Landscape Strategy 52-54 Chipstead Avenue Contents Introduction 2 Concept 8 Vision 3 Illustrative layout 10 Choumert Square Lane, Lessons learnt 4 Hard Landscape strategy 12 Compatibility with planning policies 6 Soft Landscape strategy 13 Design process 7 Planting palette 14 Typical planting details 17 Tree constraints plan 19 Tree retention and removal plan 20 Tree protection plan 21 Ecological Enhancement 22 Introduction Landscape strategy This document has been prepared by Maude Pinet, CMLI (Chartered Member of the Landscape Institute) B e u l a h Hill A2 15 This map shows where Croydon’s green open spaces are. Walking in collaboration with Office S & M to routes and some paths and tracks are shown, but it is not a definitive or complete map. Many sites have their own leaflet with more detailed information. You can find these in your nearest library, in the Visitor Information Centre support a full planning application for next to East Croydon Station, or from Croydon Council’s Community Norbury Station Partnership Officer, (020 8726 6900,
[email protected]). Follow the Countryside Code 2 1 We are fortunate to have so much green space in Croydon. Please look after our 2 A green spaces and make sure everybody can enjoy them. the redevelopment of 52-54 Chipstead d R • don’t harm any animals, birds, plants or trees e d g R n e • please take your litter home a g r n e • please control your dog G P • please close gates if sheep or cows are grazing 13 A2 Avenue in Croydon.