380 East End Cent re

Propert y Feat ures:

--Current ly Under Developm ent --Cent ral HVAC

--LCTA Daily Rout e --On Sit e Off St reet Parking Lot

--Ceiling Height 14' --Glass St orefront Height 11' 4" -- Build t o suit available --Pylon Sign Space

--36,000+ Vehicles per day (Com bined t ot al Kidder & Mundy St reet s)

SInce t he purchase of t he East End Cent re in 2014, Joe Am at o and his hardw orking st aff have m ade m ajor renovat ions t o and revit alized t he East End Cent re. Wit h Joe's unparalleled sense of com m it m ent t o com m unit y, he im m ediat ely offered space t o t he Theat er Group, a non-profit preform ing art s organizat ion w hose m ission is t o educat e, ent ert ain and enrich t he lives of young people t hrough t he art s of t heat er, dance and song. KISS w as joined by Joe Nardone's , a st at e of t he art "School of Rock" for t he area's yout h. As fam ilies cam e t o t he East End Cent re, businesses arrived, t oo. East End Cent re is now a t hriving open Air Cent er and is current ly in it 's final st age of renovat ion. The Cent re has st rong root s in t he com m unit y and is fam ily driven. The sam e sense of com m it m ent is w holeheart edly applied t o our fam ily of businesses. The professional and dedicat ed st aff of Am at o Propert ies w ill provide you w it h a level of personal at t ent ion and assist ance t hat ot her propert y m anagem ent com panies sim ply fail t o provide. East End Cent re, Wilkes-Barre Tw p., PA

Loading Dock Doors

Loading Dock Locat ion 12,352.5 SF

Kiss Theat re Elec. Panel

Loading Dock D em i si n g W al l Locat ion L ocat i on s F l ex ibl e

Sew er Line Dem ising Wall Sew er Line Sp ace D ev el opm en t U n der w ay

16,430 SF 24,624 SF "

23,310 SF 4 / 3


390 East End Cent re 380 East End 370 East End Cent re - 380 East End Cent re ' 7

390 East End 2 Cent re 2 Cent re (23,7310 SF) (16,430 SF)

Ni col e A . K ov al sk i P r op er t y & L easi n g M an ager 5 70 -2 8 7-5 3 4 3 Ni col e@j oeam at opr op er t i es.com 89'-8 3/ 8" 91'-8 3/ 4" 108'-4 3/ 8" East End Cent re, Wilkes-Barre Tw p., PA

Joe Am at o East End Cent re