MAY 2021

Contact Us Telephone - 07584 186578 OUR PROMISES Email - SNMailbox- 1. Burglary - We will visit all victims of burglary on the ward. PurleyOaksandRiddlesdownSNT@me 2. Motor Vehicle Crime - We will post crime prevention advice around this 3. Engagement - Engagement with youths and elderly Follow us on Twitter @MPSPurleyOaks We are also on Nextdoor please follow us for advice and news

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH OFFICER If you would like to join the Borough Neighbourhood Watch Association ( CBNWA ) please contact: Katie Moore at Tel:07454 573453 E-mail on: [email protected] or contact us by post at Croydon Fire Station, 90 Old Town, Croydon, CR0 1AR

News in Brief Warrant Executed School Talk

Officers from Purley Oaks, , Crime prevention and executed three warrants on three separate Crime stats for May

addresses in South Croydon. A quantity of Good work stories drugs was seized along with some firearms from two of the properties. Arrests were made and the investigation is ongoing.

May 2021

Purley Oaks and Riddlesdown Quote of the month Event Ideas We are looking for any ideas for Every moment is a fresh beginning new events on the ward for our community engagement days. Please call or send us an E-mail.

POAR Crimes 1st May-31st May

Burglary - 1

Motor Vehicle crime - 3

School Talk Officers attended a school with Wad-

don officers to give a school talk to year 6 pupils regarding internet safety. A lot of information given to them around how to stay safe, how to behave when online and who you can talk to for help. Officers also learned a few things from

Good Work

We were tasked to assist on an operation in re- gards to nuisance vehicles on open spaces. We were responsible for playing fields and the surrounding area. PC Hutchinson gave out two section 59 warnings. Should the driver or vehicle be seen acting in an anti social man- ner again the vehicle will be seized. The follow- ing weekend a community protection notice warning was issued to the parent of a 12 year old who allowed his child to ride an off road motorbike on the Purley playing fields. In total so far the operation has led to 30 section 59 warnings issued for ASB, 18 vehicles seized including 2 dirt bikes and 1 quad bike. 20 fixed penalty notices and 4 arrests for driving under the influence of drugs.

Burglary Advice

 Close and lock all your doors and windows, even if you are only going out for a few minutes  Make sure UPVC doors are properly locked with a key

Motor Vehicle Crime  Consider installing security devices such as immobilisers, alarms or steering locks  Never leave your sat nav in the car and don’t have home set

Do you know anyone that would like to receive a copy of our monthly news letter if so please get them to e- mail us stating they would like a copy and we will send it out and include them on our mailing list.