Theory and Applications of Categories comma Vol period 20 comma 2008 comma pp period .. 1 endash 4 period \noindentEDITORIALTheory NOTICE and : Applications of Categories , Vol . 20 , 2008 , pp . \quad 1 −− 4 . MAX .. KELLY \ centerline {EDITORIAL NOTICE : } 5 ..Theory JUNE .. and 1930 Applications endash 26 of.. JANUARY Categories , 2007Vol . 20 , 2008 , pp . 1 – 4 . Gregory .. Maxwell .. Kelly was .. solelyEDITORIAL responsible .. for .. NOTICE introducing .. : .. into \ centerlineAustralia at{MAX a t ime\quad whenKELLY the subj} ect was inMAX it s infancy KELLY period .... The Eilenberg hyphen Kelly monograph Closed Categories of 1 966 set5 the JUNE stage for two 1930 more – generations 26 JANUARY of Australian category 2007 \ centerlinetheorists period{Gregory5 \ ..quad ThisJUNE .. Maxwell research\quad .. stream Kelly1930 reached−− was26 ..\ solely maturityquad responsibleJANUARY with .. Max 2007 quoteright for} introducing s .. book .. Basic category .. Concepts .. of Enrichedtheory Category into Theory open parenthesis CUP 1 982 semicolon see TAC Reprints comma No period .. 1 0 closing parenthesis comma and\ hspace nowAustralia finds∗{\ f appli i l l at} hyphenGregory a t ime when\quad theMaxwell subj ect\quad was inKelly it s infancy was \quad .solely responsibleThe Eilenberg\quad - Kellyf o r \quad introducing \quad category theory \quad i n t o cationmonograph in many areas of mathematics comma theoretical physics comma computer architecture comma software \noindentdesignClosed commaAustralia Categories and information at of a 1 t management 966 ime set when the period the stage subj for ect two was more in generations it s infancy of Australian . \ h f i l l categoryThe Eilenberg − Kelly monograph Maxtheorists received all . his This schooling research at Bondi Beach stream where reached he was a student maturity of the with Marist Max ’ s book Basic \noindentBrothersConcepts throughoutClosed of Categories his Enriched primary andCategory of secondary 1 966 Theory set education the ( CUP stage period 1 982 .... for Max ; two see topped TAC more the Reprints generations NSW High , No . of Australian 1 0 ) , category t hSchool e oand r i s Leaving t nows . finds\quad Certificate appliThis Examination - \quad r e overalls e a r c h period\quad .... Hestream went on reached to win in\quad 1 95 1 thematurity University with \quad Max ’ s \quad book \quad Basic \quad Concepts \quad o f EnrichedMedalcation for MathematicsCategory in many areas Theory at the of University mathematics ( CUP 1 of 982 Sydney , ; theoretical see and TACto gain Reprintsphysics the .. James , computer , No King . of\quad architectureIr hyphen1 0 ) , , software and now finds appli − rawangdesign Travelling , and Scholarshipinformation tomanagement study at Cambridge . period .. There he obtained a BA with First \noindentClass HonourscationMax and receivedtwo in Wrightmany all areas quoteright his schooling of s mathematics Prizes at in Bondi .... 1 953 , Beach theoretical comma where .... a he Rayleigh physics was a Prize student , in computer .... of 1 the 955 commaMarist architecture .... and PhD , in software 1 957Brothers semicolon throughout the doctorate his was primary in algebraic and topology secondary under education the supervision . of Max Shaun topped Wylie the period NSW .... Max High \noindenthlineSchooldesign Leaving , Certificate and information Examination management overall . . He went on to win in 1 95 1 the University PublishedMedal on for 2008 Mathematics hyphen 0 1 hyphen at the 9 period and to gain the James King of Ir - \ hspacecirclecopyrt-crawang∗{\ f i Travelling l Ross l }Max Street received Scholarship comma 2008 all toperiod his study schooling Permission at Cambridge to at copy Bondi for . private There Beach use he where granted obtained he period was a BA a with student First of the Marist 1 Class Honours and two Wright ’ s Prizes in 1 953 , a Rayleigh Prize in 1 955 , and PhD in \noindent1 957Brothers ; the doctorate throughout was in algebraic his primary topology and under secondary the supervision education of . Shaun\ h f i l Wylie l Max . topped Max the NSW High \noindent School Leaving Certificate Examination overall . \ h f i l l He went on to win in 1 95 1 the University

\noindent Medal for Mathematics at the University of Sydney and to gain the \quad James King of Ir − rawang Travelling Scholarship to studyPublished at on Cambridge 2008 - 0 1 - 9. .\quad There he obtained a BA with First circlecopyrt − c Ross Street , 2008 . Permission to copy for private use granted . 1 \noindent Class Honours and two Wright ’ s Prizes in \ h f i l l 1 953 , \ h f i l l a Rayleigh Prize in \ h f i l l 1 955 , \ h f i l l and PhD in

\noindent 1 957 ; the doctorate was in algebraic topology under the supervision of . \ h f i l l Max

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\ centerline { Published on 2008 − 0 1 − 9 . }

\noindent $ circlecopyrt −c $ Ross Street , 2008 . Permission to copy for private use granted . 1 2 .. MAX KELLY \noindentreturned to2 the\quad UniversityMAX KELLY of Sydney in early .. 1 957 as a Lecturer in Pure Mathematics and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1 96 1 and to Reader in 1 965 period .. In November 1 960 \noindent returned to the University of Sydney in early \quad 1 957 as a Lecturer in Pure Mathematics Max2 marriedMAX Imogen KELLY Datson period andMy wasreturned first contact promoted to with the to DrUniversity GSenior period ofM Lecturer Sydneyperiod Kelly in in early as 1 a 96 name 1 1 and 957was in asto preparing a Reader Lecturer for in inHonours 1 Pure 965 MathMathematics . \quad hyphenIn November and 1 960 Maxematics marriedwas .. promoted at the Imogen .. Leaving to Datson Senior Certificate Lecturer . Examination in 1 96 period 1 and .. to The Reader practice in was 1 965 to .. . attempt In November.. all past 1 960 papersMax period married .. I st Imogen il l have Datson the blue type. hyphen s et papers for .. 1 959 and 1 960 which declare Professor MyT first periodMy contact G firstperiod contact Room with as Dr with Chief G Dr . Examiner M G . . Kelly M and . Kelly Kelly as a as name one a name of was two was Assessorsin preparing in preparing period for for Honours Honours Math Math− - ematicsMaxematics Kelly\quad quoteright atat the the s love Leaving\quad of categoryLeaving Certificate theory Certificate also Examination consolidated Examination in. the The early practice 1 .960\quad s while wasThe tohe was practice attempt was all to \quad attempt \quad a l l past papersgivingpast lectures . papers\quad on homology .I st I stil theoryil l l have have period the the .. blue blue In an type attempt type - s− et tos papers understand et papers for the 1for s 959 ingular\quad and cohomology 11 960 959 which and declare1 960 which declare Professor Tr . ing GProfessor of . a Room product asT of . Chief G spaces . Room commaExaminer as .. Chief Max and Examinerfound Kelly that as he and could one Kelly notof astwo.. even one Assessors formulate of two Assessors the . questions . he wantedMax to Kelly ask without ’ s love some of basic category concepts theory from category also consolidated theory period in .. the Although early he1 960 heard s while he was Maxof Kelly functorsgiving ’ andlectures s naturallove on of transformations homology category theory theory at .. . Cambridge also In an consolidated attemptfrom the book to understand by in Eilenberg the early the and s ingular 1 960 cohomology s while he was givingSteenrodr ing lectures on of Foundations a product on homology of of Algebraicspaces theory, Topology Max . found comma\quad that heIn met he an Mac could attempt Lane not quoteright to even understand formulate s concept the of the categorical s questions ingular cohomology rproduct inghe of wanted first a productduring to ask lectures of without spaces of Michael some , Atiyah\ basicquad comma conceptsMax found while from Max that category was he a visitor could theory at not MIT .\ inquad lateAlthougheven formulate he heard the questions he1 962 wantedof period functors to .. Max ask and had without natural himself some sotransformations on developed basic concepts some at last ingCambridgefrom ideas category .. in from the field theory the semicolon book . \ byquad .. one EilenbergAlthough concept .. and he he heard ofcalled functorsSteenrod .. quotedblleft and on Foundations natural complex categoriestransformations of Algebraic quotedblright Topology at period\quad, he ..Cambridge While met Mac visit Lane ing from Tulane ’ s the concept .. book University of by categorical Eilenberg .. open parenthesis and New .. Orleans closingSteenrodproduct parenthesis on first Foundations .. in during .. 1 963 lectures hyphen of Algebraic of Michael Topology Atiyah , while , he Max met wasMac a Lane visitor ’ ats concept MIT in late of categorical1 962 product64 comma. Max first .. he had .. during met himself .. Eilenberg lectures so on .. developed at of .. Las Michael .. some Cruces Atiyah last .. giving ing , ideas .. while a .. series inMax the .. was of field lectures a ; visitor .. one on ..concept atdifferential MIT in he .. gradedlate 1categories 962called . \quad which “ complexMax Eilenberg hadcategories and himself Moore had so” . recentlyon While developed invented visit ing semicolonsome Tulane last these ing University were ideas the same\quad things ( Newin the Orleans field ; \quad one concept \quad he c aas l l complex e) d \ inquad categories 1‘‘ 963 complex -period 64 , .. categories Eilenberg he met insisted ’’ Eilenberg that . \quad Max remainWhile at in visit Las the US ing Cruces.. for Tulane another giving year\quad periodU a n i v series e r s i t y \quad ( New \quad Orleans ) \quad in \quad 1 963 − 64Indeed , of\quad lectures .. Eilenberghe \quadon commamet differential .. on\quad the ..Eilenberg spot graded comma .. categories\quad rang Alexat whichHeller\quad .. EilenbergLas at ..\ Urbanaquad andCruces and Moore arranged\quad had a j recently obg i v .. i nat g ..\ thequad a \quad s e r i e s \quad o f l e c t u r e s \quad on \quad differential \quad graded categoriesUniversityinvented of which I ; ll these inois Eilenberg for were 1 964 the hyphen same and 65things Moore period had as .. complex Max recently quoteright categories invented s j o int . work ; Eilenberg these with Sammy were insisted Eilenberg the that same had Max things germinated period asIn complex ..remain January in categories .. the 1 964 US .. Max for . drove\ anotherquad .. ImogenEilenberg year and . twoIndeed insisted .. small Eilenberg .. that children Max .. , open remain on parenthesis the in spot the Dominic US,\ rangquad .. and Alexfor Martin another closing parenthesis year . IndeedfromHeller New\quad Orleans atEilenberg to Urbana Miami for , and\ aquad t arranged en hyphenon thea minute j\ obquad talk atspot at an the American , \ Universityquad Mathematicalrang of Alex I ll inois HellerSociety for\ 1quad 964 -at 65\ .quad Urbana and arranged a j ob \quad at \quad the UniversitymeetingMax period ’ s ofj o .. intI Saunders ll work inois Macwith for Lane Sammy 1 introduced 964 Eilenberg− 65 himself . had\quad at the germinatedMax end of ’ the s .j talk o In and int Januaryinvited work Max with to 1 Sammy 964 MaxEilenberg had germinated . Invis\quad itdrove ChicagoJanuary Imogen period\ ..quad and In the two1 span 964 of small\ aquad coupleMax children of months drove comma\ (quad Dominic MaxImogen had andmet and both Martin two founders\quad ) ofsmall category\quad c h i l d r e n \quad ( Dominic \quad and Martin ) theoryfrom : .. New Eilenberg Orleans and Mac to Miami Lane period for a t en - minute talk at an American Mathematical Society \noindentHe someeting on metfrom . many New Saunders more Orleans of the Mac international to Lane Miami introduced categorical for a t himself en community− minute at the and end talkvalued of at the greatly an talk American and invited Mathematical Max to Society meetingthesevis colleagues it . Chicago\quad whoSaunders . became In the prominent Mac span Lane of in a his coupleintroduced li fe period of months .. himself Their , Maxtributes at had the on met his end death both of attest founders the to talk of and category invited Max to visreciprocaltheory it Chicago affection : Eilenberg . period\quad andIn the Mac span Lane of . a couple of months , Max had met both founders of category theoryMy firstHe : contact\ soquad on withEilenberg met Dr many Kelly as more and a person Mac of the Lanewas international in .1 965 when he categorical taught two community subj ects and valued greatly to thethese Pure colleagues Mathematics who Honours became year prominent at Sydney : in .. categoryhis li fe theory . Their and topology tributes period on his .. I death found attest to Hehis so lecturesreciprocal on met inspiring many affection moresemicolon . of they the seduced international me away from categorical mathematical community analysis period and .. Whenvalued Max greatly had thesemade a colleaguesMy topic first his owncontact who comma becamewith he wasDr prominent Kellyable to as provide a person in a his Bourbaki was li in fe hyphen 1 . 965\quad style when accountTheir he taught of tributes it at two the dropsubj on ofhis ects death to attest to reciprocala hatthe period Pure .. affection Mathematics He actually . arrived Honours at our year topology at Sydney class prepared : category to t each theory us algebraic and topology period . I found Afterhis he lectures asked us inspiring a few questions ; they comma seduced it became me away clear from we had mathematical done no topology analysis comma . so he When changed Max had Myon first themade spot contact a to topic t each hiswith us own general Dr , Kelly he topology was as able period a to person ..provide Soon was he a came Bourbaki in 1 to 965 discuss - when style product he account taught .. spaces of ittwo and at subjthe drop ects of toacted thea hatsurprised Pure . Mathematics Hethat actually we knew arrivednothing Honours about at year our the topology ataxiom Sydney of class choice : prepared period\quad ..category Immediately to t each theory us Dr algebraic Kelly and topology . . \quad I found hisl istAfter lectures ed s ix he statements asked inspiring us equivalent a few ; questionsthey to the seduced axiom , it of became me choice away comma clear from we explained mathematical had done them no comma topology analysis and proceeded , so . he\quad changed to When Max had madeproveon a the the topic equivalence spot his to town period each , us.. he He general was completed able topology fiveto ofprovide the. implications Soon a Bourbaki he came in that to− one discussstyle lecture accountproduct comma totally of spaces it at and the drop of awithout hatacted . notes\quad surprised andHe with actually that only we a few knew arrived squats nothing staring at aboutour out the topology the window axiom taking class of choice stronger prepared . puffs Immediately to at t each Dr us Kelly algebraic l topology . Aftertheist cigar he ed period asked s ix statements The a next few lecture equivalent questions he finished to , the theit axiom becameproof using of clear choice a lemma we , explained I had have done notseen them no elsewhere topology , and proceeded period , so he to changed onMax theprove must spot havethe to equivalence forgotten t each the us precise. general He form completed of topology the lemma five . s of\ incequad the it wasimplicationsSoon not he the cameone in we that to were discuss one lecture product , totally\quad spaces and actedwithout surprised notes that and with we knew only a nothing few squats about staring the out axiom the windowof choice taking . \quad strongerImmediately puffs at the Dr Kelly l istcigar ed. s ix The statements next lecture equivalent he finished to the the proof axiom using of choice a lemma , I explained have not seen them elsewhere , and proceeded . to proveMax the must equivalence have forgotten . \quad the preciseHe completed form of the five lemma of the s ince implications it was not the in one that we one were lecture , totally without notes and with only a few squats staring out the window taking stronger puffs at the c i g a r . \quad The next lecture he finished the proof using a lemma I have not seen elsewhere . Max must have forgotten the precise form of the lemma s ince it was not the one we were EDITORIAL NOTICE .. 3 \ hspaceasked to∗{\ provef i l l in}EDITORIAL the final exam NOTICE period ..\quad Brian Day3 and I became Kelly quoteright s postgraduate students in 1 966 comma the year before he moved to the University of New South Wales as Professor of \noindent asked to prove in the final exam . \quad Brian Day and I became Kelly ’ s postgraduate students Pure Mathematics period .. Brian moved too comma .. while I stayed at .. Sydney periodEDITORIAL .. Our relationship NOTICE with3 inour 1asked supervisor 966 ,to the prove was year very in theformal before final in those exam he moved days . period Brian to the Day University and I became of New Kelly South ’ s postgraduate Wales as Professor students of PureOf coursein Mathematics 1 966 comma , the by year mid . \ beforequad .. 1 971Brian he comma moved moved when to theI too was University at , Macquarie\quad ofwhile andNew Max I South stayed had Wales returned at as\quad to Professor UNSWSydney of Pure . \quad Our relationship with ourfromMathematics supervisor .. Chicago comma was . very.. Brian the .. formal moved formality tooin .. thosehad , gone while days period I stayed . .. Max at .. had Sydney .. arranged .Our .. a .. relationship sabbatical .. at with .. UNSW .. for Peterour Freyd supervisor period .. was During very Freyd formal quoteright in those s stay days Max . organized comma with the strong support .. of Bernhard OfNeumann courseOf comma ,course by mid the , by first\quad mid conference1 1 971 971 in , , when when I I on was category at Macquarie Macquarie theory period and and Max Max had had returned returned to to UNSW UNSW fromMaxfrom\ wasquad elected ChicagoChicago Fellow , of, \ the thequad Australian formalitythe \quad Academyf had o r of m gone Science a l i t y .\ inquad 1Max 972had and had moved gone arranged back . \quad Max a\quad sabbaticalhad \quad arranged \quad a \quad s a b b a t i c a l \quad at \quad UNSW \quad f o r Peterto theat Freyd University UNSW . \ ofquad Sydney forDuring Peter as .. Professor Freyd Freyd . in ’ ..s During1 stay 973 period Max Freydorganized .. He ’ s was stay .. a Max , true with academicorganized the strong : .. , erudite with support the in strong\quad o f Bernhard Neumannthesupport classics , commathe of first prolificBernhard conference researcher Neumann and in publisher , Australia the first comma conference on editor category for in several Australia theory j ournals on . including category serving theory . as .. a ..Max founding was elected .. editor Fellow .. of .. Theory of the andAustralian Applications Academy of Categories of Science comma in .. 1 successful 972 and .. moved department back to Maxhead wasthe comma elected University traveler Fellow of comma Sydney of .. linguist the as Australian Professor comma raconteur in Academy 1 comma 973 . of .. Scienceand He wasbon hyphen in a true 1 vivant 972 academic and period moved .. : He eruditesupervised back five PhD students to tocompletion thein the Universitysemicolon classics , other prolific of Sydney supervisions researcher as \ includequad and thepublisherProfessor MSc of ,Amnon editor in \quad Neeman for several1 in 973 1 979 j . ournals\ periodquad including..He Max was was\ servingquad very a true academic : \quad e r u d i t e in theproudas classics when a comma founding , prolific in 2002 comma editor researcher Imogen of gained andTheory herpublisher PhD and in Applications medieval , editor drama for of period Categories several j, ournals successful including serving asMichael\quaddepartment Makkaia \quad claims headfounding Max , traveler as a logician\quad , inlinguiste d his i t o passionate r ,\quad raconteur inso f ist\quad , ence and onTheory precision bon - and vivant and Applications . He supervised of Categories , \quad s u c c e s s f u l \quad department headclarityfive , in traveler PhD mathematics students , \ andquad to his completionlinguist belief in comma ; , other raconteur .. and supervisions search , for\quad comma includeand the the bon grand MSc− ordervivant of Amnon at the . heart\quad Neeman of He in supervised 1 five PhD students to completionthe979 world . period ; Max other .. Much was supervisions very of Max proud quoteright when include s work, in 2002 could the , beMSc Imogen called of higherAmnon gained order Neeman her universal PhD in in 1 algebra medieval 979 .period\quad dramaMax . was very proudMax was whenMichael one , of in the Makkai 2002 first mathematicians claims, Imogen Max gained toas attract a logician her research PhD in in funding his medieval passionate from the drama Aus ins hyphenist . ence on precision and tralianclarity .. Government in mathematics .. through and the his ARC belief period in .. , The and granting search body for had , the maintained grand orderthe .. culture at the heart of Michaelthatthe .. money Makkai world should . claims Much .. only Max of be Max provided as a ’ s logician work .. for .. could experimental in be his called passionate .. equipment higher order ins .. and universal ist fieldwork ence algebra travel on precision period . and clarityMax quoterightMax in wasmathematics s applicationsone of the and first forcefully his mathematicians made belief the in case , to that\ attractquad theseand it research ems search correspond funding for comma , from the for the grand mathemati Aus order - tralian hyphen at the heart of thecians worldGovernment comma . to\quad face hyphen throughMuch to of hyphen the Max ARC ’ face s . discussion work The could granting period be .. called bodyThis led had tohigher the maintained recognition order the universal of the culture legit imacy algebra that of funding . for researchmoneyshould fellows comma only visit be ingprovided researchers for comma experimental and our own travel equipment period .. Another and fieldwork way in which travel Max . Maxbroke wasMax down one ’ s the ofapplications tyranny the first of distance forcefully mathematicians for Australian made the category to case attract that theory these research was it to ems establish correspondfunding and from , for the mathemati Aus − - t rmaintain a l icians a n \ .. ,quad toa .. face CategoryGovernment - to - Mailing face discussion\quad List ..through in those . This .. the email led ARC hyphen to the . \ freequad recognition .. daysThe period granting of the .. Our legit body .. imacy papers had of .. maintained andfunding that .. List the \quad c u l t u r e thatwerefor\ typedquad research bymoney a secretary fellows should using , visit\quad an ingIBMonly researchers electric be typewriter provided , and with our\quad several ownf o travel .. r quotedblleft\quad .experimental Another golf balls wayquotedblright\ inquad whichequipment .. for \quad and fieldwork travel . MaxtheMax ’.. differents applications broke .. fonts down period the forcefully tyranny .. The .. ofList made distance .. was the .. for photocopied case Australian that onto these category .. address it ems theory .. labels correspond was .. for to .. establish mailing , for out and mathemati .. our − cianspreprintsmaintain , to period face a− to Category− face Mailing discussion List . in\quad thoseThis email led - to free the daysrecognition . Our of thepapers legit imacy of funding forAs ..and research I .. that browse fellows .. List Max were quoteright , visittyped s ing publication asecretary researchers .. l using ist .. , of an and over IBM our.. 90 electric ownj ournal travel typewriter .. articles . \ commaquad withAnother several .. my .. mind way “ .. in is .. which full .. of Max brokethegolf history down balls period the ” tyranny.. for There the are of sodifferent distance many original fonts for theorems . Australian The and new List category concepts was in theory those photocopied works was comma to onto establish .. all address and maintainpresentedlabels with\quad for Maxa quoteright\ mailingquad Category out s obsession our Mailing for preprints completeness List . \ commaquad in beauty those and\ accuracyquad email period− .. If ralso e e know\quad somedays . \quad Our \quad papers \quad and that \quad L i s t wereof the typed plansAs Max by I a had browse secretary for further Max research using ’ s an period IBMpublication .. My electric regret i ls typewriter thatist his of physical over with health 90 several j s ournal lowed\quad articles‘‘ golf , balls ’’ \quad f o r thethis\my progressquad mindd in i ff the e r e last n is t couple\quad full off years oof n t thes and . history that\quad we areThe . denied\ Therequad the areL benefit i s tso\ manyquad of thosewas original future\quad theoremsphotocopied and new onto \quad address \quad l a b e l s \quad f o r \quad mailing out \quad our p rinsights e pconcepts r i n t period s . in .. Forthose his works own words , on all his presented work comma with I recommend Max ’ s the obsession recent short for completeness article open square , beauty bracket G period Maxwell Kellyand comma accuracy .. The . beginnings I also .. of know category some theory of in the Australia plans Maxcomma had .. Categories for further .. in research .. algebra . comma My .. geometry As and\quadregret mathematicalI i\quad s that physicsbrowse his physical comma\quad .. healthMax Contemporary ’ s s lowed\quad Math thispublication period progress .. 431 in\ the..quad open lastl parenthesis couple i s t \quad of Amer yearso f period over and that ..\quad Math90 period j ournal .. Soc period\quad a r t i c l e s , \quad my \quad mind \quad i s \quad f u l l \quad o f commathewe history .. Providence are denied . \ commaquad theThere benefit are of those so many future original insights theorems . For and his new own concepts words on in his those work , works I , \quad a l l presentedRI commarecommend .... with 2007 the Max closing recent ’ s parenthesis obsession short article .... 1 for endash [ G completeness . 6 Maxwell closing square Kelly , bracket beauty , .... The and and beginnings accuracy.... open square . \ ofquad bracket categoryI Saunders also know .... Mac some .... Lane .... andof .... thetheory category plans in theory Australia Max comma had , for ....Categories infurther .... Saunders research in.... Mac algebra . ....\quad Lane , commaMy geometry regret i sand that mathematical his physical physics health s lowed thisSelected, progress Contemporary Papers .... in theopen Math last parenthesis . couple431 ed period of years( Amer .... I and period . that Math Kaplansky we . are Soc semicolon denied . , SpringerProvidence the benefit hyphen , of Verlag those comma future New York comma Heidelbergi n s i gRI h t ,s comma 2007 . \quad Berlin ) 1 –For comma 6 ] his and .... own 1 [ Saunders979 words closing on parenthesis Mac his Lane work and , I recommend category theory the recent , in Saunders short article Mac [ G . Maxwell Kelly527Lane endash , \quad , 543 closingThe beginnings square bracket\ periodquad of category theory in Australia , \quad C a t e g o r i e s \quad in \quad algebra , \quad geometry andMax mathematicalSelected was very Papers aware of physics how( ed fortunate . , I\ .quad Kaplansky his lContemporary ife had ;been Springer comma Math - and Verlag . felt\quad an , New obligation431 York\quad to , Heidelberggive( Amer ., Berlin\quad ,Math . \quad Soc . , \quad Providence , something1 979 )back to the community period .. He was not motivated by making money comma but by t each hyphen \noindent527 –RI, 543 ]\ . h f i l l 2007 ) \ h f i l l 1 −− 6 ] \ h f i l l and \ h f i l l [ Saunders \ h f i l l Mac \ h f i l l Lane \ h f i l l and \ h f i l l category theory , \ h f i l l in \ h f i l l Saunders \ h f i l l Mac \ h f i l l Lane , Max was very aware of how fortunate his l ife had been , and felt an obligation to give \noindentsomethingSelected back Papers to the community\ h f i l l ( ed . . \ Heh f was i l l notI . motivated Kaplansky by ; making Springer money− Verlag , but by, New t York , Heidelberg , Berlin , \ h f i l l 1 979 ) each - \noindent 527 −− 543 ] .

Max was very aware of how fortunate his l ife had been , and felt an obligation to give something back to the community . \quad He was not motivated by making money , but by t each − 4 .. MAX KELLY \noindenting and learning4 \quad periodMAX .. ToKELLY that end comma he gave freely of his t ime to aspiring young mathematicians and to all those keen to learn period .. An example of this occurred when comma frustrated by bureau hyphen \noindent ing and learning . \quad To that end , he gave freely of his t ime to aspiring young mathematicians cracies4 commaMAX KELLYhe enlisted the power of the media and was able to borrow for a blind girl in the andCatholic toing andall s chool learning those system keen . a mathematics Toto that learn end t . extbook ,\ hequad gave inAn Braille freely example whichof his hadof t ime thisbeen to gathering aspiring occurred dustyoung when mathematicians , frustrated by bureau − craciesin aand State to , Department he all thoseenlisted keenof Education the to learn power office . of period An the example.. media This commitment and of this was occurred to able social to jwhen ustice borrow , was frustrated for further a blind by bureau girl in the Catholicevidenced- cracies bys chool his , he involvement enlisted system with the a mathematics Actionpower for ofWorld the t media Developmentextbook andin was and Braille able his efforts to borrow which to help had for a been blind gathering girl in the dust inthe aCatholic Aboriginal State Department s community chool system in of Redfern a Education mathematics period .. office He t befriended extbook . \quad in Fr Braille TedThis Kennedy whichcommitment comma had been .. to Mum gathering social Shirl and j dust ustice in was further evidencedothersa State active by Department in histhese involvement movements of Education period with .. He office Action also questioned. for This World the commitment morality Development of the to Vietnam social and jhis War ustice efforts comma was further to help themakingevidenced Aboriginal himself quiteby community his unpopular involvement inwith Redfern some with of Action the . clergy\quad for of WorldHe the befriended day Development period Fr Ted and hisKennedy efforts , to\quad helpMum the Shirl and othersManyAboriginal were active moved community in by these the words movements in of Redfern encouragement . .\quad Max HeHe befriended offered also young questioned Fr category Ted Kennedy theorists the morality , Mum of Shirl the Vietnam and War , makingin hisothers speech himself active at the quite in 2006 these Category unpopular movements Theory with Conference . some He also of dinner thequestioned in clergy White Point the of moralitythe comma day Nova of . the Scotia Vietnam period War , Maxmaking .. had .. himself an .. active quite .. and unpopular .. analytical with .. mindsome .. of to the .. the clergy .. very of .. the end day period . .. He .. attended .. the .. Category ManySeminar wereMany at moved Macquarie were by moved thetwo weeks words by beforethe of words heencouragement died of comma encouragement excusing Max offeredhimself Max the offered young next week young category because category theorists theorists inof hisanin appointment his speech speech at period at the the .. 2006 2006 He started Category Category learning Theory Theory ancient Conference .. Greek recently dinner dinner and in in inhis White White last .. Point months Point , Nova , Nova Scotia Scotia . Maxwas\. engagedquad Maxhad in complex had\quad an researchan \quad active on coherencea c t iand v e theory\quad analytical commaand \ whichquad mind hea n was a l y to typing t i c a l the despite\quad very failingmind end\quad .to He\quad the \quad very \quad end . \quad He \quad attended \quad the \quad Category Seminareyesightattended period at Macquarie .. the This research Category two willweeks be Seminar completed before at heMacquarie and died published , two excusing by weeks Richard before himself Wood hecomma died the Bob ,next excusing Walters week himself because ofand anthe Aurelio appointment next Carboni week because period . \quad ofHe an started appointment learning . He ancient started\ learningquad Greek ancient recently Greek and recently in his last \quad months wasMax engagedand .. Kelly in his .. in lastis .. complex survived months by research .. was Imogen engaged on comma coherence in .. complex their .. theory children research comma, whichon coherence .. Dominic he was theory comma typing , .. which Martin despite he comma was failing .. Catherine .. and e yS e imon styping i g h tcomma . despite\quad and 1 failingThis 0 grandchildren research eyesight period . will This be research completed will and be completed published and by published Richard Wood by Richard , Bob Walters andRossWood Aurelio Street , Bob Carboni Walters . and Aurelio Carboni . MathematicsMax Department Kelly is survived by Imogen , their children , Dominic , Martin , MaxMacquarie\quadCatherineKelly University\ andquad NSW Si imon s2 1\ 9quad , andsurvived 1 0 grandchildren by \quad . Imogen , \quad t h e i r \quad c h i l d r e n , \quad Dominic , \quad Martin , \quad Catherine \quad and SAustralia imonRoss , Street and 1 0 grandchildren . ThisMathematics ftp : it slash sub Department slash ftp to Macquariethe power of University em to the power NSW of 2 may 1 9 period Australia t ac be period mta to the power of accessed period slash \noindent Ross S t r e e t ca pub to the powerem ofmay at http tac slashaccessed slash html sub@ slash://www volumes.tac. to themta. powerca/tac of/or : slashby slashanonymous www sub slash to the power of period t ac Thisftp : it/ . t ac be ./capub http ce. pdf ftp /ftp .mta tac//html/volumes/ 20/not ice/20−noti period subat 20 slash to the power of mta sub not to the power of period sub i c e slash 20 to the power of ca slash t ac slash sub hyphen not to the\noindent power of orMathematics sub i to the power Department of by sub c e to the power of anonymous period pdf .... ftp .... at Macquarie University NSW 2 1 9 A u s t r a l i a

\noindent $ This { f t p } : i t { / }ˆ{ em } { / f t p }ˆ{ may } . $ t ac $ be { . mta }ˆ{ a c c e s s e d } ./ { ca } pub ˆ{ @ } http { tac { / } / html }ˆ{ : / / www } { / volumes }ˆ{ . t ac . } { / }ˆ{ mta } { 20 / }ˆ{ . } { not }ˆ{ ca / t ac / } { i c e / 20 }ˆ{ or } { − not }ˆ{ by } { i }ˆ{ anonymous } { c e } . $ pdf \ h f i l l f t p \ h f i l l at THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF CATEGORIES open parenthesis ISSN 1 20 1 hyphen 56 1 X closing parenthesis will disseminate articles\noindent that THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF CATEGORIES ( ISSN 1 20 1 − 56 1 X ) will disseminate articles that significantlysignificantly advance advance the study the of study categorical of algebra categorical or methods algebra comma or that methods make significant , or that new make contribu significant hyphen new contribu − tions to mathematical science using categorical methods . \quad The scope of the j ournal includes : \quad a l l areas o f tionsTHEORY to mathematical AND APPLICATIONS science using categorical OF CATEGORIES methods period ( ISSN .. 1The 20 scope 1 - 56 of 1 theX ) j will ournal disseminate includes articles : .. all areas that of pure category theory , including higher dimensional categories ; applications of category theory to algebra , puresignificantly category theory advance comma the includingstudy of categorical higher dimensional algebra or categories methods semicolon , or that applications make significant of category new contribu theory to - algebra comma geometry and topology and other areas of mathematics ; \quad applications of category theory to computer geometrytions to and mathematical topology and science other areasusing of categorical mathematics methods semicolon . The .. applications scope of the of j category ournal includes theory to: computer all areas science , physics and other mathematical sciences ; contributions to scientific knowledge that make use of scienceof pure comma category physics theory and ,other including mathematical higher dimensional sciences semicolon categories contributions ; applications to of scientific category knowledge theory to thatalgebra make , use of categorical methods . categoricalgeometry methods and topology period and other areas of mathematics ; applications of category theory to computer science Articles appearing in the journal have been carefully and critically refereed under the responsibility of Articles, physics appearing and other in the mathematical journal have sciences been carefully ; contributions and critically to scientific refereed knowledge under the that responsibility make use of of categorical members of the Editorial Board . \quad Only papers j udged to be both significant and excellent are accepted membersmethods of the . Articles Editorial appearing Board period in the ..journal Only havepapers been j udged carefully to be and both critically significant refereed and under excellent the are responsibility accepted for publication . for publicationof members periodof the Editorial Board . Only papers j udged to be both significant and excellent are accepted for Full text of the j ournal is freely available in \quad . dvi , \quad P o s t s c r i p t \quad and PDF from the j ournal ’ s server at Fullpublication text of the . j Fullournal text is of freely the javailable ournal is in freely .. period available dvi comma in . dvi .. Postscript , Postscript .. and PDFand PDF from from the j the ournal j ournal quoteright s server at http : / / www . tac . mta . ca / tac / and by ftp . It is archived electronically and in printed paper format . http’ s: serverslash slash at http www : period / / www tac period . tac mta . period mta . ca ca slash / tac tac slash/ and and by by ftp ftp . 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For in - st itutional subscription , send enquiries to the Managing Editor , Robert Rosebrugh , mta . ca . st itutionalrrosebrugh subscription@ mta . comma ca . send enquiries to the Managing Editor comma Robert Rosebrugh comma rrosebrugh at mta period ca period Information for authors . The typesetting language of the j ournal is T − E − X, and \noindent Information \ h f i l l f o r \ h f i l l authors . \ h f i l l The typesetting language of the j ournal is $ T−E−X { , }$ InformationLAX − E ....− T2 for e .... authors period .... The typesetting language of the j ournal is T-E-X sub comma .... and L to the power of A X-E-T \ h f i l l and $ L ˆ{ A } X−E−T 2 $ e 2 e strongly encouraged . Articles should be submitted by e - mail directly to a Transmitting Editor . Please stronglyobtain encouraged detailed information period .. Articles on submission should be format submitted and style by e files hyphen at http mail : directly / / www to a . Transmitting tac . mta Editor . ca period .. Please \noindent strongly encouraged . \quad Articles should be submitted by e − mail directly to a Transmitting Editor . \quad Please obtain/ tac detailed / . information on submission format and style files at http : slash slash www period tac period mta period ca slash tac slash obtain detailed information on submission format and style files at http : / / www . tac . mta . ca / tac / . period Managing editor . Robert Rosebrugh , Mount Allison University : rrosebrugh @ mta . ca ManagingT − E − editorX nical period editor Robert Rosebrugh . Michael comma Barr Mount , McGill Allison University University : barr : rrosebrugh@ math . at mcgill mta period . ca ca \noindentT-E-XTransmitting nicalManaging editor period editor editors Michael . Barr. Robert comma Rosebrugh McGill University , Mount : barr Allison at math University period mcgill :period rrosebrugh ca $ @ $ mta . ca TransmittingRichard Blute editors , Universit period e ´ d ’ Ottawa : rblute @ uottawa . ca Lawrence Breen , Universite ´ de Paris \noindent $ T−E−X $ nical editor . Michael Barr , McGill University : barr $ @ $ math . mcgill . ca Richard1 3 : Blutebreen comma@ math Universit . univ acute-e - pari d quoteright s 1 3 . Ottawa fr Ronald : rblute Brown at uottawa , University period of ca North Wales : ronnie Lawrence. profbrown Breen comma ( Universitat ) bt acute-e internet de Paris . 1 c 3 om : breenAurelio at math Carboni period , Universit univ hyphena ` dell pari Insubria s 1 3 period : aurelio fr \noindent Transmitting editors . Ronald. carboni Brown comma@ uninsubria University . of North it Valeria Wales de : ronnie Paiva period , Xerox profbrown Palo Alto .. Research open parenthesis Center : atpaiva closing@p parenthesisa−r c .. bt internet period c om . xerox . com Ezra Getzler , Northwestern University : getzler ( at ) northwestern ( dot ) edu \noindent Richard Blute , Universit $ \acute{e} $ d ’ Ottawa : rblute $@$ uottawa . ca AurelioMartin Carboni Hyland comma , University Universit of Cambridge a-grave dell : InsubriaM . Hyland : aurelio@dpm period−m s . carboni c m − ata uninsubriaac . uk periodP . T it. Johnstone Lawrence Breen , Universit $ \acute{e} $ de Paris 1 3 : breen. $@$ math . univ − p a r i s 1 3 . f r Valeria, University de Paiva of comma Cambridge Xerox : Paloptj Alto@ dpmms Research . Center c a − :m paivaac . at p uk to theAnders power Kock of a-r , University c period xerox of Aarhus period : com Ronald Brown , University of North Wales : ronnie. . profbrown \quad ( at ) \quad bt internet . c om Ezrako Getzler ck @ commaimf . Northwestern au . dk Stephen University Lack : getzler, University open of parenthesis Western Sydney at closing : parenthesiss . lack northwestern@ uws . edu open parenthesis dot closing Aurelio Carboni , Universit $ \grave{a} $ dell Insubria : aurelio . carboni $ @ $ uninsubria . it parenthesis. au eduF . William Lawvere , State University of New York at Buffalo : wlawvere @ ac su . buffalo Valeria de Paiva , Xerox Palo Alto Research Center : paiva $ @ p ˆ{ a−r }$ c . xerox . com Martin. edu HylandJean comma - Louis University Loday , of Universit Cambridgee ´ de : M Strasbourg period Hyland : loday at dp@ tomath the power . u of - m-m strasbg s period . fr c m-aIeke sub period ac period uk Ezra Getzler , Northwestern University : getzler ( at ) northwestern ( dot ) edu P periodMoerdijk T period , University Johnstone of Utrecht comma : Universitymoerdij k of Cambridge@ math . : uu ptj . at nldpmmsSusan period Niefield c a-m , Union sub period College ac :periodnief uk Martin Hyland , University of Cambridge : M . Hyland $ @ dp ˆ{ m−m }$ s . c $ m−a { . }$ ac . uk Andersi el Kock s @ commaunion University . edu ofRobert Aarhus Par : koe ´ ckDalhousie at imf period University au period : pare dk @ mathstat . dal . ca Jiri P . T . Johnstone , University of Cambridge, : ptj $ @ $ dpmms . c $ a−m { . }$ ac . uk StephenRosicky Lack , Masaryk comma University University of : ro Western s i cky Sydney@ math : .. s . period muni lack . at cz uwsBrooke period Shipley edu period , University au of Illinois Anders Kock , University of Aarhus : ko ck $ @ $ imf . au . dk F periodat Chicago William : bshipley Lawvere comma@ math State . uiUniversity c . edu of NewJames York Stasheff at Buffalo , University : wlawvere of North at ac su Carolina period : buffaloj ds period@ edu Stephen Lack , University of Western Sydney : \quad s . lack $@$ uws . edu . au Jeanmath hyphen . uncLouis . Loday edu commaRoss Street Universit , Macquarie acute-e University de Strasbourg : street : loday at@ math math . period mq . u hyphen edu . strasbg au Walter period fr F . William Lawvere , State University of New York at Buffalo : wlawvere $ @ $ ac su . buffalo . edu IekeTholen Moerdijk , York comma University University : tholen of Utrecht@ mathstat : moerdij . k at yorku math . period ca Myles uu period Tierney nl , Rutgers University : t i Jean − Louis Loday , Universit $ \acute{e} $ de Strasbourg : loday $@$ math . u − s t r a s b g . f r Susanerney Niefield@ math comma . Union rutgers College . edu : niefRobert i el s at F union . C . Waltersperiod edu , University of Insubria : robert . walters Ieke Moerdijk , University of Utrecht : moerdij k $ @ $ math . uu . nl Robert@ uninsubria Par acute-e . sub it commaR . J Dalhousie . Wood , UniversityDalhousie University : pare at mathstat : rj wood period@ mathstat dal period . ca dal . ca SusanJiri Rosicky Niefield comma , Masaryk Union CollegeUniversity : ro nief s i cky i at el math s $period @ $ muni union period . cz edu RobertBrooke ParShipley $ comma\acute University{e} { of, Illinois}$ Dalhousie at Chicago : University bshipley at math : pare period ui $ c@ period $ mathstat edu . dal . ca JiriJames Rosicky Stasheff comma , Masaryk University University of North Carolina : ro s : ij ds cky at math $ @ period $ math unc period . muni edu . cz BrookeRoss Street Shipley comma , Macquarie University University of Illinois : .. street at at math Chicago period :mq bshipley period edu period $ @ $ au math . ui c . edu JamesWalter Stasheff Tholen comma , University York University of : North tholen at Carolina mathstat period : j ds yorku $ period@ $ camath . unc . edu RossMyles Street Tierney ,comma Macquarie Rutgers University University : t i : erney\quad at mathstreet period $@$ rutgers period math edu . mq . edu . au WalterRobert FTholen period C , period York Walters University comma : University tholen of $ Insubria @ $ mathstat: robert period . yorku walters .at ca uninsubria period it MylesR period Tierney J period , Wood Rutgers comma University Dalhousie University : t i erney: rj wood $ at @ mathstat $ math period . rutgers dal period . ca edu Robert F . C . Walters , University of Insubria : robert . walters $ @ $ uninsubria . it R . J . Wood , Dalhousie University : rj wood $ @ $ mathstat . dal . ca