only , 0.05). No differences were detected between once. the control treatment and either the goby (Q95 We placed test fish of each species individually 0.689, P # 0.25) or Fantail Darter (Q950.598, P in randomly selected 7.6 L testing tanks 2–5 days # 0.25) treatments. prior to testing. Testing tanks were aerated via an Rainbow Darter activity responses were similar airstone at the back of the tank, and the bottom to those of Redfin Darters. Significant differences was lined with small rocks. We inserted separate occurred among treatments (H 5 18.16, df 5 3, plastic tubing for injection of the stimulus into P , 0.001, Fig. 1). Activity decreased significantly the tank near the airstone so that the stimulus in response to Redfin Darter skin extract relative would disperse rapidly. We conducted trials to the control treatment (Q953.407, P , 0.001). between 0800 and 2000 hours at a water temper- No differences were detected between the ature of 17–22 C. Mean total lengths (6SD) of control treatment and either the goby (Q95 test individuals were: Rainbow Darters 55.2 6 0.990, P # 0.25) or Fantail Darter (Q950.503, P 9.57 mm; Redfin Darters 58.6 6 9.65 mm; # 0.25) treatments. In contrast to congeners, Fantail Darters 48.8 6 8.18 mm; and Bumblebee Fantail Darters showed no significant effects of Gobies 30.7 6 6.29 mm. treatment (H 5 1.60, df 5 4, P , 0.808, Fig. 1). We used a testing protocol identical to that of Sacciform cells were visible in the epidermis of all Commens and Mathis (1999). We conducted three darter species (Fig. 2). COMMENS-CARSON AND MATHIS—ETHEOSTOMA ALARM SUBSTANCE 841

Fig. 2. Cross section of the epidermis of a (A) Redfin Darter, (B) Rainbow Darter, and (C) Fantail Darter. Epidermis is stained with eosin and Harris hematoxylin stain. 403 magnification. SC 5 Sacciform cell.

Cross-species reactions have been documented for several, but not all, species of Etheostoma tested (Table 1). Attempts to produce phylogenies of the genus typically have led to variable results with poor resolution among species; however, based on the current phylogenetic analyses (Sloss et al., 2004), cross-species reactions apparently are not Fig. 1. Mean change in activity (61 SE) by limited to specific lineages within the genus. As darters following exposure to water and to skin a working hypothesis, we propose that darter extracts from Bumblebee Gobies, congeners, and conspecifics. Redfin Darters, Kruskal–Wallis P 5 alarm chemicals are homologous at least within 0.01. Rainbow Darters, Kruskal–Wallis P , 0.001. the genus Etheostoma. An alternative hypothesis is Fantail Darters, Kruskal–Wallis P 5 0.808. * indi- that cross-species reactions are the result of cates a significant difference from the control; n 5 selection for responses to alarm cues by individ- 14 for each treatment. uals in the same prey guild (Wisenden et al., 1994; Chivers et al., 1995a). However, in this study we DISCUSSION observed cross-species reactions to alarm chemi- cals by two species that did not co-occur (Redfin Redfin Darters are the sixth species of the genus and Rainbow Darters), so the prey guild hypoth- Etheostoma to respond to conspecific alarm chemi- esis seems unlikely for these species. Some cross- cals (Table 1). Redfin Darters did not exhibit generic tests have yielded negative results a response to skin extracts from Bumblebee Gobies (Table 1), suggesting that either alarm chemicals or to the water treatment, indicating the alarm are not homologous across the sub-family Etheos- responses are more specific than just a general tominae or that some species have lost the ability response to injured fish or to disturbance. to produce or respond to the alarm chemicals. Redfin and Rainbow Darters responded to skin Cross-genus reactions have been documented extracts of each other similarly to their responses between some species, including Etheostoma and to conspecific skin extracts. Reciprocal responses Percina, Etheostoma and Ammocrypta (Table 1), and are consistent with the hypothesis that the alarm Percina and Ammocrypta (Smith, 1982); because the chemicals of these two species are homologous. species that were tested all co-occurred, these 842 COPEIA, 2007, NO. 4 reactions are consistent with the prey–guild species of darters with alarm chemicals being hypothesis. produced by the cells of some species but not Of the species of Etheostoma that have been others. The cells would remain present (perhaps tested to date, Fantail Darters are the first to fail with a different function) even though the alarm to respond to conspecific extracts with decreased chemical is no longer produced. Third, the activity (Table 1). This result could be explained presence of sacciform cells may vary seasonally as either a failure of Fantail Darters to respond to in Fantail Darters. Males of some species of alarm chemicals by reducing activity or by the ostariophysan fishes lose their alarm cells during absence of alarm chemicals in the epidermis of the breeding season when skin damage due to Fantail Darters. The latter explanation seems to spawning activity is common (Smith, 1982). be the most likely because Rainbow Darters and Fantail Darters differ from other species tested Redfin Darters also failed to respond to Fantail in this study in that the males provide parental Darter extracts. care by building nests and guarding the eggs In addition to failure to respond to conspecific throughout development (Lake, 1936). Interest- skin extract, Fantail Darters did not respond to ingly, in another guarding species, Etheostoma the alarm chemicals produced by Redfin and nigrum, alarm responses were not detected by Rainbow Darters. In some fishes, response to congeners, but conspecific responses did occur heterospecific alarm pheromone can be learned (Grant and Colgan, 1984; Table 1). Alarm cells (Chivers et al., 1995b). However, Vokoun and in Fantail Darters may be lost or altered during Noltie (2002) found that the response to the breeding season to avoid incidental release of conspecific alarm substance is innate in at least the alarm substance caused by nest maintenance. one darter species. The Fantail Darters used in In this study, we tested responses of Fantail our study were collected from an area where they Darters to alarm chemicals during their breeding do not co-occur with Redfin Darters, and season (April and May) but present the histolog- Rainbow Darters are seldom collected from this ical section (Fig. 2) from darters collected in the site, so the opportunity for learning may have nonbreeding season when sacciform cells were been inadequate. The lack of response also could obviously present. We also examined sections of indicate that nearby predation on other species male and female Fantail Darters during the of darters is not a good indicator of risk for breeding season (unpubl. data) and the sacci- Fantail Darters because of differences among the form cells were still present, suggesting that species in microhabitat use; Fantail Darters may breeding season differences do not manifest as be more likely to hide among rock crevices than a complete absence of the cells. We recommend other darters (Pflieger, 1997). In addition, that future studies include more fine-scale Fantail Darters appeared to be less active than analysis of seasonal changes, including an assess- the other species in this study (mean number of ment of possible changes in secretory chemicals. moves 6 1 SE prior to stimulus introduction: Fantail Darters 5 26.3 6 8.53, Rainbow Darters 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 46.2 6 9.72, Redfin Darters 5 49.3 6 8.96), so We thank D. Cardorette-Hall for providing her changes in activity would be more difficult to technical expertise in preparation of the histo- detect in this species. Additional experiments logical sections. M. Warren and N. Windel made using other response variables may reveal helpful comments on this manuscript. T. Dell changes in activity that we could not detect. was helpful with a statistical review. Funding We found epidermal sacciform cells, the came from the Department of Biology and the hypothesized site of alarm chemical production Graduate College of Missouri State University. (Smith, 1979), in the epidermis of all three We thank G. Stratton and J. Havel for assistance species tested (Fig. 2). For Fantail Darters, the with photo-microscopy, and D. Beckman and J. presence of sacciform cells and the apparent Greene for comments on the study. Experimen- absence of alarm chemicals appear incongruent tal protocols were approved by Missouri State with their hypothesized function. We offer three IACUC #98H. potential explanations for our results. First, sacciform cells may not be the site of production of alarm chemicals for darters. For example, LITERATURE CITED Zaccone et al. (1988) hypothesized that these BROWN, G. E., AND J.-G. J. GODIN. 1999. Chemical cells may facilitate wound healing through alarm signals in wild Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia antipathogenic secretions. Even so, we cannot reticulata). Canadian Journal of Zoology 77: at this time offer a hypothesis for an alternate site 562–570. for production of alarm chemicals. Second, the BROWN, G. E., AND R. J. F. SMITH. 1997. Conspecific function of the sacciform cells may vary across skin extracts elicit antipredator responses in COMMENS-CARSON AND MATHIS—ETHEOSTOMA ALARM SUBSTANCE 843

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